
Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker - it can be different! Classic and new recipes for rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Rice porridge in the Polaris multicooker: recipes for cooking with milk, pumpkin and dried fruits

Rice porridge is a dish that combines several advantages at once. It's simple, nutritious, delicious, and reasonably priced. Rice porridge is especially quick and easy to prepare in a slow cooker. And you can improve its taste by using various mouth-watering additives.

Classic milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

This option can be suitable for the whole family as both a rich breakfast and a warming lunch. It gets pretty thick. In addition to rice (1 tbsp), you will need to use: 25 g butter, 1 tbsp. rice, 3 large spoons of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, 4 tbsp. fat milk.

  1. Rice is carefully sorted out from unusable grains, washed with cool water and placed in a multicooker bowl.
  2. The cereal is poured with the amount of milk indicated in the recipe. It is important to slightly warm it up or at least get it out of the cold in advance.
  3. The dish is salted, sweetened and flavored with butter.
  4. Under a closed lid in the appropriate mode, it cooks for about 50 minutes.

If the device does not have the "Porridge" program, you can select another one, for example, "Krupa". In any of them, milk rice porridge in a slow cooker will turn out tender and appetizing.

water cooking recipe

Experienced chefs recommend purchasing round-grain cereals for porridge. Other varieties will not give the viscosity indispensable for porridge and make the dish too crumbly. In addition to the main component (2 multi-glasses), rice porridge on water is prepared with the addition of: ¾ tsp. table salt, 45 g butter, sugar or bee honey is also taken to taste. The liquid is poured in 2 times more.

  1. First, the cereal is washed very thoroughly. It is necessary to change the water 8-10 times so that it becomes completely transparent.
  2. Rice grains are poured into the multicooker bowl. Not a cold liquid is poured from above, salt, sugar and butter are added.
  3. In the "Porridge" or "Rice" program, the dish is cooked for 25 minutes.

When the machine's signal sounds about the end of work, you can immediately serve rice porridge on the water to the table, or you can first leave it to sweat on the heating.

A hearty dish with meat in a slow cooker

Especially nutritious is a dish based on pork pulp. It is enough to take 750-850 g. Also used: a small onion, 1.5 tbsp. rice cereal, 2 large spoons of vegetable oil, carrots, salt.

  1. Washed and peeled vegetables are cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. The meat is thoroughly washed and cut into oblong slices. If desired, you can also lightly beat off the product.
  3. In the “Frying” program, pork is first fried in vegetable oil until lightly browned, and then meat with chopped vegetables. 12-15 minutes is enough with frequent stirring.
  4. Next, place thoroughly washed rice in the bowl of the device and pour the components with water.
  5. The products are salted, after which the Krupa program or another suitable mode is turned on.

If the hostess has time, leave the finished treat on heating for 10-12 minutes.

Milk rice-wheat porridge with raisins

This dish is especially liked by the smallest gourmets. Porridge is tasty because of sugar (1 tablespoon) and raisins (1 handful). In addition, it will be used: half a multi-cooker glass of wheat and rice cereals, 2 glasses of milk and 3 water, a handful of raisins, 35 g of butter.

  1. First of all, dry ingredients are poured into the container of the device. These are: raisins and two types of cereals.
  2. Next, the contents of the bowl are poured with a mixture of a dairy product and water. You can add a slice of butter to this mass.
  3. The ingredients are well mixed, after which the “Milk porridge” mode is set for 45 minutes.
  4. After the appropriate signal, the dish is served to the table.

The finished porridge will turn out to be a viscous, not cool consistency. Instead of raisins, any other dried fruits go well with it. True, for example, prunes, dried apricots and similar dried fruits must first be steamed and then finely chopped.

With the addition of pumpkin

Such a vegetable makes the treat not only more useful, but also very appetizing in appearance. Porridge becomes tasty, rich orange color. It is allowed to cook a dish from both fresh and frozen vegetables. The result will be the same. From the products you will need to prepare: 340 g of pumpkin pulp, a bag of vanilla sugar, 2 multi-cooker glasses of boiled water, 1.5 of the same glasses of rice cereal, 3 tbsp. fat milk, 3.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, a piece of high-quality butter.

