
Pumpkin juice with apples with pulp. Pumpkin juice for the winter - a bright vitamin drink

The first step is to prepare the ingredients for preparing the drink. Be sure to wash the pumpkin with warm water, wash off dust and dirt. Then we remove the peel. This is quite difficult to do, especially if the fruit has a dense skin and pulp. First, cut the pumpkin in half, remove the fibers with seeds. Then we cut the halves into not thick slices, and after that we clean them. Grind the fruit so that it is convenient to place the pieces in the juicer hole.

Apples can be put into juice along with the skin. It is even more useful, because it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. We wash the fruits thoroughly, cut into slices, remove the seeds.

We pass the crushed pumpkin and apple pieces together with the lemon through a juicer. Add sugar to the saucepan with the resulting fragrant liquid, mix. Bring the juice to a boil over low heat. To preserve as many useful substances as possible, the product should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment, it is enough to boil it for 2-3 minutes.

We sterilize glass containers for blanks over steam for 10 minutes. Or put the washed jars wet in a cold oven, heat them for 15 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. We fill the jars prepared in this way with boiling juice, cork the canvas with metal lids.

Healthy and tasty pumpkin-apple juice for the winter is ready.

Such a drink is stored at room temperature for a year or longer.

Pumpkin juice with apples: a step by step photo recipe from Ksenia

Just look what kind of sun in the jar I have prepared for you today - pumpkin-apple juice for the winter. This is not only a tasty, fragrant and healthy drink, but also very beautiful - it is so bright and rich. The recipe for this homemade juice for the winter is simple, the preparation itself is also not difficult, and the result will please not only adults, but also children.

Do you know what codename this pumpkin and apple juice is in our family? Orange! The fact is that apart from me, no one from my family accepts and does not understand the taste of pumpkin, so I try to mask it in every possible way in dishes. Fresh, some varieties of pumpkin, by the way, are unusually tasty - many who understand what I mean will surely agree with me. But after heat treatment, the taste and aroma of this red-haired beauty changes (not for the better, one might say) and it is in this case that not everyone accepts it.

So, I suggest masking this characteristic taste and smell with the help of citrus fruits - not only juice, but also orange and lemon zest will be used. As a result, you will have 2.5 liters of bright, fragrant, tasty, rich and moderately sweet homemade pumpkin and apple juice. Just remember that this is a concentrate, so before use it is advisable to dilute it with water to taste. Also, do not get carried away with pumpkin juice if you have gastritis (with low acidity), intestinal colic, or if you have acid-base imbalance.


Cooking step by step with photos:

To make juice for the winter, take a pumpkin, apples, oranges, lemon, water and granulated sugar. The variety of pumpkin (I have Amazon) and apples (in my case, White pouring) do not matter, but the amount of sugar that you add to the drink depends on their natural sweetness.

We will prepare fruit and vegetable juice for the winter in two stages: first we will make pumpkin juice with pulp, after which we will get pure and transparent apple juice using a juicer. So, first of all, let's deal with the pumpkin. We remove the peel from it (with a knife or a vegetable peeler-housekeeper), remove the fibrous inner part along with the seeds. We cut the pulp itself (1 kilogram) into a medium cube, put it in a saucepan and pour it with a glass of water. We cover the dishes with a lid and cook over medium heat until the pumpkin becomes soft - the time depends on the variety and maturity of the fruit, but it takes me about 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

In the meantime, we need to prepare our flavors - oranges and lemon. It is important to remove the wax that covers all overseas fruits, especially citrus fruits. This is easy to do - just scrub the oranges and lemons thoroughly with a brush, and then pour boiling water over them. Then, in any convenient way, remove the zest from three fruits. I just rub it on a fine grater. And finally, we squeeze the juice - I got quite a bit, unfortunately, but this is quite enough to muffle the characteristic pumpkin flavor. This step takes 5-7 minutes.

Further, while the pumpkin is still stewing, it remains to squeeze the juice from the apples - for this we will use a juicer. We pass all the fruits (previously wash them) through an electrical appliance - as you can see, we get an inhomogeneous mass of an indefinite color with a huge amount of foam.

Now it is necessary to strain our juice through several layers of gauze or a dense piece of natural fabric. At first, the juice will vigorously drain itself, then drip, and at the end it will need to be squeezed out by hand.

As a result, from 2 kilograms of fresh apples, I got 1.1 liters of juice without pulp. This volume may differ for you - it all depends on the juiciness of the fruit and the power of the juicer.

Well, the pumpkin has already softened. Add citrus juice and zest to it, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes under the lid (so that the zest becomes soft).

After that, it remains to make our pumpkin juice with pulp completely homogeneous. It is best to break through the finished mass with an immersion blender, but if you do not have one, use a simple blender (for shakes and smoothies) or, finally, rub it through a sieve.

