
How to cook for a baby. Brief description and some features of various cereals

The child does not eat porridge? As it is familiar to parents who have small children growing up. To do this, you need to know how to cook delicious porridge for your child.

Parents who want their children to grow up and be strong should definitely include healthy cereals in their diet. How to cook delicious porridge for a child so that he enjoys it for breakfast?

And not only a child, because the older generation will also eat delicious porridge with pleasure.

Many parents do not see the benefit in porridge and for breakfast the child is served sandwiches with sausage and cheese. It is a pity, because it is porridges from oatmeal, buckwheat or help the child in his full development.

They are easily digested, well digested, they lack bad fats, they are rich in B and E vitamins, trace elements and contain healthy vegetable protein. That's just how to cook delicious and crumbly porridge for a child to eat it with pleasure?

Porridge should be cooked according to the age of the child. children infancy porridges begin to cook in the form of a homogeneous liquid mixture. Complementary foods in the form of cereals begin to cook for children from 4-6 months after consulting a doctor. For babies from one year old, porridge is cooked from cereals, and for older kids, porridge is already cooked from whole grains.

Healthy cereals for children under two years old

Up to two years, it is recommended to cook porridge from rice, buckwheat or corn. In oatmeal, semolina, pearl barley, millet there is gluten (a mixture of vegetable proteins), which is poorly digested in the baby's body. When introducing a new product, you should always monitor the condition of the child. Even milk can provoke allergies, due to the content of lactose in milk.

If a child has a stomach ache or swells after eating porridge, a disorder of the stool appears, then these are signs of intolerance cow's milk or components of porridge. In this case, porridge should be boiled in vegetable broth or water. You can also cook delicious cereals in vegetable broth or water.

Rules for making porridge

To cook delicious and porridge, you must adhere to specific rules, and I want to tell you about these rules. First, be sure to teach your child to eat cereal for breakfast with early age. Secondly, use these rules when preparing food for adults. After all, porridge is also useful for adults.

1. Before cooking cereals, it is necessary to remove impurities. Be sure to sift small cereals (millet, wheat, buckwheat) through a colander or sieve to remove muchel, it is better to sow semolina through a fine sieve. Remove large impurities manually.

2. How to wash the cereal before cooking? Rice, millet wash barley first warm water(in several waters), to remove starch and dirt from the grains, and then pour hot, to remove fat that appeared during storage, and to steam the cereal. Buckwheat should not be washed for a long time. Rice and millet are washed 2-3 times by changing the water.

3.Rinse cereals always immediately before cooking. All types of cereals are placed in boiling water, only buckwheat begins to be boiled in cold water.. Cereals are not all unequally boiled soft in water with milk.

Rice, wheat groats and millet do not boil as quickly in milk and water as in water. Therefore, these cereals must be cooked until half cooked, first in boiling water (20 minutes) and only then cooked until cooked, adding hotter milk. Porridge should be cooked on low heat. Stir the porridge carefully, without haste.

4. When cooking porridge with milk, two methods can be used. First: porridge is boiled until half cooked, then half of the water is drained and hot milk is added. The second way: cook porridge until the water evaporates to half the volume, then add hot milk. Porridge is brought to a boil, tightly closed with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and bring to readiness. Then turn off the fire and leave in this form for another 5 minutes to swell.

Semolina porridge is cooked a little differently. Because semolina do not cook for a long time, then after falling asleep the cereal and bringing it to a boil, it is boiled for 2-3 minutes. Then add milk, bring to a boil, cook for a few more minutes, adding the necessary ingredients.

Then turn off the fire and wrap the pan for 5-10 minutes. The main thing is to wrap well and withstand the specified time. You can do more, but not less.

5. Sugar is added at the beginning of cooking, sometimes sugar is replaced with honey. Do not boil too sweet cereals, put the norm or even less, replacing sugar with dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), berries or fruits.

You can also add, candied fruits, seeds, can be served with jams: cherry, strawberry, etc. We must remember that taste buds children are much thinner than adults.

Never give your kids quick cereals from bags! They are completely unsuitable for baby food! They have a lot of preservatives and flavorings, even in flakes there is little useful substances.


Most Helpful porridge,of course, oatmeal . Pour one glass of chopped cereals with three glasses of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. If the child is not allergic to dairy products, then one or two glasses of water should be replaced with milk. You can improve the taste of porridge by adding butter, sugar, dried fruits, various berries, fruits or nuts. In such cases, the calorie content of porridge will increase from 83 kcal to 105 kcal. Feeding oatmeal to a child under two years of age is undesirable.


Also not inferior in usefulness buckwheat . It is rich in vitamins and minerals improves the functioning of the stomach. If it is cooked correctly and variedly, then it will never become boring and will retain its beneficial features. Grains are poured into cold water in a ratio of 1: 2 and brought to a boil and mixed well. Then cook over low heat, tightly closing the lid. In this case, the porridge will turn out crumbly.

100 grams of such porridge contains 163 kcal (1/2 sweet bun). Such porridge in the morning can be served with milk, and in the evening, after frying onions, carrots or onions and carrots together, add to buckwheat (can be served with meat, with chicken). Get a delicious and healthy dinner.

By the way, having properly processed buckwheat, you can cook it in a thermos without cooking. Only this method is suitable for feeding older children.

Rice porrige

A good energy boost for your baby is rice porridge A . 100 grams of porridge contains 80-90 kcal. Rice contains little vegetable proteins, vitamins and minerals. Rice is low in fiber, so rice is easy to digest. Prepared for garnish crumbly rice, and for breakfast - viscous.