  1. The pulp of the pumpkin is cut into small slices, or rubbed on a grater. If a vegetable from the freezer is used, then it will first need to be defrosted.
  2. Pumpkin slices are placed in a multicooker bowl. A small amount of water is added to the mass - about 5-6 tbsp.
  3. First, the “Extinguishing” program is turned on, on which the pumpkin will become soft in 10 minutes. You can additionally knead it with a pusher.
  4. Rice thoroughly washed in several waters pour over the vegetable. It remains to add vanilla and regular sugar to the bowl.
  5. Add warm water so that there is no sharp temperature drop in the device.
  6. The milk added to the container should also be slightly warmed up.
  7. The Porridge program is turned on. The process takes 45 minutes.

The dish is served hot with butter and optionally with honey.

With cream

With cream, the porridge is especially tender and tasty. The composition includes: 3 tbsp. fat milk, half a glass of round-grain rice, 220 ml of medium-fat cream, a pinch of salt and granulated sugar to taste.

  1. Groats after thorough washing with water fit into the container of the device.
  2. Liquid components are poured on top of the rice. The mass is salted and sweetened.
  3. Then you can turn on the multicooker for 55 minutes in the special program "Milk Porridge" or another suitable mode.
  4. As soon as the mixture in the bowl boils, you need to lift the lid and mix it thoroughly. During the cooking process, this should be repeated 3-4 times.
  5. After the signal about the completion of the device, it does not turn off, but is switched to heating for another 35 minutes.

The result is a porridge of perfect consistency - neither thick nor liquid.

Features of cooking in a slow cooker: Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic

In general, a delicious round white rice porridge can be cooked in a device from any brand. It will be useful for the hostess to understand the modes in which they differ from each other.

Some models of Redmond multicookers do not have a special “Porridge” mode and other suitable ones. In this case, you will simply need to use the “Stew” program, and then leave the dish on the heating until it is fully cooked.

Polaris has two convenient modes at once - “Milk Porridge” and “Krupa”. Between them you need to choose depending on the ingredients used. For example, for cooking on water, the second option is more suitable.

Panasonic models most often have the Milk Porridge, Buckwheat and Pilaf programs. These options are perfect for making tender rice porridge.

If the device is not equipped with preset modes, it will most likely have a special multi-cook function. In this case, it will be enough to manually set the time to 35 minutes and the temperature to 110 degrees.

- a valuable and useful product of everyday and dietary nutrition, which has unique cleansing properties. Cooking such porridge on the stove is a real test of responsibility, diligence and patience. So that milk does not run away and the viscous, gradually thickening product does not burn, you need to vigilantly monitor the process and often stir the contents of the pan for half an hour. The production of the desired porridge with the help of an electric programmable one, in which the automation takes care of everything itself, eliminates such troubles.

Let's figure out how to cook rice milk porridge in multicookers of leading brands and denote the use of the resulting "multicooker" product in dietary rations.

Recipe for rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

To enjoy high-quality milk-rice porridge, you need to load the multicooker with suitable products in the right proportion and sequence, set the correct mode and wait for the technical signal about the complete end of the process.

The general recipe for a device of any brand is as follows:

  • one measuring container of rice;
  • five measured containers of liquid (milk or milk with water);
  • a tablespoon of sugar on top;
  • a teaspoon of salt (incomplete);
  • a tablespoon of butter.

Detailed sequencing:

  1. Sort the rice cereal and rinse it thoroughly in running water. For viscous milk porridge, rice with round grains is most suitable, containing especially a lot of starch. After rinsing, let the water drain completely. You can additionally dry the rice grains by laying the cereal on a towel.
  2. To prevent boiling milk from escaping through the safety valve of the multicooker, it is useful to lubricate the cooking container from the inside.
  3. Download prepared rice.
  4. Pour in the liquid - whole milk or milk diluted with water. With the first option, the probability of “escape” of milk and burning of porridge is much higher. In the second case, in order to thoroughly insure against such troubles, three measuring glasses of milk and two of water are poured into the cooking container. For full-fat milk, the optimal proportions of the mixture are two measures of milk and three measures of water.
  5. Sprinkle salt and sugar. The oil is put either immediately, simultaneously with salt and sugar, or, after cooking, in the finished product. Based on the maximum preservation of nutrients, the second option - seasoning with oil already cooked porridge - is preferable.
  6. Close the lid, set the desired mode. Depending on the specific model, these can be the “Porridge”, “Porridge with milk”, “Stew” or “Rice” programs.
  7. At the end of the process, in order to compact the consistency, you can sweat the porridge for some time (usually 15-20 minutes) on automatic heating.

