
Pea hummus. When the peas are ready

The brightest and most colorful recipe Turkish cuisine- hummus, you can always cook at home. Pea hummus is a crushed puree, but not at all what you are used to serving on the table, but a fragrant dip sauce that includes lemon juice and olive oil, mixture herbs and the ancient history of the eastern country. It was this dish that the sultans and their wives ate many centuries ago, it is this recipe that we will cook with you today.

Hummus is made from both peas and chickpeas and beans - it all depends on your taste preferences and available ingredients. The only disadvantage of cooking legumes is their long heat treatment, but it can be significantly reduced if the product is soaked in boiling water in the evening, and cooked in the morning!


  • 300-350 g soaked peas
  • 5 st. l. vegetable oil
  • 1.5 tsp dried thyme (thyme)
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 pinches of soda
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 pinches curry or turmeric


1. So that in the morning it takes you less time to boil peas, soak them in 500 ml of boiling water in the evening. By morning, it will swell and take up the entire container. Rinse the product 5-6 times per warm water until all the foam is gone with it, and only then pour it into the pan. Pour boiling water over the peas, add a few pinches of soda and place the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook for about 5-10 minutes over medium heat, then drain and rinse the peas. Soda helps to destroy the integrity of the strong shell of legumes, but the water must then be drained from it, since the dish boiled in it has an unpleasant taste.

2. Pour the peas back into the pot after washing. Add salt, ground black pepper to taste and add a couple of bay leaves. Pour boiling water over and cook until tender for about 40-60 minutes, stirring the contents occasionally so that it does not burn.

3. Then transfer the boiled peas to a tall container.

4. Pour ground thyme into it, pour in 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and lemon juice.

5. Grind everything with a blender.

"Hummus" (Khomus) is an unusual pea paste with additional oriental ingredients, which is served on the table not only in traditional Arab houses, but is offered to curious tourists in almost all oriental coffee and restaurants. It is important to note that "Hummus", like Arabic coffee, represents the national famous dish, to which thin pita bread is served.

Preparing this pea snack at home is quite easy and simple, but you need to stock up on certain foods in advance, without which a full-fledged real “Hummus” will not work.

List of Main Ingredients Used for Arabic Pea Paste Hummus

  • 250 grams of dry peas, where a certain variety is preferred - fairly large round peas
  • 15 milligrams sesame paste
  • 1 whole fresh lemon
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • salt to taste
  • 3 grams oriental spice cummuna
  • 5 grams of baking soda
  • some water
  • 40 ml vegetable olive oil, preferably cold pressed

How to make hummus at home

1. Peas must be prepared in advance, for this it is worth soaking them overnight in hot water.
2. The next day, drain the water and rinse thoroughly in running water. Place in a deep saucepan and simmer until fully prepared peas for at least one hour, after adding soda and salt.
3. Once the peas are cooked, drain the water and leave to cool until room temperature, which will greatly facilitate, in the future, the whipping process.
4. At this time, press the garlic and prepare freshly squeezed lemon juice.
5. Pour cold peas into a blender, add a little water and grind until a homogeneous puree mass is formed.
6. If the pea paste is thick enough, you can add a little more water to it.
7. K total mass add garlic, lemon juice, salt and sesame paste. Beat everything well with a fork. Pea snack is ready!
Served on the table "Hummus" in cold form, sprinkled with kummun on top and slightly poured olive oil. In order to get the most accurate taste of the real oriental dish, it is worth stocking up not with brick bread, but with thin pita bread.

Hummus is a dish made from chickpeas. It is especially popular in the Middle East and Cyprus. In addition to chickpeas, the obligatory ingredients of hummus are lemon juice, sesame seeds or tahini paste, fresh garlic and, of course, natural olive oil. See below for how to make your own chickpea hummus.

homemade chickpea hummus recipe


  • sesame seeds - 60 g;
  • zira - ½ teaspoon;
  • dry chickpeas - 320 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • lemon juice - 110 ml;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • salt.


