
How to bake a large piece of meat with stuffing. Baked meat

Sleep is an essential part of a child's life. The quality of sleep directly affects the physical development, emotional state, behavior and mood of the crumbs. Therefore, it is important to ensure a healthy and full sleep for the baby both at night and during the day. Let's find out how to improve the sleep of the child, and how much the baby should sleep.

Sleep guidelines for babies

There are norms that indicate how much a baby should sleep depending on age. However, please note that the indicators are conditional. Since the development of each child is individual, the time may deviate by 1-2 hours up or down.

Age How much baby should sleep during the day How much sleep should a baby sleep at night How much sleep should a baby sleep per day
1 month 8-9 hours 8-9 hours 16-18 hours
2 months 7-8 hours 9-10 hours 16-18 hours
3-5 months 5-6 hours 10-11 hours 15-17 hours
6 months 4 hours 10 hours 14 hours
7-8 months 3-4 hours 10 hours 13-14 hours
9-11 months 2-4 hours 10 hours 12-14 hours
1-1.5 years 2-3 hours 10 hours 12-13 hours
2-3 years 2 hours 10 hours 12 hours

How to organize a child's sleep

Sleep organization plays an important role in how and how much the baby will sleep. There are certain rules for children's sleep, under which the baby will sleep peacefully. Sleep organization includes the following recommendations:

  • The baby should have a firm elastic mattress and a flat pillow. In the first months it is better to do without a pillow at all. Instead, a folded towel is placed under the mattress, or a folded sheet is placed under the head of the baby. When to use a pillow and which pillow to choose for an infant, read;
  • Ventilate the room well before going to bed. The room should have a comfortable temperature for the baby, which is 18-22 degrees;
  • Change the crib regularly so that the mattress and sheet do not form wrinkles and other irregularities that cause discomfort and disturb sleep;
  • Don't forget to change diapers and diapers. The child must be dry and clean during sleep;
  • Be sure to feed your baby before bed. Breastfeeding calms the baby, often he falls asleep already during suckling. Do not take the breast until the baby falls asleep or releases the nipple;
  • It is important that mom is there. Constant and close contact with the mother has a positive effect on the well-being, physical and psychological state of the child. The baby will calm down and fall asleep sweetly;

  • Bathing before evening feeding and going to bed will make the child's sleep calm and deep. Bathe your baby for 10-20 minutes. In the first month, the water temperature should be 36-37 degrees. Then gradually lower the readings by a degree every four days. But up to three months the temperature should not be below 33 degrees! Daily bathing will allow you to maintain hygiene, strengthen the muscles and the system of internal organs. In the absence of allergies in infants, decoctions of chamomile or calendula can be added to the bath. Herbs will strengthen the immune system, prevent the occurrence of colds and help you fall asleep;
  • In order for the baby to sleep soundly and not wake up often, in the first months, doctors recommend organizing a joint sleep. How to do it right, and when to teach a child to sleep separately, read;
  • It is necessary to swaddle a baby only when he sleeps restlessly and waves his arms strongly. At the same time, swaddling should not be tight! In other cases, swaddling is not necessary;
  • After two weeks from the date of birth, the baby can begin to explain the difference between night and day. So, during the day, when the baby is active, turn on the light, play with the child, do not reduce standard noises (TV sound, music, etc.). At night, do not play with the baby, dim the light when feeding.

Remember that breastfeeding is the best way to get your baby to sleep. At the same time, do not rock the child for too long. Children quickly get used to long motion sickness and as a result they cannot learn to fall asleep on their own.

What to do if the baby is naughty, does not sleep well and often wakes up with strong crying? First of all, establish the reason for this behavior. Sleep disturbance in a baby can be associated with colic and pain in the stomach, with the introduction of complementary foods, illness and discomfort.

So that the baby does not suffer from colic, lay the baby on his tummy on a hard surface before feeding, and then hold it upright until he burps. Dill water, baths with decoctions of herbs, light massage of the tummy with circular movements in a clockwise direction will help.