Brands and modes

Rice porridge with milk according to this recipe can be cooked in any model of multicookers Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Mulineks and other brands. Each of them has specific mode features. So multicookers " Redmond» (« Redmond”) are equipped with the mode “ Milk porridge", which lasts 30 minutes. At the end of this period, the product is left for another 20 minutes under a closed lid.

The company's devices Polaris» (« Polaris”), depending on the model, have a mode “ Milk porridge" or " Rice". After the end of the program, the porridge is simmered for 15 minutes under the lid in the “Heating” mode. Asian multicookers " Panasonic» (« Panasonic”) cook rice in milk in the “ Milk porridge". At the end of the process, the product is brought to the condition for 15 minutes on the "Heating".

Kitchen appliances of the international brand " Mulinex» (« Moulinex”) have a program “ Milk porridge' or, on some models, ' Rice". After a sound signal about the end of cooking, set the “Heating” mode and let the porridge brew for 15 minutes.

Multicookers of the concern Philips» (« Philips”) are provided with the program “ Porridge". The product cooked in this mode is left under the lid, setting "Heating", for an additional 15 minutes.

Multicooker porridge - special qualities in dietary use

Rice porridge, cooked well in a slow cooker, fully retains its unique absorbent capacity. Absorbing harmful substances, it perfectly cleanses the digestive tract.

"Multi-cooker" rice porridge with low-fat or diluted milk has a low energy index. Based on such a moderately high-calorie product, rice and vegetable diets for weight loss have been developed. Thanks to the cleansing properties of rice, such nutrition not only reduces weight, but also relieves swelling and improves the condition of the skin, joints, nails, and hair.

Milk-rice porridge is necessarily included in therapeutic diets for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as kidney failure. However, for colitis, a tendency to constipation and diabetes, this product is used sparingly and to a limited extent.

Not just rice and milk

The slow cooker provides an opportunity to get rice porridge in milk, enriched with additional components. So, in the cooking container, along with rice, you can load:

  • Dried fruits - well washed, as well,

    And, finally, the finished porridge is solemnly decorated and at the same time fortified with pieces of fruit, berries, and grated nuts.

    How to cook rice milk porridge in a slow cooker - video

    From the video material presented, you will learn the recipe for cooking rice milk porridge in the Polaris multicooker with a delayed start, which ensures that the dish is ready at the appointed time. At the same time, all possible measures have been taken against the burning of porridge and milk "escape": milk is diluted with water, and the inner surface of the cooking bowl is smeared with butter. The classical quantitative ratio of all ingredients used is given.

    Cooking porridge from rice with milk in a hermetically sealed multicooker preserves the full range of useful substances that are uniquely combined in this product. The cooking process is automated, and the likelihood of milk “running off” and rice burning is minimized. The composition and properties of the resulting dish are fully consistent not only with the daily diet at any age, but also with clinical nutrition and diets for weight loss.

    Do you cook rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker? What additional ingredients do you use in this cooking method? Does the taste and aroma of a “multi-cooker” product differ from rice and milk porridge cooked on a conventional stove? Share your culinary experience and tasting impressions in the comments!


The process of cooking rice porridge in the Polaris multicooker is practically the same as other models of appliances. There are many options for such a dish - porridge with milk, water, with the addition of pumpkin pulp, raisins. And that's not all recipes!

Despite the fact that the multicooker has become our indispensable assistant in the kitchen, this appliance is not completely perfect. It also has several shortcomings. And the main one - porridge can still "escape". In order not to fail in the process of cooking rice porridge, let's listen to experienced chefs.

