
Zebra in a slow cooker is an amazingly delicious dessert with a subtle hint of chocolate. Recipe: Zebra Pie in a slow cooker

Today we will have a beautiful, elegant and tasty Zebra pie in a slow cooker for tea. On the surface and inside this cake, you can see various intricate patterns - for example, the likeness of a flower. Patterns with each baking are different. Its appearance will not leave anyone indifferent, it will decorate the everyday table, and if such a cake is soaked and smeared with your loved ones, then it can also be presented to your loved ones and guests on the festive table. When you cut your cake, you will immediately understand why it was called "Zebra", it will speak for itself. In its beauty, I think that such a cake is not inferior to store-bought cakes and pastries. It tastes very delicate, tasty, homemade, native - it cannot be replaced with store-bought pastries. Try and cook this cake in a slow cooker and your family will constantly ask you to bake this wonderful and unusual cake.


  • sugar - 2 multi cups (or 270 g)
  • flour - 2.5 multi cups (or 250 g)
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • butter (or margarine) - 100 g
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon, slaked with vinegar (or baking powder 10 g)
  • vanillin - 1 g

Grind soft butter with sugar and vanilla (I rub with a mixer at low speed). Then add the eggs one at a time while continuing to beat. Add the next egg only after the previous one is completely dispersed. You should get a homogeneous lush mass.

Then add sour cream, stir. Introduce flour, soda, slaked with vinegar (or baking powder). Knead the dough. Divide the resulting dough into two equal parts, add to one.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with any oil, put two tablespoons of white dough in the center of the bowl, then carefully place two tablespoons of dark dough in the middle of the white dough (or vice versa), so alternate the layers until all the dough is over.

The Zebra pie is baked in the Panasonic multicooker in the “baking” mode for 65 minutes.

After the signal, remove the cake from the multicooker and cool. Cooled Zebra can be poured with chocolate icing, for this:

Mix 4 tablespoons of milk with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of cocoa. Boil the icing over low heat until thickened, add 50 grams of softened butter and mix well.

Pie or Zebra cake in a slow cooker is ready. Bon appetit!!!

I propose to try the classic recipe for zebra pie on sour cream, which turns out to be a taste from childhood. There was probably no hostess who did not bake it. Cute, with bright, contrasting stripes, inexpensive for products that are almost always in every home. It is also very tasty, with a tender and slightly moist texture.

The recipe for zebra on sour cream remains one of my favorite homemade pies. If you cut it into a couple of cake layers and layer it with your favorite cream, you will get a well-known cake. The most interesting thing is that for its preparation you do not need a mixer or blender, but simply mix the ingredients until smooth. Thanks to this, the whole process will take you about 5 minutes, not counting the baking time in the slow cooker.

In my opinion, this is the recipe for the simplest zebra pie, and every hostess should be able to cook it. If you are waiting for the arrival of guests, then such a treat will definitely be to their taste with a cup of tea or coffee.

Below I will show in detail how to cook a sweet zebra pie with sour cream in a hurry, that absolutely anyone can handle it, even a beginner in the kitchen. I recommend baking it and maybe you will like it as much as our family. I also advise you to look at the step-by-step, which is also simple and easy, but baked in the oven.


  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sour cream 15% - 200 g
  • Wheat flour - 260 g
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp
  • Soda - 1 tsp

How to make zebra pie with sour cream

First, I’ll tell you the recipe for sour cream dough for the pie. I beat the eggs into a deep bowl and add sugar to them. But put sugar to taste, if you do not like very sweet pastries, then one glass is enough for you, and if you like it sweeter, then pour 1.5 cups.

I add sour cream with a fat content of 10-15% and no more to the bowl, since the pie is quite fatty, so we will not abuse it.

Then I pour a teaspoon of soda without a slide directly onto the sour cream. There is acid in sour cream that will extinguish the soda, but if you have any doubts, you can additionally extinguish it with a small amount of grape or apple cider vinegar. Next, I add soft butter, and if you have it straight from the refrigerator, you can melt it slightly in the microwave. Twenty seconds is enough and it will become soft, after which I add it to the rest of the products.

