
How to get rid of solanine in green tomatoes. What diseases are contraindicated to use green tomato

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what a tomato or tomato is. Popular vegetable crop used for food in fresh, for cooking variety of salads, juice is squeezed out of it, used for huge amount dishes, marinated and salted.

All this concerns ripe red tomatoes, but gardeners solve a problem called “green tomatoes” every autumn. It is a pity to throw away unripe fruits, and housewives begin to come up with recipes in which they can be used.

However, it should be borne in mind that unripe nightshade representatives, including tomatoes, contain solanine. The presence of this poison suggests that the harm of green tomatoes is not fictitious.

When solanine is exceeded per 100 grams of the product, green tomatoes become dangerous to humans. They can cause serious food poisoning. In rare cases, death is possible.

In order not to experience certain ailments associated with weakness, drowsiness, shortness of breath, nausea and headache, it is recommended to consume unripe fruits in compliance with safety measures. In more severe cases, a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood or impaired kidney function may occur.

First of all, should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Children and the elderly also fall into the risk category. Other lovers of this product, who do not suffer from allergies caused by solanine, can use it, not forgetting about safety measures.

To minimize the harm of green fruits, that is, the amount of solanine in the fruit has been reduced to normal, it is recommended to heat treat, that is, blanch for several minutes in several waters. Boiling water removes excess solanine. The poisonous substance is released into the water, making the tomatoes safe to eat. After such a procedure, green tomatoes can be used as food without the danger of poisoning.

If the trouble happened, that is, the victim had symptoms of solanine poisoning, it is urgent to take measures to wash the stomach. For this, a suspension is traditionally used. activated angle or potassium permanganate solution. At the same time, it is recommended to call doctors who will carry out the necessary procedures at a professional level. At severe poisoning self-medication without the help of qualified specialists is not recommended.

At the same time, one should not forget that in Not large quantities solanine, contained in unripe tomatoes, is even useful. It prevents the occurrence of heart attacks, reduces the risk of cancer cells, the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals contributes to the overall improvement of the body. The main thing is to prevent excess of solanine content. Only in this case, green tomatoes, harvested for future use, will bring maximum pleasure for winter table, When fresh vegetables come to our table in limited quantities.

In the fall, when the harvest ends, in most farms the question arises of where to put the remaining green tomatoes? At this time, they do not blush too much, and ripe tomatoes more enough. But also throw away good fruit don't want to either. Some people think about whether to eat green tomatoes as well as red ones? Let's see if this can be done.

Green tomatoes - the benefits and harms

Like any herbal product, tomatoes can be eaten in moderation so as not to "earn" allergic reactions. In addition, tomatoes have a number of compositional features that must also be taken into account when consumed fresh or in preparations.


Tomatoes contain a whole "set" of vitamins and minerals that are important for the activity of the body, so you can definitely eat them. Lycopene is a great "enemy" of cancer cells and an important "friend" of the heart. Serotonin is an assistant to the brain and the "engine" of a good mood. Quercetin is a naturally occurring antibiotic. Tomatidine is a muscle activator that prevents muscle atrophy. Iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus also “get along” in tomatoes.

Unripe tomato fruits increase tone, relieve fatigue and reduce the risk of injury.

We take into account the harm

For all useful properties ah tomatoes can be eaten with some reservations. It is important to consider that tomatoes are a nightshade culture. This means that all unripe fruits, as well as stems and leaves, contain the poisonous substance solanine. It, as a natural defense, protects tomatoes from molds. At the same time, this glycoside has a negative effect on red blood cells, disrupting the function of transporting oxygen through the blood through the tissues of the body. Signs of poisoning: nausea, headaches, weakness, drowsiness and breathing problems. In this case, you can clear the stomach activated carbon or a solution of potassium permanganate of a minimum concentration.

For a person of poor health, 5-10 pieces are enough green fruits for poisoning, but if eating is increased by 2 times, you can achieve a fatal outcome or best case- the need for a blood transfusion.

