
Is it possible to grind buckwheat with a blender. Groats: "" educational program "" for parents

In recent years, more and more people in the world are looking for an alternative to wheat products. One of the best substitutes for wheat flour is buckwheat. They say it is incredibly useful, besides not too high in calories.

What is buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour is dietary product food made from buckwheat grains. Unlike wheat, it is not white, but gray-brown, with a special aroma that gives off a pleasant bitterness. Our ancestors used this product many centuries ago. In Rus', fragrant buckwheat flour was diluted with wheat, barley and rye. Some researchers suggest what to do first buckwheat flour began the inhabitants of southern Siberia and the Altai mountains. The ease of cultivation has contributed to the popularity of this product.

Nutritional characteristics and chemical composition

Buckwheat flour is ground buckwheat, so the chemical composition of these products is identical. Like buckwheat porridge, flour from this plant belongs to the group of easily digestible food. Glycemic index ground buckwheat- only 40 units, which makes it useful for people with diabetes and obesity. But here an important remark must be made. If buckwheat porridge is considered low-calorie product, then you can’t say the same about the flour from it. The energy value of crushed buckwheat is close to that of wheat and is about 330 kcal. But even this fact does not reduce the benefits of the product.

100 g of the product contains about a quarter daily allowance, which is simply necessary for proper intestinal motility, lowering and blood sugar. This taupe flavored product can serve as a good source of . A 100-gram serving contains more than 12 g of proteins, as well as a number of essential for humans, including leucine, and others. Shredded buckwheat is one of the best sources (100 g of the product contains approximately 250 mg of the substance). In addition, it contains huge portions,. It contains reserves, and. Buckwheat, from which flour is made, is a good source of buckwheat, known for its powerful antioxidant properties. And in chopped buckwheat, they are represented almost in full force.

What is useful for the body

Buckwheat grains, and hence flour from them, do not contain gluten. And this is excellent news for people with celiac disease. Thanks to crushed buckwheat, such patients have an alternative: they can also have delicious flour products in their diet.

IN chemical composition this flour is very useful component from the group of flavonoids - rutin. It gives buckwheat the most useful properties for of cardio-vascular system. The use of this fragrant flour helps to lower blood pressure (by dilating blood vessels). Shredded buckwheat prevents excessive formation of platelets, lowers cholesterol and saturates the blood with oxygen. It is considered useful for improving blood circulation as well as reducing permeability. blood vessels. In addition, buckwheat flour, rich in rutin, is useful for people with varicose veins, gout, and people who have undergone radiation exposure.

The results of scientific studies indicate that buckwheat prevents the formation of gallstones and regulates the secretion of bile acid. This product is useful for chronic diarrhea and dysentery, as well as for strengthening and cleansing the intestines. Buckwheat flour improves calcium absorption, which is why it is called an important product for strengthening bone tissue and preventing osteoporosis. It is very useful for nervous system improves brain function, strengthens immune system and activates metabolic processes in the body. rich in vitamins ground buckwheat is useful for hair, nails, skin. This product improves the absorption of food and has a beneficial effect on the pancreas.

Possible harm

Buckwheat flour is potentially dangerous for people with allergies. In some cases, this product may cause intestinal cramps or flatulence. Doctors do not recommend consuming buckwheat flour for people with Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

How to cook at home

Buckwheat flour is an affordable food product. Today it is available in almost all supermarkets. But it will not be difficult to cook it with your own hands. All you need for this is buckwheat and a blender, coffee grinder or food processor. Before grinding, the cereals will definitely have to be washed and dried, spreading a thin layer on paper towel. When the buckwheat dries well, grind it to the consistency of flour. By the way, buckwheat product, prepared with your own hands, is more useful than purchased. Under industrial conditions, the grains are cleaned from the nutrient-rich husks, which remain in the home-made product, before grinding.

What is buckwheat cocktail

Many diabetics know the recipe for this drink. One to two tablespoons of buckwheat flour and a glass, mixed to uniform consistency, - this is a miracle remedy for lowering sugar in the bloodstream. But the benefit of this drink is not just limited to lower blood levels. This cocktail is considered beneficial for endocrine system, it strengthens blood vessels and promotes the removal of toxins from the body. The same drink will help reduce weight and improve liver function. It is usually taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Kefir-buckwheat course consists of 14 days. But it is worth saying that a drink containing raw buckwheat flour is not suitable for everyone. This vitamin cocktail contraindicated in people with gastritis, as well as patients with hepatitis.

Use in traditional medicine

It would be strange if such a useful and popular product as buckwheat flour did not find its application in folk medicine. To this day, a lot of recipes using chopped buckwheat have been preserved.

To get rid of heartburn, ordinary buckwheat flour was once used. To do this, take a quarter teaspoon of the product three times a day. Iron-rich buckwheat and products from it have long been advised to be consumed by people with anemia. One of the most popular and easiest recipes: drink 2 tablespoons of floured buckwheat 3-4 times a day before meals. With swelling of the legs or cramps of the calf muscles, it is useful to drink a tablespoon of this product daily with water.

To reduce blood cholesterol levels, it is useful to drink buckwheat flour jelly. The drink is prepared from a liter of water and 3 tablespoons of flour. Buckwheat product should be pre-diluted in a glass of cold water and slowly pour into boiling water. You can improve the taste of buckwheat jelly with the help of.

In folk medicine this fragrant flour used to treat the pancreas. For this, a tablespoon of the product is poured over a glass of kefir overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach they drink a glass of water, and after 15-20 minutes - kefir with flour. In addition, it is useful to use buckwheat flour for people with atherosclerosis, heart disorders, and varicose veins, and it is useful to apply cakes from it to boils. To strengthen healing properties ground buckwheat, it is useful to add a little buckwheat honey to medicines from it.

Application in cosmetology

Useful properties of buckwheat flour are known in cosmetology. Masks based on this product improve the condition of the skin and hair. These procedures are especially useful for acne. Buckwheat flour contains many substances that are beneficial for nails and skin.

Therefore, face and hand masks made from buckwheat flour, with regular use, can work wonders. At least that's what some sources say. It is enough to dilute a little flour in warm water, add natural yogurt and apply the resulting slurry to the skin. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. And wholemeal buckwheat flour can be used as a body scrub.

Which flour to choose and how to store it correctly

All buckwheat flour, regardless of origin and variety, has a short shelf life. Due to the high fat content, under improper storage conditions, it can go rancid (especially during the summer months). Therefore, it is best to store it in the refrigerator, in a hermetically sealed vessel.

But even in such conditions, it is worth using stocks within 1-3 months.

Use in cooking

Buckwheat flour is popular all over the world. It is used in European, Indian, Japanese cuisine(prepare soba noodles). But perhaps the most famous dish from this product is Russian buckwheat pancakes. But before you start kneading the dough from ground buckwheat, you need to learn something about it.

Shredded buckwheat does not contain gluten at all. As already mentioned, for people with celiac disease - this is a big plus, and for culinary specialists - at least a small, but minus. The fact is that it is difficult to knead the dough from gluten-free flour. Therefore, in many cases it is necessary to add wheat flour or another to the buckwheat product. As a rule, in the flour mixture for baking, the buckwheat product makes up about a quarter of the total. For people suffering from celiac disease, instead of a wheat product, you can use flour from or for a flour mixture.

Buckwheat gingerbread

To prepare these delicious diet gingerbread will need:

  • buckwheat flour (200 g);
  • sugar (1 tablespoon);
  • egg (1 pc.);
  • ginger;
  • butter (100 g);
  • milk (150 ml);
  • a mixture of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg (1 tsp);
  • dark molasses (100 g);
  • light molasses (50 g).

Mix flour with sugar, spices, soda and grated. Separately mix melted butter and molasses. Connect two product groups. Add to mix warm milk and an egg. Pour the thoroughly mixed mixture into a greased form and put in the oven for about an hour (bake at 150 degrees). Cut the chilled pastries into portions.

Buckwheat pancakes

Pancakes from dark flour for many, they are the hallmark of Russian cuisine. In addition, there are several versions of this dish. But all of them can be combined into two groups: yeast and without yeast pancakes.

To prepare classic yeast pancakes, you need dough. Therefore, you first have to mix (10 g dry), a little warm milk and a tablespoon of sugar and flour. When the dough is suitable, 4 beaten eggs, 1 liter of warm milk, buckwheat-wheat flour mixture (take 2 cups of each), melted (100 g) and a little salt are added to it.

These pancakes should be baked in a well-heated pan.

