
What garden plants like watering with tea leaves. Sleeping tea as a fertilizer for flowers and vegetables

What folk remedies are not used by gardeners, summer residents and flower growers to increase soil fertility and to improve the growth and development of plants.

Use ash, eggshell, yeast, succinic acid, banana peel and other products.

But today we will talk with you about how used tea and tea leaves are used as fertilizer.

Considering that this product is simply thrown away after use, the use of dormant tea as a fertilizer is very beneficial.

Opinions about the benefits and effectiveness of this tool sometimes differ, there are both supporters and opponents of this use of tea brewing. Therefore, it is important to understand this issue in detail.

Before understanding whether it can be useful for plants, it is necessary to analyze its chemical composition.

So, the chemical composition of welding includes the following elements:

  • Potassium - in the tea leaf it contains 17.9 mg / g. This element is especially necessary for plants, along with nitrogen and phosphorus. With a lack of this element, the leaves sag, their color becomes more intense and acquires a bluish tint.
  • Calcium - its content in tea leaves is 4.7 mg / g. The element is an indispensable participant in the metabolic processes in plants. Stone fruit crops are especially in need of this element, and this calcium is also important for the development of the root system of plants.
  • Magnesium (2.2 mg/g) is an indispensable participant in photosynthesis. With a lack of magnesium in the soil, the leaves begin to turn yellow from the edges.
  • Iron in tea leaves contains 0.2 mg/g. The lack of this element in the soil threatens plant chlorosis, although this disease can be caused not so much by the absence of this element as by its presence in forms inaccessible to plants.

They are present in tea leaves in small quantities that do not affect the development of plants and other elements.

Of the trace elements found in tea leaves, aluminum, manganese, sulfur, boron, barium and others.

It should be taken into account that already in the used tea leaves the content of useful mineral substances may be less than declared.

Sleeping tea brew, as a fertilizer, serves as organic matter, the introduction of which always has a positive effect on the soil.

How to use correctly

It is preferable to use leftovers from large-leaf or medium-leaf tea. Artificial dyes are sometimes added to tea bags, which can adversely affect plants.

It is also undesirable to use teas with various flavors and other inclusions for this purpose, all this can inhibit the growth and development of crops.

Of course, in everything you need to know the measure. In large quantities, tea leaves applied under house potted plants cause mold in the soil and promote the breeding of sciarids - small black flies.

Therefore, tea leaves, as a fertilizer for flowers, must be dried before use. For open ground, it is also possible to apply a wet substance.

In addition, tea leaves contain tannins, which can increase the acidity of the soil. Therefore, for domestic potted plants, such fertilizer should be used with caution, observing the condition of the flowers.

When using sleeping tea and tea leaves to fertilize the soil in the garden, the acidification effect is almost imperceptible.

  • A good result is the simultaneous introduction of wood ash and tea leaves. The soil is enriched simultaneously with calcium, potassium, phosphorus. Wood ash neutralizes the acidic properties of tea leaves.
  • It is necessary to water the plants with sweet tea very carefully, given that its concentration for watering should not exceed the proportion of 10:1000, or 1st. a spoonful of sugar per liter of water or tea. It is better to supplement such top dressing with Baikal EM1 or Vostok EM1 biological products, otherwise root rot and mold may develop, and ants may also appear in open ground.

But there are plants that react very positively to soil acidification. For example, flowers - azalea, viola, panicled hydrangea, lupine, bergenia and many others.

From vegetables - sorrel, pumpkin, carrots, radishes, cucumbers ... For them, feeding with tea leaves will only benefit.

During the winter, tea leaves are collected, immediately dried and stored until spring in any container, for example, in a bucket.

In the spring, before digging the soil, dry tea leaves are poured out in a thin layer, and dug up. Or, in the same way, tea leaves accumulated over the summer can be applied for the main autumn processing. This technique will enrich the soil with potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as improve soil structure.

