
Choco diet is a delicious opportunity to lose weight! Personal experience of losing weight on chocolate. Expected results of the chocolate diet

The shock diet is a specific nutrition system that allows you to get rid of excess weight in a small amount in a short period of time. It is perfect for the modern pace of life. This diet has both positive and negative aspects. It must be followed for at least one day. Depending on the state of health and the desired result, it can be extended by 3 days or a week.

If you want to quickly correct the shape of your body and fit back into your favorite dress for the next holiday, then this nutrition system is what you need. Reviews testify: in addition to the fact that such a diet is quite effective, it is very pleasant to “sit” on it. But before embarking on this diet, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This article will consider several menu options for a chocolate-based nutrition system, as well as all its nuances.

What kind of chocolate to use

Chocolate, which contains the largest number of kilocalories, is milk chocolate: 550 kcal per 100 grams of the product. In dark chocolate that does not contain any additives, this figure is not much less - 539 Kcal. The nutrition system aimed at weight loss provides for the use of this product, which contains at least 70% cocoa. The chocolate diet does not allow the use of confectionery products with raisins, nuts, various fillers for weight loss, as they contain much more kilocalories.

Features of nutrition during the diet

During the chocolate diet, sugar and salt are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to refuse juices (both made from concentrates and natural) or limit their use to a minimum. It is required to completely remove carbonated water and drinks that cause appetite from the menu. Among other things, during the chocolate diet, all vegetables and fruits are excluded from the diet. The use of alcohol and drinks containing alcohol is strictly prohibited.

How often is the chocolate diet used for weight loss? Reviews of nutritionists and therapists indicate that you can repeat the course of such a nutrition system no earlier than a month after the previous one. This is explained by the fact that the chocolate diet used more often can cause a significant blow to the health of the body. At the same time, you can choose the time of eating and the number of meals at your discretion.


It should be noted that the use of permitted liquids (these include ordinary water and tea of ​​various varieties without added sugar) is also limited. But it does not refer to the quantity, but to the time of their intake. It is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid during the day. But it should be consumed no earlier than 3 hours after eating.

The positive impact of diet

What are the benefits of a chocolate diet? Reviews of nutritionists confirm the fact that its undoubted positive result, first of all, is a decrease in body weight in the shortest possible time. Also, the fact that the diet is based on one of their favorite confectionery products can please the sweet tooth.

Another positive aspect of this nutrition system is that chocolate stimulates brain activity and the immune system. This product is recommended for use by people suffering from anemia and colds. Among other things, chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants that prevent premature aging of the human body.

Disadvantages of the Chocolate Diet

The main negative quality that the shock diet has is numerous contraindications. For this reason, you should not independently decide on the use of this power system. Prior consultation with a dietitian is required.

Another disadvantage of the chocolate diet is that it does not contribute to normal metabolism and does not correspond to a complete diet. Also, after the expiration of this power system and a return to the normal menu, there is a possibility of gaining body weight. After the chocolate diet, the body tries to replenish and the weight returns to the initial indicator.

Among other things, the diet of the chocolate diet is not balanced in terms of the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The body does not receive vitamins at this time. Therefore, such a diet can only be short-term - this is also confirmed by the reviews of nutritionists who have become familiar with her diet.


Naturally, the chocolate diet is strictly prohibited for use by people with diabetes of any type. It does not matter whether the disease is congenital or acquired. This food system is also dangerous for those who have pronounced allergic reactions to cocoa.

The chocolate diet is contraindicated in case of liver ailments, in case of cholelithiasis, in arterial hypertension. Moreover, a person may not even guess about the last pathology, since its initial symptoms are similar to ordinary overwork. In the case of hypertension, the decisive forbidden factor is not the dark chocolate itself, but the high content of caffeine in it.

One with chocolate

How one-day chocolate is applied is quite simple. During the day, it is allowed to eat only 100 grams of chocolate, dividing it into three doses. In this case, the addition to the sweet product should be coffee without added sugar.

The result of such a diet in one day will be getting rid of 200-300 grams of excess weight. A prerequisite for achieving a greater effect is physical activity and the use of a large amount of fluid.

