
Recipe for pickled tomatoes under a nylon lid. Pickled spicy tomatoes for the winter in jars

Salting, pickling, pickling - ways of preserving vegetables for the winter, which increase their shelf life and change their taste, among all the recipes, one can single out pickled tomatoes, which are the most unique and delicious recipe among all. neat and spicy are obtained, but pickled green fruits have completely different taste qualities.

Fermentation is based on the formation of lactic acid from sugar, which is found in fruits and vegetables. Lactic acid acts as a preservative: it contributes to the preservation of fruits, inhibits the development of bacteria, and in order to ensure this, the concentration of the substance in the brine must be at the level of 0.8%. There is one main positive property such conservation: fermentation allows you to save vitamins in vegetables.

Pickled Tomatoes: Recipe

If we dwell on the main principles that will help you perform fermentation with high quality, then the vegetables selected for conservation should be whole, there should be no dents and rot on the surface, they should also be ripe enough. If these conditions are neglected, then the pickles will be poorly stored, and their taste may suffer. You must also follow the correct temperature regime: for fermentation, the optimal range is 15-23 degrees. If the temperature drops below this mark, then the fermentation process will slow down, but if it is hotter, the vegetables will simply go bad.

The fruits must be thoroughly washed before cooking, the dishes in which they will be folded must be scalded with boiling water, so you will not allow the growth of harmful bacteria that can degrade the quality of the products.

pickled tomatoes can cook different ways. Traditionally performed in oak barrels but now this old recipe faded into the background, replaced by pots, buckets and jars, in which the product turns out no worse, but this method of preparation allows fermentation at home, in a city apartment. Ripe fruits must be washed, dried, laid in layers in a container, but first spices and herbs must be laid on the bottom. Next, you need to pour the tomatoes with hot or cooled brine (two tablespoons of salt with a “slide” in two liters of water). The container must be covered and left to ferment. After 5-7 days, pickles will be ready. To improve the process and taste, sugar can also be added to the brine, calculating as follows: half a glass for two kilos of vegetables.

Choosing spices and herbs, you can focus on your own preferences. Traditionally, currants are placed during fermentation, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves or root, garlic, dill seeds, Bay leaf, allspice. You can add your own "zest" to this list - for example, basil, tarragon, cloves, a piece of hot pepper, for those who like pickles spicier. General rule: 50 g of greens should fall on a kilo of vegetables, you can choose any, but be sure to rinse it thoroughly before cooking and spread it on a towel to dry.

There are also interesting recipes where the addition of brine is not required, this is the "dry" method. To do this, wash the fruits and chop them from the side of the stalk with a toothpick with a fork, put them tightly in a wide container, shift with tarragon, parsley, celery. Salt and sugar every stop. Cover with a cloth on top and put oppression. For every two kilograms of tomatoes, you need to take 100 grams of sugar and a glass of salt.

Popular among housewives are and pickled green tomatoes. First you need to put herbs and spices on the bottom of the container, pour boiling water over it, put green tomatoes on top, pierce them with a fork in several places. Put garlic cloves between the tomatoes, a few circles of bitter pepper on the whole jar. Must be poured on top cold brine: a three-liter jar, which is about a liter of water, takes 60 g of salt. Top with cherry leaves, horseradish, sprinkle with a little dry mustard, which is necessary to prevent mold.

A couple of weeks pickled tomatoes will be ready, now they can be taken out into the cold. For lovers hot snacks it can be advised to prepare, which are stuffed with hot pepper and garlic, parsley and celery.

pickled tomatoes

You will need three kilos of tomatoes, a head of garlic, a set of pickling herbs, black and allspice peas, bay leaves, cloves, rock salt.

Three-liter glass jars will fit exactly 3 kg of tomatoes - large "cream". Horseradish leaves, branches of currants and cherries, dill, including umbrellas with seeds, and sometimes fennel are added to the set of pickling herbs.

Tomatoes are desirable to take cream, because this variety intended for canning, the fruits contain a significant amount of dry matter. There should not be a white core inside, as this will spoil the taste of the pickle, so you need to take ripe fruit in the season when the vegetables ripen naturally.

wash tomatoes cold water, cut off the ponytails, remove all spoiled ones, they are not suitable for our recipe. Rinse and herbs, leaves that we will use, if desired, cut everything into pieces the length of a match. Mix all herbs together.

