
The strongest vodka in the world. What is the strongest alcoholic drink

There are many types of strong alcoholic drinks all over the world, there are also very strong beers. It is interesting to understand which of the alcoholic beverages is the strongest and why.

Types of strong alcoholic drinks

Continuous distillation has long been the most efficient and best method of making spirits. This method was invented in the nineteenth century. In the preparation and distillation of strong alcohol, different raw materials are used, which is largely determined by what products are traditional for a particular area. Thanks to this, different types of strong alcoholic beverages appeared.

So in Russia and Poland they make vodka using wheat for this. Rum is produced in sugarcane-rich Latin America. Tequila and mezcal are made from blue agave by Mexico. Southern Europe is famous for cognac and brandy, for the preparation of which grapes growing there are used. In places where the climate is colder, potatoes are used in the production of strong drinks, resulting in whiskey and aquavit.

There are such types of spirits: tequila, gin, cognac, calvados, brandy, mezcal, rum, armagnac, sake, absinthe, vodka. They can be divided into those that are necessarily aged according to technology (whiskey and cognac) and unaged drinks (grappa, gin, vodka). But aquavits, brandies and rums can be aged or not aged, depending on the technology.

Alcoholic drinks stronger than 40 degrees

Strong alcoholic drinks are presented to a person in a wide variety. We are talking about drinks that are stronger than forty degrees. So, a drink prepared on the basis of wormwood is called absinthe. The alcohol content in it is from seventy percent. It is this alcoholic drink that is considered not just a drink, but a narcotic and hallucinogenic drug. For a long time it was banned in many countries. Only since the end of last year, absinthe began to return, once again gaining popularity.

The strength of gin is in the range from forty-six to fifty-five degrees. Its second name is juniper vodka. The drink is obtained by distilling wheat alcohol with juniper. It is usually used in cocktails.

Italian grappa resembles whiskey. It is made from grape pomace, and the fortress varies from forty to sixty degrees. Grappa is also compared to the Spanish drink Orujo and Georgian Chacha.

A strong drink similar to cognac is prepared from grape alcohol, such as Armagnac. This is essentially brandy, it is valued even more than cognac. Its fortress is forty-fifty-five degrees.

Alcoholic drinks that are stronger than forty degrees also include vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, rum, etc. In addition to these well-known types of strong drinks, there are unusual, exotic ones. Chicha is such, her homeland is Latin America. To prepare this drink, local women have to chew dry maize grains. All this is then poured with water and insisted until the maize ferments. Experts believe that chicha causes the longest and worst hangover. The strength of the drink is more than forty degrees.

Another example of a non-standard drink is rat wine, which is made in China. Its fortress is fifty-seven degrees. To prepare a drink, newborn rats that have not yet opened their eyes are poured with rice vodka. The infusion is soaked for a whole year.

The strongest beer

There is a beer that can compete with many hard liquor. The strongest beer was brewed in 2012 by the Scottish brewery Brewmeister. The strength of this beer with the name "Armageddon" is equal to sixty-five degrees. The drink has a rich taste and aroma. It is made from oatmeal, wheat, caramel malt based on Scottish spring water.

In 2013, the same brewery brewed an even stronger beer called Snake Venom. The alcohol content in it is sixty-seven and a half percent. Strong beer has hop aroma, malty body and strong alcohol notes.

What is stronger: whiskey, cognac or vodka

Alcoholic drinks differ in the degree of strength. So in vodka - forty percent alcohol. It is prepared from ethyl alcohol and water. Today it is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world.

Another strong alcoholic drink that is on a par with vodka is cognac. Unlike vodka, it is made from grapes. The strength of this drink is from forty to forty-two degrees. Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks. Its fortress is usually in the range of forty-fifty degrees, but there are varieties whose fortress reaches sixty.

The strongest alcohol in the world

There is alcohol in America that is currently banned in thirteen states. Its name is Everclear or devil's water. The drink is prepared on the basis of corn or wheat alcohol, and the alcohol content in it is ninety-five percent.