To cook crumbly porridge, take 2 cups of water per glass of cereal. For cooking viscous porridge, take 2 glasses of water and one glass of milk. Children really like rice porridge with washed and dried raisins and prunes. For a change, you can grate into porridge green apple, put pineapple pieces.

Rice porrige. Pour 50 g of washed rice into 200 g of boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. In 100 grams of boiling milk, put a salt solution, sugar syrup and pour this milk into the porridge. Mix gently. Cover with a lid and cook until done. Before serving, put a piece in a bowl with porridge. butter.

Rice pudding. Boil rice porridge and cool slightly. Add the yolk, sugar syrup and, stirring gently, add the whipped protein. Transfer the resulting mass into a greased form and cook in a water bath for 30-40 minutes.

IN barley porridge few vitamins and minerals. But it gives strength to the little man, especially during some kind of illness or in winter, when the body needs support. Barley must be soaked overnight. In the morning, the liquid is drained and hot milk is added - 8 glasses of liquid are required for 1 glass of cereal.

It is necessary to cook for about 6 hours in a water bath, otherwise the child's stomach will not be able to cope with the digestion of this porridge. Although this porridge requires a lot of attention and takes a long time to cook, do not feel sorry for yourself and give such pleasure to the child's body. Barley porridge will help your child become strong and resist disease.


In semolina much less useful substances than in other cereals. But in terms of taste and tenderness, this porridge is ahead of others. If you add butter, sugar, dried fruits or carrot juice to it, then vitamins and nutrients will be preserved in the porridge as much as possible, and it will acquire an unusual color with carrot juice.

To make semolina porridge without lumps, you need to cook it like this: in boiling milk or milk diluted with water or only in boiling water, pour the cereal in a thin stream in a ratio of three to one, while constantly stirring. Porridge must be stirred constantly during cooking (2-3 minutes), then wrap it up and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Semolina porridge contains a lot of calories - 180-200 kcal per 100 g of product.

Semolina porridge with yolk. Pour semolina into 150 grams of boiling water in a thin stream. Bring to a boil and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Dissolve salt, sugar syrup in 150 grams of milk and boil. Dilute the porridge with the resulting liquid and cook for another 5 minutes. ready porridge put butter and raw yolk. Dilute the yolk in a tablespoon of chilled milk. Add oil, salt and sugar syrup to taste. Buy eggs from trusted manufacturers.

Semolina porridge with egg. Boil semolina porridge as described above and add whipped into foam egg white. Such porridge can be served with fruit or jam (preferably raw). How to cook raw jam you can find out. It describes a recipe for currant jam, but you can make such jam from any berries, even frozen ones.

For variety, you can cook semolina pudding . Boil semolina porridge with an egg, as described above, and bake in the oven, putting the porridge in a mold, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

If semolina porridge with an egg is beaten well until it becomes thick and fluffy, then you will succeed semolina cream . This cream can be served with fruit syrup or jam.

about useful and harmful properties you can read semolina porridge.

How to make a child eat porridge?

1. In order for a child to eat willingly, with appetite, it is necessary not only to cook porridge deliciously, but also to arrange it beautifully. Wake up your imagination, look on the Internet how you can arrange a dish.

2. Eat cereal yourself too. They will enrich your body with vitamins and nutrients. For a child, of course, it is not clear why the mother does not eat with him with pleasure.

3. Buy beautiful dishes for your child.

4. Tell me interesting stories about porridge. For example, how Suvorov fed his soldiers porridge to make them strong and hardy; how the Russian princes cooked porridge as a sign of reconciliation (this is how the expression “You can’t cook porridge with him”) appeared.

5. Feeding a baby at a set time can also affect the baby's appetite.

The most important preparation delicious porridge is cooking porridge with love and pleasure!

Have a nice time with your loved ones!

Many modern mothers prefer to cook cereals on their own, despite the huge range of ready-made baby food in stores. Actually, it's reasonable. Firstly, you can use cereals and be sure that it has not undergone any preliminary and very dubious treatments. Secondly, when preparing cereals, you can not add sugar, but use natural sweeteners. Thirdly, it significantly saves the family budget. In addition, not every child makes his own choice in favor of store-bought cereals.

We offer you a small culinary "tour" of cereals - widespread and little known.

Barley porridge

It is made from barley groats - crushed and peeled barley grains. Unlike pearl barley, which is whole but polished barley grains, barley contains significantly more fiber. At the same time, barley porridge is more tender and soft than barley porridge, which is why it is recommended for baby food.

Barley grains contain 11% protein, 4.5% fiber, 2% fat and 66% carbohydrates, and 100 g of barley contains 353 mg of phosphorus, 12 mg of iron, 477 mg of potassium and 93 mg of calcium. Barley dishes are rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, PP and such important nutrients as iodine, bromine, copper, cobalt, folic and pantothenic acids.

Barley porridge contains a significant amount of phosphorus, which is indispensable for calcium absorption and brain function. Also normalizes chemical processes in the body and metabolism. Unique chemical composition barley helps restore impaired vision. And because of great content amino acids such as lysine in barley groats reduce the risk of diseases such as influenza, herpes and other viral infections.

It is worth mentioning that barley grains are used as a powerful natural antibiotic and used in the treatment diabetes, diseases caused by weakened work of the bladder and gallbladder, liver, kidneys and arthritis. According to experts, regular use dishes from barley, helps to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as increase efficiency.

Barley porridge can be safely introduced into the diet of a child after one year. It is worth adding that, unlike other cereals, barley contains the least calories. In this regard, it is included in diets to normalize weight and metabolism.

