
Healthy cereals. Types of cereals

When a person observes a diet or fasting, there is a healing of the soul and body.

The body gets rid of toxins, consumes as much and such food that it really needs.

To diversify, it would seem at first glance boring Lenten menu will help our unique recipes cooking lean cereals.

Cereal dishes can be both salty and sweet.

And you can even make a mix - mixing two or three types of cereals.

Lenten cereals - general principles of preparation

The main ingredient of any porridge is cereals.

Before cooking, it should be carefully sorted out and rinsed well.

Some cereals such as rice, corn, peas require pre-soak in water.

Then it will take much less time to cook them, and all the nutrients and useful substances will be preserved.

Prepared cereals are dipped into boiling water. salt water gradually mixing.

Lenten porridge "Coins"

Try to cook porridge from the once forgotten cereal - lentils. It is rich in nutrients and will surprise you with its taste.


Two glasses of lentils;

One bulb;

One carrot;

sunflower oil;

Cooking method:

Lentils are washed and poured with water. Salt, put 2 peppercorns and boil. They throw it away in a colander. Then the porridge is poured with vegetable oil. Onions and carrots are fried in oil and added to porridge. Done, you can eat.

Lean porridge"Rare"

Boil the barley groats, fry it in vegetable oil and serve with vegetable side dish. It will turn out very appetizing.


One glass of barley groats;

Vegetable oil;

Cooking method:

Washed cereals are dipped in boiling salted water. Cook, stirring, 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cover the pan with a lid and set for half an hour to rebuke. Wrap the pot well. If you want to weld crumbly porridge, put 2 cups of cereal in 4 cups of water; want viscous - 5 glasses of water plus 1 teaspoon. l. salt.

Lenten porridge "Morning"

This recipe is a mix of barley groats and potatoes. Porridge will turn out high-calorie and rich in vitamins.


Half a glass of barley groats;

six potatoes;

Vegetable oil;

Salt, seasoning;

One pod of red pepper.

Cooking method:

Potatoes are peeled, poured cold water and fall asleep with a layer of washed cereals. Add salt and cook until done. Then add sunflower oil and your favorite seasoning. Don't forget the pepper. It is freed from seeds, cut and decorated with porridge.

Lenten porridge "Krepysh"

Classic semolina porridge is diversified with sweet nuts or jam.


two glasses of semolina;

One table. a spoonful of sugar;

Salt, sweet nuts (jam).

Cooking method:

Boil four glasses of water, put granulated sugar, salt and pour in semolina. Cook, stirring constantly. IN ready porridge add sugar, nuts or jam to taste.

Lenten porridge "Uncle Sandro"

For the preparation of this cereal porridge, both corn grits and fresh or canned corn are suitable.


One bank canned corn or 5 small cobs fresh;

Vegetable oil;

One glass of rice.

Cooking method:

Crumbly rice is boiled and fried in oil until golden brown. If there is no canned food, boil fresh corn and add maize grains to the porridge. Salt during cooking. Rice can be boiled in "corn" water. When serving with porridge, you can offer vegetable sauce.

Lenten porridge "Rich"

Lean cereals do not necessarily consist of water, cereals and salt. Add garlic and herbs to barley porridge - and you will succeed delicious porridge with a point.


One and a half glasses pearl barley;

Two carrots;

Two bulbs;

Vegetable oil;

Salt, fresh herbs.

Cooking method:

Boil viscous porridge. Onions are chopped, and carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Mix vegetables and fry in oil. Add "roasting" to the porridge, sprinkle each serving with herbs and small rings of garlic.

Lenten porridge "Ring"

Cooked buckwheat porridge arrange on a dish with a ring, leaving the center empty. Fill it with fried onions.


Two glasses of buckwheat;

Three bulbs;

Three table. spoons of oil;

Two arrows of garlic.

Cooking method:

The groats are sorted, washed and dried. Pour 3 cups of boiling water, cover with a lid and cook on the smallest fire. The porridge will turn out crumbly if you do not mix it. When the porridge is ready, the pan is removed from the heat, wrapped in newspaper and wrapped. The onion is finely chopped and fried. The porridge is spread on beautiful dish and sprinkle with strips of garlic (2-3 cm each) on top.

Lenten porridge "Interesting"

Rice groats go well with mushrooms. Add pepper or vegetable sauce to the dish - it will add juiciness.


Two glasses of rice;

10 dried mushrooms;

One bulb;

One carrot;

One parsley root;

Salt, seasoning;

Vegetable oil;

1 pod of red pepper.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms are washed in hot water, then boiled in salt water with parsley and carrots. Finely chop them. Strain the broth, pour 2.5 cups into a saucepan, pour fried onions into this volume and boil. Add rice and cook for 5 minutes over high heat, stirring. After 10 minutes, stir so that there are no lumps, and pour in the mushrooms, finely chopped. Add oil and seasoning. The porridge can be fried a little.

Lenten porridge "Doctor Aibolit"

Pumpkin helps to remove toxins from the body. Steam it in the oven and the children will also enjoy the dish.


One glass of rice;

800 grams of peeled pumpkin;

4 table. l. granulated sugar;

Vegetable oil;

Cooking method:

Sliced ​​pumpkin in small pieces, boiled until soft and passed through a meat grinder. Soak rice in cold water, drain it, pour new water and boil. Add butter and sugar. Mix rice with pumpkin and brown the treat in the oven. Serve with fruit sauce as a side dish.

Lenten porridge "Eggplant"

Porridge can be prepared even from vegetables. Ideal for lenten the table is suitable eggplant porridge. Served with spicy ketchup.


Two glasses of rice cereal;

Four table. l. flour;

1 eggplant;

vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Boiled in salted water crumbly rice. Eggplant is peeled, cut into small pieces and fried with flour. Then combine rice and eggplant, mix. Add some sunflower oil.

Lenten porridge "Paris streets"

Chestnut porridge will wash the menu in the post. I spread the air mass prepared according to the recipe on small dish and poured around with a sweet fruit sauce.


Half a kilogram of fresh chestnuts;

Two glasses of sugar;

fruit sauce.

Cooking method:

Chestnuts are poured with water and boiled. As they cook, drain the water. Chestnuts are freed from the skin and passed through a meat grinder. Sugar is added, stirred and rubbed through a sieve; get airy porridge. Don't accept it.

Lean porridge "Soldier's"

Chopped greens and grated garlic will add a refined taste to ordinary pea porridge.


One glass of peas;

One carrot;

Two bulbs;

Vegetable oil;

One clove of garlic, salt.

Cooking method:

Peas are soaked in the evening, put in the morning to boil in the same water. Fry finely chopped onions and coarsely grated carrots. ready peas knead, add oil and fried vegetables. Boil for another 5 minutes and the porridge is ready.

Very tasty pea porridge- With barley groats. When boiling peas, after 20 minutes, add 1 cup of washed barley groats. Vegetables can be omitted, but the resulting porridge is then fried in vegetable oil. Can be served with tomato salad.

Lenten porridge "For the strongest"

Oatmeal sir! classical oatmeal porridge can be prepared both sweet and savory as a side dish.


Two glasses oatmeal"Hercules";

2 table. l. vegetable oil;

1/2 cup raisins or prunes (optional)

salt, sugar.

Cooking method:

Grains are poured into water, boiled, stirring. If the cereal is soaked in advance, it will cook faster. Oil is added to the finished porridge. Porridge can be cooked both sweet and salty. In summer, salty with salted tomato salad is good.