With artificial or mixed feeding, problems can be associated with improperly selected milk formula. Do not supplement unless absolutely necessary! Mixtures can disrupt the functioning of the stomach and cause an allergic reaction in infants. In addition, malnutrition of a nursing mother, animal hair, dust, etc. can cause allergies. Carefully monitor the condition of the baby!

After 4-5 months, the causes of poor sleep often lie in teething. To reduce discomfort, you can use special and safe baby gels.

In addition, the introduction of complementary foods begins at 5-6 months, which can also negatively affect the child's condition. New products can cause food allergies, stool disorders, and abdominal pain. Watch your child's diet carefully. Introduce natural safe and hypoallergenic foods, start with small portions and don't try more than one type of food at a time. It takes two days to determine if the baby has an allergy or not.

Sometimes the baby cries because he lacks attention. Shake the child for a short time, talk, tell a story. By six months, the baby should already fall asleep on its own! You don't have to get up at the first call. Wait, and he will calm down himself. However, strong crying that does not stop for more than 10 minutes already speaks of a problem!

Psychologists have found that as early as the age of two, children can start having nightmares, and for no apparent reason. Night terrors, sudden awakenings and restless sleep speak of the baby's anxiety. Only a child psychologist can help you figure this out.

The main causes of sleep disorders

  • The baby moves little during wakefulness, leads a little active lifestyle;
  • Excitability of nerve cells (bright light in the room, loud music, noise, etc.);
  • Discomfort (uncomfortable mattress, wet diaper, hunger, etc.);
  • Increased humidity or dryness of the air, uncomfortable room temperature (too hot or, conversely, cold);
  • Painful condition (colds and teething, abdominal pain colic, allergies, etc.);
  • Increased anxiety and restlessness of the baby.

How to fix a child's sleep

Once you have identified the cause, you need to take action to fix the problem. Try to put the baby to bed at the same time! Don't wake your baby up at night to feed. This disrupts the baby's biological clock. If he gets hungry, he will wake up on his own. Forced breastfeeding can be frightening, causing the baby to not breastfeed.

Habitual bedtime routines that include breastfeeding, bathing, reading a fairy tale will quickly teach your baby to fall asleep on time. In the first months of life, crying is associated with hunger. Breastfeeding a newborn at night is 2-3 times, during the day it can reach up to 14-16 times.

Many pediatricians recommend not to refuse the child and, at the same time, do not limit the duration of application. Every month the number and duration of applications is reduced. After three months, the baby should sleep peacefully for 7-8 hours without feeding.

Feeding at night should be calm and quiet with subdued lights. Night feeding is abandoned already at 10-12 months of life for babies. Daily feeding is carried out vigorously and actively. Talk to your child, sing funny songs and tell rhymes, play.

Do not allow an older child to play in the crib, as the crib should only be used for sleeping. But let your baby sleep with a favorite toy that will give a sense of calm and security.

How to put a baby to sleep

  • Teach your child to distinguish between daytime and nighttime sleep. Set a clear sleep pattern;
  • Do not let the baby overwork, as overwork only interferes with sleep. As soon as you see that the baby is tired, rubs his eyes and yawns, put him to bed !;
  • After three months, begin to gradually establish a bedtime ritual. You can take a bath, read a fairy tale, play a quiet game or sing a lullaby. Use what the baby likes!;
  • Follow the sequence of actions of the daily ritual!;
  • After 6 months, let the baby fall asleep on his own;
  • Wake your baby in the morning if he sleeps longer than expected. It is good if you wake up the child at the same time;
  • For children after 1.5-2 years, start the transition from two naps in the afternoon to one daytime nap. However, this transition is difficult, and to make the process easier, alternate days with one and two naps a day. For one nap, put the baby to bed early in the evening;
  • For older kids, you can offer an alternative. But choose the options so that they suit you. For example, ask your baby if he wants to go to bed now or in 5 minutes. 5 minutes does not play a special role, and at the same time the child is glad that he himself chose;
  • Let the baby choose which toy he will sleep with or which pajamas he will wear.

