
What should you eat to avoid getting drunk? Don't Forget Activated Charcoal and Fatty Foods

In our life there are many solemn occasions in which alcohol flows like a river. And what to do so that the event leaves pleasant memories of itself, and does not serve as a reason for a quarrel or even an accident.

Council number 1.

Disperse the liver, as they say, prepare it for the future alcohol marathon. This means, a few hours before the feast, drink a glass of vodka, so that the liver launches protective barriers, and the subsequent "libations" were met by the body fully armed.

Council number 2.

A few days before the proposed feast, it is necessary to increase the amount of foods containing iodine in the diet, these are mussels, shrimps, squids, seaweed and so on.

In this way, the thyroid gland is stimulated, substances are concentrated in the body, which in the future will accelerate the oxidation of alcohol. Also during the feast it will be preferable to use such products.

Tip #3

Taking medications, in this case we will talk about aspirin, which must be taken a day before the feast. The required rate is 0.5 g. This medicine will enhance microsomal enzymes and help speed up the processing of alcohol. But during the celebration, drinking these pills is prohibited.

Tip #4

An hour before the feast, drink the drug Mezim-forte, Creon, Abomin, twice the dosage than it is written in the instructions for one dose. Festal is not suitable for this business because it reduces the synthesis of bile acids.

Tip #5

Fatty food, this suggests that two hours before the party you need to drink 10 ml of olive oil (if possible), eat a sandwich with butter, lard, caviar or sturgeon.

Such food slows down the effects of alcohol by 40-45 minutes, this method can be used if the event does not last long and you have time to get home before you get carried away.

Tip #6

A few hours before drinking alcohol, drink a few tablets of activated charcoal, and immediately before the feast, take 2 more tablets. Make sure that the coal does not remain on the teeth, and therefore you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth before going out to visit.

Do not mix drinks, and do not lower the degrees. Almost all drinks have their own components, which additionally load the liver and lead to rapid intoxication.

Also, various alcoholic beverages are perceived differently by the body, vodka is one thing, and grape liqueur is another. It turns out that the liver processes strong poisons, while other products and alcohols remain unprocessed.

American researchers came to the conclusion that transparent drinks are better perceived by the body than dark, more saturated ones. Cognac and whiskey load the body more, cause a worse hangover than clear vodka.

During the feast, you need to eat competently, but this does not mean that you need to eat everything, fatty enough food will slow down the effect of alcohol, and fruits and vegetables will dull its degrees.

Also, while drinking alcohol, it will be right to drink a sufficient amount of liquid, but it is best to exclude carbonated drinks, they complicate the process of processing alcohol in the body.

  1. It is very difficult to determine your norm, which is why there are so many conversations and anecdotes on this topic. The main thing is to drink to such an extent that you can completely control yourself.
  2. It is advisable to eat alcohol with cold dishes, jelly, fish soup, which contain glycine and neutralize the toxic breakdown products of alcohol.
  3. They say that if you drink a raw egg before the feast, it will help relieve alcohol intoxication. Eggs form a colloidal mass with alcohol, bind alcohols and prevent them from being absorbed into the walls of the stomach.
  4. Drink in one gulp, because alcohol is absorbed faster through the oral mucosa than through the walls of the stomach. Therefore, if you savor alcohol, you will get drunk very soon.
  5. During the feast, you need to move more and leave the table more often, breathe fresh air, and not sit in a stuffy room.
  6. You can replace alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones if your friends are so willing to drink with you. Pour mineral water or apple juice into a glass instead of vodka or beer, savor these drinks and be sure that you will not get drunk after a short time.
  7. Induce vomiting, this is the most radical method, but at this time the most effective. This is a justified remedy if you get drunk soon. The procedure can be performed every hour, provided that your health does not worsen after such an event.

If you still drank too much?

Try to freshen up in the fresh air, make yourself green tea, go to the toilet before going to bed, you can also drink a tablet of Elenium or Relanium, you can’t abuse such drugs.