  • All types of cereals, except semolina and oatmeal, are thoroughly washed before cooking, barley and legumes are pre-soaked.
  • To make the porridge crumbly, do not interfere with it during cooking (except for semolina).
  • Rice for garnish will become tastier if it is boiled on chicken or meat broth.
  • Porridge cooked in earthenware, it will taste better.
  • So that crumbly porridge does not burn, the dishes with it on water bath.
  • The pan after burnt porridge will be washed quickly if it is poured little water with laundry soap and leave on slow gas for 1 hour.

The benefits of cereals

There are many recipes for simple and at the same time original dishes:

    semolina porridge with nuts, with carrots and raisins, with egg yolk;

    rice porridge with apples and whipped cream;

    buckwheat porridge with dried pears;

    corn porridge with prunes and nuts;

    millet porridge with carrots and apples, with dried apricots and honey;

    barley porridge with zucchini and tomatoes, etc.

The combination of cereals with vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs not only changes the taste of traditional cereals, but also significantly increases their nutritional value due to the high nutritional value of egg proteins, nuts, etc. Such cereals differ from "pure cereals" in the nature of their effect on digestive system person. For example, semolina porridge with nuts, carrots and raisins, unlike "pure" semolina, regulates intestinal motility well, and adding apples to rice porridge eliminates the fixing property of rice. Therefore, the nutritional value of cereals is determined not only by the cereals from which it is prepared, but also by the accompanying additives. I would like to note that the nutritional value of milk porridges is much higher than those cooked on water. And the effect of cereals on the child's body, and in particular on his digestive system, depends not only on the type of cereal and its combination with other products, but also on the method cooking. So crumbly cereals irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and stimulate their motor activity, while mashed ones do not have a similar effect. That's why children early age, in which the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is very tender and easily vulnerable, as well as children with diseases of the stomach and intestines, pureed or viscous, rather than crumbly cereals are included in the diet. Children over 3 years old can also be given crumbly cereals in water, milk, vegetable and fruit broths.

Another class of cereal dishes includes cereal cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, to which cheese, cottage cheese, and vegetables are often added. Most of these dishes in our time have been forgotten.
A little more popular with us are various cereal puddings and casseroles, especially from semolina. These dishes can be infinitely varied by introducing various fruits and vegetables into them, replacing cottage cheese with cheese, etc. They are used both as a dessert and as main courses. At the same time, puddings and casseroles with cottage cheese and cheese successfully compete with meat and fish dishes, since the proteins of cottage cheese and cheese are not inferior in their biological value meat and fish proteins. At the same time, cereal puddings and casseroles, unlike meat and fish dishes do not excite the nervous system, do not overload the digestive glands, kidneys. And that is why it is especially useful for children.
By their own culinary characteristics and nutritional value are close to puddings and casseroles, but dishes are much less known now - dumplings and dumplings with cereals.
Almost all cereals are sorted and washed before cooking. The exceptions are semolina and hercules. Millet should be especially carefully sorted and washed, this will remove the taste of bitterness that the cereal has.
It is not recommended to cook porridge in enamelware, since the porridge burns and the dishes are poorly cleaned, the walls and bottom of the pan become covered with cracks, the enamel can get into food.
As with cooking other dishes, there are many secrets to making porridge delicious.

Semolina porridge from Pokhlebkin

Here is one of them: it is best to cook porridge in boiled water, draining the water, add a little milk to the semi-cooked porridge and put on small fire. The porridge will be ready when all the milk has been absorbed into the grain. And the most important baby porridge is semolina.

Parents cook this porridge, as God puts on the soul. He poured milk into the pan, make sure that it does not run away, and fill in the cereal. If you want liquid porridge - less, but if you like it - thick, on the contrary, if you have overdone cereals, you can dilute it with the same milk or water, then sweeten, salt. Breakfast is ready.

"Correct" semolina porridge from Pokhlebkin

And here recipe for real, "correct" semolina porridge. Porridge must be boiled in milk, observing the following proportions: half a liter (500 ml) of milk per 100-120-150 ml (0.75 cups) of semolina. Bring the milk to a boil and at this moment pour semolina with a sieve (not a handful, but a sieve to disperse it) and continue to cook for only one or two minutes, stirring vigorously all the time, and then close the pan where the porridge was cooked with a tight lid and give stand for 10-15 minutes until it is completely swollen. After that, you can serve it with butter and sugar or with steamed dried fruits. The whole secret of this porridge is that it will not boil, not “sweat” under the lid, losing proteins, vitamins, taste, but infused. With this method of cooking, proteins, vitamins and other useful substances are better preserved in porridge.
The taste of such a "correct" semolina porridge differs sharply from that cooked in the usual way. This is really a porridge in which one can distinguish, although small, but separately existing grains. Such porridge is better oiled and does not have an unpleasant surface film. Semolina porridge, cooked according to all the rules, is devoid of these negative features. It boils more than when boiling, because the temperature of the steam of milk is higher than the temperature of the milk itself, boiled with the lid open.

Another way to cook semolina "correct" semolina porridge from Pokhlebkin

There is another way to prepare semolina porridge, similar to that described. To do this, semolina must be heated in a pan along with butter until slightly yellow, but do not let it burn. Then pour water or a mixture of water and milk, where the water should be slightly more than half.

It is necessary to fill it directly in the pan, and therefore it is better to take a deep enameled one.

After pouring, stir quickly and let it boil for two to three minutes, and then close the lid tightly and so stand until completely swollen.
This porridge tastes even better.

Try and adopt both of these methods, of which the first is more suitable for very young children (2-4 years old), and the second for older children.

How to cook the "correct" oatmeal

Everyone knows that the British eat oatmeal for breakfast, it's a kind of business card rainy England. This porridge is useful for both children and adults, but few people know that there are two fundamentally various ways cooking oatmeal. The most famous is the preparation of liquid and viscous porridge from Hercules cereals. The second is the preparation of crumbly porridge from whole grains of oatmeal. Treat this grain in the same way as rice. Moreover, it can be mixed with rice and boiled together.
The proportions of the mixtures are arbitrary, but it tastes better when I add a little more rice. Such oatmeal or oatmeal rice porridge, like any steep, crumbly, can be filled with oil. Crumbly oatmeal will be readily eaten by older children. But for kids 2-5 years old oatmeal made from crushed oatmeal(groats "Hercules" or oatmeal). Why? Because children with their delicate oral mucosa do not know how to chew cool, crumbly oatmeal well and digest it worse.
Crushed grain, and even more so ground (oatmeal) is completely devoid of a shell, boils quickly and gives a sticky-mucous mass, the consistency is pleasant for a child, but not very tasty. Therefore, milk, sugar and other additives are added to it.

How to cook porridge for young children?

Boil hercules or oatmeal in water. Pass the porridge through a colander or a fine metal sieve to trap non-cookable parts - oatmeal, residual husks, etc. These hard parts hurt painfully, scratch the mucous membrane of the child's mouth, which is why he spits out all the porridge, being unable to separate small hard particles from the entire mass in the spoon. Parents usually shout at the child at the same time, forcing him to eat porridge again. The child, of course, gets irritated, cries not only because of an unpleasant sensation, but also because of a feeling of resentment, because of the injustice with which he is being treated. As a result, the breakfast is spoiled, the child is crying. Mom boils because a recently washed shirt or suit is stained with spit out porridge and stained with chocolate, which was not able to reconcile the child with pain and resentment. And all this is easy to avoid by following the second rule.

