
Leaf cabbage Kale: the benefits and features of growing an unusual vegetable. The benefits of kale for the human body

Loaded with vitamins and phytochemicals, kale is an important immune booster. Let's talk today about the benefits and harms of kale, and how the beneficial properties of such cabbage affect the human body.

Curly cabbage - health benefits and harms

It is believed that the birthplace of kale is the Mediterranean. Like cabbages and brussels sprouts, this member of the Cruciferous family shares with these vegetables the beneficial ability to store in its leaves a large amount of moisture and nutrients that make it so useful!

Nutritional properties of kale

Kale is rich in beneficial glucosinolates, natural plant compounds that have the benefit of blocking the production of substances that cause cancer cells to form, stimulating body cleansing, restoring enzymes, and inhibiting cancer cell division. It also contains flavonoids, essential for vascular health and immune system stimulation, and plant sterol, an important compound for keeping blood cholesterol levels low.

In addition, kale is high in B vitamins, which increase energy levels and strengthen the immune system's ability to destroy foreign cells. It has a very high level of antioxidants - vitamin C and beta-carotene. It also contains vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting and wound healing, as well as high levels of minerals such as zinc and iron, which are necessary for good immunity.

Kale can be eaten raw, steamed, sautéed, or in a salad. Curly cabbage is especially useful in winter.

The benefits of kale for the human body

  1. Kale, like other members of the Cruciferous family, promotes hormonal balance, so it should be consumed to prevent breast and ovarian cancer.
  2. Vegetables from the Cruciferous family are arguably the best plant foods for cancer prevention due to their high content of glucosinolates.
  3. In some parts of Europe, kale is called brauncol, which comes from the Dutch for "country cabbage".
  4. The nutrients contained in kale are especially good for the skin and speed up wound healing, as well as strengthen cell membranes.

Useful properties of kale in cooking

Healthy Kale with Parsley (serves 4)


  • 1 kg of curly cabbage,
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • salt and black pepper to taste,
  • 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
  • half a teaspoon of nutmeg


Rinse kale and separate into leaves. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan, put the cabbage in it, close the lid and simmer over low heat until the cabbage is soft. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, parsley and nutmeg. Stir-fry for 1 more minute, then serve immediately. Thus, you will get not only tasty, but also a kale dish with useful properties.

Useful properties of kale: video

Modern cultivars of kale have been bred from wild species. Some types of this cabbage are extremely useful and are especially popular.

Among them are the following types of kale:

  • Kale is red;
  • Reflex f1;
  • Kale is green;
  • Redboro f1 and others.

Kale can be grown in a variety of climates. It tolerates very well even severe frosts, down to -15 ° C. There are varieties of kale that can tolerate hot weather very well. Therefore, in regions with different climatic conditions, various varieties of kale are popular.

But despite the unpretentiousness to climatic conditions, there is one necessary requirement that kale makes to the place of growth. This requirement is fertile and well-drained soil with an average nitrogen content.

Leafy cabbage is not picky about the method of planting - you can use it, or you can sow it with seeds. In addition, if planted in early spring, the crop can be harvested in the summer. If you need to harvest in the fall or closer to winter, then it is better to plant cabbage in late spring.

Features of kale red cabbage

Red kale is an annual vegetable plant. It has lacy leaves with a purple color. There is no head of cabbage in this variety of cabbage. Some grow this cabbage for ornamental purposes or as a fodder crop. It contains many useful elements and vitamins, which makes it an indispensable product for dietary nutrition. This contributes to its popularity among people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Among them are the following elements:

  • Vitamins K, C and A;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium trace elements.

Red kale has an average ripening time. With its help, chefs in restaurants decorate their dishes. Has a height of 60-80cm. Withstands frost down to -15°C.

Ways to grow kale red

This variety of cabbage is usually grown in seedlings, but the seedless method is also quite common. Seeds are sown in the soil in early spring, weather permitting. When using the seedling method, planting should be done in late April or early May. The choice and its preparation should begin in the fall. To do this, you need to choose a plot of land well-lit by the sun with fertile soil. Before planting, you need to additionally fertilize this area with humus and complex fertilizers. Plants should be planted at a distance of 45 cm from each other with a distance of 45-55 cm between rows. Moreover, cruciferous plants should not have grown in this area.