If there are helicopters in your head, then it is best to try to fall asleep standing up, or hang your arms and legs off the bed so that the body takes this position as vertical. If you feel sick, then do not resist such a factor, but free the stomach from harmful substances.


Take care of your health and drink less alcohol, take care of the liver and do not load it with additional toxic substances. Happiness to you and prosperity!

Drinking and not getting drunk is absolutely impossible. But the ideal combination would be when it didn’t get bad and didn’t go overboard.

Everyone has a reason to drink, but not everyone manages to stay sober and continue to have fun. Many people stop drinking by the middle of the evening, but not because they don’t want to, but because they can no longer. Alcohol relaxes people well, brings them together. After drinking, people become more courageous, relaxed, their mood rises. But this is only if the alcohol is drunk a little (not superfluous).

If we take statistics, then it is through drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages that quarrels, fights, and even fatal cases (accidents) happen.

To avoid embarrassing situations through alcohol abuse, you must strictly adhere to the advice of a narcologist.

  • The first thing narcologists offer is, of course, to drink little. Indeed, due to the amount of alcohol consumed, not only the head suffers on the second day, but a colossal blow to the liver is inflicted.
  • In no case do not drink on an empty stomach, and do not do it very often.
  • If you are in a bad or, conversely, too good mood, then drinking is not recommended. “On emotions” is much easier not to calculate the dose and overdo it. And with a bad depressed mood, a person also gets drunk faster.
  • It is also not recommended to drink with.

The advice of narcologists is very valuable, and therefore they should be heeded. But not always, it turns out, to control oneself, or just in a good mood, you can simply not notice how you have already crossed that sinister line.

To make the holiday a success, and be able to leave pleasant memories of yourself, you need to use some tips. There are a lot of folk remedies and recipes to drink and not get drunk very quickly.


  1. You must prepare your liver for alcohol. To do this, 2 or 3 hours before the celebration, you must drink 100 grams of the drink that you are going to drink the whole evening. Be sure to take a bite to drink. With the first penetration of alcohol, an enzyme is produced in the body that breaks down alcohol. And when the feast begins, your body will digest alcohol faster, since there will already be a sufficient amount of enzymes in the body. With this method, you will get drunk more slowly!

In practice, you can even notice that at our Slavic wedding, when guests start drinking in the morning, they enter a special state by the main feast. At the same time, alcohol affects them differently, due to the fact that it is easier to perceive by the body.

  1. If you decide to drink low-alcohol drinks at the table, then you need to drink a mug of hot, necessarily sweet tea before that. Also, if you wish, you can eat a small amount of fatty foods. Fatty foods will slow down the absorption of alcohol into the body, and you will get drunk more slowly.
  2. Before the feast, it is good to drink activated charcoal tablets. Calculation: one tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Another good drug is mezim or festal. They can also be taken (one tablet). These drugs stimulate the stomach well, and when overloaded, facilitate its work.
  3. A few days before the feast, include foods rich in iodine in your diet. Such products are squid, seaweed, shrimps, mussels.
  4. Buckwheat, semolina and oatmeal also help well. Eat a plate of such porridge an hour before the feast.
  5. According to the folk method, if you drink a glass of milk before drinking alcohol, then your head will not hurt the next morning, and there will be no hangover.

During a feast

  1. If you notice that low-quality alcoholic drinks are being drunk at the celebration, then their use should be stopped.
  2. It is also not recommended to mix alcoholic beverages, starting with strong ones and ending with low-alcohol ones.

It is important to remember that there are different types of alcohols that you should not interfere with in your stomach at all, so as not to get drunk. A similar spirit is found in vodka and beer, as well as another kind in cognac and wine. This is a relative classification, but according to it, these drinks should not be mixed “crosswise”. That is, you can still drink beer and vodka, or cognac and wine. But you should not combine vodka with cognac or wine, for example. Otherwise, you definitely won’t be able to drink and not get drunk.