Do you constantly struggle with your baby's reluctance to fall asleep? Is it difficult for you to guess the time when he wants to sleep, and the whole family suffers because of this? You do not have time for anything other than a child, and you do not have time to cope with the necessary things? Perhaps the reason for this is not your disorganization, but the fact that your son or daughter does not have a constant routine. It is worth fixing it - and motherhood will no longer seem to you such a difficult task as it is now.

It is desirable to instill in the baby the habit of the regimen from the first weeks of his life. What needs to be done for this?

A newly born baby sleeps about the same amount of time day and night, and for him there is no difference between light and dark hours of the day. Teach him to recognize them. To do this, when a child wakes up in the morning, the curtains should be immediately opened, and more activating activities should be carried out during the day (play, talk, do gymnastics with him, select developmental activities according to age). It is worth putting the baby to sleep in a slightly darkened room, and during a walk it is advisable not to protect the stroller too diligently from the sun. Newborns should eat at least 7 times a day. And given that it is now customary to give babies a breast or a bottle at the first peep, the frequency of feedings during the day may be greater. At the same time, babies have a habit of falling asleep after eating or even during the feeding process. Try to gently resist the fact that food turns into sleep every time. Feed your baby in a well-lit place, preferably close to a window. After he eats, do not rock him in your arms, but hold him with a “column”, talk to him, play. Although it is important not to overdo it here: if the child shows signs of drowsiness, it is not worth deliberately depriving him of sleep. When the baby is 1-2 months old, he should already have the first signs of a permanent regimen: normally, he should sleep 3 times a day and 1 time at night, sometimes with one or more awakenings. Watch him and determine at what time he mostly falls asleep and wakes up. Keep records to help you better assess your child's sleep habits. Based on the information obtained over the 7-10 days of observation, make a plan at what time you will put the child to bed each time. Do not forget to compare the schedule with the age needs of the baby in the rest. As your baby grows, these needs change, so change your schedule accordingly from time to time. Moreover, if he sleeps longer than it should be according to the drawn up schedule, do not wake him up. At the age of several months, he has an active formation of biorhythms, which should not be violated. Adjust the general daily routine to sleep. Try to schedule naps after walking or eating when your baby is feeling sleepy. Many small children fall asleep willingly as soon as they are taken out into the fresh air; if your child also has this feature, plan to go out with the stroller during the time allotted for sleep. Some babies become accustomed to frequent night feedings, causing them to wake up several times during the night. If your baby is already six months old, try to reduce the number of nightly feedings to 1-2 times. Babies have a characteristic: they quickly become active, but slowly calm down. Therefore, before laying down, it is necessary to spend at least an hour with the child, doing calm activities. Particular difficulties arise for parents when laying children at night. To simplify this task, get your child a ritual of preparing for sleep. The ritual is a series of actions that are performed in the same order every night before going to bed and end with falling asleep. For example, dinner, quiet games, massage, bathing, sleep. Children willingly get used to such a routine, and it becomes easier to put them down. If, despite everything, the child refuses to fall asleep at the “set” time, try changing your regular schedule and start going to bed an hour later.

Text: Daria Terevtsova

Usually, new parents all around want to get enough sleep. To the fact that you will have to sleep in fits and starts for at least a couple of months, one way or another everyone is ready, but what if the child continues to worry at night?

We asked experts why children fall asleep and sleep poorly and what parents can do to change the situation.

Tatyana Chkhikvishvili

sleep consultant, head of online projects Baby-sleep.ru

If a child does not sleep well and constantly wakes up at night, this is an occasion to think and change something. It is not simple. It takes time, effort and motivation. Improving sleep is always the job of parents. A common mistake is that parents do not attach the same importance to the organization of quality sleep for their children as, for example, the choice of clothes, toys, food. And they hope that with sleep everything will work out somehow by itself, the child will outgrow it. And this can take months or even years. As a result, a constant lack of sleep is experienced not only by parents, but also by the baby himself.

As a rule, parents simply do not know when to put the child to bed so that he falls asleep quickly and easily. Often, tears and whims become a signal that it is time to put the child to bed. But it's too late. Whims speak of excessive fatigue. Overwork leads to excitement (this is due to the immaturity of the nervous system of children), prevents you from falling asleep quickly and does not allow you to sleep long and calmly.