Red kale seeds germinate well at temperatures from +4°C to +6°C. To improve the growth of this cabbage variety, you can cover its holes with glass or other transparent material. After about 5 days, the first shoots appear. After that, the covering material must be removed and weak plants removed.

To increase yields, you should regularly remove weeds, feed the soil and water the seedlings in a timely manner. Leaves can be cut throughout the summer. If you keep planting in the winter, then in early spring you can get a new crop of cabbage. By the way, after frosts, cabbage leaves acquire a rich purple color. Taste qualities also improve after frost - cabbage becomes juicier and sweeter.

Features of kale green kale

For green kale, everything is the same as for its red relative.

The only difference is the color of the leaves - it always remains green, even after the transferred winter.

Features of growing kale redbor f1

Redbora f1 kale is a hybrid cultivar and belongs to curly-leaved ornamental kale varieties. Like many ornamental types of cabbage, it is a biennial plant. Therefore, it begins to bear fruit only in the second year. In most Russian summer cottages, they play an exclusively decorative role. But this is a waste of territory because this type of cabbage contains much more raw protein, sugar, vitamin C and carotene than other types of cabbage. This variety of cabbage is very palatable and does not require a lot of fat for cooking.

This hybrid has a very beautiful appearance. It reaches a height of 70-150cm. The leaves are maroon in color and palm-shaped. The height of this plant depends on the season of its planting. If you need to get a tall plant, then the seeds need to be sown at the end of March. Then, after 30-40 days, cabbage bushes must be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. This type of cabbage is not afraid of frost and feels great even if it is covered with snow. After transferring the first frosts, the leaves of this plant become softer and juicier.

The appearance of kale redbor f1 depends on the amount of sunlight that the plant is exposed to. Soil moisture is of great importance. This is especially true during the hot season. Before planting this variety of cabbage, it is necessary to fertilize the plot of land on which it is planned to plant redbor f1 kale.

Cabbage leaf reflex f1

Among professional gardeners, cabbage leaf reflex f1 is very popular. This unusual plant can be used as an ornamental garden decoration, but most of all this variety of cabbage is valued for its beneficial dietary properties.

It is not necessary to cut off the entire head at once. To prepare a healthy salad, it is enough to pick a few leaves from the center of the outlet. Cabbage leaf reflex f1 has excellent taste. It is not bitter and is an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes. With regular use of this variety of cabbage for food, you can enrich your body with the following useful substances:

  • calcium;
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • Sulfur salts;
  • Phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • Vitamins of group B, as well as C, A P, K, U;
  • carbohydrates;
  • Fiber:
  • Phytoncides.

Cabbage leaf reflex f1 is an indispensable food component in the diet of every healthy food lover and people who want to lose a couple of kilograms. Its calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 grams.

This type of kale is a medium-late hybrid of dark green color. The plant is resistant to low temperatures. The minimum limit is -18 degrees. The socket is semi-vertical. Leaves are heavily corrugated. In height, the plant can reach 80 cm. The mass of cabbage leaf reflex f1 300 - 1400 grams. When planting, it is necessary to observe the optimal scheme of 60 * 70 cm. In no case do experts recommend cutting off the lower leaves of this wonderful plant, otherwise it will simply die.

Kale (video)

A surprise for many housewives was the discussion on the forums of a certain Russian cabbage. As it turned out, the Americans gave this unusual name to the well-known kale variety in Russia, which is also called curly. This is an amazing, very healthy vegetable that will appeal to those who are fighting for a slim figure.

Kale - what is it

Unlike the usual variety, kale does not have a head, but consists of only curly leaves. It is a bit like watercress, which can be found in the garden of any gardener. Curly cabbage is bred directly from wild species. Sometimes this variety is grown as a decorative element: its leaves look very impressive in landscape design and in the photo.

Kale - useful properties

The beneficial properties of kale are undeniable, because it contains a huge amount of proteins, more than 25 amino acids, including 9 essential ones. Brauncol, also known as kale, can easily replace meat products, as vegetarians are well aware of. No wonder they are engaged in its cultivation in garden plots and regularly use it in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes.