I pour in the flour last and mix everything so that there are no lumps. As a result, a smooth, homogeneous dough is obtained, similar in consistency to thick sour cream or dough for thick pancakes.

I divide the prepared dough into two parts. I add the sifted cocoa powder to one of them and mix until smooth.

As you can see, the step-by-step recipe for zebra on sour cream is very simple. After that, I grease the multicooker bowl with oil or lay parchment on the bottom. With a tablespoon, alternately lay out the light and dark dough at one point so that the colors alternate. Do this for all tests.

Next, I put the bowl into the multicooker. I turn on the "Baking" mode. Cooking time 60 minutes.

I put the finished cake on the multicooker tray so that it cools completely.

Here is such a classic zebra pie recipe, simple and easy to prepare. It remains to cut it into portioned pieces and serve. A step-by-step zebra pie recipe in a slow cooker showed you with detailed photos, although everything is so simple here that you can cook without looking at them. Bon appetit and successful experiments in the kitchen!

Zebra Pie Video:

Zebra pie is one of the simple and at the same time beautiful dishes that even a teenager can master. Many first met him at school in home economics lessons. Its feature is that it turns out to be striped in a section, which invariably surprises guests. And the secret is just a couple of tablespoons of cocoa and the correct laying out of the dough.

Pie "Zebra"

Cheerful zebra pie in a slow cooker is baked in almost the same way as just in the oven. There are many ways to cook it, and every housewife has her own tricks. We will give you some recipes.

Pie "Zebra" in a slow cooker. Classic recipe

You will know that baking in a slow cooker is not at all difficult when you try to make a zebra cake in a slow cooker in our way. A step by step recipe for this pie will help you. For the dish we will take it:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

Dough preparation

The classic zebra cake recipe includes a number of simple steps:

  1. Beat three eggs with a glass of sugar until thick foam. Better to do it with a mixer.
  2. Stir in half a pack of warm butter.
  3. We combine a teaspoon of baking powder with a glass of flour and gradually pour everything into the eggs, kneading everything until smooth.
  4. To make our zebra dark stripes, we need chocolate dough. Therefore, we divide the whole dough into two halves, and put two tablespoons of cocoa powder in one of them (normal, Nesquik will not work because of the sugar it contains). It will turn out a duet of black and white - even now in the savannah.

How to bake

At the final stage, we wipe the multicooker bowl from the inside with oil and begin to make the actual “zebra”. Pour a full spoonful of unpainted dough into the bottom of the mold, into the center of the “blot” - a full spoonful of chocolate. So over and over again, until all the dough comes out. Never mix anything! If desired, another pattern is applied on top with a toothpick based on the resulting circles.

Pie "Zebra" is cooked in a slow cooker on the "Baking" mode for an average of an hour. After the timer beeps, hold it inside for another 10 minutes.

Important: do not open the lid while you bake the biscuit, otherwise the dough will fall off. Please note that we give an average time, and you should also take into account the features of your particular multicooker, written in the instructions and found out from personal experience.

As you can see, baking it is not difficult. We carefully remove the prepared cake from the mold and sprinkle it with powdered sugar for beauty - alas, it is difficult to get a golden crust in a slow cooker.

You can cut the cake into pieces while still hot and eat, or let it cool first. Calorie content - about 340 kcal.

This is a classic Zebra recipe, and there are many others - with sour cream, kefir, various additives.

Cake "Zebra" in glaze

If, after preparing the Zebra pie in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe, you want more beauty and bright taste, then cover it with chocolate icing. It's perfect for turning an everyday cake into a fancy cake to wow your guests.

Glaze preparation

For a chocolate coating for a pie, you need five ingredients and a quarter of an hour of time.

In a bowl, mix a tablespoon (30 grams) of softened butter and two cups of powdered sugar, add two tablespoons of cocoa. Pour half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, pour in four tablespoons (one third of a glass) of milk and mix well so that there are no lumps. Now you can cover the finished baking with icing.

Zebra Pie Cooking Video

Other recipes

Of course, in addition to the classic, there are other Zebra recipes in the slow cooker. And we will definitely tell you about them so that you can choose the one that you and your loved ones like best.

Pie "Zebra" on kefir

Perhaps the pie that you can cook in the simplest slow cooker is Zebra on kefir. The dough comes out light and porous, and the dish is quite inexpensive.