Barley porridge with milk

  • Milk 200 g
  • Barley groats 40 g
  • Butter 10 g
  • Water 50 g
  • Sugar 20 g

Mix milk with water and bring to a boil. Pour barley groats and salt. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 20-30 minutes until the mixture thickens. At the end of cooking, add sugar and butter.

Millet porridge

Millet groats are millet grains, peeled, sometimes polished or crushed. Such cereals are quite rich in natural fiber, amino acids and starch, and also contain vitamins of the complex A, B1, B2, B5 and PP and such important elements for the body as fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, etc.

Millet porridge helps to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body, which indicates how useful it is for children with a weakened body, children suffering gastrointestinal diseases, as well as those living in areas with problematic ecology. With a low calorie content, millet porridge is dietary product, but at the same time it is capable of superbly giving strength and restoring the energy balance of the child's body.

It is possible to introduce millet porridge into the diet of a child from the age of 1.5.

In order to cook millet porridge for a child, you must first rinse the millet under hot water until the water is completely clear. And then soak it in water room temperature for 1 hour.

Millet porridge with milk

  • Millet groats 30 g
  • Milk 150 ml
  • Water 100-150 ml
  • Butter 10 g
  • Sugar 5 g

Pour the soaked millet groats into salted boiling water and cook until half cooked, stirring often. Heat the milk separately and pour into the porridge. Cook until done. At the end of cooking, season the porridge with sugar and butter.

Ready-made millet porridge can be varied with grated fresh fruits (apple, banana) or add carrot, apricot or pumpkin puree to it.

Millet casserole with apple

  • Millet 250 g
  • Apple 150 g
  • Butter 40 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Milk 750 ml
  • Sugar 20 g
  • Watering oil

Cook millet in boiled and salted milk. When the porridge is cooked, add warmed butter, an egg, peeled and diced apples, sugar to it. Mix everything and place on a greased baking sheet. Place in preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes. Ready casserole drizzle with melted butter.

Rice porrige

There is absolutely no gluten in rice - a vegetable protein that can cause an allergic reaction, which is why it is so useful for young children, since they have not yet fully formed the activity of enzymes gastrointestinal tract. Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences rice porridge is recommended as a starter in the nutrition of babies. You can introduce rice porridge into your baby's diet from 6 months.

Rice contains a lot of potassium and lecithin, which is known to activate well brain activity. And also this cereal is an important source of B vitamins - B1, B2, B3 and B6, thanks to which the nervous system is properly formed and strengthened.

It is important to know that rice has an antitoxic and diaphoretic effect in the treatment of sore throats, pneumonia and influenza. It perfectly restores strength and appetite after illness, improves sleep and calms the nervous system.

The substances that rice possesses are able to envelop the stomach, so it is very useful to eat it for children suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, with hyperacidity stomach, with profuse regurgitation and lack of weight. But children who suffer from frequent constipation and who are tormented by colic should be given rice less often or, at the insistence of a specialist, be completely excluded.

To prepare rice porridge for young children, it is better to use round polished rice. Before cooking rice groats sort out and rinse warm water by changing the water 6-7 times.

Rice porridge with milk

  • Rice 30 g
  • Water 50 ml
  • Milk 150 ml
  • Sugar 10 g

Pour rice with boiling water and cook until half cooked, add hot milk and cook until fully prepared. By the end of cooking, season the porridge with sugar, salt and butter.

You can add fruit, jam, berries, or any vegetable or fruit puree that you usually offer to your child to the finished porridge.

Rice pudding with egg

  • Rice 3 tbsp
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Milk 100 ml
  • Butter 10 g

Pour the washed rice with water and cook until tender (about 25 minutes). Heat milk, add to rice and bring to a boil. Beat the egg, add it to the rice porridge and mix. Put the resulting mass into a mold greased with butter. Bake the pudding in a preheated oven (180°C) for 15 minutes. In addition to the egg, 15-20 g of washed raisins can be added to the pudding before being sent to the oven.


Buckwheat is rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and phosphorus. Contains 2 times more fiber and 5-7 times more vitamins B1 and B2, minerals and rutin than other cereals. And also surpasses other cereals in the content of a well-soluble and balanced protein with amino acids.

Buckwheat cereals are easily digested by the child's body and do not cause constipation. Recommended for children with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood (anemia) and pregnant women during the period of toxicosis. Buckwheat contributes to the proper development of the brain, nervous and skeletal systems, normalizes digestion, strengthens capillaries, improves overall fat metabolism and increases the body's resistance to many diseases.

Buckwheat porridge is ideal as a first food for children, as it is low allergenic and does not contain gluten. It is recommended to cook such porridge for children from 6-7 months, pre-grinding buckwheat in a coffee grinder. Children from one year old can cook porridge without prior grinding.


  • Buckwheat 1 cup
  • Water 2 cups
  • Butter ½ tsp
  • Salt ½ tsp

Dry the sorted and washed buckwheat groats a little and fry until golden brown in a dry frying pan over medium heat. Melt the butter in a pan for cooking porridge, pour the cereal into it and mix well so that it absorbs the oil. Then salt, pour boiling water and cook under a lid until tender over low heat.

Corn porridge

The composition of corn grits contains vitamins of group B, E and provitamin A (kerotene). Corn porridge contains a lot of fiber, which helps to eliminate radionuclides and toxins from the body, stimulates the intestines. This porridge is useful for babies who suffer from constipation, as it is able to restrain the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. This porridge is well and easily absorbed by the child's body, does not contain gluten and is therefore safe for allergic children.