In addition to proteins and amino acids, kale contains omega-3 fatty acids, which the body cannot produce on its own. A similar amount of this substance is found only in seafood, which is not to everyone's taste, and it is often not always possible to use them, because it is an expensive pleasure. In addition, kale has a low calorie content, which is beneficial for losing weight. Data:

  1. This cabbage contains a record amount of vitamin A: half a cup of Kale is enough to cover the daily requirement of the body.
  2. The lutein and zeaxanthin contained in the vegetable help protect the eyes from UV rays.
  3. Vitamins of groups B, C, K, PP help strengthen the immune system.
  4. Grunkol cabbage contains more calcium than dairy products.
  5. It contains many minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus and selenium (up to 1 mcg).

Growing kale

Useful curly cabbage is undemanding. Even a beginner in gardening will not have a question how to grow kale as in beautiful photos, if you follow the recommendations:

  1. Red Siberian cabbage kale easily tolerates frosts down to -15 degrees. After freezing, it becomes even tastier.
  2. The optimal time for planting a plant is the beginning of spring (April). It is not necessary to prepare seedlings in advance. The seed can be sown directly into the ground, covered with a film.
  3. For the maturation of the seeds of the plant, 70-90 days are enough at a temperature above 6 degrees.
  4. The optimal distance for growing bushes from each other is 40 cm.
  5. Caring for this crop is simple, you just need to spud the plant several times over the summer, creating holes around it, and water it regularly.
  6. Throughout the summer, the vegetable can be cut. In place of the removed leaves, new ones will grow.

Varieties of kale

There are several varieties of seeds of this plant. Among the most popular are the following varieties of kale:

  • Red - leaves of a red hue, twisted, long;
  • Siberian - seedlings are not afraid of cold weather and pests;
  • Premier Kale is a fast-growing variety, useful for stomach diseases;
  • Dino is one of the tastiest types of cabbage with thin leaves;
  • Curly - the sweetest type of plant;
  • Cane - up to 2 m in height with powerful cuttings;
  • Tuscan cabbage is a wrinkled seedling, easy to plant.

Kale - cooking recipes

In diet food, as a rule, cabbage leaves are used: the stalk is too hard. One of the most healthy dishes is a salad made from fresh green leaves with the addition of various vegetables, eggs, dill and olive oil. However, this does not mean that meat, such as beef or chicken breasts, cannot be used in the recipe. Such a dish will be an ideal source of protein and other important substances. Don't know how to cook kale? Below you will find some simple recipes that have great reviews.

sauerkraut kale

  • Cooking time: 120 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 950 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

You will be surprised, but sauerkraut is no less useful in terms of vitamin content than fresh or stewed. You can meet this dish very rarely, except in the photo of dishes from foreign nutritionists who know exactly how this vegetable is good for the figure and rich in vitamins. It is better to choose large fleshy leaves: it is more convenient to process them for sourdough, which is not much different from the preparation of ordinary sauerkraut.


  • kale leaves - 1 kg;
  • red carrot - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Choose large leaves, rinse them well under running cold water, chop into strips of 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Finely grate the peeled carrots on a grater or in a food processor, then mix with kale.
  3. Mix the vegetables well, squeezing them lightly so that the juice appears, put in jars.
  4. Prepare a brine from boiling water, sugar and salt, you can add a little pepper.
  5. Pour the cabbage with hot brine, lightly cover with a lid, leave for 2-3 days to ferment, then put in the refrigerator.

Kale salad

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3200 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The easiest way to eat this healthy vegetable is with a fresh kale salad. There are many simple recipes for this dish, but the most delicious one is with mushrooms and beans. This salad has a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. In addition, it is rich in proteins, satisfying. This is the perfect dish for both formal and daily dinners.


  • kale leaves - 200 g;
  • fresh champignons - 150 g;
  • canned white beans - 100 g;
  • Feta cheese - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • walnut - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the kale leaves, salt, remember with your hands so that they give juice and become softer.
  2. Cut the cheese into small cubes.
  3. Finely chop the mushrooms, fry until tender over low heat.
  4. Grind the walnut with a blender and combine with olive oil.
  5. Combine all the ingredients, season with the resulting sauce and refrigerate for 5-10 minutes.