A handful of herbs must be put in each jar so that they cover the bottom of the jar, it will take exactly half, and we will lay the rest on top of the tomatoes. Also add two bay leaves, 10 peppercorns, two clove buds and three fragrant peas to each jar.

Next comes brine: about 60 grams of salt is added to a three-liter jar. This is the most difficult step in the process - guessing the salt, because given that some part of the jar is filled with tomatoes, then right amount water cannot be calculated. Let's focus on the amount of salt. In half a liter of boiling water, dissolve 120 g coarse salt(not iodized). Another hot solution should be equally poured into jars.

Arrange the tomatoes in jars, they should be laid tightly, but not pressing. Spread the unpeeled garlic cloves along with the tomatoes. When the jar is full, you need to lay the herbs on top, although they can be added to the middle.

Then pour plain cold water into the jar. cover nylon cover tightly, then gently shake the jar, turn it over, so that the salt will disperse evenly. Leave for three days, during which time the brine will begin to ferment and the tomatoes will ferment. Then put them in the refrigerator and leave for another two weeks. If there is no room in the refrigerator, then you can put them on the balcony if it is already cold enough outside.

Two weeks later pickled tomatoes for the winter you can already eat, but they will be perfectly stored for several months.

pickled tomatoes for the winter

To prepare pickled tomatoes recipe you can take "dry". This method does not involve pouring tomatoes with brine, but only pouring spices. Then the fruits must be left under oppression so that the liquid begins to stand out. We need two kilos of tomatoes, half a glass of sugar and a glass of salt. You can take the following greens: dill umbrellas, tarragon, celery, cherries.

Tomatoes should be washed and pricked with a fork near the stalk. Take a wooden or enamel bowl and put the tomatoes in it, tightly, but not too hard. Each row should be sprinkled with salt and sugar, layered with herbs. Place greens on top and season with salt. Cover with a clean cloth on top, set oppression on it. Leave at room temperature until the brine appears, then take the container out to the cold (you can put it in the refrigerator, or put the cellar, if it's cold enough outside, then leave it on the balcony.

This method is quite suitable if you decide to cook pickled tomatoes in a bowl. This convenient way when to salt a large number of vegetables, but for storage it is better to transfer them to three-liter bottles.

Pickled green tomatoes

Tomatoes can be served as an appetizer dinner table to your favorite dishes, for a holiday alcoholic beverages. pickled vegetables cut into pieces, sprinkle onions, chopped into thin half rings, fill sunflower oil. The cooking process itself will not take much time, it is simple and understandable for every housewife.

You will need three kilos of green fruits, three tablespoons of chopped parsley, the same amount of dill, one bell pepper, a pod hot pepper, two leaves of horseradish, 12 cloves of garlic, five bay leaves, two tablespoons of salt for every liter of water and half a spoonful of sugar.

It is known that the most terrible problem of gardeners is big harvest! Colds are coming, and clusters are still hanging on the withering stems of tomatoes green tomatoes. Where to go? Of course, ferment for the winter! Green and red pickled tomatoes will never lie in the cellar until spring if they are cooked according to tried and tested recipes Yes, with a creative approach to the choice of seasonings.

Fermentation is one of the main methods of preparing for the winter, which has existed for a long time in Rus'. Basically, pickled cabbage. And as soon as the newly discovered America and fabulous India bestowed upon our ancestors tomatoes and cucumbers, so they went to the barrels. The process of harvesting vegetables turned into a whole ceremony. Writer I.S. Shmelev, in his childhood memoirs, describes many dishes “with participation” soaked apples, pickled cucumbers with dill, "with a fucking spirit", chopped cabbage, sprinkled with anise. All this has been prepared since the summer traditional recipes in large quantities, under the supervision of the economists, so that long months During Christmas and Lent, the whole house was provided with a healthy, tasty and healthy product.

Until now, no rural house is complete without a cellar filled with barrels, pots and jars. Even a city dweller, spoiled by overseas sandwiches, no, no, yes, and he will take crispy on the market sauerkraut or sharp, steamed dark red tomatoes. For big family or for sale, pickling is best done in barrels, but in order to experience different recipes and with a lack of storage space, glass jars are perfect. The physico-chemical process of fermentation will not change from this. It is only important to know that red tomatoes pickle much faster than green ones and it is better to harvest them in different utensils. Regardless of the recipe, you must follow the basic rules:

A few more recipe tips:

With a set of spices, you can improvise. In fermentation, oak, cherry and currant leaves- for the fortress. Horseradish leaves - to prevent the formation of mold. Herbs choose different: basil, cloves, tarragon, dill, parsley, cumin. To make it spicier, they put hot and allspice, add mustard to the brine.