  1. We take two eggs and start beating them, adding a pinch of salt and gently introducing half a glass of sugar until a white mass forms.
  2. Pour half a glass of kefir with soda slaked in it (half a teaspoon) to beaten eggs, mix with a mixer on low mode.
  3. We put 150 grams of flour and 50 grams of melted and cooled butter.
  4. We divide the mass into two parts. Pour three tablespoons of cocoa into one, into the other, so that the consistency comes out similar, you can add flour.
  5. We spread the chocolate and unpainted dough into the thicket of the multicooker and bake for 60 minutes.

The calorie content of "Zebra" on kefir is about 300 kcal.

Preparing the Zebra Pie Dough

Pie "Zebra" on sour cream

The recipe for "Zebra" on sour cream in a slow cooker is not at all complicated. For the pie you will need:

  1. Beat four eggs with 250 grams of sugar with a mixer.
  2. We spread sour cream (200 grams) and 50 ml of warm vegetable oil in the eggs and mix.
  3. In parts, we introduce 300 grams of flour, combined with 10 grams of baking powder. So the dough will come out without lumps. The consistency of the dough will resemble thick sour cream.
  4. Pour half of the dough into another container and combine with two tablespoons of cocoa.
  5. In a greased multicooker bowl, spread the dough in “circles”
  6. We set to cook on the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes, and then on the "Heating" mode for another 10 minutes. Zebra pie with sour cream is ready. Its calorie content is approximately 320-340 kcal.

Curd cake "Zebra" is not only beautiful and tasty, but also more low-calorie than "Zebra" on sour cream. Its energy value is only 186 kcal. It is suitable as a Sunday breakfast or afternoon snack for children.

  1. Grind half a kilogram of cottage cheese through a sieve or grind with a blender so that it is tender and uniform.
  2. We put in it five tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, two eggs and 1 gram of vanilla.
  3. Dilute four tablespoons of semolina in 150 ml of milk and pour into the curd mixture.
  4. Divide the mixed dough in half, pour a tablespoon of cocoa into one part.
  5. In the bowl we form the future striped cake.
  6. Cook on the "Baking" mode for 50 minutes, and then let cool under the lid.

Cake "Zebra" with condensed milk and nuts in a slow cooker

You can diversify the taste of your favorite pie with various additives. For example, nuts. Almost any will do, but chocolate dough is best combined with walnuts or hazelnuts.

  1. Beat three eggs with a glass of sugar until thick foam.
  2. We put five tablespoons of mayonnaise to them.
  3. Butter, half a pack, should not be chilled, but melted. We pour it in there.
  4. Mix one and a half cups of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder and half a cup of chopped nuts and combine with beaten eggs.
  5. Add cocoa to one half of the dough, a little flour to the second for equal density.
  6. Put both types of dough alternately into the multicooker bowl. For each spoonful of white dough, pour a teaspoon of condensed milk.
  7. We put it on the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes and keep it in the turned off machine for another quarter of an hour without opening it.

Zebra cake with apples in a slow cooker

Zebra cake with apples

Apples with a sweet and sour taste will help to shade the sweetness of a light and chocolate biscuit.

  1. We combine a glass of sugar with 300 grams of sour cream and beat a little.
  2. We introduce 150 grams of melted butter into them. There is also one egg.
  3. Pour one teaspoon of soda and a bag of vanilla sugar into 350 grams of flour. We combine with the rest of the ingredients from the first two points. Stir and let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Peel the apple and cut into small pieces. We mix it with dough.
  5. Separate the dough into light and chocolate with two tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  6. Put in a bowl one on top of the other layers.
  7. We cook in a slow cooker on the “Baking” mode for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Cake "Zebra" with bananas and condensed milk in a slow cooker

A festive cake with an unusual cream is easy to make from simple and affordable products:

  1. Beat four eggs with a glass of sugar until a dense foam.
  2. They should pour soda slaked with vinegar, one teaspoon.
  3. Add one and a half cups of flour to them and mix.
  4. In one second part of the dough, add two tablespoons of cocoa.
  5. We make “zebra” from two types of dough in a multicooker bowl.
  6. We bake as usual.
  7. While the biscuit is in the slow cooker, prepare the cream: cut three soft ripe bananas and beat them with a can of condensed milk.
  8. We cut the baked cake into three thinner cakes and coat them with banana-condensed milk cream.
  9. If desired, the top of the cake can be decorated with homemade chocolate icing according to the recipe above.