Rarely consumed on its own, the odorless and colorless Devil's Water is added as an ingredient to various cocktails.

Records are set not only by strong alcohol. According to the website, a bottle of Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley, not the strongest wine, costs $20,000 a bottle. But there is wine that is ten times more expensive. Learn all about the most expensive wine.
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Strong alcoholic drinks as ingredients are often present in the recipes of certain cocktails. In this article we will tell you about the most popular strong alcohol.

Strong alcohol - vodka and moonshine

Vodka is a clear water-alcohol solution that has no color. Its fortress can vary from 36% to 60%. In Russia, 40% vodka is usually produced. This drink is produced by combining corrected water and rectified ethyl alcohol, followed by processing and filtering the resulting mixture. In addition to ordinary vodka, there is also special vodka, with various flavorings. Vodka is drunk either in its pure form or as part of cocktails, where it is added as a neutral alcohol.
Moonshine is a strong alcoholic drink obtained by distilling mash through a special apparatus. Braga is an alcohol-containing fermented mass of sugar syrup, sugar-containing products (beets, fruits) and starch substances. Moonshine is drunk in its pure form, from small glasses, like vodka, and with a good snack. It is also used to make cocktails, mixing, for example, in equal parts with freshly squeezed juice and liquor. In general, in some cocktail recipes with vodka, the latter can be replaced with moonshine.


Gin is a strong alcoholic drink (from 37.5% usually 40%) made from wheat alcohol with the addition of juniper and a small amount of citrus peel. In addition to juniper, anise, cinnamon, coriander and some other additives can be used. There is also sloe gin, a liquor made from sloe berries infused with gin. This drink is rarely consumed in its pure form - it is usually mixed with other drinks (vermouth, vodka, tonic, orange and other juices) or added to cocktails.


Cachaça is a Brazilian alcoholic drink, 39-40% ABV, made from sugar cane extract. There are several types of cachaça: from plain white, which is used mainly for making cocktails, to the most expensive brownish-golden, reminiscent of cognac in taste. Interestingly, in Brazil, it is not the factory-made cachaca that is valued more, but the one that is produced at the hacienda in compliance with all the old secrets. However, factory-made is usually exported.

Mezcal and tequila

Mezcal is a strong (38-43%) Mexican alcoholic drink made from blue agave juice. Tequila is the most common type of mezcal, bearing its own name. All varieties of mezcal are used both in pure form and in cocktails.

Strong alcoholic drinks - cognac, whiskey and rum

Cognac is a strong alcoholic drink (40-42%), prepared from certain grape varieties. Its homeland is France. Cognac is most often consumed in its pure form, and served as a digestif in a spherical "snifter" glass with a short stem or, in a more modern version, a "tulip" glass with a high stem. Traditionally, coffee, chocolate or cigars are offered along with cognac. In addition, this drink is included as a component in many cocktails.

Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink (40-60%) without sugar or with a low content of it, produced from different types of grain. Traditionally, whiskey is made in Ireland and Scotland, but there are also producers in other countries: Australia, America, Canada. Drink this drink in its pure form, and with ice, and diluted with water or soda, as well as in cocktails. It is served both as an aperitif and as a digestif in low glasses with a thick bottom, filling them 1/4 or less.

Rum is a strong alcoholic drink made from molasses and cane syrup, followed by aging in wooden barrels. the standard alcohol content in it is 40%, but there is also 75% rum. There are several varieties of rum: light, golden, dark, flavored, etc. This drink is consumed both in its pure form and in cocktails.

Insidious Absinthe

Absinthe is a very strong alcoholic drink made from the extract of bitter wormwood. It comes in different colors: yellow, green, red, black (dark brown). The alcohol content in it is from 60% to 85% (usually - 70%). It is considered harmful due to the large amount of thujone, a toxic substance released by wormwood, which adversely affects human health and can even cause hallucinations. At one time, absinthe was banned in some countries due to the high alcohol consumption of the population.