The approximate application rate per square meter is half a kilogram.

  • You can carry out root feeding of plants with infusion of sleeping tea. To do this, one glass of used tea leaves is poured with three liters of hot boiled water and insisted for several hours. Water the plants with this solution under the root as with ordinary water.

What does fertilization help with?

Welding is used as top dressing with complex potash fertilizers, with an additional content of calcium, magnesium and iron.

It serves as an excellent soil disintegrator, improves the structure of heavy soils, due to the introduction of tea leaves and sleeping tea, the soil passes water and air better.

It is better to use dried used tea leaves, it acts like a mulch layer, which, in the process of decomposition, will enrich the soil with useful nutrients.

It will perfectly help to retain moisture in the pots of indoor plants during the heating season in winter, with dry air. A good effect is obtained from the use of tea leaves as a drainage component when transplanting indoor plants.

It can be added to the compost heap, it will help accelerate the overheating of the mass, and is an excellent component for future compost.

The use of tea leaves can serve as an excellent fertilizer for plants, contributes to the enrichment of the soil with nutrients, improves its structure and, if used correctly, normalizes the acid balance.

But it is worth noting that it cannot be used on all soils in a row, and literally applied under all plants. Just as one drug cannot be a panacea for all diseases.

Therefore, using any fertilizer, it is necessary to focus on the needs of plants and take into account the composition of the soil and its structure.

If you are a gardener and regularly drink tea, then you must have wondered at least once whether the leftover tea leftovers can be used in the garden. And we are talking not only about the classic leaf tea leaves, but also the remnants in used tea bags. In fact, the answer is simple: you need to use sleeping tea!


Just imagine how much tea a family of 2-3 people can accumulate over the winter? Of course, before storing tea leftovers, you need to dry them properly so that mold and fungus do not start on them. If you prefer sweet tea with sugar, then the tea residues will also need to be thoroughly rinsed before drying.

The mass accumulated over the winter can be used as follows:

  1. Compost. This is probably the easiest option. If you live in a house with a plot, then you can immediately take out the sleeping tea in the compost heap. The old brew contains a large amount of nitrogen, as well as tannins, which accelerate the fermentation of organic substances. Beforehand, do not forget to remove all synthetic and metal elements (a metal bracket on a piece of paper, some bags are made of artificial nets).
  2. Fertilizer. Drip old tea leftovers mixed with wood ash in the trunk circles of cultivated plants. Nitrogen from such top dressing will be given slowly, and therefore the effect of the use of sleeping tea will be long-lasting. Dried old tea leaves can also be added to the holes when planting. Tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and gladioli respond well to such tea dressing.
  3. Alternative to peat tablets. Used tea bags are a good alternative to seedling pills that cost money. To do this, carefully open the top of the bag, pour a little universal soil there and plant the seeds. At the time of picking, the seedlings are transplanted to a new place directly in bags, without injuring their fragile root system (for bell peppers that are afraid of transplants, this method is especially relevant!).
  4. Soil improvement. If you have accumulated a lot of dormant tea, use it to improve the structure and increase soil fertility. For 1 m2, it is desirable to add 500 g of used tea (or infusion - 1 cup of dry tea per 3 liters of boiling water). You can conduct an experiment and enrich 1 bed with used tea leaves, and then compare the results and draw final conclusions. Old tea neutralizes alkaline soil.
  5. Houseplant care. Use used tea bags to wipe houseplants. So you will not only wipe off the dust from them, but also perform a kind of foliar top dressing.
  6. Filler for sowing small seeds. Mix 1 tsp. parsley, carrot, basil or nigella seeds with 1 cup dry tea leaves before sowing. As a result, seedlings will be more uniform, which means that you will have much less trouble with their subsequent thinning.
  7. Mulching. This method is only suitable for open ground, which is ventilated and warmed by the sun's rays. Evenly distribute the dried old tea leaves over the surface of the bed. For indoor flowers, this method is contraindicated, mold can start and midges appear (especially from sweet tea leaves).