Making a zebra pie is an easy way to bring some brightness and good mood into everyday life. After all, no one will refuse to get a piece of crumbly striped biscuit for a cup of tea.

Russia has always been famous for pies. They are the most diverse. At present, modern household appliances facilitate labor, save time when cooking. Ergonomic multicookers are very popular with housewives. You can even bake delicious desserts in them. Today we will analyze the details when baking a “striped” pie, according to several popular recipes.

When you want to quickly prepare a delicious dessert for tea, easy to prepare and in composition, but delicious and beautiful - you need to remember the Zebra pie in a slow cooker. The ingredients for its preparation are almost always available from any hostess.

The dough in this cake is laid out in a special way - alternating light and dark parts of the cake, and then an attractive striped pattern is obtained. A pattern in the form of a cobweb, even if desired, can be additionally applied to the top of the pie, this is usually done with a toothpick, with just a few lines. You can cover the cake with chocolate icing or use what is at hand (berries, dried fruits, sweets, etc.). You can simply cut the cake lengthwise and smear with cream, condensed milk with butter. Consider some recipes for making a pie.

Pie "Zebra" on sour cream


  • flour - 300 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Baking powder - 10 g.

Beat eggs with sugar until a dense thick white mass is formed. Add sour cream to this mixture, then add melted softened butter, mix everything thoroughly into an even homogeneous mass. Next, little by little you need to add flour mixed with baking powder, constantly mixing gently.

Next, divide the dough into two parts and add cocoa to one part. We get light and dark (chocolate) dough. Lubricate our multicooker bowl shape, spread the dough: a spoonful of light dough, a spoonful of dark (on top of each other). We put the bowl with the dough in our multicooker and bake for about an hour.

Festive Zebra Cake


  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream -250 g;
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder - 1 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • chocolate (optional)
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable or butter, you can put baking paper (parchment circle) on its bottom, which will protect the cake from sticking to the bowl. Mix flour (2 tablespoons) and cocoa (1 teaspoon) in a small bowl and powder the shape of the bowl.

It is good to add a little salt to the proteins, so they will beat better and faster. Then add sugar and beat a little more until the mass becomes light and homogeneous. Add melted butter, then sour cream. Then continue mixing thoroughly, adding flour with baking powder.

Knead the dough very carefully and carefully - there should be no lumps.
Place the third part of the dough in another bowl, add cocoa, mix, beat with a whisk. Grate chocolate on a coarse grater. Put a layer of a small thickness of dough without cocoa on the bottom of the multicooker mold, sprinkle it with prepared chocolate chips. At a short distance from each other, spread out on a tablespoon of dough, to which cocoa was added.

Stir the dough with a teaspoon, starting from the center, gradually twisting it in one direction - this is how we get alternating white and brown strips of dough on the finished pie. Bake the cake for 60 minutes until the top crust is obtained. After the cake has cooled, cut it, grease with melted chocolate and butter. Pour the top of the pie with the same mixture, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

After cooling the cake (to solidify the chocolate mass), you can serve it to the table. You can show your imagination and decorate the cake not with grated chocolate chips, but use chocolate confectionery “buttons”, special M&M dragees. To decorate a festive cake, you can beat sour cream with sugar, add cinnamon, lemon zest, vanilla sugar or any jam. Additionally add nuts, walnut crumbs, almonds, hazelnuts. If you are planning a special festive occasion to treat guests, you can add a little cognac directly to the chocolate icing (or brandy), this will enhance the taste of chocolate and give a special flavor note.

Pie "Bison" with milk


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • soda - 2 teaspoons;
  • cocoa - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 1 glass.

Beat the egg and sugar mixture. Then pour in the milk, gradually pour in the flour (previously adding soda to it). Mix everything. Pour cocoa into one part. You will get a light part and chocolate. Put them in a mold and bake for 60 minutes.