In order to normalize sleep, you first need a system. For young children, orderliness and predictability are important. They face a staggering flow of information every day, their life is full of changes, anxieties, events and stresses (because everything is new for them). The presence of a fairly clear rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, when day after day everything is clear, stable and habitual, calms the child and helps him fall asleep and sleep well.

To understand that the child wants to sleep, and not to miss this moment, you need to learn to notice the very first signs of fatigue. Everyone has their own. These may be changes in gaze, facial expression, movements. Someone may start tugging at their earlobe or rubbing their nose. The child may lose interest in the game, turn away, become thoughtful.

Remember how long after waking up the signs of fatigue in your baby become obvious (yawns, naughty, spoils the mood), and in the future, very carefully observe him some time before. Gradually, you will see patterns and understand when the “window to sleep” opens - the moment when the body is ready to fall asleep, but not yet overtired, when it is easiest to fall asleep.

As for age sleep norms, this is a good guideline for parents. But, of course, children are different, and individual characteristics affect the needs of each child. It may be normal for a child to sleep a little less than most peers, but only on the condition that this amount of sleep is really enough for him. It is easy to understand: if a child wakes up cheerful and cheerful in the morning, maintains a good mood all day, falls asleep easily and without tears in the evening and sleeps well at night, then everything is in order, there are no problems.

Olga Alexandrova

baby sleep consultant Aleksandrovaov.ru

If there are problems with sleep, then first of all you need to understand whether they are organizational or medical. Growing teeth, weather, pressure, snowfall can really affect and ruin a child's sleep. Of course they can. But that's the issue of the week. If we are talking about a month or more, the teeth or the weather have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, it is better to start with an examination to exclude neurological diseases. If all is well, the next step is to analyze how consistent and consistent you are with the child. What is possible and impossible, when and how - all this is fundamental.

The third point is the mother's psychological state. After all, mother's anxiety, lack of sleep, irritability can bring down the sleep of even a healthy and calm child.

The ritual will help to improve sleep. These are the same actions repeated every day for 10-15 minutes before bedtime. You can put away toys, brush your teeth, read a book, sing a song. The script can be anything. The most important thing is that it should be relaxing, the same and that the baby and you like it.

The ritual, like anything new, takes some getting used to. Set aside at least a week for this. During this time, you and your baby will have the opportunity to develop your own unique bedtime routine.

For the same reason, sleep associations are important - a set of conditions necessary for a child to fall asleep. Imagine that you fell asleep in your bed with a bear or your beloved husband (wife) in an embrace. And woke up - well, let's say, on a bench in the park. What is your reaction? You will be at least very unhappy.

The child experiences the same thing when he fell asleep with motion sickness or while feeding in his mother's arms, and woke up alone in the crib, without food and without rocking. A child, falling asleep with a set of associations, waking up, needs to restore these conditions.

Daytime sleep plays an important role in a restful night's sleep. It is needed so that the child can rest and recover. The fact is that if the child is too tired during the day, then by the evening he will be so overexcited that it will be difficult for him to fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night. Therefore, do not rush to cancel it. Up to three years it is mandatory, up to five it is desirable, and up to seven it would be great.

But the main criterion for cancellation is the child's well-being, his good mood and the absence of whims in the afternoon. However, if the child does not fall asleep once during the day, it is better to put him to bed an hour and a half earlier than usual. This will allow the baby to recover well.

Olga Snegovskaya

baby sleep consultant O-sne.online

Often parents think that the later they go to bed, the later their child will get up, but in most cases this does not work. Children are more sensitive to biorhythms. Excessive wakefulness leads to the accumulation of fatigue, to stress, with which the body struggles with the release of an additional portion of the wakefulness hormone, which contributes to an even earlier rise in the morning.
And if an adult can get enough sleep, then the child will most often get up as usual even with a later bedtime.

Another common misconception is that a child should run more before bed to get tired and fall asleep better. In fact, physical activity also increases the production of the wakefulness hormone. It contributes to the accumulation of fatigue, but does not contribute to a calm and quick sleep. The child needs time for the wakefulness hormone levels to level off and decrease. Therefore, about an hour before bedtime, it is better to start playing calm games, then by the time you fall asleep, the blood composition will contribute to good sleep.

