
Semolina benefits and harms for children. All about semolina groats - beneficial properties for the body, contraindications and delicious recipes with a cereal product

Semolina is a cereal made from wheat grains. Most of all, it is popular in the form of porridge, but it can be used for baking, casseroles, sauces and other dishes. The benefits of semolina lie not only in nutritional value, but also in a beneficial effect on the body. About what semolina is, what grain it is made from, and whether semolina is really useful for children and what else can be prepared from it - later in the article.

From this article you will learn:

Semolina (semolina)

The history of the use of semolina goes back to deep historical times, as it is a consequence of the cultural cultivation of wheat.

Semolina is a crushed wheat grain with a fine grain size (0.25-0.75 mm), which is widely used throughout the world in cooking.

In Russia, they were familiar with semolina back in pre-revolutionary times, but they did not actively use it, since its production was considered too costly. Therefore, its mass distribution occurred only in the 20th century. Semolina is very familiar to many residents of the post-Soviet space, as it was fed and continues to be fed in kindergartens.

Based on the varietal affiliation of wheat used for the production of cereals, it is labeled with the following designations:

  • T - hard varieties;
  • M - soft varieties;
  • TM - a mixture in a ratio of approximately 15/85.

Solid semolina semolina is characterized by a more noticeable particle size, a translucent structure. It is less prone to overcooking and holds its shape better.

Corn semolina

Corn semolina is not one of the types of this cereal, but a marketing ploy used by some manufacturers. Corn semolina is corn grits, corresponding in grade to semolina. The particle size of this product is 0.3-0.8 mm. In addition to external similarities, the products have little in common: they differ in the composition of the feedstock, taste, and technical culinary properties.

The chemical composition of semolina

Semolina is an extremely nutritious type of cereal that enriches the body with a significant proportion of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and trace elements. 100 grams of this wheat by-product contains:

  • 333 kilocalories;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 10.3 g proteins;
  • 70.6 g of carbohydrates;
  • 3.6 g fiber;
  • 14 g of water.

In boiled form, semolina has a much lower calorie content. So, in porridge, this figure is 95-100 kcal per 100 g.

Vitamins and minerals in semolina (% of the daily intake for an adult)
B1, thiamine0.14mg (9.3%)Potassium130 mg (5.2%)
B2, riboflavin0.04 mg (2.2%)Calcium20 mg (2%)
B6, pyridoxine0.17 mg (8.5%)Magnesium18 mg (4.5%)
B9, folates23 mcg (5.8%)Phosphorus85 mg (10.6%)
E, tocopherol1.5 mg (10%)Iron1 mg (5.6%)
PP, nicotinic acid3 mg (15%)Silicon6 mg (20%)
Chlorine21 mg (0.9%)
Cobalt25 mcg (250%)
Manganese0.44 mg (22%)
Copper70 mcg (7%)
Molybdenum11.3 mcg (16.1%)
Chromium1 mcg (2%)
Zinc0.59 mg (4.9%)

Thus, the chemical composition of semolina provides the body with the substances necessary for the stable and efficient operation of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, reproductive, immune and digestive systems. The use of such a product in food also leads to the preservation of youthful skin, healthy hair and nails, maintaining physical and psycho-emotional tone.

Semolina: benefits and harms to the body

Despite such a variety of chemical composition, semolina is far from the title of the most useful, which was promoted in the USSR, where it was widely promoted in food for children. The main value of semolina is a lot of carbohydrates, most of which are easily digestible. This ensures rapid saturation and the flow of glucose into the blood. The body receives energy, but the feeling of hunger returns quite quickly.

Nevertheless, cereals cannot be called completely useless, since some valuable properties are inherent in it. Semolina is one of the most suitable products for people with a vulnerable gastrointestinal tract. It differs from other cereals in its reduced fiber content. Thanks to this, even large portions of it do not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines. It also eliminates the possibility of obstruction in the weak intestine. In turn, dietary fibers perform their cleansing functions well, removing ballast, fats and absorbing toxins. For adults, the use of semolina porridge is often prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and during postoperative recovery.

What are the benefits of the minerals in semolina for the body:

  • phosphorus is a building block for teeth and bones;
  • iron - necessary for the synthesis of hormones, ensuring the transport of oxygen through the vessels, the effectiveness of nerve impulses;
  • zinc - participates in protein synthesis, strengthens the immune system, provides the exchange of nucleic acids, is important for the development of sexual functions;
  • magnesium - ensures the stability of the nervous system, is included in the metabolism and production of insulin;
  • copper - necessary for the production of hemoglobin, maintaining skin elasticity, has an antiseptic effect.