Video: Kale Kale

Curly cabbage (lat. Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) is a relatively new vegetable crop that is not very popular among gardeners; it belongs to the cabbage family, or cruciferous. Other names are kale, Grunkol cabbage, Brunkol cabbage. In nature, the species in question grows in the Mediterranean. It is now widely cultivated in Europe and China. In appearance, curly cabbage is similar to ornamental cabbage, however, unlike its relative, it is suitable for food. Cabbage Grunkol does not form a head of cabbage, its leaves are used for food.


Curly cabbage is called a biennial plant, which, after sowing, forms a stem from up to 3 cm high and leaves, and the next year - a peduncle bearing seeds. The leaves of the species in question are smooth, incised, whole, can be lyre-shaped or lyre-lobed .. The culture has high winter-hardy properties, it's hard to believe, but adult plants can easily endure night frosts down to -10C.

The subtleties of growing

Curly cabbage is sun-loving, it is advisable to plant it in open areas, the culture grows without problems in partial shade. It is quite demanding on soil conditions. Prefers suitable nutritious, seasoned with minerals, loose, light, moderately moist, permeable soils. It does not tolerate damp, swampy, acidic, heavy soils, as well as low-lying areas. The best predecessors are legumes and members of the Solanaceae family.

Soil preparation and sowing

The ridges for the crop in question are well processed, complex mineral fertilizers or 20-30 g of ammonium nitrate, 35-40 g of granular superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride are applied. Acidic soils are preliminarily limed. Sowing seeds of curly cabbage is carried out in open ground in spring or sown in boxes with nutritious soil to obtain high-quality seedlings.

To obtain seedlings of cabbage, curly sowing is carried out in the third decade of April - the first decade of May. Seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before sowing. Close up the seeds to a depth of 10 mm.

With the advent of seedlings, they thin out and fertilize with manure diluted in water (for 4 parts of water - 1 part of manure). After two weeks, re-feeding is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers. A couple of weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, the seedlings are pollinated with pyrethrum and hardened.

The roots of cabbage seedlings are dipped in a clay mash, pollinated again with pyrethrum and planted in rows, leaving a distance of 30-50 cm between them. The distance depends on the variety. Vigorous varieties require more space. Immediately after planting, young plants are watered abundantly.

The seedless method involves sowing on pre-prepared ridges, leaving at least 50-60 cm between rows. With the appearance of one or two leaves on the shoots, thinning is carried out, with the appearance of 5 leaves, repeated thinning is carried out.


In general, there is nothing complicated in caring for curly cabbage; regular watering, weeding, top dressing, loosening of row-spacings is enough for it. Insect and disease treatments as needed. For the convenience of watering around the plants, small holes are made. The culture needs abundant watering in dry weather.

Throughout the growing season, the soil is constantly loosened. As soon as young plants begin to grow actively, they are fed with liquid organic fertilizers, you can also use herbal infusions. It is not recommended to apply too large doses of nitrogen fertilizers, as they can affect winter hardiness.


Harvesting is carried out selectively, starting from the second or third decade of June. From each instance, several lower leaves are removed. In the twentieth of September, healthy and underdeveloped plants are transferred to containers and grown indoors at room temperature.
  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground - in late April or early May. Sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of March or early April, planting seedlings in the ground - around mid-May or towards the end of the month.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fertile, permeable, pH 5.5-6.8.
  • Watering: plentiful, and during the drought period also frequent: the soil on the site should be slightly moist all the time.
  • Top dressing: every 6-8 weeks, organic (herbal infusion or compost infusion) or mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil. The first feeding is carried out when the leaves begin to grow.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: cabbage aphids, weevils, scoops, whites, moths, flies, cruciferous fleas, rapeseed sawflies and flower beetles, bears, wireworms and slugs.
  • Diseases: clubroot, black leg, peronosporosis, fusarium, ring spot, white and gray rot, slimy bacteriosis, rhizoctoniosis and viral mosaic.
  • Properties: the plant is a valuable dietary product.

Read more about growing kale below.

