
Tomatoes with mountain ash for the winter reviews. Pickled tomatoes with rowan

Our selection of recipes for harvesting tomatoes for the winter will help every housewife choose the right way to preserve these tasty and healthy vegetables.

Pickled brown tomatoes "Piquant"

For this recipe, unripe brown tomatoes are suitable, which did not have time to turn red before the end of the summer season. The original spicy-sweet filling gives the tomatoes a very interesting spicy taste.

For 5 three-liter jars of brown tomatoes you will need:

  • 5 large sweet peppers;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 20 cloves of garlic;
  • a glass of coarse salt;
  • 300 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 ml of vinegar essence (70%);
  • 7.5 liters of water.

In addition, 10 black peppercorns and a couple of dill umbrellas will need to be added to each jar.

In sterile jars, put dill and pour pepper, top tightly fill with whole tomatoes.

Twist the Bulgarian pepper in a meat grinder along with garlic and hot pepper pod. Dilute the resulting mixture with water, add sugar, vinegar essence and salt. Boil everything and cook for 15 minutes. Pour the tomatoes with the resulting marinade, roll up the jars and send to cool in a warm place.

Tomato slices marinated with vegetables

For the recipe, you can take large or substandard tomato fruits that are difficult to pickle whole.

On a three-liter jar, in addition to tomatoes, you will need:

  • 1 pc. carrots, onions and sweet peppers;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley root - about 5 cm;
  • vinegar essence (70%) - 20 ml;
  • salt - 40 gr.;
  • sugar - 80 gr.;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Coarsely grate the carrots or cut into cubes, chop the onion into thin transparent slices, sweet pepper and parsley root into strips. Grind the garlic in a blender or with a press. Mix everything.

Cut the tomatoes into fairly large slices. Put the slices in a sterilized jar, alternating with a mixture of vegetables. At the end pour in the vinegar.

Add a mixture of salt and sugar to boiling water, pour tomatoes with the resulting brine, cover the jar with a lid and boil in a water bath for 25 minutes to sterilize. Seal the jar and leave in a warm place for a day to cool completely.

Tomatoes "Successful"

Why successful? Because jars with these tomatoes never become cloudy and do not explode even when stored in an apartment. Carrot tops give tomatoes a very peculiar sweetish taste and delicious aroma.

For a three-liter jar of ripe hard tomatoes you will need:

  • small bulb;
  • a sprig of dill along with seeds;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • a bunch of tops about carrots;
  • black pepper and cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 15 gr. citric acid;
  • 40 gr. salt;
  • 80 gr. Sahara.

Put all the spices, chopped onion and garlic slices, dill and parsley into pre-prepared jars. Fill the jar with tomatoes, layering them with carrot tops. Top must be tops.

Fill jars with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Pour water into a saucepan, boil again, add citric acid and salt with sugar. Pour marinade over tomatoes, roll up and put in heat until they become cold.

Salted tomatoes stuffed with fried onions, without vinegar

To prepare tomatoes according to this recipe, you need:

  • small tomatoes;
  • 5 - 6 medium bulbs;
  • a large bunch of parsley;
  • sunflower oil for frying onions;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 35 gr. coarse salt;
  • 80 gr. Sahara.

We select juicy ripe tomatoes, how much will fit in a three-liter jar. Wash them well and dry them on a towel. We clean the onion from the skin, chop it very finely and fry until it acquires a beautiful golden hue.

We cut each tomato in half lengthwise, without reaching the edge, to make a "pocket". Mix the fried, completely cooled onion with chopped parsley. Dip the sliced ​​tomatoes in salt, then stuff the incision tightly with onions and herbs. Stuffed fruits are carefully placed in a jar, filling it to the very neck.

Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, after 10 minutes pour the water into the pan, salt and add sugar, let it boil. We fill the jar with hot brine, roll it up and put it in heat until it cools to room temperature. Ready tomatoes can be served on the table after a few days, but it is better to let them brew for at least a week.

Spicy salted tomatoes with mountain ash without vinegar "Autumn Waltz"

Delightfully tasty, juicy and mouth-watering salted tomatoes will delight you throughout the winter. Rowan berries give tomatoes an unusual spicy taste and amazing spicy aroma. There is no acetic acid in the recipe, which means that even children and people with digestive problems and high acidity can eat such tomatoes.