Semolina on milk or water is the best nutritional option for people who have bad teeth or are recovering from operations on them. In addition, it is often included in a protein-free diet, for example, for kidney disorders.

Semolina: benefit, harm to the child

The Soviet practice of actively feeding children with semolina is now strongly criticized, and for good reason. The fact is that the digestive system of a small person does not cope well with such a huge dose of starch that comes with this dish. To soften, it is advised to make semolina on water and in small volumes. It is believed that abuse can provoke celiac disease - a disease expressed by gluten intolerance. Large doses of starch also contribute to the development of obesity, which negatively affects all health.

For a baby or a small child, semolina is also dangerous because the phytin present in the composition of the dish prevents the absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin D. As a result, the bones become weaker and thinner.

For adults, semolina is more useful and does not pose a threat to the musculoskeletal system with proper nutrition. Moreover, it is often ideal for breakfast as a source of energy. True, doctors advise to maximize the beneficial properties of cooking it only in water without any additives.


Semolina contains gluten, so it is contraindicated for people with celiac disease, a form of allergy. In addition, those who have diabetes mellitus or a tendency to "jumps" in glucose should refrain from it. The rapid absorption of "light" carbohydrates leads to a short-term increase in this indicator and in these cases can adversely affect the well-being.

Restrictions on the use of semolina apply to overweight people and pregnant women who experience rapid weight gain or late toxicosis.

Application in cosmetology: semolina for the face

In addition to its nutritional use, semolina can help in the quest to preserve the beauty and restore healthy skin. Groats have a mild scrub effect, so it is effective in combination with oils, sour cream, kefir or other bases.

The simplest scrub for home use can be made from a handful of semolina and a small amount of cream or vegetable oil. This remedy should be applied in a small amount to the skin and with light circular movements with slight pressure massage the skin for several minutes. Semolina scrubs can be made with kefir, yogurt, butter, cream, carrot pulp.

Recipes for cosmetic masks with semolina for the face:

  1. For rejuvenation. Mix 100 ml of milk, 2 tbsp. semolina and beer, 1 tbsp. nettle leaves and 1 tsp. oils. Boil semolina, add beer, oil and nettle to it, insist under the lid for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, keep it on your face for half an hour.
  2. For food. Mix 2 tsp. olive oil, egg yolk, 2 tbsp. cereals and a teaspoon of honey. Spread over the skin and keep on it until the mass dries.
  3. For tone. In half a glass of thick porridge on semolina, add 2 tsp. honey, watermelon juice, olive oil, egg yolk and ½ tsp. salt. After mixing the ingredients well, spread on the face and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  4. For cleansing. Combine the protein of one egg with 2 tablespoons of semolina. Spread thinly over the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  5. From wrinkles. In 15 grams of warm porridge, add 5 grams of cocoa powder and 5 grams of coconut oil. Spread all over the face and wash off after 30-35 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure within a week every other day.
  6. From acne. Combine 2 tsp. semolina with 1 tsp green clay and add 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil. Apply with circular massaging movements on cleansed face. The procedure lasts 15 minutes.
  7. For oily skin. Mix mashed kiwi with 10 grams of cereal and add 7 drops of retinol. Spread over the face with a cosmetic spatula and keep for no longer than 10 minutes.
  8. For dry skin. In 15 grams of warm drip 3 drops of mint essential oil and 5 grams of fat sour cream. Apply to the face after removing makeup and keep for about half an hour.

Decoy for fishing

Semolina, like wheat, is a wonderful bait and bait for fish in the summer. Experienced fishermen often use it to attract carp, carp, rudd, ide, roach, bream and similar fish species. With proper preparation of semolina bait, it is not easy to remove from the hook. Large fish swallows it whole, and does not pull it together, thanks to which it literally jumps on the hook. Too small fish is not caught on the decoy, but simply bites the bait.

The main disadvantages of semolina as bait for fish:

  • unreliable position on the hook (needs some skill);
  • rapid soaking;
  • need clean water and warm weather.

In most cases, it makes sense to use semolina for float fishing, but in reservoirs with a strong and medium current, it is also suitable for donka. The casting of the bait is due to its weight, so a heavy sinker is not needed.