The dough of yeast-free buckwheat pancakes is prepared from wheat-buckwheat flour mixture (take 125 g of each type), 0.5 l of milk, 0.5 cup warm water, two raw eggs, 50 g liquid butter, small amounts of salt and sugar. From the resulting dough, delicious pancakes are obtained, in which you can wrap any filling.

Buckwheat flour resembles wheat flour in its consistency, but the list useful properties this product is very different. As, in fact, the taste of dishes prepared from it is different.

In addition, today the Greek remains one of the few plants that are not amenable to genetic modification, which means that the benefits of food from it are the same as many centuries ago.

Buckwheat flour is a product that is very popular among the population. Due to its beneficial properties, it is used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology.

The benefits of buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour is an excellent source of vegetable protein rich in essential amino acids like lysine, tryptophan and threonine. In addition, buckwheat flour contains potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, antioxidants, vitamins B, E and rutin. It is very low in fat and sugar, but high in complex carbohydrates.

Making buckwheat flour at home

Carefully sort out ordinary buckwheat from debris, rinse well with cold water until the water is clean. Now the cereal needs to be calcined. It is not necessary to do this, but thanks to this procedure, the flour will turn out more rich taste. Dry hot pan fry the buckwheat, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes. Finish when the grits begin to crackle. Lay out on a clean towel and refrigerate. Now just grind the cereal in a coffee grinder.

Buckwheat flour for cleansing and healing the body

Reduces blood sugar levels, cleanses the intestines and blood vessels, normalizes metabolism and the pancreas contributes healing remedy based on buckwheat flour. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of flour with a glass of kefir, mix and refrigerate. Take in the morning 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

It is necessary to prepare the remedy in the evening

Buckwheat flour in home cosmetology

Also as with internal application buckwheat, masks based on buckwheat normalize cellular metabolism and cleanse the skin. To prepare a mask for the care of dry and sensitive skin, pour 2 tablespoons of buckwheat flour with a small amount of boiling water so that you get a mass of mushy consistency. Then add 1-2 tablespoons olive oil and stir. Apply the composition to the skin and leave for 15 minutes, then wash your face warm water.

I decided to try to cook porridge here, well, like fill my hand, grind buckwheat in a blender, 1 tbsp. I poured a spoonful of ground buckwheat with cold water and after boiling boiled for 20 minutes .... questions arose - how to make the porridge so that it was liquid and how to puree? It turned out to be thick and not homogeneous enough, there were large particles. What to do, more water add? What to do with large particles? Did you grind badly? It doesn’t work out smaller ... Or after you have cooked it, you also need a blender ...


I use Nordic. I don't blend anything. We eat with the whole family :)

It is more convenient to cook buckwheat first, and then grind it in a blender. (at least we still cook this way)
I don’t grind all sorts of different Nordic flakes, but I also started giving them after 10 months.

Girls, I want to cook buckwheat porridge from ground buckwheat and milk mixture. There are two questions: 1) Does the milk formula tolerate boiling? 2) What is the approximate proportion of ground buckwheat flour and milk mixture?


I didn’t quite understand what ground buckwheat is, but if you have already cooked them, then cook for yourself and how you did it, and then just dilute it with milk mixture. I did it, though buckwheat flakes

Isn't it easier to boil ordinary buckwheat in water, until it is very boiled, then into a blender and dilute with a mixture.

Sorry for the stupid question, but ... having lived to be 23 years old, I don’t know how to cook porridge. The doctor advised me to switch from boxes to homemade. I know how to cook buckwheat, but do you need to crush it somehow? Tell me, sorry for the stupid question :))


Sort buckwheat, fry and grind in a blender. IMHO, better than done.

grind rice, buckwheat, oatmeal in a coffee grinder
porridge 5% from cereal flour: 40 ml of water (or vegetable broth) bring to a boil, pour in a trickle with continuous stirring diluted in 10 ml of warm water or broth 5 g of flour. Boil the porridge for 3 minutes, whisking with a whisk, then add warmed milk (50 ml) into it, sugar syrup(3 ml) and salt solution (1 ml), stir well and bring to a boil again, boil for 2 minutes. (from the book Children's Kitchen)

My daughter has me, and so all night. I tried to give her liquid porridge from a bottle, normal cereal porridge, milk vermicelli, kefir, milk - do not eat, only breasts for dinner. A! I ate buckwheat, in grains, sometimes I give it, but do not eat buckwheat every day, or let it eat? And she also has no teeth, in general :), now, apparently, they are climbing, the third night she hangs on me and sucks. What other dinner options are there?


For dinner, we have semper meat and vegetable purees and they are delicious and you don’t have to rack your brains, as there is a large selection.

I remember I was also worried about dinner) with all three
as a result, somehow grew)
the option is to give what the whole family eats for dinner, it suits me the most, let at least something, but eat it
well, then to finish feeding, the older bottles, the younger ones gave out breasts)
but don't worry about the teeth, they chew perfectly with their gums
my daughter had 1 tooth a year))) threshed everything)

I decided ... tomorrow we will have porridge ... for the first time ... I decided that it will be buckwheat porridge ... the stump is clear that there is simply no soluble buckwheat porridge here, like buckwheat itself ... buckwheat was brought from at home ... it, of course, is for adults ... tell me, good people, but how to get children's porridge from adult ordinary buckwheat groats ... I'm still that cook, damn it: (((I want to make porridge on water or a mixture. .. since there is no special baby milk here either....


I boiled buckwheat in water, then added milk, salt + sugar (to taste, or without) and cooked until tender. And the result was crushed with a blender. If it is thick, then add some water, if it is liquid, just drain the excess liquid.

boil the porridge well and give it to the child! :) he chews it perfectly with his teeth and gums... and you don't need to grind anything :)

and so I realized that I need to buy dairy-free cereals, and if there is no allergy to milk, it is also better not to give? And I want to cook porridge myself, chop buckwheat or rice .. or oatmeal. how to cook? on what? ahh compote. from which dried fruits and how to cook? and how much can i give it?


Your solution is very helpful! Our gastroenterologist advises to grind cereals (rice, oatmeal or buckwheat) in a coffee grinder, then pour into boiling water in the proportion: 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml. water. Boil for 20 minutes, then dilute with breast milk or formula until desired consistency. We are now 6 months old, we will start this week with cereals in this way. The doctor is amazing - I trust her completely.

05/03/2007 21:07:19, Chocolate

Is it still too early for you :) or will you find out for the future? :)

Tell me what to do with buckwheat? I wanted to make a casserole with cottage cheese, but I don’t know a single recipe ... And the child should eat it (buckwheat) ...


I just did it myself: onions, diced and carrots, grated on a large aunt (there are a lot of both) are fried in a pan in a large amount of vegetable oil, and then add pre-cooked buckwheat, mix and fry a little more. Ready. Om-Nom-nom....

with boiled eggs and fried onions. Also good with mushrooms. My such buckwheat is devoured on both cheeks :)

Girls, who cooks porridge for children? How do you do it? I'm interested in buckwheat...

That's how you usually eat it with? And I discovered the way to cook it, I stopped cooking it, but just pour it with boiling water and leave it, it comes out so tasty. Oh, how, live and learn. Share who, what, how makes buckwheat, Maybe someone has such delicious dishes, but I don’t know

What kind of buckwheat porridge for the first complementary foods to choose and why? Where is the most natural composition? How much is one pack? How to enter the second porridge? If the child is already eating a portion (how many grams?), Then at the beginning of the input new porridge the portion is reduced and how to replace the missing grams, GM or introduced vegetables, or previously introduced kashayn (that is, give 2 different cereals)? What is their shelf life? There is no buckwheat here, my mother will arrive soon, she can bring it, but is there any point if the shelf life ...


The most natural Baby (or Baby). Although it stirs very badly because of this, only the IKEA battery-powered stirrer saves, finally a beast. =)

And why do you need cereals in packages, especially since you don’t have them there nearby? Do you have a blender? Boil buckwheat, chop with a blender and feed.

In order not to reduce portions when introducing a second porridge, just start adding a little to the first, then replace. Although we introduced all cereals like this: gender coffee cup, on the second day the whole. And that's it.