Get down to business!

Basic Recipe homemade fermentation simple: shift clean fruits with horseradish and pour brine. Everything else is creative improvisation.

Recipe number 1, with horseradish and currant leaves

Sort and wash tomatoes. Wash greens and leaves running water, horseradish root and garlic cloves peel. Horseradish root cut into slices You don't have to cut the garlic. Put some greens, garlic and 2-3 horseradish plates on the bottom of a clean jar. Then tightly lay the tomatoes in 1-2 layers, sprinkle with herbs. Alternate this whole thing until the jar is full.

Brine better to cook in batches It is not known how much will be needed. Iodized or fine salt no good. crystals table salt dissolve in heated water, strain the solution and pour the vessels with tomatoes to the top. Cover loosely with lids and keep warm. For about a week, you can observe the fermentation process and inhale the aromas, and then put the jars in cool place. After another week, the tomatoes will be ready for tasting.

Recipe number 2, with mustard and cloves

Prepare for the brine:

  • 20 g honey
  • 30g mustard powder divide into two portions
  • 60g salt
  • 1 liter boiled cooled water

Then proceed as usual. Wash tomatoes thoroughly, it is important that extraneous bacteria do not multiply, spoiling the taste ready meal. Pierce each fruit with a toothpick or fork. Arrange in a clean jar with herbs and spices. Prepare a marinade from the above products, leaving half a serving of mustard in a dry form. After the jars are filled, filled and covered with pieces of clean cotton cloth, sprinkle the powder on top. After a week in a warm place and a week and a half in a cold place, the tomatoes will be ready.

Recipe number 3, pickled tomatoes with sweet pepper

  • 2 kg tomato
  • half a kilo bell pepper
  • a head of garlic, 3 bay leaves, a few horseradish leaves
  • 2 liters of water and 3 tablespoons of salt

Rinse tomatoes, peppers, herbs thoroughly. Lay in layers enamelware , alternately tomatoes, peppers, garlic and horseradish. Dissolve the salt in hot water and directly with hot brine pour the dishes to the top. Cover with a clean cloth, cover and leave in the room for 3 days. Subject to storage conditions, snacks will last all winter.

Recipe number 4, winter green tomatoes with stuffing

Wash the tomatoes well, finely chopped greens mixed with chopped garlic, peppers and grated carrots. Cut each tomato into 2/3 and stuff with mixture. Put in a bowl, cover with horseradish leaves, pour hot brine. Keep warm for 3-4 days, then put in a cool place.

Another green recipe

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices or leave whole, pierced with a toothpick. Scroll the peppers, garlic and celery in a meat grinder. cook hot pickle with vinegar and sugar. Sterilize glass jars chopped tomatoes mixed with chopped mass. Pour in brine and cover. Looks very nice! Ferment for up to three weeks, then put in a cool place.

For fans of home experiments there are fermentation recipes without salt and vinegar. Everything is done as usual, but instead of brine, it is poured pure water. You can find a recipe for “dry fermentation”, without water: the fruits are simply sprinkled with salt. In this case, the tomatoes are tasty, but very mashed. And finally, pickling recipes without spices are also widely used by lovers of natural taste.

Pickled (soaked) tomatoes are a popular traditional pickle. A wonderful snack, especially in winter.

Fermentation should be distinguished from pickling and salting. This difficult process, starting with fermentation, followed by slowing it down with salt and sour organic compounds formed from sugars as a result of the action of lactic acid bacteria. Fermentation gives the product a special characteristic taste.

For fermentation and canning in other ways, red, non-watery, strong, dense are most suitable. ripe tomatoes oval shape.

Pickled tomatoes in jars - recipe


  • tomatoes - 1-1.6 kg;
  • garlic - 5-8 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 3-5 pieces;
  • carnation - 3-5 inflorescences;
  • a mixture of cumin seeds, anise, fennel and coriander - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • black and allspice peas - 8-12 pcs.;
  • hot red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • blackcurrant - 3-5 leaves;
  • oak leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • dill - 1 plant without a root along with a stem, umbrellas and seeds;
  • cherry shoots with leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • non-iodized salt - 50-60 g.