  1. You need to drink in one gulp, without holding alcohol in your mouth. In no case do not drink it with a carbonated drink. It is better to do this with juice: lemon, grape or apple. During the entire feast, drink plenty of fluids.
  2. Eat after every drink you drink. For snacks, jelly, aspic, ear are well suited. It will also be better to give up exotic dishes, and eat hot potatoes, fish, meat dishes. But here it is important not to overeat!
  3. Try to drink less often, that is, take small breaks, and at the same time eat very well.
  4. Get out into the fresh air more often. If there is also smoke in the room, then you just need fresh air.
  5. If you feel that you are starting to get drunk, then be sure to start dancing or moving a lot. Although the body itself usually tells about this, some people are drawn to dance, while others are drawn to fight.
  6. If you still drank too much, then ask them to give you a glass of water and drop 10 drops of ammonia into it. Within 15 minutes, you will be sober. Still, it's not worth it to get to that point.
  7. Another good and effective way is to induce vomiting. Of course, this is not a pleasant procedure, but it is the most effective for cleansing the body. It is better to do it right away, otherwise it will get worse later.
  8. Do not drink in small doses and very often. It has been proven that after drinking 100 grams of vodka in one gulp, you get drunk less than from five to 20 grams.
  9. In winter, do not abruptly go outside from a warm room. This temperature difference will only speed up the process of intoxication.
  10. You need to know the measure. Don't take more than you can. After all, a large amount of alcohol can lead to poisoning.


  1. When you get home, take another mezim or festal tablet.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to go to the toilet so that the bladder is empty, as toxins are absorbed into your body through it.
  3. In the room where you sleep, open the window so that there is an influx of fresh air. It is simply necessary!
  4. Brew green tea before bed.

How to stop dizziness and fall asleep when you drank too much

There are some secrets so that you don’t feel dizzy, and don’t feel bad when you get to drink too much.

  1. If you are at home, it is better to induce vomiting, which will help clear the stomach and stop additional alcohol from entering the bloodstream.
  2. For some, it helps to put your foot on the floor and hold on to the wall with your hand.
  3. A very effective method is the correct “breathing into the pillow”. You need to lie on your stomach, stick your face into the pillow and breathe deeply, exhaling all the air into the pillow, through your mouth or nose, depending on how it helps. In this case, you can also alternate breathing, but it is better to inhale through the nose. It will be even more effective if, when inhaling, raise your head, and when exhaling, stick your nose back into the pillow. A few minutes of such actions can greatly help.

The next morning….

  1. You need to take a shower.
  2. Drink activated charcoal (with the calculation of one tablet per 10 kg.)
  3. You need to sleep as much as possible.
  4. Drink a cup of aromatic coffee or tea.
  5. When it becomes easier, then you need to go out into the fresh air (for a walk) - the movement will speed up time when the stun becomes easier.
  6. Good help from a hangover citrus fruits: banana, orange.
  7. Cucumber pickle, sauerkraut juice will help with dehydration, although they should not be abused at all (especially if they contain a lot of salt and vinegar). If you follow these tips, then the hangover syndrome will not visit you.

Find out more about how to beat a hangover

Rarely what event in our time does without alcohol. Therefore, it is not surprising that the problem of how to drink and not get drunk - tricks, tricks, tricks - worries a large part of the adult population of Western society.

Coming to a party, each of us seeks to relax and enjoy the communication and fun fueled by alcohol, and then prolong the pleasure, remembering the most interesting moments of a successful evening the next day. But no one wants to switch off an hour after the start of the feast, and the next day experience a severe hangover. Unfortunately, in most cases this is exactly what happens.

How to avoid such situations? Are there tricks using which you can drink without thinking about the consequences and really avoid them? To understand this issue, let's first find out the mechanisms of intoxication and a person's hangover.

