
Cook buckwheat proportions. Video: cooking unusual buckwheat sweets

Aromatic buckwheat- useful and tasty dish. Experienced hostess it is easy to cook buckwheat correctly. But what if you are just learning the basics of culinary business? Our tips and recipes will help in this matter, and you can easily cook friable and tasty buckwheat.

Cooking loose buckwheat - preparation

First select required amount buckwheat for cooking. Please note that during cooking, its amount increases by more than 2 times. Therefore, with one glass of cereal, you will get about three servings of ready-made buckwheat porridge. Let's prepare the cereal for cooking:

  • sort out the cereal. Remove all grains in the husk, small pebbles and debris;
  • rinse the cereal in a colander 3-4 times under cold running water. This will help wash out the small debris that you missed while sorting;
  • roast the grits in a skillet. This will give ready porridge fragrant taste. Pour the washed buckwheat into a dry frying pan without oil and fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spoon.

Find the right pot. Previously, it was cooked in a cast-iron or cauldron and put in the oven, but not everyone has such a vessel. A saucepan with thick walls is also suitable, it will turn out porridge almost the same as cooked in the oven. Pour 2 times more water for cooking into the pan than cereals. For example, for 2 cups of buckwheat you need 4 cups of water. Take clean filtered water, it is undesirable to use it from the tap.

We cook friable buckwheat on water - a classic recipe


  • 1 glass of washed washed buckwheat;
  • 2 tbsp. purified water;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 st. l. butter.

Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, pour buckwheat into it. Do not cover the pot with a lid. Increase the fire on the stove and, after boiling the porridge, salt to taste, mix and screw on the burner. Now you can cover the pan with a lid and cook the porridge over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The readiness of the dish will be indicated by the boiled water in the pan. It is not necessary to stir buckwheat during cooking. Shoot carefully hot pot from the fire, cover it with a large towel or blanket and set aside. Half an hour later, add crumbly buckwheat butter and serve for dinner.

Cooking loose buckwheat in meat broth

Buckwheat is beneficially saturated with the taste of meat, and fat will help the cereal become crumbly, even if you did not fry it in advance in a pan. Prepare foods:

  • 300 g of buckwheat;
  • salt to taste;
  • 500 g of veal pulp;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • a little peppercorns and allspice.

First prepare the broth:

  • wash the veal under the tap and dry with paper towels;
  • cut the meat into pieces. If you want to leave the meat to cook with porridge, cut it into small pieces. If you take out the cereal before pouring into the broth, cook in one piece;
  • place the veal in cold water poured into a saucepan;
  • bring to a boil on the stove. Remove the foam and salt;
  • cook the broth in a covered saucepan from 35 minutes to one hour;
  • before the end of cooking, put the pepper in the broth, Bay leaf and any seasonings of your choice.

We saw that the meat was cooked - take it out big piece or leave small pieces in the pan, they will boil well there. Now you can fall asleep buckwheat. Make sure that there is no less than 0.5 liters of broth in the broth pan. If less, add water and boil again. After boiling, place the cereal in a saucepan, salt if necessary and cook for 20 minutes with the lid closed. Ready crumbly porridge you can put finely chopped greens.

We cook crumbly buckwheat in a slow cooker


  • 2 multi-glasses of buckwheat;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 4 multi-glasses of filtered water;
  • butter to taste.

To cook porridge in a slow cooker, choose light brown cereals; you do not need to fry it. With dark buckwheat ready meal will be bitter. Put a little butter in the container of the appliance and melt in the “Baking” mode. Pour buckwheat, mix and cook in the same mode for 15 minutes. Pour water into the bowl of the appliance to the cereal and cook the dish in the "Buckwheat" mode for 35-40 minutes until the beep sounds.

If you do everything right, the porridge will not come out sticky and fresh. Ready crumbly buckwheat porridge will become wonderful side dish to meat and fish, to gravy and vegetable salad.

It would seem that what could be simpler than ordinary buckwheat porridge? Each housewife periodically cooks buckwheat, and for almost all this process ends in success. But does this mean that everyone knows how to cook buckwheat deliciously? No, it doesn't mean at all. And perhaps that is why most children and some adults do not like buckwheat porridge. And to make the porridge tasty, you need to understand how to cook buckwheat properly. This is what we propose to talk about.

