
Is it possible to get better from drinking yogurt. Healthy cereals: cereals, muesli, air flakes

Diet foods that make you fat

Many people think that fruit, salad and low fat yogurt is a sure way to lose weight. However, American doctors claim the opposite: these dietary products contain few vitamins and only whet the appetite, which does not contribute to weight loss at all. So what is worth eating for weight loss, and what is not?

Not worth: low fat yogurt

Almost all yogurts contain flavorings that provoke the secretion of gastric juice, which, in turn, leads to a feeling of hunger. One cup of low-fat yogurt contains too few proteins to be satiated, therefore, it turns out that by consuming this dietary product, we only whet the appetite without getting required amount nutrients.

Alternative: doctors from the American Dietetic Association still recommend buying yogurt with high content squirrel. But if the thought of "fatty" food terrifies you, add some fruits, nuts, and sunflower seeds to your low-fat yogurt. They are all rich essential vitamins and are digested slowly enough, resulting in a feeling of fullness.

Not worth: corn or rice flakes with skim milk

In cereal with milk, unfortunately, there are not enough calories to recharge your batteries for at least half a day. Many people think that a whole bowl of cereal with milk looks both light and impressive dish, but the low fiber content in it makes you eat one bowl and immediately fill yourself with a second one.

Alternative: oatmeal. Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which makes it perfect breakfast. Nutritionists recommend adding a couple of teaspoons to porridge. brown sugar(if you like sweets, of course). Oatmeal with sugar more nutritious than milk with sweetened cereal from the box.

Not worth: large green salad with low-fat dressing

On the one hand, this dish is rich in fiber and seems impressive in size. On the other hand, there are too few fats and proteins in a green salad to be properly satiated. Also, stay away from salad dressings that contain sugar.

Alternative: instead of dressing, add a little to the salad lean meat, chicken or beans. This more than compensates for the lack of protein in the salad.

Not worth: one apple

Apples are definitely healthy - they have a lot of vitamins and fiber. But one apple is not enough for full breakfast or dinner. Having breakfast with a single apple, you run the risk of overeating at lunch.

Alternative: Eat a handful of almonds or a piece of cheese along with an apple. Allow yourself to consume a little more calories now so that you don’t get really hungry a little later.

are a common problem in modern world because of not proper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, every second inhabitant of our planet suffers from obesity. First of all, you should figure out what foods make you fat, and how to deal with obesity.

Fatty foods are hard to digest by the body, so they quickly get fat, it is better to refuse such foods. One gram of fat provides 9 calories, so food with high content fat must be limited.

Fatty foods can make you sleepy

Food to avoid:

  • fatty meat - pork, bacon, lard, sausages, fat;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • dairy and dairy products with a fat content of more than 15%;
  • smoked fish;
  • chips and crackers (with various food additives);
  • seeds, nuts;
  • canned meat;
  • semi-finished products;
  • french fries and all deep-fried foods;
  • foods fried in a large amount of oil;
  • fast food.

In just a week, fast food can significantly impair memory

Seasonings with food additives, such as E621, flavor enhancers and monosodium glutamate, have a great health hazard. Such food is harmful and can lead to improper operation. digestive system. For girls, in order to get rid of excess weight, it is important to follow proper nutrition and consume foods that make you fat in a limited way.

Products that affect the deposition of fat

Many parents from childhood teach their children to drink tea with a sandwich in the morning, drink food with cola or juice from a pack. Behind good behavior rewarded with candy or other sweets. Improper nutrition- the first cause of obesity in children and the development of diseases gastrointestinal tract. The second category is foods high in carbohydrates, the excess of which adversely affects the figure. High-calorie carbohydrate foods include:

  • chocolate;
  • glazed curds;
  • confectionery and all products containing flour and starch;
  • ice cream;
  • sugar and products containing sugar;
  • fast foods;
  • potatoes (only young potatoes, boiled or baked, are considered healthy);
  • white polished rice;
  • porridge fast food and ready-made muesli;
  • prepared fruit juices;
  • alcohol.

