
Light and dark rum: features and how they differ. Drinking Rum with Coca-Cola

How much does dark rum cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region

It's no secret that the favorite drink of sailors is rum. It was loved not only by pirates, but also by all those who valued it for its antiseptic and warming properties. Consequently, rum was equally popular among pirates caribbean, and among the English sailors of the XIX century. To date, it is customary to distinguish 3 main types of rum - white, gold and dark (black). We propose to consider the latter in more detail, because it is extremely popular among connoisseurs.

Every rum fan knows that dark drink It has great amount different from white. Home it distinguishing feature lies in the manufacturing process. He grows old in a charred from within oak barrels at least 3 years. During this time, dark rum manages to acquire a pleasant amber hue, which playfully shimmers in the light or bright sun.

Distinctive features of dark rum

As we have already noticed, main feature dark rum - the procedure for its manufacture. About 80% of the world's rum is produced in their homeland - the Caribbean. Due to year-round constancy of temperature and humidity levels, aging is much faster, which gives the drink a greater strength. Dark rum contains 44 to 47% ethyl alcohol. Its light counterpart cannot boast of such results.

Dark rum also includes the so-called "spiced rum" ( spiced rum). It is created for very unusual purposes: it has more saturated color and "diluted" various additives not prohibited by law (chocolate, molasses, caramel, spices, etc.). IN pure form it is not commonly drunk and is used in cocktail formulations in a confectionery environment.

The barrel in which dark rum is made is charred from the inside. It is glued and does not contain any foreign materials (nails, fasteners, etc.). In general, the closest attention is paid to the manufacture of the drink, so be sure that it will amaze you with its exquisite properties.

Composition of dark rum

The composition of the drink is no different from that of white rum. It also contains molasses and cane sugar. They make a special mash, which is infused for a long period of time. Rum is often enriched with various spices and spices: cinnamon, mint and herbs.

Calories in dark rum kcal

The energy value of dark rum (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Thanks to technological progress and modern industry, rum has long ceased to be a low-grade drink associated with Jamaican pirates and cheap alcohol. Different kinds rum is well known to connoisseurs of spirits - white rum, golden or amber, red, brown, spiced, flavored, aged, unfiltered and even black rum. But true connoisseurs of history know not only color characteristics, but also the production features of Ernest Hemingway's favorite drink.

Three main types of rum by production technology

The specificity of the regional production of this drink leaves its mark on its taste. Taking into account local features and recipes, the final product may have different characteristics. But there is still something in common for all regions - technological stages, without which no manufacturing process: from processing sugar cane followed by distillation to fermentation, blending and aging. The production technology determines the following types Roma:

  • industrial,
  • agricultural,
  • tafya.

Industrial method (rum industrielle)

Gives up to 90% of all rum produced in the world. It features highly efficient performance and zero waste. The final product is made on the basis of molasses, the sugar from which is removed in advance. Sugar crystals obtained during the production process are refined, packaged and sent for sale. The remaining molasses is distilled, fermented and distilled.

Non-stop distillation makes the taste both lighter and richer, which, along with the waste-free production cycle, provides the industrial method with the highest popularity. The initial strength of the drink reaches 80%, but by adding water from an environmentally friendly source it can be reduced to 40%. The final formation of taste occurs during aging in oak barrels.

Agricultural (rum agricole) method

The most expensive production method that does not involve the extraction of sugar from sugar cane juice. Its low prevalence is due not only to high cost, but also to the lack of clear advantages in palatability Oh. In addition, the possibility of application is significantly limited by the harvest time.

A distinctive feature is the natural fermentation without the addition of chemicals or artificial yeast and double distillation. The agricultural method is still popular in Haiti - the second home of sugarcane - and in a number of French-speaking islands.

Tafya (rum tafia)

It is the least common method, as a result of which the product is obtained by processing molasses products. This drink is significantly inferior in taste to industrial or agricultural types of rum and is considered the least quality. Tafya is not exported and is intended exclusively for local consumption. At the dawn of the history of rum, the entire drink was produced in this way - by distillation of waste molasses into moonshine still, dubbed "the death of the devil" because of its high strength.