What is intoxication

Regardless of which alcoholic drink you prefer - beer, wine or vodka - the mechanism of intoxication and the onset of a hangover is always the same. Alcohol, getting into the human body, begins to be absorbed even in the oral cavity, that is, almost from the first seconds. Then the drink enters the stomach, where it is not digested, but begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream.

The brain gets drunk first. In a simplified version, the process diagram looks like this:

  • under the influence of ethanol, erythrocytes begin to stick together and turn into small and large clumps of cells resembling clusters;
  • the size of such clusters significantly exceeds the diameters of the capillaries through which they must pass in order to supply the brain cells with oxygen and take away carbon dioxide;
  • as a result, instead of supplying oxygen, erythrocyte clots simply clog the capillaries, thereby creating oxygen starvation for the cells;
  • this effect of cellular hypoxia, occurring simultaneously in thousands of cells, is felt by us as intoxication. With each new portion of alcohol, the effect is enhanced.

Thus, intoxication is nothing but oxygen starvation of brain cells.

What is a hangover

After 7-10 minutes after the start of starvation, the cell simply dies. The more ethanol got into the body, the stronger the effect of intoxication, and the more cells eventually died.

Often a person, having sorted out vodka, can turn off. From the outside it looks like a dream. In fact, this triggers the body's defense mechanism, which can no longer control the level of oxygen starvation and begins to look for additional resources to restore the vital functions of the brain: turning off the human consciousness, the body slows down its activity, metabolism and thereby lowers the overall need for oxygen.

Hello hangover...

And where do tens and hundreds of thousands of dead cells go? They accumulate in the brain, and if they are not urgently removed, the process of decay will begin very quickly with all the ensuing consequences.

But even in this case, a protective mechanism is activated. Its essence lies in the fact that the body urgently collects water from wherever it can and redirects it to the head in order to remove dead cells. That is why in the morning the head hurts so much: it is bursting with excess water. For the same reason, in the morning a person is very thirsty: the body needs an additional source of moisture. Many have experienced this condition, and it is called the "hangover syndrome."

drunken time

If the mechanisms of intoxication and hangover are the same for everyone, then a natural question arises why some people get drunk from the first glass, while others have fun and drink all evening, but they may not get drunk for a long time.

Each person is individual. This is also manifested in susceptibility to alcoholic beverages. Everyone has their own alcohol limit: for some, this is a glass of wine, and for some, it can withstand 0.5 liters of vodka. There is a whole range of reasons that explain such a strong difference.

The main factor responsible for the speed of intoxication is the amount of alcohol dehydrogenase produced by the body - an enzyme that decomposes ethyl alcohol into water and carbon dioxide. The amount of production of this enzyme is purely individual. If it is too little, then the body can not cope with the processing of alcohol. That is why a person quickly gets drunk even from beer. The more enzyme, the more a person can drink and not get drunk.

And everyone has their own...

Another important point is the metabolic rate, which is also individual. The higher it is in your body, the faster you get drunk. The hangover passes faster, during it you almost do not get sick.

There are other factors that affect the speed and degree of intoxication:

  1. genetic predisposition. If your genetics are weak resistance to alcohol, then no matter how hard you try to eat and drink only the best drinks, you will still get drunk quickly.
  2. Age. Middle-aged people are more resistant to alcohol, when the body is already fully formed, and the aging process has not yet begun. Young people and old people get drunk much faster and in smaller doses.
  3. Floor. The female body is much more susceptible to alcohol and quickly becomes addicted to alcohol.
  4. Body mass. It is well known that the greater the body weight, the greater the dose of alcohol you need to drink to get drunk. However, not everything depends only on mass. Body structure plays a decisive role here: a muscular body is much more resistant to the effects of alcohol than a body with an excess amount of body fat. The fact is that fat cells perfectly absorb alcohol, so obese people always get drunk quickly.
  5. General condition of the body. A strong, healthy, physically active organism copes much better even with those situations when you need to drink a lot.

