
How to dry ginger at home. Drying ginger in an air fryer

It is widely used in cooking both fresh and dried. You can now buy dried ginger in every supermarket. But if you prefer spices own cooking, you can dry the ginger root yourself. How to dry ginger at home?

You should know that There are two types of ginger - white and black.. It depends not on the variety, but on the processing method. If the root is simply dug up, washed and dried, you will get black ginger with rich aroma and pungent taste. To obtain white ginger, the root is doused with boiling water, washed, cleaned and soaked in a solution of sulfurous acid or bleach, and then dried. White ginger does not have such a sharp taste and smell.

Both types of ginger are suitable for drying.. Stores usually sell white ginger. If you grow your own ginger, it will be easier to get black ginger. By the way, when deciding to dry ginger from your garden, keep in mind that you need to collect ginger root when the leaves of the plant turn yellow and begin to fall off.

Before drying the ginger, wash it thoroughly in water using a brush and let it dry in the sun. Ginger can be dried whole or cut into slices.. If you decide to dry chopped ginger, you need to cut it carefully, because most of the essential oil is concentrated under the skin, which gives ginger its characteristic aroma. If you don't want to mess with chopping ginger after drying, you can grate it first coarse grater and then dry.

You can dry the ginger different ways: How naturally, in the sun, and in the oven. At drying ginger in the sun you need to spread it in a thin layer on a dry surface under the hot sun, and bring it into a dry, warm room at night. At least once a day (preferably in the middle of the day), the ginger should be turned over so that it dries evenly. This method of drying ginger is considered optimal.

You can also air dry ginger but not under the sun. To do this, you need to spread the ginger in a thin layer in a well-ventilated room (you can in the attic). If you dry ginger for outdoors, you need to cover it with a special canopy. Ginger needs to be turned regularly.

If you want to speed up the drying process of ginger, you can dry it in the oven- gas or electric - at a temperature not higher than 70 degrees (or better - 50-60). If you have gas oven without a thermometer, and it is difficult to determine the temperature, just turn on the minimum fire.

Take a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper, and carefully place the ginger on top. Place the tray in the oven. The oven door should be left slightly ajar. to let the moist air out. Keep a close eye on the ginger during the drying process so as not to overdry it. If you dry whole ginger, turn the roots over from time to time so that there are no soft, undried areas left in them.

You can also dry ginger in a Russian oven if you have it, of course. Keep in mind that the heat should not be too high to dry the ginger. There is an easy way to check the oven temperature: drop a piece of paper into the heated oven. If it does not char, but you can still feel the heat from the oven, you can safely dry the ginger. During the drying process, sometimes the pipe is opened, releasing moist air. At the same time, the furnace damper is kept at the level of the second brick. Make sure the ginger dries evenly by turning it over from time to time.

How to determine How good is the dried ginger?? A well-dried root should have a grayish-white tint at the break. And if you grind it into powder or grind, it should resemble grayish-yellow flour.

As you can see dry ginger not so difficult, and if desired, you can provide yourself with this spice for a long time.

Ginger root - one of the most popular spices, came to us from South Asia. It is used in cooking for the preparation of meat, fish dishes, confectionery. Ginger is irreplaceable in diet food and in traditional medicine. Currently fresh root ginger is sold in many Russian supermarkets. IN fresh ginger is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days, then it begins to quickly lose moisture and such a root can be used only after a long soak. To save the spice for later use, the ginger can be dried.

Cooking time 21 minutes

You will need

  • Ginger root
  • sharp knife
  • Cutting board
  • baking sheet
  • Parchment or tracing paper
  • Oven
  • Blender or mortar
Articles on the topic "How to dry ginger"


When choosing ginger root in the store, pay attention to its appearance. The fresh root should be smooth and firm, with a fresh, spicy scent, and the ginger should not have wrinkled areas. Another useful feature is the size of the root. The longer it is, the richer in essential oils and trace elements.

If the ginger root has a rather dense peel, then cut it off before drying the root. The easiest way is to cut the peel along the root from the base to the edge. Branches from the root should be cut off and cleaned separately. Try to cut the peel as thin as possible, because all the valuable essential oils contained in ginger are concentrated under it. It is very convenient to cut the root under a cold stream of water, then the eyes will not water from the release of ginger essential oils.