7 day chocolate diet

What food is included in this case in the choco menu? The diet, as well as in the one-day version of this weight loss system, consists of one product. Only chocolate is consumed throughout the day. You need to eat it 100 grams during the day. This amount can be divided into several doses, or used at a time. Addition to chocolate should be coffee without added sugar. It speeds up the metabolic process, which allows you to lose weight more intensively.

The duration of the diet is 7 days. Reviews of women who observed it say that during this period of time body weight can decrease by 5-7 kg.

Italian diet based on chocolate

This is the only diet that provides for the use, in addition to chocolate, and other products. Therefore, it is the safest and most useful of all such nutritional systems for the human body. However, it is no less effective than a mono-diet. The reviews of those who used it claim: if it is observed, a person’s body weight can decrease by about 3 kilograms. During the process of losing weight, the body does not lose elasticity, especially if you exercise at the same time. You can re-apply this diet a week after the previous course of weight loss.

You can eat food during the diet at any time. Food should be taken in small quantities 4-5 times a day. At the same time, the following products and dishes are allowed on the menu:

  • fresh vegetables and salads with their content, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • diet sauces;
  • boiled pasta made from coarse wheat varieties;
  • popcorn without adding additional ingredients;
  • sour berries and fruits.

Of course, the main component of such a diet is chocolate. It must be eaten 30 grams between meals. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. You can follow this diet for 5-7 days.

It takes tremendous willpower to get rid of extra pounds, especially for those who cannot imagine their life without sweets and chocolate. Losing weight with a chocolate diet will be that lifesaver when you can’t give up sweets and coffee, it will give an excellent result in just a week, and the menu can be compiled in such a way that the lost kilograms do not return. Under all conditions, up to 7 kilograms are dropped. However, you need to understand that this diet is very tough, so if you have health problems, it is better to refuse it.

What is a shock diet

The chocolate diet for weight loss is represented by two options: the classic and drinking chocolate diet. The difference between them is that in the first case, to combat excess weight, several pieces of chocolate are eaten during the day, but the total mass is not more than 100 g, everything is washed down with coffee without sugar. You can supplement the diet with fresh and boiled vegetables, durum wheat pasta.

Drinking a chocolate diet also gives an excellent result: a week of such nutrition can get rid of 6-7 kg. It is allowed not to drink chocolate with black coffee. Instead, you can drink cocoa, hot chocolate (5-6 cups a day). There is no difference, hot or cold drink. However, it must be remembered that cold food requires more energy to assimilate it, and it can be obtained from warm food. The most important condition is that sugar is said firmly: “No!”.

Basic Rules

A diet on chocolate involves the observance of some rules, but the most important rule is constant physical activity. They can be small, it is more important that they are regular. The rules will help you lose more pounds without harming your body:

  1. Choose dark chocolate.
  2. A 100 g bar is divided into three parts, eaten in 3 doses, washed down with black coffee.
  3. When drinking liquids, observe the drinking regimen: at least 1.5 liters of water.
  4. Hot chocolate, cocoa, cocktails are allowed.
  5. In order not to starve yourself, vegetables rich in vitamins are added to the menu.
  6. Allowed pasta from durum wheat.
  7. It is forbidden to dilute drinks with sugar, eat fried foods, dilute vegetable salads with oil. You can not eat fruits, juices from them. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are excluded.

What kind of chocolate can you eat

With a chocolate diet, the most important rule is to choose the right staple. All nutritionists agree on one thing: dark chocolate has a positive effect on weight loss. This is explained by the fact that this product has a low glycemic index. You can often come across a review that with such a diet, many replace bitter milk chocolate, but in this case the result will not be as we would like. It is very good when meals are 30 minutes later, after eating dark chocolate: this reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, which leads to a person's normal weight.


A diet on dark chocolate can give a very good result: it is really possible to lose up to 7 kg in a week. Provided that for this time (although proper nutrition should become a way of life) losing weight will forget about harmful foods, you can save weight. At the same time, it is not important to stick to the classic chocolate or drinking chocolate diet, everything will depend on how the person is set up.

Diet menu

In order to painlessly sit on low-calorie diets, it is important to create a balanced menu. The chocolate method is based on hard nutrition: there are a lot of restrictions. Therefore, it is important to think over your diet so that there is not only weight loss, but also the stomach works properly. It is not enough to reduce the daily calorie content, it is necessary to ensure the receipt of microelements and vitamins necessary for energy production. This is possible by adding vegetables to the diet.