All of them are equally sad. Most have a shelf life of 20 days, but ramedia has 3 months, which is more logical. We tried it, but the cheeks blushed a little. Now, on the advice of our local girls, I give Nordic and Mistral flakes, until everything

Girls, tell me what cereals you eat, what criteria you have when choosing the next cereal. Everywhere they write better than porridge from a baby sitter, our doctor also recommended them. But we don’t have such people in the city, if they happen, they are extremely rare, but you don’t want to bother with searches every time, and it’s very expensive to order porridge on the Internet, and suddenly the child won’t eat them yet. Widely available with us: Nestle, Baby, Heinz, Frutonyanya, Malyshka ... and that's all, which of these should you start with?


We started with Heinz, but they are completely tasteless, buckwheat, for example, has no smell of buckwheat. I can’t breed Frutonyan, too fine grinding, always lumps. We settled on Baby, there are grains in it, as in natural.

We eat Malyshka, we don’t like others, but they categorically refused the Frutonian, they just spat, although we eat everything.
although I think I'm already cooking

Cry from the heart. Here and on corn porridge diathesis: (Well, what is it, huh? What to feed the baby? If you want, if you don’t want, I’ll go to work in March, breastfeeding will slowly but surely curtail at least during the day. From experience with the eldest, I suspect that in this mode milk will generally leave very quickly , even if you pump during the day at work. cauliflower. I'll try to give rice something now, let's hope that it won't fix it stronger than now.


We had the same problem, no matter what (everything is sugar-free, everything is not allergenic), but it pops up. I decided to turn to a darmotologist, she said to take an analysis for dysbacteriosis, it turned out that we had 2 E. coli (there is a possibility of infection with them in the maternity hospital) and against the background of their dysbacteriosis. So check it out. Treatment is not cheap.

we also seem to be allergic to buckwheat (we tried hines), I complained to a friend, she says, they had the same trouble on hines (((now they are 1.5 years old), all sorts of vitamins are added there, etc. - a friend saved herself (and we also started to "rescue ourselves" yesterday)) with Nordic porridge (only buckwheat flakes) ordinary, not for children, she said that she cooked not 3 minutes as in the recipe, but 7 minutes, so even more boiled down, and there was no allergy right away (they were 7 months old). And since then they have only been Nordic and have been buying various cereals in flakes. Of course, you can grind simple buckwheat on a coffee grinder, but I'm too lazy, for example.

I bought cereals, I decided to transfer to normal, and not quickly instant cereals. There are several questions: 1. How much cereal and water should be poured in order to end up with 200 ml of porridge. I will mix it up. 2. How long does it take to cook cereals: hercules, rice, buckwheat and corn. Please enlighten and thank you.


I do this: 100 ml of water + 100 ml of milk - bring to a boil. I add two tablespoons (hercules - I use the Russian Product company or buckwheat - I use the Nordik company). (Spoons without top). Cook, stirring, for three minutes and leave to reach with the lid closed. After 30 minutes, I throw everything into a blender, and the porridge at the optimum temperature is ready.

Petik of milk "Agusha", pour into a ladle, immediately pour in ground hercules - 2-2.5 tbsp. spoons, I interfere, I add salt, I sugar :) (I give the child Fructose current), I mix everything ...
and on the fire ... on a small one ... I stir and mix all the time ....
as it thickens - I stir for another 4-5 minutes .... and ... it's ready!

With millet, it’s more difficult, I soak it overnight ... and it still takes a long time to cook ... well, it ...

Buckwheat - I wash it, dry it, grind it, soak it in water for the night ... a little ... by eye (here it’s without proportions, what remains - I eat it myself) ... then I dilute it with milk ... by eye ... and cook a little... you try it - it's ready - excellent!
Regarding the portion .... notice in the same plate ... how much is about 200g, and put the drain on him ...

And finally ... right now I'm not worried about "Lap of grams to hang" ... or rather, we eat lope of grams ... about more than half of the plate is eaten - and okay ... I don’t force to finish eating ... (but we have been 2 years already .. .)

01/29/2007 11:51:20 am, campanila

Tell me, please, what kind of porridge do you give to your children? My daughter is about 8 soon, I decided to try introducing buckwheat (we already eat vegetables). I have been looking for porridge without sugar for a very long time in the store. It says "low sugar" everywhere. As a result, I found a dairy-free hipp, cooked it with breast milk. The daughter spat further than she saw, I have never seen such disgust on her face)). Or is it worth cooking ordinary buckwheat and grinding it in a blender? Or not introduce buckwheat at all first? Lots of questions, thanks for...


I cook cereal. Kiryushka categorically refused soluble buckwheat. And he eats cereal. I add milk, butter, fruits.
Although buckwheat is still specific in taste, not all adults love it. My eldest, as he spat it for the first time, still categorically does not eat it.

It's worth a try first porridge Heinz or Baby are hypoallergenic, dairy-free, sugar-free (you can only find out in the composition). If you dilute it with milk and add a third of apple puree, then the taste is excellent, you would eat it yourself :) The main thing is that there is no sugar in the form of sucrose, fructose is acceptable. Well, a little later you can go to regular cereals, cooked from cereals. And to grind, or immediately give it as it is - that's who it is.

So I bought a blender. Super thing! Although, perhaps, I should be ashamed, given Mishin's age. But nevertheless, for 2 days now I have been feeding the child with fresh fruit and vegetable-meat purees. I refer to myself as "you" on this occasion. However, I am now very puzzled about the storage of products. Everything is clear with fruits, they do not need to be cooked, they do not deteriorate quickly. But with vegetables and meat trouble. Vegetables: So I bought all sorts of good things like potatoes, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, etc. How much can this...


Fruit puree is stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time (only our dad eats it before I have time to give it to my child :)), you can keep minced meat in the freezer for several months - it's checked.

03.10.2002 12:22:56, fri

When I bought fresh vegetables, I washed them, cleaned them, put them in a plastic box and... in the freezer! ..and started buying fresh-frozen vegetables in bags ..beauty!!! I took it out, threw it into a saucepan and ..use! Yes ..... I cook almost every day ... or every other day (depending on Maksyukhin's appetite), I keep boiled in the refrigerator ... for a long time there was a sad experience of storing vegetables with meat in the freezer ... hmmm .. after defrosting it looked like rubber .. brrr ..
At the expense of meat ... why can't it (leftover, fresh) be stored in the freezer?

My question is to foreign mothers who raised (or are raising) babies abroad. What to feed a small child? We have no porridge, except for rice. no cottage cheese ... horror! all puree with sugar and starch. The baby is still on breast milk, but it's time to feed. I went through the supermarkets and realized that there was nothing normal. Is it possible to cook everything yourself? But where can I find buckwheat, oatmeal for a child?


we also have this w.pa! Kashi - only rice, there is truth with the addition of other cereals. With this, it still didn't work. But the banks - pipets! From the fruit there is only (at least we have already traveled to dofig stores) a cocktail of 4 or 6 fruits Nutricia, a mustache. I have never seen monocomponent ones. From vegetable - only vegetable "cocktail" with meat. And in the same way - let's doustim, zucchini or pumpkins, I have never seen at all ((Iehhh. There is no cottage cheese here either ((Yogrutas are for children, but there are two types of everything. The problem with cereals is pipets. There is a current rice. Well, all sorts of legumes. And , semolina still, thank God)) No buckwheat, no oatmeal, no millet ... Maybe somewhere in Russian stores and there is, even most likely, but I don’t know where we have Russian stores here. We are in the "village" we live, we haven't met a Russian store in a large nearby city. As a result, we eat porridge that we have, purchased, instant. I make vegetables myself, I cook meat too. Instead of cottage cheese, we eat yogurt, but very bad. Fruits - if there are jars, then If not, I grate it myself.

For the first time I hear that in Italy there is nothing to feed a child!!! The same Plasmon has a whole set of all kinds of cereals, including buckwheat. It's just that it's all overdone. If not in one supermarket, look in another. And the pediatrician should follow the complementary foods, my child’s doctor always prepared food intake schemes for me and gave recipes for how everything should be cooked. Personally, I cooked everything except meat myself, but if you wish, EVERYTHING can be bought ready-made. and manufacturers baby food there's just a lot. In addition to Plasmon and Mellin, which you mentioned, there are also Nipiol, Nestle, Hipp, Mio, etc.

I read the composition, I was horrified, everywhere vitamins and others like them are crammed with horror. While I started with buckwheat, I’m rubbing it (while I’m rubbing it through a sieve, because I can’t grind such a portion, we eat half a teaspoon for the second day), I feed it - there’s no enthusiasm yet)) well, we already went through this, maybe it will taste it. And what do you feed? I watched hynes, remedia, baby siter, hippies don't talk very much, although the composition is more humane than everyone else's. Most a large number of unnecessary in the baby siter ...


