
With what they drink white, amber, black rum.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! This strong alcoholic drink has fans all over the world, exported from the Caribbean to Europe and Asia, served at the table of kings and presidents.

What is the difference between light rum and gold rum? Which is better to try to get acquainted with the drink? Let's talk about this in more detail.

A bit about the history of the drink

The famous pirate drink was invented by the Indians, but the inhabitants of New England and Barbados brought it to the classic taste. Today, almost every Caribbean island and every country in the world produces its own rum.

Rum is the most unregulated alcohol in the world, no one controls its production. There is no specification or approved rules, that is, each manufacturer can change the creation process at their discretion. For example, in Venezuela, the drink is aged for two years, in the Dominican Republic - a year, in Mexico 8 months. Residents of Colombia do not recognize rum with a strength of less than 50%, and in most states the norm is 40%.

The simplest classification is color. To understand whether white or dark rum is in front of you, you do not need to read the label. But these drinks differ not only in color.

White (silver, light)

This is the lightest drink in the series. It is created from sugar cane, which is processed in the classical way in metal vats. Manufacturers do not additionally age white rum, but they must filter it to achieve absolute transparency. Most often it is supplied from Cuba.

How do they drink?

Rarely used in its pure form. Often used in cooking to flambé or soak fruit. Light rum is an essential ingredient in Mojito, Pina Colada, Cuba Libre, Pacha and other cocktails. If you want to try it straight, add a dash of lime or mint to spice up the mild flavor.

Golden (amber)

Traditional. After classical distillation, it is aged in oak barrels for at least a year and a half. It is thanks to exposure that a luxurious golden color is obtained. This drink is slightly bitter, but conveys luxurious notes of spices, spices, caramel and fruits. The main tones of taste and aroma are determined by the method of production and the additives used by the manufacturer. Usually golden rum is brought from Puerto Rico, Mexico and Barbados.

How do they drink?

Golden rum is a versatile drink. Good neat and in cocktails. Just add ice before drinking.

Dark (black)

This drink has a rich dark or brown-amber hue. It is aged in heavily charred oak barrels and then distilled twice. On average, dark wine is aged for at least 3 years, then bottled without additional filtration.

How do they drink?

Alcohol of this quality should not be diluted with soda or soda. The taste will change, alcohol notes will appear in the aroma, the magic of a balanced bouquet will dissipate. Drink pure rum with cooling stones. Ice should not be added, water will also worsen the taste of the drink.

Roma Rules: Acquaintance and Long Relationships

For those who decide to try rum for the first time, we have a small guide that will help you discover the unique advantages of this alcohol and will not let you be disappointed in it.

  • Do not start with dark pure rum, you need to prepare for its taste, fall in love with an unusual bouquet of alcohol from molasses. Ideally for a first acquaintance, the “spiced” category is suitable, for example Black Mask Original Spiced. Mild yet savory flavor that will envelop the palate.
  • Take the right glass: a cognac tulip or a thick-walled glass, narrowed at the top, works well. So the aroma will be concentrated in the upper part, and the balance of aromatics and taste will become what the manufacturer intended it to be.
  • Pour 50-70 milligrams of rum into a glass, drink in small sips, try to stretch the taste on the tongue to feel more notes.

Rum can have dozens of additional flavors, such as cinnamon or chocolate nougat. Manufacturers are constantly experimenting with natural additives and aging methods, varieties of oak wood and saturation of molasses. Do not stop at one variety, experiment and try new things.

Always yours, Fragrant World

Rum is a drink with a long history that originated in the Caribbean. Then it was not of high quality. Slaves, the poor, pirates drank it. Over time, production technology has improved, and now it is a popular and expensive alcoholic drink.

What to drink rum from

Historically, it was customary to drink directly from the neck of a bottle or flask. It was considered good form after drinking a sip to offer a bottle to a friend. Now the drink is drunk from special dishes. Without additives - from cognac glasses or tall glasses with thick walls. It is supposed to warm the dishes in your hands. It is acceptable to use glasses or shots.

Cocktails with a rum base are poured into tall glasses or voluminous stemmed glasses, the thickness of the glass does not matter. Most cocktails are low-alcohol, as the base is diluted with a large amount of juice and soda. Drink as an aperitif or digestif.

How to drink rum

Varieties of the drink depend on the region where it is produced. Most popular brands, such as Bacardi, HavanaClub, Captain Morgan, have the following varieties in their line: white, golden, dark.

White has practically no exposure, it is sent for sale immediately after production. It has a slightly perceptible taste and aroma, cocktails are prepared on its basis, and are rarely consumed undiluted.