As far as meals are concerned, breakfast, lunch and dinner are very similar: dark chocolate, coffee or a drinkable cocktail drink is chosen for the main meal. If there are other allowed products on the menu, then a bar of chocolate, divided into three parts, is eaten 30 minutes before a meal. A couple of hours after eating, you can drink water, green tea. Drinking water is a must.

For 3 days

This type of chocolate diet is designed for three days. After the end, it is imperative to take a break and get out of it very slowly and carefully. Such a diet is suitable for those who urgently need to lose three kilograms, as happens before important events. Main requirements:

  1. Only 100 g of chocolate is eaten per day.
  2. The tile can be divided into three parts or eaten in one go. Washed down with black coffee.
  3. Let's drink green tea. Other drinks are prohibited.
  4. Drink a lot of pure still water between meals.
  5. Refusal of alcohol.

The complexity of such a mono-diet is in strict restrictions. The effect of losing weight is achieved by giving up salt and sugar. After three days, the result is clearly visible also due to the fact that excess fluid is excreted from the body. The disadvantage of such a diet is that protein and other nutrients do not come with food. This can negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair.

For 7 days

The authors of the technique call it Italian chocolate because it was invented by Italian nutritionists. A beautiful name immediately attracts attention. Chocolate diet for 7 days involves eating 30 g of dark chocolate per day. The advantage is that during this period you can eat other foods, for example, pasta, sauces, low-fat sauces. Lemon juice or low-fat yogurt is used as a dressing for salads; vegetable or olive oil should not be seasoned. The menu includes vegetables and fruits, except for grapes, bananas and potatoes. Be sure to drink water.

The diet for 7 days allows the use of vitamins with increased fatigue. It is important to combine products correctly. An example menu is as follows:

  • breakfast: salad, oatmeal porridge;
  • 2nd breakfast: 10 g dark chocolate and 1 fruit;
  • lunch: pasta and salad dressed with lemon juice;
  • afternoon snack: 10 g of dark chocolate and 1 fruit;
  • dinner: tomato paste, vegetable salad or boiled vegetables;
  • 2nd dinner: 10 g dark chocolate.

Drinking for 7 days

The drinking diet is distinguished by the consumption of liquid chocolate, cocoa or chocolate shakes. To start the process of losing weight, you need to drink at least 6 cups of a drink with a volume of 200 ml per day. In addition, you should drink about two liters of water. Chocolate drink should be warm. After 7 days, the weight can decrease by 6-7 kg.

There are two types of drinking diet. The first is the use of only cocoa or a liquid chocolate drink (if desired, it can be diluted with low-fat milk), the second is dark chocolate, green tea or coffee. To reduce the caloric content of a liquid drink, it is recommended to dilute it with water (ratio: 1 to 1). Cocoa is prepared with water and milk. The powder is added to taste, but the optimal amount: for 1 liter of liquid (plain water, mixture or skim milk) 3 tablespoons.

Juliet Kellow

This type of diet is considered the safest and easiest. On Juliet Kellow's chocolate diet, you can easily remove up to 4 kg per week without much difficulty. The best part is that the menu is balanced, which does not give a feeling of hunger. Primary requirements:

  • drink at least 6 glasses of water;
  • eat 3 times a day, each time eating a chocolate bar in any form, even candy will do;
  • chocolate snacks, weight - up to 30 g;
  • skimmed milk is allowed - up to 300 ml;
  • salads are dressed with low-fat, sugar-free yogurt.

Way out of the chocolate diet

At the end of the diet, you need to return to normal nutrition very carefully, observe the calorie content and their weight in portions. In order not to gain body weight again, you need to follow certain rules. When leaving the chocolate diet, it is recommended:

  1. On the first day, drink juices or fresh juices without sugar.
  2. Do not abuse salt.
  3. For the next three days, include boiled vegetables in the diet. It is best to use cabbage.
  4. Introduce several new foods daily: fish, buckwheat porridge, boiled breast, rice.


It is clear that such a diet is designed for people who find it very difficult to give up sweets. However, before you decide to use it, you need to find out if there are any contraindications. Chocolate is a product that is prohibited for many diseases, so it is important to know for sure whether such a diet will benefit. It is possible that with the lost kilograms, other problems will appear, which will take much longer to solve.