Pie "Zebra" on kefir


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar -1 glass;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda -1 teaspoon.

Mix kefir with soda, soak for 5 minutes. Beat eggs with sugar, add all other Ingredients gradually. Then add cocoa to one part of the already kneaded dough. Bake the finished kneaded dough in a slow cooker for about an hour.

Pie "Zebra" with cottage cheese


  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 250 grams;
  • semolina - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Mix cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream. Add eggs and beat everything. Then add semolina (3 tablespoons). In this case, it is necessary to prepare two parts of the dough - one with cocoa, and the other with semolina. Put the kneaded dough into the prepared form and bake for an hour in a slow cooker.

You can bake a Zebra pie in the same way even with mayonnaise, which will give the pie an unusual savory taste. But it should be noted that such a spicy dessert will already be quite high in calories compared to the kefir version.

Lenten pie "Zebra"


  • yogurt - 100 grams;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - 2 teaspoons;
  • margarine - 50 grams.

Mix all the ingredients, after melting the margarine. Divide the dough into two parts - light and dark. Bake an hour in a slow cooker.

We have reviewed some popular recipes. They can be used to prepare the "Zebra in a slow cooker" pie for tea drinking in the morning, at the festive table, on fasting days, for adults and children. They are tasty, original and cooked in a slow cooker without much hassle, a little easier than in the oven.

The name of this unusual pastry speaks for itself. The combination of light and dark dough results in a pattern resembling zebra stripes. Due to its appearance and taste, Zebra deserves to be a great treat on the holiday table.

Most often, Zebra in a slow cooker is prepared according to this recipe. There is nothing complicated in it. Any housewife will cope with cooking.


  • flour - 2 cups;
  • egg - 5 pcs.,
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • vanillin - 0.5 tsp

Cooking Zebra in a slow cooker:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer or whisk until fluffy.
  2. Add softened butter and sour cream. Mix everything well, but use a spatula or whisk instead of a mixer.
  3. Now add pre-sifted flour with baking powder and vanilla. Mix everything well.
  4. Divide the resulting dough into two equal portions.
  5. Add cocoa to one serving, 2 more tablespoons of flour to the other. Mix both portions well.
  6. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter and start spreading the dough.
  7. Start with white dough. Dial 2 tbsp. l. and put them in the center of the bowl.
  8. Now type the chocolate dough and lay it exactly in the middle of the white.
  9. Spread the dough in the same way until it runs out, alternating white with chocolate.
  10. When all the dough is in the bowl, set the "Baking" function for 60 minutes.
  11. When the baking time is over, do not remove the cake from the multicooker immediately. Let it sit for another 15 minutes, let it cool down a bit.
  12. Remove the cake using the steam container and leave to cool completely.
  13. Zebra in the slow cooker is ready. It remains only to decorate it with icing or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Zebra with sour cream in a slow cooker

Zebra can be not only a pie, but also a cake. To do this, grease the cakes with cream, which you can choose according to your taste. You can also add nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits to the cake - whatever you like.

Dough Ingredients:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • sunflower oil - 50 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp

Cream Ingredients:

  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • walnuts - 0.5 cups.

Glaze Ingredients:

  • milk - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking Zebra with sour cream in a slow cooker:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer until smooth and fluffy.
  2. Gradually add sunflower oil and kefir, continuing to beat the dough.
  3. Mix sifted flour with baking powder and vanilla sugar.
  4. Pour the dry mixture into the dough and mix it with a spatula.
  5. Divide the resulting dough into 2 equal parts.
  6. Add cocoa to one part of the dough, a couple of tablespoons of flour to the other. Both parts should be the same consistency.
  7. Lubricate the bowl with butter and start laying out the dough.
  8. Start with white dough. Dial 2 tbsp. l. and put them in the center of the bowl. After that, type the chocolate dough and put it in the center of the white dough.
  9. Continue spreading the dough, alternating white and chocolate, until it is completely finished.
  10. When all the dough is in the bowl, set the Bake function to 65 minutes.
  11. After the beep, leave the pastry for another 15 minutes in the multicooker.
  12. While the Zebra in the slow cooker is cooling down, prepare the cream. Beat sour cream with sugar until smooth.
  13. Cut the cooled cake into 3 layers.
  14. Prepare chocolate frosting. Pour milk into a small container, add sugar and bring the mass to a boil over low heat. Then add butter and cocoa. Mix everything well and let the glaze cool slightly.
  15. Lubricate the cakes with cream and sprinkle with nuts.
  16. Grease the top cake with glaze and decorate with nuts.
  17. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours so that it is well soaked.