We wash the chickpeas well and fill them with water for 10-12 hours. Then we drain the water, instead we pour a new portion of clean water and boil the chickpeas for 2 hours until the peas soften. After that, we drain the broth. Fry the cumin in a dry frying pan for about 3 minutes. Then we put it in a coffee grinder and grind it into powder. Then roast the sesame seeds. We adjust their number according to our taste preferences. Cool the sesame seeds and chop. Now put the sesame powder, peeled garlic, salt and olive oil into a blender and grind. Add some boiled chickpeas and puree. Partially pour in a decoction of chickpeas and continue to grind. Then add the rest of the chickpeas, broth and grind until smooth. In the process, add a little lemon juice. We put the finished hummus in a deep plate, make a well in the center and pour it into the olive oil. Chickpea paste “Hummus” is served to the table with vegetables and chilled.

Paste "Hummus" from canned chickpeas - recipe



For making hummus canned chickpeas we need a blender. Place the tahini, peeled garlic cloves in its bowl and stir well. Then add spices, olive oil, water, lemon juice and also grind. Then pour half of the canned chickpeas, chop thoroughly, add the rest of the chickpeas and stir thoroughly again. At the end, add chopped parsley and rub again. We serve ready-made chickpea paste “Hummus” to the table with meat, fresh vegetables and, of course, pita bread, after cooling it down. Bon appetit everyone!

How to make hummus - oriental appetizer. If you have been to the UAE, Turkey, Israel and others Eastern countries, for sure you have tried hummus - a pea snack. In Russia, hummus is also becoming popular, largely thanks to our tourists. But not everyone knows how to cook it. I want to tell you in detail and with step by step instructions how to make real hummus at home. And we will start from the very beginning: who knows - will remember, who does not know - will find out what hummus is.

What is hummus

Hummus in Arabic means peas. A cold dish under this name is nothing but pea pate with delicious and healthy ingredients, such as olive oil, tahini (or tahini), lemon juice, spices, garlic. Peas for hummus need large, hard grade- chickpeas (nuhat, nohut - y different peoples it is named differently). It is better to take imported chickpeas, Turkish is perfect. Chickpeas must be clean, without foreign impurities.

Cold appetizer hummus a traditional dish from chopped chickpeas. Chickpeas are also called Turkish or lamb peas. Hummus is especially popular in the Middle East: in Israel, Turkey, Syria. Hummus is usually served with flatbread, pita bread, chips, fresh bread.

And for the preparation of hummus, in addition to the main products - olive oil, sesame paste, lemon juice and garlic, you can include paprika, zira, fried tomatoes, Pine nuts. This cold appetizer contains vegetable protein, fiber. It contains little cholesterol, as a result of which hummus can be attributed to diet meals.

Hummus - a classic recipe with chickpeas


  • chickpeas - 1 cup;
  • olive oil - about 5 large spoons;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • paprika - to taste;
  • sesame seeds - 5 large spoons;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • greens - to taste.

How to make hummus at home - step by step recipe with photo:

The main product of hummus - chickpeas - should be washed and poured with water for 8-10 hours. It is better to do this at night. In the morning, wash the peas, pour again big amount water and put to boil.

Cook chickpeas at a slight boil depending on the size of the peas for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Classic recipe hummus is prepared without adding salt.

Hummus is a snack made from crushed chickpeas. And to make hummus tender, homogeneous, there is one secret. Boiled chickpeas must be freed from the outer shell. To do this, drain the broth from chickpeas.

But do not pour out the broth. It is useful for making puree. Rinse peas cold boiled water. And just peel the peas with your hands, pressing on the grains with your fingers.

The shell is easily separated from the peas.

Leave a couple of tablespoons of boiled chickpeas to decorate the hummus, and puree the rest of the chickpeas with an immersion blender. If necessary, gradually pour the broth into the puree.

To make hummus, you need tahini (sesame) paste. But it is not always possible to buy it, so you need to prepare a replacement for it. To do this, sesame seeds need to be fried in a pan.

You can add zira to sesame. Fry sesame until light golden color.

Grind the fried sesame seeds to the state of gruel with a blender.