Lay the peeled ginger roots on a cutting board and sharp knife cut into thin petals.
Line a baking sheet or shallow pan with parchment or tracing paper. Spread chopped ginger in an even layer on top of the petal from the petal.

Dry ginger should be in the oven first at a temperature not exceeding 50C. Keep the cabinet door slightly ajar to let the moisture out of the ginger. After two hours, the temperature can be increased to 70C. If your oven is equipped with a convector, you can dry ginger in convection mode at temperatures up to 75C.
You should constantly check the degree of dryness of ginger. If it becomes brittle, it means that it is already dried. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and allow the ginger to cool completely room temperature.


If you cut the ginger into not too thin petals, then it will be much more difficult to dry it. Under-dried ginger is not subject to long-term storage. Store this ginger in a dry place in a spice jar with a tightly ground lid. The shelf life of dried ginger is about six months.

Helpful Hints

It is advisable not to use wooden boards or utensils for cutting ginger root, because. The tree excessively absorbs essential oils and then retains a ginger smell for a long time.
If dried ginger absorbs a little moisture during storage, then dry it briefly in the oven before chopping.


How to dry ginger - similar advice

Today, pickled ginger is used as a seasoning for sushi and other dishes. Japanese cuisine became very popular. Of course, you can always buy pickled ginger in the department of the supermarket where the ingredients for cooking are sold. Japanese dishes. However, jars of ginger are usually quite expensive and quite small. Therefore, pickled ginger is better to cook at home.

Julia Vern 5 736 0

The healing properties of ginger have been known since ancient times. So, the ancient peoples who inhabited the territories of modern North India and China used the root of this plant as a medicinal drug and seasoning. Popularization Asian cuisine brought to the diet of Europeans a lot of exotic spices, among which the root ginger root occupies not the last place. How to keep ginger for tea for the maximum period and is it possible, because true connoisseurs This versatile plant is assured that the full taste, aroma and, most importantly, beneficial substances, are found only in the fresh rhizome.

How to choose ginger

Shops offer housewives ready-made ground ginger, but it certainly cannot be compared with fresh, significantly inferior to it in taste and aroma. Therefore, experienced cooks prefer a fresh rhizome, so that part of it can be used to make aromatic delicious tea right away, and the remaining root is dried for further use.

The key to successful root storage is in right choice fresh ginger. You need a dense elastic root of medium size without signs of damage, with dry thin skin of beige-brown color and white pulp, almost devoid of fibers. The length of the rhizome must be at least 2 centimeters: the longer the root, the more useful substances and essential oils.

The old plant has a wrinkled skin and bright yellow contents. You should not buy such a ginger root: firstly, it has already lost most of its nutrients, and secondly, it is not suitable for storage and drying.

How to dry ginger for tea

During the seasonal colds Ginger is essential as it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and boosts immunity. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on digestive system, normalizes metabolism, is effective in weight loss and promotes the process of burning fat cells.

Many people add fresh or dried root to tea for the prevention and treatment of SARS and influenza, as well as in the process of losing weight.

Dried rhizome retains all beneficial features and taste, while preparing ginger for future use is very simple - it can be dried using a conventional oven.

Some housewives are wondering: is it necessary to peel ginger before drying? If it is fresh and has no signs of damage, then there is no need to cut off the skin, since most of essential oils are found just under the crust. If desired, the root can be cleaned, but here another question arises: how to clean ginger for tea? This should be done with a sharp knife or vegetable cutter so as not to cut off too thick a layer of peel and not touch the pulp.

It is most convenient to clean the plant under running cold water to avoid tearing from the release of caustic essential oils. But it is not recommended to use a wooden board for cutting, as the tree will absorb oils, and it will not be so easy to get rid of their aroma.

If ginger seems too hot and spicy, it can be soaked in cold water for 6 hours - this procedure will relieve the root of excess spice.

Drying method:

  1. Wash the ginger, peel (if desired), put on a towel and dry.
  2. chop the root thin plates and the thinner they are, the better. Too thick circles do not dry well and may become moldy during storage.
  3. Lay a baking sheet parchment paper put chopped ginger on it.
  4. Place the tray in the oven. Dry at a temperature of 50 degrees for 1 hour, then turn the ginger over to the other side so that there are no damp areas left, and continue drying for another hour.