Hines, Little

Oatmeal, semolina, barley - Baby Seater, buckwheat, rice - Nordic. I did not give Remdia, it contains frank preservatives. In general, I’m waiting for the milk to be available and I will either give Myulun Parnas or Nordic on milk.

Hello girls!!! After the treated allergy, we reintroduce complementary foods. We ate a zucchini and 5 days a tsvetnushka. The doctor said that you can already introduce porridge. Start with buckwheat and not special baby cereals, but grind it yourself in a coffee grinder and cook. So I bought Nordic buckwheat flakes. Of course they boil quickly. But the proportions are still tight, because. started with one teaspoon. Tell me, I cooked porridge, it turned out about 200 grams, porridge remained. I put it in the fridge to keep...


2 times a day we eat porridge,

I cook fresh every time. But even though my baby is allergic, we, mmm, have not reached the point of grinding and boiling cereal. I use instant cereals.
I give porridge 4 times a day: in the morning I use my milk for a whole portion, and 3 more (and sometimes 2 times) I mix it with vegetable and meat puree, I also add my milk there. I know what I'm doing wrong, but otherwise the child does not eat vegetables or meat.
Due to allergies, we only eat dairy-free cereals.

It's all about .... buckwheat :)

I hope everyone who participates in the marathon made their notes in the tablet ([link-1]), now we can talk about food :) The hero of the day today is BUCKWHEAT: D You will laugh, but buckwheat is insanely healthy! You just need to know how to cook it... So, BUCKWHEAT BREAKFAST! The recipe is simple. Buckwheat - 1 cup Chopped parsley - to taste Chopped cilantro - to taste Chopped celery stalk - to taste Lemons - 1/2 pieces Olive oil - 2 tablespoons Soy sauce - to taste Rinse buckwheat ...

V chocolate chips. Who knows? For rubbing on a grater got muddled :-((

In order to have breakfast with benefit and pleasure every day, she suggests preparing homemade muesli in advance, baking a casserole with cottage cheese and buckwheat for several days - krupenik, and pampering yourself with real Guryev porridge on the weekend - it will also be delicious the next day. And in the summer, each recipe will be decorated with fresh berries! Krupenik from loose buckwheat and cottage cheese Krupenik - great breakfast or a Sunday afternoon snack, it is convenient to take it with you and, to the envy of colleagues, gobble it up right at your desk. It can be eaten hot or cold, natural yogurt And fat sour cream, co fresh berries and any jam or condensed milk. Cook once and eat several days for breakfast. This recipe is...
... Put the mass into a mold, put pieces of the remaining butter on top so that during baking it forms beautiful crust. Put in the oven for 40 minutes until the krupenik is browned. For krupenik, you can use any, even weathered cottage cheese. After all, who among us does not lose food in the bowels of the refrigerator? Homemade muesli with berries, seeds and nuts You will be absolutely right if you say that you have 7 minutes for breakfast on weekdays, no more. But that doesn't mean you have to eat junk food. prepared food! It is better to prepare muesli in advance, they are stored for 2-3 months. In the morning, fill them with juice, milk, fermented baked milk, and at least water with grandmother's jam. I eat these almost every day, and my husband also starts...

Fasting nutrition: proteins and carbohydrates - from legumes and cereals

which one is better to take? I have terrible anemia (3, lower limit 10) - a chronicle, it's been like that for a long time ... My husband bought me sorbifer durules today, but maybe those that are Finnish are better? Who lifted the iron? And then I sleep all the time, now it’s partly clear why :(


Meat, meat, meat... and liver. And from personal experience- Supplements and vitamins for severe anemia (especially due to blood loss, periodic, for example) are not particularly effective if iron absorption is impaired. During the period of rapid growth + increased loads, my daughter was given Ferrum Lek injections (intramuscular, only they must be done technically so that there are no traces left) - it helped. But most importantly, it is important to understand the reason why iron is not absorbed and where it leaks - I would go to a hematologist if the therapist does not see any pathology. And in all sorts of InVitro, etc. there is a whole complex of biochemistry for anemia to clarify the diagnosis (but there is a lot of superfluous and a specialist should, of course, advise).

Sorbifer nifiga does not help. I was advised good medicine Maltofer - only to them I am saved. In Sorbifer, iron is in a poorly digestible form - and anemia is poorly treated, and accumulates in the kidneys. And Maltofer contains iron in the most best form which is absorbed by the body.


We don’t eat cottage cheese, and this is my way out: I make dough from cottage cheese like for cheesecakes, I just roll them into small balls and cook for about five minutes. They are more tender than fried and healthier.

We won't have that either. The son generally does not tolerate dairy products, even hostility almost to the point of vomiting! ((((Serve only meat! And only chicken or turkey! He eats himself, but only what he wants. And he is only 2 years old!
The article is good, my daughter and dad are lucky!)))

Advises Elena Markovna Fateeva - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Consultant Moscow Healthcare Committee for Support breastfeeding, employee of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.


zdravstvuyte! Answer "te pozhaluysta na my questions!
delo v tom chto mi skoro edem v Moskvu s rebenkom (9mes) Est "li v prodazhe v Moskve molochnaya smes Infamil ? spasibo!

05/15/2003 08:39:26, Victoria

However, today I met a woman who bought Azov puree on the market for her 2-month-old baby, who is in the 9th hospital with dysbacteriosis. It was mashed potatoes that she was told to give to the child there.

L. truffle oil 100 g parmesan 50 g butter 2 medium onions olive oil salt pepper Truffle oil must be in the arsenal: it will last for a long time, and nothing can replace it. Wash the buckwheat well. You can fill the cereal with water. Everything that needs to be thrown out will come up. Put the buckwheat on the fire. To make buckwheat crumbly, water must be poured two fingers above the level of the cereal. Bring to a boil, salt, simmer until all the water is absorbed. While the buckwheat is cooking, peel and chop the mushrooms, chop the onion. Saute porcini mushrooms golden brown 7-10 minutes, salt, pepper,...
...Rinse the buckwheat well. You can fill the cereal with water. Everything that needs to be thrown out will come up. Put the buckwheat on the fire. To make buckwheat crumbly, water must be poured two fingers above the level of the cereal. Bring to a boil, salt, simmer until all the water is absorbed. While the buckwheat is cooking, peel and chop the mushrooms, chop the onion. Fry porcini mushrooms until golden brown for 7-10 minutes, salt, pepper, add thyme, lay out. Throw in the mushrooms, cook for another 5 minutes. Fry the onion until transparent, combine with mushrooms and buckwheat. Add grated parmesan and butter, remove from heat, mix well. Arrange on plates, drizzle with truffle oil, with...

Time for meals and allowed foods from Mirimanova


I still began to lose weight on the Japanese diet. Of course, I found a lot of pluses and one terrible minus for myself, this is a slight nausea in the morning. True, I sat on this diet for only three days, today is the third. On the scales, minus 1.5 kg ... For me, this is a significant figure for such a time.

In the list of the first complementary foods for babies, cereals are especially distinguished: They have a high nutritional value, are a source of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, vegetable protein; Have a pleasant sweet taste even without added sugar; Unlike homogenized purees, which will be gradually replaced by less crushed foods, the baby will eat cereals after 12-18 months. Wealth of choice As the very first complementary foods, cereals are ideal for children who have: Insufficient weight gain. Porridges are rich in carbohydrates and energy, they allow you to quickly gain the missing kilograms even for the most active child; Iron deficiency...
...This is no coincidence, because the use of gluten-free cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn) helps to avoid the development of celiac disease (a specific inflammation in the intestines caused by gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, millet). The absence of milk eliminates the possibility of a reaction to cow's milk proteins. Therefore, Heinz offers "low-allergenic" dairy-free porridges made from buckwheat, rice or corn for the first feeding. Rice porridge occupies a special place in this list. After all, rice contains the minimum amount of dietary fiber, so products based on it have fixing properties and are optimal for children with unstable stools. Besides, rice porridge saturates well (with a relatively small energy value!) and has a low all...


I bought here to try multi-grain with linden and chamomile, maybe this is bullshit?

only embarrassing is that my daughter is used to falling asleep under a bottle of milk ...

or maybe someone tried to give it also in a bottle, only what proportions of the mixture and porridge should be done so that it was thin and poured through the bottle?

Try it! Good luck) 29.11.2008 11:35:49, JI

Doenka is already 10 months old. I am very interested in, at what age should I give up 6-hour feeding and start eating according to the garden regimen?