Now this drink is classified for various reasons, and one of them is the content of thujone, so they distinguish:
- absinthe with a high content of thujone;
- with low;
- and absinthe-like tinctures without thujone.
Absinthe is consumed, mixing it with crushed ice, with sugar, and also as part of a variety of cocktails.

Alcoholic drinks with the right approach give excellent opportunities for relaxation after a hard day's work. This page contains a list of alcoholic drinks that are traditional for different countries of the world. This list of names of alcoholic beverages is far from complete and lacks more than a hundred different types of alcohol. But the most popular alcoholic drinks are presented even with brief descriptions, thanks to which you can make your own first impression. This will help you create your own "wine list" to plan your next tasting. All names of alcoholic beverages are given exactly in the form in which they are familiar to the vast majority of people. Read about the common types of alcoholic beverages, learn about their beneficial and harmful properties. Choose the type of alcoholic drink that will allow you to get the most pleasure from drinking it with minimal negative health effects. Well, look at the alcoholic drinks in the photo, which richly illustrated the article.

Classification of different traditional alcoholic beverages

Alcohols- These are organic substances that are a chain of carbohydrates, where one hydrogen molecule is replaced by the rest of the water OH. The classification of alcoholic beverages begins with the fact that there are alcohols: ethyl, methyl, propyl, butyl alcohols.

Food grade ethyl alcohol for traditional alcoholic beverages, they are obtained from food raw materials - grain, potatoes, as well as from secondary raw materials of winemaking (grape pomace, yeast sediments).

Technical methyl alcohol extremely toxic, smell and taste does not differ from ethyl. He has hundreds of thousands of human lives on his account (accidentally drinking 100 ml of methyl alcohol leads to complete blindness due to toxic damage to the optic nerve, more causes death).

Propyl and butyl alcohols not so toxic, but have a specific smell, which led to their name - fusel oils. Their content is high in moonshine, poorly purified vodka. Therefore, when we say alcohol or alcohol, we mean only ethyl (or wine) alcohol.

Rectified ethyl alcohol (ethanol) intended for various alcoholic beverages can be ordinary or higher purification. The strength of ordinary alcohol is not less than 95.5%, and the highest purification is not less than 96.2%. It is the starting material for the preparation of popular alcoholic drinks such as vodka and fortified wine.

In medicine, ethyl alcohol (95.5% or 70%) is used, which has undergone thorough purification.

List and classification of strong alcoholic beverages

The following is a list of strong alcoholic drinks that are frequent guests on the tables of our compatriots. This classification of strong alcoholic beverages is generally accepted and gives a general idea of ​​​​them. See what strong alcoholic drinks are and decide on your choice.

Strong white alcoholic drink: vodka and tequila

Vodka is a strong alcoholic drink (40-56%), which is prepared by treating an aqueous-alcoholic solution with activated carbon, with or without ingredients added to it, followed by filtration. Simply put, vodka is a mixture of rectified alcohol with prepared water. Ethyl alcohol is miscible with water in any ratio.

mexican vodka- This is tequila, an alcoholic drink obtained by distillation of the extract of the cactus of the same name.

Even D. I. Mendeleev calculated the ideal proportion for the preparation of vodka as an alcoholic drink with a percentage ratio of 40: 60, that is, a 40% alcohol solution, which is the most homogeneous mixture, is most easily absorbed and gives a person more warmth. It is not in vain that vodka made in this way has long been used not only for gastronomic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes.

Studies by American and German scientists have led to the conclusion that the normal dose of a white alcoholic drink for an adult man is up to 100 ml of alcohol per day in terms of vodka, and for a woman, respectively, almost 2 times less. Moreover, this dose is not summed up during the week (for example, if a person has not drunk for a whole week, then half a liter per one on Saturday will only harm him, at best - a severe headache).