You can determine whether the ginger is ready by the state of the slices: properly dried pieces of the root are very hard, break, but do not bend, and have a grayish tint at the fracture site.

Ready dried root should be stored in a tightly closed container, in a dry, dark room. If desired, it can be crushed in a blender or mortar. If, before brewing tea, it turned out that the dry plates were a little damp, they should be dried again in the oven.

There is another option for drying ginger, but this recipe, which is more likely to be called drying rather than drying, is more relevant in hot climates:

  • Wash and dry the ginger. You can cut it into pieces, but this recipe allows it to be dried whole.
  • Put the root laid out on a baking sheet on the balcony or directly on the street so that it dries naturally under the rays of the hot sun.

And finally, the third option for drying the root is the Russian oven. The heat in it should not be too strong, the temperature can be checked with paper - if the leaf thrown into the stove does not char, then the rhizome can be stirred there for drying.

Dried ginger can be stored for two years.

Root qualities. In addition, dried, powdered product can give various dishes, drinks peculiar taste, aroma. Nutritionists advise including spice in the diet to get rid of extra pounds, and therapists - add the powder to drinks during periods of the spread of colds and flu. And here the ability to dry ginger at home will help so that it benefits.

Ginger is difficult to grow in garden plots, so fresh root can be purchased at the store. For the best and longest preservation of the product, it is necessary to dry it properly. At the same time, you should not be afraid that useful properties will disappear.

In dried form, the roots retain their qualities.

And the powder is actively used during culinary processing, including the spice in:

  • salads;
  • soups, vegetable and mushroom snacks;
  • pies and ice cream;
  • marinades and sauces.

Except original taste, dried product will give food exquisite fragrance. But you need to use ginger correctly, adding spice to meat dishes and soups 15 minutes before the end of cooking, and in sauces after they are removed from the heat. You should not pour ginger powder with spoons, you only need 1 teaspoon, for example, per kilogram of meat. And in drinks it’s enough to add spice on the tip of a knife.

Dry root, pre-crushed, mixed with other spices. Mustard seeds are suitable for this, and they will strengthen healing effect pomegranate seeds.

For losing weight, salads are seasoned not only with ginger powder, but also with lemon, and olive oil is suitable for dressing.

Dry root is good for hair. It is added to masks along with sesame oil to eliminate oily hair, and with egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey ginger will help restore the structure of the hairline. With the help of dry rhizomes, they fight seborrhea, dandruff.

Many recipes are offered traditional healers where the dried root is needed to normalize pathological condition organism.

A few words about the benefits of ginger root

It is necessary to dry the ginger root in order for the root crop to help:

  • cheer up;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • increase appetite;
  • normalize digestion;
  • improve brain function;
  • increase the potency of men.

In the fight against viral diseases, the prevention of their dried ginger is indispensable. It is recommended to drink drinks, tea with the addition of root powder and cinnamon. For rheumatic pains, a few drops of ginger oil along with eucalyptus oil bring relief to the patient after a massage.

What is ginger root

Ginger as a plant is not particularly valuable. Outwardly similar to reeds, with long thin leaves, it grows in the tropical forests of Asia. The fleshy rhizome contains essential oils, which give the dishes a peculiar smell. And phenol-like substances such as gingerol make the spice taste pungent. In nature, black ginger is found, which is dried at home. In stores there is a white root. It can also be dried, but washed thoroughly. After all, the whiteness of the root is due to soaking in solution hydrocyanic acid or bleach.

Before drying, it is better to remove the skin from the rhizome by cutting off the side shoots.

How to dry ginger root

A person prepares many gifts of nature for the winter by drying. The procedure is carried out in different ways. More often, they simply lay out the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces in the shade, and after a while, during a hot summer, they get a product ready for storage. Drying food takes place in different ways, but subject to certain rules. It is impossible that direct sunlight falls on pieces of rhizome. The process goes faster with good ventilation. Nearby do not have products that have a pungent odor.

It is better to dry everything separately, in batches.