To eat green tomatoes without harm to the body, it is necessary to remove solanine. There are two ways to do this: Tomatoes are blanched or Fruits plucked from the bushes are poured salt water for a few hours. Then the water is changed and do so several times. Not only solanine leaves, but also some bitterness, after which tomatoes can be eaten.

Unripe fruits contain up to 11 mg of nitrates per 100 g of weight. This is enough a large number of can block the ability of oxygen to carry hemoglobin and disrupt the work of the liver to neutralize toxins. Therefore, before cooking, unripe tomatoes must be doused three times. boiling water to drastically reduce the amount of nitrates.

Not everyone can eat fruits with an increased amount of organic acids. Therefore, unripe tomatoes are not suitable for patients with gallstone disease.

How to cook green tomatoes

There are many ways to cook green tomatoes. The most accessible of them, after which the vegetable can be eaten fearlessly:

  • Fermentation. It is carried out after preliminary triple blanching. All are destroyed harmful substances.
  • Pickling or salting. Stuffed with garlic, herbs and hot peppers. Perfect as an appetizer for alcohol.
  • Caviar. You can add garlic, horseradish, carrots to vegetables, tomato paste and kernels walnuts.
  • Jam. Small tomatoes are filled with a mixture of raisins and walnuts. Boiled with water sugar syrup and chopped orange slices. Jam can be eaten without fear, it will taste like peach.

It's also worth experimenting with different recipes canning and stewing.

green tomatoes prepared in any way:

  • Not recommended There is those who have diseased kidneys, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure.
  • Limited use - pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly, young children.
  • Minimal amount you can eat patients with joint problems.

Doctors dealing with diet food, do not advise the simultaneous use of tomatoes with eggs, meat, fish or bread.

Ultimately, it should be clearly said that green tomatoes with proper cooking everyone can eat healthy people, getting from this great benefit and pleasure. The use of unripe tomatoes is limited only to those who have serious medical problems. Therefore, eat them for health, taking into account the principle of "moderation and accuracy."

In the conditions of extreme gardening, housewives often have to invent recipes in which green tomatoes can be used. Some even prefer such tomatoes to red ones, appreciating the unusual taste properties unripe vegetables. Let's figure out whether green tomatoes can be eaten without harm to health.

The danger of raw green tomatoes

Representatives of the nightshade family in the 18th century were called "night shadows". This happened due to the fact that poisons were prepared from them.

As the tomato ripens, the amount of substances toxic to humans decreases significantly, therefore ripe fruit absolutely safe

If you eat five medium-sized raw green tomatoes, you can get severe poisoning. Its first signs:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • labored breathing;
  • drowsiness.

This is due to the fact that solanine lowers the number of red blood cells in the blood and leads to impaired functioning of the kidneys and heart. In case of poisoning with green tomatoes, you should immediately seek medical attention.

canned green tomatoes

During heat treatment solanine and tomatine are destroyed, which makes possible use in the food of various seamings with green tomatoes. Pickled, salted and even pickled - these tomatoes are safe for health and have a pleasant taste.

Before canning, it is recommended to keep the tomatoes for a day in salted water (1 tsp of salt per 1 liter of water). This contributes to the fact that dangerous alkaloids pass from vegetables into water, and subsequent heat treatment will reduce the likelihood of poisoning to a minimum.

After soaking green tomatoes drain the water in which they were, and in no case use it for subsequent conservation

Before canning or salting, I without fail pour vegetables with salt water and leave them overnight or even for a day. I take regular salt, not iodized, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. For peace of mind, I also make cross-shaped incisions on each tomato so that all harmful substances are guaranteed to pass into the water.

By following the simple rules of eating green tomatoes, you can enjoy your favorite dish without harm to health. remember, that correct handling unripe vegetable reduces the risk of poisoning to zero.

Green tomatoes: composition and calorie content, useful properties, alleged harm and contraindications to the product. Green Tomato Recipes.

The content of the article:

Green tomatoes are unripe vegetables belonging to the Solanaceae family. Their home is South America. There and now you can find wild or semi-wild tomatoes. The name itself comes from Italian word"pomo d "oro", which means " Golden Apple". But from French it is translated as "apple of love." Tomatoes are loved by people not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world.

