
How to fry potatoes with mushrooms in a pan. Fried potatoes with wild mushrooms

Fried potatoes with mushrooms favorite dish in our country, from which a simply delicious aroma emanates.

Probably in the world you simply cannot find a person who would not love just cooking a dish - fried potatoes. Today we will tell you how to cook crispy potatoes with a golden crust. You will definitely like this dish, because it is perfect for delicate fried mushrooms. And the wonderful aroma that spreads throughout the kitchen will awaken a brutal appetite in your household. We suggest you cook traditional Russian fried potatoes with mushrooms. Fried potatoes with mushrooms, the recipes of which are in front of you, can be cooked with salted, pickled, dry or fresh mushrooms. Mushrooms can be used in cooking whole year. When preparing dry mushrooms, be sure to pre-soak them and rinse them from sand.

Ingredients for three servings:

  1. 500 g potatoes;
  2. vegetable unrefined oil for frying;
  3. fried or fresh boiled mushrooms(200 g);
  4. salt.

Recipe fried potatoes with mushrooms:

Delicious fried potatoes with mushrooms consists of two main components - fried potatoes with onions and boiled or fried mushrooms. Let's see how to put it all together from start to finish.

Mushrooms, of course, are best taken from the forest - boletus, boletus, fly mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, they give off a simply delicious aroma. But if you don’t have the opportunity to go into the forest and pick up a basket of mushrooms, then ordinary store-bought champignons or oyster mushrooms will do.

First, let's prepare the mushrooms. Cut them into pieces and cook until cooked in a little salted water. Place the mushrooms directly into the boiling water. Cooking time will be limited to 10 minutes, especially if you are preparing store-bought mushrooms. Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander or sieve and wait until the water drains. Now you need to fry the mushrooms. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put the mushrooms there, fry over medium heat. When frying, the mushrooms will greatly decrease in volume. But do not dry the mushrooms to the state of crackers.

IN summer time This dish is best prepared with fresh potatoes. Cut potatoes into strips and fry. Add the chopped onion to the dish and continue to fry the potatoes until tender. At the end of cooking, salt, mix. Serve fried potatoes with pickles.

Fried potatoes with porcini mushrooms recipe

Surprisingly, fried porcini mushrooms with potatoes are most loved by tourists from other countries who come to our country. Caring housewives greet dear guests with this dish and cook it just like that for dinner for their family. If you become the owner of white mushrooms, which are considered valuable for their nutritional and taste properties, then prepare necessarily fried potatoes. As a result, you will get a wonderful delicacy.

2 onions;
800 g potatoes;
300 g of white mushrooms;
oil for frying;

Recipe for potatoes with porcini mushrooms:

Remove the skin from the bulbs and wash under running water. Next, on a cutting board, cut the onions into 4 parts, finely cut into thin pieces. Then we shift the chopped onions into any container. Now it's time for the mushrooms. If you have white frozen mushrooms, then you must first defrost them, preferably naturally, without adding water. Then we cut them into pieces of 3 cm and fry, the mushrooms must decrease in size. Wash potatoes under running water to remove sand. By using special knife peel the potatoes from the skin, cut them into long sticks of 1.5 cm.

Place the plate on medium fire. Put a heavy-bottomed pan on the fire and pour vegetable oil into it. First, put the chopped onion into the pan and fry until transparent and golden brown. Stir the onion constantly with a small spatula so that it does not burn.

Now cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms continues with frying porcini mushrooms. Pour the mushrooms into the pan, to the onions and continue to fry.

You need to cook porcini mushrooms until the liquid has completely evaporated. This will happen within 15 minutes, mix everything with a kitchen spatula.

Now let's start frying potatoes. As soon as it evaporates most of liquid, put potato sticks in the pan, stir them with a spatula and cover with a lid. We reduce the fire a little, but remember that the potatoes in our recipe should be fried, not stewed. After 10 minutes, stir the potatoes again and season with salt. After the dish is fried until full cooking but no cover. As soon as the potatoes are ready and can be easily pierced with a fork or knife, you can turn off the pan.

Fried potatoes with fresh mushrooms

Fried potatoes with champignons are prepared quite simply. You only need an hour of time and the presence of champignons in the house. You probably know that they are sold in nearby supermarkets. Oyster mushrooms are also suitable for our recipe. As soon as the smell of fried mushrooms spreads around your apartment, you can be sure that all your family members will run to the kitchen.

