
What are alcoholic beverages. Classification of alcoholic beverages according to the list

The strongest alcoholic drink in the world November 21st, 2016

I'm generally not a fan of anything solid. The statement that “vodka without beer is money down the drain” or, for example, “why eat vodka you won’t get drunk” is somehow far from my perception of the process of drinking alcohol. On the other hand, very weak wine or beer, for example, is also in many cases completely out of place and it would be necessary to “turn up the degree!”. In general, some kind of golden mean is needed so that there is time to talk and the opportunity to catch up with a degree of mood.

For example, we discussed the strongest beer in the world - but these drinks are generally some kind of extra-nuclear.

Currently, as a rule, the fortress is expressed in "degrees" - volume percentages (abbreviated as % vol.), That is, the ratio of the volume of dissolved anhydrous alcohol to the volume of the entire drink, multiplied by 100%.
In English-speaking countries, the fortress is sometimes measured in units of English. proof, in UK 100° proof = 4/7 volumetric concentration(57.15%), in the USA 100° proof = 50% alcohol by volume.

And here are our record holders:

10. Stroh (Stroh) - 40-80%

This spiced rum- the most popular souvenir from Austria. Tourists buy it in liters, but in vain: in view of the high fortress, Shtro is rarely used in pure form. But his spicy taste perfectly complements traditional pastries, as well as "winter" cocktails, like hunting tea and punch. The drink is available at various options, with an alcohol content of 40% to 80%.

9. White rum John Crow Batty Rum - 80%

In the twentieth century, Jamaica has earned some notoriety in the entertainment world. And this drink perfectly complements the "glorious" list of intoxicating sights of Bob Marley's country. To cope with this kind of rum (and, in fact, moonshine), you need to really have a stomach of steel!

Devil Springs Vodka Traditional Views to vodka were reconsidered after the producers from New Jersey sent tradition to hell and created Devil Springs Vodka with a strength of 160 degrees (80% alcohol). Manufacturers claim that their drink can be diluted plain water from a 1:1 ratio and thus get the usual vodka for everyone, but we are not weaklings, and, having purchased a bottle of Devil Springs Vodka, we will drink the one that nature has created in order to understand what the strongest alcohol means.

8. Rum Sunset - 84.5%

Hailing from the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean, this rum is worthy of a real pirate. Due to the high strength of Sunset, it is strictly not recommended to drink in its pure form, but only as a component in cocktails.

7. Vodka Balkan - 88%

It turns out that the most severe vodka is not at all in Russia, but in Bulgaria. 13 inscriptions on the package warn of the dangers of using this potion at once. Triple distillation, mix only.

6. Pincer Shanghai Strength Vodka - 88.8%

Don't let the name fool you: the birthplace of the drink with three eights is Scotland. Shanghai is officially recognized as the most strong vodka in the world. Remarkably, it is in the land of mountaineers and kilts that they also produce the strongest beer (41%!), As well as the strongest gin. What can I say: the Scots are tough guys.

5. Absinthe Hapsburg Gold - 89.9%

Don't know what souvenir to bring from the Czech Republic? Certainly not Hapsburg Gold absinthe. Only if you are an artist, a poet or, at worst, a designer. After all, what will you see after meeting this “ green fairy"It's hard to guess. No wonder the slogan of the drink is simple and concise - "no rules."

4. Rum River Antoine Royale Grenadian - 90%

A drink that we would proudly call moonshine. Distilled from sugar cane juice. That is why it has a pronounced sweet taste. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to fully feel it: any bartender will immediately serve you a glass of water “included”. Otherwise, this Caribbean landmark is simply not to be found.

3. Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled - 92%

Remember, we said that the Scots are famous for the strongest vodka and beer? Feel free to add whiskey to this honorary list! A true Scottish treasure. BBC journalists even managed to charge a sports car with a drink and accelerate it to 100 miles per hour! What this potion does to the human body is anyone's guess.

2. Everclear - 95%

Everclear is an illegal drink (well, almost). Made in the USA, Everclear is 190 proof (95% alcohol). 13 states refused to use it (well, they refused, banned it), so the producers were forced to take extreme measures and reduce the strength of their drink in these states to 150 degrees. Interestingly, Everclear has neither taste nor smell, which allows you to add it to cocktails that blow your mind, it can also rightfully claim the title of “the strongest alcoholic drink in the world”.