Corn porridge can be offered to a child as early as 9 months old, if the finished porridge is ground with a blender.

Corn porridge with milk

  • Corn grits 200 g
  • Milk 150 ml
  • Butter 5 g
  • Sugar 5g

Rinse in cold water corn grits. Pour cold water and cook until done. hot porridge chop with a blender, add hot milk and bring to a boil. Season the finished porridge with butter and sugar.

Corn porridge with prunes

  • Corn grits 1 tbsp
  • Milk 100 g
  • Water 100 g
  • Prunes 5 pcs.
  • Butter 15 g
  • Sugar 15 g

Rinse prunes and boil in water. When it has completely cooled and swells, take it out of the broth and grind it in a blender. Add a decoction of prunes to 100 ml with water, boil and pour in corn grits. Cook for 15 minutes, then add sugar, salt, milk and cook on low heat for another 15-20 minutes. Season the finished porridge with oil.


Semolina contains a lot of starch and gluten, and children under 2.5 years old do not yet produce an enzyme that breaks down this protein. Semolina also contains phytin, a substance that prevents the absorption of vitamin D and calcium by the child's body. Eating this product can lead the child's body to disruption of the digestive tract, rickets, and frequent colds.

This does not mean that semolina should be excluded from the child's diet, but limit it. frequent use need to. Allergic children and children under the first year of life are not recommended to give semolina porridge at all.

Semolina porridge with milk

  • Semolina 25 g
  • Milk 200 g
  • Butter 5 g
  • Sugar 5 g

Bring the milk to a boil and pour semolina in a thin stream with continuous stirring. Cook the porridge over very low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Season the finished porridge with butter, beat with a spoon and add sugar.


According to children's nutritionists, oatmeal can be given to children as young as 6 months old. Children who consume oatmeal from this age are less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and are less likely to develop asthma in the future.

Oatmeal contains a lot of protein and magnesium, as well as B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, iron, lecithin, linoleic acid. But most importantly, it notes great amount fiber and fat plant origin which are so necessary in good nutrition child. Oatmeal stimulates metabolic processes, restores and moisturizes the gastric mucosa, perfectly helps in the fight against dermatitis, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Oatmeal with milk

  • Oat flakes 30 g
  • Water 100-150 ml
  • Milk 150 ml
  • Butter 10 g
  • Sugar 5 g

Sort the oatmeal, rinse and pour into salted boiling water. Cook over low heat until the water has evaporated. Then pour hot milk into the porridge and bring to readiness. Put butter and sugar into the prepared porridge.

Vitman Anastasia

In the first months of life, the child eats mother's milk or an artificial mixture. At a certain age, you need to introduce complementary foods, because the child needs to grow and develop, for this breast milk and artificial mixture is not enough. The expansion of the diet is carried out with the help of cereals and vegetable purees. Somewhat later, cottage cheese, meat and fruit puree are introduced.

How to cook porridge for babies?

All over the world, pediatricians believe that it is necessary to start feeding porridge from the age of five months. Naturally, it is not necessary to impose full plate and stuff the baby with porridge until he becomes ill. A new dish should be tested in the amount of two teaspoons. The task of complementary foods is to introduce the little man to new food. You can not introduce complementary foods if the child does not feel well after vaccination or is ill.

Porridge is a source of carbohydrates, protein and minerals. From five months to three, children must eat porridge. The most delicious is semolina, but doctors consider it harmful for children, especially for those who have not yet turned one year old. If the baby is constantly fed with it, he will develop colitis or chronic gastritis. Semolina interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

One of the most useful is buckwheat porridge. It is easily absorbed by the baby's stomach and is the most nutritious. Buckwheat contains potassium, protein, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

How to cook porridge for babies? This question is easy to answer. It is necessary to pour milk into a ladle, boil it, then make slow fire and gradually introduce the grits. In order for the porridge not to burn, you need to stir it all the time. IN Lately many mothers use multicookers, in which you can cook porridge for the whole family without any extra effort and waste of time.

When to give porridge to the baby?

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding children up to two years of age. This does not mean that apart from milk, the baby should not receive anything else, complementary foods are introduced at five months. Gradually, the menu becomes more varied, and the portions become larger. The age at which complementary foods are introduced depends on individual features a child, some even at seven months do not want to eat anything but milk and at the same time feel good and gain weight.

When to give porridge to the baby? If a child looks with curiosity at an adult who is eating something, then the time has come for the introduction of complementary foods. The reflex of pushing food out with the tongue should change to a swallowing reflex. The appearance of the first tooth is a signal that the baby is already ready to grind and grind food. Some mothers introduce complementary foods at this time.

Porridge for babies recipes

The easiest way is to dilute a special porridge for babies in boiling water. After all, what is sold in children's stores is designed specifically for kids. These cereals are expensive, but they last a long time. At first, the baby will not eat much.

If it is not possible to buy special children's porridge, you can cook it from ordinary cereals. Simply preparing porridge for babies, recipes can be found on the Internet or in a special cookbook.

How to cook oatmeal? Necessary a small amount of bring water to a boil, then sort and wash the cereal, which then needs to be poured into boiling water. When the porridge is cooked, it should be discarded on a sieve and rubbed. Then boiled milk is added, and the whole mass is boiled again. Before serving, you can add a teaspoon of butter or fruit puree. Oatmeal is rich in potassium, phosphorus, protein, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

Porridge for babies should be prepared in the following proportions: per 100 ml vegetable broth or water you need to take a teaspoon of cereal. Rice and buckwheat are poured into cold water, and oatmeal and semolina into boiling water.