3000 g of onions;
1 kg of potatoes;
fresh mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons);
50 g of vegetable oil;
salt, garlic;

Rinse fresh mushrooms, rinse them and dry them on a napkin. Mushrooms and onions cut into small cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut into 0.5 cm cubes. Heat the frying pan over a fire, add vegetable oil and warm it up properly.

Fry the onion until light golden brown. Add mushrooms and fry for about 5 more minutes, stirring constantly. Then add potatoes and fry until fully prepared approximately 25 minutes. At the end of frying, salt to taste, crush one garlic clove, this will add spice to the dish. When serving, be sure to sprinkle with fresh finely chopped parsley or dill.

Fried potatoes with dried mushrooms

According to tradition, the peak of cooking fried potatoes falls at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, when mushroom pickers start selling mushrooms picked in the forest, and many people go to pick mushrooms in the forest anyway. But it is known that mushrooms can be stored dry, having prepared them for the future for the whole winter. Therefore, even in the cold, you can cook fried potatoes with dried mushrooms.

50 g dried mushrooms;
700 g potatoes;
2 small onions;
30 ml of vegetable oil;
parsley, dill, basil to taste;
salt, ground black pepper, garlic to taste.

Soak dried mushrooms in cold water for 2 hours. Then we pour them into a small saucepan and fill them with the same water in which they were soaked and set to boil on fire. Bring them to a boil and wait until they boil for 15 minutes.

While cooking mushrooms, cut the onion into small cubes and fry in a pan until tender. golden color. Remove the container with mushrooms from the fire, drain the water, pour the mushrooms again cold water and rinse properly. Cut vegetables into small pieces, put in a pan to the onion and fry, but a little. Cut the potatoes into thin sticks, add to the onions and mushrooms, cover with a lid and leave to simmer on the fire until the potatoes soften. By the end of cooking, salt the potatoes, pepper, add herbs and chopped or skipped garlic.

Fried potatoes with pickled mushrooms recipe

If in your cellar there are a couple of jars of pickled chanterelles or mushrooms, then be sure to cook fried potatoes with such mushrooms.

600 g potatoes;
0.5 cans of pickled mushrooms;
1 onion;
fresh dill, salt;
vegetable oil.

Recipe for potatoes with pickled mushrooms.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms, the photo of which is in front of you, will be very tasty in combination with salted mushrooms. Wash and dry the pickled mushrooms. Cut the onion after cleaning thin slices, peel the potatoes, rinse.

Take two frying pans, heat vegetable oil in them. Put mushrooms in one and potatoes in the other. Saute mushrooms until golden brown. Stir everything in each pan separately.

Add the onion to the mushrooms and fry for a couple more minutes. Transfer the onion with mushrooms to the potatoes, mix and fry until fully cooked. Ready meal sprinkle with sprinkled herbs and serve. Potatoes with canned fried mushrooms are ready.

Fried potatoes with frozen mushrooms recipe

This tasty dish will surely make you delicious dinner. Caring hostesses probably managed to stock up on mushrooms since autumn, so that in winter there would be something to please the whole family.

3-4 tbsp sour cream;
1 kg of potatoes;
2 tbsp mayonnaise;
vegetable oil for frying;
500 g frozen mushrooms;
boiled water.

take a good frying pan with thick walls, preferably aluminum. Heat the oil in it in a small amount so that it is not liquid, since you will spread the mushrooms frozen. Fry the mushrooms for 5-7 minutes, and at this time cut the potatoes. Put 2 tbsp to the mushrooms. sour cream and let them fry a little. Now it's time for potatoes. Pour vegetable oil if necessary. As soon as the potatoes become soft, mix mayonnaise and sour cream in a cup, add boiled water to potatoes. We extinguish the fire and let the potatoes brew. It will turn out very tasty.

Oyster mushrooms fried with potatoes

We are offering to you original recipe cooking fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes. Nobody can refuse this dish.

1 onion;
400 g fresh oyster mushrooms;
a few tablespoons of vegetable oil;
1 kg of potatoes;
table vinegar.

Put fresh oyster mushrooms in the pan, simmer for a few minutes in own juice. Now add a bunch of chopped green onions, vegetable oil and two tablespoons to the mushrooms. table vinegar taste. Simmer until the liquid is almost completely evaporated. Then chop them as finely as possible or better pass through a meat grinder, mix with chopped onion, slightly fried in vegetable oil, salt. Now put the potatoes and mushroom onion mixture in the pan, fry the potatoes until golden brown. Bon appetit!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms: calories

Having prepared a delicious dinner, slender housewives will probably think about how many calories are in fried potatoes, and even with mushrooms. After all, at the end it turns out that everything is fried. So, your attention is fried potatoes with mushrooms: calories.

