
How to cook belish step by step recipe. Recipe: Big belish - Zur belish - Tatar cuisine for a large family

Zur-belish (zur-belish), a large pie with potatoes and meat is a traditional Tatar dish. The upper part of the freshly prepared pie is divided among all members of the feast, the filling is eaten with the help of cutlery. When chilled, the cake is freely cut into portioned pieces and cutlery is no longer required.

The dough for making zur-belish can be based on sour cream (mayonnaise / margarine / butter or vegetable oil), water (milk / kefir) is added, and slaked soda is also used as an option. Some recipes include an egg. One way or another, regardless of the ingredients, the dough should turn out to be elastic so that the cake does not crack during baking.

Meat can be taken what is available. If lean meats are used, then you need to add a few pieces of butter on top of the filling before closing the pie.

For test:
wheat flour 500 g
refined vegetable oil 5 tbsp
water 150 ml
fine salt 0.5 tsp
For filling:
potato 1 kg
beef 250 g
mutton 200 g
chicken fillet 300 g
onion 400 g
Bay leaf 1-2 pcs
pepper and salt mixture taste
For greasing the mold and cake
butter 30-40 g
And further:

Some broth may be required.
The diameter of the used roaster for baking: 30 cm along the top edge.

1. Sift the flour for the dough into a spacious bowl, add salt. Pour in water and vegetable oil.

2. First, with a spoon, and then with your hands, knead a homogeneous dough.

3. Cover the dough with cling film or a lid. Leave for 30 minutes at room temperature. The dough will “rest”, the flour gluten will swell and the dough will become more pliable and obedient.

4. Rinse the meat, dry with a towel, cut into small pieces.

5. Peel the potatoes, also cut into small cubes (about 1 cm in size). So that the potato does not darken, it is necessary to place it in water until the moment of use.

6. Peel and chop the onion. Combine chopped meat, potatoes and onions. Salt, pepper the filling to taste. Mix.

7. Divide the dough into three parts: one is the size of a small walnut, and the remaining dough is divided into about 1/3 and 2/3.

8. Most of the dough is used for the bottom. This part of the dough should be thinly rolled into a round layer, the diameter of which is much larger than the size of the baking dish. This is necessary for the formation of the sides.

9. Put the dough for the bottom of the pie into a buttered mold.

10. Lay out the filling, add a couple of bay leaves inside.

11. The dough for the "lid" is also thinly rolled out. Spread on top of the filling. Fasten the "lids" with the sides, pinching the edges. Make a small hole in the “lid”, about 2 cm in diameter, place a ball of dough into this hole.

The pie is baked in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 2-2.5 hours. After the specified time, you can reduce the temperature to 150-100 degrees and simmer the cake for about an hour. If the top starts to brown too much, cover the cake with foil. Periodically, you should lift the round ball of dough and see if there is liquid inside. If necessary, you need to add broth inside the pie.

12. Remove the hot finished cake from the oven. Brush the top with a piece of butter. Cover with foil/lid/flat dish.

13. Wrap in a warm blanket or scarf. Let the cake rest for half an hour. This technique will give softness and tenderness to the dough.

Zur-belish is ready! Bon appetit =)

Balesh is a famous festive Tatar pie baked from tender dough on sour cream with a nutritious and juicy meat and potato filling. He is able to gather at the table the whole large and friendly family.

According to the method of preparation, the Tatar balesh slightly resembles a Russian kurnik with meat and potatoes, but oriental cuisine has always been famous for its interesting and original pastries. The belish recipe (correct name) is one of the original ones. The hat of the pie must certainly open in order to add broth to the filling during baking and thereby turn the product into a stunningly juicy dish.

Today we will cook this amazing traditional Tatar pie together.

To prepare the Tatar pie Balesh (Belish), we take the products from the list and immediately begin the process.

First, a soft sour cream dough is kneaded. Sour cream, mayonnaise and sunflower oil are added to the bowl (can be replaced with butter).

A soft ball that does not stick to the bowl is formed, which, in turn, is removed in a plastic bag, and then in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Now the stuffing. Beef (veal) is slightly frozen. Cut into cubes and put in a bowl.

And onions are also cut into cubes. Let's clean it up first.

Potatoes are also cut into cubes, and pre-peeled.