If a person can limit himself to this dose, he will be able to drink alcohol for many years without harm to his health. At the same time, you need to give yourself a mindset that these self-restraints are not a forced ban, but a wise distribution of pleasure: having drunk a little today and having fun, you can do it tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and after many, many years in the future. If you do not do this, then you will be forced to face very big problems in a fairly short time.

English alcoholic drinks: scotch and gin

Gin- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by mixing raw alcohol with essential oils of juniper berries, coriander, cardamom, cumin, ginger, cinnamon. The alcohol content in this English alcoholic drink is 40-50%. Gin is colorless. Although gin is produced in many countries, there are two types of gin - Dutch and London dry.

Scotch- This is an alcoholic drink of increased strength and is also traditionally produced and consumed in England and its surrounding territories.

Whiskey alcoholic drink

Whiskey- a strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 40% or more, which is obtained by distillation of fermented grain must, followed by long-term aging (from 3 to 10 years) in oak barrels with charred walls.

The word "whiskey" comes from the Celtic name for this drink - "water of life".

Whiskey is the national drink of the Anglo-Saxon countries. Whiskey production is especially developed in Great Britain, Ireland, the USA and Canada.

Alcoholic drink rum

Rum- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by aging rum alcohol in oak barrels. Rum alcohol is made from fermented sugar cane juice, cane syrup, cane sugar molasses, and other by-products of cane processing.

The resulting alcohol is poured into oak barrels and aged for 5 years. In the process of aging, aromatic, coloring and tannins pass into alcohol. Rum acquires a brown color with a golden hue and a slightly pungent taste. The alcohol content of the final product is below 95%.

Alcoholic drink cognac and brandy

Cognac- a strong alcoholic drink made from cognac spirit, which is obtained by distilling grape wines, followed by aging in oak barrels. Fresh cognac alcohol is colorless, slightly aromatic and sharp in taste. Cognac matures extremely slowly.

Brandy- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by distillation of any fortified juice of fruits or berries, followed by aging. In many countries brandy is known, prepared from apples - Calvados, from plums - slivovitz, from cherries - kirsch, from pears - William.

Brandy from grape wines does not require any clarification for the inscription on the label. Fruit brandy must be accompanied by appropriate explanations (apple brandy, apricot brandy, etc.).

Raw materials for brandy do not undergo thorough cleaning, as for cognac or vodka, and retain their fruity aroma. Brandy is aged both in oak barrels, charred from the inside (to improve the taste), and in other containers.

Before use, brandy is diluted and taken, as a rule, after a meal. It is also used as an ingredient in many cocktails. Strong brandy (80-90%) in undiluted form is not used at all.

In the gastronomic tradition, cognac and brandy are used as a digestif because they promote digestion (from the Latin word digestivus, which translates as a digestive aid).

For a large healthy man (90 kg), 100 ml of cognac is enough for pleasure. A larger dose will not give more pleasure and will only cause dope.

Weak green alcoholic drink

Weak alcoholic drinks in the form of liqueurs are prepared on rectified alcohol, alcoholized fruit and berry juices, infusions of herbs, seeds, flowers, sugar syrup, dye solutions and other substances. These products, in addition to the actual liquor, include drinks such as balm, gin, whiskey, rum.

Liquor is a strong, sweet and spicy alcoholic drink of green color, made from alcoholized juices, fruit or herb infusions, sugar syrup, aromatic infusions, etc.

Alcoholic drink tincture

Alcoholic drink tincture is prepared on alcoholic infusions of spicy and medicinal herbs, roots, fruits, essential oils, which give it a strong pleasant aroma.

Tinctures have a tonic effect on the body. Stimulate appetite. Alcohol content - 30-60%

They are used mainly as flavors of all kinds.

grape alcoholic drink wine

Wine- this is probably the most ancient alcoholic drink, which for many centuries of its existence has found its own unique world, painted with many colors, shades of taste and aroma.

According to the method of production and composition, wines as alcoholic beverages are divided into table, fortified (strong and dessert), flavored and sparkling.