If you take potatoes in portions, it turns out that potatoes with mushrooms have 89 calories, including 9% protein, 61% carbohydrates, 30% fat. If you calculate the calories in 100 grams, you get the following: 102.7 calories, including 12 g of carbohydrates, 4.5 g of fat, 2.3 g of protein. As we can see, potatoes are not high-calorie at all and are quite suitable for those who follow their figure.

Fried potatoes - although simple, but very tasty and widespread side dish. It is especially tasty with the addition of mushrooms. It can be like champignons with oyster mushrooms that do not require prior heat treatment(boiling), and forest mushrooms. Fried potatoes with mushrooms, like many other dishes, has its own cooking technology and little secrets thanks to which it turns out to be appetizing in appearance, crispy and very tasty.

  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs.,
  • Champignons - 200 gr.,
  • Ramson - 20-30 gr.,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper.
  • Refined sunflower oil

Fried potatoes with mushrooms - recipe

Wash the mushrooms. Cut them into thin slices (a hat with a leg).

Peel the potatoes. Cut it into strips as for cooking.

Pour the potatoes with water and leave for 10-15 minutes, which will save it from excess starch. In general, the longer it sits in water, the more likely it is to get a fried crust during its frying. Wash the wild garlic. Cut off the stems, we will add only the leaves to the fried potatoes.

Lay the sliced ​​mushrooms on hot pan with vegetable oil. Salt them and sprinkle with black ground pepper. If you like spicy dishes, feel free to use red ground pepper instead of black. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown for 5-6 minutes.

Using a wide spatula, transfer the mushrooms to a plate.

Take the potatoes out of the water. Put in a bowl. get wet paper towel. Add a little more vegetable oil to the pan. Lay out the potato wedges.

While stirring, fry the potatoes until tender, without covering it with a lid. This will take no more than 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, salt it a little.

After it is completely ready, put the fried ones on it.

Sprinkle potatoes with mushrooms with chopped wild garlic.

Mix all the ingredients with a spatula. Mushrooms and wild garlic should be evenly distributed over the potatoes.

Fried potatoes with champignon mushrooms and wild garlic will be ready in 2-3 minutes. As soon as the wild garlic changes color and simmers, we can assume that your dish is ready. Serve it with any vegetable salad. Enjoy your meal.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms. Photo

You can also cook fried potatoes with forest mushrooms.


  • Forest mushrooms 500 gr., (raw)
  • Potatoes - 6-7 pcs.,
  • Salt and black ground pepper,
  • Onion - 1 pc.,
  • Fresh herbs (dill or parsley)
  • Sunflower oil.

Fried potatoes with forest mushrooms - recipe

Forest mushrooms should be sorted out. Remove leaves, moss and earth from the legs and caps. Rinse well under water. cut the mushrooms in small pieces. Fill with cold water. Put on slow fire. Boil the mushrooms, stirring occasionally and removing the foam from them for 1 hour. Throw the boiled mushrooms into a colander. Rinse under running water. Saute diced onion in vegetable oil. Put the mushrooms, salt.

Fry the mushrooms, stirring occasionally, for 15-20 minutes. Mushrooms should dry out and not be too wet. Transfer the mushrooms to a plate. Peel potatoes. Cut the potatoes the way you like. Can be cut as previous recipe- into strips or cut as usual for frying - in half circles. Put the potatoes in a hot pan with vegetable oil. Fry it over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add some salt and black pepper to the potatoes. Post after 5 minutes fried mushrooms. Stir. Fry for 5 more minutes. Wild Mushroom Fried Potato Oven Idaho Potato

Frozen. It's simple, delicious and hearty meal. There are several cooking recipes. Let's take a look at them.

First recipe

To prepare (for three servings of such a dish) you will need:

Five pieces of potatoes;

200 grams of frozen mushrooms;

Heads of three onions;

Vegetable oil and spices to taste.

cooking fried potatoes

  1. First of all, thawed mushrooms with chopped onions should be fried.
  2. One onion should be left for potatoes, which are peeled, washed and cut into strips. Fried in sunflower oil separately from mushrooms, along with onion, cut into half rings.
  3. When the potatoes are completely ready, add the fried mushrooms to it. Also at this time, spices are added - salt and black pepper. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and fried together for about five minutes. That's all, fried potatoes with frozen mushrooms are ready to eat. To diversify this dish, during the last frying, you can add any vegetables and wait until they are ready.