Golden has a medium exposure, deep color, tart aroma. It is consumed without additives as a digestif from thick-walled glasses, in slow sips, constantly warming with the palms. Some drink rum or dilute with cola, add a couple of ice cubes to the glass.

Dark is aged in charred barrels for 6-10 years, has a strong taste with hints of molasses and spices. Connoisseurs advise drinking undiluted, supplementing with a quality cigar. Dark rum is found in meat dishes, cocktails, pastries.

How to drink Bacardi

Popular worldwide alcohol produced in Cuba. There are more than ten types in the assortment, the most common are:

  • Varieties Superior and Carta Blanca. White varieties with fruity, vanilla notes. Crystal clear color, light aroma, 40% alcohol. They act as an alcohol base for rum cocktails, combined with juices, coconut milk, liqueurs, dry white wine.
  • Gold/Carta Oro. Velvety golden drink with an exquisite bouquet of oak, vanilla, apricot, plum notes, soft aftertaste. Use in pure form or diluted juice, cola. With ice is not recommended - the taste becomes slurred.
  • Varieties Black, Carta Negra. Drinks with a long aftertaste, deep shades. Drink in its pure form, without the addition of ice, juices. The Black variety can be diluted with cola.
  • OakHeart. Rum with a strength of 35 degrees, with hints of dried apricots, prunes, cherries and oak on the palate. It is better to drink it in its pure form with an ice cube.
  • Bacardi 151. Aging for 8 years increases the alcohol content to 75%, enriches the palate with a balanced combination of fruit and oak. Not everyone can feel the pure taste of this drink, so they are mainly used for cocktails.
  • Gran Reserva. Dark rum with an amber color, the smell of nuts, spices, fruits. Mild in taste, but a strong drink, it is better to drink after a meal, without diluting or snacking.


Weak, but tasty and invigorating Mojito cocktail.


  • Bacardi Carta Blanca/Superior - 80 ml;
  • 7up - 150 ml;
  • lime - 3 slices;
  • ice - 7-9 cubes;
  • sugar syrup - 20 ml;
  • mint - 15-20 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Remember mint with your hands, put in a tall glass, pour syrup over.
  2. Squeeze juice from two lime slices, add to mint, fill the glass with ice, rum, soda.
  3. Decorate the glass with the remaining slice.

Citrus cocktail based on dark rum.


  • orange juice - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • Bacardi Carta Negra - 50 ml;
  • ice - 4 cubes.

Cooking method:

  1. In a shaker, dilute the rum with juices and shake.
  2. Put ice in a whiskey glass, pour over the contents of the shaker.
  3. Serve with an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon.

British brand that has been producing an alcoholic drink for over 70 years:

  • Original Spiced Gold. Golden rum, aged 2-3 years. It is fragrant with a bright bouquet of fruits, honey and vanilla. Drink neat or in cocktails.
  • 100 Prof Spiced. The alcohol content in the spicy drink is 50%, but it does not leave any bitterness and unpleasant aftertaste. It is recommended to drink without additives.
  • Silver Spiced. White rum with a delicate vanilla-cinnamon taste, a subtle smell. Like all similar varieties, it harmoniously fits into the composition of cocktails.

Appetizer for rum

Not everyone consumes alcohol in its original, uncompleted form. An excellent option is an appetizer for rum. Often seafood or cold cuts of cheese, sausages, meat seasoned with herbs are served with a drink.

Fruits like pineapple, melon, papaya, and citrus fruits go well with dark varieties. If there is no time to prepare snacks, you can get by with dark chocolate or bread - they will not kill the taste of the drink.


All rum fans know that dark rum has a huge number of differences from white, and it is the dark variety of the drink that will be discussed today. Surely you opened this article because you are going to buy a bottle of dark rum, but you don’t know if you made the right choice. Therefore, I will not delay you and immediately begin to name the most obvious and main features of dark rum and compare it with white.

For greater clarity, I will say right away that, regardless of type, all rum is divided into dark and white. After double distillation or, as experts say, distillation, the rum is completely colorless. White rum, even after aging in metal vats, still remains transparent, but dark rum, which has been aging for at least three years in oak barrels charred from the inside, acquires a pleasant amber hue, shimmering with yellow highlights in the bright sun.
So, first let's talk about aging, thanks to which the drink acquires a good half of its main qualities. Now you will understand what it is about.