    Beverages containing alcohol obtained by distillation, as opposed to those containing alcohol obtained by fermentation, such as beer and grape wine. All spirits are obtained from fermented alcohol solution. In their… … Collier Encyclopedia

    Alcohol, alcohol; strong drinks, alcoholic drinks Dictionary of Russian synonyms. alcoholic beverages noun, number of synonyms: 3 alcohol (34) … Synonym dictionary

    - (sanitary). S. drinks in the broadest sense of the word include all alcohol-containing liquids used as flavoring or stimulating substances, regardless of the quantity and quality of the alcohol they contain, and it does not matter whether ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Alcohol, swearing, alcoholic drinks, alcoholic drinks Dictionary of Russian synonyms. strong drinks n., number of synonyms: 4 alcohol (34) ... Synonym dictionary

    Now hardly anyone realizes that the word "drink", designed to denote everything that we drink, began to be widely used in the Russian language not so long ago, about 100 years ago; and even then it did not immediately win the right to citizenship. Not… … Big Encyclopedia culinary arts

    Alcoholic drinks drinks containing ethanol ( ethanol, alcohol). The concept of alcoholic (alcoholic) products is used ... Wikipedia

    Tarasun preparation. Buryatia, late 19th, early 20th century. Milk is used to produce several traditional alcoholic beverages. They are common, in particular, in Central Asia, among the peoples of Mongolia ... Wikipedia

    Ex., number of synonyms: 3 alcohol (34) strong drinks (4) spirits ... Synonym dictionary

    Spirits beverages with a relatively high alcohol content, the basis of which, as a rule, is a distillate obtained as a result of the distillation of fermented wort. As a rule, spirits are considered drinks with ... ... Wikipedia


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Alcoholic products have gained considerable popularity in many countries. The assortment is so huge that the eyes run up from all this diversity. Types of alcoholic beverages are divided into strong, medium and weak (light). They can be completely diverse: elite (premium class), domestic, dangerous and safe. Very difficult to compose single system alcoholic beverages, but we will try to consider many of the most popular species alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages are products made from ethanol and obtained by fermentation. Alcoholic beverages are produced from raw materials such as:

  • Barley, corn, rye, wheat, millet, rice.
  • Grapes, apples, plums, pears, pineapples, apricots.
  • Potato, sugar cane, agave, sweet potato.

Also, during the manufacturing process, various spices, herbs, honey, flavors, dyes, and so on are added.

True connoisseurs strive to taste all the alcoholic drinks of the world. Each country has its own national alcoholic drinks. The main thing to remember: in all states, the use of any alcohol is regulated by law and is limited to a certain age.

Strong alcohol

The strength of such products varies from 21% and can reach 80% alcohol content. The range of alcoholic beverages is represented by well-known and common types of intoxicating products.

List of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world:

Alcoholic drinks with a lot of ethanol should be consumed only on special holidays and in small doses. They are also the highest in calories.

Medium strength alcohol

Some types of this alcohol are manufactured or include various fruits or fruit juices, including grapes. And as you know, grapes contain great amount vitamins B, C, P and others useful trace elements. Grape juice is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation respiratory tract, asthma, pleurisy.

List of medium strength liquor:

Less strong species alcohol is not only not harmful to health, but is often used as a prophylactic against various diseases.

Low alcohol products

And finally the most harmless alcohol with an alcohol content of not more than 6–8%:

Low alcohol drinks least harm health, and sometimes, in general, are not considered alcoholic products. The variety of alcoholic beverages is not limited to this list. The assortment is so diverse that it is simply impossible to list the types of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to the products described above, there are even less well-known ones that are used only in certain countries. There are also various types of cocktails obtained by mixing various kinds alcohol.

The production of alcohol is now very popular, so it is possible that the range will continue to grow.

Different types of alcoholic products are popular everywhere. The range is so huge that the variety is dizzying. Alcoholic drinks are divided into light (weak), medium, strong. They are elite and domestic, safe and dangerous.

Alcoholic beverages are products made from ethanol. It is obtained by fermentation. Alcoholic drinks are produced from the following raw materials:

  • rice, millet, wheat, rye, corn, barley;
  • apricots, pineapples, pears, plums, apples, grapes;
  • sweet potato, agave, sugar cane, potato.

In the manufacturing process, various herbs and spices, flavors and honey, dyes and other substances are often added.