How to cook semolina for fishing:

  1. Boil a mug of water with a few drops of fishing flavor. Pour into it the volume of semolina necessary for cooking thick porridge. After boiling, hold the porridge under the lid for steaming. After cooling, you need to knead the semolina with your hands for ten minutes, making its structure denser. You need to put small dense balls from the formed mass on the hook.
  2. Scoop up a glass of water from the reservoir chosen for catching fish, add a flavoring product, and, stirring, add semolina until a thick mixture is formed. It must be firmly attached to the spoon. Then you need to let it brew for 10 minutes and send it to the syringe. The bait is squeezed out of the syringe, winding around the hook in a spiral. It ends at the tip of the hook.

Cool decoy for fishing:

  1. Boil the semolina halfway (it will boil and increase in volume) and pull it out of the water.
  2. Transfer it to double-folded gauze and send it in a bundle to boil in boiling water for another twenty minutes.
  3. Or fill a matchbox with groats, add flavoring and throw it closed into a pot of boiling water. After an hour of cooking, you will get a dense bait in the form of a bar, which is easily cut with a knife.

For greater effectiveness, it is better to use natural sources of odors, rather than powdered synthetic mixtures. However, fatty vegetable oils make it less dense. Good options: strawberry, garlic, anise, cherry, maggot, sugar, dill, onion, vanilla, honey, salt, bloodworm. In autumn and spring, with cold water, garlic in any form is good. Crucian bites perfectly on bloodworms, roach - vanilla, bream - banana, fennel, coriander, anise, cinnamon, pear. Carp loves caramel, fruit essences, garlic, vanilla, hemp, honey. You can also flavor with popular Revit vitamins by dissolving 1-2 dragees in water for cooking.

The use of semolina in cooking: delicious recipes

The simplest and most famous way to use this product is porridge. It is cooked extremely quickly and easily, on a milk or water basis. Moreover, this is a dish that cannot be overexposed, otherwise everything will evaporate.

Semolina on the water: recipe

First you need two hundred liquids to a boil, and then, actively stirring it, pour the semolina in a thin stream and boil for no longer than 15 minutes. The standard proportion for cooking is 1 volume of cereal per 10 volumes of milk. You can diversify and make porridge tastier by adding dried fruits, honey, cinnamon, butter, nuts, fresh berries and fruits, herbs.

Semolina does not go well with legumes, dates, potatoes, bread and other products that are characterized by a high carbohydrate content.

Milk semolina: video recipe

Semolina dumplings for soup

  1. In 900 g of semolina, break 2 eggs, salt and add pepper to your taste.
  2. Mix thoroughly and dilute a little to bring to the desired structure with water.
  3. Do not knead or roll. Spoon into soup.

Semolina dumplings boil a little longer than dumplings. For more tasty and satisfying cooking, you can add minced meat, sausage, fried onions, etc. to the recipe.

Semolina fritters

Cheesecakes with semolina: video recipe

Semolina casserole in the oven


  • 1000 ml of milk;
  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp butter;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • jam, jam or jam to serve.


  1. First, thick milk semolina porridge should be made on a quiet flame. If at first it seems that it is too liquid, you do not need to add grits - during cooking, the semolina will soon thicken.
  2. Combine 3 tbsp. sugar and eggs, beat until fluffy and add to the porridge.
  3. Put in the same vanilla sugar, butter, salt. Stir.
  4. Send the dough to a frying pan or form, smeared with oil and sprinkled with semolina, leveled.
  5. Send to a 180-degree oven until the dough thickens and browns.

Semolina cutlets


  • 0.3 l of milk;
  • 100 g of cereals;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 chip. salt;
  • a couple of tablespoons of melted butter for frying;
  • flour or anything suitable for breading.
  1. Send salt, sugar and semolina to boiling milk. Make a cool porridge (like mashed potatoes) without lumps.
  2. Put in a bowl and break the eggs into it, mix.
  3. The dough is done. Now you need to heat the pan with oil.
  4. Roll cutlets rolled by hand in breading material and fry until blush on both sides.
  5. Hold the cutlets on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Semolina soufflé



  1. Coat the molds with butter and sprinkle with sugar, and then put in the freezer.
  2. Combine milk, vanilla and butter in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the cereal into the liquid and boil for 3-4 minutes. With such proportions, this time is sufficient to obtain a thick mass.
  4. Add yolks to the shifted porridge, mix, and then add sugar and dried apricots cut into small pieces.
  5. Separately, beat egg whites with salt until fluffy.
  6. Add the protein mass to the puree and mix.
  7. Remove the molds from the cold and fill with the prepared mass.
  8. Put the molds in a water bath so that the soufflé does not dry out from the heat of the oven and remains tender.
  9. Send the souffle to bake in the oven heated to 180˚C for 20 minutes. During this time it is not recommended to open the oven.
  10. Decorate ready-made soufflés with white chocolate and halves of canned apricots or otherwise to your taste.