For a liter jar you will need:

  • tomatoes to fill the jar tightly;
  • half a glass of rowan berries;
  • liter of water;
  • 25 gr. coarse salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a glass (50 gr.) of sunflower oil.

Place the tomatoes tightly in a sterilized jar, sprinkling with rowan berries. Pour a mixture of salt and sugar into the water, add oil and boil the resulting mixture. Pour the tomatoes with brine, cover with a lid and sterilize for 15 minutes. Cork and wrap the jar until it is completely cold.

My mother has been preparing tomatoes with mountain ash for the winter for a long time, now I can preserve them myself. Tomatoes are very, very tasty, in my family there is not even pickle from tomatoes. Hope everyone enjoys it. In this recipe, the calculation of the ingredients is given for a 3-liter jar.


To prepare tomatoes with rowan you will need:

1.5 kg of tomatoes (approximately);

a bunch of mountain ash (large or two small);

5-7 garlic cloves;

80 ml of vinegar;

3 tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).
For the marinade (for 1.5 liters of water):

1 st. l. salt;

2 tbsp. l sugar.

Cooking steps

Then fill the jar with tomatoes.

Pour in vinegar and put aspirin (1.5 aspirin tablets and 40 ml of vinegar per 1.5-liter jar). Prepare a brine by adding salt and sugar to boiling water. Pour the tomatoes with boiling brine, roll up the jars with pre-boiled lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm towel or blanket until they cool completely. From this amount of ingredients, I got two one and a half liter cans of tomatoes with mountain ash. Here is such a simple recipe for making delicious tomatoes for the winter.

Bon appetit!

Today we have prepared recipes for harvesting incomparable tomatoes for the winter, which we propose to close together with red and chokeberry. The taste of such a magnificent preservation will pleasantly surprise you.

Recipe for tomatoes with chokeberry for the winter


  • tomatoes - 1.8 kg;
  • - 2 bunches (small);
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • table vinegar - 100 ml;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets;
  • pure water - 1.6 l;
  • kitchen salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.


Two containers, 1.5 liters each, thoroughly (4-5 minutes over steam).

At the bottom of each of these jars lay out two cloves of young garlic. We wash small bunches of chokeberry and distribute them in glass containers. The remaining space is filled with thoroughly washed tomatoes. In both jars we put an aspirin tablet and then pour in the vinegar.

In clean water, thoroughly stir the kitchen salt, together with sugar and put the container with the resulting brine on the burner of the gas stove. Let it boil for no more than 3 minutes, and then carefully fill it with our wonderful tomatoes. We immerse the jars in a wide pan with water poured into it and sterilize the tomatoes with mountain ash for 20 minutes, and then we seal the containers for the winter.

Recipe for tomatoes with red rowan for the winter


  • red rowan - 1 bunch (large);
  • tomatoes (medium-sized) - 2.2 kg;
  • laurel leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.;
  • table vinegar - 85 ml;
  • drinking water - 1.8 l;
  • sugar, salt - 1.5 dessert spoons each.


We properly prepare a 3-liter jar for further preservation and put allspice peas on its bottom, along with laurel leaves. Next, we place a clean bunch here with large red rowan berries, and tightly pack the tomatoes up to the very neck of the container.

Slowly pour the freshly boiled water into the bottle. After 15 minutes, pour it into a clean saucepan, put it on the burner, and as soon as the water starts to boil, add sugar and kitchen salt to it in equal proportions. After a couple of minutes, turn off the stove, pour vinegar into the brine and pour everything into a glass container with tomatoes. We close it with a properly prepared tin lid, roll everything up to the full stop and hide the bottle until the morning under the covers.

Recipes for winter preparations from red rowan

Previously, wild red rowan, which grows everywhere in the Russian expanses, could only be used after the first frost. Then the unpleasant bitterness disappeared, and the rowan had a sweetish aftertaste. Now, when breeders have bred cultivars of red mountain ash, there is no need to wait for frosts, tart rowan can be eaten fresh and prepared for the winter. In this article, recipes for vegetable appetizers with red rowan are selected, which will be a pleasant variety in the everyday and holiday menu.