Ch. and sugar), flour, coffee, soda and so on and so forth! Almost everywhere it is written that it is impossible. Reading all this, I was horrified trying to figure out what to eat, so as not to at least die of hunger. In addition to buckwheat and chicken, nothing came to mind. No, maybe someone will condemn me, say that, they say, how much we ate, and everything is in order. But at that moment I was confused, because, I repeat once again, I clearly couldn’t find anywhere what to eat, I was inexperienced, and the doctors even at the maternity hospital scared a little that the baby was crying because of. ..

Such cereals contain cereals with fruits or vegetables (dairy-free cereals) or with the addition of milk (milk cereals); they are convenient to use on the road. We cook it ourselves To prepare porridge at home, you need to carefully sort and rinse the cereal, then grind it in a coffee grinder (there should be no coffee residue in it!). Then the cereal should be poured with cold water (this is how rice and buckwheat are prepared) or poured into boiling water (for making oatmeal or semolina) and cook over low heat until tender (depending on the type of cereal), mixing well. To improve the taste of porridge and increase its nutritional properties just before feeding the baby, you can ...

Maybe this is for the better - our ideas about healthy and not so healthy food are changing too rapidly. Thirty years ago, the first baby porridge was semolina, and the first vegetable was potatoes. Ten years ago, veal and zucchini were in high esteem. Today, cauliflower and broccoli, pumpkin and prunes, buckwheat and oatmeal, rabbit meat, turkey and even horse meat are popular. Motto today- maximum benefit, minimum risk. This means that meals for a baby under the age of one should not contain the so-called empty calories, toxic substances and possible allergens. Varvara Pashkevich, dietitian, researcher at the Department of Nutrition for Children and Adolescents of the RMAPE, provides a list of foods that you should ...

The thyroid gland provides physical...
... The daily need of a preschooler for water is on average 60 ml per 1 kg of weight. Some kids in hot summer days they drink a lot. But to quench your thirst, it is not necessary to drink a lot of liquid. It is important to teach your baby to drink little by little and in small sips. You can simply limit yourself to rinsing your mouth with cold water. Food for preschoolers no longer needs to be steamed and heavily chopped. You can cook fried foods, although you should not get too carried away with this, since there is a risk of fat oxidation during frying, which irritate the mucous membranes, cause heartburn and abdominal pain. Therefore, it is best to stew and bake dishes in the oven. Not recommended! Some products are highly undesirable in...

Children need to eat porridge. Why? Why is it useful? At what age should you give it to your baby?


Some idiot wrote an article! Until the year, NO spices! No salt, no sugar, much less spices. Also, up to a year, cereals containing gluten should not be given, it can provoke the development of celiac disease, a severe pathology of the small intestine. Gluten-free cereals include rice, corn and buckwheat. Such a variety is quite enough for a child in the first year of life.

04/03/2016 18:49:04, VlastaV

Thanks for the informative article. For the first couple of days, I cooked porridge myself, but the child was sprinkled, and then only on Materna porridge did they grow. We buy now through baby1care. com. We also eat mixtures of this brand, because everything is low-allergenic and the child likes it. I think that children's cereals are not to save time, but all the same for the sake of the health of the kids.

Groats: "" educational program "" for parents. Nutrition for children up to a year

Also, cereals differ in the content of dietary fiber, which, in turn, affect the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines, contribute to regular stools and the removal of toxic products from the body. Buckwheat. It is a valuable source of B vitamins, magnesium and iron. Buckwheat contains 6-7 times more iron than rice or, for example, semolina. In addition, it is rich in zinc and copper. Contains a large amount vegetable fiber(dietary fiber). Fiber is essential for normal functioning gastrointestinal tract. It stimulates intestinal motility, increases volume and reduces...
...spoon. Peel the pumpkin and apple, cut into cubes and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C, adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water. Sort the grits, rinse, pour into boiling milk and cook until tender for 20 minutes. Rub the pumpkin and apple through a sieve or chop in a blender, adding sugar. Introduce apple-pumpkin puree into porridge, mix. If desired, add 5 g of butter. Semolina pudding Milk - 250 g, semolina - 30 g, water - 50 g, butter - 20 g, 1 egg, sugar and salt - to taste. Boil milk with water, add salt and sugar; while stirring, pour in the cereal. Cook at...


Useful article, no water, a lot interesting information! My daughter is already 10, we eat porridge daily with milk and water with butter. When she was very small, we had an allergy to milk, she was worried that it would remain so for the rest of her life, but then gradually everything went away.
Trying different cereals cook. And flakes too, we especially like oatmeal with bran. I just read in the article that "oatmeal is a "champion" in terms of calcium and phosphorus content," I was glad for myself that I feed the child correctly! We tried cereals from many companies, I can advise Uvelka, we have been friends with her for a long time. Eat porridge - be healthy!

Girls, does anyone cook corn from ordinary cereals, and not instant? How to do it? First grind, then boil or boil, and then into a blender? And how much to cook for a child, as it is written, or more, so that it boils better? And in general, who makes rice and buckwheat himself, too - first boil or grind? Tell me plzzzz.


From the very beginning of complementary foods, I cook porridge myself. First, I grind in a coffee grinder (to the size of a grain) and fall asleep in containers for storing cereals. And then I boil 1 part milk 3 parts water. I grind it before cooking, and not after that, the porridge is cooked very quickly. If it comes across not crushed, then it does not boil well, because it needs to be cooked longer. If you want to cook quickly, then grind before cooking. I immediately grind for a couple of weeks. I cook porridge for one time, as well as vegetables, but I cook cottage cheese and meat for two days. I think if you switch to food own cooking, then the cheeks will be white. Good luck!

I cook corn like semolina, except for a little longer. Best of Italian polenta. The rest I buy Nordic flakes, first I cook thinner and mixed with semolina.

Girls, how do you cook buckwheat for your kids? Do you sell ready-made porridge for children, already ground or yourself? If you do, please tell me how. There is buckwheat, but it is too early to give grains, we have just started complementary foods.

Girls, I want to cook buckwheat porridge from ground buckwheat and milk mixture. There are two questions: 1) Does the milk formula tolerate boiling? 2) What is the approximate proportion of ground buckwheat flour and milk mixture?


I didn’t quite understand what ground buckwheat is, but if you have already cooked them, then cook for yourself and how you did it, and then just dilute it with milk mixture. I did it, though buckwheat flakes

Isn't it easier to boil ordinary buckwheat in water, until it is very boiled, then into a blender and dilute with a mixture.

What to feed the child? \u003d (3 years I visited an allergist, my nose does not breathe for almost a year! Edema and snot, snot and edema Allergic tests were passed - we got the results ... The allergist FORBIDDEN: milk and sour milk, beef, eggs and chicken, wheat and, accordingly, everything where it includes semolina, oatmeal ... For 3 months strictly, then it will be looked at .... IT IS POSSIBLE to replace milk from turkey, rabbit, pork, lamb with anything - soy too. soy milk no, the vegetables said...


There are sites where menus are offered by products.

We have been eating the same since August, I cook a lot, the child is also 3, so that there is a choice, Macmaster pasta is also from cornmeal and from buckwheat and rice flour, corn flour did not take root with us, it is bitter, but pancakes on cornstarch with a bang, the main thing is a good frying pan, try it on water and with jam, cutlets without eggs come out dry, I'm minced mix with boiled buckwheat or rice is fine

Tell me what to do with buckwheat? I wanted to make a casserole with cottage cheese, but I don’t know a single recipe ... And the child should eat it (buckwheat) ...


I just did it myself: onions, diced and carrots, grated on a large aunt (there are a lot of both) are fried in a pan in a large amount of vegetable oil, and then add pre-cooked buckwheat, mix and fry a little more. Ready. Om-Nom-nom....

With boiled eggs and fried onions. Also good with mushrooms. My such buckwheat is devoured on both cheeks :)

Since the doctors forbade us to eat our favorite instant cereals, there was a big problem with cooking. If I can still imagine how to cook buckwheat porridge - grind the groats in a coffee grinder, then pour water and cook (although you still need to buy a coffee grinder). What to do with rice porridge? Grind rice in a coffee grinder? That would probably take half a day. :-((And how to cook? Tell me who is an expert in this, huh! Or maybe you can use rice flakes Nordic? Even though the store told me...


and we buy flour - buckwheat, rice, corn - and cook in milk until boiling + 1-2 minutes, then sugar and that's it

hmm ... what's so complicated here :)), I cook any porridge, just cereals, rice, buckwheat millet, then with a little water, everything is in a blender, there is a green apple on a grater and on the way

Girls, who cooks porridge for children? How do you do it? I'm interested in buckwheat...