Add juice of half small lemon. Mix.

Pour a little olive oil into the chickpea puree. Beat with a blender.

Add chopped sesame seeds with lemon juice. Beat again. Hummus is ready.

Spoon the hummus onto a plate. Make a hole in the center for the peas. Put in the grains.

Use herbs and spices according to your taste. Paprika and olive oil remain unchanged, which is poured over whole chickpea grains. Spread chopped garlic on top of hummus and sprinkle with herbs. Pepper and salt a little. Put hummus on a piece of matzo or pita bread, serve as an addition to meat, vegetables. Useful and very tasty! Bon appetit.

How to make Beetroot and Chickpea Hummus

This is a simple recipe for a delicious oriental dish. It is prepared in almost the same way as the classic one, but with the addition of beets and various spices. You will definitely like beetroot hummus and become a permanent dish on your table.

List of products for cooking Turkish food:

  • soaked chickpeas - 450 g;
  • beets - 2 pcs. medium in size;
  • takhin (tekhina) - 3-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil 4 tbsp. puree spoons,
  • 2 spoons for sprinkling on top;
  • garlic - to taste, but not less than 3 medium-sized cloves;
  • lemon juice - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground red and black pepper, zira, ground coriander, salt - to taste.


Making hummus is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time to prepare and cook. But this is due to soaking and boiling peas, you won’t have to stand at the stove for hours.

Soaking chickpeas

Chickpeas, like all legumes, need to be soaked for 6-7 hours. Sort the peas, pour lightly warm water, baking soda I don’t recommend it, because the decoction will be needed in the future, and soda gives the decoction a not very pleasant aftertaste. Good chickpeas swell without any tricks.

The secret to cooking peas for hummus

  • do not put salt when cooking (categorically!), otherwise the chickpeas will become hard and not cooked, salting peas should always be ready, soft; chickpeas are best soaked and cooked in enamel saucepan, aluminum cookware not suitable, in it the color of chickpeas will turn out dull, brown;
  • chickpeas are cooked over low heat (like all legumes), and you do not need to first bring to a boil, then reduce the heat. The whole cooking process is best kept on the same even, as low as possible fire. The perfect way- languishing, so the color of the peas remains beautiful and juicy.

By the way, there is one little advice hostesses - boiled peas you can dry it in a colander, and put it in the freezer, it is stored for a long time, it helps out well.

  • chickpeas during cooking should not be stirred, especially with an iron spoon. Legumes do not like metal at all, so even removing the foam when boiling and taking a sample should only be done with a wooden spoon. Metal, like salt, fossilizes legumes.

Tahini paste for making hummus: what it looks like, photo

Cooking tahini - the main ingredient of real hummus

Second main and important ingredient hummus - tahini or tehina. This is essentially sesame, roasted, ground and diluted with olive oil. On sale there ready-made sauces excellent quality, if desired, you can cook yourself at home. The proportions are arbitrary - by eye. I usually get it like this:

  • for 500 g of sesame seeds 2-3 tablespoons of oil.

When buying sesame, be sure to taste it - it should not be bitter, you need to take light sesame with a brilliant sheen.

Buy unpackaged sesame seeds in bags, preferably by weight, where everything is in plain sight.

Fry sesame seeds in a pan until light golden brown and grind in a blender. Dilute the resulting paste with olive oil.

Olive oil adds softness in taste and increases nutritional value dishes. It makes the consistency of the pate even, smooth, shiny.

For all sauces, pâtés and salads, opt for extra virgin olive oil. It contains almost all vitamins and minerals of natural olives, absolutely natural.

Refined olive oil is also good, but it is already cooked, it is better to use it in hot fried dishes.

When the peas are ready

The peas were soaked, boiled, we have it soft, fragrant and waiting for our hummus comrades. To remove the upper shell of chickpeas or not is not an important question, the taste of the snack does not change from this. The consistency of the puree may change slightly - with peeled chickpeas it will be perfectly smooth, with unpeeled chickpeas the shell will be slightly chipped, rough. The choice is yours.