Who can and to whom the chocolate technique is contraindicated? Before you start losing weight, it is important to examine the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart. It is forbidden to use diets for:

  • liver diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies to chocolate;


Many women who are struggling with excess weight dream of losing those extra pounds without giving up their favorite foods. In particular, for lovers of sweets, the shock-drinking diet, which will be discussed in our article, is an excellent choice.

The choco-drink diet is a diet in which you completely refuse to eat solid foods. Only liquids, such as water, cocoa or hot chocolate, can be consumed.

What are the benefits of a shock-drinking diet?

Cocoa is a very healthy drink for the body and at the same time acts on the body more gently than caffeine. Therefore, many people who cannot consume caffeine for health reasons may well use cocoa as their main drink during the duration of the choco-drink diet.

Interesting: Cocoa, when consumed without the addition of granulated sugar, does not cause weight gain and is a highly nutritious drink.

When using cocoa, the body receives a tonic effect and stops the aging process, due to the content in its composition of such beneficial substances as antioxidants and theobromine.

Cocoa will also be useful for people suffering from bronchitis or asthma, as it contains substances that are beneficial for the respiratory tract.

Chocolate, in turn, contains substances that contribute to the production of hormones of happiness. Therefore, be sure that, being on a shock-drinking diet, you will always have a great mood.

Interesting: Chocolate helps not only to improve mood, but also to cope with depression.

How to prepare a drink?

In order for the drink to turn out to be non-caloric, you need to boil it either in water or in skim milk.

Consider a recipe using milk, as in this case the drink will turn out much tastier.

To make cocoa, you will need a liter of milk and at least 4 tsp. cocoa powder. At your discretion, you can add more powder, then the drink will turn out to be more saturated with a pronounced bitter chocolate taste.

When choosing cocoa powder, it is better to choose the simplest product without adding any flavoring spices or additives to it.

Consider step by step how to cook cocoa at home:

  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the required amount of cocoa with cold water.
  3. Then add the stirred powder to the boiling milk and stir.

After that, you can use cocoa, adding cinnamon or vanilla if desired. In no case should you add sugar, even in the form of a substitute.

If you do not have the opportunity to cook cocoa at home, you can use the second cooking method:

  • 1. Stir the required amount of cocoa in a cup of cold water or milk.
  • 2. Warm up the cocoa in the microwave.

This cooking method can be used in the workplace.

Important: In no case should sugar or milk powder be added to the composition of cocoa, since in this case the drink will turn out to be more high-calorie.

How to diet properly?

With the help of a shock-drinking diet, you can arrange a fasting day for the body, which will cleanse the body and remove harmful toxins. In order to lose weight, you must follow a diet for 7 or 15 days.

When choosing the last two diets, it is necessary to prepare the body in advance, since it is not used to such a diet and will not be able to quickly adjust. To do this, within a few days it is necessary to reduce the portions of the consumed products and only after that start the shock-drinking diet.

During the day, you can not eat any products other than water, cocoa and hot chocolate. Moreover, up to 7 cups of cocoa are allowed per day.

On the first day of being on a diet, you will experience a bad mood, a breakdown and a big craving for other foods. But things will get better in the coming days.

A diet of 15 days can be hazardous to health, because, despite its nutritional value, cocoa cannot replace all other foods. Only people with good health can dare such an experiment with their body.

After following such a diet, your stomach will decrease and in the future you will need less food to fill up.

It is also necessary to properly exit the diet in order to adapt the body back to normal nutrition. To do this, in the early days you need to eat fruit puree in small quantities, and then boiled or stewed vegetables.

After a few days, it will be possible to eat cereals on the water with the addition of a small amount of butter. After that, it will be possible to introduce protein products (fish and meat) in small form into the diet. At the same time, you should not delay too much with such a sparing diet, because the stomach can become “lazy” and in the future there will be problems with the digestion of ordinary food.

After a few days, you can switch to a normal diet, but the dishes should be consumed in small quantities.

Video - Choco-drinking diet option

What are the contraindications?

Despite the great desire to lose weight, you should always remember about the state of your health. If you have any health problems, you must refrain from any drinking diets, as only a very healthy body can tolerate them.