Kale - description

So, kale is a leafy cabbage that does not form a head. Only large curly leaves of kale are used for food - gray, red, green, and after cold weather and a purple hue. The stem of the plant is too hard and not suitable for food. Before the Renaissance, kale was the most common cruciferous crop in Europe, but it was cultivated as early as the 4th century BC in ancient Greece, for which there is irrefutable evidence. Today in Holland, kale is used to make the traditional Stumpot dish, mixed with mashed potatoes and served with sausages. In Japan, this variety is popular as an additive to the aojiru drink, and in Turkey, soup is made from kale cabbage rich in calcium and vitamins.

When to sow kale for seedlings.

Kale does not tolerate transplanting well, so it is better to sow it directly into the open ground, but if you decide to use the seedling method of growing, then you need to sow the seeds 5-6 weeks before planting the seedlings in the open ground - during the time period from late March to early April. Choose the most favorable day of the lunar calendar for sowing cabbage and get started.

Growing seedlings of kale.

Sowing kale for seedlings is carried out in containers or boxes, although it is better to sow three seeds in separate cups - kale, like any other cabbage crop, does not like transplants. Before sowing, kale seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in water at a temperature of 45-50 ºC, after which they are immediately immersed in cold water for 5 minutes. Then the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth for 2-3 days and put in a warm place, and as soon as they peck, kale can be sown. The substrate for seedlings is made up of fertile soil and sand in a ratio of 1:10, fertilized with compost and disinfected by calcining in the oven or spilled with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are laid out in a well-moistened substrate at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other, planted to a depth of 1.5 cm, after which the soil is lightly pressed down and the crops are covered with film or glass. They keep the container in a warm place, removing the film daily for 1-3 hours for airing, and when shoots appear, the box is rearranged as close to the light as possible.

Seedlings of kale need the same care as seedlings of any other cabbage - they need to be grown in slightly damp soil, not forgetting to ventilate the room, at the same time protecting the seedlings from drafts.

Kale pick.

Kale from seeds, like any other type of cabbage, does not tolerate picking. It is planted in open ground along with an earthen clod, trying not to damage the central root, however, before planting, the seedlings must undergo hardening procedures, which consist in daily outdoor sessions, the duration of which should gradually increase until the seedlings get used to the new habitat. When the seedlings are 45 days old, they will form 4 leaves each and they will reach a height of 8-10 cm, you can plant them in the garden.

Planting kale is carried out in deep holes located at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other with a row spacing of 45-55 cm. 200 g of wood ash and 100 g of humus should be thrown into each hole. Seedlings are immersed in the ground for the first pair of leaves, watered and covered with earth.

Planting kale in open ground

When to plant kale in the ground.

If you decide to sow kale immediately in open ground, then you need to do this in the last decade of April or the first decade of May - kale is cold-resistant, and its seeds begin to germinate already at 4-5 ºC. Growing kale is best done in a sunny area. Keep in mind that a crop can grow in one place for three years: if in the fall, cutting cabbage, leave a couple of centimeters of the stem above the surface, the next year you will get an early harvest of kale. The best precursors for kale are nightshade, legumes, and cucurbits, and the worst are vegetables and cruciferous crops.

Soil for kale.

The soil for kale should be fertile - when grown in clay or sandy soil, you will not achieve good yields, and the taste of the cabbage will be mediocre. Very important for kale is such an indicator as the permeability of the soil, since the culture does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the roots. The pH of the soil should be in the range of 5.5-6.8 pH. If the reading is below 5.5 pH, add compost to the soil, and if it is above 6.8 pH, dig up the area with granulated sulfur. A bed for kale is prepared in the fall - they are cleaned of weeds and dug up, and immediately before sowing seeds or planting seedlings, humus and complex mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil.

How to plant kale.

Cabbage seeds are sown in holes located at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other with row spacing of 45-55 cm. When sowing, as well as when planting seedlings, 100 g of humus and 200 g of ash are thrown into each hole, three to five seeds are placed, watered and covered with soil. Then the bed is covered with plastic wrap, fixing it around the edges so that the wind does not rip it off. Shoots will begin to appear in 5-7 days, and the film can be removed, and when examining the emerging sprouts, remove the weak ones so that they do not interfere with the development of stronger plants.

How to grow kale

Kale care.