I don’t remove the peel, and it seems to me that it tastes better. The fact is that I live in Antalya, I’m friends with many Turkish families (it’s impossible otherwise, my husband is a Turk), I learned to cook this dish from experienced housewives, with roots in the southeastern regions, where hummus is a must on the daily menu.

By the way, if for some reason you cannot find chickpeas, you can replace it with ordinary peas. It will be just as delicious! Or use red or green lentils.

It follows from this tirade that I understand the taste of hummus quite well, I often cook, I write firsthand and not from sources from Yandex. The roughness of the consistency gives the hummus a distinctive look. As I already said, the cooking process itself is not complicated and not long.

Put the cooked chickpeas into a blender. You can pre-mash with a mortar, so it will be easier for both the blender and you. There we also send the boiled beets cut into pieces.

We make beetroot - pea mash, at first it will be too dense, thick, it should be diluted with water, in which the peas were boiled, to the desired consistency. The choice here is a matter of taste. Then add tahini, olive oil, chopped garlic, lemon juice, spices to the puree and scroll again.

Beetroot Hummus is almost ready, but before serving, it is a good idea to leave it in the refrigerator for at least an hour to infuse.

How to serve hummus

Put the finished pate in a shallow salad bowl, you can put it on a plate. Top with olive oil, but not very plentiful, so as not to spoil appearance, sprinkle with red pepper.

For serving, in addition to greens and olive oil, you can use olives, whole peas, vegetables, on top of hummus you can beautifully arrange pieces of hard-boiled eggs, fresh mint petals - turn on your imagination and your excellent, discriminating taste.

I don’t know how many boys are in men and men in boys, but every housewife has an army of star chefs and server workers, we just don’t always like to command. Hummus can be served with pita bread, with tandoor flatbread, with croutons.

According to the original Arab tradition, hummus is eaten with pita bread. It is appropriate as a daily breakfast for hastily and as an appetizer gourmet menu.

Video: Eggplant Hummus Recipe

To tell the truth, a person who has ever been to the Levant (Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon) and tried this achievement local cuisine, further, too, without hummus anywhere. You miss it, you sing about it, you start cooking it with your own hands literally just after returning from the airport. Fortunately, all products for its preparation in our latitudes are also inexpensive.

Hummus is a mashed cold appetizer made from chickpeas (mutton peas) with tehina, common in the Middle East - sesame paste. Often quite spicy. Always very gentle uniform consistency, slightly oily. What distinguishes it from the usual chickpea puree is just this very tahina (about it below) and a special set of spices (about them, too, a little later).

Chickpeas are traditionally served with pita. Gastronomic traditionalists will even tell you that the only thing you can scoop up with real homemade hummus is a bread “spoon” of pita bread. Tear off a piece, roll it with a spoon, scoop it up. However, with pita bread, fresh bread or corn crackers, it will also go with a bang. The worst thing is that without bread, too, will go. Spoon. Unstoppable.

In our area, hummus is still considered exotic. And in any Israeli house (whether Jewish or Arab) it is found in the refrigerator with the same probability that in ours - a piece of sausage, cheese or butter. And, of course, as is the case with all such common dishes, each housewife makes homemade hummus a little differently.

Basic principles

There are six main ingredients in hummus: chickpeas, tahina, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, black pepper. For some reason, many Russian-speaking recipes do not consider olive oil an indispensable component. This is wrong: if you do not add oil, you will have to increase the amount of tahina two or three times to reach desired consistency, and the dish runs the risk of becoming simply inedible.

In principle, a valid option is to leave some of the water in which the chickpeas were boiled, then you will really manage to make the hummus tender enough. But - rather watery than oily.

So, following the Israeli and Palestinian housewives, we recommend not to discount olive oil, and to pour it generously enough, not sparing: a good half a glass for half a pot of hummus.

Not canonical, but repeatedly tested in practice, we would recommend adding and small piece butter - as soon as remove the chickpeas from the heat and drain. The texture of the puree will become softer and more delicate.