Sorry, who is talking about what, but lousy about the bath. This is me with my whole wheat flour. But what if we take wheat for kutya and grind it in a coffee grinder? will be whole grain coarse flour? Ali no? And if you also grind other cereals? Or is it not possible at all? Thank you who knows.


In my Boshevsky combine there is a mill for grain and cereals, with millstones. You can grind in it, and there will be real whole grain flour :) And about grinding in a coffee grinder, doubts gnaw at me ......

Where do you buy whole (not crushed) wheat? Climbed all the nearby shops in Mitino - nowhere!

Shrovetide is coming soon and I think many will bake pancakes. I read in a magazine that before pancakes were baked the size of a saucer and from buckwheat flour, maybe someone saw such flour for sale? And share your recipes and secrets of pancake cooking. Pancake week is coming soon and we will delight our loved ones with a variety of pancakes. My recipe (or rather my grandmother) 2 tbsp. milk 4 eggs flour, salt, sugar, soda. mix milk with eggs, then add flour, salt, sugar, soda (we add flour so that ...

French fries in the oven. Raquel Meller's blog on 7ya.ru

French fries in the oven great amount sunflower oil. Problem solved! hard cheese- 200 g eggs - 2 pieces Flour, preferably buckwheat (If you do not have buckwheat flour, the way out is simple. Take buckwheat and grind it in a coffee grinder or blender.) Breadcrumbs 1. Cut the cheese into thick slices, the thickness should be at least five millimeters. 2. Pour the flour into the bowls, crackers separately and beat the eggs separately with ...

Where is it mined? Is it for sale or do you need to take buckwheat to the mill yourself (grind in a coffee grinder)?


:-) Ol, and here I tried in the usual pancake dough made from wheat flour 2 tbsp. add tablespoons of oatmeal. Pancakes turned out - IM! :-)))
And I don’t get tired of thanking you “for production and delivery” at all - don’t you hiccup? ;-))) - I even fed my husband with oatmeal when he toiled with my stomach here. And on the water, and only with a pinch of salt. He really choked on a decoction of oatmeal and could not swallow anything, but the oatmeal went so well ... :-) And my stomach liked it :-)

tell me, plz, in what proportion should ordinary flour be mixed with ground buckwheat? And then the family ordered yeast pancakes for dinner, and to be honest, I can cook them only theoretically: (I would be very grateful if you tell me a proven recipe


thank you very much! :) after reading the kindly provided links, I made a hodgepodge of them :) half a liter of warm milk + dry yeast + sugar + three eggs + a glass of wheat flour + a glass of ground and sifted buckwheat + vegetable oil ... mixed in a combine and an hour in warm place under the towel :) the result was just superb :)
so yeast pancakes turned out to be not such a terrible process :)
thanks again!

So I bought a blender. Super thing! Although, perhaps, I should be ashamed, given Mishin's age. But nevertheless, for 2 days now I have been feeding the child with fresh fruit and vegetable-meat purees. I refer to myself as "you" on this occasion. However, I am now very puzzled about the storage of products. Everything is clear with fruits, they do not need to be cooked, they do not deteriorate quickly. But with vegetables and meat trouble. Vegetables: So I bought all sorts of good things like potatoes, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, etc. How much can this...


Fruit puree is stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time (only our dad eats it before I have time to give it to my child :)), you can keep minced meat in the freezer for several months - it's checked.

03.10.2002 12:22:56, fri

When I bought fresh vegetables, I washed them, cleaned them, put them in a plastic box and... in the freezer! ..and started buying fresh-frozen vegetables in bags ..beauty!!! I took it out, threw it into a saucepan and ..use! Yes ..... I cook almost every day ... or every other day (depending on Maksyukhin's appetite), I keep boiled in the refrigerator ... for a long time there was a sad experience of storing vegetables with meat in the freezer ... hmmm .. after defrosting it looked like rubber .. brrr ..
At the expense of meat ... why can't it (leftover, fresh) be stored in the freezer?

My question is to foreign mothers who raised (or are raising) babies abroad. What to feed a small child? We have no porridge, except for rice. no cottage cheese ... horror! all puree with sugar and starch. The baby is still on breast milk, but it's time to feed. I went through the supermarkets and realized that there was nothing normal. Is it possible to cook everything yourself? But where can I find buckwheat, oatmeal for a child?


we also have this w.pa! Kashi - only rice, there is truth with the addition of other cereals. With this, it still didn't work. But the banks - pipets! From the fruit there is only (at least we have already traveled to dofig stores) a cocktail of 4 or 6 fruits Nutricia, a mustache. I have never seen monocomponent ones. From vegetable - only vegetable "cocktail" with meat. And in the same way - let's doustim, zucchini or pumpkins, I have never seen at all ((Iehhh. There is no cottage cheese here either ((Yogrutas are for children, but there are two types of everything. The problem with cereals is pipets. There is a current rice. Well, all sorts of legumes. And , semolina still, thank God)) No buckwheat, no oatmeal, no millet ... Maybe somewhere in Russian stores and there is, even most likely, but I don’t know where we have Russian stores here. We are in the "village" we live, we haven't met a Russian store in a large nearby city. As a result, we eat porridge that we have, purchased, instant. I make vegetables myself, I cook meat too. Instead of cottage cheese, we eat yogurt, but very bad. Fruits - if there are jars, then If not, I grate it myself.

For the first time I hear that in Italy there is nothing to feed a child!!! The same Plasmon has a whole set of all kinds of cereals, including buckwheat. It's just that it's all overdone. If not in one supermarket, look in another. And the pediatrician should follow the complementary foods, my child’s doctor always prepared food intake schemes for me and gave recipes for how everything should be cooked. Personally, I cooked everything except meat myself, but if you wish, EVERYTHING can be bought ready-made. And there are just a lot of manufacturers of baby food here. In addition to Plasmon and Mellin, which you mentioned, there are also Nipiol, Nestle, Hipp, Mio, etc.

Hello girls!!! After the treated allergy, we reintroduce complementary foods. We ate a zucchini and 5 days a tsvetnushka. The doctor said that you can already introduce porridge. Start with buckwheat and not special baby cereals, but grind it yourself in a coffee grinder and cook. So I bought Nordic buckwheat flakes. Of course they boil quickly. But the proportions are still tight, because. started with one teaspoon. Tell me, I cooked porridge, it turned out about 200 grams, porridge remained. I put it in the fridge to keep...


2 times a day we eat porridge,

I cook fresh every time. But even though my baby is allergic, we, mmm, have not reached the point of grinding and boiling cereal. I use instant cereals.
I give porridge 4 times a day: in the morning I use my milk for a whole portion, and 3 more (and sometimes 2 times) I mix it with vegetable and meat puree, I also add my milk there. I know what I'm doing wrong, but otherwise the child does not eat vegetables or meat.
Due to allergies, we only eat dairy-free cereals.

Nuts, spices, cereals, oils ... We collect a pantry of healthy products
... Flaxseed - to add to salads and smoothies. Just a treasury of benefits, perfectly cleanses the body. Chia seeds are a real superfood, a storehouse of omega 3, vitamins and antioxidants. Compared to chia, foods like broccoli, flaxseeds, spinach, and blueberries simply take a break. Green buckwheat - for sprouting. Only the lazy do not know about the benefits of green buckwheat seedlings today. If you are not used to eating sprouts just like that, add them to salads. Brown or black rice - more healthy option rice, compared to classic white. Again, complex carbohydrates. Arborio rice - medium grain round rice for the risotto. Herbs and spices I will not list the properties of all spices, I will focus only on ...


Hmm...but I fry in olive oil and sincerely believe that it is useful...it turns out not...many of these products are not a problem to get, but whether they will be really organic is already a big question...unless in the summer, buy from grandmothers in the markets ... and in winter, it’s really hard with organic matter

Maslenitsa is on the nose, but I'm not ready. I keep looking for the recipe. perfect pancakes. Thin, lacy and without yeast. And also teach how to bake buckwheat pancakes. They don't work for me. At all. Thanks everyone for the advice.


I bake from buckwheat flour 1:1 with wheat (one buckwheat is not allowed), 1 egg, sugar per eye, milk, flour too, salt, olive. oil. And yesterday I found a lot of recipes for all kinds of pancakes, [link-1] now I experiment every day), it’s been an oil week, my children are happy!

