
Is it possible to drink beer while breastfeeding. Alcohol while breastfeeding - how long can you feed a baby if mom drinks alcohol

I'm very concerned about this question: breastfeeding and beer. Is it possible? In some publications there are recommendations that to increase lactation one should use beer or Brewer's yeast. Can the use beer adversely affect the health of the child? P.S. Sometimes that's what you want beer.

Answered by Komarovsky E.O.

Quite possible. At least, there should be no talk of any categorical prohibition. Production process beer involves the use of only natural ingredients ( Brewer's yeast, hops, barley). This eliminates the particular risk of allergic reactions. A considerable plus is a large amount of B vitamins. A significant minus is the presence of alcohol. The latter requires a sense of proportion, but the glass beer, which a woman drinks because she really wants it, will not bring much harm to anyone. It is only important to understand: talk about what beer can significantly increase milk production, are purely conversational. The effectiveness of this method stimulation of lactation has not been proven by anyone. Thus, if breastfeeding woman really wants to drink beer she can afford it. In this case, you should not use canned and other options. beer containing preservatives. You should not, quite obviously, use strong varieties. There is a choice. Ideal option - non-alcoholic bottled beer. Killing a large number of hares without side effects. Let me reiterate: use beer breastfeeding woman has both pluses and minuses. Which outweighs is a moot point. But these experiments should be carried out only when you really really want to. And if you don't want to? Well, thank God. The less experimentation you do with breastfeeding, the better for both you and your baby.

The negative attitude towards alcohol consumption during lactation is well founded. Alcohol is a poisonous and poisonous substance for the whole organism. In an adult, it leads to disruption of the metabolic system, and for a newborn baby, it will have even more disastrous consequences. It should be said that there are other points of view on the "alcohol" issue.

Facts and research

This question is important and exciting to many minds, but more or less significant research on it has not been conducted. All recommendations of doctors are based on well-known facts that testify to the negative impact of alcohol on the baby.

Whether or not to drink alcohol is the choice of every mother. At the same time, consider the effect of alcohol on the child's body.

Jack Newman, who is a member of the International Breastfeeding Organizations Professional Advisory Board, took a different view on the prohibition of drinking any amount of alcohol to breastfeeding mothers. To understand which point of view will be correct, a detailed examination of the reactions in the body of a nursing mother after taking alcoholic beverages will help:

  • Drink consumption. Beer, champagne or dry wine initially enters the stomach through the digestive tract, where it stays for about 20 minutes. From the stomach, the drink enters the intestines.
  • Suction. The process is carried out in the small intestine, there is a release of alcohol into the blood. The drink is digested in 10 minutes.
  • The highest level of concentration in the blood. If a woman drank alcohol with food, then the most "clogged" blood will be in 60-90 minutes, and if separately from food - after 30-60 minutes. Keep in mind that in this case, champagne dramatically accelerates the onset of maximum concentration up to 10 minutes. Mother's milk receives a dose of ethanol at this time.
  • Excretion from the body. The rate of withdrawal will differ from the dose drunk and from the weight of the woman. The body needs more time to neutralize the effects of drinking strong alcohol. The decrease in blood concentration coincides with the withdrawal of alcohol from breast milk.

Within 30-60 minutes after drinking alcohol, it will be impossible to breastfeed the baby.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The above makes it possible to answer exciting questions regarding alcohol and lactation:

  • Is there a danger of alcohol getting into mother's milk? Yes, because the process of assimilation and absorption of alcoholic beverages is similar to what the body uses when taking medicines. Alcohol reaches the mammary glands in 10% of what the nursing mother drank.
  • When is the most dangerous period for breastfeeding after drinking alcohol? After drinking beer or wine, it will be most dangerous for a woman to feed her baby after 30-60 minutes, but in the case of champagne, after 10 minutes.
  • When does alcohol completely leave the milk, and after how long will it be possible to feed? The pace of this process is different for everyone. A woman weighing 55 kg will need to wait about 2-3 hours, provided that she takes one glass of red or white wine. For stronger drinks (cognac, sambuca), a longer withdrawal period will be required - up to 13 hours.

