
Chicken tobacco in the oven. Chicken in the oven: how to cook? Recipes from various cuisines of the world

Fried chicken makes our lives better.
k / f "Servant"

Perhaps one of the most suitable dishes for the given format was and remains the popular tabaka chicken - for some reason it is rarely cooked at home, ordered in restaurant establishments, admired, savored and eulogized by chefs.

Let's change the habitual settings abruptly and invite friends home? For a chicken that we ourselves will cook? Of course, first having figured out how to do this, and finding answers to some “chicken-tobacco” questions.

1. Which is correct - tobacco or tapac chicken?

Do you know why the famous chicken, cooked in such a way that drooling only at the mere mention of the dish, is called tobacco chicken? What does tobacco have to do with it, you know? Or is it more correct - tapaka? Let's figure it out.

First of all, let's start with the fact that, strange as it may sound, to prepare a delicacy with a controversial name, a special delicacy is required - a special frying pan. In fact, we are talking about a flat earthenware vessel, heavy and rather big, called "tapa". Yes, yes, “tapa” - this is where that notorious dog that everyone is looking for is buried. The miracle chest of the Xerox company gave the name to all copiers, diapers from the filing of the Pampers company are often called that, and the banal clay frying pan made the chicken happy, perpetuating itself in the name of the dish with his participation. So pathetic, yes - what did you think? Is it a joke - a piece of clay (and initially a generally suitable flat stone) has become a world famous food?

Oh yes, now about tobacco. The Russian language is a living thing and not at all rigid. It adapts, changes, develops and never stands still. Alive - remember, right? Perhaps, when the name of this dish had just appeared in Russian, it sounded completely in Georgian - წიწილა ტაფაკა, "tsitsila tapaka", but it was only in the very, very beginning. Human people turned it into "tobacco" because it was more convenient and easier. They turned it in the same way as, for example, “pilaf” was made pilaf, and “monti” was made manty.

Disagree with such a weak theory? In one of the discussions, of which there are a bunch and a few more heaps on the Internet, the opponent of “tapak” made an argument: he went through Soviet cookbooks and nowhere (!) Did he find the original Georgian name. In 1959, the Publishing House of the Ministry of Trade of the Georgian SSR published a book by T.P. Sulakvelidze "Georgian Dishes" - and led the recipe for chicken, called tobacco chicken. Do you think they could have made such a mistake in the days of the super-correct Soviet Union? Here's the same thing.

However, there is another version of the name of this dish - and it also has nothing to do with tobacco, although it confirms the correct spelling through the letter B. Philologists believe that initially the word "tabbak" meant something flattened, flat, something squeezed or pressed down. From this word in many languages ​​(not only Georgian - but also, for example, Uzbek) came the words "tapa", "tava", "tobacco" and others, meaning, in fact, the same thing - flat dishes for cooking on fire.

In general, "Magic Food" will call this chicken tobacco chicken in the old fashioned way. Through B. If you do not agree - your right, you can appeal to the pans and stubbornly “tapak”, we will treat with respect and even listen to the arguments, if you suddenly have a desire to discuss a little more.

2. How to choose a chicken?

The first rule is no chickens! Elderly aunts in this case are categorically not suitable, send them to the broth and jelly, let them boil and languish there. You need young, young individuals for a dinner party, not burdened with fat, years and acquired wisdom. Chicken tobacco does not cook for a long time, which is why it is fundamentally important that it be young and cheerful: the younger the bird, the faster it will reach the condition.

The second condition is no frozen broilers and other individuals. Even if the carcasses look beautiful and pink, even if the skin winks at you with a perfect glossy sheen and almost mother-of-pearl tints, even if you are irresistibly drawn by an attractive price, be courageous, hold on and resist! Remember - you want fresh chicken, fresh and chilled, nothing more. Pink meat, no unpleasant odor, no bruising, undamaged skin - don’t try to leave without this, don’t settle for less.