After adding milk, boil, so that not a sticky mucous mass is obtained, but a thin, almost flowing gruel, which can even be drunk and very easy to swallow.
Now we need to give the porridge a taste. Sweeten very carefully, but so that sugar is not felt, but only beats off the raw taste of boiled grain.
Then lightly flavor with cinnamon, and if they are not there, then with dried lemon or orange peel ground into powder. If it is not there, then take fresh lemon or orange zest, boil it in a quarter cup of water and pour 1-2 tablespoons of this thick fragrant broth into porridge, stirring it well.

To improve the taste, any other fruit and berry flavor marmalade (boiled) or cream and butter are suitable. Such oatmeal, no doubt, will be accepted by the child with joy, and the ability to change its flavors will help ensure that it does not become boring.

Semolina porridge with fruit puree

1 apple, dried fruits - 30 g (fresh berries - 50 g), sugar - 25 g. Cook liquid semolina. Then prepare fruit puree from apple or dried fruit. To do this, rinse the fruit thoroughly, stew in a small amount of water under the lid, wipe through a sieve, boil with granulated sugar until thick puree. Mix the slightly cooled puree with ready-made semolina.

New Year's porridge, puff

Millet 0.5 kg rice 0.5 kg milk 1 l 100 g raisins 100 g walnuts or other nuts 100 g dried apricots 2 eggs salt sugar to taste. Beat eggs with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Millet is washed in 6 waters, poured with water and infused for at least an hour (you can soak it in the evening), water is drained, new water is added so that the volume of water is 4 times more than cereals, salt is added to taste. Boil until cooked, then add a glass of milk and sugar to taste and boil until thick. Cooked thick rice porrige, first on water, then a glass of milk is added and boiled until thickened. The porridge is cooling. Then a baking sheet or form is smeared with oil, a thin layer (1/6 of the volume of porridge) of rice porridge on it, then grease with an egg, put a little raisins, dried apricots, nuts, then a layer of millet porridge, etc. Lubricate the top with an egg and decorate a small amount raisins and nuts. All this is put in the oven and baked for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees. (porridges can be prepared in advance) If you boil milk and there are milk films, they can also be put between layers of porridges. If children are over 3 years old, you can add cinnamon or vanilla, to taste.

Millet porridge

Millet can be very dirty, so it must be washed until the water runs clear. When it is washed, you need to steam it a bit: that's why you need to wash the millet for the last time hot water. Water is always poured more than millet, until half cooked, without waiting for the grain to boil. Then this water must be drained. And add milk and cook until it evaporates and fully prepared millet porridge. Although millet is considered a low-value porridge, try it cooked according to all the rules. I think you will like it, especially if you take more milk and boil it stronger, and then add raisins or nuts.


Its recipe is simple, it is especially difficult to spoil buckwheat porridge. The main thing is to take the correct ratio of cereals, water (1: 2), it must be strictly observed. Also, for buckwheat porridge, a tightly covered lid is needed, a strong fire for the first 3.5 minutes until the water boils, and then a calm, moderate boil, at the very end - weak, until the water has completely boiled away not only from the surface, but also from the day of the pan. In addition, a metal (non-enamelled) pan is needed. It is this that facilitates the boiling of the liquid from the bottom and creates a uniform heating and swelling of the entire porridge.

One more thing an important rule for most cereals: after filling the cereal and filling it with water, do not touch, do not interfere, do not interfere in the process, do not lift or open the lid. Porridge is cooked not so much with water as with steam, and therefore releasing it means not giving the porridge the required heat. Otherwise, the porridge either burns, dries, or, if we try to "help" it, we want to eliminate our mistake and add water, it turns into a mess, deteriorates.

Rice porrige

Rice is very tricky to cook. It is the easiest to undercook or overcook, so it is important to know the following little cooking tricks: you must maintain the exact ratio of rice and water (2:3). Grains are poured with boiling water. The pot should have a very tight lid. Since everything is accurately calculated, then the cooking time must be absolutely accurate: 12 minutes (not 9, not 15, but exactly 12). Cook three minutes on high heat, seven minutes on moderate, two minutes on low. The porridge is ready! But do not rush to open the lid. This is where another secret lies in wait for you: leave the lid closed and do not touch the porridge for exactly as long as it was cooked. Let it stand on the stove for exactly 12 minutes. Then open. Before you - crumbly porridge, a little dense. Put a piece of butter (20-50 g) on ​​top of it, salt a little. And stir with a spoon as evenly as possible, but without crushing the "pieces", without rubbing the porridge!

Semolina porridge with carrots

1/2 peeled carrot, grated fine grater, add 1 tsp. sugar, 1/2 tsp drain oil and salt on the tip of a knife. Simmer over low heat until almost done. Add 1/2 cup hot milk, bring to a boil and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of semolina. Cook until thickened, season with draining oil and place for 10 minutes. into the oven
Semolina porridge with pumpkin
100 gr. Peeled and pumpkin seeds cut into small pieces, pour 100 ml of hot milk and cook under the lid for 15 minutes. While stirring, add 1 tsp. semolina, 1 tsp sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Cook for another 15-20 minutes over low heat. Season porridge with 1 tsp. butter.

Mousse from semolina

Cook semolina porridge with any juice of berries. We usually put jam, juice, syrup, just squeezed berries, cranberries, lingonberries, delicious blueberries, strawberries. Can Apple juice. Boil porridge of medium (not liquid and not very thick, in the sense not stone) density on any juice you choose, leave to cool completely. Beat with a mixer very carefully. The porridge will greatly increase in volume and take on delicate shades? It's just fabulous, and very tasty! There is no smell of semolina at all, does the mousse turn out delicious? I put this airy mass on a plate and fill it with milk. Does anyone drink milk? And I like how a cloud of mousse floats in milk.

Pumpkin porridge

Cut the pumpkin into cubes (I take everything by eye), add a sour green apple (although, in principle, you can use any), add water and cook until half cooked. Dried fruits can be added for a sweeter taste. Throw cereals (oatmeal, rice) into boiling water with pumpkin and apples. If I'm in a hurry, then I throw hercules. When ready - grind in a blender with a mixture or milk. By this principle, you can cook any porridge with fruits, dried fruits, which we do.

fruit porridge

We take 1 apple, 1 pear, peel, remove the core and cut into pieces or slices but not finely. We put it in an enameled saucepan and fill it with water just a little bit so that it barely covers the fruit. We cook a little so that the fruits become soft, we take them out into a blender (you do not need to pour water, as the fruits are very juicy). Boil in the remaining broth liquid porridge from cereal flakes (rice, oatmeal or from a mixture of cereals) - it is cooked for 3-5 minutes. Mix with fruit, add a little sugar (you can not add if the fruit is sweet), if it gets thick, you can add a little more natural fruit juice.
There are a lot of options: you can use apricots, peaches, cherries, oranges (pulp), any berries. For very small ones, you can cook cereals with fruits, and then all together in a blender. Another option: add not porridge to the fruit mass, but crumbs of cookies soaked in broth, or another option: dissolve any porridge from the pack in the broth for baby food and add fruit puree. Mix in a ratio of approximately 1:3 or 1:2, so that there are still more fruits than cereals. The dish is ideal for an afternoon snack or breakfast, as well as for children who have intestinal problems and cannot drink milk.