As you can see, a rational summer resident simply cannot throw tea leaves into a bucket. This also applies to many other wastes and in general to our whole life. And then we are surprised that the poor, and there is not enough money. Look at Finland - they even use the waste to heat their own houses and generate electricity, everything is in use. And we only grow landfills.

I use it a lot in my garden. Every spring I bring the crushed shells into the near-trunk circles of roses, as well as on the beds for peppers, eggplants, watermelons and melons, for beets and other crops that love calcium.

The shell does not allow the soil to acidify and improves its structure: it becomes lighter, more lush. One or two glasses per square meter is enough. When eggs are boiled, part of the calcium is washed out of the shell, so the shell of raw eggs is more useful for deoxidizing the soil.

But still, I collect any shell - everything that turns out in the course of kitchen affairs. I rinse it with water, although I don’t always have time to do it, then I dry it so that there is no bad smell. Periodically I tamp it in the bank to fit more. For use in the garden, I then grind it in one of three ways: I break it with a masher for mashed potatoes or roll it out with a rolling pin for dough, or grind it on a coffee grinder - this is the best way, because it turns out the finest grinding, and physically it's easier.

Eggshells can be used at home to feed seedlings or house flowers. I usually water them with water left over from boiling eggs. You can do it this way: take the washed and crushed shells from 3-4 raw eggs, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 5 days with daily stirring. Two or three waterings with this decoction of seedlings of peppers, eggplants, asters and other lovers of non-acidic soils are very useful for these plants.

In summer, a decoction of eggs or an infusion of the shell can be watered not only for vegetable or flower crops. Apple trees, pears, cherries, plums, gooseberries respond well to such watering. Shredded shells are also good for a compost heap.

onion peel

The more it is studied, the more useful properties are found in it. It turned out that it contains a complete set of micro and macro elements, as well as antibacterial substances. And some other substances that prevent the reproduction of pests of garden crops.

Many years ago, I brought a strawberry mite to my plot along with rosettes of new varieties of strawberries bought at the state farm. And for a long time I could not get rid of this pest by any means. Only after I mulched the bushes with onion peel did it disappear. Now my strawberries are as pure as a rose after rain.

Onion peel is also used to kill aphids, thrips and even spider mites. To do this, prepare such an infusion: a liter jar of onion peel is poured with two liters of hot (40 degrees) water, insisted for one or two days, filtered. Add laundry soap for sticking. When spraying, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Spider mites must be fought persistently, sprayed for a month and a half once a week, try to get the solution on the bottom of the leaf. The same infusion is used against strawberry mites.

With the help of an infusion of onion peel, you can fight the cruciferous flea on radishes, on all cabbages and other crops on which this pest settles. To do this, pour half a bucket of husks with hot water until the bucket is full, cover with a lid. Insist for two days, strain and spray with this infusion, without diluting.

It is useful instead of potassium permanganate to spray the earth with a similar infusion before sowing seeds to disinfect it.

In an infusion of onion peel, it is useful to soak potatoes before planting. The housewives also noticed that carrots are better stored if they are sprayed with infusion of onion peel before storage. There are no scientific studies on this topic, so each housewife makes the solution in her own way. Any option helps.

Infusion of onion peel can reanimate yellowing and fading leaves of cucumbers, zucchini. To do this, it is enough to spray these leaves with such an infusion: pour 10 g of onion peel into 5 liters of warm water, leave for four days, strain. This method of "treatment" also helps: pour a couple of handfuls of onion peel into a bucket of warm water, cover with a lid, bring the water to a boil, keep it under the lid until it cools. When the infusion has cooled, strain it. Then take 2 liters of infusion, add up to 10 liters of warm water, pour plants directly over the leaves from a watering can. After a few days, watered plants will be transformed. Yellowed leaves even turn green again.

