
Restaurant The River Café on New Riga. Restaurant The River Café on New Riga Restaurant by the water the river cafe

The River Cafe is an idyllic restaurant on the Sinichka River, 19 km from Moscow along Novorizhskoye Highway. In winter, the snow-covered river bank where the restaurant is located may seem deserted until you get inside by crossing a small bridge over the frozen Titmouse.

Ideal ecology, proximity to the capital and a free road make the restaurant “by the water” attractive for residents of the metropolis to change the scenery and escape from the bustle of the city. In winter, this picture, of course, is not so beautiful, but the pines and the frozen river create a special atmosphere of peace, when you don’t want to rush anywhere and you can just relax in a pleasant environment.

The variety in the restaurant's menu is due to the desire of the founders of the institution to be outside the framework of one cuisine and to please the tastes of each guest. Among the positions in the restaurant menu there are also traditional dishes of Russian cuisine - spruce milk mushrooms in sour cream with onions, rooster soup with homemade noodles, homemade dumplings with veal and lamb, and Georgian dishes - Megrelian and Adjarian khachapuri, red lobio beans, lamb lula, and Pan-Asian - shrimp in Wasabi sauce with flying fish caviar, Tom-yum with shrimp, and classic Mediterranean - beef tenderloin tartare with baked potatoes, Andalusian gazpacho, branded "River" pasta with mussels, scallops , shrimps in tomato sauce.

For children there is a children's corner where they can draw and play. Every weekend there is a team of professional animators.

Fishing enthusiasts may be pleased by the fact that the Sinichka River, where the restaurant is located, is stocked with fish and brings a good catch, which can be grilled right on the spot.

There are so many things to do in the run-up to a wedding, birthday, anniversary, or any other celebration - decide on the list of invitees and inform them of the time and place of the gathering, choose the menu, and, of course, find the right restaurant. Despite the fact that there are a lot of similar establishments in Moscow and the Moscow region today, it is really possible to find cozy banquet hall is an extremely difficult task. Do you want to deal with it as quickly as possible, spending a minimum of your own strength and finances? Then contact our company and we will tell you how to do it!

The most common pitfalls when renting restaurants

Making out for the first time ordering a banquet in a cafe or a restaurant, most people have no idea how many problems they will have to face later. The most common are the following:

  • A very large selection of different establishments. On the one hand, such a variety allows you to find exactly what meets all your needs, but, on the other hand, it is quite easy to get confused in the assortment. On our site you will find a convenient and functional search form, which contains only proven restaurants, cafes and hotels with an impeccable reputation;
  • On the site of the institution you have chosen on the Internet, outdated or even fake photos are posted. Result - vip banquet halls in fact, they turn out to be cramped, stuffy rooms, which, of course, spoils the holiday. You can avoid such trouble if you search for a restaurant through our website - we carefully check all the proposed establishments, monitor the timely updating of information about them;
  • Inability to reach contact numbers. Imagine that you have found an institution that meets all your requirements, and have already planned a holiday in it, but then another “surprise” awaits you - no one answers the phones indicated on the site. Of course, you can spend a lot of personal time and go to the address, having learned everything there, but there is an easier way out - contact us! We will help you rent beautiful banquet hall, we will contact its owner ourselves and agree on the formalities, and if everything suits you, we will agree on when and where you will talk;
  • Having found a suitable establishment, it is extremely difficult to rent it at an acceptable cost and on the date you need. The task of our company is to offer such cafes and restaurants that will best meet the requirements of the customer;


The imposition of animators, decorators and hosts, extra dishes on the menu, for which you have to pay extra later, and other similar troubles may well overshadow even the most carefully prepared holiday. So the best solution would be to entrust the search for a venue to professionals - namely, employees of our company.

Why should you apply to our company?

If you are used to celebrating the holidays cheerfully, without facing any problems, and want to do it further, but with less of your own time, effort and finances, cooperation with us is what you need! We will help you book a wedding banquet in a suitable establishment (cafe or restaurant), rent a tent, a spacious veranda, and even organize a field trip! In addition, our specialists will develop a menu for you, find talented hosts and designers. But, most importantly, we know various ways to reduce prices without sacrificing quality, which will ultimately allow us to invest in any budget.

Working on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region for more than 5 years, we have collected a fairly large database of various entertainment venues, each of which has its own unique features. In any of them, your holiday will surely be unforgettable!

If you don't know where to celebrate your wedding, you can also contact us in the company! Already more than 300 couples, having done this, were satisfied with the services provided. In general, we have successfully held about 500 different events, so we can easily organize your event!

Among our regular customers are such well-known organizations as Courier Service Express, Correct Toys, Egida, Moscow Petrochemical Bank, Media Gallery, and so on.

Do you want to cooperate with us? You can either use the service yourself or ask for help from employees. And in the first, and in the second case, you can be sure - you will definitely find the institution in which your holiday will be perfect!