Calculation of ingredients for one three-liter jar.

IN clean jars laying fragrant herbs(can be cut coarsely), all dry spices, peeled garlic cloves and hot red pepper. We sort the tomatoes, remove the stalks, rinse thoroughly with cold running water and put them in jars on top of the substrate. Don't push too hard.

Next - we prepare a saline solution: in 250 ml of boiling water we completely dissolve 50-60 g of large rock salt. Pour the contents of the jar with a hot, but not boiling solution. If there was not enough liquid to the top, add to the jar of ordinary cold water. Close the jar with a capron lid and shake.

Leave jars of tomatoes at room temperature for 3 days. During this time, the brine will begin to ferment, now you need place canned food in a cool cellar, closet or refrigerator (if it is already cool outside, you can also go to the balcony) and do not touch for 2 weeks. Of course, if we ferment in large containers, we do everything right in the cellar.

Pickled green tomatoes are also prepared, with approximately the same proportion of ingredients.

Pickled tomatoes with cabbage are also good, for this, in pre-fermented cabbage (for example, in a tub, enamel saucepan or plastic barrel), which has already started up the juice and is almost ready, lay the tomatoes. They will be ready in 2 weeks.

For the upcoming cold snap, it will also be appropriate to prepare and. Bon appetit!

You can sour tomatoes of any degree of maturity, starting with milk, only overripe ones are not suitable. There is only one subtlety, that for fermentation in one dish you need to take all the fruits of the same degree of maturity.

Let's do it to start pickled green tomatoes. To do this, take medium-sized tomatoes of a milky degree of maturity on a three-liter jar. Whether cream or not, these tomatoes are always quite firm, regardless of variety. The main thing is not too big size and the absence of disease or injury. We also need

60-70 g of salt (this is about 2 tablespoons with a small slide, you can still measure 100 g with a glass, taking 2/3);

5-6 peas of black and allspice;

3-5 bay leaves;

A few cloves of garlic to taste;

Dill branch with flowers or seeds;

2 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder;

To taste currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, tarragon, celery leaves, parsley, bitter pepper - if you like spicy.

Most seasonings are placed on the bottom of the jar, then pour the washed tomatoes, tapping the jar lightly on the table, the remaining leaves and dill on top. Dilute salt in a liter warm water. If there is a well or spring, you can not boil it, but tap water boil, pour tomatoes with cooled brine. The amount of it depends on the size of the tomatoes, the larger they are, the more you will need, so it is better to make it with a surplus.

Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 1-2 weeks to ferment. The jar must be placed on a pallet, because the brine may leak during fermentation, and covered with gauze. After that, they need to be removed in a cool place: cellar or refrigerator. You can also cook brown or green pickled tomatoes recipe suitable for them too. Tomatoes will decorate both everyday and festive table including New Year's.

pickled green tomatoes recipe

You can also ferment green tomatoes with carrots and big amount herbs. For filling, take the same 60-70 g of salt per liter of water. We prepare the jars in advance, they must be washed well with soda and dried. For cooking three-liter jar take 1.6 - 1.7 kg of green tomatoes

1 large carrot;

A large head of garlic;

Pod of hot pepper;

Dill branch with seeds;

Spices and herbs to taste, but quite a lot: allspice and bitter peas 4-6 pcs each, mustard seeds 1 tsp, parsley, celery, tarragon, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants, bay leaf 2-3 pcs.

Coarsely cut the tomatoes into pieces of arbitrary shape. Three carrots on a grater, cut the peeled and washed garlic, cut the hot pepper into slices, mix everything. We put spices and chopped herbs at the bottom of the jar, then fill it with the prepared mixture and pour it with boiled brine. We put the filled jars on a pallet and cover with one or two layers of gauze. Let it ferment for a week at room temperature. Then we put it in the cellar or refrigerator for another 3 weeks, after which the workpiece can be eaten. Salad with a heart goes well with tomatoes.