Parents are especially worried about the nighttime awakenings of children. But here I can say that night awakenings are considered the norm all my life. Even adults wake up several times during the night, but most often they don't even remember it in the morning. So a child at any age can wake up at night.

But after six to nine months, he can fall asleep on his own at night. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that the baby becomes ready to go without food at night, and therefore, to cope with nocturnal awakenings on his own, combining sleep into a single continuous period.

On weekdays, it’s not so often that there is time to cook something like that, only if the soul really asks, or rather the stomach. You can’t offer ordinary dishes to guests, therefore, even if the stomach is stubbornly silent, on holidays you have to be creative in order to create something tasty and spectacular, and it is advisable to spend a minimum of time on it.

At such moments, we remember those cuts that we usually pass by. The glance involuntarily falls on the dorsal cut on the bones, ham, shoulder blade - in a word, everything that you can feed a large Italian family without standing at the stove all day.

The principle of cooking all large parts of the carcass and whole poultry is quite simple: preheat the oven, season the meat with spices and bake. Despite all the simplicity, something worthy of these very impressive pieces is not always obtained. Overcooked, burnt, baked unevenly - almost everyone who has ever cooked a large cut in the oven has encountered these problems. In order not to step on the same rake again, we propose to analyze typical mistakes when cooking large pieces and consider ways to correct them.

Add spices ahead of time

Large cuts of meat and whole poultry require a special approach. Spontaneity and spontaneity will not help you here. A clear plan of action works much more effectively with large pieces of meat. The preparation of these parts must be planned in advance. Much of this has to do with their size.

Spices and seasonings added immediately before baking simply do not have time to transfer their flavor to large parts of the carcass. With salt, pepper and a set of favorite seasonings, knowledgeable people advise rubbing meat in advance, in the evening before cooking. When opened, seasoned meat should be placed on a tray and left in the refrigerator until the next day. The night will be enough for the meat to be saturated with the smell of spices.

give the meat time

Your second worst enemy is haste. The path refrigerator-oven-table looks so elementary that sometimes we forget about the basics of cooking meat and start chasing time. Very often, from the refrigerator, immediately after adding spices, the meat recovers immediately into the oven. Then these unlucky culinary specialists attribute all their failures to it.

In fact, the oven has nothing to do with it. You just had to wait a bit and let the meat come to room temperature. Do you want to get even roasting of a large piece? Then take the meat out of the refrigerator and leave it, depending on the size, for an hour or two at room temperature.

Fry until golden brown

Nobody likes gray, rubbery meat. But there will be no end to those who want to eat a juicy piece of pink meat of varying intensity, and even with a golden crust. To get such a crust, in general, is not difficult. The main reason why it doesn't come out for some is that they don't do anything for it, but simply put the meat in the oven and wait for it to bake. To get a golden crust, the baking tactics will have to be completely reconsidered.

If the size of the piece allows, then before sending the meat to the oven, it must be fried in a pan until golden brown. Large-sized meat is immediately placed in an oven preheated to about 230 ° C: it is baked for some time until it is covered with a golden crust, then the temperature is reduced to 150-160 ° C and continue to bake to the desired degree of roasting.

We strongly do not recommend leaving the creation of a crust at the end of cooking, as you can easily dry it out and burn it.

Any housewife will surely come in handy with successful recipes on how to cook meat in the oven. They will help you quickly and easily organize a dinner for the whole family or heartyly feed suddenly arriving guests. In the oven, you can cook almost any meat deliciously.


  • 1 kilo of veal;
  • 4 things. onion;
  • 8 pcs. tomatoes;
  • 1 Bulgarian sweet pepper;
  • 450 g of hard cheese;
  • salt;
  • any spices to taste;
  • classic mayonnaise;
  • a piece of butter.