Buckwheat porridge for babies

Buckwheat porridge is considered hypoallergenic and nutritious, so it can be introduced first. Buckwheat is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, PP and B vitamins. It contains protein and 18 amino acids.

Buckwheat porridge for babies is easy to prepare. First, the cereals need to be sorted out, then washed and dried. After it is completely dry, the cereal must be turned into flour with a coffee grinder or blender. Next, 100 ml of water is poured into the pan and a teaspoon of ground cereal is poured, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then you should pour a little milk and cool. Such porridge can be drunk from a bottle, because it turns out to be liquid. When the baby begins to eat with a spoon, for 100 ml of liquid you need to take two teaspoons of cereal.

Since the year, cereals can no longer be ground. Half a glass of buckwheat should be sorted out and washed, pour buckwheat into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. After the buckwheat boils, it is necessary to drain the water and pour new water. Boil for thirty minutes, towards the end of cooking, add a little milk and sugar.

Corn porridge for babies

Corn porridge can be given from eight months. Corn is not as healthy as buckwheat, but it has a lot of fiber that works in the stomach like a vacuum cleaner. If the baby's tummy swells and it is assumed that he is in the process of fermentation, you need to introduce into the diet corn porridge.

Corn porridge for babies is prepared as follows. First of all, you need to rinse the cereal and fill it with water. After boiling, cook over low heat for thirty minutes. If it turns out that the corn is hard, you need to cook more. At the end, you can add milk, sugar, butter and pass it all through a blender.

Rice porridge for babies

In order to cook rice porridge, you need to take twenty grams of rice flour, fifty milliliters of water, a glass of milk and a teaspoon of sugar. It is not necessary to run around the shops in search of rice flour, you can simply grind the rice groats in a coffee grinder. Rice flour diluted in cold water, then gradually poured into boiling milk. In order to avoid lumps, porridge must be stirred all the time. Cooking time is five minutes.

Rice porridge for babies can be fraught with constipation, so you can give it rarely and in small portions.

Semolina porridge for babies

Semolina porridge is considered the least useful of all cereals. It contains nothing but starch. Many children love semolina because it is delicious, especially if you boil it in milk and add jam.

Semolina porridge for babies at first becomes liquid, gradually its consistency becomes thicker. It is better not to give it to children under one year old, since semolina contains substances that are poorly digested in the stomach and can lead to various diseases digestive system.

Milk porridge for babies

Parents should remember that proper nutrition is the health of their children. Soups, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables should be in the child's diet every day.

Milk porridge for babies is not prepared immediately. First you need to give dairy-free cereals or add skimmed baby milk, expressed breast milk, or formula.


Pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, rice and corn. These cereals do not cause allergies, and also help to improve digestion. However, you need to know that it is undesirable to give rice to children who have constipation. A buckwheat porridge, on the contrary, they give with swelling and problems with the stool.

After a year in children's menu you can gradually introduce manna and oatmeal. Until this age, the child's stomach is not able to cope with these cereals. And semolina can generally cause necrosis of the intestinal villi, as a result of which absorption is reduced. nutrients.

Do not give porridge fast food. They are made from processed raw materials, so they lose the lion's share of their usefulness. Worth buying the most ordinary cereals without additives and cook porridge from it.

Porridge is cooked on water, vegetable broth, breast or special baby milk. It is undesirable to use cow and goat milk which is poorly digested tender stomach half year old baby. Such fatty dairy products can be introduced into the baby's diet only from 9-12 months, and then diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. In addition, it is not recommended to add salt, sugar or honey to the finished porridge. Let the child get used to original taste dishes.

Wash the grain thoroughly. Rice can be soaked in cold water for several hours. Drain the water, dry the cereal a little, and then grind it in a coffee grinder or blender. You need to grind not into flour, but until small grains form.

Any baby porridge is prepared strictly according to the recipe. Per 100 ml liquid (water, vegetable broth, breast milk) one teaspoon of chopped cereals is taken. The result is a messy porridge that a child can easily swallow without chewing.

To prepare buckwheat, rice or corn porridge, grits are poured into cold water. And oatmeal and semolina are boiled in boiling water.

Porridge should be simmered over low heat so that the liquid evaporates gradually. In addition, the dish must be constantly stirred to avoid burning. It is not recommended to use a microwave or a slow cooker for cooking cereals, as their modes are designed for cooking cereals in standard "adult" proportions.

For improvement palatability dishes, you can add a little breast milk or formula to it. After a year, baby porridge can be prepared with dried fruits. But first you need to check if the child is allergic to this product.


  • How to cook porridge for a child

Breast milk is best food for babies. But when a child reaches a certain age, it is necessary to gradually accustom to ordinary food. Porridge, depending on the recommendations of the pediatrician, can be both the first and second complementary foods. Cooking requires certain rules.

You will need


Take required amount cereal flour and water. If you are just starting to introduce cereals into your child's diet, take 1 teaspoon of chopped cereals and 100 milliliters cold water. Use measuring utensils. If you do not have it, an ordinary faceted glass will help you - its volume to the rim is 200 milliliters, which means you need ½ cup of water. Mix everything thoroughly and put on a slow fire. Cook until tender, stirring constantly.

You can give porridge to the baby from 4 months. Thanks to such complementary foods, the baby will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Babies 4 one month old often prescribed complementary foods. More than 20 years ago, the WHO recommended breastfeeding only up to 6 months of age. All pediatricians adhere to these recommendations, explaining to young mothers that a baby with breast milk receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals for growth.