The third is the marinade. Many supermarkets offer ready-to-eat chickens generously sprinkled with salt, red pepper, and sodium gluconate that you can buy, bring home, roast quickly, and eat at dinner. Don't be tempted! Who knows what is hidden under a thick layer of marinade? And who knows what this very marinade is mixed from? Of course, excessive suspicion of a person does not paint, but naive credulity is also not the best jewelry, so the golden mean in this case will be the independent preparation of the marinade - at home, with your own hands, with your own mood and with your pure and kind thoughts.

Of course, the ideal option is farm chicken, grown without hormones and just turned into meat, specially for your order. However, alas, ideals exist mainly in books and dreams, so soberly assess reality and make the best possible decisions that are available to you.

3. How to cook tobacco chicken?

If you suddenly want authenticity and Georgian flavor, go on a trip - moving along the endless roads of Sakartvelo, you will surely stumble upon small bazaars that scatter colorful stalls along the roadsides. There, somewhere in the depths of the country, you will find an old man selling pottery - he makes it himself, firing it in the same oven with which his grandfather, and great-grandfather, and, in general, maybe even great-great-grandfather worked ... There among jugs and wine barrels, among cups and plates, bowls and colanders, you will find your cherished and best tapa in the world.

However, if you agree to the benefits of civilization, look for a special industrial frying pan with a screw lid - it was invented just for cooking tobacco chicken: this is a low thick-walled dish, the upper part of which can be pressed tightly against the meat thanks to a twisting mechanism.

We assume that you don’t have special grilling surfaces made of Georgian clay or devices with screws and bolts hidden in all corners of your house, so we will proceed from what we have. Is there a cast iron skillet? Great, so use it. Not tapa, of course, but also not bad at all.

Instead of a screw mechanism that presses the chicken carcass, providing it with a snug fit to the bottom of the pan, take a pan - preferably made of stainless steel and with a thick, heavy bottom, pour a couple of liters of water inside and boldly put it on the meat. Right here, right on top. Don't worry, it will be what you need. For reliability, you can also put a weight inside!

4. How to cook tobacco chicken in a pan?

A classic is always an excellent result, the most balanced taste, a well-thought-out and proven technology over the years. You can endlessly try to improve the wheel, but in the end you will still come to the same circle, to which nothing needs to be added or taken away.


1 chicken carcass weighing approximately 500 g (700 g is the limit!);
30 g butter;
1 st. l. vegetable oil;
salt, black ground pepper to taste;
4-5 garlic cloves;
3-4 bay leaves.


  1. First of all (boring, but mandatory!) The chicken carcass must be carefully checked for possible remnants of feather-down, cleaned if necessary, rinsed and dried with disposable towels.
  2. Cut the chicken prepared in this way in half lengthwise - from the side of the breast, with a sharp knife or poultry scissors. We open it like a book, put it on a wooden board, cover it with a plastic bag or a piece of cling film and delicately but thoroughly go through the chicken with a culinary mallet. We work especially carefully in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, while remembering: your task is not to crush the bones into crumbs at all, all you need is to make the carcass as uniform as possible in thickness, flatten it. In this embodiment, the meat in all places will require the same time to fry, and the crust will be evenly golden and appetizing.
  3. Now we marinate. Pass the garlic through a press, rub the carcass with salt, pepper and garlic. Often they additionally use traditional Georgian spices (for example, suneli hops), lemon juice, hot peppers, but still the classic version does not require anything other than salt, pepper and garlic (by the way, not all chefs use the latter - it is believed that when frying it gives not a sharp, but a bitter aftertaste, so it is often avoided).
  4. Put the pickled carcass in a bowl, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. If possible, you can increase the marinating time to 12 hours by removing the meat in the refrigerator.
  5. After the specified time, we heat the pan, melt the butter (high-quality, yes? Not a spread, not margarine, not something indistinct with a huge content of milk and whey), add a little vegetable oil (so that the butter does not burn). We take out the chicken, remove the bay leaf and put the carcass “on the shoulder blades” in the pan. We cover with oppression (weighing 2-4 kg) or a special lid (if you are a kitchen kurkul and you have the right frying pan).
  6. Fry over low heat (a little more than the minimum, below average) for 15-20 minutes. Do not try to speed up the process - if the temperature is too high, the meat inside will not reach readiness, it will remain with blood, and given that we are not cooking a steak, but chicken tobacco, this option is not acceptable.
  7. Then we remove the pan, turn the chicken over on the second side, again “crown” it with the pan, and again note the time. After about 15 minutes, the chicken will most likely be ready.
  8. We remove the carcass from the pan, put it on a dish, serve with herbs and vegetables and immediately, immediately serve! Wine is a must, good company is a must, a wonderful mood will appear automatically.