How to grow kale Caring for kale outdoors is not much different from caring for any other type of cabbage. Growing seedlings need watering, weeding, hilling, loosening the soil, fertilizing and protection from pests and diseases. When kale in the garden reaches a height of 20-25 cm, it must be spudded, and if weak leaves begin to appear on it, they must be removed immediately. To make it easier for you to take care of the cabbage, and so that root rot does not affect it, mulch the area with compost or humus.

Watering kale.

To ensure that water does not spread during irrigation, but immediately gets to the roots, make a circular furrow around each plant and pour water into it. In dry times, you will have to water the cabbage more often and more abundantly, and after each watering or rain, you need to loosen the soil around the plants and in the aisles. The soil in the garden should be slightly damp all the time, so be prepared for the fact that in the hot summer you will have to water the cabbage daily, but still let the soil dry out between waterings.

Feeding kale.

Despite pre-sowing fertilization, outdoor kale needs organic top dressing every 6-8 weeks. The first top dressing will be needed when the leaves begin to actively grow. To feed the plants, a herbal infusion is used, for which a quarter of the volume of the barrel is poured with water, then the barrel is filled with fresh herbs - grass, including weeds - at the rate of 10 kg per 100 liters of water, after which 2-3 kg of dry chicken manure is added for every 100 liters of water and the barrel is covered with a net. When foam appears on the surface of the mass, the contents of the barrel are stirred daily to stimulate fermentation. Depending on the weather and air temperature, herbal fertilizer is infused from one to three weeks. As soon as the foam stops forming, the infusion can be used for top dressing, diluting it in half with water. Fertilization is carried out strictly under the root.

You can prepare fertilizer for kale from compost: 2 liter cans of sifted compost are poured with a bucket of water and insisted for 24 hours in the sun, after which the water is drained and used for root dressing.

Growing kale in the Moscow region.

Readers ask us if kale can be grown in the middle lane. Why not? This variety of cabbage is cold-resistant and resistant to sudden changes in temperature, so with the right selection of varieties, you can count on a decent harvest in the Moscow region.

Pests and diseases of kale

As for diseases and pests, they are common to all cruciferous crops. From insects, cabbage aphids, weevils, scoops, whites, moths, flies, cruciferous fleas, rapeseed sawfly and flower beetle, as well as bears, wireworms and slugs are dangerous for kale. And from diseases, you need to be wary of keel, black leg, peronosporosis, fusarium, ring spot, white and gray rot, mucous bacteriosis, rhizoctoniosis and viral mosaic.

We have already described all these diseases and all these pests more than once, so we will not repeat ourselves. We only recall that the cultivation of varieties and hybrids of cabbage resistant to pests and diseases, compliance with agricultural practices of the culture and conscientious care of plants reduces the risk of damage to kale by insects, fungi, bacteria and viruses to a minimum.

Kale processing.

You can protect young plants from cruciferous flea and other pests by dusting their leaves and soil in the garden with wood ash, tobacco dust, or a mixture of these two powder preparations. However, the rain washes away the protective powder, and the procedure has to be repeated.

You can spray the cabbage after sunset with seven percent table vinegar diluted in a bucket of water, or a solution of 200 g of chicken manure in 10 liters of water, which must be infused for at least a day before use.

An infusion of onion husks repels insects: half a kilogram of husks is poured into 4 liters of hot water, infused for two days, filtered, a spoonful of tar shampoo is added to the liquid and cabbage is sprayed with this composition once every 3-4 days.

Of the chemicals used to protect against the invasion of pests, Bankol, Kemifos, Fury, Bitoxibacillin, Kinmiks, Sharpei, Aliot and others are used, but the use of chemicals is recommended only when you have to save the crop, and folk remedies no longer help.

As for the protection of kale from diseases, in this matter, as in the fight against pests, preference should be given to agricultural practices - observing crop rotation, growing disease-resistant crop varieties, dressing seeds before sowing in a fungicide solution, timely removal of weeds and sucking pests that are carriers of viral diseases from the site, and destruction of plant residues after harvesting. These measures will protect kale from diseases more reliably than fungicidal preparations.