Sauerkraut with red rowan

This is an old Russian recipe. Select a few bunches of mountain ash, rinse under running water, then separate the berries from the twigs. Finely chop a fork of cabbage, add salt (two teaspoons per kilogram of cabbage), a little cumin, lightly remember with your hands and mix. It is not necessary to rub the cabbage strongly, otherwise it will give too much juice. Add rowan berries. Put in a saucepan, cover the cabbage with an upside down plate, put oppression on top. If the kitchen is warm, the cabbage will be ready in two to three days. Transfer it to 3 liter jars and store in a cool place.

Pickled red rowan

As such, there is no recipe - you can use any marinade that you like. It is better to choose a classic set of pickling spices - cherry leaf, garlic cloves, dill umbrellas, pieces of horseradish root. Take small jars, a maximum of 250 - 300 ml, put spices on the bottom. The mountain ash is thoroughly washed under running water, blanched in boiling water for five minutes, and together with the clusters it is placed in jars. It is poured with boiling marinade two to three times and rolled up. Marinated mountain ash goes well with any meat, boiled pork, salted and smoked bacon, can be used as an independent snack or added to assorted pickled vegetables. Well, if you need to decorate a festive table - bunches of pickled mountain ash will be just a fabulous decoration.

Pickled Tomatoes with Red Rowan

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar: 2 kg. ripe tomatoes with dense skin, 500 gr. clusters of mountain ash, a liter of water, 100 gr. sugar, 30 gr. salt, 50 ml. apple cider vinegar (5-6%), pickling spices.

Rowan should be taken in clusters, and not individual berries. My tomatoes, near the stem we make several pricks with a toothpick. We put spices on the bottom of the jar, fill the jar with tomatoes and mountain ash (you can do it in layers). We combine all the components for the marinade, bring to a boil, fill the jar. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Drain the marinade, boil it again and pour again. Repeat the process one more time and roll up the tomatoes.

You can take any marinade, the one that you usually use for canned tomatoes.

Pickled cucumbers with red rowan

The two main ingredients do not exactly match in terms of ripening, but you can use frozen rowan or pickle cucumbers in the fall, in September-October.

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar: cucumbers, rowan in bulk or clusters (about a quarter of the number of cucumbers), a liter of water, a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of salt, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, spices and spices for the marinade.

Soak cucumbers for 6-8 hours, wash rowan, scald with boiling water. Put in banks. We boil all the components for the marinade, pour jars of cucumbers with boiling water, cover with lids. After 10 minutes, drain the marinade, bring to a boil, pour the jars again. After 7 minutes, drain again, let it boil, fill the jars and roll up.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and other dishes surrounded by red rowan berries look very appetizing and beautiful. But of course, the berries serve not only as decoration - they themselves will be a very original snack. In addition, mountain ash is an excellent natural preservative - jars with such blanks will be stored much longer.

A ripe dark berry that ripens in mid-autumn is very beneficial for health. It lowers blood pressure, cleanses the blood, relieves anemia and promotes the activation of immune processes in the body. The best way to preserve this storehouse of vitamins is to make preparations from chokeberry for the winter.

There are many great recipes for this. Compotes, jams are prepared from chokeberry, berries are ground with sugar, frozen and simply dried or dried. All these methods allow you to prepare different and healthy delicacies from black mountain ash.

Chokeberry mashed with sugar without boiling

Despite the huge amount of vitamins P, C, iodine and many other useful substances and trace elements, chokeberry, alas, not everyone likes because of the tart and sour taste. Therefore, good housewives find a way to "sweeten the pill." For example, the recipe for grated raw chokeberry with sugar without cooking is simple and easily gives the berry the desired taste.

Products for the recipe are taken in proportions of 1: 0.5 (rowan 1 kg and 500 g of sugar). First of all, we sort out the berries, separating the mountain ash from the twigs. Then we thoroughly wash our crop and dry it naturally. Then we take a blender and grind the berries together with granulated sugar. The output is a homogeneous berry mixture.

Now you can sterilize the jars with lids and pour the infused berry puree that has let the juice in sugar into the still hot containers. We set aside the jars for a few minutes so that the berry starts up more juice. During this time, just the sugar should completely dissolve. The treat is ready! Jars with lids can be stored in the refrigerator when they are completely cool. Bon appetit!