In particular, if you have the following diseases, the shock-drinking diet is contraindicated for you:

  1. Allergy to any food.
  2. Diseases associated with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.

Many who have tried the shock-drinking diet note its high effectiveness. It is believed that in 7 days of dieting you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. Given the high palatability of such a diet, many sweet lovers will like it. This is probably one of the few diets that, despite the absence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, causes an upsurge and a good mood. Unless, of course, you don’t get too carried away with this diet.

Before you venture on such a diet, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, as well as study all the contraindications, as thoughtless dieting can lead to serious health problems.

The Choco Diet is short for the Chocolate Diet. Currently, she is gaining more and more popularity among girls. The Choco Diet is unlike any other diet because it does not exclude chocolate from the diet. You will have to eat sweet treats and drink coffee every day, however, other products will have to be abandoned. You can stick to the choco diet for no more than 7 days, during which you can lose up to 7 kg.

Chocolate diet: pros and cons

  1. The possibility of losing weight in a short time;
  2. The diet will appeal to those with a sweet tooth who cannot live without sweets;
  3. Coffee and chocolate stimulate brain activity, activating creative and thought processes;
  4. Chocolate contains endorphins, which improves mood and improves immunity;
  5. The use of chocolate protects cells from free radicals, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, prevents the appearance of malignant neoplasms and is recommended for anemia;
  6. Cocoa butter contains antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body.

Let's explore the cons:

  1. Choco diet slows down the metabolism and does not form proper nutrition skills;
  2. After leaving the diet and switching to the usual diet, excess weight quickly returns;
  3. There is a risk after leaving the diet to gain not only your own, but also a few extra pounds;
  4. The possibility of developing many diseases, including liver and kidney disease;
  5. The diet is unbalanced in terms of the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  6. There is a lack of vitamins and minerals.


  • Diabetes;
  • Allergy;
  • Diseases of the pancreas, liver, kidneys and cholelithiasis;
  • Heart diseases;
  • arterial hypertension.

If you are a healthy person who does not suffer from any of the listed diseases, you should not take the issue lightly. Before you start a chocolate diet, consult your doctor and take the necessary tests. If during the diet you feel bad, immediately stop adhering to it, switch to a normal diet.

Chocolate diet for weight loss: sample menu

Refers to low-calorie mono-diet. It consists in the fact that during the day you can only eat chocolate, chocolate bars and drink hot coffee without sugar. Diet ration - 100 g of chocolate per day. You can eat one bar at a time or divide it into 2-3 meals. Every chocolate meal should be accompanied by a cup of coffee. You can add low-fat milk to coffee, but you can not add sugar.

For the choco diet, it is recommended to use dark chocolate. You can use milk chocolate and chocolate with additives, but still not recommended. White chocolate is not suitable for the chocolate diet, because it contains practically no cocoa butter.

During the shoko diet, you can not drink carbonated drinks, lemonade and juices. These drinks increase appetite. In addition, sugar, salt, vegetables and fruits, as well as alcoholic beverages are completely prohibited.

Not earlier than 3 hours after taking chocolate and a cup of coffee, you can drink water, green or black tea. It is recommended to drink at least 1.2 liters of fluid per day.

A sample diet menu might be as follows:

  • Breakfast: 30 g of chocolate and a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch: 30 g of chocolate and a cup of coffee.
  • Dinner: 30 g of chocolate and a cup of coffee.

Choco diet: reviews

  • Veronica, 23 years old: Sat on a chocolate diet for 14 days. During this period, she ate only milk chocolate and drank coffee. On weekends, I ate 2 bars of chocolate. The result is - I dropped 5 kg. I didn’t notice any changes in my health, so I’ll take a break and start dieting again.
  • Lyudmila, 27 years old: I was impressed by the diet. I lost 4 kg in 3 days. True, then I got them again, because after the choco diet I want normal food. During the diet, I ate exclusively 85 percent dark chocolate. Unusually, of course, but I held out.
  • Natalia, 25 years old: I was on a diet - I lost 4.5 kg in 5 days. It was very difficult: dizzy, fainting, hunger. I think I won’t lose weight with this diet anymore, I’ve become very weak.
  • Alina, 21 years old: I liked the diet - I lost 6.5 kg in a week. I followed the classic diet, which involves eating an exceptional 100 g of dark chocolate per day and coffee without sugar.
  • Tatyana, 32 years old: I am a fan of various diets, so I decided to try this one. I managed to withstand only 5 days, but the result pleased me, I threw off 4 kg. During the diet, I did not feel any ailments, on the contrary, lightness, good mood, cheerfulness, etc. appeared. I think this diet will appeal to many, including those with a sweet tooth.
  • Marina, 24 years old: Before going to the sea, she went on a chocolate diet. Didn't regret it at all. I easily lost 7 kg in a week. True, during the rest she again scored them, but this is because she did not limit herself in anything. I no longer followed the choco diet, I lost weight with the help of exercise.