  • But the situations are different: the mother does not have enough milk or she completely lost it. What to do then? Introduce food!
  • Useful vitamins and microelements help to get porridge for the growing body, which can be introduced as early as 4 months of age.
  • The rules for the introduction of mixed nutrition must be discussed with the pediatrician. After all, often when a young mother begins to have problems with lactation, she panics, exacerbating the situation. The doctor will tell you in what ways you can restore this process, and what to do if this does not work out.
  • But, if all measures are taken, but unsuccessfully, then complementary foods are introduced. What kind of porridge can be for babies at a particular age? How to cook them? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Complementary foods at 4 months for different children will not be the same. If the baby has a lack of weight, then cereals are prescribed for him, and vegetable puree is introduced to babies with a good weight. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to give porridge to a child at 4 months old, only a pediatrician can answer.

  • vegetable puree can be purchased in special departments of baby food in stores and pharmacies, or you can cook it yourself.
  • To do this, one vegetable is taken, for example, zucchini, boiled until tender, ground in a blender, and then passed through a sieve.
  • By the age of 6 months, children are allowed to give vegetable puree from several boiled vegetables: zucchini and carrots, cauliflower and pumpkin, broccoli and other vegetables.

Important: If a child is allergic to a vegetable, it should be canceled and contact the pediatrician with the baby.

  • Kashi It is a source of trace elements and vitamins. Even during the youth of our mothers and grandmothers, children were given 5% semolina porridge as complementary foods.
  • Modern pediatricians do not recommend feeding a child with semolina, as it contains no nutrients, but only calories.
  • Most the best option for complementary foods of this age - this is liquid oatmeal, which is boiled in water or 1% milk.
  • IN ready-made it must be rubbed through a sieve and begin to give the baby from 10 grams, increasing the portion daily to 100 grams. Such complementary foods are given up to 6 months, and by 1 year the portion increases to 200 grams.

Important: At 4 months, you can give mixtures and cereals industrial production(such as "Baby" and others). They are sold in dry form and are ready for use only after dilution with water or breast milk.

  • There are also many vitamins in juices and fruit purees. But juices should be freshly squeezed and light (apple or pear). Start introducing 1/4 teaspoon into the baby's diet, bringing up to 100 grams per day.
  • Fruit puree is prepared from an apple or a ripe and soft pear. Technology: scrape the pulp from an apple or pear with a wooden spoon. Give it right away so that the pulp does not oxidize. Start with small portion(1/4 teaspoon) and bring up to 50-100 grams per day.
  • Baked apple also very useful for children, but it must be mashed and the pulp passed through a sieve.

Important: When to introduce complementary foods New Product, watch the baby. If appears allergic reaction, the product is removed from the diet. In addition, you need to consult a pediatrician.

At 5 months the child will benefit from porridge made from oats, rice, buckwheat and corn.

  • To cook liquid porridge, you need to take 10-15 grams of a dry mixture or a separate cereal and 100 ml of 1% milk.
  • To make milk with 1% fat content, it is enough to dilute ordinary store-bought milk (3.5%) with water 1:3.
  • Boil the cereal in milk or water for 10 minutes, then cool, rub through a sieve and serve to the baby.

At 6 months continue to cook the same cereals as at 5 months.

  • If the baby does not eat this dish well, then try a little salt or pour sweet syrup.
  • You can’t sprinkle porridge with sugar for a child, but you can cook a light sugar syrup and pour it over the dish. Syrup recipe: Dissolve 10 grams of sugar in 50 ml of water and put on fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour the finished porridge with such sweet water-syrup, but not more than 10-15 grams per 100 grams of porridge.
  • Watch the child, if a rash appears, cancel the sugar. At this age, you can put up to 3 grams of butter and a little baked apple pulp in the finished porridge.

At 7 months the diet is the same as at 5 and 6 months. If the child has an unstable stool, then give preference to rice and corn porridge, and for constipation, cook a dish of oats and buckwheat.

At 8 months you can try cooking barley porridge if you are sure that the child tolerates gluten cereals well. You can also combine several cereals: barley and oats, wheat and rye, and so on.

At 9, 10, 11 months feed millet. Continue to give cereals from other cereals: oats, barley, rice, buckwheat and corn. In addition, at 9 months one breastfeeding completely replaced by 200 grams of porridge.

Important: By 11 months, your baby will have already consumed almost all cereals, except semolina. It contains a lot of gluten and almost no vitamins and minerals. Therefore, if you still want to introduce semolina into the diet, then do it not earlier than a year.

note that semolina reduces the absorption of calcium, and if you give it to a child up to a year, then rickets may develop. Therefore, as mentioned above, semolina porridge should be introduced into the baby's diet no earlier than at 12 months.

What other cereals can be given as complementary foods to a one-year-old, 1.5 and 2 one year old baby, and how to cook? Here are some tips:

  • Buckwheat should be present in the child's menu every day, as it has a lot dietary fiber and vitamins. This is the most valuable porridge, it does not contain gluten and a lot of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It is easy to prepare: wash 30 grams of buckwheat and pour 100 ml of milk (1.5% fat). Boil for 10 minutes, cool and serve to the child. Can be boiled in water and served with meatballs.
  • Rice porrige rich in amino acids. But it is contraindicated in children who suffer from constipation. To prepare, rinse 30 grams of cereal and pour low-fat milk or water (100-150 ml). Cook until rice is cooked. If the porridge is thick, add a little boiled water.
  • Corn porridge rich in minerals and vitamins. A large number of fiber. You need to cook on water according to the recipe for rice porridge. Serve this dish with meatballs or soufflé.
  • Oatmeal contains a lot of vegetable proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins. If the child has constipation, then such porridge perfectly normalizes the stool. Boil liquid porridge - the recipe is above.