Then I poured the pumpkin juice into a larger pot. Why didn't I cook the pumpkin in this pot right away? As my husband says, don’t feed me bread, let me dirty more dishes ... Add granulated sugar to pumpkin juice - adjust its amount to your liking (200 grams are enough for us).

Pour apple juice into the same place, mix everything and put the pan on medium heat. To speed up the heating process, you can cover the dishes with a lid. It remains to bring pumpkin-apple juice to about 95 degrees, that is, almost to a boil. Do not forget to stir the drink several times so that it does not burn.

The easiest way to make pumpkin apple juice at home is one that doesn't require a juicer. Pieces of pumpkin and apples are first boiled until soft and then crushed with a blender into a puree.

The density of the juice is regulated by adding water, but it can be left thick and diluted when you open the jar. Apples for juice are suitable for any variety, but it is better to take autumn or autumn-winter ones - they are juicy, mostly sweet and sour. If possible, choose a pumpkin with bright orange flesh, dense, not fibrous. It should taste sweet, without grassy aftertaste. If the pumpkin is yellow, then the juice will also turn out delicious, only its color will not be so saturated.


  • peeled pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • fresh apples - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g (to taste);
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • water - 1-1.5 liters.

How to make pumpkin juice with apples for the winter

We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, weigh it - it should turn out about a kilogram of peeled pulp. We clean the apples, cut out the middle, also weigh them - we need about half a kilogram. We cut the pumpkin and apples into pieces.

We shift into a deep spacious saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour a glass of water and put on a strong fire, wait for the boil.

As soon as the water begins to boil, tightly cover the pumpkin-apple mixture with a lid and leave to languish for half an hour. We make the fire almost minimal so that the water does not boil away.

After boiling the pumpkin and apples until soft, puree the mixture with an immersion blender.

Pour the puree back into the pan (we must rinse it, wash off the foam and particles of pulp), add water. The amount is adjustable depending on the desired density of the juice.

Add sugar and lemon juice (it can be replaced with citric acid). Bring pumpkin juice to a boil, cook for ten minutes.

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We sterilize jars and lids in a convenient way (we steam the jars, warm them up, boil the lids). Fill jars with pumpkin juice, twist and let cool.

We remove the cooled pumpkin-apple juice for storage in a dark, cool place or put it in the pantry. It is stored for a year or longer, but keep in mind that the juice can exfoliate and darken in the light.

If you are planning a celebration, a birthday, a holiday is approaching, especially for children, do not be lazy, cook homemade. Today we offer you a recipe for pumpkin and apple juice. Our option involves leaving the juice with pulp, if desired, it can be filtered, and you get a version close to store juice. You can always work and experiment on the taste by adding other fruits / berries or spices. Pumpkin apple juice It will be a great addition to pastries or any dessert.


    pumpkin - 300 g,

    apples - 300 g,

    sugar - 150 g,

    water - 1 l.

How to make pumpkin-apple juice

To make the juice tasty and fragrant, you need to choose the most delicious and sweetest pumpkin. If you yourself do not understand, go to the market, they will tell you which pumpkin you need to take for your purposes. Now we cut the pumpkin into two halves, take a large spoon, scrape out the seeds and the fibrous part of the pumpkin.

Then we remove the peel from the pumpkin, cut the flesh into arbitrary pieces.

We also choose tasty apples, you can take different varieties, for example, apple-pear, apple-peach, or just any sweet variety. Be sure to wash the apples, peel them, and also remove the core from the apples. We cut the pulp of apples into random pieces.

We combine the ingredients in a saucepan, pour clean water. At this stage, you can give free rein to your imagination, if you wish, we flavor the future juice at your discretion - citrus zest or pulp, spicy cinnamon stick or star anise.

We send the saucepan to the stove, cook for 7-10 minutes, until the pumpkin is fully cooked. After all, apples will cook in 4-5 minutes, but pumpkin will need a little more time. We try the pumpkin with a fork, if it is pierced and falls apart a little, you can proceed to the further process.

We take an immersion blender, puree the ingredients for a minute, turn everything into a homogeneous smooth liquid. We leave the juice with pulp, but if you are a lover of clear juices, we filter the liquid through the finest sieve.

Pour a portion of granulated sugar, here we also focus on our taste, adding more or less sugar. Boil the juice with sugar for one minute.

We take a sample from our juice. If we serve juice to guests, we pre-cool it on the shelf of the refrigerator.

If we prepare juice for the future, we pour it into sterile jars, seal the jars hermetically with lids, and cool the juice under a blanket, upside down. We store cans of natural juice in a pantry or cellar.

Bon appetit!

Many housewives prepare pumpkin juice for the winter, because with proper preservation, it retains its beneficial properties for a very long time and allows you to add vitamin dishes to the diet in the cold season. Already from the age of 6 months, you can give it to children without fear for the naturalness of the product, because all fruits and vegetables are used fresh and they certainly will not get any dyes and preservatives. Preparing pumpkin juice is very simple - often it is enough just to pass all the ingredients through a juicer, and then sterilize already in jars.