What comes to mind when you hear the word "porridge"?

Oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina or millet ... We have compiled a list of "unpopular" cereals from A to Z, with which you can diversify your home assortment of cereals for the benefit of the body.

Porridge- known from childhood. Our mothers and grandmothers fed us with it. Now we are trying to convince our children of its benefits. But constantly eating rice, semolina or oatmeal bothers even ourselves. Fortunately, modern store shelves contain a much larger assortment of cereals than during our childhood. And we just managed to forget about some cereals. Let's bridge this gap together.


Amaranth (lizard)- an annual plant whose seeds are used as cereals. It was banned in the 16th century, as it was used for magical purposes. In the 70s of the last century, it was revived due to valuable nutritional properties with which he is endowed. Amaranth is now used in agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industries.

  • Beneficial features: The seeds are high in protein, lysine and other amino acids. In addition, they contain iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which are important elements in the diet of pregnant women and diets in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. The seeds also contain the substance squalene, which stops the aging process.
  • Cooking method: Amaranth grains are quite tough, so they cook for about 20-25 minutes. For one glass of porridge, 2.5 - 3 glasses of water are required. During the cooking process, it is required to periodically stir the porridge so that it absorbs water better. It will be good both as a salty side dish and as sweet porridge. Also grains this plant can open up from a completely unexpected side and turn into, namely, popcorn. However, the flour from the shrimp turns out to be dense, so it is better to cook pastries from it with the addition of other types of flour so that the products turn out to be airy.


Arnovka (Arnautka, Gornovka)- cereals consisting of ground spring wheat of a yellow-transparent color. There are small and large grinding. It is not known exactly where such a name for cereals came from. However, it is assumed that it came from the Albanian Arnaut people. There is also a special type of Turkish troops with this name. And in the Kursk province, this word was used as abusive, which meant a monster, an infidel, a brutal man.

  • Beneficial features: Like all cereals, it contains the entire set beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids and unsaturated fats. Thanks to them, you can strengthen the immune system, improve activity and of cardio-vascular system. In addition, like all whole wheat cereals, it can slow down the aging process and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Cooking method: Groats coarse grinding cook for about 30 minutes. Because of its rather "severe disposition", you should first rinse the cereal, and only then boil it. The ratio of porridge and water should be 1:4. Finely ground grains must be boiled in the ratio of 1 glass of cereal and 2 water (milk). You can also make cutlets, casseroles and other pastries from small cereals. It is possible to cook both salty and sweet dishes from it.


Bulgur- cereals from treated with boiling water, dried and steamed durum wheat. After steaming, the wheat grains are dried in the sun, after which they are hulled and crushed. It is steaming with drying that gives a unique taste and aroma to the future dish from this cereal.

According to approximate and unspecified data, it has been prepared for 4000 years. Now it is especially popular in countries with a rich culinary past: Armenia, the Middle East and all over the Mediterranean. However, in Russia it is also not completely forgotten. And in Lately even gaining quite a lot of popularity among connoisseurs of cereals.

Beneficial features: Highest nutritional value has a whole-grain brown bulgur, from which the upper shell, rich in microelements, is practically not removed. Bulgur is rich in vitamins, especially B, K, E vitamins, beta-carotene, microelements (phosphorus, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium). Also, cereals contain unsaturated fatty acids, saccharides, ash substances and fiber. Regular use bulgur has a positive effect on the condition nervous system, for which B vitamins are the most important and, perhaps, the main "food". A large number of mineral salts helps to restore metabolism, makes the skin and hair more "alive". The complexion takes on healthy shade hair becomes shinier and grows well.

Refers to cereals that are easily absorbed by the body and are perfectly digested, without aggravating the condition.

  • Cooking method: Can serve as an exquisite side dish, one of the ingredients for pilaf, salads and soups. There is also finely ground bulgur. Here you can make a wide variety of it healthy cutlets and cakes. Boiled for about 20 minutes. If you want to cook crumbly porridge, then you must first soak it for a short time to reduce the cooking time and so that the gluten opens properly, otherwise the bulgur will turn into a mess.

According to legend, in one of the campaigns, Suvorov was informed that there was nothing to feed the troops. There was only a little different types croup. Then, the great commander, without hesitation, ordered all the porridges to be mixed together. Since then, porridge, consisting of several cereals, is commonly called "Suvorov". Thus, Suvorov was able to contribute to the development of Russian cuisine.

And it is not surprising that such a mixture of cereals came to many tastes. Not only is it unusual in taste, but also in chemical composition it is more useful than a single-component one.


Kamut- a distant ancestor of wheat, which in Egypt was called Khorasan, which translates as "the soul of the earth." Several of its grains were found in the late 40s of the last century during excavations in Egypt, after which it began to be cultivated again. In terms of size, the grains of ancient wheat are superior to modern version two or three times. It also has a distinct nutty flavor.

  • Beneficial features: It is possible that due to its size, kamut grains contain much more useful substances such as zinc, magnesium, proteins, amino acids, mineral salts, lipids and vitamin E than modern varieties wheat.
  • Cooking methods: Porridges and side dishes with vegetables and mushrooms are prepared from kamut grains. If you leave them soaked in water overnight, then cooking will take only 10 minutes. From flour wild wheat bake bread and pasta. It is also good to bake from grains air flakes or crackers.


Quinoa (quinoa) is an annual plant growing on the slopes of the Andes. It is considered a pseudo-grain crop. However, for the Inca civilization, it served as one of the three sources of food. They idolized him so much that they considered him a "golden grain."

  • Beneficial features: Quinoa is considered one of the richest sources of protein in our body, which are very similar in composition to animal proteins. This quality is especially valuable for people who have given up animal food.

According to the composition of amino acids, which are about 20 types, grains are very similar to milk. In addition to protein, cereals contain carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals and B vitamins. Quinoa is also rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus, the amount of which is not inferior to fish.

Cooking method: Quinoa often replaces rice or buckwheat. It is also good not only as a side dish, but also as the main ingredient for warm salads and soups. By the way, quinoa is cooked in the same way as many other cereals. Before cooking, it is advisable to rinse the cereal. Then you just need to pour it into a saucepan and pour water with a ratio of 1 cup of grain to 2 cups of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes. After that, you can safely serve on the table.


corn grits- consists of ground corn kernels. Porridge from this cereal is valuable in that even with heat treatment it retains all its useful properties. It is recommended for people prone to allergies, as it is classified as a low-allergenic product.

Beneficial features: Corn grits are known for their detoxifying properties: promotes the elimination of various harmful substances, radionuclides and toxins from the body. It also contains many vitamins of group B, E, A, PP, microelements - silicon, iron and many others. And 80% unsaturated fatty acids allow it to be attributed to those products that regulate cholesterol levels. Nutritionists recommend eating corn porridge several times a week to get everything valuable substances that she possesses.

  • Cooking method: Cooking corn porridge is very simple, like most cereals in water or milk: 1 glass of cereal and 2 glasses of water (milk). If speak about cornmeal, then casseroles are most often made from it, as well as hominy or Italian polenta. Flour is also used to make lungs and delicious pancakes yellow color.


couscous- belong to the category of wheat groats. Initially, porridge was prepared from millet. Now it is customary to cook it from semolina obtained from durum wheat. It was first mentioned in cookbook 13th century. It is believed that for the first time it began to be eaten by nomadic people - the Berbers. For a while, she enjoyed success only in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, then the whole world fell in love with her.