Greens for the Tatar pie need to be chopped, in our case, the frozen version. Then mix with salt and season with pepper if desired.

After that, all the ingredients are well mixed into minced meat.

Let's move on to the formation of the balesh. Yes, by the way, small whites appeared after the big Tatar pie. The dough is divided in half and a round 5 mm cake is rolled out of one part. We cover the baking dish or pan with the cake so that the edges of the dough hang outward.

The stuffing is sent to the mold.

After that, the edges of the dough are pulled up to the center and overlapped, leaving a round space in the middle, as shown in the photo.

The second part of the dough is also rolled out into a cake, but smaller, with a hole in the center. Layers of dough are tightly fastened with tucks to each other. For convenience, the hands are "dipped" in flour. Through the hole in the cap, we will add the broth to the cake.

The hole is closed with a ball of dough. The cake goes into the oven for 2 hours. Temperature - no more than 180°C. If it seems to you that the product begins to brown too quickly, cover the top with a sheet of foil, and if desired, the surface of the cake can be smeared with egg yolk - for more goldenness.

30 minutes before readiness, the dough ball is carefully removed with a knife. Hot broth (beef, chicken) is poured into the filling through a hole in the hat.

Tatar pie Balesh is baked! The finished dish is served hot in a pan.

Remove the cap from the top of the pie. The filling is laid out on plates with a spoon along with pieces of dough.

If you decide to cool the cake slightly, you will be able to remove it from the pan and transfer it to a serving platter. Have a nice feast to you and your guests!

Belesh is a famous Tatar dish, very tasty and nutritious. No holiday meal is complete without it, give it a try and you'll want to try it again!

The recipes for its preparation are very different, but the traditional ingredients are potatoes, beef, onions. This national dish is a large closed pie, which is formed into a rounded shape and put a large amount of filling.

For cooking we need:

For filling:

  • Beef pulp 500 gr.
  • Potatoes 15-17 pcs.
  • Onion 7-8 pcs.
  • Cumin or dill seeds 1/3 tsp
  • Salt, ground black pepper to taste

For test:

  • Melted animal or vegetable fat 2-3 tbsp.
  • Water 200 gr.
  • Flour 2 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste


Pour water, salt, melted animal or vegetable fat into a bowl (you can use ordinary sunflower oil) - mix well with a whisk. Add the sifted flour and knead the dough. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, it is ready. Cover with a clean napkin or towel and leave to "rest".

Let's start preparing the filling. Peel the onion, rinse in cold water and chop finely. We wash the beef pulp, cut into cubes.

Wash potatoes thoroughly, peel and cut into cubes. In a large bowl, combine the filling, add salt, pepper, cumin or dill seeds, mix. The filling is ready.

We divide the dough into 4 parts - the first is a little more than half, from the second we form a circle with a diameter of about 2 cm, and divide the rest into 2 parts. We roll out the largest part with a rolling pin, if necessary, sprinkle with flour so that it does not stick to our hands and the board. The thickness should be approximately 2-3 mm. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil and put the rolled dough there. Gently put the filling and pinch the edges.

We also roll out two identical pieces, cut one part into segments, lay it on the second circle and pinch along the edges.

Then we connect the edges of the cut part. Cut a hole in the center and cover with a circle with a diameter of about 2 mm.

Balish is one of the most hearty, delicious and popular dishes of Tatar cuisine. It belongs to the category of ritual dishes: not a single Tatar wedding can do without it. Balish is also prepared for other festive occasions, as it symbolizes prosperity and well-being. In fact, there are two types of balish: zur and wak. The first option is a large closed pie, the second is pies, which are both closed and open. The filling for zur-balish has a traditional composition, laid out in layers, the preparation of wak-balish allows more freedom. Each Tatar prepares both options for baking in her own way. The main difference is in the composition of the test. The traditional dough for balish is made bland, but modern housewives prefer to cook it with fermented milk products. Some put it on yeast, but then the preparation of the pie takes a long time. The taste of the dish depends on the test, so its choice should be taken seriously.

Cooking features

The preparation of unleavened and yeast dough cannot be the same, the technology varies, but a few rules will be required regardless of the recipe if you want to achieve the best result.