Having indicated that alcohol is excreted from the body in everyone with different intensity, which depends both on the volume of alcoholic beverages and on the weight and height of the woman, we can imagine the average rate of excretion. Consider this in a table where alcohol is measured in "drinks". One "drink" is:

  • 340 g of beer (5%);
  • 142 g of wine (11%);
  • 42.5 g of strong drink (40%).
The rate of alcohol removal from the blood of a nursing mother depends on her weight and the strength of the alcoholic drink.

Women sometimes express milk so that new, clean milk arrives to replace it, but this is a mistake. In fact, ethanol will be supplied again and again from the "infected" blood. As soon as alcohol is completely removed from the blood, mother's milk will immediately be cleansed.

The effect of alcohol on a child

Regular intake of alcoholic beverages during the lactation period has a number of negative consequences:

  • External signs. When all possible limits are exceeded, the sluggish behavior of the baby becomes noticeable. His sleep is disturbing: he falls asleep quickly and deeply, but sleeps very little. The child becomes nervous. A woman may experience a shortage of milk. This conclusion was made by the American specialists of the Committee on Pediatric Medicines.
  • Malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels. Ethanol causes the heart to work in the wrong rhythm. Hence the possible weakness in the baby, as well as respiratory failure.
  • Digestive disorders. Beer during breastfeeding negatively affects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Children's immature digestive system is at risk. Perhaps the development of colic.

Alcohol will cause particular harm to newborns under the age of 3 months. All organs are not yet fully mature, in particular the liver. She is not yet able to process alcohol even in small doses.

Ethanol in the body of a baby is processed 3 times slower than in an adult. How much beer can you drink during this period? Not a drop!

Myths about the benefits of beer during breastfeeding

The topic of alcohol is so exciting for nursing mothers that it has given birth to many myths. Some of them argue that alcohol and breastfeeding are completely incompatible, while others, in contrast, point to a therapeutic effect for mother and child:

  • Beer during breastfeeding stimulates milk production. The woman notices more frequent desires of the baby to suck on the breast. The number of attachments is growing - this is the basis for building such a hypothesis. US pediatricians D. Menella and G. Bishomp found out the following experimentally. In women who took alcoholic beer instead of non-alcoholic, the number of feedings increased, but in general, the daily volume of milk consumed decreased by 20-27%. Thus, there was a claim that alcohol during breastfeeding slows down the production of milk.
  • After drinking alcohol, the baby sleeps better. Studies have shown that alcohol-containing drinks change a child's sleep, but not for the better. They lead to disorders of the nervous system, due to which children's sleep becomes abnormal. The initial effect of ethanol is expressed in a state close to intoxication, which leads to rapid falling asleep. Such a dream does not last long, which means that it does not go through all the necessary phases. An important rest phase for recuperation is missed. Toddlers who have received a dose of alcohol sleep much less than children whose mothers did not drink beer or another alcohol-containing drink.

After taking an alcoholic drink, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding for a while.

Making holidays safe

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have wine and beer? Is there a way to safely take them for a baby? Let's look at the nuances of use. Thomas Hale, MD, who is a professor of pediatrics at Texas Tech University, says breastfeeding moms can consume alcoholic beverages in moderation. Fully "coming to her senses" after taking these, the mother can start breastfeeding. This quote is taken from the book Drugs and Breast Milk.

Dr. Komarovsky agrees with Thomas Hale and advises, when drinking beer or wine, to take into account the following features of the reception:

  • The more and more often a woman consumes alcohol-containing drinks, the stronger their destructive power will be. Never overdo it with beer or wine. It is permissible to sip one glass at a party or holiday, but you should not abuse it. Daily drinking is a sign of developing alcoholism.
  • Say a firm "no" to alcohol before the baby is three months old. The smallest doses can cause extremely detrimental effects.
  • Keep in mind your weight, because obese and thin women have different processes for removing ethanol from the body. The first one will go much faster.
  • Never drink on an empty stomach. The intensity and volume of absorbed ethanol will be significantly lower when drinking alcohol with food.
  • Don't overdo it. Critically large amounts of alcohol can cause intoxication of the child's body. A woman in a state of extreme intoxication does not control herself well, which means there is a danger of crushing the baby during a joint sleep.

The best way to protect your child is to completely stop drinking alcohol.