Mannik pie with milk


  • a glass of semolina;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • ½ tsp baking soda.


  1. Melt the butter in a water bath, add sugar and eggs and beat with a mixer or whisk.
  2. Slowly add semolina, without ceasing to interfere, so that there are no lumps.
  3. Add milk and soda. At this stage, the dough can be supplemented with something to your taste (dried fruits, chocolate, nuts, etc.)
  4. Preheat the oven. Put the cake in the mold at 180˚C for 45 minutes.

The cake can cook faster, so you need to check it with a match or a toothpick. If nothing sticks to it, the mannik is ready.

To figure out what benefits or harms the use of semolina brings, we will understand, perhaps, first of all, what is semolina from which it is prepared.

Not everyone, perhaps, knows that this cereal is made from a crop that is very popular now - wheat. The variety of semolina, as this product is abbreviated, also depends on the brand of this cereal. And so, there are three types of cereals: T (from hard rocks), M (respectively from soft ones) and MT (mixed).

One of the signs that distinguishes semolina from ordinary wheat is the size of the grains. In semolina, they are very small, only 0.25 in diameter, maximum 0.75 mm.

The brand of cereal affects the quality of the dish prepared from semolina. For example, brand "T" is better to use for sweet dishes, add to minced meat, it is also suitable for filling in soups. But the brand "M" is used for casseroles, pancakes and viscous cereals.

Composition of semolina

If we consider the nutritional value, as they say, of the edible part of semolina, then 100 g of cereal contains more than 70 g of carbohydrates, a little more than 10 g of protein, and only 1 g is fat. About 4 g is occupied by dietary fiber. Only 0.5 g contains ash substances and 14 g of water.

Semolina is rich in vitamins. This is vitamin E (0.25 mg) and PP (1.2 mg). There is also a vitamin range of the most useful group B. There are 0.14 mg of thiamine and 0.04 mg of riboflavin in semolina, pyridoxine (0.17 mg) and folic acid (17 mcg). The composition of 100 g of semolina is given.

The mineral range is widely represented. There are cereals and calcium (20 mg), and potassium (130 mg), and magnesium (18 mg). Enough and other components - phosphorus (85 mg), sulfur (75 mg), chlorine (21 mg).

Trace elements are present in even greater quantities. This is both iron (1 mg) and zinc (0.59 mg). There is also fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium. In total, more than two dozen of these most useful and essential components for the normal functioning of the body are found in semolina.

The benefits of semolina

This product is still being debated. Some consider it useful, others do not recommend introducing semolina into their diet at all. Situations are different. Indeed, there are ailments in which semolina will bring undoubted benefits.

This applies, for example, to . Getting into the digestive organs, semolina literally envelops them, soothing pain and relieving spasms. It also heals cracks that can form in the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of patients with gastritis, ulcers, as well as other pathologies associated with the digestive system. In such cases, semolina is prepared on water, and without salt, and without sugar.

Porridge can also be used as an excellent cleanser for the body. To do this, semolina is introduced into your morning diet. Then she will be able to absorb all the bad components that come across in other products.

Semolina porridge is also shown in the recovery period after operations. This is facilitated by a limited amount of fiber, compared with other cereals and excellent digestibility.

Excellent digestibility and a fairly high energy value allows you to get rid of chronic fatigue thanks to this product.

Shown semolina porridge for kidney disease. Especially in chronic insufficiency, when a protein-free diet is recommended.

In moderation, the product is useful for both children and the elderly. The child's body quickly restores the wasted energy, receiving also the components necessary for its growth. It is better to cook this dish for children with milk.

In old age, porridge prevents the development of malignant tumors in the intestines, and also prevents the demineralization of blood cells.

Some experts prove the usefulness of this product for weight loss. This is dictated by the ability of semolina to remove mucus and fats.