Varieties of rum by color

Apart from technological features production, highlight the color characteristics of rum varieties. Like other strong alcohol, the drink acquires various shades during the aging process. Initially, after distillation, it is colorless. The color scheme includes several varieties:

  • light,
  • gold,
  • dark.

light rum

There are other designations - white or silver. The variety got its name due to the colorlessness of the final product, which persists even after aging. Since it is carried out in metal vats, the aging process does not affect the drink and is not able to give it any shade. Although the vast majority of white rums enter the market unaged, some producers still use short-term aging (up to eighteen months) for this variety and use oak barrels instead of metal containers.

In the latter case, after exposure, additional filtration is applied in order to preserve the desired shade. Light varieties of rum are characterized light taste, translucent color and are particularly soft, making them a popular base for a variety of cocktails.

golden rum

Compared to the light variety, it has a more pronounced taste and, due to the rich shades of gold, can be referred to as "amber". Golden rum differs not only in taste characteristics, but also in ripening time and degree of filtration. The amber hue is obtained through 1.5-2 years of aging in oak barrels, in order to preserve which manufacturers deliberately avoid filtration.

The end result is a medium-bodied drink, the color of which can also be acquired through the addition of certain spices or caramel. The saturation and degree of golden hue also depend on the type of oak barrel used for aging.

dark rum

By color scheme distinguish brown, red and black rum. Dark varieties are characterized by notes of spices, molasses and caramel, a special pungency and fragrant, full-bodied thick taste and extraordinarily rich aroma. Red rum can be not only dark variety, but also a separate specific product produced on the basis of Indian sugar cane and red banana juice.

Received by method double distillation the product achieves its taste and color intensity during an average of three years of aging in heavily charred oak barrels. Due to its multifaceted taste and high strength, it is an invariable basis for the preparation of punch, grog and various gastronomic delights.

Correlation with the color characteristic of the variety is necessarily displayed on the label:

  • for light varieties, the definitions white/silver/blanc or light are used;
  • golden species are designated as golden/paille/amber or oro;
  • the dark variety is labeled black/dark/negro.

In addition to the indicated varieties of rum, a spicy variety of this drink is distinguished. In the prevailing majority it is produced on the basis of amber, but lighter / darker varieties can also be used. Taste is achieved by adding additional spices to the product, fragrant herbs, roots, fruit essences. The drink obtained in this way has the additional designation spiced or flavored on the label.

Varieties of rum by strength

Varieties of this noble drink differ significantly in strength. The degree of alcohol depends on technological specifics and established local traditions. For example, French-speaking islands put on the market a product with a strength of 57%, and most of English colonies prefer high alcohol content - up to 75%. Average rates are 40% - 80%.

The classification of rum into light, medium and heavy is common, but it covers not only the strength of the alcoholic beverage, but the saturation and specificity of it. taste characteristics. The following varieties are distinguished exclusively by the alcohol content.

Bacardi successfully keeps the brand. Since the preferences of all consumers are different, to please everyone, they are produced different varieties strong alcohol, there are many types of Bacardi rum. That is why a person can find what he likes. And the answer to the question of which rum is better for everyone will be different.

But still there is one point that unites all these products - this is high quality.

Naturally, each manufacturer of alcoholic beverages has several brands and types of products that are in the greatest demand. And here Bacardi does not lag behind its competitors. So, we list the most popular:

Each variety seems to have its own soul and requires special treatment. How do they still drink Bacardi and with what - the main question that interests everyone.

Types of Bacardi

Bacardi Carta Blanca. Carte Blanca is a classic or white rum. The strength of this alcoholic drink is forty degrees. Colorless, transparent, like a crystal drink. Notes of almonds, vanilla and fruits predominate. The taste is very soft and pleasant. Almost no aftertaste. Is ideal basis for a cocktail. In its pure form, they drink very rarely.