  • Beneficial features: In the croup there is a large concentration of copper, which prevents premature graying, and also helps to strengthen the hair in general. In addition, copper is very important for increasing our hemoglobin levels and is indispensable for joint problems. Vitamin B5, which is also present in porridge, saves from insomnia and overwork. Also, this cereal is desirable for consumption by people suffering from diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Perfect for those who want to shed those extra pounds.
  • Cooking method: Most the best option cooking couscous - steamed, since the porridge does not boil soft and retains B vitamins. If there is no double boiler, then it does not matter. You can simply brew porridge, fill it with hot water and leave it for a while under the lid. Cooking is strictly contraindicated for her. But it is easy to use for cooking healthy casseroles and baking.


Spelled- a special type of wheat, the grains of which have a high nutritional value. Spelled grains are larger than wheat grains. They are also well protected from pests, adverse external influences by a layer of hard inedible film (chaff). It is because of this layer that the grains are very resistant to radioactive radiation and all kinds of pollution.

According to archaeological data, spelled began to be cultivated as early as the fifth millennium BC. And the ancient Romans, who considered spelt a valuable cereal crop, used its grains and bread from its flour in their ritual ceremonies.

  • Beneficial features: Spelled significantly surpasses wheat in the content of vegetable protein, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, iron and B vitamins. And the mucopolysaccharides contained in it help our immunity to grow and develop.

The constant presence of this porridge in the diet will help strengthen the immune system, normalize blood sugar levels, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, digestive and reproductive systems.

  • Cooking methods: In Italy, spelled is widely used for making risotto, and in the USA and Germany, it is used to prepare all kinds of sauces and desserts. In Russia, spelled is most often used as porridge.

If you cook porridge old tradition, then you must first soak 1 cup spelled grains for 5-6 hours in a mixture of 0.5 cups of curdled milk and 1 cup cold water. Then rinse the cereal and put in a saucepan, into which first pour 0.5 cups of water and 0.5 cups of milk. Mix everything and put to cook over low heat until all the liquid boils away.

But if you cook not porridge from spelled, but a crumbly side dish, then you need to rinse it several times and pour it with water (3-3.5 cups). It is necessary to cook it over low heat for 30-40 minutes, as the grains are hard and require careful cooking.

The most common dish of Russian cuisine is porridge. She has always been a symbol of health and an object of religious worship in Rus'. Previously, porridge was cooked both on weekdays and on holidays. She always had her place of honor, not only on a simple peasant table, but also on the royal one.
Previously, porridge even had its own holiday - Akulina Buckwheat Day (June 26). A week before the holiday or a week after it, it was customary to sow buckwheat. And on Akulina herself they cooked "worldly porridge", the tables were taken out into the street and treated with that porridge to wanderers and beggars.


Wheat or Wheat groats made from whole wheat grains. It happens from whole grains and coarse crushing. The first option stores a large storehouse of useful substances. Our ancestors knew about this, who made up stories about it and said that it was impossible to spoil porridge with butter. However, in our time, she is not popular: some have forgotten about her, others simply do not know about her "abilities".

  • Beneficial features: It contains vitamins such as A, C, B6, B 12, E and PP. Thanks to this complex, you can improve your eyesight, make your hair radiant, your skin smooth, and your nails strong. In addition, it contains B vitamins, which reduce muscle fatigue and help stimulate the immune system.
  • Cooking method: Speaking of the whole grain option wheat porridge, then it is better to use it as a side dish or milk porridge for breakfast. Well-washed cereals are boiled for 20 minutes, after which it is advisable to let it “rest” in the oven for another 30 minutes. But from chopped grains it is best to make meatballs, casseroles and pies.


Teff (dwarf millet, Abyssinian teff)cereal crop"living" in Northeast Africa for over 5000 years. In Ethiopia, this millet is still a staple food today. And this is no accident, since this plant is distinguished by its endurance and the value of its composition.

Beneficial features
: Teff contains a lot of complete vegetable protein, rich in a variety of amino acids. Due to its high iron content and low phytic acid from anemia in Ethiopia almost do not suffer. What can not be said about the European population. In addition, dwarf millet contains a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B1, phosphorus. Despite the fact that many types of millet are similar in their composition, no other cereal crop has such a high-quality mineral and protein composition as teff. Also, this millet is great for people who are forced to adhere to a gluten-free diet, since it does not contain it.

  • Cooking methods: In Africa, teff is used to make traditional flatbread. However, porridge or a side dish can be prepared from its grain. And flour is perfect for sweet pastries and pancakes.


Oatmeal (oatmeal flour)- is crushed oat or barley grains that have been previously steamed, dried and peeled. In appearance, it appears in the form of coarse flour. Previously, this process took more than one day. Modern technologies allow you to make the production process faster and more efficient, thereby saving more useful properties grains. Oatmeal flour does not form gluten, swells well in water and thickens quickly.

At the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. in Russia, entire factories for the production of cereals from oatmeal, including oatmeal, were even built. At that time, this cereal was very much appreciated for its properties and quality, for which it received awards at agricultural exhibitions more than once, and was also exported.

  • Beneficial features: The composition of oatmeal flour includes all the substances necessary for the full functioning of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates,. It contains the substance lecithin, which is a nourishment for the human nervous system. Its lack can cause fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depression and nervous exhaustion. Stimulates an increase in hemoglobin and the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K.

Also of note are the bioflavonoids contained in oatmeal, which are considered strong antioxidants for our body. They prevent the formation of various tumors in the body and remove toxins, and are also actively involved in cell regeneration.

  • Cooking method: You don't have to spend a lot of time preparing oatmeal porridge. It is enough to pour oatmeal with hot water or milk, mix and leave for a couple of minutes. It is also easy to make bread (cakes) from oatmeal. It is enough to knead a stiff dough from it with the addition of kefir or yogurt, plus add spices, and send it to the oven for a short time. This version of the cakes will serve as a healthy and satisfying snack between main meals.


Freekeh (freekeh, freak, freaks, freak, farik) are smoked wheat grains that are harvested when the ears are still green. There are two types of freekeh: whole grains, similar to wheat grains but green in color, and coarsely ground grains. Freka was first mentioned in the early 13th century in a Baghdad cookbook.

  • Beneficial features: Possesses low glycemic index, That is excellent condition insulin production. As a result, it helps with diabetes and prevents its occurrence. Low carb product with a good prebiotic effect, which is good for digestion.
  • Cooking method: When cooked, the freekeh exudes a great smoky aroma and almost meaty taste. That is why it is actively used in vegetarian cuisine. Whole-grain frika is rough, so it needs to be boiled for at least forty minutes, best in broth. Crushed grain frika is softer and more tender, so it doesn't take as long to cook. This cereal will serve as an ideal ingredient for meat and vegetable dishes.


Chumiza (capitate millet) is an annual cereal plant of the cereal family. It belongs to the most ancient cereal plants of East Asia. In Russia, chumiza spread after the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), when Russian soldiers brought seeds from Manchuria. When the soldiers were asked about the reason why they decided to take with them, they replied that they were surprised by the reverent attitude of local peasants to this cereal. They decided that if the Japanese value it so much, then there is something special about it, and they were not mistaken.