Strong alcohol

Such products vary in their strength from 21 to 80% alcohol content. Currently, the range of alcoholic beverages in this category is represented by common and famous species the respective products. The most popular today are:

  1. Vodka. Such an alcoholic drink has always been famous for its strength. This is a colorless alcohol, the basis of which is rectified alcohol, made from potato or grain raw materials. The strength of the drink ranges from 40-53%.
  2. Cognac. This alcoholic products produced according to a special technology, using special grape varieties. These alcoholic beverages are excellent aroma And amber color. Cognac is classified by aging, as well as the place of production.
  3. Rum. This alcoholic drink is made from cane. In color, it is transparent or light, dark or amber. light rum does not have a pronounced taste. It is often used to make cocktails. Rum golden color produce in oak barrels, in which caramel and spices are added. Dark products are distinguished by a pronounced taste and aroma of caramel and molasses.
  4. Tequila. It is performed by distillation of blue or mixed agave juice.
  5. Whiskey. Such aromatic alcohol made from rye, barley, wheat or corn. Alcohol is kept in oak barrels for a long time. This drink is brown or light in color. Whiskey is traditionally produced in Ireland or Scotland. Alcoholic products classified into grain, malt, blended, and bourbon.
  6. Brandy. This drink is obtained by distillation of grape or apple juice.
  7. Sambuca. At its core, this is ordinary vodka, to which they add herbal collection and anise. This drink is sweet and clear. He is different bright aroma and contains 38-42% ethanol. There are also dark types of sambuca. The drink is made from sugar and wheat, anise and elderberry flowers, various berries. Though perfect composition sambucas are kept secret.
  8. Gin. This alcohol is made from grain alcohol, as well as various spices such as citrus fruits, coriander, cinnamon, juniper berry and almonds. They give the drink a special smell and taste.
  9. Liquor. Such a sweet and aromatic alcohol, made from berry or fruit juices, contains a large number of sugar (25-60%), spices and herbs. The fortress of liqueurs is 15-75%. They are the most high-calorie products among all alcoholic beverages.
  10. Tinctures. This drink is made by infusing alcohol on various herbs and berries. Tinctures are sweet, bitter, semi-sweet. Products are different pleasant aroma and taste, used as a drink or as medicinal product.
  11. Absinthe. The basic component of such a drink is bitter wormwood. This is a strong alcoholic drink containing 75-86% alcohol. Absinthe is classified by color (black, red, yellow, green), strength (70-85% and 55-65%), thujone content (a substance with a pungent odor, reminiscent of menthol).

Alcoholic drinks containing a large amount of ethanol should be consumed only on special holidays in minimal doses. They are very high in calories.

Medium strength drinks

  1. Wine. Performed by fermentation from various grape varieties. They are divided into dessert and table wines, red and white, dry, sweet, semi-sweet, sparkling or carbonated.
  2. Mead. This drink is made from yeast, honey and flavor additives. The classification depends on the ingredients, the time of adding honey, its sterilization, strength, production time.
  3. Mulled wine. Hot alcohol made by boiling fruits with spices in wine.
  4. Punch. A cocktail of fruit juice, fruits and alcohol.
  5. Grog. The same rum, only diluted with sweetened water or sweet tea.
  6. Such drinks are often used as a prevention of various ailments.

    Low alcohol drinks

    Such alcohol is considered the most harmless. The alcohol content in it is up to 8%:

    1. Beer. This low-alcohol product is now considered the most common. It is made from hops, brewer's yeast and barley. Beer is obtained by fermentation. This drink is non-alcoholic or strong. Beer is classified by color (red, dark, light), by the raw materials used (corn, rye, rice), by strength, and by the method of fermentation (top or bottom).
    2. Cider. Such a drink is made by fermenting pear, apple or other juice without the use of yeast. This is carbonated alcohol, with a strength of 1-8%. It has a bright apple smell and a greenish or golden color.
    3. Braga. It is subdivided into pruno, keel, brawanda. Used for distillation into moonshine. Fortress - 3-8%.
    4. Kvass. It is not considered an alcoholic beverage, but it does contain a small amount of alcohol. Traditional Slavic drink made from flour, malt, rye bread. Sometimes berries, fruits, honey and herbs are added.
    5. Toddy. It is a palm wine obtained from sugar, coconut or wine palms through fermentation.

    In addition to the products described above, there are many other drinks. There are various varieties of cocktails obtained by mixing several types of alcohol. The production of alcohol is now widely popular. Therefore, the range of alcoholic beverages is regularly expanding.

The history of the appearance of the intoxicating drink goes far into the past, but it is still not known for certain who and when made it for the first time. The oldest alcoholic "nectar", according to historical data, is wine. The first strongest drink containing a high percentage of alcohol appeared in the 11th century - it was ethanol, developed by a Persian doctor, the progenitor of vodka and alcoholic beverages.