On fresh kefir, give a recipe.

thin girls. Lo's blog. on 7th.ru

strength is will there is - there is no willpower. however, on buckwheat diet I made up my mind. when you quickly approach size 48, you start looking for ways to retreat. 1 day. survived with difficulty. a glass of steamed buckwheat seemed to me like a bucket of steamed buckwheat. for the whole day I stretched 200 ml of slightly sweetened coffee and this buckwheat. The second half of the day passed almost unconsciously. the head is spinning, the brain refuses to think categorically. ate half a pack last night fat-free cottage cheese. drank the rest of the ice ...

The best recipes for pancakes and pancakes!.

Proven, the most delicious pancake recipes with photos from chefs. Custard pancakes on kefir Ingredients Kefir 1% 800 ml Egg 2 pcs. Flour 350-400 g Boiling water 220 ml Sugar 1.5 tbsp Soda 1 tsp Pinch of salt Vegetable oil 3 tbsp Butter Preparation Break 2 eggs, add granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. Whisk well until smooth. Add kefir and stir again. We add flour. Beat the dough until smooth without lumps. You may think that the dough...


We don’t eat cottage cheese, and this is my way out: I make dough from cottage cheese like for cheesecakes, I just roll them into small balls and cook for about five minutes. They are more tender than fried and healthier.

We won't have that either. The son generally does not tolerate dairy products, even hostility almost to the point of vomiting! ((((Serve only meat! And only chicken or turkey! He eats himself, but only what he wants. And he is only 2 years old!
The article is good, my daughter and dad are lucky!)))

Cereals and vegetables - with mushrooms and cheese, lean and more

Pea jelly with elk and others interesting dishes- recipes from LavkaLavka chef Marat Khatmullin.
... Onion 1 pc. Hard cheese "Caciotta" from cow's milk 100 g Goat's cheese lemon sourdough Fish broth 400 ml Dry white wine 50 ml. Butter 20 g Olive oil for frying Salt, pepper Greens Cooking method: Peel the onion and cut into small cubes, then a small amount sauté the onion with olive oil. Add green buckwheat and fry, stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes. Pour dry white wine and, stirring constantly, wait for the wine to evaporate completely. Pour in a ladle of broth, and simmer over low heat, stirring until the buckwheat liquid is completely absorbed. Gradually pour the broth into the green buckwheat. Cook greccotto until full...

For a loaf (750g) you will need: 1½ cups water 1 cup wholemeal rye 7 tsp. rye flour wholemeal flour 1 cup wholemeal flour 7 tsp. buckwheat flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp dry sourdough "Extra-R" 1 2/3 tsp. yeast & 1 tsp baking powder Bake on the whole grain bread setting. Mediterranean focaccia In the south of Europe bakery products in special respect. It is said that the first professional technologies for making bread were brought to Italy by the Greeks...
... The result of the labors will be fluffy, fragrant bread. "For focaccia you will need: 1 cup of warm water (40 degrees) 4 tbsp olive oil ½ tsp salt 2 cloves minced garlic 2.5 tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary (or a mixture of fragrant fresh herbs) 3 cups wheat flour 1½ tsp dried yeast Place water, half olive oil, salt, garlic, rosemary (herbs), flour in the bread machine. At the end of the program, put the dough in a baking dish or on a pizza circle.Every 3 cm, make on the surface of the dough...


made turkish bread recipe
it turned out very tasty, only I didn’t add seeds, we have one family member who doesn’t like them :)

Tell me in the recipes the measurement is in cups. How much is a cup in milliliters? Especially when baking French bread

29.09.2017 11:56:36, Alexandra

Royal pancakes Ingredients 3 stack. buckwheat flour, 2 cups wheat flour, 1 cup cream, 100 g butter, 200 g sour cream, 6 eggs, 1 liter of milk, 25 g pressed yeast, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. salt. Preparation Dissolve buckwheat flour and yeast in 2 cups of warm milk and leave in a warm place to rise. After an hour of fermentation, add 5 yolks, mashed with butter and sour cream, wheat flour, the remaining milk, salt and sugar. Knead thoroughly with a spatula until the dough begins to lag behind it, and set to rise in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Beat 6 proteins and cream, add them to the dough that has come up, stir gently, let ...

Use the other part for baking bread. Grain sourdough Day 1: 1 cup grain (wheat for wheat bread or rye - for "black") soak for sprouting, wrap the dishes with a towel, put in a warm place. Day 2: if the grain has not sprouted, then rinse it, wrap it and leave it in a warm place until evening. In the evening, grind the grain in a blender or combine (be careful not to burn the motor!), mix with 2 tbsp. rye flour, 1 tsp sugar or honey, put in a warm place under a lid or towel. Day 3: The starter can be divided (as in previous recipes), leave part in the refrigerator, and use the other part for making sourdough. Alternatively, grain sourdough can be cooked boiled. Mix the ground grain with flour, sugar...

Then for 5 days we put the grain in a germination box and put it closer to the oven, in heat. Sprouted grains are stewed green malt. Now it remains only to dry the grains and grind. In the same way, we get barley malt. Now we make kvass. barley and rye malt in accordance with the recipe, mix with warm water, add wheat and buckwheat flour to the resulting dough, and pour boiling water with continuous stirring (brew kvass). We transfer the dough into a barrel and put it in heat for 5-6 hours. Then pour in 15 liters of boiling water ...
...When the dough becomes warm, like, new milk, add to it yeast sourdough- it is done in the same way as pancake batter - and put it in the cold for 2 days. After filtering kvass through double gauze, you can bottle it, jars and take it out to the cold. Moscow sour cabbage soup 500 g rye flour malt 300 g buckwheat flour 500 g honey 5-6 g peppermint Pour 4-5 cups into the malt and flour boiling water and knead thick dough. We leave it warm for 2-3 hours. When the dough will do, dilute it in 17 liters of boiling water, stir and let stand. Carefully pour the infused clear wort into another bowl, mix with honey, add ...

Then I moved on to grinding in a coffee grinder. As you already wrote about this method. It also seems to me the most natural and natural. Over time, you will simply adjust and increase the addition of milk to the porridge. Depending on how your baby will react to it. We also used oatmeal at first, then buckwheat and rice. Often we add various fruits to the porridge. Sincerely OLAV;) 9.2.2000 0:48:41, Elina I started with rice, then added buckwheat, manna, oatmeal, wheat, oatmeal and barley (every day is different). I bought flour or ground cereal on a blender. 100 ml of milk (I used my own, expressed) + 0.5 tbsp. l. flour; cook over low heat while stirring. Post...
...Depending on how your baby will react to it. We also used oatmeal at first, then buckwheat and rice. Often we add various fruits to the porridge. Sincerely OLAV;) 9.2.2000 0:48:41, Elina I started with rice, then added buckwheat, manna, oatmeal, wheat, oatmeal and barley (every day is different). I bought flour or ground cereal on a blender. 100 ml of milk (I used my own, expressed) + 0.5 tbsp. l. flour; cook over low heat while stirring. Gradually increased the dose: 200 ml. milk and st. l. flour, now 250 ml. milk and st. l. with a slide of flour, cereal - 75 ml. Bon appetit! 9.2.2000 0:30:5, Alyona You should not be so skeptical about ready-made cereals. If you buy from a company...


03/25/2007 12:15:12 pm, Lera

my friend's son, who is six months old, has staphylococcus! dear women and doctors, help with advice and recommendations on what to do. She herself cannot find an answer. I really count on your help and recommendations!

03/25/2007 12:10:20 pm, Lera

Rice is relatively low in vegetable proteins, making it easy to digest and absorb, which is especially suitable for children with unstable stools. However, it is not recommended to start with rice porridge if the child is prone to constipation - in this case, it is better to start with buckwheat, as it contains a lot of fiber and stimulates digestion. In addition, buckwheat is very nutritious and contains mineral salts and a large amount of iron, which is good for children with iron deficiency anemia. Corn grits is not as rich in vitamins and microelements as buckwheat, and boils for a long time when cooked at home, but can be used to diversify the menu, especially in children with a tendency to constipation, as it is rich in fiber. The first porridge of the baby must be monograin (from one ...
...they are supposed to help you transition more smoothly and naturally from liquid food(breast milk and its substitutes) to thicker and more high-calorie (cereals). Types of cereal complementary foods Cereal complementary foods can be introduced in the form of: home-cooked cereals (requires flour for baby food or grinding cereals with a coffee grinder and cooking); instant (instant - not requiring cooking) cereals; "ready" canned cereals in jars. Such cereals contain cereals with fruits or vegetables (dairy-free cereals) or with the addition of milk (milk cereals); they are convenient to use on the road. We cook it ourselves To prepare porridge at home, you need to carefully sort out and ...