  1. Rinse a piece of good veal fillet and cut into equal, neat pieces, about a palm thick.
  2. Beat the meat without being too zealous. Marinate it in a mixture of salt, spices and thin onion rings. Leave it like this for an hour.
  3. While the meat is cooking, cut the tomatoes and peppers into thin slices.
  4. Put the pieces of meat on a deep baking sheet, greased with melted butter.
  5. Lubricate the veal with mayonnaise. Top with onions from the marinade, tomatoes and peppers.

Cook the meat in French style in the oven at 170°C for about 40 to 45 minutes. Pour the almost ready treat with chopped cheese and return to the oven until the component is melted.

potato bake recipe


  • 600 g beef pulp;
  • 750 g potatoes;
  • 2 tsp table salt;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • a mixture of colored ground peppers.


  1. Rinse well-chilled beef, dry in a convenient way. Cut off pieces of fat, films, veins and other excess parts from a piece. Cut into slices about half the size of a palm. If the pieces are small, then the beef will turn out dry as a result of baking.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into quarters.
  3. Mix meat and vegetable pieces in a large bowl. Pour in half the vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Marinate beef in this form for at least half an hour. Time affects the taste and tenderness of the final result.
  4. Peel potatoes, cut into medium pieces. Put them in the center of a piece of foil, smeared with the remaining oil. Sprinkle with salt. You can use any spices.
  5. Arrange slices of beef and chopped onion on potatoes.
  6. Wrap the edges of the foil tightly. Fold it into an envelope.

Bake potatoes with meat in the oven for at least 45 minutes at medium temperature. Put the finished dish on a wide beautiful plate, sprinkle with dry or fresh herbs, serve for dinner.

Pork cooked in a sleeve


  • 800 - 900 g of pork;
  • any spices for meat;
  • salt and a pinch of turmeric;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Rub the washed and dried meat with a whole piece of salt, a mixture of spices and turmeric. The last ingredient is added to taste.
  2. Drizzle the meat with a little vegetable oil. Tighten the bowl with cling film and leave in this form for at least 3 to 4 hours (or better - all night).
  3. Pack marinated meat in a sleeve. Tie the edges of the last. Place it on a baking sheet with the seam up.
  4. Send the meat to bake in the oven for 70 minutes at 180 ° C.

Serve the finished meat in the sleeve hot.

Beef in a roasting bag


  • 600 g of beef;
  • 700 g raw potatoes;
  • large juicy carrots;
  • table salt and spices;
  • big bulb.


  1. Cut the meat pulp without bones into pieces. Sprinkle with salt and spices. Rub with your hands so that all the additives are better absorbed into the meat.
  2. Peel potatoes and chop coarsely.
  3. Chop the peeled carrot into medium cubes, and the onion into half rings.
  4. Salt all the vegetables and put in a baking bag, mixing well beforehand.
  5. Put the meat in spices on top of them. Be sure to puncture the bag with a toothpick so that there is room for steam to escape.
  6. Bake the dish for 60 - 70 minutes. Cook at 250°C for the first 20 minutes, then lower the oven temperature to 200°C.

Arrange the resulting juicy meat with vegetables on portioned plates. Serve with assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage.

Meat with tomatoes and cheese


  • 1 kilo of pork;
  • 4 - 5 garlic cloves;
  • spices for meat;
  • 4 large tomatoes;
  • 1 st. classic mayonnaise;
  • 350 g of any hard / semi-hard cheese;
  • 3 pcs. onion.


  1. Cut the washed and dried pork into thin oblong slices. Immediately put on a baking sheet, greased with a small amount of any fat. Salt and sprinkle with spices.
  2. Spread onion rings (very thin) on top.
  3. Slice the tomatoes along with the skin. Arrange them on top of pork with onions. Sprinkle with minced garlic and salt.
  4. Cover foods with mayonnaise. The more sauce you use, the juicier the finished treat will be.
  5. Cover the ingredients with grated cheese.

Bake the dish for a little less than half an hour at 200 ° C.

Delicious and juicy recipe for the new year


  • 800 g pork shoulder;
  • 3 dessert spoons of classic soy sauce;
  • 3 dessert spoons of olive oil;
  • 8 - 9 potatoes;
  • 1 dessert spoon of granulated garlic;
  • 1 dessert spoon of Russian mustard;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • salt, red ground pepper.