If moisture gets on the pieces of the spine, they will rot. And the work will be in vain.

natural warmth

For drying the gifts of nature, solar heat is best suited. There will be no energy consumption here. After spreading the chopped ginger root on a baking sheet or tray, they find a place under the awning where direct sunlight does not fall. It is important that the place is well ventilated.

For quick drying of the product, cut it into thin rings. It is not recommended to pile up in a pile, otherwise the ginger will not dry out, but will become soft and begin to rot. It is necessary to turn the pieces every 2 days, remove damaged or rotten ones. If the nights are cold and dew is plentiful, it is better to bring the products indoors.

Dried roots are placed in cotton bags or glass container, putting in the closet. Ginger is stored at a temperature of 18-20 degrees with optimal air humidity.


Manufacturers delight summer residents with devices designed for drying mushrooms, garden and orchard fruits. Ginger root can also be cooked in an electric dryer. Before cooking, the root is washed, peeled, removing it with a thin layer. To dry the ginger well, cut it into slices 4 millimeters thick.

Lay out on a wire rack so that the product dries evenly. Having put the unit at a temperature of 60 degrees, they get a ready-made root after 6-9 hours, depending on the power of the device.

The main rule when using a dryer is that you can not put other products together with ginger, otherwise they will be saturated with the smell of spice. The pallets are also changed more frequently so that the ginger pieces dry evenly and quickly.


If there is no electric dryer, then they are dried in the oven according to the same principle. The preparation is similar: with washing and cutting the root. In order not to watery eyes when cleaning the roots, it is better to perform the operation under running water. It remains to spread the ginger petals in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

First, the temperature in the oven is set to 50 degrees, slightly opening the cabinet door. Moisture will not stay inside, but will exit the appliance. After 1.5-2 hours, the temperature is increased to 70 degrees. If you turn on the convector, then you can raise it up to 75 degrees.

During the procedure, the state of the pieces is monitored, since they cannot be overdried. The increased fragility of the petals indicates their readiness. After pulling out a tray with ginger, leave to cool completely. Dried slices are either put whole in jars or ground into powder.

air grill

Air fryer fans will cook the dried product faster than in other appliances. It is necessary to lay out pieces of rhizome on the grates of the apparatus. The lid is slightly opened to remove excess moisture from the unit. Hot air streams constantly plying inside help to dry ginger quickly and efficiently in the oven.

But in the microwave it is better not to cook the roots, because you can not open the oven. And the moisture accumulated inside will not allow the pieces to dry completely.

Attic space

For rural residents, it is possible to dry ginger in the attic, you just need to know how to do it correctly.

​Other articles​

You will need

    • Ginger has long been used in Russian cuisine. Not a single recipe for making sbitnya, kvass, liqueurs, tinctures, mash, honey, as well as gingerbread, Easter cakes, buns can do without it.
  1. ​these are roots and very stinging http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Zingiber_officinale01.jpg/200px-Zingiber_officinale01.jpg​
  2. Scientists - botanists, not succumbing to poetic moods, gave the plant the Latin name Zingiber Officinail Rose and ranked it among the Ginger family. Ginger is native to Southeast Asia and Western India. In the wild, it is almost never found today. But it is actively cultivated - ginger is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of China, Japan, Vietnam, India, West Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Jamaica and even Australia.
  3. Grind in a coffee grinder, but one condition is to store it hermetically, otherwise the taste and quality will be lost. Dry beforehand, otherwise it will not grind well.
  4. Air solar drying. It is used mainly for roots containing tannins and alkaloids, and also for juicy fruits. Raw materials are laid out in a thin layer (1-3 cm) and turned over at least once a day. At night, the raw material is not closed for the first 1 - 2 hours, the damper is installed on two bricks and the upper edge is moved aside for the influx of outside air. Warm air, saturated with moisture from the raw material, goes into the pipe. It is possible to dry in ovens of gas and electric ovens, but at the same time, the oven door must be ajar, and the gas burner flame is minimal (the heating control of the electric oven is set to position 1). Thermal drying with artificial heating. Such drying is optimal for all types of raw materials. Temperature regime is set for each type of raw material; herbs, leaves, flowers, roots, bulbs - (50-60 "C); fruits and seeds - (70-90" C); all types of raw materials containing essential oils - (30-40 "C). Thermal drying in living conditions performed in Russian ovens. The oven should not be hot (to check the temperature, you can throw a piece of paper there: if it does not char and turn very yellow, then you can put it.
  5. The taste of ginger root is sweet and pungent. It belongs to the category of hot spices. In cooking, ginger is used to preserve the freshness of dishes and give a special flavor and aroma to soups, hot second courses of fish and meat, sausages, pates, preserves, preserves, marinades and drinks. Ginger is part of seasonings (“curry”, “chutney”) and sauces (worker.) There are many tinctures, liqueurs and other strong drinks with ginger. Confectionery products - gingerbread, muffins, jelly, fillings for pies and sweets, compotes - cannot do without ginger flavoring. In Asia, ginger marinated in sweet vinegar or dried in a mixture of salt and sugar is popular. Candied ginger is a favorite Chinese delicacy.​
  6. - one of those plants that have a huge positive influence on the human body. It is used both raw and pickled. In the second version, ginger may retain a natural shade or become slightly pinkish.