Beneficial features: Chumiza is rich in carotene and fiber, B vitamins (especially B1, B2), as well as calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, silicon and phosphorus. Groats and flour of chumiza are different high content proteins, fats and carbohydrates. B vitamins give our body beauty and health. So, vitamin B1 is involved in metabolism, improves memory, fights depression and fatigue; vitamin B2 is involved in the processes of body growth and tissue regeneration, gives a healthy look to hair and skin, and also plays an important role in the functioning of the organs of vision. It is known that chumiza is able to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body, therefore it is recommended to use it for residents of large cities in which there is an unfavorable environmental situation.

  • Cooking methods: As porridge or bread, it is widely used in Georgian cuisine. The mass, which is obtained from boiled plague flour, is called “gomi” by Georgians, and it is cooked in a metal pan on the stove. The only thing, this dish prepared with a little corn grits. Chumiza porridge is also very easy to prepare, just fill the grains with water. Freaky porridge with dietary properties, looks like millet, and tastes like semolina.

In Rus', it was customary to resolve many issues and celebrate holidays with porridge. So, as a sign of reconciliation, the enemies had to cook and eat porridge for common table. And Baptismal porridge "with fun" was fed to the father of a newborn child - salted, peppered, with mustard and horseradish, so that he could appreciate all the hardships of his wife's birth.


Yachka- This is a cereal consisting of unpolished particles of ground barley kernel. Since ancient times, it has been actively used in folk medicine. Decoctions from it have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect.

  • Beneficial features: The cell is especially successfully used when diabetes. Barley grain contains vitamin A, almost all vitamins of group B, E, PP. Barley contains a wide range of trace elements. First of all, phosphorus, which is necessary for a full-fledged metabolism in the body, as well as for brain function. It also contains such significant substances as silicon, chromium, fluorine, boron, zinc. Modern nutritionists advise to use more often barley porridge and soups for overweight people, as well as for intestinal diseases accompanied by constipation.
  • Cooking methods: To cook barley porridge, pour one glass of grains with 3-4 glasses of water (milk) and cook over medium heat for about 25 minutes. Then leave it under the lid for a while to infuse. If you want to cook crumbly groats, then 1 glass of porridge should be poured with only 2-2.5 glasses of water.

Cereal dishes can be cooked in ceramic portioned pots, simmer with meat or mushrooms in a thick-walled saucepan, steam and even in a thermos: any cereal, poured into a thermos at night and filled with boiling water, will be perfectly crumbly by morning and at the same time retain all the nutrients.

In cafes and restaurants, cereals are served as independent meals, and also used as a base: for example, rice pilaf can be cooked with poultry, pork, beef, lamb, turkey, sea ​​fish or seafood, vegetables and even dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

Some cereals are included nutritious salads. For example, from rice with the addition of grains of canned corn or peas, boiled eggs and fish ( crab sticks, mussels, squid, etc.) comes out great salad, often found on the festive table.

And how beautiful cereals sometimes look! For example, striped porridge, in which different layers - from rice, millet, buckwheat - are shifted fried mushrooms and vegetables. It looks incredibly appetizing and attractive!

in kitchens different peoples world cereals occupy an important place. They are made from them unique dishes. These, for example, include the Ukrainian banosh and the Moldavian mamylaga. In both cases, the main ingredient is cornmeal.

Cereal dishes are considered energy, and that is why they are introduced into the diet of weakened and sick people. Buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal, pearl barley cereals are the most popular, and parents know how important it is to include them in the diet of babies almost from birth: first, in the form of liquid, mashed to a state of puree, porridge on water, then thicker, on milk.

In general, nutritionists believe that in daily menu an adult must certainly have porridge. The cereals from which they are prepared are a valuable source of carbohydrates and protein, and the latter is perfectly absorbed by the body after cooking. No wonder cereals become the main food during fasting and do not allow the body to weaken. In addition, muesli based on flakes from various cereals are considered the best food with diets. No wonder they are included in their breakfasts by people who dream of losing extra pounds and see them.

By the way, in modern cooking, cereals are used not only for making cereals, but also for baking. For example, buckwheat pancakes or oatmeal pancakes have an extraordinary taste, look beautiful and are served with different fillings or sauces. There are also people who willingly add crushed cereals to the dough for cookies, gingerbread and pies. Perhaps today it is no secret to anyone that homebaked bread With ground groats acquires a new “sound”, and from the point of view of chemistry, it is the most useful!

From cereals are obtained delicious side dishes and second courses - after all, rice, and buckwheat, and pearl barley, and wheat groats go well with fish and meat (poultry). Many also cook cutlets and meatballs from cereals with the addition of vegetables and mushrooms.

As for the pureed cereals, which have a puree-like state, they are often given to sick people. Besides, pureed porridge can be considered as a healthy breakfast or second dinner dish(quite tasty soups come out with the addition of chopped cereals).

And what wonderful casseroles are obtained from semolina or rice flour! Such dishes - sweet and tender - are very fond of children. Cereal puddings and desserts - favorite treat children, perfectly combined with jelly and dried fruit compotes.

We have all heard about the benefits of cereals. They contain fiber necessary for digestion, rich in trace elements. Boiled cereals are part of salads, are used as side dishes, bases for cereals, casseroles and puddings. It is not for nothing that cereal dishes have long been included in daily diet Russians: they helped to easily endure the difficulties of a cold climate, to successfully perform hard work. Children, accustomed to cereals from infancy, grew up strong and energetic.

In ancient sources, "Suvorov porridge" is mentioned. According to legend, this dish was first cooked in one of the military campaigns, when the great commander, in order to support the strength of his soldiers, ordered to cook porridge from a mixture of different cereals. Connoisseurs highly appreciated not only nutritional value, but also the peculiar taste of the dish, which has gained wide popularity.

Unfortunately, most people now use a limited set of cereals. Rice, buckwheat and hercules are traditional on the tables of Russians, millet and semolina appear less often. The rest of the list of useful cereals does not attract the attention of housewives.

Cereals deserve more attention than they are given to them by modern people with their constant rush and spoiled taste. Today we will try to correct this unfortunate omission by introducing readers to the properties of a number of cereals that are rare for us.


Amaranth (lizard)- an annual plant whose seeds are used as cereals. It was banned in the 16th century, as it was used for magical purposes. In the 70s of the last century, there was a revival of it because of the valuable nutritional properties that it is endowed with. Amaranth is now used in agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industries.

Beneficial features: The seeds are high in protein, lysine and other amino acids. In addition, they contain iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which are important elements in the diet of pregnant women and diets in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. The seeds also contain the substance squalene, which stops the aging process.

Cooking method
: Amaranth grains are quite tough, so they cook for about 20-25 minutes. For one glass of porridge, 2.5 - 3 glasses of water are required. During the cooking process, it is required to periodically stir the porridge so that it absorbs water better. It will be good both as a salty side dish and as a sweet porridge. Also, the grains of this plant can open up from a completely unexpected side and turn into fast food, namely popcorn. However, the flour from the shrimp turns out to be dense, so it is better to cook pastries from it with the addition of other types of flour so that the products turn out to be airy.


Arnovka (Arnautka, Gornovka)- cereals consisting of ground spring wheat of a yellow-transparent color. There are small and large grinding. It is not known exactly where such a name for cereals came from. However, it is assumed that it came from the Albanian Arnaut people. There is also a special type of Turkish troops with this name. And in the Kursk province, this word was used as abusive, which meant a monster, an infidel, a brutal man.