Aronia jam for the winter

Chokeberry can be prepared for the winter in the form of delicious jam. To do this, we take berries with sugar and water in such an amount:

  • Black chokeberry berries - 1 kg;
  • 1.5 st. water;
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.

We put the sorted and washed berries in a saucepan, pour in water and send to the fire. Under the lid, steam the mountain ash so that it completely softens. Then we grind the already soft berry through a sieve. We send the berry puree to a bowl for cooking, add sugar and boil until tender.

Recipe for apple and chokeberry jam

No less healthy and tasty jam from apples and chokeberries will also turn out. For this recipe you will need:

  • Rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • Apples - 0.4 kg;
  • 2 tbsp. water.

We also sort and wash berries and apples in running water. From the latter, we remove the seed box and peel it. Everything is ground together in a blender to a puree mass and mixed with sugar. We send the pan with apple and berry puree to the stove and boil until cooked over low heat.

Black chokeberry marmalade, homemade recipe

Despite all the astringency and astringent properties of chokeberry, the marmalade according to the recipe comes out very sweet, not cloying and fragrant. At the same time, it is very easy to prepare. For the recipe we need:

  • Chokeberry - 1-1.2 kg;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 600 g sugar + a little for decoration.

We sort out the mountain ash, wash it and send it in a saucepan with water over medium heat. We heat the contents and boil until the berries soften. Then we wipe the mountain ash through a sieve, getting berry puree. The output should be approximately 600 g of puree berry mass.

Now sugar is poured into the rowan puree (it turns out 1: 1) and again sent to the stove. Berry-sugar mass is cooked until thickened. Next, you need to prepare a dish on which we will spread the marmalade. To do this, you need to moisten it in ice water and only then spread a thick mass on it. We evenly distribute the mass with a knife and dry it naturally.

You can serve it to the table by cutting the marmalade into pieces and rolling each in sugar. Bon appetit!

Aronia jelly for the winter "Black Mirror"

Like any other rowan berry, you can also make delicious and sweet jelly. At the same time, the taste will not be tart, you will get a real dessert. For him we take the following products:

  • Rowan - 1 tbsp.;
  • 3/4 st. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • 4 tbsp. water;
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

We sort out the mountain ash, wash it and squeeze the juice from the berries. We shift the cake into a saucepan and send the bay with hot water to the fire. After 10 minutes of cooking the cake, filter it. Pour sugar and acid into the resulting broth. Then we send it back to the stove and boil, periodically removing the foam.

Now you need to properly prepare the gelatin. To do this, according to the instructions on the package, soak the substance in cold water for 5-40 minutes. The time will depend on the type of gelatin (granules or plates).

Add the prepared gelatin to the broth and bring everything to a boil. After that, raw juice is sent here, which was squeezed out of mountain ash, and everything is mixed. We distribute the boiled mixture into molds and send it to harden in the refrigerator. Also, the hot mixture can be poured into sterilized hot jars and covered with gauze - this is how chokeberry jelly is preserved for the winter. When the mass has cooled completely, we tie the jars with parchment paper.

Aronia jelly recipe without gelatin

If there is no gelling agent at hand, then you can make chokeberry jelly without gelatin. For this we take:

  • Rowan - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 700 g;
  • 0.5 kg of water.

We sort the berries, wash them and fall asleep in a bowl, pouring warm water. We send to the stove to boil until the berries are completely softened. Then we filter the berry mass and squeeze it with gauze or cotton cloth. Add sugar to the broth and put on the stove over a slow fire.

The mass is boiled for 15 minutes, after which the still hot broth is poured into sterilized jars and covered with gauze. When the jelly has cooled, the jars are covered with parchment paper and tied tightly. Bon appetit in winter!

Black chokeberry jam for the winter: healthy sweetness

Regular consumption of chokeberry normalizes blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels. And so that the astringency of the berries does not affect the desire to use healthy preparations, you can make fragrant jam for the winter from chokeberry. For him you will need:

  • Rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • Water - 200-300 ml;
  • Sugar - 1-1.2 kg.

As in the preparation of jam, the main ingredient must be washed, sorted and poured into an enameled container. Pour water there, knead the berries well and cover with sugar. We put the pan on low heat and heat until the sugar dissolves. After that, we increase the fire, and boil the jam until tender. Stir occasionally with a spatula.