Most natural wines are dry. They are called so because all the sugar contained in them is "dry" fermented into alcohol. There are natural semi-dry or semi-sweet wines in which sugar still remains - due to the natural characteristics of a particular grape variety.

As can be seen from the table, ethyl alcohol in dry grape wines contains from 9 to 16%. But wine is not diluted alcohol. Grape wine, especially red wine, is a source of biologically important substances, the intake of which with other food products is limited or impossible.

According to the famous French physician Louis Pasteur, wine can be considered as the healthiest hygienic drink (of course, if it is not abused). But still, it is an alcoholic drink, which, one way or another, is a stumbling block: to recover or to sleep? There is a completely legitimate question about how much wine you need to drink for health benefits. Of course, it's all about the dose.

It is believed that the consumption of wine in an amount that is 5-7% for men and 2-4% for women of the caloric content of the daily diet, subject to a balanced diet, does not adversely affect the body.

Doctors have found that moderate consumption of natural wine reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by up to 35% and mortality due to coronary insufficiency by 15-60%. Two glasses of natural red wine compensate for the damage caused to blood vessels due to smoking one cigarette. In addition, drinking wine reduces the risk of cancer. It has been proven that red wine inhibits the development of leukemia, skin, breast, and prostate cancer.

However, we must remember that the regular intake of wine in large quantities is fraught with alcoholism. Despite the fact that treatment with alcoholic beverages can significantly improve health and at the same time give pleasure, you still need to approach this problem with a completely sober head.

Healing effect of light alcoholic beverages

The practice of treatment with the help of light alcoholic beverages has very ancient roots, this problem remains very relevant at the present time. Scientists from many countries have studied and are studying the effect of alcoholic beverages on the human body. Many serious studies have been carried out, the results of which often surprised the scientists themselves. So, it turned out that people who regularly consume alcoholic beverages in small doses (for example, a small glass of cognac or a glass of dry wine a day) get sick less and live longer than strict teetotalers. So, at the same time, the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease is reduced to 40%. Moreover, only natural alcohol has such a protective effect - wine, cognac, whiskey, grappa, chacha - in general, drinks obtained by conventional distillation. The whole point here is in the natural microimpurities that remain after distillation, but are no longer contained in pure alcohol. They provide a powerful protective effect of natural alcoholic beverages.

Wine, as well as spirits, are recommended for general strengthening of the body, as an analgesic, relaxing and sedative. Of course, everyone knows the antiviral and bactericidal effect of alcoholic beverages. For example, in wine, even diluted, after 10-30 minutes, the pathogens of cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, polio viruses die. So a glass of good natural wine or cognac is an effective prevention of all kinds of infectious diseases and intestinal disorders.

The most positive effect of natural alcohol on brain activity. For example, a study by American scientists showed that older women who drink a little alcohol every day (a glass of wine, a mug of beer or a glass of cognac) suffer less from age-related deterioration in brain function than teetotalers. Memory problems and other mental disorders appear in them about 20% less often than in non-drinking women.

A glass of cognac or a glass of wine can also lower insulin levels and increase the sensitivity of cells to it. Before the invention of insulin for the treatment of diabetes, for example, mainly alcoholic beverages were used, most often strong wine.

Cognac and wine also help to lose weight by stimulating the secretion of the gallbladder and accelerating the digestion of fats. In general, alcoholic beverages in small doses remarkably activate digestion, food is better absorbed, and toxins and waste products are removed from the body in time.

Natural alcoholic beverages are especially useful for women during and after menopause. It was during this period, due to a sharp decrease in the level of female hormones estrogen, that the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular insufficiency increases. And small doses of alcohol stimulate the production of estrogen by the adrenal glands, thereby supporting the protective functions of the female body.

The first rule of fire water: strong alcohol is not drunk in liters (you shouldn’t drink light alcohol either). This long drink can be easily pulled through a straw all evening, but this will not work with stacks. Two or three glasses - and you have already chosen a dose.

The second rule is not to mix drinks. There is a lot of strong alcohol, adding extra grams with the help of the lungs is dangerous. You can not calculate the dose and overdo it.