Numerous reviews of those who have lost weight prove that active substances ginger really work and help to lose weight. The results are surprising and pleasing, because along with the desired figure, the desired health comes to many. You can dry the ginger different ways: both in the sun and air, and in the oven. It can be whole or divided into slices. The slices must be cut very carefully, since it is under the skin that the main amount of essential oil is concentrated, which gives the ginger its aroma. When choosing ginger root in the store, pay attention to its appearance. The fresh root should be smooth and firm, with a fresh, spicy scent, and the ginger should not have wrinkled areas. Another useful feature is the size of the root. The longer it is, the richer in essential oils and trace elements.​
Ginger root - one of the most popular spices, came to us from South Asia. It is used in cooking for the preparation of meat, fish dishes, confectionery. Ginger is indispensable in dietary nutrition and in folk medicine. Currently, fresh ginger root is sold in many Russian supermarkets. Fresh ginger is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days, then it begins to quickly lose moisture and such a root can be used only after a long soak. To save the spice for later use, ginger can be dried.​
Addicted to adding ginger to confectionery, sweet dishes, alcoholic and especially soft drinks internationally. Lollipops, jams, cookies, muffins, biscuits, compotes, puddings, beer, liqueurs contain ginger in almost the cuisines of the whole world.​


Dried ginger is a spice that has taken the world by storm. Being slim is easy!

Ginger exclusively garden plant and is not found in the wild. Ginger is not whimsical to growing conditions, it can be grown at home (in pots and boxes)

​In the sushi bar of the casino "Lazurnaya" you will be served the best on Black Sea coast sushi, sashimi and rolls. The spice itself is obtained from the roots of the plant, which can be dug up 6-10 months after planting. The excavated rhizomes are washed and dried in the sun. Depending on the processing method, two types of dried ginger are distinguished - white and black.

why? He's much more interesting fresh.

Put on the battery, or in the oven)

How to dry ginger miracle?

Fresh ginger root should be smooth, firm, not shriveled, and low in fiber. The longer the root, the richer it is in essential oils and trace elements. Fresh, spicy scent High Quality ginger. Young ginger has a thin skin that should not be cut. The hard and thick skin of mature ginger must be removed before use. [link blocked by the decision of the project administration]​


“I add ginger to almost all the dishes that I cook as a seasoning. I do not keep a diet, but occasionally I sit on fasting days during which I do ginger tea and drink it all day. What did you notice? The stomach began to work better, heartburn disappeared, well-being improved. My figure is in order, I think with this wonderful seasoning it will only get better." Natalya

Natural drying is considered the best method. It is necessary to spread the ginger in a uniform thin layer, periodically turn over so that it dries completely. Drying in a natural way is done both under the hot sun and in a well-ventilated area, preferably under a canopy. You can speed up the process with the help of an oven, at a temperature not exceeding 70 ° C on a minimum fire.​

Lose weight with ginger

If the ginger root has a rather dense peel, then cut it off before drying the root. The easiest way is to cut the peel along the root from the base to the edge. Branches from the root should be cut off and cleaned separately. Try to cut the peel as thin as possible, because under it all the valuable essential oils contained in ginger are concentrated. It is very convenient to cut the root under a cold stream of water, then your eyes will not water from the release of ginger essential oils.

ginger root

In Asian countries, ginger is used in preserves from meat and poultry, it is part of the most common curry sauce, it is even added to some types of tea.