Advice: At this age, syrup and butter can be added to the porridge up to 5 grams. Also for taste, instead of sugar, you can add apple or banana puree.

After 1.5 years, the baby can be given porridge that does not need to be cooked. Such mixtures are sold in departments diet food. It is enough to pour dry porridge with boiling water and put it in the microwave oven for a minute - the porridge is ready.

Important: But be sure to look at the composition of dry porridge. Flavorings are often added to it and flavor additives. You can't give this porridge to a baby!

It was said above that semolina porridge can be given to a child no earlier than a year. However, doctors and nutritionists advise to completely abandon this cereal. If you still want to give your child semolina porridge, then cooking it is very simple.

Milk recipe:

  • Put a glass low fat milk on the fire and pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of semolina.
  • Stir constantly so that there are no lumps.
  • When the porridge boils, pour in a little sugar syrup and put 5 grams of butter.
  • Cool the porridge and serve to the baby.

Water Recipe:

  • Put a glass of water on gas and add 2 tablespoons of semolina.
  • Stir until boiling.
  • Then add sugar syrup and butter.

For taste, you can add a grated apple or banana to such porridge.

Buckwheat porridge will be the healthiest food for a baby after breast milk. Therefore, every mother should prepare such a dish for her crumbs every day. At what age can you give a child buckwheat porridge was written above - from 5 months. At this age, the finished porridge should be wiped through a sieve, and at 8-9 months, when the child has several teeth, you can feed him whole porridge.

How to cook delicious buckwheat porridge in milk and water for children - a recipe in a slow cooker:

  • 50 grams of buckwheat, washed under running water. Put in a multicooker pan.
  • Pour 150-200 ml of low-fat milk or water. Slightly salt and put 5 grams of sugar.
  • Turn on the multicooker in the "Porridge with milk" or "Buckwheat" mode for 30 minutes.
  • When the signal goes off, put the porridge on a plate and add 5 grams of butter.

Your child will like this porridge, as it will turn out soft, tasty and healthy.

Millet is also healthy cereal for the growing organism. It has a lot of nutrients and is absolutely gluten-free. But you can give millet porridge no earlier than 9 months, since millet is a heavy food product for tender digestive tract baby. How delicious to cook millet porridge with milk and water for children? Recipe in a slow cooker:

  • Rinse 50 grams of millet under water. Put it in the multicooker bowl.
  • Add 200 grams of milk and 100 grams of water. Put in some salt and sugar.
  • Set the "Porridge" mode for 30 minutes.
  • When the porridge is ready, put it on a plate and add 5 grams of butter.

If the baby is already big (more than a year), then you can put steamed and cut into pieces in the dish. small pieces dried apricots, raisins. Instead of sugar in ready meal add half a teaspoon of honey.

Oatmeal can be introduced into complementary foods as early as 4 months. But it must be liquid. How delicious to cook oatmeal for children with milk and water? To start complementary foods, the recipe for this porridge was described above. If the baby is older, then cook him such porridge from oatmeal:

  • Put on fire 200 grams of low-fat milk.
  • When the milk boils, add 50 grams of oatmeal. Add some sugar and salt.
  • Simmer for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and cover the pot with a lid.
  • After 10 minutes, put the dish on a plate and serve to the baby.

During cooking, you can add raisins or dried apricots, pre-washed and finely chopped, to such porridge, and honey instead of sugar, but only in the finished dish.

Remember: When heated, honey forms harmful substances, so it is put in the dish when it cools down a bit.

For small children, try not to sweeten the porridge, but add a little chopped banana or a scraped apple.

Introduce barley porridge into complementary foods for a child, starting from 8 months. It will turn out delicious if you boil it in water. Recipe barley porridge- how to cook deliciously on water for children? Follow these instructions:

  • If the barley groats are not cooked correctly, then the porridge will turn out to be tasteless and tough. Children's stomach will not be able to digest such a dish. When cooking should be enough water and time.
  • Rinse 50 grams of cells. Put in a saucepan. Pour warm boiled water for 2 hours.
  • After this time, pour a glass of water into another saucepan and put on fire. When the water boils, drain the liquid from the cells and put the cereal in boiling water.
  • Stir constantly so that the cereal does not stick to the bottom.
  • Lightly salt the porridge and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  • When the dish is ready, put 5-10 grams of butter in it and put it on a plate.

Such porridge will turn out tender, soft, airy and juicy. She is sure to please the child.

Pea porridge is given to children at the age of 1 year. Peas are useful, but they are very difficult for the digestive tract of crumbs, so it is not recommended to introduce such porridge into complementary foods before a year. How delicious to cook pea porridge for children? Here is the prescription:

  • In the evening, rinse 100 grams of peas under water, cover with water and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse the cereal again, put it in a saucepan and pour 200 grams of water.
  • Put the container with cereal on a small gas and cook for about 30 minutes. If the water boils away quickly, then you need to add it little by little. Do not forget to constantly stir the porridge.
  • When the cereal is almost ready, add a little salt and cook until the peas are completely boiled.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, beat with a blender until smooth, add a little cream or butter. Pea porridge ready.

Porridge according to this recipe will turn out tender, soft and tasty. You can diversify this recipe by adding vegetable puree to the porridge. Boil onions, carrots, bell pepper. Grind in a blender and put a tablespoon of this puree in porridge, mix a little.