Dark rum, as it is called in a close circle of specialists involved in the production of strong alcohol, got its name due to the specific color and aging period. Dark rum differs from white in that it is aged for at least 3 years in barrels made from the best oak wood by experienced craftsmen using ancient technologies without gluing and nails. It is due to long aging that the rum drink acquires its dark amber color. Young, that is, white rum, is aged for less than 3 years, but most often not in oak, but in an ordinary metal vat. Therefore, it remains light, unless, of course, the manufacturer deems it necessary to dilute it with some kind of dye. For example, caramel gives a very pleasant light amber color, but noticeably worsens the quality of the drink. Therefore, most conscientious manufacturers refuse such a simple technique, fearing thereby to scare off buyers. And rightly so, because a knowledgeable person will be able to distinguish high-quality rum from a fake at the first glance!

Black rum ... What kind of animal is this - you ask and you will be right. It should be noted that black rum is not quite the right phrase. Some well-known rum producers write the word black on bottles decorated with labels. Many lovers of this drink translate this word literally. In fact, this is not black rum, but the same dark rum. But on more aged drinks, the word black is not written, because there is nothing good in the word black. Black rum, or black rum, is usually cheap. It is commonly used in cocktails and cooking.

I recently stumbled upon an interesting alcohol forum where it is said that in countries with hotter climates, spirits age twice as fast. At first I did not believe in this myth, so I began to look for the answer in more reliable sources. In the end, my incredulity let me down! The book about rum “told” me the following: almost 80 percent of rum is produced at home, namely in the Caribbean, where humidity and high temperatures practically do not change throughout the year, so the aging process is much faster, unlike colder countries, for example Scotland.

In addition, exposure gives the rum a great strength. For example, black rum has in its composition from 44 to 47 percent ethyl alcohol, and light is much less - from 40 to 44 percent.

But I have not described all the advantages of aging rum in oak barrels. There are a lot of them and it is almost impossible to tell about all of them. Therefore, I will dwell on what has already been said earlier, only to add that aging in oak gives spirits not only an attractive color, but also a delicious taste. During its aging in a barrel, the rum drink absorbs more and more notes, so the longer the exposure, the richer and brighter the taste and, of course, the aroma of the drink.

There is another kind of rum called spiced rum, or in other words spiced rum. It also belongs to the category of dark rum, only created for very unusual purposes. This is an unaged rum, which, unlike dark rum, has a more intense dark color. But this color is not given to rum by aging, as it might seem at first glance, but by various additives that are not prohibited by law - it can be chocolate, caramel, molasses, etc. This means that manufacturers take white unaged rum and darken it with the help of various flavored additives. It is not customary to drink such rum in its pure form, it is used mainly as an additive in confectionery. Spice rum is considered the second cheapest after white rum. In cool restaurants, if it comes to your mind to order spiced rum, then they will look at you like an alien, that is, in restaurants of this level there is no spiced rum, but only aged rums. And also such spicy rum is often used for blending other varieties of rum. Therefore, if you want to experience the true taste of rum in its purest form, then the best option is, of course, a dark, old drink!

I completely forgot to mention that dark rum differs from all others in that it is aged in an oak barrel charred from the inside. Thanks to this technology, this drink acquires its wonderful shade and delicious taste.

I do not like to drink strong alcohol in its pure form and always dilute it with a little mineral water. But often, due to this, the taste of the drink fades a little and it is no longer possible to fully feel the bouquet. Dark rum, as I said, has a very rich taste and aroma, so you can pour a little mineral water into it without losing the main taste and aroma of the drink. In addition, you can not be afraid to drink dark rum with ice, when the ice melts, the taste and aroma will fade a little, but the main rich bouquet will still be perfectly distinguishable. Therefore, for me, the main feature of dark rum is that you can drink it even diluted and still enjoy the original and rich taste!

And in the end, I want to add one more main feature of dark rum. White rum is most often not drunk in its pure form, as it does not have a special taste or aroma. But on the other hand, it is great for use as a base for cocktails. White rum goes well with fruit juices and does not muffle their bouquet. But dark rum is not designed for such purposes, it is best suited for drinking neat or for use in cooking. Its delicious, rich notes are the perfect flavor for my favorite rum cake or rum balls. Also, this type of alcohol can be used in the preservation of berries and fruits.

Although some bartenders claim that dark rum can also make excellent cocktails. That's why they are bartenders to mix cocktails from any ingredients!

I think it's time to finish the article, since I have already said the most important thing about dark rum. I can only advise you to buy dark rum in our online store. The order can be carried out at any time convenient for you. On our site you can read the most complete and interesting information about any drink you are interested in and order the one that you like the most. I wish you good luck and good mood! We will wait for you again on our information portal!

What do they drink rum with? How to drink and what to eat this legendary pirate drink, you will learn from this article.