​Culinary Application​

Magic spice ginger

in the oven on low heat, with the door open. . or so in the air if you have a hot temperature of 30-32 degrees.​

dried ginger for sale

“I learned how to use ginger to lose weight at work. They brewed ginger tea and drank it at every break. Slowly transferred this recipe and habit home. I tried using both ground and fresh ginger. With fresh more fuss. But... with him tastier tea. Ground is convenient - added and that's it. Kilograms are slowly disappearing - it's nice, although I haven't changed anything in food or lifestyle. Olga


The benefits of ginger are endless. Its healing properties are manifested even when you just eat it. It is especially pleasant that the beneficial properties of dried and ground ginger are in no way inferior to the fresh counterpart. In this form, it can be used in any food.

Put the peeled ginger roots on a cutting board and cut into thin petals with a sharp knife. Line a baking sheet or a shallow pan with parchment or tracing paper. Spread chopped ginger in an even layer on top of the petal from the petal.

​ Sharp knife


Pickled ginger is used as a seasoning for sushi. Ginger root has the appearance of roundish, located mainly in the same plane, palmately divided pieces. It remotely resembles various figurines. Depending on the method pre-training There are two types of ginger:

Of course, traditionally ginger is used in oriental cuisine. Pickled ginger root and Japanese wasabi horseradish mixed with soy sauce in a special saucer - a must-have accompaniment to any type of sushi. Tart aftertaste spicy ginger has long been an integral part of many dishes and seasonings in world cuisine. Indeed, today this bizarrely shaped “horned root” is used in cooking on almost all continents. It's funny that once, many centuries ago, cunning Arab merchants, hiding the secret of the origin of the plant, told the inhabitants of the Mediterranean that they had brought it from the mysterious and distant land of troglodyte cavemen.


How to dry ginger root in winter at home

Tatyana Sogina

In general, rub on a grater and spread out .. not the sun - not the temperature .. like everyone else (dill, green onion) if it then enters a humid hot environment, everything will return.

Yuri Maksimov

The medium-sized young ginger roots are very juicy and not too spicy - they can be added to salads, marinated and served as an appetizer (which is exactly what I prefer - com. mine). The older the root, the drier and more vigorous it is on the VKS (very good in tea for colds, my comment.). In Burma, with young ginger they do very delicious salad. It is cut into strips, marinated in oil and mixed with seeds and nuts. IN savory dishes fresh ginger goes great with "warm" spices like coriander or cumin, not to mention garlic, turmeric and mustard seeds. A mixture of minced ginger with garlic and soy sauce - good marinade for meat, poultry and "meaty" fish. In sweet dishes, combinations with cloves, cinnamon and star anise are good.

grate. spread evenly on the baking sheet. and dry on the battery!

“I don’t think ginger is a panacea for burning fat. It is impossible to lose weight ONLY with the help of ginger! Yes it unique product, but you should not shift responsibility for your figure only to ginger. It is magnificent, but only in a complex with enough movement and in a healthy way life. I drink ginger tea, go jogging in the morning, weekends, don't smoke, my health is excellent, but oh overweight I don't remember." Elizabeth

Dried and ground ginger is used not only inside, but also externally. When mixed with water to the consistency of a paste, a compress from this mixture can be an excellent substitute for painkillers.

Ginger should be dried in the oven first at a temperature not exceeding 50C. Keep the cabinet door slightly ajar to let the moisture out of the ginger. After two hours, the temperature can be increased to 70C. If your oven is equipped with a convector, then you can dry the ginger in convection mode at temperatures up to 75C. You should constantly check the degree of dryness of the ginger. If it becomes brittle, it means that it is already dried. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and allow the ginger to cool completely at room temperature.​

​ Cutting board

Ginger is also used as an independent product. In Southeast Asia, fresh ginger is candied and jam is made from it; in China, Indo-China, Burma and England, ginger jam is added orange peel- jam is known as chow-chow.