  1. Grate the prepared spatula with a whole piece with a mixture of dry garlic, salt, pepper.
  2. Pour in the soy sauce and mustard mixture. “Massage” the pork in the marinade, put it in a deep bowl under the film and put it in the cool for a day.
  3. Coarsely chop the potatoes the next day. Sprinkle with salt. Drizzle with olive oil.
  4. Arrange meat and potatoes in an oiled rectangular baking dish. Add lavrushka to products.
  5. Cover container with foil.

Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. First, cook for 80 minutes under the foil, then another 20 minutes already uncoated, so that the meat and garnish are browned.

In pots in the oven


  • ½ kilo of pork;
  • 400 g raw potatoes;
  • ½ st. red beans;
  • 100 g of tomato paste;
  • bulb;
  • fresh garlic to taste;
  • salt and pepper;
  • carrot;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ½ st. vegetable oil;
  • 800 ml filtered water.


  1. Soak beans in water and boil until softened.
  2. Coarsely chop the meat.
  3. Chop the potatoes into medium cubes and fry in a frying pan with hot oil until half cooked.
  4. In a separate pan, fry the meat pieces until golden brown. Add onions and carrots (chopped) to them. Cook ingredients together for 8-9 minutes.
  5. Add tomato paste to the skillet. Sweat the mass for the same amount of time without a lid with frequent stirring.
  6. Transfer both roasts to the cauldron. Add water to cover the ingredients, add salt, parsley and pepper. Put out the mass for another quarter of an hour.
  7. Distribute the contents of the cauldron among the pots.
  8. They also send boiled beans and small pieces of garlic.

Mix the contents of the pots well. Bake the dish for 70 minutes at medium temperature under the lids.

Beef with mushrooms in puff pastry


  • ½ kilo of ready-made puff pastry (yeast-free);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 st. l. milk;
  • 300 g of beef pulp;
  • 1 small l. mustard;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 4 tbsp. l. classic soy sauce;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dill greens
  • 350 g fresh champignons;
  • bulb;
  • 2/3 st. dry white wine;
  • salt.


  1. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Pour in the wine. Simmer over low heat for 6-7 minutes.
  2. Send thin slices of peeled mushrooms to the mass. Simmer for another quarter of an hour. Salt.
  3. Cut the beef into small pieces. Mix with half of the soy sauce, lemon juice, mustard. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Quickly fry the marinated meat in a clean skillet with hot oil.
  5. Add the remaining soy sauce and chopped dill to the mushroom mass.
  6. Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Cut into rectangles. For each, lay out a portion of the mushroom mass and fried meat. Close with the second piece of dough. Pinch the edges.
  7. Whisk the egg with milk. Lubricate the workpiece with the mixture.

Bake juicy beef meat in dough for 25-30 minutes at 190°C. Serve the finished treat with garlic-dill sauce.

How delicious to bake in foil


  • 1 kilo of pork tenderloin;
  • ½ st. mild mustard;
  • 50 g melted butter;
  • a pinch of marjoram, ground paprika, coriander, grated ginger and nutmeg;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the pork tenderloin with a whole piece, dry it on all sides with paper napkins.
  2. Combine all spices in one bowl. Rub. Cover the meat with them. Add salt.
  3. On top of the meat with seasonings, apply a layer of mild mustard.
  4. Cover the pork with cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 to 5 hours.
  5. Transfer the piece of meat to a large cast iron skillet with melted butter. Fry over high heat on each side until a beautiful golden crust grabs.
  6. Wrap the meat in foil. The shiny side of the coating should remain inside.

Bake the meat in foil on the middle shelf of the oven at a temperature of 170 - 180 ° C for about 80 - 90 minutes. Then another 10 minutes to cook the dish already with the cut coating.

Meat with pineapple in the oven


  • 400 g pork tenderloin;
  • 2 onions;
  • 250 g canned pineapples;
  • ½ st. light mayonnaise;
  • 100 - 150 g of "Russian" cheese;
  • salt and pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Cut canned pineapples into cubes.
  2. Coarsely grate the cheese.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into halves of the rings.
  4. Pork cut into pieces (as for chops). Process with a kitchen hammer, grate with salt and pepper.
  5. Lay the meat side by side in an oiled baking dish.
  6. Spread slices with mayonnaise. Cover with onion, pineapple and cheese.