They love such watering and houseplants. Still: here is food, and getting rid of diseases and pests.

All onion peel infusions should be used on the day of preparation in the evening.

Dry onion peel can be stored for a long time without losing its positive properties. It must be collected from healthy bulbs. I leave the most brightly colored onion scales for dyeing Easter eggs and for giving a bright sunny shine to my hair, and I use the rest for the garden. The husks left after straining the infusions can be thrown onto a compost heap or under currant bushes or other berry bushes.

Drinking tea and coffee

This is a good fertilizer that can be added to the holes when planting seedlings in the ground. It is especially liked by tomatoes, cucumbers, physalis. It is good to add it to the soil mixed with ash when digging for gladioli, acidanter. The stems of plants in such beds are more powerful, the plants bloom earlier.

Sometimes in the literature there is a recommendation to use sleeping tea or coffee as mulch for garden and indoor plants. My experience has given poor results. In such a mulch, all sorts of insect flies start up in indoor plants, after all, the mulch has always just become covered with mold, despite the fact that I often loosened it. It also turned out badly in the garden: all the mulch on the roses and gladioli got moldy. Although the plants did not get sick, it was still very unpleasant. Now I just mix all these "fertilizers" with the soil and dig in. The soil is more breathable and moisture-intensive.

In early spring, you can sprinkle the beds or compost heap over the snow with sleeping tea or coffee. The snow melts much faster, freeing the land for early sowing.

Some gardeners feed grown seedlings with sleeping tea. To do this, a glass of dry tea is poured into a three-liter jar, poured with hot water and infused for 4-5 days, stirring occasionally. Then filter and use the solution as top dressing.

There is also such a useful experience in using tea in gardening: if there is a suspicion that blackcurrant cuttings cut for rooting are infected with a kidney mite, then they are treated with tea before planting so as not to drag this mite into your garden along with cuttings. To do this, 2 g of tea is brewed with boiling water in a liter of water, kept for a day. (Freshly brewed tea can damage plants.) The cuttings are immersed in the solution for 3-4 hours. After planting in moist soil, the cuttings should not be watered to maintain toxicity longer.

Before you put your tea or coffee in a jar, they must be thoroughly dried, otherwise they will become moldy. You can prepare any tea: black, green, small, large, whole leaves, even tea bags come into play.

orange peels

Used against aphids, thrips, spider mites. Plants are sprayed with this infusion: 1 kg of crusts is passed through a meat grinder, poured with water in a three-liter jar. Close tightly, insist in a dark place for five days. Then strain and squeeze well. Bottled, sealed. If dry peels are used, then they are pre-soaked, and then twisted in a meat grinder.

For spraying, take 100 ml of infusion and 40 g of laundry soap per 10 liters of water, process at least 2-3 times. Against spider mites - at least 5-6 times with an interval of 5-7 days.

