
Sour cucumbers for the winter. Pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter are like barrel ones: a proven recipe

The theory of an ideal appetizer, I don’t remember who formulated it (maybe even by me), believes that an appetizer should be simple. Snacks should be affordable and timely. It must be delicious. And the pickle from it should treat in the morning what is popularly called "hangover".

This theory fits perfectly: sauerkraut is the most ideal snack - I love them, as well as pickled cucumbers.

During my childhood, my grandmother in the village in the summer salted and fermented all kinds of garden vegetables, including cucumbers. In the village, cucumbers were sown a little - some a couple of acres. With constant care, weeding, pest control, the cucumber harvest was always excellent, even despite the raging phyto-sores. Cucumbers were salted in a huge oak barrel, I can’t even remember how big. I was small then, and the barrel seemed huge to me! And in winter, pickled cucumbers were dug out of the barrel with a bare hand, and were used just like that, and as an appetizer for a fiery rural pervak.

I still can not reliably figure out how to properly - sour, salt, or something else. Apparently, after all, sour.

Salting is a way of preserving food by preserving it in salt - dry, or in the form of brine. The increased salt content kills microbes, thereby preserving the product for a long time. Cucumbers are salted by simply pouring them with saline and keeping them in barrels for a very long time. This is how salted cucumbers are made (I don’t like them since childhood). As soon as the cucumbers are salted, they become lightly salted, they are immediately eaten.

Marinated - cucumbers are marinated with vinegar and canned. Also a product for an amateur.

In my opinion, pickling is the best way to preserve cucumbers. Actually pickled cucumbers are a combination of pickling and fermentation. That's what they did when I was a kid. The essence of fermentation is the formation of lactic acid, which has preservative properties. The exquisite taste of pickled cucumbers is provided precisely by lactic acid.

pickled cucumbers can be stored in the cellar in oak barrels. But in a city apartment, it is better to preserve them after fermentation. My mother still does this, rolling pickled cucumbers into liter jars, which are on the shelf, at room temperature, in cloudy brine, and never spoil or “explode”. Amazing process.

And in winter, as needed, pickled cucumbers are used: just like that, and as an appetizer, and in, and you can even cook meat or.

Pickled cucumbers in jars. Delicious!

Ingredients (8-10 cans)