P. S. There is another option for the last stage of cooking tobacco chicken - first, heat the pan to the maximum, put the chicken in the oil with the inside down, fry for 5 minutes under the lid, then turn it upside down, fry for another 5 minutes over high heat, and then reduce the temperature to minimum and cook under pressure for 20 minutes.

5. How to cook tobacco chicken in the oven?

When a popular dish becomes a classic, fantasies about a given theme inevitably appear. If you're a secret retrograde, skip the Oven Tobacco Chicken recipe, you won't like it. However, if you are ready to deviate from the rules and like to try new things, be sure to experiment - who knows, maybe this particular option will become your personal calling card in the field of cooking?


1 chicken weighing 500-700 g;
2 tsp hops-suneli;
5-6 garlic cloves;
salt, black pepper to taste;
2-3 tbsp. l. lemon juice.


  1. So, my beautiful, whole, fresh, not defrosted chicken carcass, dry it with disposable towels and cut it in half along the breast, opening the bird like a book.
    We spread it on the working board with an ugly belly down. A surface that is even in thickness is not important in this case, so you can not beat the chicken, as required by the classical technology. No, you can beat it off, of course, it won’t hurt, but if you don’t want to make noise and wash additional dishes, you can be a little lazy.
  2. We rub the carcass with spices, garlic, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Quietly, so that the home is not accused of lack of measure, we add a little fenugreek, ground coriander, a pinch of red pepper - just because you want it, contrary to all the instructions in the recipe and even common sense.
  3. We remove the chicken in the refrigerator - for 5-7 hours. Well, or cover with a lid and leave on the table for 2-3 hours.
  4. But then we put the chicken on the grate (of course, belly down, back up), put a baking sheet under the grate, where the juice will drain and drip fat (we strongly recommend that you do not forget and pour half a glass of water there - otherwise the fat will burn and poison you plentifully " smoke emission"). And bake - without oppression, but from all sides. To a breathtakingly crispy crust and a stunning golden blush. Temperature - 200 degrees, if possible, turn on both the upper and lower heating, cooking time - about 30 minutes.
  5. All. We take it out, put it on a plate, put it on the table and, burning ourselves, begin to feast.

P. S. But, by the way, if suddenly you absolutely, absolutely in no way, despite hellish efforts and all sorts of tricks, cannot buy a tiny carcass, finding only adult chickens on sale, stop your choice on this recipe - the oven will endure everything, close its eyes to some violations of the canons and even help turn an obvious mistake into a wonderful dinner. Just remember to increase the cooking time.

P.P.S. And one more thing. Yes, yes, tobacco chicken is a “frying pan” dish, but what if you have only one suitable frying pan, and guests are expected for dinner? Why not fry the chickens in turn, forcing people to wait for the second batch of food, while the first is cooling? Do not feed your friends according to the principle “who gets up first, that gets slippers”, that is, a treat? The oven will help you - the standard grate size will completely "shelter" three small chickens at a time.

6. Can you grill tabaka chicken?

On the one hand, not a classic, yeah. On the other hand, tell me, what ancient Georgian, having decided to feed the family with chicken for dinner, went to the kitchen and turned on the gas on the stove? That's right, virtual. The historical Georgian kindled the fire and laid the chicken on the coals. So let's do this, pretending to be a little old Georgians.


2 chicken carcasses weighing up to 600 g;
salt, black pepper to taste.