Drinking tea at home

  • Who would have thought that, fleeing from insomnia, you should not run to the pharmacy, but you just need to look into the kitchen. You need to dry the used tea leaves, put it in a linen bag and put it inside the pillowcase of the pillow on which you sleep. The faint aroma emanating from the tea will calm the nervous system and help you fall asleep faster.
  • Drinking tea can also become a faithful assistant to hostesses when putting things in order in the house. In order for the window panes to mirror and shine with cleanliness, it is necessary to wipe them with a weak solution of tea.
  • You can also add a matte sheen and make dark leather clothes softer with the help of sleeping tea. To do this, squeeze the used tea leaves well, wrap it in a soft cloth and wipe the entire surface of the leather product.
  • If your carpet is no longer pleasing to the eye with its newness, and the colors have lost their former brightness, you can save the carpet with a wet tea brew. Sprinkle it all over the carpet, cleaned in advance, leave for a while, and then carefully remove everything with a broom. The carpet will become clean, and the colors will return to their former saturation.
  • Owners of fireplaces also have something to rejoice. After all, it is not so easy to clean it without dust from the ashes. But if you sprinkle it with wet tea leaves before cleaning, then the ash will not scatter.
  • Sleeping tea in floriculture and horticulture
    • Lovers - flower growers should also pay attention to sleeping tea. It is good to fertilize and mulch the soil with its remains. In addition, it is very good to add sleeping tea when planting indoor plants, laying it on the drain at the bottom of the pot. Rotting, welding gives plants additional nutrition.
    • Some flower growers sometimes water the flowers with the remnants of sleeping tea, as for them this is an additional feeding. But there are some plants, such as ferns, that need and benefit from tea watering.
    • Rose bushes also love top dressing from used tea leaves. After all, the tea leaf contains a lot of tannic acid, which is necessary for the healthy growth of these plants. In summer, it is enough to sprinkle fresh or sleeping tea around the bushes and sprinkle with mulch.
    • There is an opinion that tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin and strawberries can grow 2-3 times larger if in the spring-summer period, sleeping tea is applied to the soil as a fertilizer. To do this, of course, during the winter it is necessary to collect a sufficient amount of used tea leaves.
    • In horticulture, weed tea leaves are also used as a fertilizer. It is used as mulch and sprinkled under various shrubs.

The use of sleeping tea as a fertilizer can be heard everywhere, although opinions are divided on this issue. Let's try to understand the current situation.

Beginner gardeners and gardeners are often advised by experienced neighbors to pay attention to sleeping tea. There is an opinion that flowers, vegetables, and berries can grow several times larger if, from spring to late autumn, it is applied to the soil.

In subsidiary farms, the tea is used as mulch and sprinkled under various plants. However, for this, during the winter period, it is necessary to collect a sufficient amount of used tea leaves, and this is the biggest difficulty.

Recall that mulching is the surface covering of the soil with a layer of mulch to improve its properties, while using organic fertilizers and a variety of materials. widespread in most countries of the world.

Mulch fights weeds: a 5-centimeter layer reduces their growth by several times. Weeds do not receive enough light under the material and die.

When mulching, the evaporation of moisture from the soil is reduced, and its top layer remains loose. In heat and drought, mulch protects plants from death: it does not allow the topsoil to overheat. Mulching is also used in autumn to protect the soil from weathering and freezing. Mulching is one of the most effective ways to keep plants healthy.

As an organic mulch, in addition to sleeping tea, hay, straw, leaves, bark, decomposed compost, as well as paper and cardboard are used. Inorganic mulch is also used: stone, gravel, sand. We do not recommend using rubber and plastic, as it is almost impossible to check their chemical composition. Recently, non-woven materials have also been used.

However, it must be remembered that sleeping tea as a mulch attracts insects, worms and birds that use it as food.

Of course, it is necessary to add sleeping tea when planting street flowers, laying it on the bottom of the pot, on the drainage. Rotting tea leaves give plants additional nutrition. Rose bushes also like top dressing from sleeping tea, including diluted with water. Ferns, however, it is extremely necessary. The only thing to remember tea leaves used as fertilizer should NOT be sweetened. Sweet tea leaves will be a bait for ants and various insects that do not benefit plants.

Drinking tea has many beneficial properties. So, for example, in the tea leaf there are tannins that are necessary for the full development of plants. These substances are acidic in nature and have a remarkable property of reducing the ability to rot. Using it for its intended purpose, you will undoubtedly be satisfied with the results.

The benefits of sleeping tea as a fertilizer are also indicated by the fact that it makes the earth, especially clay, lighter. Added to the sand, it, like plant residue, enriches the soil. In addition, plant waste holds moisture well in the sand. The advantage of sleeping tea is the neutralization of alkaline soil. The downside is the creation of favorable conditions for the catastrophic reproduction of soil flies, although this applies mainly to potted crops.