Resistance to alcoholic beverages is very individual and depends on a number of characteristics of the organism. And if you are faced with the acute question of how to learn to drink in moderation, first of all you need to study these features. Perhaps your physiology is generally incompatible with alcohol. In this case, no matter what tricks and tricks you use, you can’t deceive the body. If he is healthy and strong enough, and the work involves the need to often consume a large amount of alcohol, then in this case you can resort to the experience of those who know what to do in order to drink like everyone else, but not get drunk.

How to drink and not get drunk

There are many ways that people can drink without getting drunk. But we must remember that here everything is individual: what helps one person does not necessarily help another.

Nevertheless, a number of rules can be distinguished, the observance of which will help people who drink in moderation to drink with pleasure and without consequences.

So that you do not get drunk in the first hours of the feast, when the absorption of alcohol is at an accelerated pace, prepare for the evening in advance. To do this, you can use several methods:

  1. A couple of hours before the event, you should eat a hearty meal, but you should not lean on fatty foods, as this will create an additional burden on the liver. The effect of butter and egg yolks as anti-drunk drugs is debatable. To get the desired effect, you will have to eat a lot of these products, which in itself is harmful and can cause severe nausea and even vomiting.
  2. Drink a glass of vodka an hour before the event. In this case, the body will have time to tune in accordingly and hold out longer without getting drunk.
  3. You can also take activated charcoal tablets in advance at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or another sorbent, such as Enterosgel. But remember that sorbents in tablets, powders or gels can prevent rapid and severe intoxication only if they are ingested before the onset of intoxication. Otherwise they are all useless.

If you've done all of this, but are still worried and don't know how not to get drunk during the evening, then you should learn a few more rules of behavior during a party:

  1. Do not mix alcoholic drinks. Pick one and sip on the drink all evening.
  2. If you start drinking vodka, then in no case drink drinks of a lower degree, such as wine or beer. If you take a low-alcohol drink immediately after a strong one, then the process of ethanol breakdown in the body and its penetration into the tissues of the body will be significantly accelerated, which will cause severe poisoning. That's why you can't downgrade.
  3. Significantly increase the speed of intoxication champagne or other gas-containing drink, taken after a stronger one, since carbon dioxide contributes to the accelerated penetration of ethanol into the blood.
  4. Have a good snack, while choosing vegetable or meat, but not very fatty dishes.
  5. Drink more natural juices, but avoid sugary drinks.
  6. The process of intoxication is well inhibited by vitamin C, so from time to time eat slices of lemon or orange.
  7. Just in case, stock up on Mezim or Festal tablets. They can be taken during a party to ease the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Do not smoke. Nicotine significantly enhances the effect of alcohol.
  9. Move more.

If your goal is to take a walk, but not get drunk, follow the above rules. If you are concerned about how to quickly get drunk, do the opposite.

How to get drunk in the evening and not get sick in the morning

It is believed that employees of the special services have to drink most of all at work. But in order to find out all the secrets from the enemy, you yourself always need to stay “in shape”. In this regard, there are many rumors about the existence of special pills, after which intoxication does not occur at all. However, retired scouts claim that in fact nothing of the kind has yet been invented and you can only get drunk if you don’t drink at all.

But the same scouts willingly share information on how not to get sick with a hangover while working in different countries. And what is most interesting, all these methods have nothing to do with the secret developments of the special services, but are only centuries-old local traditions.

  1. In Britain so that a person does not get sick for a long time and recover faster, they use a cocktail called "oyster", which means "oyster" in translation: 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil is thoroughly mixed with egg yolk, 1 tsp. cognac, 2 tbsp. l. tomato juice, salt and pepper and drink in one gulp.
  2. To Finland and the traditional anti-hangover method - dry sauna. The temperature inside should not exceed 80 ºС: it is at this temperature that alcohol toxins are best released. Enough 2-3 calls for 5-7 minutes.
  3. IN THE USA for the speedy removal of alcohol from the body, it is advised to drink a small cup of natural bee honey in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. Germans with a hangover, they prefer to eat marinated fish, thickly sprinkled with onions, washed down with yogurt.
  5. Local population Mexico as an anti-hangover remedy, a very spicy and thick vitamin-glycine soup is recommended, made from veal legs, chili peppers, a mass of local spices and cornmeal.
  6. Inhabitants of the Caucasus- People who drink a lot. But if you happen to sort out alcohol, then health is restored here with the help of a special fermented milk product - ayran.