  • Cucumbers 8 kg
  • Pickling "broom" 1 bunch
  • Garlic 3 heads
  • Non-iodized rock salt taste
  1. In home canning pickled cucumbers, three stages can be distinguished. Salting, canning, consumption.
  2. By far the most enjoyable is the use. It's hard to argue here.
  3. First you need to choose cucumbers. Best suited are small and green cucumbers, a pleasant green color and black pimples. For some reason, it is believed that cucumbers with white pimples are not suitable for pickling. Didn't check, I confess. Hollow and bitter cucumbers do not salt, you can ruin everything. It is important that the size of the cucumbers allows you to put them in a liter jar, and tightly enough.
  4. Cucumbers must be sorted out, removing ponytails, damaged fruits and any debris. Next, wash the cucumbers well. Very carefully and under running water. Cucumbers must be soaked in cold water for several hours. Then rinse again.
  5. You need a salting "broom". Its composition is the subject of endless discussions. But, as experience shows, grannies at the local bazaar will advise on this issue at the level of an academician. Usually, the "broom" includes whole stems of mature dill (with seeds), a currant branch with leaves, fennel, sometimes an oak branch, and almost always a cherry branch. An obligatory component is horseradish leaves. Usually such a broom is sold either fresh or dry. What actually for salting is almost indifferent. The broom should be washed and cut into large pieces - in pieces as wide as the width of the palm.
  6. Garlic, of course, young - this year. Remove all teeth from the husk and wash.
  7. It is better to ferment cucumbers in a barrel. But if you are going to preserve cucumbers in jars, then you can use an ordinary enameled bucket. The bucket should be placed in a large and deep bowl - a basin.
  8. Place cucumbers tightly in a bucket, sprinkling with peeled garlic cloves.
  9. On top of the bucket, leave a space approximately the width of the palm of your hand. And lay the chopped and washed pickling broom on top.
  10. Next, the salting process begins. Pour ordinary water into a regular three-liter jar. room temperature. You will need 1.5-2 cans per bucket. Pour 6 (six) tablespoons of non-iodized rock salt into each jar. Salt - without a slide. It's hard for me to say how much it is in grams, look at the photo. But, an important point, do not oversalt, otherwise it will not be fermentation, but salting. Just today they were finishing conservation, a neighbor came to “clarify” the amount of salt, because. overdid it last year. Addendum: I did not immediately realize just to weigh - weighed. It turns out that 6 of those spoons of salt weighed 120-130 grams.
  11. Stir salt in water until completely dissolved. Pour the saline solution into a bucket with prepared cucumbers. It is necessary that the brine completely covers the cucumbers and partially the “broom”.
  12. Top the cucumbers with a flat circle or an inverted plate. And upload! Yes, you don’t need to put a pound weight on top, so you can crush the cucumbers. A three-liter jar of water is enough.
  13. Now push the basin with the bucket into a corner, away from the sun and light. And forget about cucumbers for 4 days.
  14. If the room is hot, fermentation will be very fast, and most likely three days will be enough. By the way, in a day the cucumbers will be lightly salted, and they can already be “tasted”. But, don't get carried away!
  15. As a result, the taste of cucumbers should be - still slightly salted, but have already begun to sour. Something average. A cloudy white color of the brine will indicate that lactic acid fermentation is proceeding successfully.
  16. On the 5th day, we start canning.
  17. I recommend using liter jars. Very comfortably. Suitable size. The remains of the pickling broom, garlic - discard. Strain the brine from the bucket and pour into a large enamel pan. Put the saucepan on fire. Attention! Watch out for foam. The foam rises quickly. The foam should be removed with a wooden spoon.
  18. In the meantime, arrange the cucumbers in jars.
  19. As soon as the brine boils - pour into jars with stacked cucumbers.
  20. Pour the pickle on the cucumbers to the very top.
  21. Next, cover the jars with a clean towel and leave for 7-8 minutes.

From childhood, the familiar taste of pickled cucumbers does not lose its attractiveness for the adult population. Cucumbers plucked from the garden and pickled without any “chemistry” are one of the most popular summer pickles. Crispy and fragrant, they are good both as an independent dish and as an ingredient for many salads, all kinds of pickles and stewpans.
Do not be surprised that the housewives have come up with more than a dozen recipes for preserving this beloved and popular pickle for the winter.
At home, to store pickled cucumbers, you will need a cool basement or balcony; you won’t be able to keep them in the apartment. However, the effort spent is worth it, you can enjoy crispy greens with the aroma of summer all winter. Here is a simple recipe, it will allow you to pickle very tasty pickled pickled cucumbers.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients for a 2 liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 1–1.1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 70 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • spices for fermentation (for each jar) - 2 cherry leaves, dill umbrella, 2 currant leaves, a small horseradish leaf.

How to cook pickled pickles

First, we make the marinade: pour warm water into a deep bowl, add table salt to it (it should completely dissolve), let it cool.

We prepare the container: put spices on the bottom of a dry glass jar (leaves of cherry, horseradish, currant and dill umbrella). We leave a couple of leaves, put them in the middle of the jar. We put cherry and horseradish leaves down, they are good for giving cucumbers crispy properties.

Cooking cucumbers: we take even and strong cucumbers (you can also overripe, but this is not for everybody). In the jar, they should be the same size (this will allow them to evenly soak in the marinade). We wash them from dirt and sand, wipe them well with a washcloth (to remove prickly pimples), cut off the tips. Let the water drain.

We put cucumbers in jars with spices, in the middle of the jar we put prepared leaves again, then cucumbers again.

Garlic cloves will be on top and pour marinade.

Now the finished jars need to be closed with lids (but not tightly) and put in a dark place at room temperature. They will stay for about 3 days. During this time, the cucumbers will change their color, and the liquid will become cloudy, whitish. The readiness of pickles can be judged by the following sign: in jars of bright green cucumbers, they will become paler. However, small islands of bright greenery will still remain on them (these cucumbers will be crispy and moderately salty).