Noble rum is a strong alcohol with a multifaceted taste and heady aroma of adventure. Despite the increasing popularity among both men and women, not all connoisseurs know how to drink this legendary drink.

There is a whole variety of ways to drink rum, to begin with, let's look at the general options, regardless of the type of drink.

  • Just rum

The best way to use it is in pure and undiluted form. This method allows you to feel its unsurpassed taste as subtly as possible.

Rum, especially light, is very good as an aperitif and in this case is drunk from small glasses of vodka.

Aged and high-quality varieties are recommended to drink after eating from tall glasses with a dense bottom, slowly savoring the aromatic drink. A cup of strong natural coffee will serve as a harmonious addition. And we will not write anything about the Cuban cigar, because smoking is harmful to health.

  • With ice

This option is especially popular with ladies who want to slightly soften the tart and rich taste of rum. True connoisseurs are skeptical about ice, believing that it distorts the unique flavor range of the drink.

  • In combination with juices and water

Freshly squeezed fresh juices, especially lemon juice or coconut milk, harmoniously set off the taste and strength of the drink. When diluting the drink with water, preference is given to chilled spring water.

Popular in America, the tradition of mixing rum with soda or cola among true connoisseurs of the drink is considered completely unacceptable.

  • Exquisite rum-based cocktails

This is a real classic of the genre and an indispensable attribute of any self-respecting bar! Despite the fact that the real taste and aroma of rum in combination with other components is lost, the famous Mojito, Pina Colada, Gimlet and other rum cocktails undoubtedly have a zest and refined taste.

Of great importance when answering the question with what they drink rum is the type and color of the drink. Traditionally, rum is divided into light, golden and dark, which correspond to certain rules for use.

White rum (otherwise silvery) due to its low aging, it has a mild and slightly honey relish with nutty notes in the aftertaste.

When wondering what white rum is drunk with, it is important to remember that this drink is rarely consumed in its pure form. Its elegant and delicate bouquet makes it an excellent choice for cocktails, the most famous of which are Cuba Libre and Mojito.

Golden or amber rum- a drink from one and a half to three years of aging, the golden hue of which is obtained by adding caramel. The aroma is clearly dominated by caramel and fruit notes with hints of citrus and vanilla. The perfect base for the famous sweet Pina Colada and Daiquiri.

dark rum- high-quality alcohol of many years of aging, goes well with meat dishes and seafood. Good snacks are citrus slices, sprinkled with a pinch of cinnamon, pieces of dark chocolate.

The drink is distinguished by a rich dark amber, almost coffee color with spicy notes on the palate. It is from this variety that warming grog and punch are most often prepared.

Aged and black rum- elite varieties, impeccable for consumption in its pure form.

When choosing a drink, you should pay attention to well-known brands, the most famous of which is undoubtedly Bacardi. The rules for the use of this drink also carry several nuances.

In the last century, Americans used sugar syrup (molasses) as a snack. And in Europe they could serve lemon juice or coconut milk. Now these traditions have almost died out.

When it comes to products - a snack for this drink, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • Amber rum is good to serve with fruit slices
  • White rum is a typical cocktail thing, so it does not require addition. But in extreme cases, use fruits and desserts as snacks.
  • Dark, black rum can be eaten with slices of lemon or orange sprinkled with cinnamon.

In general, this drink loves the exotic, so it would be more appropriate to take pineapple, avocado, papaya from fruits. Ordinary cherries or oranges lose a little to them. And lime will always be preferable to lemon :)

Sliced ​​bread goes great for a snack (and does not spoil the aftertaste of the drink at all).

Good exotic seafood (crayfish, oysters, mussels). But caviar or fish (except for herring!) is also suitable.

Due to the strength of the drink, you will not spoil it if you decide to eat meat or sausages.

Universal snacks for expensive alcohol will also do: cheese, coffee, chocolate, greens.

The delicious aroma and delicate taste of the drink from the famous brand have long gained popularity among connoisseurs of quality alcohol.

Bacardi Black is considered one of the most elite dark varieties. The drink is distinguished by a surprisingly soft and refined bouquet with woody and fruity notes in the aftertaste. Good paired with cola or lemon juice, neat or as a base for a variety of glamorous cocktails.

Bacardi Anejo, a six-year-old golden rum, also belongs to premium class drinks. The rich taste of the drink is well revealed when drinking unhurriedly in its pure form with pieces of cool ice.

Delicious Bacardi White is aged in special white oak barrels, ideal for cocktails. This variety has a delicate and delicate taste, with a refreshing and slightly nutty flavor.