Some of the products we are familiar with contain a large number of Sahara. Even if you do not consume sugar in pure form, it may be in excess in your diet.

High-calorie foods are banned by nutritionists. These are the foods that make you fat a short time. You went on a diet, but could not resist and ate a portion of your favorite chips, pizza or cake. In a week you dropped 2 kg, and in a day you gained it back. Therefore, it is important to monitor nutrition, and consume in moderate amount, no more than 200 calories.

You should also limit your sugar intake. To stock up on energy for the whole day, it is not necessary that tea or porridge be sweet. Recommended for breakfast cereal products(cereal, oat or buckwheat). Dinner should be light and consist of vegetables and protein, and the last meal 2 hours before bedtime.

medium calorie foods

There are also products that have a different high calorie, but they should not be abused, since you can also dial from them overweight.

Any food can make you gain weight if consumed in excess. If you follow the measure, then in the diet with weight loss, you can include the most fatty and high-calorie foods, although their portion will be scanty.

For the health of our body, it is important that the diet is varied. This means that you need to eat food in moderation, from which you get fat. Food must be properly cooked, the safety of useful and nutritious elements depends on it. For example, it is not recommended to abuse fried food, smoked and confectionery. Cutlets can be steamed, and fish can be baked with vegetables in the oven.

Medium high-calorie food, from which you can dial excess weight:

  • duck;
  • sour cream 15% fat;
  • chicken meat, namely broilers;
  • horsemeat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • Pasta with cheese;
  • lamb meat;
  • soups;
  • bananas.

The most harmful of all foods that make you fat are considered margarine and artificial oils. The abuse of fatty foods leads to the fact that the level of cholesterol rises, the risk of diseases increases. of cardio-vascular system. It is also necessary to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Causes of extra pounds

Women during critical days overeat and consume a large amount high-calorie foods. You can gain excess weight during stressful situations and experiences. It is clear that you need to control yourself, but this is not always possible, at the moment when you want something special and tasty.

During what periods, even low calorie food, can lead to the deposition of fat:

  • Often, people wait until the diet is over so they can eat their favorite treats. However, after the diet, if you overeat again, the kilograms will return again in a short period.
  • Many people gain extra pounds in holidays when the table is covered with various goodies. Such food is not only high in calories, but also harmful to our body.
  • A strong feeling of hunger arises after parting with a loved one.
  • Women gain weight during pregnancy. After all, during this period, it doesn’t matter what foods make you fat, the main thing is to satisfy the needs inside the growing baby.
  • While the food is being cooked, the housewives can eat enough, hence the extra pounds.

Rules for proper nutrition

TO high-calorie foods red wine also applies, they should not be abused. And fruits, on the contrary, are low-calorie, but you should not eat kilograms of them in one day. To lose weight, eat in moderation and at a certain time. Going in for sports, aerobics or will allow you to achieve better results. You can bring down your appetite and hunger if you eat a few almonds.

Sometimes, you just want to treat yourself to sweets. Often these are the foods that make you fat. You can not completely abandon them, it is important to draw up correct menu so that the food is healthy and varied, as they contain useful essential trace elements that are so necessary for the body.

Useful replacement for harmful products

How to turn bad into good

  • Be sure to count calories. You can lose weight on any set of products, if you follow the calorie content. True, portions of high-calorie food will be many times less than dietary food, but then you will not have to radically change your taste preferences.
  • Instead of mayonnaise, use 15% sour cream, or natural yogurt.
  • It is recommended to fry food in a pan with a non-stick coating. In this case, you do not need to add oil or fat.
  • When cooking, use boiling, stewing, baking or steaming.
  • Make your own drinks (smoothies, Sassi water, detox water, slimming drinks - the choice is huge).
  • Cook convenience foods yourself (swap pork for chicken and turkey, mayonnaise for yogurt, White bread on whole grains)
  • Look for an alternative. Any product or dish can be replaced with a less high-calorie and more useful analogue.

In order not to gain excess weight, eat low-calorie foods. These include vegetables and fruits, cereals, dried fruits, chicken fillet, fish. It is recommended to eat baked vegetables, as they retain the most beneficial and nutrients.