If you plan to pasteurize jam in jars, then turn off the fire at a temperature of about 105 ° C. To store jam without pasteurization, the temperature should reach 107 ° C. Pour the finished still hot delicacy into clean, warmed dry jars. If necessary, pasteurize or cork when a sugar crust forms on top of the jam.

Jam from apples and chokeberry “Fantasy”

Autumn is rich in vitamins. In addition to the classic recipe, chokeberry berries can be combined with another equally useful fruit - an apple. Autumn vitamin jam from apples and chokeberries has a delicate taste and aroma. For this recipe we take:

  • Rowan - 1 kg;
  • Apples (Antonovka) - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 3 ½ tbsp.

We sort the berries, clean them from leaves and twigs, and then wash them. Boil the rowan in water for about 45 minutes until it is soft. Drain the water into a separate container, and grind the berries in a meat grinder. Now we are preparing apples - we wash the fruits and dry them with a kitchen towel. Peel clean apples from the seed box and cut into slices or small cubes.

Pour chopped Antonovka (or another variety) with water from under the mountain ash and boil for about 25 minutes, also until soft. You can grind apples into puree through a sieve, after which the peel is discarded. We mix the finished puree from berries and apples, add sugar to them and leave to infuse all night.

In the morning, put the pan on a slow fire and cook, stirring constantly, until you get a thick mass like sour cream. Approximately it will take about 45 minutes. The complete readiness of the dish can be checked by dripping jam on a saucer. If, after cooling, the drop does not spread on a plate, then the delicacy is ready. We turn off the fire on the stove, and even hot jam is packaged in pre-prepared sterilized jars and corked.

Pastila from chokeberry at home

Love sweet and healthy, but don't want to mess with jars? Then the recipe for such sweets as chokeberry pastille, cooked at home, is exclusively for you. For her, you need to take:

  • Rowan - 10 tbsp. berries;
  • Sugar sand - 5 tbsp.;
  • 2 squirrels.

Removed from the stalks and carefully washed berries, pour into a saucepan (metal) and crush with a wooden spoon. Sprinkle the berry mass with sugar, cover with a lid and put in the oven, heated to about 160 ° C. It is recommended to use a glass cover to make it more convenient to “peep” at the mountain ash.

As soon as enough juice stands out in the pan, stir the mass for better distribution and dissolution of sugar. After that, the mixture takes on a jelly-like appearance, we grind it with a sieve and leave to cool. Add raw egg whites to the already non-hot mass and beat until the mass turns white.

Now the future marshmallow needs to be dried. Prepare a heat-resistant glass dish for this and fill it 1/3. We heat the oven to 80 ° C, put the dishes and watch the marshmallow so that it does not dry out. Upon reaching the desired condition of the first layer, the next part is laid out on top. We do the same with the remaining third of the mass.

When all the marshmallow is ready, the container is covered with white paper and then with a lid. Keep treats in a cool, dry place. Bon appetit!

Blackberry compote "Winter's Tale"

As with any other berry, compote can also be made from mountain ash. To do this, we take berries (the amount will depend on the estimated volume of the container) and sugar at the rate of 500 g per 1 liter of water. We clean the berries, wash them in running water and dry them on a towel. In the meantime, we sterilize the jars, after which you can fill them with dry berries by 1/3, no more.

Pour jars with rowan with boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. After that, drain the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and pour sugar into it. After mixing, boil everything for up to 10 minutes, after which we pour it into jars with mountain ash again. Banks are rolled up and turned over until completely cooled, wrapped in a blanket. A month later, compote can be drunk.

Compote from ranetki and chokeberry "Paradise apple"

A more delicate taste can be obtained by preparing a compote of ranetki and chokeberry. For him we take:

  • Apples - 1-1.5 kg;
  • Rowan - 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • Cold water - 4-4.5 l;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp.

We sort out small juicy ranetki, wash them under warm running water and pour them into a bowl, filling with water. We wash the rowan berries in a colander, also in warm running water, while sorting through the spoiled berries. Allowing excess water to drain from the mountain ash, set it aside for the time being.