Cooking Tips:

  • Grease the top of the multicooker with butter. And also put a piece in the porridge during cooking.
  • Rice groats must be washed several times, as they say, until clean water.
  • Porridge will definitely “not run away” if you cook it in milk diluted with filtered water.
  • At the end of cooking, carefully remove the valve on the appliance and release a little steam. Just don't get burned!

traditional recipe

Milk rice porridge in the Polaris multicooker is obtained with a delicate creamy taste, almost caramel. And how much good is fraught with this dish!


  • 1 st. rice cereal;
  • ½ st. purified water;
  • ½ st. milk;
  • salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • soft butter.

On a note! Even sweet porridge during the cooking process needs to be slightly salted, otherwise it will turn out to be fresh in taste.


On a note! When cooking rice in a slow cooker, you can measure products both with multi-glasses and with a measuring container.

"Sunshine" porridge

Many sweet tooth conquered rice porridge with pumpkin. In the Polaris multicooker (and in other models of the device), it is prepared simply and quickly. And even if your household does not like pumpkin, they will not refuse such a delicacy.


  • 0.3 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 1 st. rice cereal;
  • 4 tbsp. milk;
  • salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • vanilla.


Advice! If you fry the rice groats in a dry hot frying pan before boiling the porridge, you will get a dish with a pleasant unusual taste.

Grandma's recipe

Our grandmothers added an egg to rice porridge. Of course, they cooked it on the stove or stove. And we will cook rice porridge in the Polaris multicooker with milk.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1 st. rice cereal;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • apple;
  • 85 g of soft butter;
  • cinnamon;


  1. Rinse the cereal, put it in a multicooker container.
  2. Add milk, salt.
  3. Turn on the "Porridge" option. We cook for 40-45 minutes.
  4. At the very end, add sugar and butter.
  5. Lightly beat the eggs. We need a homogeneous, but not lush mass.
  6. In a thin stream, we introduce the egg mixture into the porridge, mix.
  7. We sweat the porridge in the automatic heating mode for 10 minutes.
  8. Serve porridge with honey, apple slices and cinnamon.

Advice! Do not throw away leftover rice porridge. From it you can bake a delicious casserole or meatballs.

Unusual pilaf for gourmets

Try to cook pilaf without meat in a slow cooker according to this recipe. A couple of secret ingredients will turn the dish into a true masterpiece.


  • 1 st. rice cereal;
  • carrot;
  • garlic head;
  • 2 tbsp. l. barberry;
  • 2 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • 1.5 tsp zira;
  • purified vegetable oil;
  • salt.


Note to hostesses:

  • For cooking in a slow cooker, choose round rice. You can even cook porridge based on chopped. But steamed long grains are not suitable.
  • As for milk, give preference to a product with a fat content of 3.2%. It can be diluted with filtered water.
  • Rice porridge can be prepared on the basis of powdered milk.
  • In addition to pumpkin pulp, the taste of rice porridge can be supplemented with dried fruits, nuts, honey, your favorite berries and pieces of fruit.
  • Not only sweet rice porridge is cooked in a slow cooker. You can cook porridge with meat, minced meat, vegetables, mushrooms.

Rice porridge is a delicious, healthy and healthy breakfast for the whole family that will energize you for the whole day. Due to the content of complex carbohydrates, it provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. Having prepared rice porridge in a slow cooker, you will get a dish that will appeal not only to rice lovers, but even to those who are indifferent to porridges. The main thing is that the cooking process will take place without the participation of the hostess. You will not need to stand over the pan and make sure that the porridge does not burn, runs away, so that lumps and so on do not form in it.

What kind of rice porridge can be cooked in a slow cooker

A slow cooker will help you cook rice porridge for every taste, starting with the simplest, on water, and ending with options with various additives. Rice porridge is cooked in water or milk. Rice porridge on the water is suitable for children with allergies, a diet table, and you can also eat it in fasting.

The consistency of porridge is crumbly, viscous or liquid. It depends on the variety of rice, as well as on the proportions of water and cereals. You can take any rice - the simplest, round-grain 2 grades, or steamed. For a thicker and more viscous porridge, it is better to take ordinary polished rice, more crumbly porridge is obtained from steamed rice.