The composition and calorie content of green tomatoes

Although raw green tomatoes are not as tasty as their "red relatives", there are benefits from eating them, and, it should be noted, considerable.

Calorie content of green tomatoes - 23 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.2 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 5.1 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.1 g;
  • Water - 93 g;
  • Ash - 0.5 g.
Vitamin composition of green tomatoes per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A, RE - 32 mcg;
  • Alpha Carotene - 78 mcg;
  • Beta Carotene - 0.346 mg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.06 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.004 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 8.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.081 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folates - 9 mcg;
  • Vitamin C ascorbic acid- 23.4 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.38 mg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 0.5 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Aluminum, Al - 400 mcg;
  • Boron, B - 200 mcg;
  • Potassium, K - 204 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 13 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 10 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 13 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 28 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 0.51 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.1 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 90 mcg;
  • Selenium, Se - 0.4 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.07 mg.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.029 g;
  • Valine - 0.031 g;
  • Histidine - 0.018 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.029 g;
  • Leucine - 0.044 g;
  • Lysine - 0.044 g;
  • Methionine - 0.01 g;
  • Threonine - 0.03 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.009 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.031 g.
Non-essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.034 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 0.166 g;
  • Glycine - 0.03 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.442 g;
  • Proline - 0.023 g;
  • Serine - 0.032 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.021 g;
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.016 g.
Of the digestible carbohydrates, 100 grams of the product contains only mono- and disaccharides (sugars) in the amount of 4 g.

Fatty, saturated fatty, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids per 100 g:

  • Omega 3 fatty acid- 0.003 g;
  • Omega-6 fatty acids - 0.078 g;
  • Stearic - 0.007 g;
  • Palmitic - 0.02 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 0.001 g;
  • Oleic (omega-9) - 0.029 g;
  • Linoleic - 0.078 g;
  • Linolenic - 0.003 g.

Useful properties of green tomatoes

Green tomatoes contain a large amount of healing substances that promote health and are involved in most metabolic processes in the human body. During heat treatment, most of them are not lost.

The benefits of green tomatoes and dishes with their use:

  1. Reduce the risk of cancer. Lycopene, which is part of green tomatoes, stops the formation of cancer cells and DNA changes.
  2. Prevent a heart attack. This is facilitated by the already mentioned beneficial substance lycopene, which normalizes blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. Help with inflammatory processes. This is due to the phytoncides that are in vegetables.
  4. Eliminate muscle atrophy. Green tomatoes contain tomatidine, due to which there is an increase in muscle mass.
  5. Prevent the formation of blood clots. These tomatoes contain many beneficial substances that contribute to blood thinning.
  6. Increase body tone. The vitamins contained in these vegetables help to cope with severe fatigue, and also protect against injury.
  7. Provide good mood . Serotonin, found in green tomatoes, normalizes the nervous processes in the brain.
  8. Promote weight loss. Many diets for those who want to lose weight allow the use of tomatoes because of their low calorie content. And chromium, which is part of these vegetables, contributes to rapid saturation.

Important to remember! Green tomatoes, like their red "relatives", will be useful to our body if consumed with vegetable oil.

Harm and contraindications to the use of green tomatoes

Despite the presence useful substances, green tomatoes also have contraindications for use. And, of course, they can cause harm.

You should not eat raw fruits: green tomatoes contain solanine - this substance is by no means useful. It may cause food poisoning varying degrees gravity. Very rarely, even death is possible.

So, situations when it is forbidden to eat these vegetables or should be consumed in limited quantities:

  • For allergies. People prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of this vegetable to a minimum.
  • Patients with arthritis and gout. Green tomatoes contain substances that can not only exacerbate these diseases, but also lead to disastrous consequences.
  • People with cardiovascular diseases. It is not advised to use this vegetable in salted or pickled form. Tomatoes processed in this way can lead to edema.
  • For kidney problems. Again, pickled tomatoes contribute to fluid retention, which will lead to edema, but not of a cardiac nature, but of a kidney one. And also this vegetable is the culprit in the formation of stones in the aforementioned organs.