Bacardi Superior. Another light rum brand is Bacardi Superior. But the strength of alcohol here is already above 44.5 degrees. It is similar in aroma and color to the previous rum. But taste is different. Fruity notes are also present here, as well as aromatic notes of vanilla and caramel. But also good in cocktails.

. There is a second name for rum Bacardi Gold (Gold). It has a golden color, a fortress of forty degrees. Beautiful golden hue with aromas of oak, vanilla, molasses and toffee. subtle notes plums, vanilla and apricot. Has a short aftertaste. It is recommended to drink with Cola, coconut milk or lemon juice.

Bacardi Carta Negra. The Negra map is also a classic, but dark. But it is also called Bacardi Black (Black). The strength of alcohol is forty degrees. prevails amber with a red tint. Contains woody notes. The taste contains more rare species trees. In a word, a tropic (fruits, spices), a tropical drink. It has a rather long aftertaste.

And here is the same rum that is drunk clean. For gourmets, you can add a slice of lime or lemon.

Bacardi OakHeart. Bacardi Oakheart Rum is another type of dark rum. The fortress is thirty-five degrees. The bouquet is incredibly complex. There are smoky, oaky, prune, raisin, vanilla, cherry and caramel notes, as well as orange peel and dried apricots, with the addition of wedge syrup. But, unfortunately, the aftertaste is short-lived. I also drink it clean, you can add ice.

Bacardi Gran Reserva. Bacardi Reserva - black rum. The strength of the drink is thirty-five degrees. Again, an amber color with a hint of orange predominates. The bouquet is complex, defined by a combination of cinnamon, clove and citrus aromas. Combines notes of cloves, cinnamon and citrus. For connoisseurs of a long aftertaste, this rum is the best. Contains hints of fruit, vanilla, spice, oak & nuts.

. Dominated by golden hues. The strength of the drink is thirty-five degrees. Color with honey overflow. Strong and pleasant aroma. Contains notes of nuts, flowers, caramel, vanilla & pineapple. This rum is drunk clean, but for lovers of experiments, you can add it to any cocktail, then you will experience completely new notes of taste and aftertaste.

Bacardi 151. Again, an amber color prevails, with hints of vanilla and oak. But this is the strongest rum, which contains 75.5 percent ethyl alcohol. It is usually added to various cocktails. But the taste is surprisingly pleasant, though alcoholic drink strong enough.

What do they drink bacardi white rum with? So, how to drink bacardi white rum? Aesthetes and connoisseurs of alcohol drink white rum in small sips with the addition of ice, which will not affect the taste in any way. But if you are not used to such strong alcoholic drinks, then you can have a snack with cheese or fruit. As we saw in films where aristocrats drink with a cigar and coffee, try it, you will suddenly like this luxury too.

What do they drink bacardi black with? Fans of strong drinks drink pure bacardi black rum, the rest add ice and cola, by the way, many say that it turns out very tasty. They also eat nuts, lime, lemon, cheese, the most tasty snack- This is a slice of orange with cinnamon.

Like bacardi. All checked for personal experience, there are several subtleties on how to drink bacardi:

  • in order to choose a bacardi, you should not look at the prices, just take the one that you liked at first sight.
  • your aim. Decide whether you want to mix the drink or enjoy clean notes.
  • degree. Never lower the degree, if you decide to try fighting all types of rum, then start from the lowest degree to the highest.
  • snack. The more you eat, the more you drink.
  • do not mix. In no case, do not mix rum with other alcoholic beverages, otherwise there will be a strong hangover in the morning.

One of the world leaders in the production of alcoholic beverages is Bacardi Limited. It was founded back in 1862 by Cuban Facundo Bacardi Masso. The silhouette of a bat was chosen as the logo of the brand, as in Spain, from which Facundo Bacardi was from, it is considered a symbol of success. Since 1960 Bacardi Limited has been headquartered in Bermuda, in Hamilton.

The company's assortment includes many alcoholic beverages: rum, vermouth, vodka, tequila, cognac, scotch whiskey, gin. One of Bacardi Limited's most famous products is Bacardi Black Rum.