Each recipe for fried potatoes with frozen mushrooms is unique in its own way. But no matter what it will be, you can always enhance the taste of the dish using these tips:

When the potatoes are already peeled, they should be poured with cold water so that they do not darken. It is also undesirable to keep it for a long time, as the amount of useful substances decreases.

In order for the potatoes to turn out with a beautiful ruddy crust, you need to dry them before putting them on a heated frying pan.

To improve the smell and taste, except for salt and black ground pepper, can be used different greens both fresh and dried. Also allspice, nutmeg or marjoram.

Second recipe

A wonderful dish will be fried potatoes with Even in this form, they do not lose their taste.

To prepare the dish, you will need:

Half a kilogram of frozen porcini mushrooms;

8 potatoes;

A couple of onions, you can have more - this is optional;

50 milliliters of water, necessarily boiled;

50 grams of sour cream;

30 grams of mayonnaise;

Sunflower oil for frying;

The process of cooking potatoes

  1. Defrost mushrooms before cooking. Then they need to be washed well and allowed to dry a little. After that, send to a previously heated frying pan with a small amount sunflower oil. If you pour in a lot of oil, then the mushrooms will end up being too fatty.
  2. When they are fried, add sour cream to them, half a serving from the recipe, and after waiting 15 minutes, turn off the heat.
  3. Cut each peeled potato into six pieces. After that, put in salted water and leave for half an hour. So that the liquid is not very salty, put half a teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
  4. Put the potatoes in a separate heated pan with sunflower oil. Immediately add spices and herbs to taste. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Then the fire is minimal.
  5. The remaining sour cream, mayonnaise and water are mixed into a homogeneous mass. You can add more herbs to the sauce if you like. When everything is ready, you can pour fried potatoes.
  6. But then everything is optional. You can serve potatoes on a plate, and mushrooms next to it. Only in this case, you need to leave the potatoes for a few minutes, without removing them from the stove, so that they infuse.
  7. If you want to combine the two main ingredients, then a couple of minutes after adding the sauce, add ready mushrooms. Mix everything gently, simmer for a few minutes and, without covering the lid, let it brew a little.
  8. So it turned out such a delicious fried potato with frozen mushrooms.

Third recipe

Now let's look at another option. We will tell you how to cook potatoes with frozen mushrooms, fried in a pan. For cooking you will need:

Half a kilogram of frozen mushrooms;

One kilogram of potatoes;

4 tablespoons of sour cream;

2 the same spoons of mayonnaise;

A little boiled water;

Sunflower oil for frying.

How to cook fried potatoes with frozen mushrooms?

  1. In this case, you need a frying pan, the walls of which will be quite thick. You should put it on the stove, pour a little sunflower oil, but do not overdo it. Put frozen mushrooms in a preheated pan and keep them there for about 10 minutes. At this time, you can cut the potatoes.
  2. When the mushrooms are already a little fried, add half the portion of sour cream indicated in the recipe to them. Mix the ingredients and let the mushrooms fry a little.
  3. Then chopped potatoes are added. If necessary, you can add a little sunflower oil.
  4. In a separate clean container, the remaining sour cream is mixed with mayonnaise.
  5. When the potatoes are soft, add water and the resulting sauce to it.
  6. The fire is turned off, but the pan remains on the same surface for a while.
  7. It turns out frozen very tasty.

Fourth recipe

A similar dish can be prepared according to another recipe. Let's take a look at it.

For cooking you will need:

0.8 kilograms of potatoes;

0.45 kilograms of frozen mushrooms;

2 medium-sized onions;

Sunflower oil, spices, herbs.

Cooking process

First, the food is prepared.

Even very young housewives and cooks can just fry potato tubers in oil. But for guests, you need to add something special to the dish. Yes, and sometimes you want variety for yourself. How to fry potatoes with mushrooms - find out the little secrets of always a successful and tasty dish.

What you need

You can cook potatoes in vegetable oil, but it tastes better if you use lard or another melted fat. In addition, you can add the following products:

  • a few slices of regular or smoked lard;
  • ham;
  • onion;
  • fresh herbs - parsley, marjoram, thyme, etc.