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  • Details are everything. Thanks to our "encyclopedic summaries" on various topics, you will save time and be able to learn about all the details of the wedding. Also in this section, we will introduce you to the work of photographers and presenters who have their own unique style and handwriting, worthy of attention.

    focus point

    Our life is an amazing combination of opposites. There are always two sides to every phenomenon: night gives way to day, winter comes after summer, everyday life is colored by holidays, and city landscapes contrast with the beauty of nature. And real happiness and harmony come when it is possible to combine seemingly incompatible things. This is a real magic, without which no wedding can do. And to add a little more magic to this beautiful day, we have found a platform where opposites harmoniously combine, creating a warm and cozy space filled with light, air and the smell of a pine forest.

    This is a country restaurant on the banks of a quiet river, which is located just 19 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Novorizhskoye Highway. And this, perhaps, is one of the main advantages of the place: here you can simultaneously feel the freedom and ease of country life and at the same time not lose comfort and level of service. The River Cafe combines the advantages of the best Moscow restaurants, and complements this with a wonderful territory: there are many picturesque locations for creating various wedding spaces. This is a beautiful terrace with interesting views, and a river with romantic round bridges, and a pine forest with centuries-old trees, two halls, an open and covered veranda, separate verandas for lounge areas. It's compact and spacious at the same time. Everything is collected on the site to make the event perfect in every sense.

    The River Cafe is a universal place for a wedding: ideal location, harmonious structure, beautiful territory. The restaurant is located in an old cottage village, where everything is very well-groomed, calm, noble: beautiful houses, territory, cars around. All this creates a certain mood, disposes to rest and relaxation. Each wedding has its own intimate space, there are no prying eyes nearby, the noise of neighboring events, the bustle of the city. Absolute privacy. If the bride wants to make an additional lounge area, a hookah room, The River Cafe will definitely have a free terrace. You can have a picnic, barbecue in the fresh air. You are like in a warm family country house, where everything is filled with air and sun. One of the brides described it like this: "I'm breathing here." In a word, this place meets all the requirements that brides can think of.

    When you come to The River Cafe, you immediately find yourself in a cozy atmosphere of country life. The building of the restaurant resembles a chalet, made mainly of natural materials and shades. But at the same time, the cafe looks unobtrusive, it does not oblige you to choose only a certain wedding style. On the contrary, there is an opportunity to embody completely different concepts and styles of a wedding celebration. The venue is functional: you can have an outdoor wedding if it's a summer season, you can use indoor spaces and terraces if it's winter. If you're planning a wedding outside of spring or summer, you should take a closer look at The River Cafe. In the cold season, there is a special fairy-tale atmosphere here: snow-white expanses, sparkling ice of the river, over which there are bridges covered with frost, a fragrant pine forest with green crowns, and the comfort of the chalet, which sounds especially bright at this time. Inside, there is a warm hall with a fireplace, an atmosphere of solitude with loved ones, and delicious cuisine. Here you can hide from the whole world for one day and live wonderful moments of joy.

    I think that in The River Cafe you can realize any idea of ​​the newlyweds. On the site, thanks to the architecture of the building, there are many opportunities for decorating the ceiling and walls, creating a truly beautiful ceremony. For a snow-white story, you will need a little more money than, for example, for stories where natural shades are actively used: the cafe has a lot of decorative beams of a rich brown color, so stories like the Italian patio, eco-history, all kinds of concepts using greenery, natural materials. We created the restaurant design not only based on the interior of the halls, but also taking into account the characteristics and tastes of couples, so all weddings at The River Cafe turned out to be completely different.

    Ekaterina Ryazanova, wedding agency project manager. The River Cafe is a very comfortable venue for organizing weddings. There is an amazing veranda here, where we always make a buffet table, welcome zone, photo zone or exit registration. Even in case of bad weather, you can safely sit on the closed part of the veranda, but we were lucky with the weather, and we met guests on the open part. I hope that this year we will make a wedding in the autumn-winter period, because there are requests, couples regularly come to watch the site. The territory also has a covered veranda, where you can make a winter ceremony or stay in one of the halls of the restaurant with panoramic windows. It all depends on the wishes of the bride. I think that very beautiful winter stories can be made in this place, especially with these romantic bridges.

    The restaurant hall connects two poles of a wedding celebration - a banquet and an entertainment part: The River Cafe has two full-fledged adjacent halls, one of which can be given for a gala dinner, and an entertainment zone can be made in the next one. This separation is very successful, because guests can have a full dinner in a calm atmosphere, and at any time move to another hall to dance, take pictures, go out onto the terrace to breathe in the fresh air of a pine forest, famous for its health benefits and cleanliness. One of the halls is more spacious and has high ceilings, the other is more intimate, with panoramic windows. Light wood, brown beams, large windows, lots of light, air, space. The restaurant building fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious and stylish picture both outside and inside. The capacity of the halls for a wedding is about 100 people, but there is also a very comfortable environment for small and medium-sized weddings from 30 guests.