The path from the lower strata to the elite

Once upon a time, rum was one of the cheapest drinks, which was used by sailors as a disinfectant on their voyages. In those days, it had a sharp and unpleasant taste.

Thanks to Facundo Bacardi, a huge amount of work has been done to turn base drink into noble drink. This is made possible by the processes of distillation, purification and flavor enrichment. As a result, the legendary rum Bacardi was created, which fell in love with the aristocrats. In recognition, in 1888, Bacardi Limited became a supplier to the Spanish royal family.

Meet Bacardi Black Rum

Rum "Bacardi black" is different mild taste and after its use very rarely there is a hangover. This is due to the peculiarities of the production technology, due to which it contains minimal amount toxic compounds. Usually strong morning hangover clearly indicates that instead of a drink called "Bacardi black" some kind of surrogate was drunk. Rum Bacardi Black has a rich brown color, rich aroma and taste. The finish is long, with woody notes and light vanilla hints.

How Bacardi Black Rum is Made

Bacardi black is a strong alcoholic drink that is obtained by fermenting a mixture of black and white molasses - molasses. At the same time, yeast and butyric acid bacteria are added to it. After the mash has matured, the fermentation process begins, and the production ends with distillation, which takes place in several stages.

To give the characteristic taste that distinguishes Bacardi Black from other varieties of rum, spices and vanilla. After the distillation is completed, the rum is placed in oak barrels and aged for four years. During this time, the drink is enriched with aromatic substances released by the wood, and acquires its final taste, inherent only in Bacardi Black rum.

The final stage of production includes blending: sugar syrup, caramel and water are added to the mixture.

"Bacardi": black, white

Bacardi Limited produces a variety of products. The most famous are Bacardi Black (black rum) and (white rum). How do they differ from each other?

Bacardi Black has a rich dark color, refers to elite varieties Roma. Its tenure is at least four years. The best combination for black rum, cola with ice or pomegranate juice is recognized.

Bacardi Superior is a light rum aged for two years. It tastes of vanilla, caramel and fruit. Its strength is 44.5 degrees. Basically, "White Bacardi" is used to make various cocktails. It is better to drink it diluted with pineapple or citrus juice.

How to distinguish a real Bacardi Black from a fake?

First of all, you should pay attention to the price of the proposed drink, since real rum Bacardi Black can't be cheap. This alcoholic drink should be purchased in specialized stores or in Dute free, where the authenticity of the products sold is guaranteed. It is not recommended to buy Bacardi Black rum in kiosks, small shops and online stores, since most fakes are found there.

  • The name of the rum must be spelled correctly - Bacardi, in no case Bakardi or Bakkardi.
  • It is obligatory to have an excise stamp, which must be glued evenly and close the lid, and when it is opened excise stamp always breaks.
  • A bottle with real rum should have a iridescent hologram, and on a fake it is applied with silver paint.
  • Pay attention to how the label is glued - badly and unevenly glued usually indicates a fake.
  • All labels on the bottle must be clear and legible, even the smallest, without spelling errors.
  • Rub the label with your palm - there should be no traces of paint on your hand.
  • The bottle must be intact, without chips and sealed with a seal.
  • The liquid itself in the bottle should be clear, without sediment.
  • At present, authentic Bacardi is only produced in the USA, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, the country of origin can be seen on the label and can be recognized using a barcode.

With what they drink rum "Bacardi black"

It is believed that in order to better understand the taste of the drink, it must be poured into a silver dish - a flask or stacks. If silver containers are not available, then thick-walled glass glasses or glasses for cognac can be used.

True connoisseurs prefer to use Bacardi Black and hold it in the other hand Cuban cigar, thus creating a special historical atmosphere, because once, before the emigration of the brand owners, the drinks of this brand were produced in Cuba.

With what to drink "Black Bacardi", everyone chooses for himself, depending on taste preferences. Those who think that rum is very Reviver, usually dilute it with cola and add pieces of ice. As an appetizer, it is customary to serve a variety of fruits, lemon, lime, nuts. One of the most popular snacks- orange slices sprinkled with cinnamon.