How to cook buckwheat for a side dish? Proportions

If you are interested in the question of how to cook loose buckwheat properly, you should remember that buckwheat for garnish is cooked in a ratio of one to two. That is, for a glass (cup) of buckwheat, you need to take two glasses (cups) of water.

How to cook buckwheat?

Now let's talk about buckwheat recipes

Recipe 1. Cooking buckwheat porridge without cooking.

First you need to sort and rinse the buckwheat. Rinse it under cool running water. When the water becomes clear, we can assume that the buckwheat is washed well. Then we put the buckwheat in a pot (you can take a pan with a tight-fitting lid) and pour boiling water over it. In this recipe, it is better to take the proportion of cereals / water equal to 1: 1.5. Salt a little and cover with a lid. Then we wrap the buckwheat with a towel and leave it overnight. In the morning you will have wonderful buckwheat porridge.

Recipe 2. The classic recipe for cooking buckwheat

We measure the amount of cereal and water we need. Then we carry out the procedure for cleansing buckwheat, similarly to the first recipe. After that, pour the water into the prepared pan, and bring it to a boil. After the water boils, it must be salted. We salt the water to taste, and if we are preparing porridge for children, then it is better not to use salt at all, or to salt only a little. Then, pour washed buckwheat into boiling water, mix and make the fire on the stove minimal. Cook buckwheat until cooked (until the water boils away).

Recipe 3. How to cook buckwheat porridge with milk?

Everything is simple here. First you need to boil the usual crumbly buckwheat, as in the second recipe. And then milk is added to it. You can use both raw and boiled milk, you can fill them with all the buckwheat, or you can do buckwheat porridge with milk right in the bowl. Such porridge turns out to be much tastier if a little sugar is added to it.

Some people prefer to cook porridge with milk instead of water. Then you need to know what is not taken for these purposes. whole milk, but diluted with water, otherwise your porridge will burn. And such porridge is cooked longer than porridge on the water. Therefore, it is still better to boil buckwheat separately, and add milk to the already prepared porridge.

How and how much to cook buckwheat?

Buckwheat is best cooked in a saucepan with thick walls or a bottom. This allows you to remove it from the stove a few minutes before readiness and let it brew and reach.

How long to cook buckwheat depends on the cooking method you choose. You may prefer to soak the cereal in water and let it cook on its own. Then the cooking time will be approximately equal to 10 hours.

If you can’t wait that long, then the cooking method is suitable for you - classic brew. Then you will need to cook buckwheat for about 10-15 minutes. It all depends on the amount of buckwheat and water, the size of the fire, dishes, etc. But the main criterion for determining the degree of readiness of porridge is not time, but the amount of water in the pan. When the water boils away, the buckwheat is ready.

How to steam buckwheat?

Measure the required amount of cereal and water. Rinse the cereal, and put it in a special compartment of the double boiler designed for cereals, and fill it with water. Then pour water into the base of the steamer, set the timer for 30-40 minutes. After the specified time, the porridge will be ready.

Buckwheat is called the "queen of cereals", this name fully justifies itself. It contains a whole complex of substances necessary for the body, moreover, in an easily digestible form. For dietary and baby food this cereal is perfect. How to cook buckwheat so that it does not lose its valuable properties?

How useful is buckwheat?

Buckwheat surpasses all cereals in the content of vitamin P, it contains great amount magnesium (Mg), iron, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9). It contains vitamin E, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants, useful organic acids (oxalic, citric and several others). It contains polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega 3.

How to cook buckwheat in water

What to do if you made a mistake with the amount of water?

Sometimes it happens that the porridge is completely ready, but for some reason the liquid remains, gurgles in the pan and does not decrease, the cereal no longer absorbs it. Just drain it carefully, holding the lid with a towel, put in the oil, cover the pan with a lid and let it stand for a couple of minutes.