The “highlight” of this dish is “clean” meat, the smell of a fire, fresh air and a taste of freedom. If you decide to add flavors of spices to this bouquet, be prepared that when cooked on a fire, they will burn mercilessly, which can spoil all the pleasure of the taste of chicken meat. We advise lovers of spices to prepare and serve sauces for tobacco chicken, but when marinating, refuse seasonings, limit yourself only to black pepper and salt.


  1. So, we cut the washed and dried carcass along the breast, open the bird with a “booklet”, put it on the work surface. We press it down with the palm of our hand - so that the small bones crack, the carcass becomes flatter. Then we cover with cling film and beat off - the chicken should become evenly thin (or equally thick) in all convex and not very places.
  2. Rub with salt and pepper, leave for a few hours to marinate.
  3. Then we prepare the coals - the firewood should completely burn out, only after that you can proceed directly to frying the meat.
  4. It is necessary to cook tobacco chicken on a double grill: put the meat on the bottom, cover it with the top, fix it tightly with clamps. Skewers, bamboo sticks, grill pans and other tricks are not an option.
  5. We spread the grate on the grill and fry, periodically turning over, for about 20 minutes. We strictly monitor that the coals do not flare up with fire (burnt meat is not the most exquisite dinner). When tongues of flame appear, we extinguish them with ordinary water (remembering that alcohol, which is so fashionable to pour meat on the grill, on the contrary, provokes an increase in fire). We check the readiness of the chicken with a knife - having cut the meat in its thickest part, we check the juice: if it is transparent, the chicken is ready.
  6. Remove from the grill, transfer to a platter and serve.

P.S. When you fry the chicken on the grill, do not forget to put some vegetables on the grill next to the meat - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, grilled zucchini come out unusually tasty.

7. How else can you cook tobacco chicken?

In general, tabaka chicken, despite its popularity, was and remains a rather "sandwiched" dish - all the fantasies and creative outbursts that can be realized on its basis are mainly associated with the ingredients for the marinade. Someone prepares it on the basis of kefir (a special chic is to find matsoni), and someone wants to add chili peppers, some like the richest and most complex bouquet of all kinds of spices, while others prefer to do with only salt and black pepper, considering this the highest aerobatics in cooking chicken tobacco.

You can experiment with serving chicken on the table. The “pillow” of lettuce leaves and greens, wheat germ and other useful things looks beautiful. It comes out very tasty on a sheet of pita bread - thin bread is soaked in chicken juice and turns into a special delicacy. All sorts of vegetable decor looks beautiful in the spirit of carving lovers (lattices from multi-colored peppers, butterflies from carrots, flowers from tomatoes).

A special chic is to stylishly decorate a dish with tobacco chicken with an almost designer composition of a couple of sprigs of thyme, grilled garlic and some germinated radish seeds or wheat grains, artistically crush with pomegranate and make the last ornate touch in the form of a squiggle from an expensive fancy thick sauce.

In short, there are no limits when it comes to flights of fancy and journeys of the imagination. Buy a ticket and go on your own journey.

8. How to choose a side dish for tobacco chicken?

Get ready for the classic chicken tabaka served and eaten without a side dish. Yes, yes, so brutally, harshly and in an adult way: just a bird, on the bones, without any curtsies in the form of cereals and stewed spinach. Only hardcore! Hardcore and lots and lots of greens - cilantro, parsley, lettuce.

However, who said that you should always do what the rules require? If the soul is thirsty for experiments, serve oven-baked potatoes with tobacco chicken. Well, or think of something like boiled-stewed rice with fried carrots, onions, green peas. Pickles are perfect - homemade, barrel, spicy.

Do fresh vegetables count as a side dish? Then put more of them - tomatoes and cucumbers are just asking for a company with fried chicken. And you can also put the same tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, eggplants, peppers on a frying pan hot after cooking the chicken and lightly fry them. Not a grill, of course, but also nothing.

In general, do as your intuition tells you. And tell the tedious grumbling consciousness that the rules are so boring, well, the right word!

9. What sauces are served with tobacco chicken?

Sauce is such a miracle thing that can turn any dish into a masterpiece, so do not neglect this issue and be sure to prepare several options that can be served with meat.