After sowing, kale in the ground ripens in 70-95 days, and grown in seedlings - 55-75 days after planting in the garden. They begin to cut cabbage leaves when the plant reaches a height of 20 cm. Do not overexpose ripened leaves on the bush - they become bitter and hard. A strongly grown plant can be cut at a height of 5 cm from the ground, and then curly cabbage leaves will begin to form on the remaining stem again.

Cut leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week, but you can store them in the freezer and enjoy the taste of kale all winter - freezing makes the leaves taste brighter and sweeter.

Kale has several varieties that differ in height. Plants up to 35-40 cm high are considered low, medium-sized - up to 40-60 cm, and high are those that can reach a height of 60 to 90 cm. Varieties of kale differ in the shape and texture of the leaves - they can be flat with wavy edges, medium curly or with terry edges. Varieties and varieties of kale are also divided into early, mid-season and mid-late. The best varieties of kale are:

  • green kale is a winter-hardy kale of medium ripening, reaching maturity in 75 days from the moment of germination, withstanding frosts down to -15 ºC and able to produce again next year. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm. The leaves of this kale are very curly. A variety is used for making soups and salads;
  • red kale- essentially the same green cabbage, only its leaves are red;
  • Curly kale- most often this variety has curly, soft, but crisp, purple leaves with a sweetish aftertaste that are strongly wavy at the edges. Plants of this variety are very attractive, so they are often planted as ornamentals;
  • blue dwarf- a compact, easy to grow and very beautiful plant, which is often mistaken for an ornamental. Despite the small growth, this variety has good productivity. The taste of Blue Dwarf leaves goes well with the taste of pork, legumes, pasta, garlic and mushrooms;
  • Black Tuscany- an unusual shape, even for kale, makes plants of this variety very attractive. The color of the dense, tuberculate leaves of Black Tuscany is dull green with a dull bluish bloom. They are similar in texture to Savoy cabbage leaves. Collect them from June to late autumn;
  • Scarlet- in this mid-season winter-hardy productive variety, the leaves are curly, dark green with a purple tint, and after the first frost their color becomes brighter. Plant height from 80 to 120 cm;
  • redboro- a two-year-old mid-late cold-resistant hybrid variety with curly leaves of an intense burgundy hue. In height, a palm-like plant can reach one and a half meters. The leaves of this variety are used for salads, soups, drying, salting and decoration of festive dishes;
  • Reflex- high-yielding, winter-hardy mid-season hybrid, distinguished by its decorative effect and excellent taste of gray-green, highly corrugated leaves, which are considered a valuable component of a dietary and healthy diet.

Kale for the Moscow region.

Since almost all varieties of kale are cold-resistant, it is not difficult to choose varieties for the middle lane. You can grow Red kale, Green kale, Curly kale, Premier kale, Little Mermaid, Dude, Mizun, Cane kale or Dino kale in the Moscow region. If severe frosts are planned in winter, just remember to cover the garden bed with a thick layer of mulch, and in the spring, when the snow melts, remove it.

Kale for Siberia.

The most winter-hardy kale is Siberian, which is not afraid of even severe frosts and is resistant to any pests, but it is advisable to cover it with mulch for the winter, and when it snows, throw a snowdrift on the bed.

Kale properties - harm and benefit

Health benefits of kale.

Why is kale considered the most valuable variety? Because in terms of nutrient density, it has no equal among leafy vegetables. It consists of:

  • - minerals - potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • - vitamins - C, A, E, K, PP, B1, B2, B6;
  • - protein;
  • - cellulose;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, rarely found in plant foods;
  • - all essential amino acids - 18 essential and 9 essential.

There are only 28 kilocalories in 100 g of kale leaves. In terms of calcium, kale surpasses milk, and 200 g of its leaves provide the daily protein requirement.

Kale is useful for calcium deficiency, high eye strain, obesity, as well as for preventing the development of cancer cells and strengthening the body's immune system. Cabbage is also popular in vegetarian cuisine, as it replenishes the body with proteins and vitamins present in meat - it is not without reason that this product is called the “new beef”.

Kale - contraindications.

Caution when using kale should be observed by those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines - gastritis, peptic ulcer, dysbacteriosis and chronic diarrhea, since feces can provoke an exacerbation of pathologies. Another contraindication is diseases of the endocrine system, so people with such diseases should consult a doctor before introducing kale into the diet.