Drinking rules

There are a number of rules that will help you safely combine a pleasant evening and good health of the child:

  1. The child should be fed immediately before the celebration, if you have a desire to drink alcohol. Subsequent feeding should be done only in an absolutely sober mind.
  2. Be mindful of the child and don't drink too much. Only moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is possible during lactation. A glass of beer will not cause serious harm to either you or your baby.
  3. Express milk in reserve. If you are in danger of drinking too much, take care to prepare the required amount of breast milk for one or two feedings. Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Don't overfeed your baby. Feeling the excessive fullness of the mammary glands, express a part and pour it out.
  5. Drink soft drinks. Beer or wine with 0% ethanol can be drunk during lactation. Of course, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. Just one bottle of beer with artificial colors and preservatives can cause the development of allergic reactions in a child of the first year of life.

The question of the compatibility of alcohol and lactation, each woman decides on her own. Only the mother has the right to control the health of the baby and decide whether it is possible to drink beer while breastfeeding. You should not be overly afraid of alcohol, doctors also talk about this.

Helping a woman relax at a party can be non-alcoholic beer while breastfeeding, which is essentially a safe alternative to alcohol.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother had to limit herself to the use of any alcoholic beverages. And after giving birth, many women have a question about whether it is possible to drink beer while breastfeeding. Beer is the most common alcoholic drink of all. It is often used in companies, at events, etc. It has many admirers among men and women. Therefore, this issue is very relevant. The fact is that any product consumed by a woman during breastfeeding affects the chemical components of milk. And every loving mother would not want to harm her child. After all, along with milk, various substances enter the body. And with malnutrition, the baby can develop an allergy. And before experimenting with foods and drinks, you need to know if nursing mothers can drink beer.

There is an opinion that beer during lactation is not capable of harming a child or a woman, but on the contrary, this intoxicating drink is beneficial. It includes in its composition useful substances that can positively affect the production of milk.

This foamy drink during breastfeeding is not able to increase the flow of milk. If its recipe includes hop yeast, then this is not an indicator that beer provokes an improvement in lactation. This process can be affected by the sucking of the breast by the child, as a result of which it begins its production in the required volumes.

This opinion was formed due to the fact that the use of an intoxicating drink during the period of breastfeeding increases the blood vessels, as well as the thoracic ducts. As a result, the milk ducts begin to fill up faster, especially during the period of her sucking by the baby. Also, beer has a relaxing effect and brings the body a satisfactory feeling of satiety. This factor affects the activity of oxytocin production, which affects the increase in lactation. But the increase in milk with beer is absolutely not connected.

This does not mean that beer while breastfeeding will not cause harm in any way. If the mother of a newborn really wants to treat herself to this intoxicating drink, then she is allowed to sip it, but the maximum dose should not exceed 200 ml. Such an amount can have some effect on the increase in the ducts, from which the milk will come to the baby faster, but there will be no benefit from this directly for the crumbs. A dosage above the norm can lead to negative aspects that will affect the health of the newborn. If you often drink beer while breastfeeding, a woman may block the thoracic ducts over time. Because of this, milk will stop producing, and mom will have no choice but to transfer the baby to IV.

Important! The hormone oxytocin is responsible for the flow of breast milk. And the production of the hormone itself is directly affected by massage and breast sucking.

How beer affects the child's body

Many world experts are convinced that uncontrolled and frequent drinking of beer during breastfeeding can cause enormous damage to the health of the crumbs. This applies to all alcoholic beverages. Many mothers think that beer should not fall under this number, but it contains from 3 to 9% ethanol, and this is enough to disrupt many processes in the body of a newborn.

List of the most common consequences of beer abuse:

These symptoms can appear in a baby if the mother drinks beer in uncontrolled dosages on an ongoing basis. But can a woman occasionally drink a beer drink? The question posed is difficult to answer unambiguously. European scientists say that breastfeeding mothers can be allowed to taste high-quality beer in small quantities and with a good snack. Russian doctors are categorical about this factor, believing that any alcoholic drink, regardless of quality and dose, can harm a child.

Non-alcoholic beer during the feeding period

Many are sure that a nursing mother can drink non-alcoholic beer as much as she likes, because it does not contain ethanol, which means that its intake will not affect lactation and the condition of the newborn. But it is worth noting that the varieties of non-alcoholic intoxicating drink are endless. Some manufacturers allow the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition of beer up to 2 units as a percentage. Such a meager part of this substance is already capable of disrupting the functioning of the digestive tract in an infant and causing a violation of the stool.