A classic sauce most often served with chicken tabaka, niortskali is a rustic “talker”: it has a lot of crushed garlic, grated with salt and mixed with water (a drop of vinegar and vegetable oil are “bonuses” for those who need experiments).

You can serve pickled hot peppers, diced and mixed with sour cream. Yogurt, herbs, spices, and garlic are another option. Nuts, tomatoes, greens - the basis for your own experiments. Quince, dogwood, pomegranate juice - ingredients for the brave. If you do not want to fantasize, there is adjika, satsebeli, tkemali. In general, if you want to find something you can definitely.

Whatever your heart desires, by no means choose no sauce as such: this simple touch turns the chicken into a song whose words you want to learn by heart and sing as often as decency allows.

10. What should I do if there is some chicken tobacco left after dinner?

What to do if suddenly not the whole chicken was eaten at dinner? Well, first of all, wonder why you and your guests made such a mistake? Weaklings, and only! They didn’t master the seventh carcass for three - old people! Well, and secondly, to rejoice, of course: tobacco chicken is often used as an ingredient for preparing a host of other dishes, tasty and interesting, and you have a chance to try at least some of them.

What about, for example, borani – a stewed vegetable platter tenderly hugging a layer of fried chicken meat (chicken leftovers, where are you, ay?), all seasoned with matsoni sauce and served hot? Yeah, already intrigued? Cook a double portion of chicken at once - it will not be wasted.

In addition, do not forget that ready-made chicken meat is an excellent basis for all kinds of salads, sandwiches, pates. In general, long live the leftovers!

So, are we cooking tobacco chicken for dinner tonight? It’s nothing complicated, you see, and we didn’t try to talk about special difficulties and technological subtleties, interesting only to those who decide to devote several years of their lives to finding the perfect tobacco chicken recipe, forgetting that the ideal is right there, in your personal attitude to cuisine, people, present, past and future.

Magic Food wanted to inspire you to go to the store today, buy a couple of chickens and a bottle of Georgian wine, call your closest friends on the way home and invite them over. Just. Spontaneously and for no reason. Simply because tobacco chicken is delicious, and your life is one, fleeting and beautiful.

Tabaka chicken - chicken fried in a frying pan under a lid with spices and garlic, one of the most popular dishes of Georgian cuisine. It is more correct to pronounce “tapaka chicken” (from the Georgian “tsitsila tapaka”, the last word is the name of a special Georgian frying pan for cooking this dish).

How to cook tobacco chicken?

A young chicken is cut from the side of the chest, crushed and fried under pressure.

Don't be discouraged if you don't have a special frying pan, you can fry even on a simple clean metal sheet, the main thing is to press the chicken with a press.

Let's tell you how in the oven, the recipe is executed almost the same, and the cooking method is much healthier than frying.

Choose a chicken

Chicken or young chicken should be chosen steamed or chilled, not frozen, weighing no more than 600 g (preferably 400-500 g).


  • chicken - 1 pc.;
  • garlic;
  • (or black and red pepper);
  • fragrant herbs;
  • chicken fat;
  • salt.


First prepare the chicken.

Before frying (or baking), the chicken must be cut from the side of the chest, flattened, flattened (or lightly beat off the carcass from the side of the skin) and marinated. The marinade is best made from a small amount of non-sulphated table white wine with the addition of garlic, red and black pepper, hop-suneli spices and aromatic herbs (parsley, tarragon, cilantro, etc.). If there is no non-sulphated wine, just replace it with water with lemon juice (or cognac), add crushed or crushed garlic, spices and chopped herbs. The marinade should not be too runny. Let the chicken lie down, smeared with marinade, for 2 hours, then wipe it clean with a napkin so that there are no parts of garlic and herbs left, especially on the inside, which will be in contact with the pan (otherwise it will burn). After that, you can still stuff the chicken on the side where the skin is with pieces of garlic.

In another, faster, simplified version, you can simply stuff the chicken, rub with a mixture of garlic juice with salt, black and red pepper and fry immediately. Sometimes the chicken is also smeared with melted natural butter to make it tastier.