We prepare jars for compote - we wash and sterilize the containers and leave them to dry. Pour a few ranetki and 2 handfuls of mountain ash into ready-made jars. As a result, about half of the jar should be filled. Now we take a large pot, fill it with clean water and send it to the stove.

When the water boils in a covered saucepan, turn off the heat. After that, fill the containers with apples and berries with boiled water almost to the neck. In this form, the future compote is infused for about 15 minutes. After the specified time, the liquid should become a delicate scarlet hue.

Now the infusion is again poured into the pan and sent to a large fire, falling asleep with sugar. The proportions are 1 glass of sand per 1 liter. Stir the boiled liquid with a wooden spoon, achieving complete dissolution of the sugar crystals. After that, the fire can be turned off. With a ladle, we again fill the jars with already sweet syrup and cork with metal lids. We store the cooled compote in the cellar or pantry.

Aronia syrup with citric acid and cherry leaf

Aronia syrup is very useful for people with high blood pressure. To keep the maximum benefit, you can prepare a syrup of chokeberry with cherry leaves and citric acid. This vitamin preparation is convenient to use and treats many diseases. So, for the syrup we take:

  • Aronia - 2 kg of berries;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • Citric acid - 25 g per liter;
  • Sugar - 1 kg per 1 liter;
  • Cherry leaves - to taste (the more, the tastier).

The leaves will be needed for the recipe in approximately 1: 1 proportions with mountain ash.

We wash cherry leaves and rowan berries in running water, after which we pour everything with boiling water. In this form, we leave the products to infuse for a day. The next day, the infusion from the mountain ash is poured into a saucepan and sent to the stove. When the infusion boils, acid is poured into it in the indicated proportions. Throw out the cherry leaves from the container with rowan and pour the resulting syrup to the berries. Again we stand the infusion for a day.

The next day, we drain the rowan infusion again, the berries are no longer needed. Again we send everything to the fire, and when it boils, add sugar there at the rate of 1 kg per 1 liter of infusion. Pour the well-mixed still boiling broth into pre-sterilized jars or glass bottles under the top and cork.

Aronia juice - a recipe in a juicer

Aronia juice is an excellent multivitamin. It can act as an excellent alternative medicine for constipation, colds, runny nose and coughs. Of course, freshly squeezed is healthier, but you can make juice from chokeberry in a juicer according to a simple recipe.

We sort and wash the berries, then slightly knead the mountain ash and sprinkle lightly with sugar. So the berries are infused for several hours, you can leave it all night. Squeeze the juice out of the berries in the morning. You can squeeze the juice without sugar, then we take the frozen mountain ash.

To cook in a juicer for 5 liters of juice for the future, it must be properly prepared. We put the hose on the drain pipe of the vessel for draining the resulting juice, securing it. We do all the preparatory activities according to the instructions for the device. We fill the container with water - 4 liters. As soon as the water in the juicer boils, we proceed to the procedure for squeezing the berries and boiling the juice. It is necessary to monitor the constant maintenance of a boil in the container so that steam is generated.

When the water boils away, it can be topped up, but not to exceed 4 liters. This amount will be enough to boil juice for 70-80 minutes. When cooking is over, the juice should be immediately poured into prepared containers - sterilized bottles or jars.

Harvesting adjika from chokeberry for the winter

Everyone is used to cooking adjika from hot peppers with spices, salt and herbs. And for sure, few people can cook this dish from berries. Meanwhile, from chokeberry you get a wonderful adjika for the winter. For cooking we take:

  • Berries - 1 l;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 60 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • 125 g of garlic;
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • 0.5 tsp cloves;
  • 1 st. l. spicy mixture of hops-suneli;
  • Allspice - 5-6 peas;
  • Ground red pepper (hot) - 0.5 tsp.

Rowan, as in any other recipe - we sort, rinse and recline in a colander. You need to get rid of excess water. Then we clean the garlic cloves and pass it and the berries through a meat grinder, mixing them together. In the resulting mass, add allspice with ground spices. Separately, mix sugar with vinegar and salt and pour over the berries.

Now we prepare the jars - we wash and sterilize. Pour boiling water over the lids. We lay out the finished adjika in jars, close and send it to the refrigerator. The dish has an original pleasant taste. Bon appetit!