Before corking the jars, boil the marinade, and wash the lids well. Fill jars with hot marinade and turn over. Wrap well with a blanket.

After 12 hours, pickled pickles are placed in a cool, dark place for storage. You can eat after 1-1.5 months.
Advice. It is better to put jars in large small plates, while the cucumbers “reach”, the marinade can flow through the top.

Since ancient times in Rus', it was customary to pickle cucumbers, and not salt them. Pickled cucumbers have a sour-salty flavor and a pleasant aroma that instantly spreads throughout the house. They fermented vegetables in oak barrels - tubs, in large quantities, so that it was enough for the whole winter. Now few people have tubs, but they can be replaced with ordinary cans. Simple recipes will help to prepare cucumbers pickled for the winter in a cold way in jars.

The main difference between sourdough and pickles is the fermentation process, which lasts from 4 to 7 days. It is due to fermentation that cucumbers acquire a sour taste. The process proceeds at room temperature, in a cool room the intensity decreases. When fermenting for 3-4 days, a foam forms on the surface - it must be removed. This is a sure sign that everything is going as it should, and soon the cucumbers will be ready.

The easiest way


  • 2-2.5 kg of selected cucumbers;
  • 4 tbsp salt;
  • 5-6 dill umbrellas;
  • 8-10 black peppercorns;
  • 7-8 cloves of garlic.


Vegetables are soaked in clean water and left to soak from the ground for 2-4 hours. Clean fruits are taken out, blotted with a towel and cut off the ends with a knife.

Put garlic with pepper and dill in a dry jar. On top of them are cucumbers in a row.

Important! No need to fill the jar to the very top, the water should cover the entire fruit.

Fall asleep with salt and pour clean, but cool water. Cover the container with a lid and leave to ferment for 5-7 days.

At the end of the time, the brine is poured from the container into the pan, boiled and poured back into the jar. The workpiece is sterilized in boiling water for 15-20 minutes, after which the lid is tightly closed and the container is allowed to cool for at least 10-12 hours at room temperature.

Pickled cucumbers with horseradish

To diversify the taste of the workpiece, additional components are often added to it, for example, horseradish. Horseradish root is better to take a fresh crop, it is more fragrant.


  • 2.5-3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2-3 horseradish roots;
  • 5 tbsp salt;
  • garlic cloves - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pepper, peas - 3-5 pcs.


The horseradish root is washed and the top layer is removed. Then, with a knife or with a grater, horseradish is crushed and placed on the bottom of a clean container.

Cucumbers are washed with water, the ends are cut off and placed in a jar. Put garlic and peppercorns to the fruits.

In a saucepan, water is slightly heated to a temperature of 35-40 degrees and salt is dissolved in it. Gherkins are poured with a fresh warm solution and left in the apartment for 5-6 days for ripening.

When the vegetables are fermented, the liquid is drained and brought to a boil three times in a row. Cucumbers are poured with a hot mixture to the very top and rolled up with lids.

Store in the refrigerator or in any cool place where the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees.

Country-style pickled cucumbers

If there is a bowl or bucket at home, then you can ferment cucumbers according to one old method. Before cooking, the basin or bucket is well washed with soda powder and doused several times with boiling water.


  • gherkins - 2.5-2.8 kg;
  • dill umbrellas - 5-8 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • a couple of peas of cloves;
  • 4-5 oak leaves.


Wash the cucumbers and remove the stems. Transfer the vegetables to a bowl.

Garlic is peeled and divided into cloves. Teeth are added to vegetables.

Oak leaves are placed on top and under the fruits, cloves and salt are poured into the workpiece.

Pour 4 liters of warm water into the basin. Place a plate on top of the cucumbers and press firmly. A jar of water or other oppression is placed on a plate.

Wait 5-6 days for the leaven to run out. The brine is drained and boiled for 5-6 minutes on fire. Cucumbers are laid out in clean jars and poured with hot brine. The jars are sterilized in the oven for 10-15 minutes, after which they are closed with nylon lids and put into the cellar after cooling.