Our country also has its own set of techniques:

  • cucumber brine or sauerkraut brine;
  • hot soup or broth, and after a hot shower and sleep;
  • Take 2 aspirin tablets with 2 glasses of water, drink coffee, eat a slice of lemon with toasted bread and take a shower or a hot bath.

But the most effective way to prevent a hangover was invented in China: during the event, vodka or whiskey is washed down with green tea, which contains so many antioxidants that there is simply no hangover in the morning.

Our life is so arranged that various celebrations and feasts take place in it, at which we have to drink. It’s good when you know the measure and you can stop and refuse to drink in time. But what about those who do not know how to drink at all or cannot refuse, cursing the ill-fated phrase "you respect me." And in the morning a cast-iron head, a severe hangover and other attributes of alcohol intoxication. In this situation, to be able to drink on an equal footing with everyone else, without getting drunk, is simply the greatest gift. There are repeatedly proven techniques that help to stay in solid memory during a feast and not get sick after yesterday.

How to drink and not get drunk

Why drink and not get drunk, you ask, it's better not to drink at all. Of course, you are right. However, there are situations when you need to drink a lot, for example, at a wedding, an important event like a boss’s birthday or a corporate party, etc. In such cases, you need to maintain clarity of thought and vigor of the mind, self-control and adequate memory. To achieve this is not at all difficult, the main thing is to prepare in advance for the planned event.

When drinking alcohol, the fusel oils contained in it penetrate the body. It is they who are responsible for the state of intoxication, which, as you know, occurs when fusel oils destroy brain cells and disrupt the activity of the cerebral cortex.

In accordance with the area of ​​violation, signs of intoxication appear:

  • If the vestibular apparatus is damaged, then balance is lost.
  • The activity of the occipital zone is disturbed - speech is lost or becomes slurred.
  • The "department of morality" suffers - the behavior of the drunk gets out of control.
  • Sometimes even the memory disappears, etc.

Many are sincerely surprised, they say, he used to drink and everything was fine, the whole feast was on his feet, but now he began to get drunk quickly, why. The reason is pretty simple. With frequent alcohol abuse, the work of the human liver gradually begins to be disturbed, the production of specific enzymes that break down alcohol decreases. As a result, the toxic effect of ethanol increases, the liver does not have time to process it, and toxins enter the bloodstream, which accelerates the process of intoxication. Therefore, with the systematic abuse of alcohol, the state of intoxication accelerates over time. And the body, weakened by constant alcohol intoxication, can no longer resist alcohol. What to do in order not to get drunk quickly?

An hour before"

There are many ways. However, it will be much better to prevent a hangover than to suffer from it later. What can be done before the proposed feast.

Two days before the celebration, you need to eat iodine-containing foods like seaweed, squid, mussels, shrimp, etc. By consuming such food, you stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland, which intensively begins to produce hormones that accelerate alcohol oxidation. During the event, it is also recommended to eat seafood.

What else needs to be done is about 5 hours before the event, you need to take 100 g of vodka. In response to the intake of alcohol, the body will begin to produce an enzyme that breaks down alcohol (alcohol dehydrogenase).

This kind of "vaccination" activates the protective reactions of the liver, which in the future will help to avoid severe intoxication.

About an hour before the event, you need to take succinic acid. It will speed up the metabolism and, accordingly, eliminate alcohol faster.

In addition, about an hour before the celebration, take some kind of enzyme preparation like Mezim, Wobenzym, Abomin, Creon.