Green Tomato Recipes

Every year, housewives are faced with the fact that they have green unripe tomatoes. Throw them away, of course, a pity. But they are not recommended to eat them raw, because solanine is unhealthy. To avoid bad consequences, green tomatoes should be cooked properly.

First, they must be blanched a couple of times for several minutes. You can also soak the tomatoes in salt water for 6 hours, changing the brine every 2 hours. Well, and then cook dishes from them. And it should be noted that there are many ways to heat-treat green tomatoes: pickles, marinating, stuffing, and assorted cooking. These vegetables can also be used in salads.

Recipes with green tomatoes:

  1. Green tomatoes stuffed with garlic. First you need to properly prepare the tomatoes. So, mine, make a few cuts with a knife and stuff garlic into them, thinly chopped. Now we put horseradish leaves, dill and parsley in sterilized jars, and then put stuffed vegetables. Then we prepare the brine: bring water to a boil (1.5 l) and add 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt (with a slide), 0.5 cup of 9% vinegar. This amount of liquid for pouring is designed for one 3-liter jar. Pour our tomatoes and sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Roll up, wrap and leave to cool.
  2. green tomatoes in tomato sauce cinnamon. For harvesting, prepare jars with a capacity of 1 liter. First, prepare the vegetables: green and sweet tomatoes bell pepper. The amount of vegetables depends on how many jars you have prepared. For filling, we will prepare the following components: tomato juice- 1 l, sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons, salt - 3 teaspoons and cinnamon on the tip of a knife. Place whole tomatoes and chopped peppers in sterilized jars, then pour 2 times simple boiling water, and for the third time - boiled filling. Before rolling, put 1 aspirin tablet in each jar. Wrap until cool. Eat with pleasure!
  3. Appetizer "Glutton". Ingredients: green tomatoes - 1 kg, garlic - 5-7 cloves, 1-2 hot peppers, vinegar 9% - 70 ml, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and sugar, parsley. Cut the tomatoes into slices, and the pepper - small pieces, chop the greens finely, crush the garlic with the garlic. Then add all the spices and leave at room temperature for a day, not forgetting to close the dishes with a lid. As soon as the tomatoes start juice, we put our snack in sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator for a week. After 7 days the dish is ready.
  4. Tomatoes "Georgian". For this recipe you will need 5 kg of green tomatoes. They must first be left in hot water for half an hour. In addition to tomatoes, take a bunch of parsley, cilantro, celery, dill, as well as 2 Bulgarian and 1 hot peppers, a head of garlic and grind them in a blender. Slice the tomatoes and stuff them with the mixture. Then tightly packed in jars. Now let's prepare the marinade. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of vinegar, bring another 1 liter of water to a boil. We sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, roll up, wrap until cool.
  5. Korean green tomatoes. For this recipe, any tomatoes are suitable: milky green, green and brown. So, 1 kg of my tomatoes, cut into slices. Then 1 red hot peppers wash and cut into small pieces. 7 cloves of garlic crushed with garlic. Mix all the ingredients and add 70 ml of 9% vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. We shift to glass jars, and let it infuse in the refrigerator for a whole day. Korean-style green tomatoes are ready. Remember that they must be very spicy, because Korean dishes are spicy. Of course, you can reduce the number of components that give this taste.
  6. Salad "Color palette". Components: green tomatoes - 4 kg, onions - 1 kg, the same amount of carrots and red bell peppers. First you need to wash the vegetables. Now we take up cutting: tomatoes - in thin half rings, and onions, carrots and peppers - in thin strips. Place the chopped vegetables in an enamel bowl and add 0.5 cups of salt. We insist them in a sealed container in cool place 6 hours. Then add 1 cup of sugar there, mix everything and put it in jars. We sterilize for 15 minutes, and then the already familiar procedure: roll up, wrap, leave to cool.
  7. Caviar from green tomatoes. We wash 4 kg of green tomatoes, 1 kg of onions and carrots, 0.5 kg of bell pepper. Then finely chop all the vegetables, add 0.5 cups of salt and insist in a closed enamelware overnight at room temperature. Then add 1 glass of sugar, 5 bay leaves, pepper and cloves, as well as 300 ml vegetable oil. Cook over low heat for 1 hour while stirring. We lay out the caviar at the jar and roll it up. Eat for health!
  8. Adjika from green tomatoes. Ingredients: green tomatoes - approximately 2 kg, bell peppers - 0.5 kg, hot pepper- 2 things. And what is adjika without spices? So, we need approximately 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 6 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sunflower oil, salt and hops-suneli seasoning to taste. Preparing this dish is not difficult. Wash all the vegetables and chop, you can use a blender or a meat grinder, and crush the garlic with a garlic maker. Mix the ingredients, adding seasonings and spices. We cook an hour. You can use adjika after cooling, or you can roll it into jars for the winter.
  9. Green tomato jam. First, wash 1 kg of tomatoes and cut into slices so that each contains seeds. Then we prepare syrup from 2 glasses of water and one and a half kg of sugar. Pour prepared tomatoes over them and leave to soak for 3 hours. Then cook the jam for 25 minutes, remove from heat and leave for 2 hours. The procedure is repeated 3 times. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the lemon, ground with peel. Put into banks. Our jam is ready. Drink tea and enjoy the unusual taste!
  10. Green tomato and corn soup. Cut 1 onion and 1 clove of garlic into small pieces. Then fry them in sunflower oil until soft. Then we transfer these fried vegetables to a saucepan and add ground cumin (one and a half teaspoons), fresh corn grains (one and a half cups), 4 green tomatoes cut into pieces. Mix everything thoroughly, and let it boil over low heat for 5 minutes. After that, pour 7 glasses vegetable broth, salt and pepper to taste and cook until tender. Here is such an unusual soup will be tasty variety for your lunch!
  11. Fried green tomatoes. Ingredients: 4 green tomatoes, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, 1 cup cream, 3 tbsp. tablespoons flour and 4 tbsp. spoons breadcrumbs. First, wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices 1 cm thick. Then beat the eggs with a mixer. Now let's start roasting the tomatoes. We take a slice of tomato, dip it in beaten eggs, coat in breadcrumbs and fry in sunflower oil until golden brown. For unusual taste our dish needs a sauce. The basis for its preparation will be the remaining butter in the pan, to which we add cream and cook, stirring until the sour cream thickens. Then salt, pepper. Tomatoes should be served, watering them with sauce beforehand.