The most popular recipes for rice porridge in a slow cooker:

Rules and features of cooking rice porridge in a slow cooker

Rice porridge, like any dish, has its own cooking rules. How to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker, how long to cook it, depends on what kind you need to get.

The usual proportions are one part rice to two parts liquid or a little less. So we get friable boiled cereals. If you increase the amount of milk or water, the porridge will be more viscous. How much milk is needed for liquid porridge depends on understanding what consistency is suitable. If the porridge turns out to be thick during cooking, you can always add additional liquid.

Loose porridge on the water will turn out better if you add a little oil to the water - butter or vegetable. So the grains will separate from one another. In addition, before cooking, the cereals must be thoroughly washed. You can put carrots in porridge on water with oil, rice will turn out with a slight golden hue, combining the beneficial properties of cereals, butter and carrots. Here is the finished meal.

Some models of multicookers do not allow you to cook in small portions. But this will not be a minus for lovers of this healthy dish. After all, rice porridge can be prepared not only with the addition of fruits and vegetables. It also works well with meat, chicken and turkey.

A simple recipe for making milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

We will need:

  • rice - 1 cup;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • butter - 1 dessert spoon;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook rice porridge in milk in a slow cooker:

For porridge, it is better to take round-grain rice. Rinse the cereal. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, add rice, put butter. Salt lightly, add sugar to taste, mix so that the rice does not stick together. Set the porridge cooking mode for the time provided by a specific model. In the Panasonic multicooker, this will be the automatic program "Milk porridge". In other models, this may be the "extinguishing" mode. After the signal, delicious milk rice porridge in a slow cooker is ready. We let it stand for another 10 minutes under a closed lid so that it thickens.

Having prepared porridge of different types, you can determine what suits you best and master the little tricks of cooking. For example, some housewives, in order for the porridge to be more satisfying and not run away, grease the top of the bowl with a piece of butter.

The multicooker has such an interesting function - a delayed mode. This is very convenient if you need to cook porridge in the morning. By setting the timer at the right time, you can get hot fragrant porridge. Thus, it will not be necessary to spend precious time preparing breakfast in the morning. What is more important, after standing in the liquid, the rice will cook more magnificent and the porridge will turn out like from a Russian stove.

The delayed mode is suitable for any time of the year, excluding hot summers. At high temperatures, there is a danger that the milk may turn sour. This can be avoided by adding extra ice cubes so that the milk does not have time to spoil.

You will learn a variety of ways to prepare this dish by reading below the numerous recipes with photos of rice porridge in a slow cooker.

Step-by-step recipes for rice porridge in a slow cooker with milk and water

2017-09-25 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 gr.

3 gr.


21 gr.

119 kcal.

Option 1: Classic rice porridge in a slow cooker on the water

The recipe for a simple rice porridge in a slow cooker, which is cooked on water. This dish is often used in the diet of people who are lactose intolerant or simply do not like milk. Often porridge is made the basis for the subsequent addition of nuts, fresh and dried fruits, jam, honey.


  • 1 st. rice
  • 3 art. water;
  • 30 grams of oil;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 30 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

Sort the rice, remove spoiled grains. It is better to use round varieties, it is not necessary to take a large cereal, even a cut is suitable for porridge. Rinse thoroughly, change the water at least five times, drain the last one. Pour the washed rice into the multicooker bowl.

Measure water. If you need thick porridge, then you can reduce the amount to 2.5 glasses. For more liquid options, you can increase to four glasses. Pour the cereal with measured water.

Add salt. Without it, the taste of porridge will be “empty”. Add sugar immediately. If you need a salty version, then we exclude this ingredient or put a couple of pinches for taste.

Add prescription oil to the bowl. During fasting, you can cook with the addition of vegetable fats, but reduce the amount to 15 ml.

Close the multicooker lid. Turn on the Kasha program and wait for the ready signal.

Stir the dish, arrange on plates, serve porridge to the table.

If the recipe is designed for a slow cooker, use a cup from the device that comes with the kit to measure the products. It is he who is indicated in all recipes, but you can simply adhere to the given proportions and measure the ingredients with a regular cup.