Light cocktails

By itself, rum has a fairly strong strength, so it is better for women to make a cocktail with Black Bacardi:

  • Black tenderness. 30 ml of black rum, mix the same amount with 60 ml of cream, add ice cubes, and pour cola on top. The result is a drink with an original taste.
  • Black and Crane. Mix 50 ml of Bacardi Black rum with 200 ml of cranberry juice, add a few ice cubes and 2 lime wedges. Cranberry juice if desired, you can replace cherry, pomegranate or blueberry. The combination of one of these juices with black rum results in the best taste.

  • Bacardi black. Pour Bacardi Black rum into a small glass, top with 3 orange slices sprinkled with cinnamon.
  • "Barbados". In a shot, in turn, without mixing, pour 30 ml of Grapefruit liqueur, the same amount of coconut liqueur and black rum.
  • air mail. Mix 50 ml of black rum with a tablespoon of lime juice, add the same amount of honey, which, if it is absent, can be replaced with sugar syrup, and pour champagne. If desired, add a few ice cubes.
  • Grog coffee. Mix 30 ml of Bacardi Black rum with 10 ml of any cognac, add 1 lemon wedge, 150 ml of black coffee, 2 pieces of sugar. Heat the resulting cocktail over low heat, without bringing to a boil. The cocktail should be drunk hot. It perfectly invigorates and warms in cold weather.

stronger beverages

  • dream pirate. Mix 60 ml of Bacardi black rum in a shaker with the same amount of dry vermouth, 50 ml of lime juice and 30 ml crushed ice. Serve cashew nuts for an appetizer. This wonderful pirate drink invigorates and uplifts.

  • Mai Tai (recipe number 1). Mix 40 ml of Bacardi Black rum with 40 ml of gold rum, add 15 ml of amaretto liqueur, the same amount orange liqueur, 1 tablespoon sugar syrup and the juice of one lime. Pour in a few ice cubes.
  • Mai Tai (recipe number 2). Mix 30 ml of light rum with 50 ml of Bacardi Black rum, add 25 ml of orange curacao, the same amount of almond syrup and 1 tablespoon of lime juice. Incredibly delicious cocktail!
  • Black Bull. Mix 20 ml of black rum with 80 ml of Red Bull, add ice and garnish the glass with a slice of lemon.

In charred oak barrels long time aged black rum. This drink is considered a symbol of pirate freemen, conquistador courage, royal gloss and romance at the same time. In the rich aroma, you can find notes of spices, chocolate and dried fruit.

You can drink black rum in its pure form as a digestif. Rum is served in thick-walled glasses at the end of a meal, like brandy or whiskey. You can add a few ice cubes and a lemon.

Dark rum pairs well with coffee. For Cajun coffee you will need: hot coffee- 3 cups, molasses - 6 tablespoons, black rum - 6 tablespoons, whipped cream for decoration. Prepare an invigorating Cajun black coffee with molasses and rum. For creating culinary product need to pour ready coffee with dissolved molasses for 6 servings. Add 1 tbsp to each cup. black rum. Whipped cream will help decorate the coffee drink.

In cocktails, black rum is successfully combined with various soft drinks. At home, you can easily and quickly prepare the Plantator cocktail. For the Plantator cocktail, take: black rum - 40 ml, Orange juice- 30 ml, lemon juice - 20 ml, lemon or orange slices for decoration, ice cubes. Just mix the rum with ice, orange and lemon juice in a shaker. The drink is served in a tall glass.

Many combinations of black rum with other spirits have been created. Try the Alexander cocktail. Prepare: black rum - 20 ml, dark liqueur Creme de Cacao - 20 ml, cream - 20 ml, grated nutmeg- a pinch, ice cubes. In a shaker, combine rum with dark liqueur, cream and ice. Pour into a glass goblet and sprinkle with a pinch of nutmeg.

Drink black rum undiluted or add this incendiary and bright drink you decide. Feel free to experiment and try!