An important clarification: you need to make hummus from still hot chickpeas. Then the oils will better mix with the puree, and the seasonings will open up better, and the structure will be more uniform.

Many people recommend peeling already cooked chickpeas from the skins. In principle, this can not be done if the chickpeas are boiled very well (until the peas begin to fall apart), and then everything is finely ground with a blender.

But back to the ingredients. Firstly, probably not all Russian housewives know what “tahina” is (it’s also tahini, it’s also tahini or sesame paste). Tahini is a thick, oily paste made from ground sesame seeds. It is mainly used in hummus and falafel, but is also used in some sauces. The simplest, popular throughout the Levant, is tahini + lemon juice + garlic + black pepper + paprika + some cold water. You can add more cumin, chili pepper, parsley. And eat with pita or grilled/baked meat.

There is no hummus without tahini. Basically, if you make chickpea puree without it, it's all it will still be amazingly tasty, but not hummus.

By the way, try to experiment and add tahina to a more traditional bean puree for us. A little, literally one tablespoon for 4-5 servings. The taste will not change radically (and we don’t need this), but it will become more interesting and expressive.

It may well be that you will not find tahina in the stores you know. And if there are no Arab stalls nearby, and no one you know is going to the Eastern Mediterranean in the near future, you will have to try to make it yourself. Absolutely real tahini at home will not work, but it's better than nothing at all. Sesame (about a glass) and a little zira fry in a dry frying pan. Pound well in a mortar with olive oil or sesame oil(the latter is of course preferable).

Lemon juice is also a must. Half a pot of hummus will take at least whole lemon, and even one and a half or two. However, this is a matter of taste.

Next up are the spices. At least black pepper. But any Israeli hostess here will only grunt: it's boring! After all, there is also cumin (aka zira), savory (not to be confused with thyme), ground dried ginger, ground chili pepper, coriander, paprika! .. And who bothers to put a little cumin there, for example? Or a couple of teaspoons of whole sesame seeds? Or even take zaatar - a mixture of spices popular in Israel. It is based on zaatar itself (one of the types of oregano, close to marjoram or hyssop), sesame and thyme. It happens with sumac, barberry, coriander ... It fits perfectly with any legumes (to lentil soup, pea porridge), so it’s the right place in hummus.

Spices in grains (coriander, cumin, cumin, sesame ...) are best first slightly warmed up in a dry frying pan. And then grind in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder. Dry herbs (oregano, marjoram, savory ...) can also be heated a little, but just a little, so that the smell of burnt grass that we do not need appears.

By the way, fresh herbs also go: parsley, dill; not canonical, but amusing - cilantro. Just a little and grind very well.

With "accessories", in fact, that's it. But we forgot about the base.

Nut is a tricky thing. Depending on how much water is chlorinated in your city, what kind of peas you got, what time of the year it is in the yard, or simply what mood the chickpea god is in today, it will cook from two to six to eight hours. IN clean water- longer, in tap water - a little faster. Soaking overnight is almost a must. Many people recommend adding a couple of teaspoons of baking soda to the boiling water to soften it. Out of a strange superstition, we ourselves do not use this method, but we share information. You need to pour a lot of water, two or three times more than peas, otherwise it will boil away - in six hours!

How much to take chickpeas? One glass is enough for you to “try”, chickpeas are boiled quite strongly. And as it goes - you will figure out the quantity yourself.

Actually, you will have to “deal with yourself” with absolutely all quantities. It's pointless to suggest proportions. Different varieties chickpeas different acid lemons, spices of different freshness ... Plus personal preferences. Someone likes a lot of garlic, someone does not tolerate it at all.

With the amount of oil, for the same reasons, it is impossible to guess in advance. Sometimes for soft gentle puree literally a third of a glass is enough, and sometimes chickpeas absorb a lot of it, and the puree continues to remain thick even after a good two hundred grams.