Option 2: Rice porridge in a slow cooker with milk

Milk version of porridge, which will be a great breakfast. It is believed that you can put food in the slow cooker in the evening, but not in this case. Milk is a perishable product and it is best to add it just before cooking. Also be sure to dilute with water.


  • 700 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml of plain water;
  • 200 grams of rice;
  • 30 grams of oil;
  • 25 grams of sugar;
  • 5 grams of salt.

Cooking method

Rice is washed only in cold water. If there are spoiled and dark grains, then immediately remove them. Drain all the water, pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl.

Measure milk and water. Pour over rice. It is believed that just porridge with milk is not so tasty, it always needs to be diluted.

Add salt with sugar, immediately put the prescription amount of oil.

Stir all the ingredients with a spatula, close the multicooker. Set the "porridge" mode, cook the dish for 25 minutes. Then leave for another 15 minutes on heating.

Open the slow cooker, mix the porridge thoroughly. Add more butter or sugar if desired.

Not all multicookers have a "Porridge" mode. In some devices, it is replaced by the Pilaf, Groats, Rice, Buckwheat programs. Before use, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the device and the operating instructions.

Option 3: Rice porridge in a slow cooker with meat

Meat version of rice porridge in a slow cooker. This is a versatile dish that can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Here the dish is prepared with pork, you can choose fatty or leaner pieces at your discretion.


  • 350 grams of rice;
  • 750 ml of water;
  • 300 grams of pork or beef;
  • 150 grams of onion;
  • 40 ml of oil;
  • salt;
  • 0.2 tsp pepper.

Cooking method

Dice the onion. Pour oil into the multicooker, set to frying mode. Heat the fat and add the prepared vegetable, cook for 5 minutes.

Rinse a piece, cut into small cubes no more than a centimeter. Pieces, as for cooking pilaf, it is better not to do. Add to the onion, fry for about 15 more minutes.

Rinse and sort out the rice. You can use long, round, large or small cereal as you wish. Drain all the water from it, pour over the meat.

Step 4:
Measure out boiling water, add salt to it, the water should become salty, about a full teaspoon, pepper can also be poured here. Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a slow cooker. Do not use cold water, this will spoil not only the taste of the dish, but also the coating of the bowl.

Close, cook on the "Porridge" mode for 30 minutes.

After the signal, leave the device on heating for another 10 minutes, then the dish can be stirred and tasted. When serving, we supplement with herbs, fresh or pickled vegetables.

In a similar way, you can cook meat porridge with chicken, rabbit or any other types of meat, you can add not only onions to it, but also carrots, tomatoes, peppers, change the types of spices.

Option 4: Rice porridge in a slow cooker with pumpkin

The recipe for this dish indicates the amount of pure pumpkin pulp without seeds and peel. It is better to use table varieties, they are distinguished by brightness and sweetness. Dishes from such a pumpkin are much tastier.


  • 350 grams of ripe pumpkin;
  • 600 ml of milk;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 300 grams of rice;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • 25 grams of oil;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

Cooking method

With a piece of prescription oil, thickly rub the walls of the multicooker and the bottom. Cut the pulp of the pumpkin into small pieces, shift, pour 3 tablespoons of water. Close the slow cooker, turn on the "Extinguishing" program and cook the pumpkin for exactly 15 minutes.

Sort dry rice, wash the cereal thoroughly in cold water. Pour into bowl with pumpkin.

Boil or simply heat the milk mixed with prescription water to a hot state. You can use a saucepan, make it on the stove or place it in the microwave. Pour the liquid into the slow cooker next to the rice.

Add salt to the porridge. Pour granulated sugar, if desired, its amount can be reduced or increased. Stir all the ingredients together with the pumpkin with a spatula.

Close the multicooker. Rearrange the program from the "Extinguishing" mode to "Porridge" or "Cereals". Set 30 minutes.

After the signal, the cooked dish must be stirred. Pumpkin porridge is served with butter, you can complement the dish with raisins, honey, baked apple or just sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

If rice porridge is prepared with a margin or in advance, then it is advisable to make it thinner, that is, add more water by about a glass. The cereal swells well, as it insists, the dish becomes much thicker. If done strictly according to the norm, then after a few hours it can be cut with a knife.