Now we are cooking tobacco chicken in the oven.

Melt chicken fat in a frying pan (without a handle) or pour it into the bottom of a ceramic mold. Place the chicken in the pan with the inside down, skin side up. Press down with a smaller lid or an inverted plate. We install the load (for example, a cleanly washed stone). We bake the chicken in a preheated oven until golden brown (the optimum temperature is about 200 ° C, the baking time is about 15-20 minutes on one side, depending on the size of the bird). Then the chicken must be turned over, set the press again and bring to readiness. It is possible without turning over, then the temperature should be lower, and bake a little longer.

Alternatively, you can bake tobacco chicken in the oven on a wire rack.

The grate, of course, must be greased, and a baking sheet should be placed from below, into which the secreted fat and juices will drain. Put the press on for the first 20 minutes, then remove it and bring it to readiness without the press.

Tobacco chicken is well served with spicy sauce.

Tobacco chicken sauce can be prepared in its simplest form with crushed garlic, red pepper, salt and water. Or prepare a hot sauce based on tomato paste with pepper and garlic, you can add lemon juice. You can serve adjika instead of sauce (tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot red peppers, garlic - everything in a blender or through a meat grinder + salt, arbitrary proportions). The sauce can also be prepared from pomegranate juice.

Of course, it is good to serve light table wine or chacha, good grape brandy, fresh vegetables and fruits and Georgian pita bread or yeast-free tortilla with tobacco chicken.

What to cook from meat - recipes

tobacco chicken in the oven

1 hour 15 minutes

220 kcal

4.5 /5 (2 )

Chicken tabaka (tapaka) is a famous Georgian delicacy, which is famous for its crispy crust on both sides and juicy meat. The name of the dish comes from the Arabic word "tabbaq", which means "flattened". This name was attached to it because of the method of its preparation: in the process of cooking, the meat is flattened, making the carcass flatter.

Of course, fragrant chicken rubbed with garlic and spices with a thin and crispy crust will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, today we will learn step by step how to cook this delicacy in a conventional oven. My mother has been experimenting with this famous Georgian dish for a long time. It was she who sent me the recipe for chicken tabaka in the oven along with a photo. So we put on our aprons and get ready to cook.

Servings: our chicken is enough for four servings (or two large ones).

Kitchen appliances and utensils

In addition to the oven, for this dish we need foil, a baking dish, a cutting board, as well as a hammer and a plastic bag for beating meat. So once again we check whether we have everything for cooking.


How to choose the right ingredients

Chicken is the main ingredient in this dish.. During its purchase, we focus on the chest of the carcass: its keel should not stand out. The chicken itself should have a rounded and proportional shape. If he has an unnaturally protruding breast or large shins, you can be sure that he was stuffed with hormones.

Also, before buying a chicken, we take it in our hands and check that there are no hematomas, blood clots under the skin, protruding fragments of broken bones or torn skins on it. If you press the carcass meat with your finger, it should restore its shape within 3-8 seconds . If this does not happen, the chicken is old. Special attention must be paid to its color. The chicken meat should be light pink, the fat should be almost transparent (pale yellow), and the scales on the skin of the legs should be small and light.

Did you know? The skin can tell a lot about the quality of a chicken: it must be clean and dry. If the skin is sticky and slippery, then the chicken was sick, and antibiotics were used to treat it.

Step by step recipe

So, let's take a closer look at how to cook tobacco chicken in the oven.

  1. First we need to prepare the chicken for cooking. We thoroughly wash and clean the meat. Also, do not forget to check that there are no feathers left on the carcass.

  2. Preparing marinade for baking. To do this, we need to chop 3 cloves of garlic. After we shift the chopped garlic into a separate container, add a tablespoon of mustard, spices and pepper (to taste), as well as a teaspoon of salt. Also, do not forget to add three tablespoons of sunflower oil to our marinade. All this is well mixed into a homogeneous mass.