In order not to sort out and not spoil everything, rituals are needed. The atmosphere, the choice of glass, special additions and the right snack. All this helps to reveal (or hide) the taste of the drink and makes the feast a feast, not a booze.


Mark Howard/Flickr.com

Absinthe in an undiluted state is a dubious pleasure, although they drink it. 30 milliliters in a glass, no more. But usually it is diluted in one of three ways:

  • Absinthe is poured into a glass (all the same 30 milliliters). Put a piece of sugar on a special spoon with holes. A small dessert fork can replace a spoon. Water is poured over sugar so that it flows into a glass, in a ratio of three to one. Dilute the absinthe with sugar water slowly so that the sugar lump is completely melted.
  • The same sugar is first moistened in absinthe and set on fire on a spoon. While the sweet is burning, it is slightly corrected with a spoon or fork so that the sugar melts faster and drains into a glass of absinthe. Then the absinthe (which will also catch fire from sugar drops) must be extinguished - cover the glass with a lid - and either drink the resulting drink (just do not burn your lips on a hot glass, cool its edges with a slice of orange or lemon), or add 100 milliliters of cold water.
  • They make a simple sugar syrup and dilute it with absinthe in the same proportions - one to three.



If you do not add Calvados to a cocktail, then you do not need to dilute the drink with anything. Pour Calvados at room temperature into a tulip glass and drink slowly, snacking on cheese, fruit (but not citrus) or.

You can drink at any time of the feast, when you need to whet your appetite or take a break between meals.


Thomas Hawk/Flickr.com

In a simple way - juniper vodka. In terms of strength, it almost does not differ from vodka, it is recognized by its coniferous aroma. To drink, like vodka, you need to be cold - 4-6 degrees. Snack - whatever you have to, best of all citrus and salty.

If pure gin is too much, dilute it with mineral water. Gin is good because the proportions can be any - dilute as you see fit, even a drop in a glass of water. A good option if you want to spend the New Year cheerful and sober, but do not want to explain why you do not drink.


The Shopping Sherpa/Flickr.com

Tequila is known for a special ritual with lemon and salt. Salt is poured on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger, and a slice of lemon is prepared. First they lick off the salt, then they drink tequila and bite it with lemon.

In another version, salt is replaced with cinnamon, and lemon with orange.


Rodrigo Tejeda/Flickr.com

Another representative of the strong from Mexico. A few rules for drinking in its pure form:

  • Do not refrigerate.
  • Drink slowly and little by little.
  • A caterpillar from a bottle (if it lies there) is not necessary.

Mezcal, like tequila, can be drunk with lemon and salt. Sometimes, instead of salt, a mixture of spices is used, which is attached to the bottle.

If it’s not the taste that matters, but the breathtaking sensations, then mezcal is drunk quickly and washed down with tomato juice with pepper and other spices. But such a hellish way is not for a long night: it quickly intoxicates.


Paul Hudson/Flickr.com

Probably one of the most controversial drinks. Connoisseurs can’t agree on how to drink it: dilute it or not, cool it or heat it, which variety can be sent to cocktails, and which one should be sipped without impurities.

Choose for yourself what you like best:

  • Whiskey as it is. For this, elite varieties are taken, that is, single malt whiskey. They drink at a temperature of 18-20 degrees from glasses with thin walls to slightly warm the drink in their hands, in small sips, holding the alcohol under the tongue.
  • Whiskey with ice. They drink from glasses with thick walls and a thick bottom. This is how they drink whiskey from America.
  • Whiskey with water. Scotch whiskey is diluted with clean water. Water quality is given special attention. Water is added to the glass up to 30%, it depends on your tastes.

It seems like it’s not necessary to have a bite of whiskey, but no one forbids choosing a snack to taste.



Let's not go crazy and divide cognac into brandy and non-brandy, all the same, they write on the labels that it is cognac.