Bake the dish at 170 - 180 ° C for a quarter of an hour.

Step by step cooking in a jar


  • ½ kg of pork pulp;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 1 tsp with a hill of salt + a handful of large frying pans for sprinkling;
  • freshly ground black pepper.


  1. Cut the prepared pork into small portions.
  2. Coarsely chop the peeled onion.
  3. Combine prepared foods in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to them. Mix the contents of the container well with your hands and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. For this method of cooking meat, half-liter and liter jars are suitable. Wash and dry them thoroughly first.
  5. Alternately distribute layers of onion and meat into jars. Vegetable should come first.
  6. Pour coarse salt into a dry frying pan, which is suitable for baking. Place jars on top. Cover them with foil lids folded in 4 layers.
  7. Move the pan with jars to a cold oven.
  8. Bake the dish at 170°C for about 2 hours.

Important! So that the jars do not burst, it is impossible to immediately remove the finished treat from the oven. You need to let it cool down a bit.

The most delicious barbecue in the oven


  • 1 kilo pork neck;
  • 4 onions;
  • marinade;
  • 200 g bacon.


  1. Meat cut into medium-sized pieces. Chop the peeled onion into rings.
  2. Put the products in a bowl and pour your favorite marinade. It can be salted kefir, vegetable oil with spices or soy sauce.
  3. Press down the ingredients with a press and remove the container with them in the cold for 7-8 hours.
  4. Cut bacon into thick slices.
  5. Soak wooden skewers in cold water for 2 hours. This will keep them from getting bitter when baked.
  6. Thread the marinated pork, onion rings, and bacon onto the skewers in turn.
  7. Place kebab skewers in perfectly clean and dry three-liter jars. Make foil lids on them.
  8. Place containers in a cold oven.
  9. Bake the kebab at an average temperature for about 1.5 hours.

When the specified time has elapsed, leave the jars in the cooling oven for another 20 to 25 minutes.

Meat-accordion with vegetables and cheese


  • ½ kg of pork;
  • 4 dessert spoons of Dijon mustard;
  • 1 st. medium-fat sour cream;
  • 100 - 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt and a mixture of peppers.


  1. Cut the washed and dried meat into equal neat pieces. The thickness of each should be about 2 cm.
  2. Break off the slices on both sides. Grate with salt and pepper.
  3. Put the future chops on a lightly oiled baking sheet.
  4. Bake the dish at 160 - 170 ° C for a quarter of an hour.
  5. While the meat is cooking, mix the filling. To do this, combine coarsely grated cheese, sour cream and mustard. If necessary, salt the mass.
  6. Almost ready chops pour the resulting sauce based on sour cream. Return the bowl of meat to the oven for another 10 minutes.

Serve the chops hot with the sauce and any dry side dish. Pasta or potatoes are good.

Stuffed pork baked in the oven


  • 3 kg pork neck with entrecote;
  • 9 slices of bacon;
  • 2 pcs. tomatoes;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • coarse salt;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 g walnuts


  1. Rub the pork meat with coarse salt on each side.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  3. Crush garlic, combine with selected spices and 3 tsp. oils.
  4. Crush the shelled nuts.
  5. Lay the bacon slices on the oiled bottom. Salt.
  6. Lay a piece of meat on top. Make cuts along the line of the bone. Salt them. Put between slices circles of tomatoes, garlic with spices and crushed nuts.
  7. Tighten the prepared meat with a film and leave for 12 hours in the cold.
  8. In the morning, send to a preheated oven.
  9. Cook at 190°C for about 1.5 hours.

Half an hour after the start of baking, cover the meat with foil. Before serving, cut into pieces and top with sauce.

To cook meat deliciously, you need to choose the right part of the carcass and choose the appropriate roasting mode. Loin, neck, pieces of meat with a small amount of fat are excellent for this purpose. Roasting pork and beef is always best at a medium temperature.