    , wedding photographer. The River Cafe is a very pleasant place. The restaurant building has a stylish and functional hall. It is very good that it is divided into two spaces: it adds movement, liveliness, and therefore emotions, which are so important for good wedding photos. It's also great to spend time outdoors. There are beautiful places in the territory for filming. It is especially good in the evening: the beautiful sunset light is reflected in the river, colors the bridges, the forest. A huge plus of the site is its proximity to Moscow. Of course, there are other restaurants in such accessibility, but they are more pretentious. There is no such feeling of warmth and sincerity. And The River Cafe is very comfortable not only due to the beautiful place and the professionalism of the administration, but also due to the special peaceful atmosphere.

    Ekaterina Ryazanova, wedding agency project manager. When we first arrived at The River Cafe, we immediately decided that we would divide the space into 2 halls, and the practice of many weddings has proven that this is the best option to hold an excellent banquet and an interactive part without mixing everything together. In my opinion, the stage is more beautiful and more powerful in the small hall. But if the couple chooses a more complex and voluminous wedding decor, then it is better to make a banquet in a large hall: there is more space, high ceilings and a wide scope for the creativity of decorators.

    On the territory of the restaurant there are several very beautiful points where you can direct the arch during an outdoor ceremony in the open air to get beautiful photos. There are also several picturesque places in The River Cafe, from where the bride solemnly appears in front of the guests. It is incredibly romantic when the bride goes to the place of the ceremony, crossing the river on bridges. Some couples choose a spectacular appearance on a retro car, while others prefer to go out to the guests on the wooden platforms of the terrace. And the beauty of the territory is the key to good photos. You can make a wonderful photo session near the water, on the bridges reflected in the river, near the forest landscape. Sometimes swans fly to the river, creating an even more romantic atmosphere, and apple trees grow on one of the banks: when they bloom, a simply fabulous landscape appears that can outshine even the most magnificent scenery. In a word, the territory of The River Cafe is so beautiful and functional that only an hour of time is enough for a full-fledged and detailed photo shoot. But the newlyweds are quite tired on this crucial day, so long shooting after the ceremony can be just tiring.

    Julia Kudryashova, fiancee. The third restaurant we visited while looking for a wedding venue was The River Cafe. This is a very secluded, calm place in a pine forest. The restaurant itself is beautifully decorated both outside and inside, so we decided to stop looking at this place. Plus, there is very picturesque nature around, there are beautiful rivers, bridges across them. You are in nature and you can take a break from the city, take a walk, take beautiful photos. Here you feel so free, not clamped. You can go out to the veranda, walk around the territory, get some air. We had an exit check-in on the veranda, under the open sky. The guests were very comfortable there, there was a beautiful arch. We were lucky with the weather, but we were sure that even if it were cold and rainy, everything would go well: in case of bad weather, the veranda is covered with a special canopy. The ceremony was very beautiful and picturesque. Both we and the guests were delighted.

    Irina Tkacheva, founder of the company. The most popular place for on-site registrations in a restaurant is a terrace with a gorgeous view of the river stretching into the distance and neat bridges. But not only the river is beautiful there: there are pine trees, a well-groomed territory, and other natural beauties. The oblong roofed terrace is suitable for hosting a welcome and arranging a lounge area here. The River Cafe can provide cute rattan furniture for your veranda. By the way, the restaurant allows the use of real candles: now this is a rarity, but a live fire looks much more advantageous than electric counterparts.

    At The River Cafe, you can simultaneously enjoy a peaceful countryside atmosphere and at the same time get a high level of service. If you need a natural atmosphere, beautiful photos, excellent service and delicious food at your wedding - here you will find it all in one place. By the way, the food is a separate pride of The River Cafe: the menu features dishes from different countries, which are prepared from the best farm products. For dinner, you can try crunchy milk mushrooms in sour cream, meat tartar, wasabi shrimp or wild salmon dishes. The River Cafe will try to do everything to make your wedding come true exactly as you envisioned it and go perfectly.

    This venue is good for small family weddings, and for fairly large celebrations. Here, opposites harmoniously combine, creating a unique charm of the place. In the spring-summer season, you can comfortably enjoy nature on the outdoor terrace in the restaurant. And on cold days it is pleasant to admire the landscapes in a warm hall with panoramic windows, basking after a walk in the invigorating frosty air. Winter is coming, and those couples who are not afraid of the cold and enjoy the snowy landscapes get a real carte blanche: the winter season is less busy with wedding celebrations, so you are practically unlimited in choosing a date for a banquet. In addition, The River Cafe has especially attractive conditions for winter weddings.