Spicy Pickled Cucumbers

To make cucumbers a little spicier, red chili peppers are used in cooking. The seeds are pre-taken out, otherwise the workpiece will turn out to be too sharp.


  • 2-2.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 tbsp salt;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • dill - 5 umbrellas;
  • red chili pepper - 2 pcs.


Garlic and dill are placed at the bottom of a clean, dry jar. Cucumbers are laid out in a stack.

Red pepper is cut into small pieces with a length and width of not more than a centimeter. Pieces are inserted between cucumbers.

The water is slightly heated (3-3.5 liters) and the salt is dissolved. Pour salt water into a jar and cover the throat with gauze.

The contents are fermented for 4-6 days. When the foam no longer forms, the brine is drained and boiled 2-3 times for 5 minutes on the stove.

Pour gherkins with boiling brine and roll up the lid. The jar is turned over and placed on the lid. In this form, it should cool to room temperature, then it is removed for storage.

Important! After opening, the blank is stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month.

with spices

The taste of cucumbers can be supplemented with fresh currant or raspberry leaves, as well as cherry leaves. All foliage is torn off on the day of preparation or the day before. The fresher the leaves, the more aroma and taste the vegetables will receive.


  • 3-3.2 kg of gherkins;
  • 5-6 leaves of cherry and black currant;
  • dill seeds, 2 pinches;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.
  • 4 tbsp salt.


The fruit is cut off the tails and placed in a jar. When one row of cucumbers is planted, cherry and currant leaves, garlic are placed between the rows and on top, and seasoned with a pinch of dill seeds.

Lay another row of cucumbers smaller in size than the previous ones. Top again covered with the remnants of leaves and garlic.

Pour salt into a jar and pour 4 liters of water. Shake the contents so that the salt disperses throughout the volume, and leave to ferment for 5-6 days.

After the starter is finished, the workpiece is sterilized in hot water for at least half an hour. Close the lid and let the jar cool. You can try cucumbers in 2-3 weeks, when their taste becomes as spicy as possible.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter with mustard

If there is mustard powder at home, it will be a good addition to pickled cucumbers. For lovers of vigorous snacks, the amount of powder in the composition can be doubled. Instead of mustard powder, mustard from a tube is suitable, it has a pleasant texture and mixes well with water.


  • gherkins - 2-2.2 kg;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • dill umbrellas - 5-6 pcs.;
  • mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • 4-6 currant leaves.


From the washed gherkins, cut off the ends and send them to a sterilized container. Add dill umbrellas, garlic and currant leaves to the cucumbers.

Salt with mustard is dissolved in water and the contents of the jar are poured with saline solution.

Cucumbers are fermented for 5-6 days, then the juice is filtered through gauze and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes.

Attention! If the amount of brine has noticeably decreased, add a glass of water to it.

The brine is poured into jars and sterilized in boiling water for 15 minutes. Store cucumbers in a dark place, away from heat sources. The shelf life is at least one year.

Pickled cucumbers are served at the table as an appetizer for meat or vegetables. Their taste goes well with fragrant fried potatoes or stewed cabbage. Pickled cucumbers are added to a hodgepodge or vegetable stew. A universal blank will always come in handy in the kitchen if it is at hand in the refrigerator.

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The cold way of harvesting cucumbers is a fermentation process, which gives a sour taste to the fruits. In order for the product to accumulate acid and become ready for use, at least 5-7 days must pass.

"Salting cucumbers in a cold way with mustard"

The recipe has gained its popularity due to the ease of preparation and the output of crispy and tasty cucumbers. You can pickle vegetables in a wooden barrel or in jars.


  • fresh cucumber - 15 kg;
  • garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • dill branches with a whisk - 500 grams;
  • cherry leaves - 150 grams;
  • horseradish - 1 root;
  • water - 10-11 liters;
  • table salt (not iodized) - 6 tbsp. l;
  • dry mustard powder ¾ cup.

Cooking steps:

Clean the cucumbers from the ground.