However, many gardeners and gardeners consider the tea to be drunk as a neutral substance that does not bring any benefit or harm. And they believe that sleeping tea cannot be called a fertilizer in the full sense. This is just an additive, a soil filler, its baking powder.

Use tea leaves as a fertilizer as an infusion (1 cup of dry used tea leaves per 3 liters of boiling water). Gladiolus, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers respond well to dry sleeping tea - add to the wells immediately before planting. Before sowing seeds with tea, fertilize the soil at the rate of 500 g per 1 sq.m.

So, sleeping tea causes controversy among gardeners. We have given all the pros and cons and encourage you to experiment, observe and share with us the results of your own experiences.

There are many types of plant fertilizer available at any grocery store. The range of specialized tools sometimes confuses even experienced ordinary people. But it is used only by a few, and completely in vain. Units know which fertilizer is suitable for growing. In this context, it is preferable to use folk methods, time-tested recipes. The best remedy is tea leaves.

After making tea, in almost every home there is enough recyclable material, in the form of used tea leaves. Experts believe that large-leaf tea is characterized by the best chemical and nutritional characteristics. This is due to the structural features of a solid sheet plate without any damage. It accumulates a lot of nutrients and useful substances.

The mass particle of useful mineral elements in the dried leaf reaches a value of 7%.

Arranging in descending order the mass fractions of the elements, you can get the following values:

  • Potassium. Tea contains the most of this microelement. In the process of fruit ripening, plants require a huge amount of potassium. Even if you use tea leaves as a fertilizer in the country during the year, it does not accumulate in the soil.
  • Calcium. An invariable component in carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
  • Magnesium is an integral part of chlorophyll. A deficiency of a substance can disrupt photosynthesis, while the green pigment is actively removed from the leaf plates.
  • Aluminum. In excess, this element is harmful not only to the plant, but also to the soil. In order to level the effect of accumulation in the soil, experts advise fertilizing plants with tea leaves.
  • Manganese. An important component of oxidative and reduction reactions. They are used primarily to increase the volume of green mass, as well as to activate the growth of the root system.
  • Sodium. Tea leaves as a fertilizer always contains sodium. The element is an important part of the transport of sugar in the plant body.
  • Iron. Respiratory enzymes also require iron, which affects the growth rate of various crops.

There are other elements in tea brewing, nutrients, however, their concentration is minimal and they are not able to affect the development of crops. A distinctive feature of the trace elements found in tea brewing is easily dissolved in water. Dried tea leaves contain a minimum of nutrients.

Tea leaves as a fertilizer for the soil and its effect

Each substance is an organic fertilizer and has a special effect on the growth and development of a particular plant. This aspect must be taken into account when combining several types of make-up. In the context of this, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules:

  • tea brewing as a fertilizer contains tannins (they are concentrated in the leaves) and at a high concentration in the soil they form an acidic environment. In open ground conditions, fertilizers are not as dangerous for plants as for flowers, which have to be content with closed pots. Experienced gardeners strongly recommend taking short breaks when feeding houseplants;
  • small particles of tea leaves remain in the soil, due to which the soil becomes looser, which favorably affects air and moisture exchange. In excess, tea leaves as a fertilizer can provoke the death of the plant, due to the presence of catechins;
  • experts strongly recommend using tea leaves for fertilizer only in a dried state. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate the danger of the formation and development of pathogenic bacteria, harmful microorganisms, and the development of midges.

Features of the use of tea leaves as a fertilizer for flowers

Tea leaves contain many micro and macro elements. It is necessary to introduce them into the soil correctly, only in this case the plant will be able to absorb the whole complex of useful substances. There are several ways to prepare fertilizers:

A distinctive feature of tea brewing is that it contains a minimum of useful substances, therefore, it simply cannot harm plants. When using it, you should take care of additional feeding with various compositions, due to the fact that the tea composition is simply not intended to feed plants in the required volume.