Beneficial features: Like all cereals, it contains all the many useful vitamins, minerals, amino acids and unsaturated fats. Thanks to them, you can strengthen the immune system, improve the activity of the brain and the cardiovascular system. In addition, like all whole wheat cereals, it can slow down the aging process and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Cooking method: Coarse grits are cooked for about 30 minutes. Because of its rather "severe disposition", you should first rinse the cereal, and only then boil it. The ratio of porridge and water should be 1:4. Finely ground grains must be boiled in the ratio of 1 glass of cereal and 2 water (milk). You can also make cutlets, casseroles and other pastries from small cereals. It is possible to cook both salty and sweet dishes from it.


Bulgur- groats from treated with boiling water, dried and steamed durum wheat. After steaming, the wheat grains are dried in the sun, after which they are hulled and crushed. It is steaming with drying that gives a unique taste and aroma to the future dish from this cereal.

According to approximate and unspecified data, it has been prepared for 4000 years. Now it is especially popular in countries with a rich culinary past: Armenia, India, the Middle East and all over the Mediterranean. However, in Russia it is also not completely forgotten. And recently it has even become quite popular among connoisseurs of cereals.

Beneficial features: Whole-grain brown bulgur has the highest nutritional value, from which the upper shell rich in microelements is practically not removed. Bulgur is rich in vitamins, especially B, K, E vitamins, beta-carotene, microelements (phosphorus, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium). Also, cereals contain unsaturated fatty acids, saccharides, ash substances and fiber. Regular consumption of bulgur has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, for which B vitamins are the most important and, perhaps, the main “food”. A large amount of mineral salts contributes to the restoration of metabolism, makes the skin and hair more "alive". The complexion acquires a healthy shade, the hair becomes more shiny and grows well.

Refers to cereals that are easily absorbed by the body and are perfectly digested, without aggravating the condition.

Cooking method: Can serve as an exquisite side dish, one of the ingredients for pilaf, salads and soups. There is also finely ground bulgur. Here you can cook a wide variety of healthy cutlets and cakes from it. Boiled for about 20 minutes. If you want to cook crumbly porridge, then you must first soak it for a short time to reduce the cooking time and so that the gluten opens properly, otherwise the bulgur will turn into a mess.

According to legend, in one of the campaigns, Suvorov was informed that there was nothing to feed the troops. There were only a few different types of cereals left. Then, the great commander, without hesitation, ordered all the porridges to be mixed together. Since then, porridge, consisting of several cereals, is commonly called "Suvorov". Thus, Suvorov was able to contribute to the development of Russian cuisine.

And it is not surprising that such a mixture of cereals came to many tastes. Not only is it unusual in taste, but also in terms of chemical composition it is of greater benefit than a single-component one.


Kamut- a distant ancestor of wheat, which in Egypt was called Khorasan, which translates as "the soul of the earth." Several of its grains were found in the late 40s of the last century during excavations in Egypt, after which it began to be cultivated again. In terms of size, the grains of ancient wheat are two to three times larger than the modern version. It also has a distinct nutty flavor.

Beneficial features: It is possible that due to its size, kamut grains contain much more useful substances such as zinc, magnesium, proteins, amino acids, mineral salts, lipids and vitamin E than modern wheat varieties.

Cooking methods: Porridges and side dishes with vegetables and mushrooms are prepared from kamut grains. If you leave them soaked in water overnight, then cooking will take only 10 minutes. Bread is baked from wild wheat flour, as well as pasta. It is also good to bake airy flakes or crackers from grains.


Quinoa (quinoa) is an annual plant growing on the slopes of the Andes. It is considered a pseudo-grain crop. However, for the Inca civilization, it served as one of the three sources of food. They idolized him so much that they considered him a "golden grain."

Beneficial features: Quinoa is considered one of the richest sources of protein in our body, which are very similar in composition to animal proteins. This quality is especially valuable for people who have given up animal food.

According to the composition of amino acids, which are about 20 types, grains are very similar to milk. In addition to protein, cereals contain carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals and B vitamins. Quinoa is also rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus, the amount of which is not inferior to fish.

Cooking method: Quinoa often replaces rice or buckwheat. It is also good not only as a side dish, but also as the main ingredient for warm salads and soups. By the way, quinoa is cooked in the same way as many other cereals. Before cooking, it is advisable to rinse the cereal. Then you just need to pour it into a saucepan and pour water with a ratio of 1 cup of grain to 2 cups of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes. After that, you can safely serve on the table.


corn grits- Consists of ground corn kernels. Porridge from this cereal is valuable in that even with heat treatment it retains all its useful properties. It is recommended for people prone to allergies, as it is classified as a low-allergenic product.

Beneficial features: Corn grits are known for their detoxifying properties: it helps to remove various harmful substances, radionuclides and toxins from the body. It also contains many vitamins of group B, E, A, PP, microelements - silicon, iron and many others. And 80% of unsaturated fatty acids make it possible to attribute it to those products that regulate cholesterol levels. Nutritionists recommend eating corn porridge several times a week to get all the valuable substances that it has.

Cooking method: Cooking corn porridge is very simple, like most cereals in water or milk: 1 glass of cereal and 2 glasses of water (milk). If we talk about cornmeal, then casseroles are most often made from it, as well as hominy or Italian polenta. Also, light and tasty yellow pancakes are obtained from flour.


couscous- belong to the category of wheat groats. Initially, porridge was prepared from millet. Now it is customary to cook it from semolina obtained from durum wheat. It was first mentioned in a 13th century cookbook. It is believed that for the first time it began to be eaten by nomadic people - the Berbers. For a while, she enjoyed success only in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, then the whole world fell in love with her.

Beneficial features: In the croup there is a large concentration of copper, which prevents premature graying, and also helps to strengthen the hair in general. In addition, copper is very important for increasing our hemoglobin levels and is indispensable for joint problems. Vitamin B5, which is also present in porridge, saves from insomnia and overwork. Also, this cereal is desirable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Perfect for those who want to shed those extra pounds.

Cooking method: The best option for cooking couscous is to steam it, since the porridge will not boil soft and retain B vitamins. If there is no double boiler, then it does not matter. You can simply brew porridge, fill it with hot water and leave it for a while under the lid. Cooking is strictly contraindicated for her. But it is easy to use for making healthy casseroles and pastries.


Spelled- a special type of wheat, the grains of which have a high nutritional value. Spelled grains are larger than wheat grains. They are also well protected from pests, adverse external influences by a layer of hard inedible film (chaff). It is because of this layer that the grains are very resistant to radioactive radiation and all kinds of pollution.

According to archaeological data, spelled began to be cultivated as early as the fifth millennium BC. And the ancient Romans, who considered spelt a valuable cereal crop, used its grains and bread from its flour in their ritual ceremonies.

Beneficial features: Spelled significantly surpasses wheat in the content of vegetable protein, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, iron and B vitamins. And the mucopolysaccharides contained in it help our immunity to grow and develop.

The constant presence of this porridge in the diet will help strengthen the immune system, normalize blood sugar levels, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, digestive and reproductive systems.

Cooking methods: In Italy, spelt is widely used for making risotto, and in the USA and Germany, all kinds of sauces and desserts are prepared from its flour. In Russia, spelled is most often used as porridge.

If you cook porridge according to the old tradition, then you must first soak 1 cup of spelled grains for 5-6 hours in a mixture of 0.5 cups of curdled milk and 1 cup of cold water. Then rinse the cereal and put in a saucepan, into which first pour 0.5 cups of water and 0.5 cups of milk. Mix everything and put to cook over low heat until all the liquid boils away.