Koko Kiss

White ginger is pre-washed ginger, peeled from the superficial denser layer.

how to dry ginger 10 points to whoever answers!


At the same time, according to experts oriental cuisine, the main task of pickled ginger root is to neutralize the taste of food before eating the next dish.
History of the spice
I bought it here .. damn it a lot .. well, I cleaned it and put it on the cabinet in the kitchen ... and then I put it in a jar and just add ...
Cupcakes, gingerbread and cookies do not complete the list of sweets with ginger. Candied ginger is a popular dried fruit. It is delicious to drink Turkish coffee with him. In Holland sweet ginger served with aged gouda cheese. And in South India, for example, they say inji-murappa, ginger candy, which Tamil kids sell to passengers on regular buses. From less spicy variety ginger make seasoning - with the addition green chili, lemon juice and salt.

"Vishvabhesaj", which in Sanskrit means " universal medicine”, but in Russian simply - ginger. The international Latin name for this plant is Zingiber officinale. Ginger is more than just a spice useful plant, this is the real medicine, a universal medicine, as they believed in ancient India (it is she who is considered the birthplace of the plant, half of the world's ginger is still grown there).

“I really like the cheerfulness and warmth inside the body after eating ginger. Losing weight with it is real - my example is very indicative. Without special efforts, drinking ginger tea twice a day, I lost three kilograms in a month, and I think that this is not the limit! Irina
Ginger is a great weight loss aid. Due to the fact that it helps to restore optimal metabolism, fat is burned and the body is generally healed.​

Violetta Kushel

Ginger dried in this way can be put into spice jars for storage, or it can be crushed in a mortar or blender. It depends in what form you need it.​


​ Baking tray


Ground ginger in India is added to flour and 4 varieties of ginger flour are produced with different percentages of ginger.
Black ginger - not pre-treated.


In the magnificent sushi bar in the casino "Lazurnaya" from the Sochi restaurant of Japanese cuisine "Sakura", with pleasure and in accordance with all the rules, you are served the best sushi, sashimi and rolls on the Black Sea coast. And by all means, the hero of this story will be present there - ginger, so that you can fully feel the taste and aroma culinary delights Japan.​

How to make ginger root powder at home?

Vladimir Ptokhov

In the East - in India and China - ginger was used in medicinal and food purposes from time immemorial. Ginger was also used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who bought it from Arab merchants. For a long time, sailors took ginger root with them on long sea voyages, the healing properties of which protected them from scurvy and helped them cope with seasickness.


Ask the Negro, they already know


Fresh ginger must be washed and peeled before use. The easiest way to do this is with a potato peeler, but some say it's best with a sharp spoon. The peeled root can be cut into slices, thin strips. small cubes, grate and grind in a food processor - depending on the recipe. By the way, ground fresh ginger with the addition of rice vinegar stored in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.


Ginger is a perennial plant of the ginger family, the shoots of the plant are long (up to 1-2 m), resemble reeds, with pointed, lanceolate leaves. The flowers are violet - brown or yellow-orange in color, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The root system of ginger is developed, fleshy, growing horizontally.

Elena Moskvitina

Remember! Despite great benefit, use ginger should be very careful. IN large quantities it can cause fever, nausea or heartburn, burning or irritation of the mouth, and in rare cases, even vomiting.

What is ginger spice made of?


This is a "hot" product that warms from the inside, powerfully stimulates blood circulation throughout the body and, thanks to the essential oil, increases metabolism.

Today, with the coming into fashion of Japanese and Chinese food, interest in ginger is increasing every day at a tremendous rate. After all, it is to the traditional Far East Ginger is always added to rolls and sushi as a spicy seasoning. Dried, pickled, ground, candied ginger is a plant that is currently used as food in the different form, V various recipes drinks and meals.​

Parchment or tracing paper
from ginger. Strange, right?
Both species dry in the sun. Black ginger results in more strong smell and more pungent taste. At the break, ginger is light yellow in color, regardless of the type. The flesh of young roots is almost white; the older the root, the more yellow it is at the break.
You won't believe it - from the plant Ginger)))