You can take before the feast to drink 3 tablets of Glutargin (750 mg each), which accelerates the process of removing alcohol decay products.

Following these rules will help to avoid a hangover.
What you need to do before the feast, so as not to get drunk quickly:

Rules of conduct at the table

In order not to get drunk quickly, you need to follow a few rules of the feast:

  • Better to eat. This does not mean plentiful, eating a large amount of food will slow down alcohol intoxication.
  • Drink plenty of additional liquid, ideally lemon juice, grape or apple.
  • Don't mix alcohol. Stop the choice on any one drink.
  • For a snack, it is better to take jelly, marmalade, fish soup, aspic fish. Dishes with gelatin are rich in glycine, which can destroy the breakdown products of alcohol.
  • Try to stick to your individual norm.
  • Take some enterosorbent like activated charcoal, which will absorb all the toxins and remove them. You can take lignin preparations like Polyphepan, Liferan, Lignosorb, etc.
  • Move more. Movement accelerates the process of removing toxic substances. You can just walk.
  • When using cocktail mixes, it is recommended to stop at drinks with citrus.

If you feel a rapid intoxication, it is recommended to induce vomiting. In addition, it is better to stop smoking, which only increases intoxication.
On the video, the rules of behavior at the table, so as not to get drunk quickly:

Psychological preparation

Narcologists also recommend using psychological techniques. You need to think in advance how much alcohol is supposed to drink. To do this, it is recommended to recall past events that were accompanied by severe intoxication. Remember how embarrassed you were. Focus on this moment and determine the limit up to which you can drink, and after which you need to stop drinking.

It will be very useful to remember all the stages of intoxication and clearly define the very non-return, beyond which it is no longer possible to step over. You need to internally tune in to such an outcome of the feast and do not exceed the planned dosages of alcohol.

Folk ineffective recipes

There are many tricks of folk origin that can help avoid rapid intoxication. For example, you can often hear that drinking a raw egg helps with intoxication. If the egg is drunk during or even before the feast, then it will combine with alcohol in a keloid mixture, which will slow down intoxication, but will not prevent it. Therefore, this recommendation does not always work.

No less absurd is the idea of ​​eating a fatty piece of bacon, drinking a spoonful of vegetable oil, etc. The inner surface of the stomach is quite large, so it is simply impossible to eat enough fat to have an effect.

The same myth is the benefits of kefir or milk. Such products are effective for the already existing hangover syndrome, but not before its onset. In addition, when mixing milk with alcohol, the load on the pancreas increases.

So, if you want to stay relatively sober at the feast, then follow the above tips, then the planned event will be worthy.

In our time, alcohol has firmly entered our lives, and not a single holiday or celebration can do without its presence. Very often, the use of alcoholic beverages leads to the fact that the next day a person feels overwhelmed, and his appearance is very wrinkled. On the other hand, some people perceive the refusal to drink alcohol as a personal offense. How not to get drunk when you need to drink a lot is a question that torments many people. But before moving on to this issue, it is necessary to understand what the process of intoxication is.

To get drunk less, you need to use only high-quality alcoholic beverages.

As a result of alcohol consumption, certain parts of the brain are strongly influenced by the active substances of alcoholic beverages. The result of this impact is purely individual and depends primarily on the amount of alcohol consumed. So, as a result of the use of large doses of the drink, there may be such violations as:

  • loss of orientation in space and time;
  • violations of the vestibular apparatus;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • food poisoning;
  • memory loss.

Every person who consumes alcohol has experienced these effects at least once in their life. How to drink and not get drunk, the tricks and methods that will be described below can be conditionally divided into three distinct stages:

  • what to do before the feast;
  • what to do during a feast;
  • what to do after the feast.

In order not to get drunk from alcohol for a long time, there are many different tricks, but the main one is, in the so-called process of "acceleration of the liver". To do this, a few hours before the feast, you must consume at least fifty grams of an alcoholic beverage. As a result of its action, the liver begins to produce certain enzymes responsible for the rapid breakdown of alcohol. You can evaluate the effectiveness of this technique the day after the feast.