Scientists have proven that chocolate can not only rejuvenate our body, but also significantly improve it. Even developed nutritionists unloading days on chocolate.

Is it really so healthy to consume chocolate?

Chocolate is rich in natural antioxidants- catechins, which protect the cells of the body from the action of free radicals.

The systematic use of chocolate contributes to the restoration of platelet function.

Indeed, in this product there are flavonoids that prevent the adhesion of this uniform element and protect blood vessels from the formation of blood clots. You can compare the effect of chocolateon vessels with impact on the body aspirin only without side effects.

Many doctors are sure that a small amount of chocolate should be included in the diet of every person.

Especially this relevant for people with high blood pressure, since chocolate is an excellent preventive measure for diseases of the heart and circulatory system.

Chocolate is not justifiably blamed for its ability to raise blood pressure.

It has been experimentally proven that in Apple pie order contained minimum caffeine, which is not the cause of hypertension. For example, 100 ml of coffee contains 120 mg of caffeine, while a similar mass contains only 20 mg of caffeine. A small amount of caffeine cannotcall sharp pressure increase in hypertension.

Chocolate also rich in phenols, which protect blood vessels from constriction and inhibit the process of cholesterol oxidation in the blood. Similar properties has only red wine. Remember that most phenols contained in black chocolate.

Chocolate is saturated with stearic acid, which protects blood vessels from constriction and “cleans” them perfectly.

Chocolate is a source of calcium and phosphorus, which provide us with strong bones, a high level of cell turnover and increased brain activity.

Chocolate has most valuable property- ability improve mood. After all, magnesium, which is part of chocolate, is an excellent antidepressant, improves memory, and also restores the immune response of the body.

Doctors recommend consume a small amount chocolate during seasonal epidemics and spring beriberi. Interestingly, this sweet increases libido and softens the course of PMS in women.

Today it is possible with the help of a chocolate fasting day to get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

For now nutritionists offer two main types of unloading on chocolate which are shown to be carried out once a week. If organized correctly, then You can reduce your weight by 1 kg.

Option number 1

For holding unloading day on chocolate prepare chocolate in advance with a total mass 80 On the day of unloading drink coffee with skim milk additions Sahara. Needed throughout the day eat a lot of chocolate by distributing it evenly into four main steps.Drink any liquid recommended only when three hours after consumptionchocolate.

Be sure to drink regularly on this day.

Option number 2

The chocolate unloading option involves eating chocolate according to a special plan. Necessary eat about 10 g of chocolate before lunch, then another the same amount of chocolate for an afternoon snack, And before dinner - the same amount chocolate. This scheme designed to decreaseappetite before the main meal.

The effectiveness of a fasting day on chocolate directly depends on the quality of the chocolate used.

Stop your choice only on black high-quality chocolate, which contains at least 80% cocoa. Milk, white and aerated chocolate are not recommended for chocolate unloading, as they contain a lot of sugar and various additives that contribute to the formation of excess weight.

Nutritionists also recommend chocolate pairing with other food. For example, fasting day on chocolate and involves mixing food and frequent snacking. The main principle of such unloading is not to starve.

Suggest menu option chocolate macaroni unloading.

For breakfast:

  • drink unsweetened green tea;
  • eat a slice of wholemeal bread;
  • one orange;
  • 30 g dark chocolate.


  • will consist of carrots and two kiwis.

For lunch:

  • prepare vegetable salad and tomato sauce;
  • boil pasta from durum wheat;
  • drink carrot juice;
  • eat 30 g of dark chocolate.

For an afternoon snack:

  • vegetable salad;
  • orange;
  • 30 g dark chocolate.


  • includes only vegetable salad.

It is useful to combine any variant of a fasting day on chocolate with physical activity.

But, not for all wishing fit unloading days on chocolate. This type of unloading is contraindicated people who suffer from diabetes, various food allergies and diseases of the digestive tract.