Also, to store any, even non-alcoholic beer, preservatives are used that can cause a number of allergic reactions in crumbs. Once a week, you can drink an intoxicating drink without ethanol, but the product must be of high quality.

Important Points

To the question of whether it is possible to drink beer while breastfeeding, the answer is ambiguous. Before the upcoming GW, of course, you should not approach beer. If you really want to, then the intoxicating drink can be replaced with a non-alcoholic option. But even here you need to approach the matter seriously and not forget about the measure. The recommended dose of non-alcoholic beer is 0.5 liters. If the drink contains 6% ethanol content, then the volume of beer drunk should not exceed 250 ml. Such an amount will have time to disappear from the mother's milk after 1 hour. During this period, it is forbidden to apply crumbs to the chest.

Important! Even after this time, it is advised to express the lactation product in order to finally be sure that there are no more ethanol residues in it.

  1. The remnants of negative substances after drinking beer disappear from milk after 1.5 hours. During this period, you do not need to feed the baby.
  2. If a woman felt intoxicated after 1 sip, then it is better to stop drinking a foamy drink, as this may indicate a lack of enzymes for the normal processing of ethyl alcohol or individual intolerance.
  3. The smaller the person's height, the slower the harmful components of ethanol are excreted from the body, even if they got there with mother's milk. Therefore, it is better not to risk children's health, which may not be able to cope with the load received.
  4. In the first three months after the birth of the baby, the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink beer should be closed. During this period, the baby's digestive tract is just beginning to get stronger and any harmless product, not to mention alcohol, can cause colic and pain in the tummy.

Important! If mom decided to treat herself to beer, then it should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Before you drink it, you need to have a hearty meal or at least a snack.

You can drink a beer product in moderate doses only when the child is already 4-5 months old. A nursing mother often wants beer, especially if there is a reason for this. And in order not to tempt yourself, it is better to temporarily refuse to visit establishments where it is often drunk. A woman should understand that the health and life of a newborn now depends on her, so it is better to protect him from negative factors and be patient with the use of alcoholic beverages.

Some of the fair sex during lactation may be visited by the question, is it possible to drink beer while breastfeeding? The craving for such an ambiguous product is due to the composition of the barley drink, which has the substances necessary in the diet, or the desire of a woman to relax.

A glass of quality beer once every two weeks, when the baby is already more than six months old, will not harm. Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky believes that it is advisable for a nursing mother to do without such an excess, but at the indicated time a bottle (not a can!) Of a branded alcoholic drink should not cause harm.

Alas, 100% high-quality hop product today can not be found, so it is advisable not to rush to use it.

Amber drink and its features

During breastfeeding, the fair sex is worried about the reaction of the baby, and for good reason. A low percentage of women who drink alcoholic or non-alcoholic beer while breastfeeding claim that it has a positive effect on milk production. There is a partial truth in this. The presence of folic acid, vitamin complex B and D is confirmed.

A nursing mother may lack useful trace elements that contain beer ingredients:

  • Barley. This cereal slows down the aging process of cells, including facial skin, which is important for a nursing mother during lactation. Barley contains vitamins of group B, which contributes to the normalization of nervous processes, leads to calm. Of the negative points, it is a diuretic product, so beer (even in small quantities) with HB threatens with dehydration and reduces the amount of fluid in the body of a nursing mother, reduces the amount of milk.
  • Hop. The plant has a calming feature. Included in sedatives. But beer containing its extract is undesirable for a nursing mother, as it can lead to impaired brain activity of the baby, and in large doses, be fatal.
  • Brewer's yeast. A unique component, 40% protein. Great for vegetarians, believers during fasting. But is it possible to have beer (or separately brewer's yeast) while breastfeeding, the gynecologist and pediatrician must answer. Yeasts are fungal microorganisms. They disrupt the intestinal microflora, can provide mother and baby with an unpleasant “service”: provoke candidiasis.

The main argument pointing to the uselessness of drinking beer (even high-quality) with breastfeeding remains its effect on milk production. This truly miraculous food for the baby is produced by a pair of hormones: prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, the flow of milk. This product raises the level of the hormone. However, oxytocin, which is responsible for the release of milk, is “slowed down” under the influence of a barley drink. So it turns out: it seems to a nursing mother that lactation has improved. In fact, there is a rush of milk, but at the same time, the baby cannot dissolve the breast.