The benefits and harms of drinking alcohol

fermented berry and fruit juice, turned into mash or wine, residents ancient rome, Egypt and Greece used as a medicine for all diseases. Drinks with more high degree more often used for immersion in a trance, decontamination of wounds and as an anesthetic.

Numerous studies have proven that moderate intake of low ethanol has an effect on the body. positive action. This statement applies only to wine, beer and cider, prepared purely without the addition of synthetic materials, using ingredients of natural origin. The benefits of drinking such drinks are due to the high content of flavonoids in them, which help to remove cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

However, strong alcohol cannot boast of a healing effect on human organs. Indiscriminate and frequent consumption of vodka, cognac or whiskey in large quantities provokes the development of serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, cerebral vessels, nervous system. Strong alcohol requires compliance with certain rules when drinking, otherwise a person may get severe intoxication and dehydration the day after drinking it.

The best spirits: how to choose the right one

Good alcohol is not always the one that costs more than 1000 rubles per bottle. Often, cost does not mean quality, so when choosing wine, cognac, liquor and other wine products, you need to look at the composition of the product, shelf life and the brand of the manufacturer.


Most Reviver in the world. Contains from 75% to 95% ethanol, which corresponds to 151 and 190 degrees. It is used exclusively for making cocktails, due to its high strength.


By right, it is one of the alcoholic drinks consumed both independently and as part of cocktails. Known for its high ethanol content, its strength ranges from 55 to 85 degrees, the most common is absinthe with a strength of 70 degrees. The drink is banned in some countries, has varieties with hashish additives. It is made using wormwood, arborvitae, anise, calamus, fennel, chamomile, parsley, angelica, licorice and coriander. The poisonous extract of bitter wormwood and thuja contained in absinthe, according to the legends of the drink, is capable of causing hallucinations.

Bacardi 151 o

Flammable strongest drink used in flaming cocktails. The ethanol content is 75.5%, the strength is 151 o. The most common use this drink in a B52 cocktail.


Beer, which is the most "vigorous" in the whole world. Scottish brewers, due to a special fermentation method, have created a drink that is not inferior in strength to vodka, whiskey and cognac. The alcohol content in one bottle of this beer is 65%.


Considered the wine that has the most high content ethanol - 60%. Produced from grape pulp. The drink owes its name to the place where it was first made - the small Italian town of Bassano del Grappa, located near Mount Grappa.


An alcoholic drink known throughout the world, mainly used in combination with tonic. Contains 55% alcohol. The cocktail with it is very popular.


It contains 43% ethanol, is made from yeast, various cereals and water, and is aged in special barrels. It is considered the drink of true gentlemen.


Mexican strong drink, akin to Russian vodka. Fortress - 43%, made from agave, mainly by hand. There are 2 types and a dark one. With lemon, only a light, unaged variety of the drink is used.


A drink with a strength of 42%. Known for its stimulating effect on the heart. Produced in many countries.


A truly Russian drink, as they say all over the world. Vodka has a strength of 40%; on its basis, many make strong homemade drinks - tinctures on herbs, berries, fruits, nuts. Some enterprising residents of the country use vodka to create homemade cognac.


Sweet and flavored drink. IN separate form rarely used, as it has too sugary taste, mainly used in cocktails. It is considered the weakest liquor among strong alcohol. The alcohol content in the liquor is 35%.

7 rules for a feast: how to reduce the negative impact of strong alcohol

1. Don't rush. The strongest drink must be taken slowly - experts advise drinking no more than 50 grams of cognac, vodka, or one glass of wine within one hour.

2. Before any feast or party, you should eat a hearty meal - high-calorie food significantly reduce the rate of absorption and minimize the effects of its intake.

3. After each drink, you should drink a glass of purified non-carbonated water.

4. It is better to add ice to the strongest drink - so it will become less concentrated, its degree will decrease.

5. While drinking alcohol, one should not smoke, since the acetaldehyde contained in tobacco smoke aggravates the poisoning of the body with ethanol, that is, the hangover syndrome.

6. Do not use alcohol as an antidepressant - its effect only increases the state of depression.

7. There is an opinion that a strong drink has a warming effect, but this is far from being the case. Once in the body, alcohol provokes the release of heat, thereby causing fever, but at the same time, the core temperature of the body decreases. It is worth remembering that alcoholic beverages cool, so their use in the cold season for warming is not advisable.