  3. Next, we need to cut the chicken along the breast. Cut it straight down the middle.

  4. After that, we unfold the chicken so that its entire inside is visible.

  5. We take a plastic bag and a hammer for beating meat. So that the splashes of meat do not scatter throughout the kitchen, we place the carcass in a bag. We beat the chicken carefully, on both sides, so that it acquires a slightly flattened shape.

  6. Let's move on to marinating the chicken. To do this, we need to prepare a baking dish. Lubricate it with sunflower oil and put the meat there. Rub chicken thoroughly with seasoning on both sides. After we put it in the refrigerator so that it marinates well (do not forget: in order for the meat to be well soaked, you need to send it to the refrigerator for at least two hours).

  7. After our chicken has marinated, we take it out of the refrigerator, cover the form with foil and send the meat to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. The meat should be baked on both sides for 30 minutes. When cooking tobacco chicken in the oven, you can also bake it in the sleeve.

  8. After the specified time, our dish can be considered ready. We just have to get it out of the oven and put it on a dish for serving.

What is tobacco chicken served with?

Do not forget that tabaka chicken is a Georgian dish, so it is best to serve it accordingly: for this we need garlic sauce, spicy adjika and a lot of greens and vegetables. Also, for a side dish, we can cook rice (best with vegetables) or even bake tobacco chicken in the oven with potatoes. It will turn out very tasty.

Video recipe for cooking chicken tobacco in the oven

If during cooking you have any questions, watch the video, which shows in detail all the stages of cooking tobacco chicken in the oven. Also, with its help, you can check whether you performed all the operations correctly.

Chicken tobacco in the oven. video recipe

Chicken tabaka/tapaka is a very tasty Georgian dish. Traditionally, it is cooked in a special frying pan under pressure, but today we will cook it in the oven. By comparison, oven-roasted chicken is just as tasty as its “classically cooked” counterpart.
Cooking tobacco chicken is not difficult, for this we need:
- a small chicken (about 1 kg);
- sunflower oil (3-4 tablespoons);
- garlic (3 cloves);
- mustard (1 tablespoon);
- salt (1 teaspoon);
- spices to taste (in the video I use red pepper and suneli hops)
Try to cook this, at first glance, a complex dish, believe me, it is very simple. And those who try this chicken will be very pleasantly surprised!!!
Bon appetit and all the best! 😉
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  • Don't have a chicken on hand? We use a broiler. However, it should be less than two kilograms, and it will take a little more time to cook it.
  • To check the readiness of the chicken, pierce it with a toothpick.: if a clear liquid flows out of it, then the dish is ready.
  • If the guests are almost on the doorstep, and there is simply no time to marinate the meat, we simply grease our carcass with mayonnaise or honey with spices and start baking in the oven.
  • Let's not forget that we can also use georgian spices for making tobacco chicken: coriander and suneli hops perfectly emphasize the taste of meat and add spices to it.
  • From the melted fat, we can easily prepare a delicious and spicy sauce. All we need is to take a few cloves of garlic and fresh herbs (dill, parsley, rosemary, cilantro are perfect), chop all this, mix with fat and sour cream and simmer over low heat for ten minutes, stirring constantly. Sauce should be served separately.
  • In order for the skin of our dish to be crispy, in no case should you water the finished chicken with liquid sauce, then it will soften and will not crunch.

Other preparation and filling options

Do not forget that it is traditional. However, there are also many other options for preparing this dish. We can easily experiment with sauces: sour cream or tomato sauce is perfect for this dish.

Chicken tabaka with cheese. 8 minutes before the chicken is fully cooked, we can rub the carcass with cheese. It will turn out very tasty, because chicken with melted cheese goes very well.

Also, this dish can act as an appetizer.. To do this, you need to prepare a special sauce: after baking the chicken, pour the fat into a separate container, add the head of garlic finely grated with salt and pour it all with one glass of boiled water. Whisk the mixture into a thick sauce. Next, we need to cut the finished warm chicken into portioned pieces and put them in a separate glass or earthenware dish. Pour the meat with sauce, cover with a lid and let the dish cool. After we put it in the refrigerator for the whole night (or at least for several hours). When the sauce thickens into a jelly-like form, the chicken can be safely served.