Advertising stubbornly imposes on us an opinion about the benefits of yogurt for the human body. If you think about it, the number of such videos reaches almost ten. But are yogurts really useful for the human body, which contain " natural fruits, bifidobacteria and contribute to weight loss "?

If we forget that in the production of yogurt are not always used useful components, in fact it low-calorie product, rich useful trace elements. Thanks to them, we can improve our health and snack without fear of gaining weight. It is no coincidence that many diets and fasting days include natural yoghurts

So what about the benefits of yogurt for the human body?

Don't buy flavored yogurts in the first place. natural products they do not, only artificial substitutes. To taste, such pseudo-yogurts resemble starch with fruit juice diluted in it.

Pay attention to the ingredients and benefits of yogurt for the human body. If you see starch, gelatin or other thickeners on the list, then you have another fake.

A long shelf life is a strong argument to consider such yogurt unnatural and, accordingly, unhealthy. There are not enough benefits of yogurt for the human body. It has too many preservatives that are unlikely to benefit your body. If you choose yogurts by expiration date, you should not try those that are stored for more than 7-14 weeks. By the way, in the latter case, the storage temperature should not exceed 10 degrees Celsius.

Choose yogurt, which consists of skimmed or pasteurized milk with live cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Here more useful yogurt for the human body.

Fruit yogurts will not add to your slimness, but rather delay the process of losing weight. They are too high in calories due to sweeteners, sugar and emulsifiers.

If you see the inscription on the yogurt "the product has been heat-treated after the fermentation process", set it aside. There is no benefit in yogurt for the human body. After all, real yogurt does not go away after fermentation. heat treatment.

Yogurts labeled "live and active cultures" are very useful.

Sometimes unscrupulous yogurt manufacturers are cunning and, by violating the preparation process, relieve themselves of responsibility for this. They simply offer customers another product, the so-called "yogurtovich". As a rule, rarely anyone reads the names, therefore appearance pseudo-yogurt looks like a real label.

To choose a real and healthy healthy yogurt for the human body, which can really be consumed without fear of gaining weight, look for calorie content on the label in the range of 200 - 250 kcal.

Not everyone pays attention to the fat content and benefits of biogurt for the human body. And in vain. After all, remaining in ignorance can very quickly gain excess weight. According to the percentage of fat content, yogurts are divided into three groups. The most optimal during the diet are fat-free with a mass fraction of fat not more than 0.5%. Such a small amount is due to the fact that low-fat milk is used for the manufacture. Do not harm the figure and yogurts, the fat content of which does not exceed 2%. But if mass fraction 3.2% and above, these yogurts are definitely not suitable for eating while on a diet. Yoghurts with a fat content of 5-10% are made from natural cream. They perfectly satisfy hunger, but they should still refrain from frequent snacking.

If you always choose only natural healthy yoghurts for the human body, in addition to a slender figure, you can qualitatively improve your health. This delicious product boosts immunity, suppresses inflammation, improves intestinal microflora, and also has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

To eat really healthy yogurts, you can cook them yourself. Pharmacies now have a wide selection of different starter cultures that need to be added to milk. And after a day, subject to a simple production technology, you have natural yogurt ready. For a variety of taste, add to it fresh fruits, muesli, cereals, bran, nuts and dried fruits. assistant in cooking homemade yogurt becomes a yogurt maker. But even in its absence, you can cook healthy drink in the old fashioned way - leaving the dishes with fermented milk in a warm place overnight.

Eat only natural and fresh yoghurts! Do not trust advertising, but listen only to your well-being. It will tell you which yogurt is really healthy and benefits you.

Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

As the unforgettable Carlson (our, by the way, "client") said: "We continue the conversation!" And the conversation goes on a burning topic - where do those extra pounds come from? This question is especially unnerving when you begin to restrict yourself in nutrition, really eat less than before, and the weight is not moving.