Thanks to the colonists, the plant got into East Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and in the 19th century emigrants brought it to Australia.
It must be dried first. The unpeeled root can be scalded with boiling water before drying to make black ginger, and comes out without scalding. green ginger. Sun-bleached root produces white ginger. And then grate it - you can probably grind it in a blender.
But uncleaned in the refrigerator quickly shrinks and becomes covered with a white coating. It is better to store it like a potato, in a dark, cool place. And just like a potato, it will sprout - you can pinch them off and add them to your food. Many store ginger in sherry or white wine - so it does not lose its properties, and the wine becomes an excellent base for sauces and dressings.​

Today it is no longer possible to meet wild-growing ginger, its place was taken by forms cultivated by man. There is an opinion that turmeric is a wild form of ginger, but it would be more correct to refer these plants to the same family. Ginger can be grown at home on the windowsill or in the garden. The only part of ginger used for food is the root. Depending on the processing method, white and black ginger are distinguished. Black (or Barbados) ginger is obtained from the washed and dried roots; to obtain white ginger, the roots are doused with boiling water, immersed in weakly concentrated sulfuric acid or bleach and dried in the sun. Black ginger is more pungent and tart. Both species have a gray-white color at the break. Usually ginger is sold in the form of a gray powder, but for obtaining maximum benefit and rich taste, it is better to take a whole root, cut or grind and squeeze the juice.
While taking blood thinners medical preparations, such as aspirin, the use of ginger in food must be stopped.
Dry ginger is used for weight loss for a reason - it is better absorbed in the body and has a more powerful penetrating effect. Due to its properties in combination with complexes aimed at weight loss, dried ginger accelerates the achievement of results.​
Scientists have proven the benefits healing properties ginger for the human body. Anesthetic, resolving, healing and anti-inflammatory, stimulating, diaphoretic, choleretic, tonic - this is not far from full list useful and medicinal properties ginger.


​ Oven


A section of a fairly young ginger root Ginger is most often found in ground form. Ground spice is a grayish-yellow mealy powder.
Yes, that is what it is...
It is interesting that in Rus' ginger has also been known since ancient times. It was added to drinks - sbitni, kvass, liqueurs, tinctures, mash, honey and pastries - Easter cakes, muffins, gingerbread.
I dry and grind in a coffee grinder
How to dry harvested raw materials

Ginger root contains essential oil(which gives it a flavor), its content can reach 3%, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, micro and macro elements (zinc, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium salts, phosphorus, calcium), also ginger root contains all the necessary human body amino acids (tryptophan, threonine, leuzin, methionine, phenylalanine, valine).
Losing weight with ginger is contraindicated in some chronic diseases, with elevated temperature body, pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Therefore, before you start using ginger for these purposes, be sure to consult your doctor.
Dried ginger is used not only for active weight loss, but also for regular use, constantly brewing it with the tea that you drink every day. In the evening, it is better not to drink ginger tea, as it invigorates.

Dried ginger, in comparison with other types of this unique spice, is much sharper in taste and has a higher concentration of valuable healing and useful components. In addition, in dried form, it has one very important advantage - it does not require additional processing and persists for a very long time. By palatability and aroma, dried ginger is inferior to fresh, but in most recipes it easily replaces it.


What is it?

Grind in a chopper and dry - you can in the oven on low heat - and store in a dry jar

The process of drying vegetable raw materials is the most significant moment in the course of harvesting. We offer some commonly used drying methods. Air shadow drying. It is used for herbs, leaves and flowers. Influenced sun rays they fade, turn brown, the number of active substances decreases. Drying is carried out in well-ventilated rooms or in attics. You can also dry it outdoors, but always in the shade under special canopies and only in good weather. It is convenient to dry on gauze hammocks, since in this case the raw materials are ventilated evenly from all sides. You should not dry herbs, making dense bunches of them and hanging them from the ceiling of the room, due to poor air access.

Tatyana Zhukova

Gingerol - a phenol-like substance that gives ginger a burning sensation spicy taste. These substances keep us warm inside. Metabolism speeds up and improves. Overweight just dissolve. The person is losing weight. ginger drink it turns out quite tasty and pleasant. To enhance the effect of losing weight, you can prepare a drink with ginger and garlic.