Nothing from the glass?

It is extremely important for a baby who is on breastfeeding what foods a woman consumes during lactation. It has been scientifically proven that beer (standard glass up to 330 ml) while breastfeeding can cause irreparable harm. The following representatives of the beautiful half of humanity remain at risk:

  • With little weight. Such women get drunk faster, and milk with the breakdown products of an alcoholic drink is absorbed within half an hour - an hour.
  • With individual intolerance, when the head begins to spin after a few sips.
  • Women who buy an amber drink in dubious places of sale or expired.

Non-alcoholic species also theoretically pose a threat to a nursing mother and her child who drank milk containing ethylene. Even soft drinks contain alcohols (up to 2%), aldehydes and ethanol. Such substances adversely affect a child who drank breast milk. These substances negatively affect many organ systems and the condition of a little son or daughter:

  • The digestive system of a child who drank such milk is affected, dysbacteriosis, indigestion of milk, and colic are possible. They already suffer from them in the first three months of life.
  • Allergic reactions. The mother may face their manifestation after a while, when the introduction of complementary foods begins.
  • Changes in behavioral reactions (aggressiveness, the baby may be out of mood, sleep for a long time or, conversely, stay awake).
  • From the abuse of an intoxicating drink, the nerve cells of the child's brain are destroyed, mental development slows down.

A nursing woman always has to limit herself in social manifestations (evening “walks under the moon” with her loved one, even ordinary meetings with friends in a cafe). One of the most painful for her is the exclusion of familiar or simply desired dishes. Constant stress associated with every second control of the baby, deplete the nervous system.

A drunk glass of beer, which a young mother reluctantly decides to take, will definitely affect breast milk.

Once in the stomach and assimilated in the large intestine, beer in half an hour (on an empty stomach) or an hour and a half (during a heavy dinner) will release alcohol and chemical compounds into the blood, lymph, and from there into breast milk.

There are no hopeless situations

It is difficult to imagine a situation when a glass of alcohol is imposed on a nursing mother, but she cannot refuse. A wonderful trend is returning, when the right to breastfeeding is considered inviolable, almost sacred! But sometimes the fair sex herself wants to relax or there is a responsible evening event ahead.

The main thing, in order not to harm a little loved one, is step-by-step preparation:

  • Express milk in advance and put it in the freezer. With proper storage, it will not lose its benefits within 6 months. A stock like this never hurts.
  • Before drinking alcohol, it is advisable to breastfeed the child so that he drinks and is not distracted. This will empty the mammary glands and give the baby the opportunity to once again be close to his mother (before the upcoming separation of several hours, this is important for him).
  • After drinking, it is better for the mother to express milk. The time during which alcohol is excreted will take 12 - 24 hours. It's about overuse. After a single dose (up to 330 ml), you can skip a couple of breastfeeds using frozen milk.

Important! A wise mother always on the eve of the evening, when drinking alcohol is planned, should take care of the presence of a loved one next to her son or daughter. In case of intoxication, the mother should not lie down next to the baby, take it in her arms. Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid injury to the baby and accidents.

Mothers whose baby drank breast milk for a long time should eat a balanced diet, then there will be no strange taste preferences (drink alcohol, eat a piece of ice or eat the whole cake).

Diets, lack of protein products in the daily menu, cereals lead to a change in taste preferences. In such situations, a rhetorical question arises: “Is it possible for a breastfeeding mother to drink beer?” Sometimes the absence of such an element as iron makes a woman look for the useful in the useless.

Hot green tea with milk (if lactose is digested normally) is the best way to relieve tension, relax and increase the flow of milk. An intoxicating product is only an apparent panacea, the consequences of which for a baby are not always positive. If you want, you should not bring yourself to hysteria, it is better to drink - but just a little bit and of high quality. The toddler who drank the milk of a happy mom is twice as healthy! But still, whether it is possible to drink, or undesirable (with HB), each mother will decide for herself.

Doctors unanimously argue that alcohol and breastfeeding are not compatible. Even small doses of alcohol inhibit the normal development of the baby and contribute to the occurrence of diseases and abnormalities.

Recently, there has been an opinion that beer, due to the presence of some useful elements, stimulates an increase in lactation. However, experts refute this information. Research shows that beer has no effect on the amount of milk. And all the benefits of the drink fade into the background due to harmful and dangerous substances.