Important to remember! Green tomatoes do not need to be combined with meat, fish and bread. Between these products it is recommended to take a break of 2 hours.

Since green tomatoes are not separate variety vegetables, and unripe fruits, which are used in various cuisines, then and Interesting Facts will also be associated with their red "relatives". For a long time they thought that these vegetables should not be eaten, moreover, they were considered as poisonous and ornamental plants. The first tomato recipe was written in a recipe book in Spain in 1692.

In Russia, they first learned about this vegetable in the 18th century. At that time, the fruits did not fully ripen, but remained green, so they were grown for decoration of premises and territories. The scientist A. T. Bolotov managed to grow ripe tomatoes.

Interesting facts about eating tomatoes are associated with the name of George Washington. In the 70s of the 18th century, he was the commander of the rebel army during the war of independence. His cook J. Bailey, an agent of the King of England, was supposed to kill Washington. And believing that the tomatoes are poisonous, he served them with meat stew commander. The future president ate juicy tomato with pleasure, but the cook, tormented by remorse, committed suicide.

Green tomatoes are popular not only on the table, but also in books. It is worth mentioning the short story by Feni Flagg "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe". In this work, the reader is offered two recipes for fried green tomatoes. A movie of the same name was made based on this book.

What to cook from green tomatoes - look at the video:

Green tomatoes are used in many cuisines around the world. They are especially preferred by gourmets because of the unusual taste of this unripe vegetable. Due to their beneficial properties, they are often ingredients various dishes. They are salted, pickled, and included in salads. Of course, you can buy green tomatoes on the market, but there is a risk of buying vegetables with nitrates. It is much safer to eat tomatoes grown with your own hands.