If you forgot to turn down the fire on time, the water boiled away, and the buckwheat is still undercooked, then you can add water. But first you need to try: if the porridge is almost ready, then do not rush to pour water. It is better to add butter, cover tightly with a lid, turn off the heat and just let it stand quietly for 10-15 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in milk

Buckwheat can also be boiled in milk: you get an excellent buckwheat porridge for children. For 1 cup of buckwheat, you need 4 cups of milk, cook under a lid over low heat for 35 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar and butter taste.

Milk porridge can be prepared in another way: boil buckwheat in water and pour hot milk over it. After that, season with butter and sugar and let stand for a while. In this case, a little milk is required, it is simply added to the required density of porridge.

How to cook buckwheat very quickly?

Sometimes the hostess has no time to monitor the stove, you need to get the result quickly. Buckwheat can be cooked in 15 minutes if soaked in cold water for several hours. This convenient way if it is not known when you need to serve a ready-made dinner to the table.

Buckwheat is washed 2-3 times in cold water, poured into a saucepan clean water for cooking and so leave. Buckwheat gradually swells, increasing in volume. At the right time, the pan is placed on big fire, add salt and hold until it boils. Then the fire is reduced, after 10 minutes the porridge may already be quite ready to eat.

Another one useful feature buckwheat is that it can be removed from the fire a little undercooked if you have to hurry somewhere, and leaving the stove on is dangerous. In this case, the pan with undercooked porridge should be left in a warm place and covered with a towel on top so that it stays hot longer. In the heat, the porridge will “reach” and become completely ready for use.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

Cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker has some advantages in its simplicity and ease. You will not need to stand over the stove and wait for the porridge to cook. You just need to lay necessary ingredients into the saucepan of the multicooker, select the desired mode and wait.

So the required ingredients are:

  • buckwheat- 1 glass;
  • water - two glasses;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • a little butter.

Now the sequence in cooking.

Buckwheat - useful dietary product, containing a lot of protein, vitamins, trace elements, and other components useful for life. Today, in the distribution network, fried, brown buckwheat is most often sold, from which tasty, crumbly and fragrant porridge. Before you start preparing a nutritious second course, you need to familiarize yourself with how to prepare and how to cook buckwheat correctly.

Where to start and how to cook buckwheat?

There is no such thing as exceptionally sterile buckwheat. Therefore, it should be examined, sorted out, removing impurities and grains, pebbles. For convenience, you can take a standard 250-gram glass beaker (measuring dose), and make calculations based on this volume. Buckwheat without impurities should be poured into a colander and washed under running water. cold water. This is how the cereal is washed, and those residues that are not visible to the naked eye are removed. After a simple preparation, you can start cooking. For classic recipe required:

  • 1 glass of buckwheat;
  • 2.5 cups of cold water;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

How to cook buckwheat on water in a saucepan?

After the water drains, pour the contents into the pan and pour cold water. In order for the porridge to be crumbly and not burnt, a ratio of 1: 2.5 is observed. This means that to prepare a classic buckwheat recipe, you need to take one volume of granules and 2.5 volumes of water. Half a teaspoon of salt will be enough to ensure that the porridge is not salty or completely bland.

Salt can be added immediately. The contents are closed with a lid and cooked over medium heat until boiling (about 7-10 minutes). When the porridge boils, the fire can be reduced, preventing the water from “running away”. For control, you can slightly open the lid. This will evaporate excess liquid.

Trying the product for readiness is not prohibited at any stage, but mixing is not recommended. When the porridge is almost ready, but there is still liquid in it, you can open the lid completely. From boiling to fully prepared it will take about 10-15 minutes. The duration of cooking buckwheat porridge on water depends on the type of cereal and the processing method.

Even if you are a beginner in home cooking, it will not be difficult for you to see when the porridge is cooked (the volume will increase by 3 times). finished product remove from heat, add butter, mix, and treat their household or guests.

Attention: boiled buckwheat from 100 g of cereals with a minimum inclusion of salt contains 95 kcal. If you add a little oil, the calorie content increases to 120 kcal.

How to cook buckwheat with stew?