Wheat porridge can be started at 8 months. Wheat is high in fiber and gluten. Therefore, when introducing wheat porridge into the child's diet, watch him. If there are signs of allergies, a rash, bloating, gas, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea, then wheat porridge should not be given to a child. If the baby tolerates this product well, feel free to cook such a dish for him 1-2 times a week.

It is better to cook such porridge on water, with the addition of milk and butter. For porridge for a child, buy cereal, as the dish will turn out softer and more tender from them than from cereals. How delicious to cook wheat porridge on water for children? Recipe:

  • Put the pan on the gas. Pre-pour 150 ml of water and 150 ml of milk into it.
  • When the liquid boils, add 30 grams of wheat flakes.
  • Boil the porridge for 10-15 minutes. Slightly salt, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and 5 grams of butter.
  • Remove the porridge from the fire.
  • Beat it with a mixer, put it on a plate and serve to the baby.

If the porridge is hot, then you first need to cool it, and then feed the baby.

porridge from corn flakes can be given to a child at 5 months. Cooking at this time gruel, and older children can cook thick porridge and add vegetable puree. How delicious to cook corn porridge in milk for children? Recipe:

  • Instead of corn flakes, you can buy cornmeal.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of cornmeal into 250 ml of cold milk.
  • Put the container with the mixture on the gas, and stir.
  • When the mixture boils, add a little salt and 1/4 teaspoon sugar.
  • Boil the porridge for 2 minutes, and remove from heat.
  • Add 5 grams of butter, cool and serve.

You can not add sugar to such porridge, and when the child grows up, make a dish with honey or steamed in boiling water and chopped dried apricots and raisins.

On the water, corn porridge is cooked simply and quickly:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of corn flakes into 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, add a little salt and 5 grams of butter.
  • Remove from heat, cool and serve to baby.

Boiled and ground pumpkin, carrots and broccoli can be added to corn porridge. It will turn out great varied menu for a small child.

There is a lot of gluten in pearl barley, and it is poorly absorbed. Therefore, start introducing complementary foods barley porridge better from 1 year. How delicious to cook barley porridge with milk and water for children so that the dish turns out soft and tender? Milk recipe:

  • Rinse 50 grams of pearl barley and soak in water for 4 hours.
  • After the time has elapsed, rinse again and pour 250 ml of water.
  • When the porridge is almost ready, add 250 ml of milk and cook until done.
  • Add a little salt, a little sugar and turn off the heat.
  • Then the porridge can be ground in a blender or put in the oven for 15 minutes so that the dish comes to readiness.

You can also add butter to this porridge. On water, a barley dish is cooked in the same way as on milk, only without the addition of sugar. It is better to serve such porridge with stewed and ground vegetables or meat soufflé.

Rice is very useful for the entire digestive tract, especially for children's stomach and intestines. Rice porridge is introduced into complementary foods from 5 months. Remember that rice boils 5 times, so cook one serving so that you can cook it the next day. fresh dish. Accordingly, 5-6 parts of liquid are taken for 1 part of rice: milk or water. How delicious to cook rice porridge with milk and water for children? Recipe in a slow cooker:

  • Rinse 50 grams of rice. Put the cereal in the bowl of the multicooker.
  • Fill it with 100 ml of water and 150 ml of milk.
  • Add some salt and sugar.
  • Turn on the "Porridge" mode for 30 minutes.
  • When the porridge is ready, grind it until smooth in a blender. Add 5 grams of butter and serve to the baby's table.

When the child grows up, such porridge can be served without grinding in a blender, and add raisins and dried apricots when cooking. To the porridge boiled in water, put the meat soufflé or meatballs, which must be crushed with a fork in advance. Your child will like this second dish.

If a child has constipation, then flaxseed porridge is indicated for daily use. A flax dish can be introduced into complementary foods from 1 year. But carefully observe the baby, if after eating this porridge, he has loose stools, then you should wait a little with such complementary foods and postpone it until 2-3 years. Before introducing complementary foods, consult your pediatrician.

It is better to cook not whole grain porridge, but first make flax flour, and then cook the dish. How to cook tasty with milk and water for children flaxseed porridge? Recipe:

  • Pour 50 grams of ground flax seeds with 150 ml of milk or water.
  • Put on gas and cook until tender - 5-10 minutes.
  • Salt, add a little sugar, butter.
  • Turn off the fire and remove the porridge from the stove. Cool it down and put it on a plate.
  • You can serve porridge cooked on water with meat soufflé or vegetable puree. A dish with milk goes well with a banana, strawberry or apple. Fruit pulp must first be crushed in a blender, and then put into the finished porridge.

In flaxseed porridge, sugar can also be replaced with honey - it's tasty and healthy.

Every mother wants her baby to be healthy and feel great. After all, his mood depends on the well-being of the child, as well as the mood of the mother and all household members. What cereals can be used for constipation, diarrhea, allergies for children? With the help of this dish, cooked from a specific cereal, you can stop diarrhea or help with constipation.

  • If your child is allergic to gluten, then do not cook him such porridges: oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley, barley, semolina.
  • For constipation do not give rice porridge. Cook oatmeal, flaxseed, pearl barley, corn, millet.
  • With diarrhea you should not give your baby flaxseed porridge, millet (heavy for the digestive tract), pearl barley, corn. Give preference to cereals from which viscous cereals, helping to cope with loose stools: oatmeal, semolina, rice. Boil these cereals in water without sugar and salt.

Kasha is important dish for the child's body. With its help, you diversify the menu and the baby will receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, which means that it will develop correctly and grow quickly.

Video: Super food for kids. Where to start feeding?