  • It is customary to use high-quality wheat flour for balish dough, containing a large amount of gluten. After all, the dough should be rolled out thinly, but be strong, elastic. When baking balish, it is important to ensure tightness so that the filling languishes inside the pie, as in a cauldron.
  • Flour must be sifted before use. This is necessary to saturate the dough with oxygen and get rid of the risk of small litter, insect larvae getting into the dough.
  • First, the dough products are mixed by hand, then kneading is done - also by hand. You need to knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands. If you have a bread maker, you can trust this unit to knead the dough.
  • Do not use hot or cold foods to prepare yeast dough, otherwise the yeast will not work, the dough will not work.
  • Regardless of what recipe the dough was prepared for, it needs to be allowed to rest for at least 30 minutes - then it will become more obedient and elastic, it will be easier to roll it out thinly.

From the finished dough for the preparation of zur-balish, 2 layers of different sizes are rolled out. One covers the bottom and sides of the form, the second serves as a lid. Make sure to leave a hole in the center to pour the broth inside the pie. Dough scraps are not thrown away, they are used to make decorations for the pie and a ball that covers the hole. To prepare wak-balish, a small piece is separated from the dough, a cake is formed from it, a filling is placed on it, then the edges are lifted and a “pouch” is formed from the cake with or without a small hole on top.

The dough for all types of balish can be prepared according to the same recipe.

Unleavened dough for balish

  • wheat flour - 0.6–0.7 kg;
  • water - 0.3 kg;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 120 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour.
  • Boil water, pour out the required amount.
  • Pour oil into boiling water, add salt, mix well.
  • Make a well in the center of the flour heap, pour the liquid mixture into it.
  • Knead a dense and elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

Cover the dough with cling film so that it does not become crusty, leave for half an hour. After the specified time, you can start cooking the pie. While the dough is resting, you can start preparing the filling. If it takes longer than half an hour, the dough will "wait".

Yeast dough for balish

  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 0.45–0.55 kg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the milk to about 30-40 degrees. Add sugar and dry yeast to it. Stir. Cover the container with a clean cloth and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Melt the butter over low heat or in a water bath. You can also do this with a microwave.
  • Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt to them, beat with a whisk.
  • Combine eggs with melted butter, mix. Add the brew and stir again.
  • Sift the flour. Adding it to the liquid mixture in portions, knead the dough.
  • Cover the dough with a cloth and leave for 1-2 hours in a warm place.

When the dough fits, that is, it increases by 2-2.5 times, punch it with your hands and start cooking the pie.

Balish dough with sour cream and butter

  • wheat flour - 1 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.5 l;
  • butter - 0.25 kg;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens.
  • Combine softened butter with sour cream and mix thoroughly, trying to make the mixture homogeneous.
  • Combine sifted flour with salt.
  • Pour it into the sour cream-butter mass, quickly knead the dough.

The dough according to this recipe is elastic, even if it is rolled out immediately after preparation. It is not cheap, but still balish is a festive cake and it is not customary to save on it.

Balish dough on kefir

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • kefir - 125 ml;
  • soda - 2–3 g;
  • salt - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Whisk the egg with salt.
  • Melt the butter, mix with the egg.
  • Pour soda into kefir, mix.
  • Sift the flour.
  • Combine the egg-butter mass with kefir, pour into a container with flour.
  • Mix first with a spoon, then knead the dough with your hands.

Let the dough rest for 30 minutes, and start preparing the base for the balish.

Balish is a national Tatar dish, a closed pie prepared in a special way. The food is considered festive, its preparation takes a lot of time and effort, but the result will justify the effort. You are unlikely to succeed in preparing this dish from a purchased dough, but there are many recipes to make the dough yourself.

Today we want to tell you about how to properly cook balish with meat and potatoes. A step-by-step recipe for this famous Tatar dish with a detailed description and photos can be found in this article.