Buckwheat with stew will be tasty and nutritious. It is prepared in the same way as on water, you can take less liquid - 2 cups. If the stew is salty, then less salt is put into the water during cooking than in conventional prescription on the water. At the end of cooking, pour a jar of stew into the pan, mix. All contents are stewed for a few more minutes (2-3) over low heat. So everyone cooks porridge with stew in a saucepan at home and at field conditions. Porridge cooked on a fire in a cauldron with a handle will have rich taste And pleasant aroma smoke.

At home, porridge can be seasoned with roasted stew. To do this, one large onion is taken, cut into half rings or cubes and fried in a pan in stew fat. When the onion is reddened, you can put the entire contents of the jar into it. As a result, the stew is heated in a frying pan, and then, together with onions, is added to the porridge. After adding, buckwheat with stew should be steamed together over a fire for a couple of minutes, but no more. If the process is delayed, then some of the contents will stick to the bottom of the pan.

Recipe for buckwheat with stew:

  • 1 can of stew;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • 1 measured dose of cereals;
  • 2 measured doses of water.

Don't forget to add some salt. You can also cook buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker.

Attention! Many young hostesses are poorly oriented in the required volumes of the finished product. Remember that a glass of 250 g of cereal will be enough for a family of 3 people to eat: a man, a woman and a child. Half a glass or a little less than 100-125 g is a one-time norm for single citizens.

How to cook buckwheat with minced meat?

The recipe with minced meat is identical to the previous one. In this case, you need to cook minced meat, and then mix it with the finished porridge without adding butter. To prepare minced meat, you will also need fried onions. It is fried in sunflower or other oil, fat, if desired. Minced meat is added to it, salted, peppered, stewed until cooked.

If necessary, a little water (100 ml) can be added to the pan. After 10-15 min. mince will be ready. It is mixed with porridge, covered with a lid, and then with a towel. So the finished product will infuse, “reach” and stay warm longer.

Here is the prescription:

  • minced chicken, pork and beef - 300-500 grams;
  • water - 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt, pepper;
  • vegetable oil -100 ml.

You can cook this dish using a slow cooker.

How to cook buckwheat with meat?

Buckwheat with meat is cooked separately. The porridge is boiled in water at the rate of 1:2.5 (cereals / water). This dish is cooked on fire for about 20-25 minutes. The meat is stewed in another container. It can be a frying pan, a cast-iron, a duckling, a thick-walled pan. Meat is cut in small portions and fried until golden color, is transferred to the prepared container. On the same fat, onions and grated carrots are fried, transferred to a pan with meat. The contents are flavored with peppercorns, other spices, salted.

Water is poured into the container and stewed over low heat until the meat is fully cooked. This will take approximately 30-60 minutes. For store-bought chicken, 30 minutes will be enough, pork is stewed for 40 minutes, beef - 50. Ready meat does not have to be mixed with porridge. It is better to cook separately and pour buckwheat into the plate first, and on top - the meat with roast is beautifully placed.

  • 300-500 grams of meat;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cereals - 1 measured dose;
  • water - 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt for meat and buckwheat;
  • a few peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves - for meat.

How to cook crumbly buckwheat in water, step by step recipe?

To master the topic and learn how to cook buckwheat according to classical method try to put it into practice step by step recipe cooking:

  1. Pour 1 cup of buckwheat into a bowl. We choose the husk and other impurities.
  2. We wash the contents.
  3. Pour the washed cereal into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add 2 or 2.5 cups of cold water, salt.
  4. We put on medium fire.
  5. After boiling, reduce the fire and open the lid.
  6. Cook until the water is completely boiled away. Each grain will increase in size and will separate from one another.
Attention: You only have to spend 20-25 minutes to cook delicious second dishes.

You can add gravy to it with:

  • onions and tomatoes;
  • chicken or beef;
  • mushrooms;
  • bell pepper, carrot, onion;
  • blue eggplant, onions;
  • meatballs;
  • meatballs;
  • cutlets.

On our website there is a proven recipe with step by step photos. Use our recommendations and you will receive delicious porridge crumbly buckwheat, the recipe will do for any volume.

In order for the food to become tastier, it must be closed with a lid and “wrapped up” with a terry towel for 20 minutes. So the dish will “reach” and not cool down.