Let's see if you can drink beer while breastfeeding.

Beer improves lactation: myth or not?

Some researchers say that it is possible to drink beer during feeding, however, with strict observance of the rules for drinking. This opinion has developed due to the fact that the composition of the foamy drink includes brewer's yeast. This component has useful properties.

  • B1 improves metabolism, restores strength, relieves depression;
  • B2 stabilizes the condition of the skin, improves its structure and appearance;
  • D2 strengthens teeth and promotes hair growth.

If you feel an urgent need to drink beer, then you do not have enough these vitamins.

To replenish stocks it is not necessary to drink alcohol. These beneficial elements can be obtained from other products. Increase the dose of bran, whole grain bread, vegetables and dairy products.

If you still decide to drink alcohol, then choose non-alcoholic beer. The presence of hops and barley in a beer drink will improve mom's mood and hormone production. And carbohydrates and minerals will become a source of nutrients. At the same time, alcohol in such a drink is the minimum amount.

On the Internet, you can often find a story that beer increased the amount of milk. Indeed, when drinking this alcoholic drink, it may seem that there is more milk. However, this is self-deception. Beer does not help improve lactation.

It has been proven that the foamy drink accumulates in the tissues, as a result they swell and stretch. That is why a rush of milk begins to be felt. At the same time, feeding is difficult. Alcohol delays breast milk, and the baby is forced to suck harder.

And to increase lactation, it is better to drink more liquid. These are natural juices, drinking water, tea and dairy products.

Remember that a large amount of alcohol consumed will cause irreparable harm to the baby!

Harmful effect on the child

  • Delay in the motor development of the baby. Non-alcoholic alcohol is no exception. Despite this name, the drink still contains a small dose of alcohol;
  • Sleep disturbance, lethargy and weakness;
  • Baby weight loss
  • The risk of hypoglycemia;
  • The drink retains fluid in the body and disrupts the outflow of breast milk;
  • An increase in heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure;
  • The occurrence of colic, gas formation, inflammation of the esophagus, stomach or intestines;
  • Frequent consumption causes the baby to quickly become addicted, which subsequently leads to dependence.

Rules for drinking beer during lactation

Occasional drinking will not affect breastfeeding or harm your baby. Therefore, if you really want beer, then you can drink a little. However, during lactation, you should strictly follow the rules for use:

  • Non-alcoholic beer contains 0.5 - 1.5% alcohol. For comparison, kefir contains about 0.6%, and kvass contains about 1.2%. In this case, you can drink no more than 500 ml of the drink;
  • Weak beer with an alcohol content of up to 6% can be drunk occasionally and no more than 250 ml;
  • Before use, check if the child has an allergic reaction to hops, barley, carbon dioxide;
  • Any alcoholic beverages, including non-alcoholic beer, should not be drunk for at least three months after childbirth;
  • Avoid canned beer as it contains a lot of preservatives;
  • Feed your child before drinking alcohol. After drinking, wait for the alcohol to completely dissipate. The weathering time depends on the mass of the mother and the type of drink. A woman weighing 55 kg, drinking 250 ml of beer with a low alcohol content (up to 6%), on average will need two hours;
  • If even after a sip of beer severe intoxication occurs, then alcoholic beverages should be urgently excluded. This indicates a lack of enzymes for the absorption of alcohol in the body;
  • If, after drinking beer, you notice a deterioration in the child's well-being, then it is also not recommended to drink in the future;
  • You can not drink on an empty stomach! This will increase the time for the removal of alcohol from the body.

Drinking alcohol enters the digestive tract, where it stays for 20 minutes. It then travels to the intestine where absorption takes place. Alcohol is released into the blood and processed for 10 minutes. The maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood is an hour, then gradually disappears.

The baby will receive the largest dose of alcohol when feeding 30-60 minutes after drinking beer. Therefore, it is important to wait for the complete weathering of alcohol from the body. As mentioned earlier, for a mother weighing 55 kg, it will take at least two hours.

The longer the time interval between drinking and feeding, the better. If you are afraid of negative consequences, then you can express milk before drinking alcohol.

Thus, occasionally you can drink non-alcoholic or weak beer in small doses. A single use will not cause serious damage. If a nursing mother periodically has a need for beer, then replace the drink with live kvass or kefir.