The rules are:

  • Good cognac is not eaten and is drunk warm very slowly, warming it in the hands, inhaling the aroma. The glass is filled a quarter, and they begin to drink when they have already eaten.
  • They drink bad cognac as they please, because there is no taste and aroma there. They eat lemon when everything is bad, but this has nothing to do with the culture of drinking. Drinking to get drunk is generally a bad idea.


Diego Sevilla Ruiz/Flickr.com

The main rule of rum is not to drink, like a movie pirate, a bottle in an evening. The maximum dose is 100–150 milliliters, otherwise deep repentance awaits you in the morning.

Pure rum is drunk like cognac or whiskey after dinner, warming the glass in the hand. Drinking is accompanied by a cup of coffee or good chocolate.


Manuel Hernández/Flickr.com

A strong drink with a bright anise smell, which is served in bars with special fire effects and inhalation tubes. This method quickly and strongly intoxicates. We do not recommend playing with fire at home if you are not an experienced bartender.

In its pure form, sambuca is drunk chilled, coffee beans are placed at the bottom of the glass. In diluted form - with mineral water in a ratio of one to two or one to three.



Not that this is a strong drink compared to others, but we could not deprive him of attention.

Sake makes sense if there are seafood or Japanese dishes on the table and you have a ceramic jug and small bowls. Then the drink is heated in a water bath to 15–30 degrees, poured and drunk.

However, if there is sake, but there are no dishes, then it is cooled and poured into wine glasses.

In any case, sake has a specific, unusual taste and smell.



Cold vodka is drunk quickly, in one gulp, in small glasses. Be sure to have a bite, drink something non-carbonated, so as not to irritate the stomach and not speed up intoxication. Choose a fairly satisfying snack, and small glasses.

Chacha, arak, rakia, grappa are essentially options for moonshine. They drink almost like vodka: little by little, chilled, in small portions and with a hearty snack.

Have we forgotten something? Write in the comments.

Alcoholic products have gained considerable popularity in many countries. The assortment is so huge that the eyes run up from all this diversity. Types of alcoholic beverages are divided into strong, medium and weak (light). They can be completely diverse: elite (premium class), domestic, dangerous and safe. It is very difficult to draw up a single system of alcoholic beverages, but we will try to consider many of the most popular types of alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages are products made from ethanol and obtained by fermentation. Alcoholic beverages are produced from raw materials such as:

  • Barley, corn, rye, wheat, millet, rice.
  • Grapes, apples, plums, pears, pineapples, apricots.
  • Potato, sugar cane, agave, sweet potato.

Also, during the manufacturing process, various spices, herbs, honey, flavors, dyes, and so on are added.

True connoisseurs tend to try all the alcoholic drinks in the world. Each country has its own national alcoholic drinks. The main thing to remember: in all states, the use of any alcohol is regulated by law and is limited to a certain age.

Strong alcohol

The strength of such products varies from 21% and can reach 80% alcohol content. The range of alcoholic beverages is represented by well-known and common types of intoxicating products.

List of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world:

Alcoholic drinks with a lot of ethanol should be consumed only on special holidays and in small doses. They are also the highest in calories.

Medium strength alcohol

Some types of this alcohol are made from or include various fruits or fruit juices, including grapes. And as you know, grapes contain a huge amount of vitamin B, C, P and other useful trace elements. Grape juice is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the respiratory tract, asthma, pleurisy.

List of medium strength liquor:

Less strong types of alcohol not only do not harm health, but are often used as prophylactic agents against various diseases.

Low alcohol products

And finally, the most harmless alcohol with an alcohol content of no more than 6–8%:

Low-alcohol drinks cause the least harm to health, and sometimes, in general, are not considered alcoholic products. The variety of alcoholic beverages is not limited to this list. The assortment is so diverse that it is simply impossible to list the types of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to the products described above, there are even less well-known ones that are used only in certain countries. There are also different types of cocktails, obtained by mixing different types of alcohol.

The production of alcohol is now very popular, so it is possible that the range will continue to grow.