Harm of semolina

  1. The product will undoubtedly bring harm if consumed too much. Eating several servings of semolina porridge a day, you can increase the excretion of a very important substance for the body - calcium. This is dangerous, especially for the child's body and leads to poor development of the bone and muscle system. Unfortunately, as a result of this, some diseases can develop, for example, such as spasmophilia. In old age, excessive passion for semolina threatens with the appearance of obesity.
  2. Another disadvantage of semolina is the rather high content of a substance called gluten in it.
  3. Some people suffer from intolerance to this substance. This disease is called celiac disease. This is a severe disease, considered hereditary. It leads, if measures are not taken in time, to a thinning of the intestinal walls and a violation of the absorption of nutrients by the body, which are so necessary for its normal growth and functioning. The disease can be manifested by allergic reactions, stool disorder.
  4. Due to the high content of gluten, semolina is not recommended for children under the age of one year. This product can contribute to the development of a dangerous disease - allergies.
  5. Semolina porridge will not bring any benefit if you cook cereals for a long time. There are no useful substances in the digested product.

How to cook semolina?

In order for semolina, from which we prepare semolina beloved by many, to be able to give up all the nutrients and be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to remember just a few rules. They must be observed during the preparation of the dish. Plus, they're not complicated at all.

First of all, this is the time of its preparation. And so, you only need to cook semolina for about 15 minutes. This is the only way that useful substances are preserved to the maximum. By the way, grits are already poured into boiling water or milk, moreover, in a thin stream and constantly stirring.

One to ten is considered the ideal ratio. This means - one part of the cereal and ten liquid.

To improve the taste and benefits of porridge, you can add sugar, honey, cinnamon, butter, dried fruits to it. This of course depends on taste and preference.

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Semolina porridge is made from semolina and water or milk. Sugar is often added to it. This breakfast is served with jam, raisins or fresh berries.

For many years, semolina porridge has been one of the main dishes of the children's diet. Children enjoy eating.

The composition and calorie content of semolina

Semolina contains folic acid, thiamine, dietary fiber, riboflavin, niacin and starch.

The composition of semolina porridge cooked on water, as a percentage of the daily norm, is presented below.



Calorie semolina porridge - 330 kcal per 100 gr.

The beneficial properties of semolina porridge have been proven by research. It has a positive effect on heart health, bone health, bowel function and immunity.

For bones and muscles

Semolina contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones.

For bones, semolina porridge in milk is most useful - it contains more calcium. In addition, the use of semolina makes the muscles more resilient.

For the heart and blood vessels

This nutritious dish reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease, seizures and strokes.

Selenium in semolina protects the heart from disease.

For nerves

Semolina helps maintain the health of the nervous system, thanks to magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

Thiamine and folic acid, which are also rich in semolina, are good for nerves and the production of red blood cells.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The use of semolina porridge improves digestion. Fiber in porridge normalizes bowel function, helping to quickly digest food.

For kidneys and bladder

Potassium in the composition of semolina improves the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

For the reproductive system

Semolina is a natural source of thiamine. It stimulates the work of the central and peripheral nervous systems, and also increases sexual desire.

For skin

Protein is essential for skin health and beauty. Semolina porridge is a rich source of protein, so its regular use will be the key to timely nutrition and skin hydration.

For immunity

To strengthen the immune system, B vitamins and vitamin E are needed. They help the body fight diseases and increase immunity. These vitamins are present in sufficient quantities in semolina. Selenium in semolina is an antioxidant that protects cells from destruction.

Semolina during pregnancy

The food contains folic acid. It is important for the healthy development of the fetus, so semolina is useful during pregnancy.

Semolina porridge for weight loss

The main reason for weight gain is overeating. Semolina is rich in fiber, which helps digest food. In addition, it maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Semolina porridge is slowly digested and provides the body with energy.

Is it possible to eat semolina porridge with diabetes

Harm and contraindications of semolina

The main contraindication to the use of semolina is an allergy to. Those suffering from celiac disease should refrain from foods and dishes with gluten.

The harm of semolina porridge is manifested by its excessive use. It is expressed as:

Semolina is a product that has a positive effect on the body. It helps to cope with various diseases, making the diet nutritious.

Enrich your diet with a variety of foods. For example, an alternative to semolina is oatmeal, which is also very good.

Hello dear readers! The taste of semolina porridge has been familiar to many since the distant Soviet childhood. Then such porridge from inexpensive cereals was considered one of the mandatory food products used in kindergartens, schools and at home. At that time, its usefulness was not in doubt. Now it is believed that such porridge is contraindicated for babies. However, this product is still present in hospital nutrition menus and is offered to patients who are weakened by diseases and have gastrointestinal problems. So is semolina really harmful, who can eat it, and who can't?

Manka. What it is?