But if you cook not porridge from spelled, but a crumbly side dish, then you need to rinse it several times and pour it with water (3-3.5 cups). It is necessary to cook it over low heat for 30-40 minutes, as the grains are hard and require careful cooking.

The most common dish of Russian cuisine is porridge. She has always been a symbol of health and an object of religious worship in Rus'. Previously, porridge was cooked both on weekdays and on holidays. She always had her place of honor, not only on a simple peasant table, but also on the royal one.
Previously, porridge even had its own holiday - Akulina Buckwheat Day (June 26). A week before the holiday or a week after it, it was customary to sow buckwheat. And on Akulina herself they cooked "worldly porridge", the tables were taken out into the street and treated with that porridge to wanderers and beggars.


Wheat or wheat groats are made from whole wheat grains. It happens from whole grains and coarse crushing. The first option stores a large storehouse of useful substances. Our ancestors knew about this, who made up stories about it and said that it was impossible to spoil porridge with butter. However, in our time, she is not popular: some have forgotten about her, others simply do not know about her "abilities".

Beneficial features: It contains vitamins such as A, C, B6, B 12, E and PP. Thanks to this complex, you can improve your eyesight, make your hair radiant, your skin smooth, and your nails strong. In addition, it contains B vitamins, which reduce muscle fatigue and help stimulate the immune system.

Cooking method: If we talk about the whole grain version of wheat porridge, then it is better to use it as a side dish or milk porridge for breakfast. Well-washed cereals are boiled for 20 minutes, after which it is advisable to let it “rest” in the oven for another 30 minutes. But from chopped grains it is best to make meatballs, casseroles and pies.


Teff (dwarf millet, Abyssinian teff)- a cereal crop "living" in Northeast Africa for more than 5000 years. In Ethiopia, this millet is still a staple food today. And this is no accident, since this plant is distinguished by its endurance and the value of its composition.

Beneficial features
: Teff contains a lot of complete vegetable protein, rich in a variety of amino acids. Due to the high content of iron and low content of phytic acid, anemia in Ethiopia is almost not affected. What can not be said about the European population. In addition, dwarf millet contains a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B1, phosphorus. Despite the fact that many types of millet are similar in their composition, no other cereal crop has such a high-quality mineral and protein composition as teff. Also, this millet is great for people who are forced to adhere to a gluten-free diet, since it does not contain it.

Cooking methods: In Africa, teff is used to make traditional flatbread. However, porridge or a side dish can be prepared from its grain. And flour is ideal for sweet pastries and pancakes.


Oatmeal (oatmeal flour)- is crushed oat or barley grains that have been previously steamed, dried and peeled. In appearance, it appears in the form of coarse flour. Previously, this process took more than one day. Modern technologies make it possible to make the production process faster and more efficient, thereby preserving more useful properties of grain. Oatmeal flour does not form gluten, swells well in water and thickens quickly.

At the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. in Russia, entire factories for the production of cereals from oatmeal, including oatmeal, were even built. At that time, this cereal was very much appreciated for its properties and quality, for which it received awards at agricultural exhibitions more than once, and was also exported.

Beneficial features: The composition of oatmeal flour includes all the substances necessary for the full functioning of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It contains the substance lecithin, which is a nourishment for the human nervous system. Its lack can cause fatigue, irritability, insomnia, depression and nervous exhaustion. Stimulates an increase in hemoglobin and the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K.

Also of note are the bioflavonoids contained in oatmeal, which are considered strong antioxidants for our body. They prevent the formation of various tumors in the body and remove toxins, and are also actively involved in cell regeneration.

Cooking method: You don't have to spend a lot of time preparing oatmeal porridge. It is enough to pour oatmeal with hot water or milk, mix and leave for a couple of minutes. It is also easy to make bread (cakes) from oatmeal. It is enough to knead a stiff dough from it with the addition of kefir or yogurt, plus add spices, and send it to the oven for a short time. This version of the cakes will serve as a healthy and satisfying snack between main meals.


Freekeh (freekeh, freak, freaks, freak, farik) are smoked wheat grains that are harvested when the ears are still green. There are two types of freekeh: whole grains, similar to wheat grains but green in color, and coarsely ground grains. Freka was first mentioned in the early 13th century in a Baghdad cookbook.

Beneficial features: It has a low glycemic index, which is an excellent condition for insulin production. As a result, it helps with diabetes and prevents its occurrence. Low carb product with a good prebiotic effect, which is good for digestion.

Cooking method: When cooked, the freekeh exudes a great smoky aroma and almost meaty taste. That is why it is actively used in vegetarian cuisine. Whole-grain frika is rough, so it needs to be boiled for at least forty minutes, best in broth. Crushed grain frika is softer and more tender, so it doesn't take as long to cook. This cereal will serve as an ideal ingredient for meat and vegetable dishes.


Chumiza (capitate millet) is an annual cereal plant of the cereal family. It belongs to the most ancient cereal plants of East Asia. In Russia, chumiza spread after the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), when Russian soldiers brought seeds from Manchuria. When the soldiers were asked about the reason why they decided to take the seeds with them, they replied that they were surprised by the reverent attitude of the local peasants to this cereal. They decided that if the Japanese value it so much, then there is something special about it, and they were not mistaken.

Beneficial features: Chumiza is rich in carotene and fiber, B vitamins (especially B1, B2), as well as calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, silicon and phosphorus. Chumiza cereals and flour are high in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. B vitamins give our body beauty and health. So, vitamin B1 is involved in metabolism, improves memory, fights depression and fatigue; vitamin B2 is involved in the processes of body growth and tissue regeneration, gives a healthy look to hair and skin, and also plays an important role in the functioning of the organs of vision. It is known that chumiza is able to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body, therefore it is recommended to use it for residents of large cities in which there is an unfavorable environmental situation.

Cooking methods: As porridge or bread, it is widely used in Georgian cuisine. The mass, which is obtained from boiled plague flour, is called “gomi” by Georgians, and it is cooked in a metal pan on the stove. The only thing is that this dish is prepared with a small addition of corn grits. Chumiza porridge is also very easy to prepare, just fill the grains with water. Plague porridge, which has dietary properties, looks like millet, and tastes like semolina.

In Rus', it was customary to resolve many issues and celebrate holidays with porridge. So, as a sign of reconciliation, the enemies had to cook and eat porridge at a common table. And Baptismal porridge "with fun" was fed to the father of a newborn child - salted, peppered, with mustard and horseradish, so that he could appreciate all the hardships of his wife's birth.


Yachka- This is a cereal consisting of unpolished particles of ground barley kernel. Since ancient times, it has been actively used in folk medicine. Decoctions from it have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect.

Beneficial features: The cell is especially successfully used in diabetes mellitus. Barley grain contains vitamin A, almost all B vitamins, vitamins D, E, PP. Barley contains a wide range of trace elements. First of all, phosphorus, which is necessary for a full-fledged metabolism in the body, as well as for brain function. It also contains such significant substances as silicon, chromium, fluorine, boron, zinc. Modern nutritionists advise to use barley porridge and soups more often for overweight people, as well as for intestinal diseases accompanied by constipation.

Cooking methods: To cook barley porridge, pour one glass of grains with 3-4 glasses of water (milk) and cook over medium heat for about 25 minutes. Then leave it under the lid for a while to infuse. If you want to cook crumbly cereals, then 1 glass of porridge should be poured with only 2-2.5 glasses of water.