Production technologies make it possible to process vegetables and fruits without loss of useful properties, safely combine various ingredients important for the development of a child in one product, as well as add all the necessary substances (vitamins, minerals) and protect a growing baby from their lack. Dairy-free instant cereals are made, as a rule, on the basis of rice, buckwheat or corn flour, they may also contain fruits (bananas, apples). Such cereals do not require cooking, they can be dissolved in water, in any dairy nutrition familiar to the child, in diluted cow's milk. Porridges are well digested, do not contain sugar, gluten, are enriched with vitamins. Buckwheat porridge is rich in vegetable proteins, valuable in terms of amino acid composition. It does not contain gluten, has a maximum content...

Groats: "" educational program "" for parents. Nutrition for children up to a year

Fiber is essential for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It stimulates intestinal motility, increases the volume and reduces the density of feces, contributing to the prevention of constipation; positively affects the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. Being a sorbent, fiber promotes excretion from the body harmful substances. In addition, the high content of dietary fiber in buckwheat ensures the timely appearance of a feeling of fullness, which prevents overeating and, as a result, obesity. Oatmeal is a "champion" in terms of calcium and phosphorus content. Rice. It ranks first in terms of carbohydrate content (mainly starch, which is very well absorbed by the child's body). However, the content of useful dietary fiber in rice cereal lower than, for example, in buckwheat, o ...

How to cook porridge for a child? Lure

Sugar and salt are not allowed. According to "adult" taste sensations, it should be undersalted and slightly sweet. Well, what kind of porridge without oil, but not more than 5 g per serving. There are several cooking methods. If you use cereal flour during cooking, then dilute it in cold water and pour in the boiling milk. Then boil for 5 minutes. When preparing cereals from cereals, it is recommended that the cereals be first boiled well in water, then add hot milk to it and cook until tender. Pass the finished porridge through a sieve. What kind of cereal to choose? The most useful are buckwheat and oatmeal. They have more protein than others, in addition, they ...


Some idiot wrote an article! Until the year, NO spices! No salt, no sugar, much less spices. Also, up to a year, cereals containing gluten should not be given, it can provoke the development of celiac disease, a severe pathology of the small intestine. Gluten-free cereals include rice, corn and buckwheat. Such a variety is quite enough for a child in the first year of life.

04/03/2016 18:49:04, VlastaV

Thanks for the informative article. For the first couple of days, I cooked porridge myself, but the child was sprinkled, and then only on Materna porridge did they grow. We buy now through baby1care. com. We also eat mixtures of this brand, because everything is low-allergenic and the child likes it. I think that children's cereals are not to save time, but all the same for the sake of the health of the kids.

How to cook porridge for a 5-month-old baby (with proportions or grams)? Which one is better to give first and at what time of the day and how many grams. Ready-made cereals in banks or "just add some water" does not interest me. In my opinion, there might be something wrong with them.

I mean, have you seen it for sale? :)) This is all about the same Shrovetide. Last year I bought it at a local supermarket, but this year I can’t find it anywhere in the vicinity. Maybe met someone?

You will need

  • - buckwheat or flour;
  • - water;
  • - blender or coffee grinder;
  • - measuring utensils;
  • - a small saucepan, a metal mug or a ladle.


Choose a cereal. It is better if it is of the highest grade and light enough, because the dark one can be bitter. Sort the buckwheat, remove debris and husks. The cereal must be thoroughly washed and no less thoroughly dried.

Porridge for a small child must be cooked from ground cereals. For this it is more convenient to use a blender. You can, of course, be satisfied with a coffee grinder. Of course, provided that it is clean and does not smell of coffee or spices. It is preferable to purchase a separate coffee grinder for cereals. The aroma of coffee lasts a very long time, it is pleasant for an adult, but a child may not like it. Grind buckwheat until it becomes a cross between semolina and flour - smaller than the first, larger than the second. Homemade buckwheat flour is perfectly stored in glass or porcelain dishes, so nothing bad will happen if you suddenly have more of it than you planned.

Pour the ground buckwheat into an enameled or steel small container. Set to boil slow fire. Don't forget to stir constantly. The whole process takes 15-20 minutes. At the end, you can add a drop of breast milk or a mixture familiar to the baby if the baby is on. According to the same recipe, you can cook a thicker 10% buckwheat porridge. It is enough to take twice as much buckwheat for the same amount of water, that is, 2 teaspoons. Salt and spices should not be added to porridge for babies.

From about six months, you can give your child buckwheat boiled in cow's milk. Milk should not be fat. It is better to choose something that is designed specifically for small ones. In any case, it must be diluted with water in equal parts. This porridge is cooked in the same way as. The consistency depends on how your baby is already accustomed to fairly thick food.

Sort the grits, rinse thoroughly, separate 2 tablespoons, dry to a light brown color in the oven. Pour a glass into a saucepan drinking water, bring to a boil, add the grits and cook over low heat for 40-45 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, wipe the sieve without cooling, the porridge is already there.

Prepare saline and fructose as follows: dilute 2 grams of salt in 1 teaspoon of warm water, take 100 grams of fructose, boil 50 milliliters of water, pour fructose into boiling water in a thin stream, keep on low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Add water if the syrup is too concentrated.

Mashed rice porridge

Boil 1 glass of drinking water, sort the rice, rinse, dry, separate 1.5 tablespoons, pour into boiling water, cook until tender. Wipe cooked rice through a sieve or grind with a blender.

Add 1 teaspoon brine and 1 teaspoon fructose syrup, pour in 2/3 cup raw milk, boil, cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add butter to the cooling porridge.

Semolina in vegetable broth

Take 1 carrot and 1 potato, wash thoroughly, peel, cut into small cubes, pour 2 cups of drinking water into a saucepan, put on fire, put vegetables in water, simmer, cover with a lid. Remove from heat, strain the broth, put back on the fire, bring to a boil, 1 tablespoon of semolina, pour in a thin stream into boiling water, stirring constantly.

Add 1 teaspoon saline solution, if desired, cook for another 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat, add 1 teaspoon of butter.


  • Porridge for children in 2019

Dogs and cats feed their cubs with milk for an average of 2-2.5 months. However, it is recommended to introduce it already at 3-4 weeks, since the mother's milk is no longer enough for babies. Proper diet is the key to the health and normal development of the animal. However, few choices desired products, you also need to be able to cook food from them.


Never add to lure salt, sugar, honey, chocolate, spices, etc. Food for kittens and puppies should be cooked separately, and it is strictly forbidden to give dishes from the master's table. The owner of the animal should understand that normal food for him may be poison for his pet.

Cook puppies and kittens fish and lean meat. In no case should these products be given raw, as this can lead to infection with worms. Also, do not give fatty meat, especially pork. Give preference to beef and chicken. Cut meat and fish into small pieces and then boil in water or diluted milk. After cooking, do not pour out all the broth - you can give a little to the baby.

Prepare boiled potatoes for puppies. This is the only vegetable that they should not be given raw. Potatoes must first be peeled, and not boiled in their uniforms. It is also recommended to give it in chunks rather than mashed. Potatoes should be boiled as usual, only without salt and spices, and then cool and give the puppy warm pieces.

Be sure to cook porridge with meat for kittens. You can use semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, etc., moreover, mix lure should be in the proportion of 1 part of porridge to 2 parts of meat or fish. When boiling cereals, do not add too much water so as not to drain it before feeding the kittens. Rice does not need to be washed before cooking, and the finished rice porridge should be given without removing the remaining liquid.

Do not use milk in cooking lure but every day. On the contrary, it is recommended to do this no more than 3-4 times a week. The fact is that cow's milk can cause indigestion in your pets. Puppies can be given warm milk from time to time, and kittens can be boiled porridge on it.

Cut into pieces the kidneys, heart, liver, lungs before boiling them. Do not cook offal for too long. The essence of cooking lure and from such products - to destroy the likelihood of infection of babies, so you do not need to digest useful substances for a long time. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook. For example, beef liver cut into medium-sized pieces can be boiled for 7-10 minutes, and chicken hearts for 15-20 minutes.

Wonderful buckwheat porridge can be cooked in microwave oven. Putting in buckwheat various additives(for example, vegetables, mushrooms, chopped eggs), you can get a dish with a completely new taste.