Semolina, otherwise semolina, is a peeled wheat grain with a diameter of just under 0.3 and not more than 0.8 mm. Such grinding is considered a varietal variant. If there is a “T” designation on the package with semolina, this corresponds to durum wheat varieties from which cereals are obtained, “M”, “TM” - soft and mixed varieties.

The experts made their choice in favor of durum wheat. Semolina is suitable not only for the usual cereals, it is often used in pies, puddings, mousses, and other desserts. By the way, I have a wonderful recipe that I got from my mother-in-law.

It is from such cereals that the famous Guryev porridge is prepared. It belongs to the traditional dishes of Russian cuisine of the early 19th century. To prepare it, there is a special recipe: foams skimmed from cream are alternated with milk semolina porridge mixed with chopped nuts. Then the porridge is placed in the oven, where it is brought to a ready state. Before serving, this amazing dessert is topped with jam or garnished with dried fruits.
Semolina is poured, preparing the first and second courses. She goes to casseroles and meatballs. Dumplings are made from it. Semolina is added to minced meat in order to prevent the juice from flowing out of the cutlets, and they themselves would become splendor. I prepared a post, a great find, by the way.

Is semolina useful? To whom is semolina contraindicated?

The question of the usefulness of porridge, the main ingredient of which is semolina, is very controversial. It contains potassium, an essential element that improves the performance of the heart muscle. In addition, it also contains vitamins belonging to the B class, which ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system. Porridge is also rich in vitamins "E". It contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, and other useful components. However, the composition of semolina is inferior in its valuable qualities to other equally well-known types of cereals. In semolina, mainly carbohydrates are its main components.

Such porridge can be easily digested and supply the body with a large energy reserve. If you eat one plate of porridge in the morning, this will allow you not to experience the feeling of hunger until lunchtime. Another distinguishing feature of such porridge is that there is no fiber in it. The product is well processed by the intestines, envelops the intestinal walls, because it has a delicate texture and frees it from the accumulated mucous fluid.
Undoubtedly, when health is weakened, semolina is useful. It provides the body with a boost of energy and does not complicate the process of digestion. Porridge is contained in the diet of postoperative patients suffering from gastric and intestinal diseases. It is worth noting that when dieting is followed, porridge is cooked in water, sugar, salt are not added to cereals.

You do not need to eat semolina for people who have regular constipation. The gluten contained in its composition, the lack of fiber negatively affects the digestive organs. There are also people with allergic reactions to gluten (gluten). They, along with baking from white wheat flour, are contraindicated for semolina in any cooking option.

Is semolina porridge good for children?

My children, unfortunately, do not like this porridge, they prefer other cereals, and my husband and I sometimes eat breakfast with pleasure, although as a child I could not stand it). Previously, semolina was fed to children from the cradle, at that time there was no variety of mixtures for children under one year old, especially if people lived in the village.

Yes, and what was a mother to do, who did not manage to fix it, they boiled liquid semolina on cow's milk that was not allowed today and the children grew up, there was no other choice then. At that time, few people thought about its benefits or harm to the child's body, the child is full and that's good.

Today, pediatricians are of the opinion that the significant content of gluten in this product does not contribute to its usefulness for children under the age of 1 year, they do not need to eat it. Semolina is not suitable for babies as a first food; rice and corn porridge are chosen for it. The use of this product by a child under one year old may be accompanied by constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
It is believed that the danger is the phytin present in it. It refers to chemical organic compounds containing phosphorus. The properties of phytin resemble vitamins. Its excess accumulated in the body interferes with the process of calcium absorption. Fitin promotes the excretion of such useful elements as iron, magnesium, zinc from the body.
But phytin is present in whole grains.

After processing them and turning them into semolina, the phytin content is greatly reduced. This suggests that semolina porridge eaten once or twice a week will not harm either children aged one year and older, or adults. It must be remembered that food should be distinguished by the variety of dishes eaten. There is no need to completely remove porridge from the usual diet, especially if the child loves it. It will be useful for schoolchildren to eat semolina porridge in the morning and get a boost of energy.

How to cook delicious semolina porridge?

Every grandmother knows how to cook porridge from semolina, who has her own recipe for its preparation. It turns out liquid porridge in consistency or thick. It is prepared with water and milk, as well as their mixtures. Even broths from meat, vegetables, mushrooms, berry juices are used to make porridge. You can cook a delicious porridge of medium consistency in the following way:

Classic recipe

The following ingredients are taken for 1 serving of porridge:
- liquids (depending on how to cook porridge: milk, water, mixtures thereof) a cup of 200 ml;
- groats (semolina) 1.5 standard tablespoons.
According to what kind of porridge you need to get: thicker or liquid, you need to increase or decrease the amount of cereal.
Porridge can be prepared using a variety of methods.
1. The traditional way. Heat milk or other liquid almost to a boil, sweeten, salt, if necessary. Grains are slowly poured in a trickle. Stir so that lumps do not form. You can also spread the cereal over the surface of the liquid with a spoon, then stir the mixture well.