One of the common explanations for such a nuisance is that the body has switched to a more economical mode of existence. But more often than not, it’s not only the vile metabolism that is to blame, but our own inattention. It is sad but true that most citizens cannot read (some kind of mystical illiteracy attacks the population when looking at the place on the packaging of the product where its calorie content is indicated), they cannot count (five plus seven makes three) and have a very poor idea of the existence of such a terrible thing as causation. Well, this is already formal logic - where are we before it ...

Using these weaknesses of ours, extra calories are literally screwed into our diet, quickly becoming completely invisible - this is how we stop noticing the old chip on the cup or the usual tram noise under the window.

So the investigation is announced! Our business is to give you signs and appearances extra calories, and yours is to catch them in your own diet. Let's get down to business and talk this time about the "invisible" daily extra calories.

Sugar. Many fat people noticeably overeat sweets - both in the form of sugar itself, and complete with pastries and all kinds of jams. Moreover, by now a persistent pattern has already been formed - women, even overweight ones, consume little sugar in its pure form, but representatives of the strong half of humanity regularly indulge themselves with tea with three or four tablespoons of refined sugar. The calorie content of sugar is 374 kcal per 100 g, about 10 g is placed in a teaspoon. Just think, 37 kcal! But if during the day they drank 3 cups of tea, in each of which they put 3 tablespoons of sugar, then this is already 333 kcal. And believe me, you won’t notice them at all and you won’t get enough of them. Five cups of tea will give you already 555 kcal, which for many really trying to lose weight will be from a third to a half daily ration! The way out is to limit the use of sugar as much as possible, and it is advisable to completely abandon it. Green tea tastier without sugar, black, by the way, too. In most cases, tea or coffee cannot be drunk without sugar if they are ... of poor quality. So don't drink them. If the funds do not allow to buy good tea(by the way, varieties that are quite acceptable in quality are not too expensive), then go to herbal teas and just on warm water- very good for health. There are also non-calorie sweeteners, but they give drinks a peculiar aftertaste that some people don't like. Sweet tea use only as a medicine for colds or a severe breakdown, and even then it is better to sweeten it not with refined sugar, but with honey. Just by giving up sugar and not changing your rest of the diet (including not compensating for the rejection of sweets with other tasty ones), you can lose 1-3 kg in a few months.

Milk. A useful and extremely necessary product for our body. However, much depends on how much and what kind of milk we consume. The calorie content of milk with a fat content of 3.2% is 58 kcal per 100 g, so one glass will pull 145 kcal, and if you drink instead of it skimmed milk with a calorie content of 35 kcal - then you will only get about 88 kcal. Even on one glass, the difference is obvious. But there are families who prefer milk with a fat content of 6%! Strictly speaking, this is not milk already, but almost cream. The same applies to unrecorded whole milk- its fat content is also about 6%, and, accordingly, the caloric content is 84 kcal per 100 g. Here, one glass of healthy village milk will pull 210 kcal ... It seems to be not the largest part of the diet, but the matter is complicated by the fact that milk fat very well absorbed by the body. After all, it was not for nothing that malnourished children and adults were sent to the village "for milk" - after a short time they returned round-cheeked and ruddy ... The way out is so simple that refusing it is no longer equated to laziness, but to deliberate sabotage - switch to low-fat dairy products. They have the same amount of protein, the calorie content is lower, and taste qualities do not differ much. Perhaps one of your extra pounds it will be "milky". The most impressive example: a middle-aged man I know lost 6 kilograms in 4 months, switching from 6% to 0.5% milk!