But in general, everything looks something like this:

chickpeas (a couple of glasses)
tahini (2-4 tablespoons)
lemon juice (0.5-1.5 lemons)
garlic (1-5 cloves)
olive oil (80-200 g)
ground black pepper

ground dried ginger
ground red pepper
zira (cumin)
marjoram, zaatar, hyssop

Supplement options:
parsley dill
pine or pine nuts
fried mushrooms
whole boiled chickpeas
grated cheese
thin slices of cucumbers
finely chopped sweet red pepper

1. Wash chickpeas, pour warm water over night.
By the way, if the room is hot, by morning the chickpeas may start to smell slightly sour, and a white foam will appear on the water. Do not be afraid, just rinse the peas well under running water.

2. Boil the chickpeas until tender (until the peas break easily and the skin comes off). Salt - at the very end.

3. Prepare spices: warm, grind.

4. Drain the water (or let it boil). You can leave a little in the pan.

5. Add chopped garlic, butter, spices. Grind with a blender.

6. Add lemon juice, tahini, olive oil. Grind again. Grind to a puree state until there are no whole peas or lumps left.

7. If desired, add finely chopped greens and blend well again.

To the table!

Traditionally, hummus is a cold appetizer, but believe me, when hot, it is also divinely beautiful.

In Levantine countries, hummus is usually served like this: spread on a flat plate, spreading it in a thick layer with a small depression in the center. Sprinkle with paprika, sometimes sumac, herbs. A little olive oil is sometimes poured into the cavity, a handful of unground boiled chickpeas and / or other additives are placed.

Pita (ideally warm), chopped cheese, vegetables, greens are placed on neighboring plates.

An interesting version of hummus - laban-ma-hummus - is made in Palestine and Jordan: in it, tahini is replaced with natural yogurt (often goat), and olive oil is replaced with butter.

Another version is called the funny word "masabcha" (or "mashavsha") and is a whole boiled chickpea grains in warm sauce diluted hummus with tahina, olive oil and chopped garlic.

The main difference between masabcha is whole grains, which are cooked even longer than for hummus, and become even more tender and softer.

It is our deep conviction that hummus is an almost perfect dish, and in every way case is self-sufficient. But the idea of ​​making balls out of it and frying it in vegetable oil is so old and so popular that it’s almost impossible not to mention it.
These balls are called "falafel" and occupy a dominant place in the street fast food of the Middle East. Yes, in general, we must admit honestly: in Europe and America, there are already, in general, almost the same number of falafel stalls as hot dogs. Nothing strange, given the spread of vegetarianism.

Making falafel at home, on the one hand, is strange and pointless - it is, nevertheless, precisely street food On the other hand, why not.

At the same time, we can experiment with canned rather than raw chickpeas.

1 can (340g) canned chickpeas
small red onion
3/4 st. chopped spicy greens (mint, cilantro, parsley)
1 tsp ground cumin
a pinch of salt
ground black pepper
3/4 st. breadcrumbs
100 g goat cheese
flour for breading

Drain water from chickpeas. Blend chickpeas, onion, spices and herbs.
Add chopped soft goat cheese and ground crackers and mix again with a blender.
Put the resulting mass in a bowl, tighten with cling film and send for about an hour in the refrigerator.
Shape the chickpeas into small balls. You can flatten them a little to make "cutlets" - it will be more convenient to fry. Roll the balls (cutlets) in flour.

In a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, pour refined vegetable oil(centimeter 2), heat and fry the falafel in it until golden brown. Share on paper towel to drain off excess fat.

Serve immediately with a garnish of fresh vegetables, lettuce, tahini sauce, pita and lemon wedges.

And please don't eat the falafel cold.

Don't like fried food? That's right. Stuff eggs with hummus. Both tasty and healthy.

6 boiled eggs
2 tbsp. l. hummus
1 st. l natural yogurt
½ tsp ground cumin
1 st. l. ready adjika(sauce, not dry spice)
a pinch of salt and hot red pepper

Cut the peeled eggs in half. Take out the yolks, mash with a fork, mix with hummus, adjika, zira and yogurt. Stuff the egg whites with this mixture.

Put the eggs on a plate, sprinkle them with fried pine nuts and red ground pepper. Or - pepper and finely chopped parsley.