In order to cook buckwheat porridge on water, it is advisable to use dishes with a thick or double bottom. When you are faced with a choice between a cast iron and enamel saucepan, then it is best to choose thick-walled cast-iron cookware. A good option is a stainless steel pot. .

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker tasty and fast?

Modern multicookers are often equipped with a special function. In this case, you must follow the recommendations from the instructions. If the multicooker is not equipped with such functionality, it does not matter! Pour the washed buckwheat into the multicooker bowl, choosing the right arrangement of cereals and water. For one glass of dry cereal you will need 2 tbsp. water.

Recipe 1:2 - perfect option for a slow cooker, as opposed to cooking over a fire. You can immediately put salt and butter. After 15-20 minutes, the porridge will be ready. Despite the fact that the recipe is quite simple, the porridge turns out to be very tasty, crumbly and fragrant.


  • buckwheat - 1 measured dose;
  • water - 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt on the tip of a knife;
  • 30 grams of butter.
Attention: It is important not to oversalt the product. At first glance, it may seem that you need to salt the dish, like a broth. But the water evaporates, and the salinity is transferred to the kernels.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave?

The microwave is great for making buckwheat porridge. In it, it cooks quickly and turns out crumbly and tender. For cooking, you need to have a glass dish with a lid. The recipe for cooking in the microwave is identical to the recipe using the slow cooker. If you take a glass of cereal and 2 glasses of water, porridge is perfect. Don't forget to add some salt! This product is cooked in the microwave for about 7 minutes.


  • cereals - 1 measured dose;
  • water - 2 measured doses;
  • some salt.

How to cook buckwheat on friable water in a double boiler?

Using a double boiler, you can cook healthy steamed buckwheat porridge. So it does not burn and does not boil, but acquires a special aroma and taste. The process of cooking in a double boiler is not much different from cooking in a saucepan, only a different proportion must be observed. To prepare buckwheat in a double boiler, they take washed cereals, water and salt at the rate of:

  • one part of the kernels (for example, one cup);
  • one part water (one glass);
  • salt will need a pinch or on the tip of a knife.

The cooking process is simple:

Buckwheat is sorted out, washed until the dust disappears completely. Then it is laid out in the upper container of the double boiler, poured with cold water, a little salt is added. The contents are prepared for 45 minutes. The finished product is mixed, transferred to a saucepan and butter is added.

Tip: If you want a less crumbly porridge, add more water eg 2 doses. for 1 dose of kernels.

How to cook light buckwheat?

Light buckwheat is a special type of grain processing. If dark buckwheat is obtained by frying the kernels, then light buckwheat is the result of steaming. It is considered more useful, as it retained more of its beneficial properties and vitamins during gentle processing under conditions industrial production. It is useful to eat diabetes, obesity and some other diseases.

It is worth noting that crumbly porridge will not work out of such buckwheat. But this criterion is not considered a priority for all consumers. There are people who love "squish", i.e. porridge in which individual grains do not separate. Light buckwheat has a slightly different taste and appearance. If desired, light kernels can be fried in a pan without fat, and they will become like dark buckwheat.

To cook light buckwheat you will need:

  • light buckwheat - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt.

It is necessary to cook light buckwheat over low heat for 20 minutes in order to preserve it. beneficial features and so that the water does not escape. It is necessary to observe the proportion: for one glass of light kernels, 3 tbsp. water and half tsp. salt. Some consumers prefer to add boiled milk, sugar to such food. Buckwheat steamed with milk - excellent diet dish. It can be given to children and the elderly, and if desired, to all household members.

Buckwheat - unique product, it is not without reason that it is called the “queen of cereals”. It is affordable and nutritious, tasty and beloved, vitamin and dietary. Properly cooked buckwheat is an excellent side dish that harmonizes with meat, fish, vegetable dishes and mushrooms.

Do you know what ratio of buckwheat and water should be when cooking tasty and nutritious porridge? If you do not have such information, then you will find it in the presented article. We will also reveal to you the secrets of preparing a crumbly, viscous and maximum-calorie dish.