Raisins from chokeberry at home

Aronia is a very useful berry, but does not leave a pleasant sweet aftertaste. Unfortunately, her fruits are tart and have an astringent specific taste. But raisins from chokeberry, made at home for the winter, are worth a try - it is quite sweet and pleasantly melts in your mouth. In addition, anyone can cook it, it's very simple! We take:

  • Rowan - 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water - 2 tbsp.;
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp.

We carefully pick the berries from the branches and sort through, getting rid of the leaves and litter. After that, the berries are washed under running water and lean back in a colander. Now we are preparing the syrup. Water is poured into the pan, and sugar dissolves in it. We send them to the stove, bring to a boil until all the granulated sugar has dissolved. When the water boils, pour the mountain ash and acid into the pan.

We cook the berries for about 25 minutes, after which we recline them in a sieve or colander. Rowan syrup is perfect for making compote or ice cream. The boiled berry now needs to be dried. To do this, you need an electric dryer or a conventional oven. Let's use a more traditional method. On a baking sheet, you need to lay baking paper and spread rowan evenly on it.

We dry the berries at a low temperature - about 50 ° C. If you still have an electric dryer at your disposal, then its grate must also be covered with paper. Rowan raisins are kept in bags made of paper or fabric, and you can also leave them in a closed glass container. Raisins can be stored like this for a whole year, and you can eat it like that or add it to pastries. Bon appetit!

Is it possible to freeze chokeberry for the winter

Vitamins, minerals and pectic substances of chokeberry strengthen the vessels of the brain, help the liver to work properly and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up by any means with a useful berry for future use. One of these methods is freezing.

How to freeze chokeberry for the winter: a simple recipe

The berry perfectly "survives" freezing, retaining all its beneficial properties. There are several ways to do this. The choice of freezing method will depend on future plans for the berry. To freeze whole berries in the simplest way, we take:

  • Rowan;
  • Towel;
  • Colander;
  • Vacuum bags.

We sort out the berry from leaves, petioles and twigs, rinse and recline in a colander. Then dry on a kitchen towel, periodically turning the fruit over. Now we lay out the dry mountain ash in portions in vacuum bags (preferably in one layer) and try to get rid of the air in them as much as possible. Hermetically sealed bags with berries can be sent to be stored in the freezer.

How to dry chokeberry in the oven

In the oven, you can prepare chokeberry for storage not only for one winter, but also for a term of more than a year. To do this, you need to take the berries that are already ripe. It is recommended to harvest after the first frost, then the mountain ash will fully reveal all its beneficial properties.

How to dry chokeberry berries in the oven

The berries are removed from the collected umbrellas and washed thoroughly, then thrown back into a colander. You can also spread it in a thin layer on a kitchen towel. When the berry has dried out, it can be moved to the oven with a temperature of 40 ° C for 25-30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the temperature in the cabinet rises to 60 ° C, and the berry is already dried to full readiness.

Readiness is visible by the lack of water in the berries. In this case, the mountain ash should not be red or brownish. This will mean that the berry is overdried. It is possible to store drying from chokeberry in plastic containers or glass containers closed with nylon lids. The main thing is that moisture does not penetrate inside. All drying is ready!

Drying chokeberry in an electric dryer

The wonders of home appliances make it incredibly easy to stock up on seasonal produce for the winter. So you can save the maximum amount of useful properties of chokeberry by drying it with an electric dryer.

To do this, we take a mountain ash, remove it from the branches, sort it out from the leaves and spoiled berries. We wash exceptionally first-class mountain ash in running water through a colander. Then we let the unnecessary water drain, spreading the berries on a sieve with a layer of a couple of centimeters. It is necessary to dry chokeberry in an electric dryer at a temperature of about 60-70 ° C. In this case, strictly follow the instructions in the instructions for the device.

Well dried berries should get rid of almost all the water, but not yet acquire a reddish-brown color. Otherwise, this will mean that the berries have dried up and lost their main wealth - vitamins and trace elements. Ready drying can be stored in an airtight container that does not allow moisture to pass through. It can be any plastic bowls, but not plastic ones.

Please note that with such a preparation of chokeberry for the winter, its berries lose their unpleasant astringency. The taste of drying comes out sweetish with sourness, and the berry itself retains a maximum of useful substances.

Useful preparations for you!