For pumpkin juice, pumpkin pulp is used, as well as various fruits and vegetables. You can make the drink sweet or salty, at your discretion. The most common ingredients are apples, carrots, lemon and dried apricots. The juice can be made transparent or the pulp can be left in it for greater density. It all depends solely on the chosen recipe and the preferences of the cook.

To create the desired flavors, citric acid, sugar or cinnamon are added to pumpkin juice. The drink always turns out to be a rich orange color. It is great for any meal, replacing purchased juices or fruit drinks. Pumpkin juice is served cold, and for small children it is only slightly heated to room temperature. Store the juice in rolled jars or under airtight silicone lids. It feels great in any cool place, so it is not necessary to occupy the shelves in the refrigerator.

In this recipe, the pumpkin is steamed, but if you wish, you can use a more traditional method - just pour the vegetable with water and cook for 40-50 minutes. It is better to make apple juice yourself, but in the absence of a juicer, use a purchased product. After combining the two juices, you do not need to boil the drink - just warm it well enough.


  • 800 g pumpkin;
  • 300 ml of apple juice;
  • 2/3 cup sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and boil them for a couple until tender.
  2. Rub the pulp through a sieve, mix with apple juice.
  3. Pour the juice into a saucepan and heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Pour the juice into jars and order them with lids.

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The water for this recipe should completely cover the pumpkin. If desired, you can add a little more liquid if you do not like thick juices. The drink will turn out sweet and sour and very refreshing. It is better to use freshly squeezed juices for its preparation - both taste and consistency may suffer with store-bought ones, and the shelf life of the finished drink will also decrease.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 orange;
  • ½ tsp lemon juice;
  • 100 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pulp of the pumpkin into cubes, add water and put to boil.
  2. When the pumpkin becomes soft, grind it with a blender to a puree state.
  3. Squeeze juice from an orange using any convenient method.
  4. Pour lemon and orange juice into the pumpkin mass, mix well.
  5. Add sugar and boil for another 10 minutes over medium heat after boiling.
  6. Pour the juice into jars, roll up the lids.

If you have at hand such a useful kitchen appliance as a juicer, the process of making juice will be simplified at times. Moreover, both pumpkin and carrots need approximately the same time to reach the desired degree of readiness. Collect the juicer according to the instructions, and put the vegetables in the upper sieve. The amount of water may vary - be guided by a special mark inside the juicer.


  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 10 g of citric acid;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 500 g carrots;
  • 150 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel carrots and pumpkin, cut into small pieces.
  2. Pour water into a special compartment of the pressure cooker, put the vegetables in a sieve.
  3. Cover the saucepan with a lid and put on fire.
  4. Install a saucepan or other container where the finished juice will drain.
  5. Add sugar and citric acid to the prepared juice, mix.
  6. Boil the juice on the stove and immediately remove from heat.
  7. Pour juice into prepared jars, roll up, cool upside down.

All you need for this recipe is the listed ingredients and a juicer. Even a novice cook can cope with this cooking option, and experienced colleagues will be sincerely glad that you no longer need to spend several hours in the kitchen to make delicious juice. Sugar is added to taste. Its amount may vary depending on the selected variety of apples.


  • 800 g pumpkin;
  • 1.2 kg of apples;
  • 300 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater and cook until tender in a small amount of water.
  2. After readiness, pass the pumpkin mass through a juicer.
  3. Cut apples into large slices, removing the core.
  4. Pass fruit through a juicer.
  5. Pour apple juice over pumpkin, add sugar and mix well.
  6. Boil the drink for 7 minutes, then pour it into clean jars.
  7. Sterilize the jars in boiling water for 20 minutes, then roll up the lids and cool at room temperature.

Now you know how to make pumpkin juice for the winter according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin juice for the winter is one of the healthiest drinks you can make at home. Its taste and aroma will certainly brighten up cold winter evenings, and the vitamin composition will give a feeling of cheerfulness and strengthen the immune system. You don't have to be a professional chef to figure out how to make pumpkin juice for the winter. It is enough to stock up on the recipe you like and remember a few basic recommendations:
  • On average, a pumpkin for juice is boiled for 45-50 minutes. To determine that it is already ready, it is enough to pierce one piece with a fork - if the vegetable is soft, you can proceed to the next stage of cooking;
  • To keep the juice longer, sterilize the jars with the finished drink in boiling water for at least 15 minutes. You can neglect this procedure if you also use acidic ingredients, such as citrus or citric acid;
  • After seaming, be sure to turn the jars upside down and leave them in this form until completely cooled. Only after that it will be possible to transfer them to a cool place for long-term storage;
  • Experienced chefs can try not to boil the pumpkin for juice, but bake it in the oven. You can add sugar or honey to it. So the juice will turn out even more interesting.