Red pickled tomatoes for the winter you can make this recipe. Take a 10 liter bucket of medium-sized and dense red tomatoes, so that it is about 10 centimeters incomplete. Tomatoes need to be washed. In addition to tomatoes, we need garlic and parsley and celery. My greens and cut not very finely, peel the garlic, wash and cut into slices. We make a neat incision on the top of the tomato and insert some greens and a plate of garlic there. We put the stuffed tomatoes in a bucket, so that the incision for everyone looks up. We make a brine, for this we boil water, add salt and sugar to it at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water. We need about 3 liters of brine per bucket. In the cooled brine, add table vinegar 9%, for 1 liter of brine 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour the tomatoes, cover with a clean cloth, put a plate and oppression on top. Can be used as a grip glass jar with water. Days after 7-10 salted tomatoes will be ready. After that, you can arrange them in banks, cover plastic lids and put in the refrigerator or cellar.

For those who do not have a cellar, but do not want to put a few cans of ferment, then, in order to save space, you can do pickled tomatoes in a bowl By next recipe. Stock up on red tomatoes. It may not necessarily be cream, but fruits of small size and with dense pulp. Of course, it is desirable to take ground. Choose the quantity based on the size of your container so that it is a little incomplete. It will take a lot of greens to make the taste of tomatoes saturated. Take greens to your liking, but fresh, juicy. If there are leaves of cherries, currants, grapes, horseradish - wonderful. In addition to greens, take hot peppers, garlic, a little fresh root horseradish and dry mustard. Chop the horseradish with shavings, peel the garlic, large cloves can be cut into 2-3 parts.

Pour a layer of greens on the bottom of the pan with the addition of horseradish shavings, garlic and pieces of hot pepper, and a layer of tomatoes on it.

Tomatoes need to be pricked with a fork near the stalk. So alternate until the dishes are full. Upper layer- greenery. The brine is prepared in advance, it must be cold. For brine, boil water and put 1.5 tablespoons of salt with a slide and 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar per 1 liter of brine. For a 10 liter pot, you need 5-6 kg of tomatoes and about 4.5 liters of brine. The amount may be different, it all depends on the size of the tomatoes. Greens need several bunches. Pour the tomatoes with brine and sprinkle with mustard powder on top (for a 10 l saucepan - 3 tablespoons of mustard powder). Cover with a plate on top and press down with a load. You can cover the container with a towel over the load. Within a week, tomatoes roam, after which they can be laid out in jars and put in a cool place.

pickled tomatoes fast food in fact, they are prepared in 3 days. Not so fast, I agree. But still you don't have to wait for winter to taste tasty snack. for the sake of spicy tomatoes worth the wait. Moreover, unlike pickled tomatoes, this appetizer is prepared without vinegar, which is good news.


- small red ripe tomatoes- 1 kg;
- parsley - a small bunch;
- basil - several branches (1 per jar);
- garlic - 3-5 cloves;
- dill umbrellas - 1 per jar.

For marinade:

- salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
- granulated sugar- 2 tbsp. l.;
- pure filtered water - 1 l.


1. Than less tomatoes, the faster they will be ready, and the more intense the taste of the snack will be. Wash them well and dry them. It is advisable to ferment fleshy, ripe and sweet tomatoes. To sour brown tomatoes a special approach is needed.

2. Carefully cut out with a small knife where the tomato attaches to the stem. Try to make the cut small and shallow so that the tomatoes don't deform when the hot brine is added.

3. Divide all spices and herbs by the number of jars. Place half of the servings on the bottom of the jars. Greens, of course, must first be washed and blotted paper towels. Garlic - clean. In addition to or instead of the indicated greens, you can use greens or celery stalks. But this is an amateur.

By the way, it also turns out very tasty. Great idea for a summer table.

4. Pack the tomatoes tightly. To fit more in the jar, it is better to use small tomatoes. Lay the rest of the greens on top.
Prepare the brine. Bring clean filtered water to a boil. Add salt and sugar. Stir. Boil for a couple more minutes. Russell is ready. If the jars are not yet filled, then leave the brine on the stove to simmer over low heat. Carefully pour the brine into the jars. Cover jars with lids. Just cover it, you don't need to twist it. Put in a warm place. In the summer, leave it right in the kitchen, at room temperature, or take it out to the balcony. Pickled tomatoes will be ready in three days. Very tasty, “carbonated”, savory and without a drop of vinegar. Try this fragrant summer snack. I hope you enjoy pickled tomatoes, the recipe is easy to remember, but it's better to write it down.

And for the winter we offer to prepare