Write in the comments if you have tried to cook tobacco chicken in the oven. Did you like the recipe or are you a supporter of the traditional way of cooking? And also share your own recipes for delicious and juicy tapaka chicken.

Our festive dish is impossible not to recognize. Chicken tabaka has been practically a talisman of Georgian cuisine since Soviet times. Proper tapaka chicken is cooked in a heavy frying pan with a special press lid. By the way, hence its second name.

To cook tobacco chicken in the oven, you will need a small chicken (preferably up to 1 kg), tobacco chicken seasoning, sunflower oil, young garlic, butter, salt and cilantro with bell pepper - for serving. Lemon is optional if you like the taste of sour fried chicken meat.

The chicken is used chilled. The carcass is washed in running water and wiped dry. Excess skin is removed from the tail and insides, if any.

We will cover our workpiece on all sides with cling film.

Beat with a hammer at the junction of the bones, as well as part of the white meat. The shape of the chicken should be as straight as possible.

Now the chicken carcass needs to be well salted by moving it into a kneading bowl.

We all know that tobacco chicken without spices is just a fried bird. Therefore, we will prepare the sauce and marinate our chicken in it. Mix the finished spices with sunflower oil.

Add young garlic chopped on a grater to the sauce (it is more tender when frying). Mix the dressing with a blender until the garlic is broken. If desired, you can drizzle the dressing with lemon juice.

We heat the oven, and in it - a frying pan. Melt three cubes of butter quickly in a frying pan and move our chicken there with the skin down.

In the absence of a frying pan with a press, cover the carcass with an improvised device (you can use a heat-resistant plate or a circle from a collapsible baking dish). Place a heavy container of water on top. Why not "taba"? Send the design to the oven for 60 minutes. Cooking temperature - 180-220 degrees. In the process of frying tobacco chicken in the oven, the carcass must be turned over several times, controlling the heat.

The rich aroma of fried chicken tobacco cannot be confused with any other poultry dish. Carefully transfer the ruddy carcass with a baked crust to a dish, decorate with coriander greens, bell pepper and lemon slices.

Today I am sharing with you one of my favorite chicken recipes. To the table we have fragrant and ruddy .

Why do I love this recipe?

Firstly, cooking chicken tobacco won't take much time. And also the dish itself is tasty, fragrant, inexpensive and blah blah blah ... But this is far from the main thing. For me, the main thing is that the chicken carcass is evenly fried on all sides, which means that absolutely all of its skin will become crispy and tasty. You probably already figured out that this is the part of the fried chicken that I love the most.

I would even say just this one. Evenly cutting off the golden, crispy skin with a thin layer of meat, I usually leave the rest for later. Well, this is such a bad habit))

We will need:

1 medium sized chicken carcass

2 tbsp soy sauce

1/2 tsp dry garlic

ground paprika

black pepper

How to cook tobacco chicken:

    chicken cooking tobacco, let's start by cutting the gutted and washed carcass along the sternum.

    Should you beat the chicken? It depends on the origin of your carcass. If you have a shop bird, then you can not beat it off, the meat will be soft anyway. If you have a home broiler, but the cut bird carcass must be covered with cling film and lightly beaten with a culinary mallet on both sides. If you have a domestic chicken that is not a broiler breed, then it is better not to cook tobacco chicken from it at all.

    Rub chicken on both sides with salt and soy sauce. Then rub in the spices. If you have time, then the bird can be marinated by putting it in a plastic bag for 30-40 minutes. If there is no time, then in principle everything is ready for further cooking.

    As we will cook chicken tabaka in the oven, prepare the grate, lightly grease it with vegetable oil. We heat the oven to 180C.

    We “open” the carcass and put it back up on the grate. We put in a preheated oven. We put a baking sheet with a thin layer of water under the grate so that the fat dripping from the chicken does not burn and does not smoke. In the oven, it is desirable to turn on convection.

    Now our will cook for 30-40 minutes (depending on the size and breed of the bird). 5 minutes before the end of cooking, drain the water from the pan and turn on the grill so that the back of the chicken is browned.