Yoghurts. A useful product, which nevertheless can pose a noticeable threat to the waist. It all depends on the fat content - creamy yogurts are very high in calories. In order not to be unfounded, let's turn to our unloved exact numbers: calorie content creamy yogurt 130-145 kcal per 100 g depending on fat content. A small, just tiny standard jar (125 g) pulls an average of 175 kcal. But our stomach, trained for more solid portions, usually simply refuses to accept these drops as a portion of food. And citizens eat a whole package, surprised at such a strange picture: I seem to be on a diet, I eat less, and the weight is still in one place ... And you don’t have to laugh and twist your finger at your temple - believe me, an extremely common picture. Caloric content of fat-free yogurt - 70 - 90 kcal per 100 g, depending on the recipe for its preparation. Drinking yoghurts are less caloric than thick ones, as starch is often added to the latter. On average, a jar of fat-free yogurt pulls on 100 kcal. Be very attentive to drinking yoghurts that are now fashionable - they vary greatly in calorie content and are usually sold in bottles of about 0.5 liters. After biting a 0.5-liter bottle of useful drinking yogurt, you, in addition to "live yogurt cultures", will receive as much as 450 kcal. After a couple of hours, you will not have any memories of this snack. The way out is during the period of weight loss, and especially in its initial stage, until you are used to estimating the amount of food eaten, buy only low-fat yogurt and use it as food supplement before any meal in an amount not exceeding one 125-gram cup.

Do you also buy "sweets for losing weight" and proudly chew bread with the words "I'm on a diet"? But no matter how! A Woman's Day correspondent studied the diet assortment of stores and found out that even "a minimum of calories and 0% sugar" can secretly add centimeters to the waist.

Healthy eating is everything

You Can Gain Pounds Even While Sipping Cocktails

You can't drag me out of the gym by the ears. Scheduled training, three to four times a week, and so on for mmm ... five years. As a result of hard work, 100% willingness to shine in a bikini at any time of the year. There are advantages, so to speak, in everyday life. For example, it’s not a problem for me to bring heavy bags of groceries home. I also do not refuse to help my colleagues in the office: either I will help to move heavy folders with papers, or I will open the stubborn lid of mineral water ...

True, as they say, sport is sport, and without proper nutrition slim figure don't fashion. No workout will make a beautiful press and wasp waist, if you "crack" after class candy lamb. This, I hope, is not a secret to anyone. But here's what's interesting. It turns out that not only sweets “eat up” our harmony, but also seemingly harmless products: yogurt, bread, "dietary" muesli. What's the catch? And is ice cream really sugar free and chocolate low carb?

In a glass of yogurt - three tablespoons of sugar

Not all yogurts are healthy

Muesli: calories, as in chocolate

“Healthy” breakfast with muesli is a very popular shot on Instagram

Starting the morning with crunchy cereal is great and healthy. One can still agree with the first statement, but with the second ... Many muesli that are sold today in stores have been heat treated, in other words, they have been fried sweet syrup. Where is the benefit here? Add to this any additives in the form corn flakes, chocolate pieces, rice balls, raisins and get almost 500 calories. It's like eating a whole bar milk chocolate. And if you still want to screw up an omelette with sausages or milk porridge? A calorie-heavy breakfast will turn out ...

What to do: instead of muesli you can cook plain oatmeal and add to it pieces of your favorite fruit or handful of nuts. By the way, we’ll save our figure and save a lot of money.

Bread - is it the same bread?

Useful bread is made from whole grain

If a girl eats bread, then she is on a diet. It's hard not to agree. There is only one "but". In pursuit of great demand, some manufacturers give out an almost ordinary loaf of bread for a “healthy” product. These loaves contain Wheat flour , And yeast, and - oh phytogods - margarine! Why, then, crunch with breadcrumbs when you can just as well eat a slice of your favorite "Borodino" or "hearth" bread? Agree, the latter is much tastier.

What to do: always pay attention to the ingredients. real healthy bread do from whole grains and cereals. Permissible addition fiber and natural flavors.

Ice cream without sugar - is it possible?

Even Sharon Stone allows himself ice cream

Photo: Splash News and Picture Agency

Ice cream is another stumbling block. If only it were without sugar and with a minimum of calories ... “Whoever seeks will always find!” - I say to myself and once again "dive" into the refrigerator in the supermarket. Such ice cream was indeed found, but the jubilation was short-lived. Although the composition did not contain insidious sugar, but by carbohydrate content The “dietary” ice cream almost twice overtook its counterpart in a waffle cup - 19 grams of carbohydrates versus 30. By the way, calories it turned out to be not much less than in an ordinary ice cream, and it turned out to be so-so in taste.