The reaction of the body to mixing different alcoholic beverages is unpredictable and manifests itself individually

Another technique involves the use of drugs. Bile collection or Liv 52 tablets improve liver function and speed up the process of bile outflow. As a result of increased breakdown of fats, alcohol ceases to act on a person.

For those who are interested in the question of what to drink before a feast, so as not to get drunk, Vegetable oil is the perfect solution. As a result of its action, the gastric walls are enveloped in a kind of additional layer. It is necessary to carry out this action at least half an hour before drinking drinks. Also, to reduce the effect of alcohol on the body helps dense eating a few hours before the feast. Such a kind of snack should contain as many calories as possible.

There are also pills to not get drunk, they are sold in almost every pharmacy. Preparations such as AlcoClean allow the body to speed up the metabolism, which will lead to the rapid breakdown of the active components of alcoholic beverages.

What to do during a feast

The main recommendation regarding any feast is high-quality alcoholic drinks. A poor-quality product can cause a severe hangover and even acute poisoning. In addition, during the feast, it is advisable to refrain from using cigarettes.

Tobacco enhances the effect of alcohol on the body several times.

Alcohol should be eaten with plenty of hot food

There are many methods for not getting drunk from alcohol, but their main secret lies in the correct use of drinks. So, for example, mixing alcoholic beverages with different degrees leads to unpredictable consequences. In addition, lowering the degree of alcohol is highly discouraged. Drinks should be consumed in ascending order. That is, light beers can be drunk first, then wine and only then vodka. Violation of this sequence will lead to severe intoxication.

An interesting fact was brought by recent scientific discoveries. It turns out that when drinking dark varieties of alcohol, such as whiskey, bourbon or rum, the body experiences a greater load than when drinking drinks that have transparency.

One of the secrets of how to drink vodka and not get drunk is that you need to drink it with juices that contain any type of citrus.

Carbon dioxide contributes to rapid intoxication, so alcohol and soda are incompatible

Aspic and jellied fish are the two main foods that you need to eat so as not to get drunk. These products contain a huge amount of a substance such as glycine. This substance neutralizes harmful toxins that are formed as a result of the breakdown of alcohol. In addition, it is recommended to eat properly.

In order to drink and not get drunk, you need to move as much as possible. You can go to the dance floor or just get some fresh air. However, if the room is too warm, and the street is rather cool, then a sharp change in temperature can lead to even greater intoxication.

A sorbent such as activated carbon- the ideal solution to reduce the effect of alcohol on the body. Its action in the body allows you to speed up the process of disintegration of alcohol. As a result, harmful toxins are eliminated from the body much faster, which minimizes the amount of them that enters the bloodstream.

What to do after the feast

What to do in order not to get drunk before and during the feast has already been considered, it remains to move on to the issue of effective measures upon its completion. The first action to be taken should be going to the toilet. After all the foods consumed during the feast leave the stomach, they accumulate in the intestines. Their long stay can lead to the fact that all harmful toxins will be absorbed by the body through the walls of the intestine.

You can’t abruptly go outside from a warm room in winter, so you will get drunk even faster

It will be useful to use both during the feast and after the usual raw egg. The effect of this method can be compared with the effect of vegetable oil, which was described above. In addition, there are specialized medications that can reduce the effect of alcohol on the body.

The main assistant to get rid of intoxication is sound sleep. However, with a large amount of alcohol drunk, after a person goes to bed, sharp bouts of dizziness begin. In order to minimize them, it is recommended to place the pillows in such a way that it is in a half-sitting position. Subdued light will also help to get rid of this symptom.

Many of the techniques described below can be combined and performed sequentially. Thanks to this, the next morning you will be able to wake up without a headache and other symptoms that accompany a hangover. The right approach to the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages will be the key to health and a neat appearance.