  • First, let's prepare the dough. To do this, pour one glass of yogurt into a deep bowl, add 100 grams of butter, 100 grams of sunflower one egg and flour (enough to make an elastic dough). Knead the base for the pie, gather it into a ball, put it on the table and cover with a bowl. The dough should rest for half an hour.
  • To prepare the filling, cut the peeled potatoes and meat (lamb, beef, chicken or turkey) into cubes. Chop the onion with a knife and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Do not forget to salt the filling and season it with ground pepper.
  • Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out most of it into a circle and place in the pan. The workpiece should fit snugly against the bottom and sides of the dishes, and its edges should hang down by 10-15 centimeters.
  • Lay out the filling and pinch the edges of the dough closer to the center, leaving a round hole in the middle.
  • Roll out the second part of the dough, put it in the center and connect its edges with the base. To do this, pinch them together with a “pigtail”. Place a small ball of dough in the center of the lid.
  • Put the balish in a preheated oven and cook for ten minutes at maximum heat. After that, the heat should be reduced and the cake left in the oven for two or three hours.

When the aroma of fresh pastries informs you that the balish is ready, you should take it out, remove the bun and check the readiness of the filling. If the potatoes are still raw, then add a glass of boiling water inside the pie, close the hole with a kolobok and send the pie back to the oven. When the balish is ready, let it stand in the oven, then cut off the lid with a knife and serve the dish to the table.

Vak balish with meat and potatoes. Step by step recipe with photo

The name of this delicious pastry can be translated from the Tatar language as “little pie”. Read how to cook vak balish with meat and potatoes on kefir:

  • Knead the dough from one egg, one glass of low-fat kefir, 100 grams of soft butter, 100 grams of sunflower oil (odorless) and salt. At the end, put enough flour to make a soft and viscous dough. Leave the finished product to rest under a bowl, and take care of the filling yourself.
  • Cut meat, peeled potatoes and onions into very small cubes. If desired, you can take minced meat instead of a whole piece of meat. Salt and pepper should be added to the filling just before cooking. Otherwise, the potatoes will give juice and the dough will be spoiled.
  • Divide the dough into balls (approximately 80 grams) and roll out rounds from it. Put the filling in the middle (about 100 grams) and pinch the edges of the dough to the center, leaving a small hole.
  • Put the pies on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and then grease them with vegetable oil or an egg. Bake balishi in the oven for 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the type of meat.

Ready-made pastries can be served with chicken broth or hot tea.

Balish with meat and potatoes in a slow cooker

In ancient times, this traditional dish was cooked in the oven, but in the modern kitchen, we can make some changes to this delicate process. How to cook balish with meat and potatoes in a slow cooker? Read the step by step recipe below:

Vak balish with minced meat

To quickly cook delicious Tatar pies and please your loved ones with them, you can use minced meat for the filling. How to quickly bake balish with meat and potatoes? This step by step recipe will help you:

  • Make yeast dough according to your favorite recipe or buy ready-made from the store.
  • For the filling, peel and dice six potatoes. Grind three onions with a blender. Mix the products with minced meat (it will be enough to take 500 grams). Salt and add ground pepper.
  • Divide the dough into small balls and shape them into round balls.
  • Place the filling in the center of each circle and seal the edges, leaving a small hole in the center.

Bake pies in a preheated oven, and then serve hot to the table with tea.

Balish from unleavened dough with chicken

If you have never tried this treat, try cooking balish with meat and potatoes with us. The step by step recipe is as follows:

  • Cook (as on dumplings), cover it with a film and leave to rest for 20 or 30 minutes.
  • For the filling, we will need to take the fillet of one chicken and cut the meat into large pieces.
  • Peel four onions and finely chop. Cut two kilograms of peeled potatoes into cubes.
  • Combine meat and vegetables, salt them, pepper and put a bay leaf.
  • Form two round blanks from the dough and assemble a large pie in the pan as described above.

Cook the dish for an hour and a half in a preheated oven.

How to serve zur balish

Properly cooking balish with meat and potatoes in the oven is only half the battle. It is very important to properly serve it to guests. Therefore, read the instructions and act:

  • When the balish has cooled down enough, take it out of the oven and cut off the top crust.
  • Put the filling on plates and serve with a part of the “lid” of the pie.
  • This dish is eaten with forks, helping with the crust.
  • After the filling is over, the most delicious should be divided among everyone - the bottom of the pie, soaked in broths, fats and juice. In the old days, this part was treated to the most honored guest.


We hope you enjoy these wonderful Tatar pies. Feel free to experiment with fillings and how to prepare them. We are sure that your loved ones will be happy to try different baking options and will demand more than once.