Prepare all other ingredients. Wash dill, cherry leaves under running water. Peel the garlic from the husk, rinse.

If desired, trim off the ends of the fruit.

Immediately divide the greens into parts for convenience (depending on the number of jars in which you will close the cucumbers).

At the bottom of a glass container, put a sprig of dill, a few cherry leaves, two or three garlic cloves cut in half.

Place the cucumbers upside down in an upright position to fit as many as possible in the jar.

After the first layer of fruits, put more greens, leaves and garlic. Thus, fill the jar to the top.

After filling all the glass containers, prepare the brine. Take the indicated amount of cold water, add salt and mustard, stir until the ingredients are completely combined.

Fill the jars with the resulting brine. At first, the cucumbers will be cloudy. This is normal, turbidity gives mustard powder. After a while, it will settle and become translucent.

Put capron lids on the jars. Before use, soak them in boiling water so that they fit tightly on the jars.

Take the resulting blanks to the cellar or basement. Leave in a warm place is not worth it, they can strongly ferment and deteriorate. Cucumbers will be ready in 25-30 days.

"Drunken Cucumbers"

Vodka is used to make pickled cucumbers, which is why the recipe got its name. Vegetables after fermentation are unusually tasty. And besides, the strong drink allows you to maintain the quality indicators of the product for a long time. Close a small batch first, otherwise you won't like them all of a sudden.


  • 2 kilograms of small cucumbers;
  • 10 cherry leaves;
  • 4 pieces of green horseradish leaves;
  • 5 sprigs of dill;
  • garlic 5 cloves;
  • 7-8 peppercorns;
  • 70 milliliters of vodka of any brand;
  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. table salt.

Cooking steps:

Sort the cucumbers and wash several times to completely clean them from the ground.

Soak them in cold water for several hours.

While the cucumbers are soaking, prepare the jars. Take liter jars, wash them with soda. Rinse well in clean water several times. It is not necessary to sterilize the containers if you washed them with soda.

At the bottom of sterilized jars, put a sprig of dill, a couple of cherry leaves, a clove of garlic cut in half, peppercorns.

Place the vegetables in a jar, lining them with dill sprigs.

After the vegetables are put in a jar, prepare the brine. Take cold water, add salt and stir until completely dissolved.

Fill the jars with the resulting brine, leaving a little space for vodka.

Two kilograms is about enough for 3 liter jars. Divide the vodka into three parts. Pour it over the brine.

Close glass containers with capron lids.

Cucumbers will be ready in a month. Store them in a cool and dark place. Their shelf life is up to two years.

When pickling cucumbers, do not use iodized salt.

"Mega Crispy Cucumbers"

When pickling fruits, it is not necessary to add vinegar as a preservative to make them crispy. This is one of the few recipes that you will definitely write down in your recipe book.

Required products:

  • one and a half kilograms of cucumbers;
  • dill (stems with inflorescences) - 5-6 pieces;
  • horseradish leaves - 3 pieces;
  • capsicum - 2 pieces;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • peppercorns - 4 pieces.

The presented amount of products is enough to fill a three-liter jar.

Cooking steps:

Wash and sterilize the required number of jars.

Wash the vegetables and soak them for 3 hours.

While the cucumbers are soaking, rinse the greens and peppers.

Cut the pepper into small pieces, while removing all the seed chambers.

Next, make the brine. A jar will require 1.5 liters of cold water and 4 tablespoons of salt. Combine salt and water together.

Put the cucumbers in a jar, shifting them with herbs and peppers, peppercorns.

Pour the cucumbers with the prepared brine.

Close with capron lid. Leave to ferment for 4-5 days in a room.

Then drain the brine and pour clean water into the jar.

Roll up the jars with metal lids and put them in the cellar for storage.

"Cucumbers under a nylon lid"

A feature of the recipe for pickling cucumbers is the addition of currant and cherry leaves. Try to buy homemade vegetables. In cases where you bought store-bought cucumbers, cut off their ends. This will protect you from the nitrates that they may contain.