    Julia Kudryashova, fiancee. I recommend this place to everyone because our wedding was amazing! It seems to me that this is the only such place in such proximity to Moscow: you are in nature, but at the same time, such a high level of service. Special thanks to the manager of the restaurant. The service staff is top notch, almost every guest at our wedding had their own waiter. Timely change of dishes, filling glasses, and this was done completely unnoticed: the waiters fluttered around the guests, without attracting attention. Delicious hot dishes, the chef is just wonderful. Almost everything on the menu, in my opinion, deserves to be on the wedding table. By the way, in the evening we made fireworks: the restaurant allowed the organization of fireworks without any problems and helped to beautifully install pyrotechnics on the bridge, which looked very impressive.

    Irina Tkacheva, founder of the company. Many of the couples who celebrated their wedding at The River Cafe this summer and fall are half European: in May we had an English groom, in September an Estonian bride, and in June we had guys who have been living in Spain for several years. I think this indicates a high level of service and the overall functionality of the site. Fortunately, working with The River Cafe is comfortable, there were no difficulties. And this is very important in the work of the designer, since little time is allocated for the installation of the decor, and it is important not to waste it. You can always agree with the management that the cafe will open earlier, or be allowed to call in the day before. It helps a lot, so I want to thank the staff for such an approach.

    Ekaterina Ryazanova, wedding agency project manager. The staff of The River Cafe are really good fellows: any help is provided immediately. Everything goes smoothly, professionally, according to plan and without delay. Any issue is quickly and easily resolved, and managers are ready to make concessions. Separately, I would like to say about cleanliness: this is the only site where cleaning in the restroom takes place after each guest. I have never seen anything like this: the cleanliness is perfect. And at any time you can find a cleaning lady. I love working with these guys.

    Restaurants near the water are a great place for a wedding if you are looking for a restaurant for a wedding for 50 people. Especially when there is a pine forest nearby, exuding healing aromas of freshness. The luxury of nature, among which the most important event in the life of the newlyweds will take place is restaurant by the water for the wedding The River Cafe.

    Great vacation for all ages

    If the celebration takes place in the warm season, there is no better choice than restaurants by the water for a wedding. It will be equally comfortable for both the newlyweds and their guests. A restaurant in the Moscow region for a wedding near the water will delight children with spacious lawns with emerald greenery. The elderly guests will benefit from the healing air of the local nature. Renting a restaurant for a wedding by the water is a good choice for everyone. A restaurant The River Cafe- especially.

    Nature is the best decor

    Most modern residents of the metropolis have lost the habit of outdoor recreation. This opportunity will be provided by organizing a wedding in nature. When instead of walls and windows - solid greenery, flowers, birds singing. We are all part of nature. Every person is pleased to be reunited with her. This will benefit the body, provide an opportunity to relax, change the familiar environment of a confined space. Pamper your favorite guests

    The River Cafe in Moscow is a great place for a wedding in nature

    How to successfully celebrate a wedding in nature? Out-of-town restaurant. Ecologically clean and tasty. Here they successfully organize a wedding in nature in the Moscow region, using products purchased from farms for dishes. Natural dishes that have been prepared from freshly harvested vegetables and fruits, fresh meat and dairy products have a special taste. The restaurant organizes weddings for 100 people, placing them in a banquet hall. You can order a restaurant for a wedding for 50 in the gazebo, which is located separately. To order a restaurant for a wedding in Moscow for 50 people, visit website of the River Cafe in Moscow.

    Features of the marriage ceremony in nature, by the water

    Exit registration in the Moscow region is a great opportunity to effectively conduct a marriage ceremony. Restaurant for a wedding in the suburbs for 50 people - The River Cafe. The solemn moment when the father leads his daughter - the bride to the altar, can be beaten by inviting them to effectively appear in front of the assembled guests on the boat. Or walk across the bridge The River Cafe in New Riga. Such an exit registration of marriage in the Moscow region will be remembered forever.

    Other offers for a good rest in New Riga

    The River Cafe website always available for ordering such services. Also in the restaurant by the water, The River Cafe, there are gazebos that can accommodate 6 guests. In addition to a wedding in nature, a restaurant in the suburbs provides an opportunity to relax on a day off, to celebrate solemn events. You can order a banquet, the cost of which will depend on the choice of menu and additional wishes of the customer. The restaurant organizes a buffet table, which can smoothly turn into a walk along the pine forest, a hanging bridge, boating on the quiet surface of the water. In Moscow, nature is hidden behind stone buildings. Having chosen a restaurant in the Moscow region, a wedding, a corporate banquet, a birthday and other special events can be carried out as successfully as possible. A meeting with friends or family outdoor recreation in comfortable conditions can be organized in a restaurant by the water. Guests will be able to appreciate the taste and range of dishes prepared from fresh natural products. Outdoor food is especially appetizing.