And, most importantly, mushrooms. It will be easiest to buy champignons or oyster mushrooms, they are now in every supermarket or vegetable kiosk. But, of course, the dish will acquire a completely different aroma and taste if you yourself have collected forest seasonal mushrooms - mushrooms, chanterelles, butterflies or honey mushrooms. You can cook the dish with frozen mushrooms, as well as with fresh or dry ones soaked in water.

How to fry potatoes with mushrooms - step by step instructions

Everything is very simple and will not take much time.

  1. Peel and wash the potatoes, dry on a napkin. Cut into slices or sticks.
  2. Fat - about a hundred grams - cut into pieces.
  3. Clean fresh mushrooms with a brush from sand and dirt, cut off the tips of the legs and wormholes. You don't need to wash it - this product absorbs water like a sponge, and instead of fried potatoes, you will get a stew when you add it to the pan.
  4. Cut the mushrooms into plates if they are large, leave whole or cut in half if they are small.
  5. Peel and cut into half rings one onion, if desired, add a couple of cloves of garlic.
  6. Wash and chop any herbs you like.
  7. Heat the pan, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable or ghee, fry the fat on all sides.
  8. Pour in the potatoes, stir immediately so that the hot fat covers each slice on all sides. If you want to speed up the process, cover the pan with a lid. But then the crust will not turn out so crispy.
  9. Cook the dish until half cooked, remembering to stir with a spatula. Then add onion and garlic.
  10. After five minutes, add chopped mushrooms. Salt, pepper and fry until tender.

Add fresh herbs to the pan after removing them from the heat so that they do not lose their color and aroma.

There is nothing complicated in this recipe, it is also not necessary to adhere to clear proportions in order to deliciously fry potatoes in lard with mushrooms, onions and herbs. However, it has been noticed that it turns out tastier if there are no more mushrooms than potatoes, but a little less. That is, for a kilogram of tubers, you should take half as many mushrooms or oyster mushrooms.

It will turn out very fragrant if you manage to get porcini mushrooms or chanterelles. Didn't find any new ones? It doesn't matter, the supermarket has frozen mushrooms - you can cook potatoes with frozen mushrooms. You can even use assorted mushrooms. And one more tip: do not peel new potatoes in season, but just wash them well and cook them in their skins. Small tubers can be fried even whole. Bon appetit!

So satisfying and budget dish many will like it. It's everyone's favorite fried potatoes with mushrooms. Today we will tell you several options for its preparation.

With dried mushrooms

For this recipe, it is better to use pink potatoes. It will not fall apart, and will crunch.


  • potatoes - 6 pieces;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dried mushrooms- 0.1 kg;
  • salt and spices "for potatoes" - to taste;
  • oil - for frying;
  • fresh herbs (dill or parsley) - 60-80 grams;
  • onion - 1 head.


  1. Soak dried mushrooms in cold water for 1 hour.
  2. Rinse the potatoes and onions, peel them off.
  3. Cut it into thin sticks (like french fries).
  4. Chop the onion into medium dice.
  5. Heat up a frying pan and pour vegetable oil into it.
  6. Put the whole onion into the hot skillet. Roast it on low heat. When the onion begins to brown, immediately remove it from the pan.
  7. Spread the potatoes and fry them over medium heat. From time to time, stir the contents of the pan. But do not do this often, because the potatoes can fall apart.
  8. Wash dried mushrooms several times.
  9. On a separate frying pan fry wild mushrooms until brown.
  10. Transfer the dried mushrooms to the fried potatoes.
  11. Add onions to the pan. Mix everything and fry over low heat for about 3-5 minutes.
  12. Finely chop fresh and washed herbs.
  13. Peel the garlic and crush it in a garlic press.
  14. Add salt, garlic and spices "for potatoes" to the potatoes. Mix everything, sprinkle the dish on top with dill or parsley. Close the lid and fry the potatoes on low heat for another minute or two.
  15. Fried potatoes with mushrooms in a pan are ready! Serve it hot. Along with your favorite sauce. Enjoy your meal!

In sour cream sauce

If you use champignons in the recipe, then small mushrooms will be tastier. Large champignons do not have such a bright taste.


  • mushrooms (champignons) - 0.3 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • potatoes - 6 pieces;
  • butter - for frying;
  • greens - half a bunch;
  • sour cream (25% fat) - 0.5 l;
  • salt - to taste;
  • hard cheese - 50 grams.