Ingredients for three one-liter jars:

  • small cucumbers - 2 kilograms;
  • garlic - 3 cloves from the head;
  • capsicum - 1 pc.;
  • table salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • cherry and blackcurrant leaves - 5 pieces each;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • one sheet of horseradish;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking steps:

Wash the cucumbers and soak for 2 hours in cold water so that they are saturated with water.

When the vegetables are infused in water, prepare the container. Wash the required number of jars, sterilize.

Peel the garlic from the husk, and capsicum from the seeds.

Wash dill, garlic, pepper and leaves. Cut garlic and pepper into several pieces.

Put the prepared products in jars, evenly distributing all the ingredients.

Set the filled containers aside, and start preparing the brine yourself. Pour the salt into the water and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Pour salt water into jars and close with nylon lids.

Place them in a cool place immediately.

  1. In order for the cucumbers to be crispy, you should not tamp them very tightly.
  2. Choose fruits with pimples. They are considered the most delicious. Smooth vegetables are not recommended, they can become soft after fermentation.
  3. Soak cucumbers in cold water before putting them in jars to keep them firm. In addition, soaking will remove some of the accumulated nitrates.
  4. Try cucumbers before buying. They don't have to be bitter.
  5. Do not use tap water for salting. Buy water purified from impurities. Chlorinated liquid is not at all suitable for pickling cucumbers.
  6. Rinse dill, leaves and cucumbers themselves several times so that no dirt remains on them. If part of the soil or dust gets into the jar along with the products, mold will begin and the pickles will only have to be thrown away.

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As folk wisdom says, a good snack is a simple snack. In general, it is ideal when conservation remains waste-free. Agree, it’s nice to eat a crispy pickled cucumber with your favorite side dish in winter, and leave the brine for that terrible morning when, due to a hangover, you can’t even raise your head from the pillow.

Barrel pickled cucumbers are a taste from childhood. Remember, in kindergarten, and even at school in the winter, they gave a portion of half-cooled mashed potatoes and a ring of pickled cucumber. By the way, such crispy fruits can be easily prepared on your own and without much effort.

From time immemorial, pickled cucumbers for the winter in huge oak barrels. Their preparation and unique taste are created by lactic acid bacteria, which are released during fermentation of vegetables. Because of this, a white film appears on the finished cucumbers, and the brine becomes cloudy white.

You can prepare a snack for the winter in any container convenient for you. It can be a jar, and a pan, and a bucket, and even a barrel, depending on the extent to which you close the preservation. The taste of cucumbers does not change due to the fact that they are closed in a barrel way or in an ordinary three-liter jar. The main thing is to choose a recipe that suits your taste.

There are many recipes for pickled cucumbers. But pickled cucumbers with mustard and other additives are made on the basis of one recipe. And now we will get acquainted with it.

Recipe for fermentation for the winter

Delicious crispy snack being prepared from these products:

If you have additional spice preferences, then feel free to add your favorite ingredients. Try experimenting with natural flavors - make an additive from twigs and leaves of oak, cherry, raspberry. If you like spicy, try adding mustard to the brine. Be prepared for the fact that the preparation will take at least five days.

We prepare our cucumbers in this way:

But with conservation, everything is not so simple.

Preservation in banks

Unfortunately, in the refrigerator, cucumbers will not last longer than two weeks, but you want to enjoy a snack during the winter holidays or after them. Therefore, you will have to close pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter. We do it this way:

Pickled ones are ready and no worse than barrel ones. A simple recipe that does not require special costs and products. Bon appetit! Cook with pleasure.

Tricks of hostesses

An important rule that you need to remember in order to prepare a unique snack is to choose young, non-bitter cucumbers without cavities inside (although such fruits are often chosen in industrial production). Also pay attention to the fact that cucumbers with black “pimples” on the skin are the most delicious.

Garlic in cucumbers is better to use winter. It has large teeth, so it is easier to clean.

Note! Iodized salt is by no means suitable for the preparation of preservation. On the contrary, it may spoil the taste, or your jars may even explode.

After the foam has settled, let the cucumbers stand for at least 12 hours if you want to insure against the possibility of the jar exploding.

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