The cooking time of porridge is from 3 to 4 minutes, otherwise the benefits of the finished product will be less. Keep the porridge for 5-6 minutes, closing the pan with a lid. Put a towel on top. Cooked porridge can be supplemented with butter, jam, honey, dried fruits, fruits, berries.
2. Porridge can be cooked in another way:
They take a pan, mix in it a cold liquid, semolina, sugar, salt. Put the pan with the contents on the stove. Stirring, cook until done. Cooking in this way eliminates the formation of lumps of porridge.

semolina pudding

To get semolina porridge - pudding, you need to heat the pan, put butter in it. When it melts, put 3 tablespoons of table cereals. Semolina is heated with stirring until yellowing. Half a liter of milk is boiled in a saucepan, if necessary, a little salt, sugar, vanillin are added.

After boiling milk, pour it into the pan, stir thoroughly and continue cooking for about 3 minutes. Next, the porridge is covered with a lid and left to languish for 10 minutes. You will get a pudding with a dense texture. Kissel, jam, sour cream will make the pudding tastier.

Semolina based on cranberry juice

The original porridge with cranberry juice is cooked in the oven. Squeeze juice from 100 g of cranberries. The resulting pomace is poured with water in an amount of 165 ml and boiled. Then the mixture is filtered, cranberry juice, sugar are added, heated to a boil, semolina 50 g is poured into it to brew semolina. The semi-finished product is poured onto a baking sheet, placed in the oven for 10 minutes. Cool, cut into portions. The top of the porridge can be sprinkled with sugar.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker

Semolina is also prepared in multicookers, often found in the kitchens of modern housewives. To prepare the product, 480 ml of milk, 240 ml of water are poured into the bowl, 80 g of semolina are poured. Stir. Then sugar is poured into the bowl in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons, salt is added 0.5 teaspoons, a piece of butter to taste. Stir the components, and set the mode in which milk porridge is cooked.

About the calorie content of porridge

Semolina porridge cooked in different ways will not be a dietary product if it is made with the addition of milk, various products that improve its taste. The calorie content of porridge is determined by the degree of fat content of the milk taken, the sugar and salt added to the porridge, butter, jam. The number of calories in porridge obtained on water reaches 100 kcal.
For those people who keep their weight under control, it is not recommended to eat semolina regularly in the morning, and even more so in the afternoon or evening. It is better to include the product in the diet up to 1 time per week and less often. You can reduce calories in porridge by using a mixture of water with milk or water alone as a liquid for it. It is good to add a little cinnamon to the cooked porridge. It improves digestion. You can eat porridge by adding berries, fruits and dried fruits, honey instead of butter and sugar. This will reduce its calorie content.

Dear readers, how do you feel about semolina porridge, is it present in your diet, or do you use it more to add to various dishes? I like it here. I would be glad if you share in the comments.

With respect and love, Elena Kurbatova.

If you do not like semolina porridge, the benefits of it will be small: you simply do not know how to cook it. Any self-respecting cook will say so, because even ordinary semolina with milk can be delicious. This porridge, known to children in the post-Soviet space, is included in the menu of all kindergartens and school canteens. Millions of children cannot be given unhealthy food - this is the logic. Let's try to figure it out together.

The composition and nutritional value of semolina

Semolina is made from wheat at a grain processing plant. For manufacturing, take wheat kernels, peeled from the outer shell. After their grinding, flour is obtained with grains of different fractions, which is then sieved. Coarse grinding - this is semolina.

The core of wheat contains the most nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, semolina is usually used in children's and diet food.

For the production of this cereal, grains of hard and soft wheat varieties are taken.

The manufacturer indicates this with letter marking:

  • "M" means soft grades;
  • "T" - hard varieties;
  • "MT" - a mixture of varieties.

Grade “T” semolina is superior to other types in terms of protein content and takes longer to cook, after cooking it has a slightly grainy structure.

100 g of semolina contains about 330 kcal, it contains the following nutritional components:

  • proteins - 10 g;
  • fats - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 70 g.

The amount of dietary fiber compared to other cereals is small - about 18% of the daily requirement.