Zebra with condensed milk and nuts in a slow cooker

Zebra can be diversified with various additives. One of them is condensed milk and nuts. The taste of baking with condensed milk will remind you of your childhood.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • walnuts - 0.5 cups.

Cooking Zebra with condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  1. Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer in a thick fluffy mass.
  2. Add mayonnaise and baking powder to the egg mass.
  3. Melt the butter in a water bath and pour into the dough in a thin stream, stirring the mass with a spatula.
  4. Now add the sifted flour to the dough and mix everything well.
  5. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts.
  6. Add cocoa to one part, 2 tbsp to the second. l. flour.
  7. Add crushed walnuts to both parts.
  8. Lubricate the bowl with butter and start putting the dough into it.
  9. Dial 2 tbsp. l. white dough and put it in the center of the bowl.
  10. Put 1 tsp in the center of the white dough. condensed milk.
  11. Dial 2 tbsp. l. chocolate dough and lay it on the white. Continue spreading the dough, alternating white with chocolate. And between them spread the condensed milk.
  12. When all the dough is in the bowl, set the “Baking” mode for 65 minutes.
  13. After the beep, do not remove the cake immediately. Zebra in the slow cooker should stand for another 15 minutes.
  14. Remove the finished Zebra from the bowl using the steam container.

Curd Zebra in a slow cooker

Zebra with cottage cheese is very tender and airy. It can be a great dessert for both adults and children. This recipe will especially appeal to mothers whose children do not really like cottage cheese.

  • cottage cheese (5% or 9%) - 500 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • chocolate - 50 g;
  • cream (10%) - 50 ml;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 20 g.

Cooking cottage cheese Zebra in a slow cooker:

  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder so that it becomes more homogeneous, without lumps.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy.
  3. Combine egg mixture with cottage cheese and mix well.
  4. Divide the resulting mass into two equal parts.
  5. Melt the chocolate and add it to one of the pieces. You can take milk or black chocolate.
  6. In the chocolate part, add 2 tbsp. l. starch, in curd - 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  7. Lubricate the bowl with butter.
  8. Put in the center of the bowl 2 tbsp. l. white curd mass, on it 2 tbsp. l. chocolate. Continue to lay out the dough in the same order.
  9. When all the dough is in the bowl, set the "Bake" function to 60 minutes, and then extend the time by another 20 minutes.
  10. When the baking process is completed, leave the Zebra in the slow cooker for another 15 minutes.
  11. Remove the finished Zebra from the bowl using the steam container. You can decorate pastries with powdered sugar or berry jam.

If you want the Zebra in the slow cooker to always turn out to be successful, use these helpful tips:

  1. Always use only the freshest ingredients for baking.
  2. Be sure to sift wheat flour to avoid getting various small debris into the dough. Also, sifting saturates the flour with oxygen, which makes the baking more airy.
  3. Eggs for dough should be at room temperature, then they will beat better.
  4. In order for the flour to be better enriched with oxygen, it must be mixed with baking powder and let the dry mixture stand for 30 minutes.
  5. To make pastries freely removed from the multicooker, grease the bowl with butter or cover with baking parchment.
  6. Never open the multicooker lid during the baking process, otherwise the dough may settle and bake poorly.
  7. If you want the top of the Zebra to turn brown, turn the pastry over to the other side and leave it in the slow cooker for another 15 minutes, setting the “Heating” mode.
  8. Try to follow the exact recipe so as not to spoil the pastries.
  9. Check pastries for readiness with a wooden stick. If necessary, you can extend the baking time.
  10. Do not remove pastries from the bowl immediately after the beep. Let her stand for a while in the multicooker bowl to cool.
  11. It is convenient to remove pastries from the bowl using the steamer container. To do this, insert the container into the multicooker and turn the bowl over.

Zebra in a slow cooker. Video