How to cook buckwheat?

The ratio of water and grains plays a very important role in cooking homemade porridge. Before telling you about the proportions in which such ingredients should be taken, it is necessary to tell you how buckwheat porridge is generally cooked.

It is no secret to anyone that the mentioned dish is very useful for human body. It contains a huge amount of iron and other minerals.

Can you cook this porridge? different ways. Someone makes it on the water, someone adds a little milk, and someone is used at all

In any case, the principle of cooking this dish always remains the same.

Where is the tastiest porridge?

To get the most delicious buckwheat, the ratio of cereals and water must be strictly observed. By the way, completely different devices are used for these purposes. Some housewives prefer on the stove, while others use an oven, slow cooker or even a double boiler.

Whichever cooking method this dish Whatever you choose, if you follow all the requirements of the recipe, including the ratio of buckwheat and water, you will definitely get a delicious and very nutritious lunch.

Choice of Ingredients

Does the set of products affect the proportions? The ratio of buckwheat and water when cooking in any kitchen device must be determined based on the selected ingredients. If you decide to use only the two products mentioned, then you must use classical proportions, which we will discuss below. If it is done using vegetables, legumes, meat, mushrooms and other components, then here you should rely on your own culinary knowledge. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the already existing volume of vegetable or meat broth, as well as the number of other products and so on.

The standard ratio of buckwheat and water during cooking

Those housewives who often make buckwheat porridge for their family members know how much liquid and dry matter should be used to get a classic dish.

Experienced cooks also know that the ratio of buckwheat and water during cooking delicious lunch should be 1 to 2. In other words, there should be two parts of pure liquid for one part of dry cereal.

Only if these proportions are observed, you will get a classic buckwheat porridge, not a viscous consistency, but not too crumbly.


Now you know what ratio of buckwheat and water should be when cooking homemade porridge. However, for tasty and nutritious meal this information is not enough. Therefore, we decided to reveal a few secrets of how to easily and quickly cook healthy buckwheat porridge. For this we need:

  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • clean drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • fine sea salt - add at your discretion;
  • butter - 1.5 table. l.

Cooking process

The ratio of buckwheat and water in the slow cooker should be the same as when cooking porridge on the stove, in the oven, etc. However, for this you should use a special multiglass that comes with the device.

So, to prepare homemade buckwheat porridge, dry cereals must be sorted out, put in a sieve and washed in warm water. Then the product needs to be shaken well and put into the multicooker bowl.

By adding the above amount to buckwheat drinking water, the ingredients should be salted, mixed and tightly closed. It is desirable to cook such a dish in the mode. In the absence of such a program, you can use "Cooking" or "Stew".

How to make dry and crumbly porridge?

There are some cooks who like very dry and To prepare such a dinner, we recommend using less drinking water than indicated above. Instead of 2 glasses of liquid, you can add 1.5 or 1 to buckwheat. In this case, you will get a very crumbly, but no less tasty dish.

How to make viscous buckwheat porridge?

In addition to lovers of crumbly buckwheat porridge, there are those who like a viscous dish. In this case, we recommend adding about three glasses of drinking water to one glass. At the same time, the dish should be cooked strictly under a closed lid on a minimum fire. Such heat treatment will not allow the liquid to evaporate too quickly, making the porridge thick and viscous.

Cooking high-calorie and nutritious porridge with broth

If a dish of buckwheat is intended not for dietary, but for hearty and good nutrition, then we propose to do it using meat product and vegetables. For this on vegetable oil fry chopped carrots and onions, and then add pieces of beef and wait for it to brown. After that, a couple of glasses of water are poured into the dishes and stewed under the lid for about half an hour.

Over time, 2 cups of buckwheat groats are added to the meat and vegetables and mixed well. Having received a viscous mass, about 4 more glasses of water are poured into it. In this case, the liquid should cover the ingredients by about 4 centimeters. Only with this ratio of products you will get tasty and hearty meal with meat broth.

After all the components are in the pan, they are tightly closed, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for about half an hour. During this time, the meat will be completely cooked, and the buckwheat will swell. Lunch will be fragrant, tasty and nutritious.