Useful properties and cooking features

Many housewives cook semolina incorrectly. It must be cooked in a mixture of water and milk, adding salt and sugar to taste. When the liquid begins to boil, pour in the semolina with constant stirring so that lumps do not form. It is even more convenient to add the required amount of cereal to a cold mixture of water and milk, and standing at the stove, stir constantly until the porridge thickens.

After boiling the milk, semolina should be boiled for two minutes, and then removed from the heat so that the water is absorbed when the heat is already turned off.

  • essential amino acids;
  • 7 vitamins;
  • 8 macronutrients;
  • 14 trace elements;
  • starch and dextrins.

Semolina is rich in vitamin PP, cobalt, silicon, manganese and molybdenum, which play an important role in metabolism:

  1. Cobalt (250% of the norm in 100 g of cereals), promotes the metabolism of folic acid, is part of vitamin B12.
  2. Vitamin PP (15%) supports the health of the skin, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Silicon (20%) stimulates collagen synthesis.
  4. Manganese (22%) is necessary for the formation of bone and connective tissues, is involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, is responsible for the normal growth of the body, the health of the reproductive system.
  5. Molybdenum (16%) is part of many enzymes that provide amino acid metabolism.

The benefits of semolina porridge for the body are obvious, but there are small nuances. It also contains phytin, which disrupts the absorption of trace elements important for life and growth (Ca, Fe). This must be taken into account, including porridge in the diet of children.

For adults

For adults, semolina is useful as a source of carbohydrates. If it is cooked in milk, it is absorbed more slowly, has a lower glycemic index. The benefit of eating this dish is the effective replenishment of energy costs. It is wrong to consider semolina porridge in the diet of an adult as a milky mess on a plate.

Groats are included in the recipe of many dishes:

  • puddings (the same porridge, only baked in the oven with cream or butter, egg, fruit);
  • vegetable and meat cutlets;
  • casseroles, etc.

Semolina porridge is included in many therapeutic diets. It has a positive effect on a sick stomach, removing inflammation of the mucosa. In some cases, it is cooked on a vegetable or fruit broth. Liquid semolina helps the patient to get out in the postoperative period, it is easily digested, satisfies hunger and restores strength.

It is undesirable to use this dish for those who suffer from diabetes or obesity. A large serving of ready-made semolina without butter contains about 300 kcal.

During pregnancy and lactation

The menu of a woman during pregnancy and lactation should be especially carefully thought out. It may contain semolina porridge in milk, but in a small amount - no more than 3 times a week.

To decide whether semolina should be included in your diet during pregnancy, it is worth remembering all its advantages:

  • quickly satisfies hunger, easy to digest;
  • source of energy, some vitamins and minerals;
  • does not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • is inexpensive.

And disadvantages:

  • can cause allergies;
  • contributes to the development of anemia (oxygen starvation of the fetus);
  • interferes with the absorption of calcium (the formation of the child's skeleton is disturbed, the mother's teeth fall out).

If a woman does not want to eat porridge, then no reasonable arguments about partial benefits are powerless. This is not critical: semolina is easy to replace with another dish that is more useful during pregnancy and lactation.

For a child

Parents feed many children with semolina, claiming that it is very useful. Indeed, semolina tends to swell well, therefore it creates the illusion of satiety for a long time. It is effective to feed the baby with such porridge for dinner. He won't wake up at night feeling hungry. And the whole family will be able to sleep peacefully until morning. But nutritionists do not advise giving semolina to babies under 10 months old.

This cereal contains a lot of gluten - a gluten protein. Some children have a congenital intolerance to this substance. If they begin to receive foods containing gluten before 10 months of age, this will lead to serious metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. If the child does not have gluten intolerance, he can eat semolina several times a week.

Keep in mind that gluten absorption decreases with age. This protein is found in semolina and can cause severe allergies, constipation and other organic disorders.

Here is a short list of those who should exclude this dish from their menu:

  • children under 10 months (some nutritionists believe that it is better not to give semolina to babies under 3 years old);
  • patients diagnosed with celiac disease;
  • overweight people;
  • diabetics.

For everyone else, it is often undesirable to eat semolina porridge because of its special composition. Semolina contains phytins that bind calcium. Calcium deficiency leads to brittle bones. In children, the constant use of semolina porridge can lead to the development of rickets. After semolina enters the body, not only the absorption of calcium, but also iron is disturbed, which leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia. This condition is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Knowing the features of semolina, you can protect yourself and your family from many health problems caused by malnutrition.