If you are interested in what Bacardi white is drunk with, barbecue, meat or poultry dishes, and fresh fruit will come in handy with regard to the best snacks.

Bacardi 151 is considered the strongest variety of the brand - the fortress of this rum reaches 75.5 degrees - the choice for especially strong men! Due to the strength - this drink is drunk with diluted juice.

A rich variety of varieties and brands of the most romantic drink in the world will allow every connoisseur of good alcohol to choose his own version. And knowing all the subtleties of drinking certain types of rum will help you fully experience this unsurpassed bouquet.

Dark rum is a strong alcoholic drink that is made from the products of industrial processing of sugar cane. To be precise to the end, then from the molasses remaining after the separation of sugar. Of course, there is an agricultural technology in which it is carried out directly from pure juice. However, this method is currently rarely used.

Often this alcoholic drink is also called black rum. This name does not come from the color of alcohol, but from the word black (black), which manufacturers place on labels. In addition, bottles with this alcohol can be labeled with the words: dark (dark) or negro (negro).

Dark rum is a noble drink. First of all, it is distinguished by an incredibly deep and full-bodied aroma. Before drinking such alcohol, it is customary for some time to simply enjoy its bewitching bouquet. If we talk about its color, then it is dark amber.

Compared to the light and golden counterpart, dark rums are slightly more alcoholic. As a rule, it ranges from 44 to 48 degrees and is achieved due to longer aging in oak barrels.

Methods of use

Like any other alcoholic drink, black rum should be drunk properly. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to comprehend its essence. First of all, remember that this is not vodka. Of course, this dark alcohol can be drunk in one gulp, but the whole point of drinking it in this case is lost.

1. The right decision is to drink dark rum varieties in their pure form. Moreover, true connoisseurs of this amazing drink will say that this is the only right decision. It does not need to be heavily chilled. The correct serving temperature is 16-20 degrees.

If you want to fully experience the aroma of alcohol, then it must be poured into a tulip-shaped glass. It is he who helps to reveal all the facets of the bouquet of elite alcohol.

However, if you are not a sommelier or a hereditary aristocrat, then you can use any convenient utensils. These can be ordinary wide glasses with a thick bottom or even medium-sized piles.

The main thing is not to rush. Before drinking rum, hold the glass to your nose and inhale the wonderful smell for a few seconds. After that, take a small sip. Wait for the aftertaste. Repeat all steps.

Dark rums are a wonderful digestif. In other words, it is better to drink them after meals.

2. There are alternative ways to consume it. Of course, they will somewhat violate the real taste and smell of dark rum, but at the same time, no doubt, they will find their connoisseur.

In a glass of alcohol, add 2-3 ice cubes and a slice of lime or lemon. This will make the drink less strong and give it a zesty citrus note.

Some people add a pinch of ground cinnamon to it. I am not a fan of this method, but it is worth trying it at least once.

You can also drink dark rum by diluting it with a small amount of mineral water. This is a rather interesting solution, which does not greatly muffle the taste and smell, but significantly reduces the strength.

3. Making cocktails with dark rum also takes place. At least that's what the bartenders say. I think that drinking this wonderful liquor in this way is blasphemy. But here, as they say, it's a matter of taste.

Which brand is better to choose?

In specialized alcohol stores, the choice of dark rum is truly amazing. However, I firmly believe that for the first tasting it is better to purchase a product from a trusted manufacturer. This will help you get the right first impression. And after that, it will be already possible to experiment as your heart desires.

  • Bacardi Carta Negra;
  • Captain Morgan Black Spiced
  • Matusalem Gran Reserva;
  • XO Reserve.

The first two brands are available to a wider range of consumers. The latter are premium alcohol, from which you will get incomparable pleasure.

If you prefer some other brand of dark rum, write a short review about it after this article. I will be grateful to you for this!

Dark color secret

Unbelievable but true! After double distillation of cane raw materials, each rum producer receives a strong and colorless distillate. This alcohol owes its dark color to long-term aging in oak barrels. To enhance the effect of tinting, these wooden barrels are pre-fired from the inside. Sometimes dark rum is infused in American bourbon barrels.

The minimum aging period for such alcohol should not be less than 3 years. It is during this time that the drink has time to darken, as well as acquire a unique taste and aroma.

However, some manufacturers go to the trick. They do not want to wait so long and are looking for a way to make the alcohol darken faster. As a rule, in such cases, rum is additionally tinted with caramel. Of course, the taste here will not be the same. This is also why you should buy only high-quality alcohol from trusted and reliable manufacturers.
