
Wheat groats. The most interesting dishes from millet, barley, corn and wheat groats

Wheat groats are coarse, medium, or finely chopped whole grains wheat. A few centuries ago, porridge from this cereal was one of the main dishes of our ancestors. Now she is somewhat forgotten, but in vain! Since cereals are made from wheat, dishes from it are very useful for maintaining health.

The composition contains many useful substances- vitamins, minerals, valuable acids. Wheat groats are recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women, the elderly and children. She will give strength, strengthen immune system, improve appearance skin and hair.

How is wheat groats prepared on water, how to cook it? What are known delicious dishes from wheat groats, recipes? Today on the site "Popular about health" we will look at a few simple, but very useful and delicious recipes preparation of this wonderful product:

So the promised delicious meals - recipes:

Delicious cereal on the water

The first cooking method (with frying):

Us need: for 1 glass of cereal - half a liter of water, salt to taste.


Before boiling this cereal in water, many advise frying it first in a pan, without oil. Then the porridge turns out to be very tasty and crumbly. Therefore, we will do this:

Sort out the grits. Place in a large skillet and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently to prevent scorching. As soon as it is well dried and slightly calcined, turn off the stove.

In the meantime, boil water in a thick-walled saucepan (it is better to use a cauldron), salt it. Spread there in small portions of cereals, about 1 tbsp each, kneading well each time.

Then boil, immediately reduce the temperature to the minimum. Simmer, covered, until tender, about 20-30 minutes. Don't forget to stir often.

Put a piece of butter in the finished porridge, cover with a lid, wrap with a large towel. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes and serve.

Other way (without frying):

Us need: for 1 glass of cereal - half a liter of water, a little vegetable oil, salt.


Pour boiled water over the sorted cereal, hold it there for 15 minutes. Then drain the water. Boil clean water in a thick-walled saucepan, salt. Transfer the cereal there, pour in a quarter cup of vegetable oil.

As it boils, remove the fire, to the very minimum. Close the lid, throw a folded towel on top to cover the pan by a quarter. Simmer until all liquid has evaporated. Leave the finished porridge, also under the lid and a towel for 15 minutes, so that it “reaches”. Everything, now the porridge is ready.

Delicious wheat groats

WITH mushrooms:

For this recipe you will need: 1 glass of cereal, half a liter of water, 1 carrot, 200 g fresh champignons, small onion, salt and butter.


Cook porridge in one of the above ways. Wash the mushrooms, dry with napkins, cut into slices or cubes. Peel carrots, onions, wash. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot coarsely.

Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, about a quarter cup. Put the champignons and vegetables, add salt, you can add your favorite spices, just a little, so as not to interrupt the taste and aroma of the finished dish. Fry, stirring, until tender.

When the porridge is completely ready, put the frying to it, mix, serve.

With vegetables (Eastern style):

It turns out very tasty wheat groats with the addition of cabbage and carrots. Let's cook this dish according to this recipe:

It will take: 1 glass of cereals, half a liter of water, a quarter fork of cabbage, carrots, a small onion. Also prepare: a pinch of sugar, salt, pepper, 2 tbsp rice vinegar, vegetable oil, Bay leaf ik, fresh, chopped parsley (1-2 tbsp)


Cook the porridge as described in the first recipes, or use your usual method, for example, in a pot, in the oven. There is no particular difference.

Peel and wash vegetables. On vegetable oil fry finely chopped cabbage, coarsely grated carrots and onion cut into small cubes. First, cook the carrots, then add the onions, and when they become transparent, after 3-5 minutes, add the cabbage.

Salt, pepper, put lavrushka. Add some water, stir. Cover, reduce heat, simmer until tender, 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to stir - turn the vegetables over with a wooden spatula so that they do not burn.

5 minutes before the end of the stew, add sugar and rice vinegar, stir. If necessary, add a little more water, but then simmer until it has completely evaporated. Now be sure to remove the lavrushka so that it does not taste bitter. Ready vegetable mix mix with hot porridge, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Wheat soup with chicken

Us need: 2 liters of water, a third of a glass of wheat groats, Chicken's leg or breast (with a leg, the soup will be more rich, and with a breast it will turn out to be dietary and less high-calorie).

More need to: half an onion, a small carrot, 2 tbsp lemon juice (can be replaced with a pinch citric acid), a clove of garlic, a pinch of ground nutmeg, finely chopped parsley, salt, pepper.


Pour the required amount of water into the pan, add salt. Boil the chicken, until tender - cook for about 40-60 minutes. Remove the meat from the broth, put on a dish. Instead, pour cereal into the pan, cook at a low boil for about half an hour.

While it is cooking, fry the onion and carrot cut into small cubes in vegetable oil. Separate the chicken meat from the bones (if you cooked the leg), cut into medium pieces.

When the cereal is completely cooked, put the frying into the soup, pour in lemon juice, finely chopped parsley, crushed garlic, if necessary, add more salt and pepper. When it boils again, put the chicken meat cut into pieces into the pan and immediately remove from the stove. Pour into portions, sprinkle with herbs, ground nutmeg and serve. Bon appetit!

Wheat porridge is an ancient companion of man - it is even mentioned in the Old Testament. It came to the culture of human nutrition with the advent of wheat, which a person consumed both whole steamed grains, and ground into flour - in cakes, and crushed on stone millstones - in the form of porridge. From whole grains of wheat, our historical ancestors cooked and modern Christians continue to cook kutya (kolivo, kanun, sochivo), which are poured over with honey, honey satiety, or sprinkled with sugar, seasoned with crushed nuts, fruit or berry jam and even milk.

The methods of its preparation have not changed much: fire, container, water and crushed wheat in the form of wheat groats. Perhaps its role has changed - it has become not the main, but additional food. IN Lately in the family diet, she is not too favored.

But good times are coming for wheat porridge: more and more enlightened people are turning their gastronomic attention to it, because it is quite high in calories. natural product- a source of carbohydrates and B vitamins. In addition, it is affordable, has no contraindications, except for people who react painfully to the B group of vitamins, but they know about this and are careful about all products of such vitamin content.

Wheat porridge is used as a universal side dish for any meat or fish dish or as an independent dessert with the addition of candied fruits and fresh fruit, sweeten natural honey, sprinkle with peeled and crushed nuts, water fruit jam or syrup. They cooked and now they cook both in milk, and in broth, and simply in water. There is no need to talk much about the benefits of any cereals, especially wheat ones - everyone has known about it since childhood.

Such porridge is also included in the program healthy eating and in therapeutic diets. Depending on the recipe and additives, it can be both everyday and festive dish. On an industrial scale, dry concentrates are prepared from it so that you can easily and quickly prepare hot wheat porridge and in camping conditions and at their summer cottage, for speed - even at home.

From original product- threshed wheat - two types of wheat groats are produced: "Artek" and "Poltava". The first is finely crushed cereals, for this reason it is used for viscous milk and porridge on the water. In addition, they are added to casseroles and meatballs. The "Poltava" variety of wheat product is peeled whole or coarse grains, suitable both for making crumbly wheat porridge and for adding cereals to soup.

1. The classic recipe for wheat porridge on the water

Such porridge can be eaten as a main dish, as a dessert or as a side dish for meat, fried fish, to beef stroganoff from the liver, with meat, mushroom or creamy gravy. If you prefer crumbly cereals, rinse wheat groats under warm water in a mesh colander - there will be less starch in it and the porridge will turn out crumbly! If you prefer viscous porridge then rinse cold water or, sorting through, cook unwashed.


  • wheat groats - 1 glass;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • butter or olive oil - optional;
  • salt and sugar - to taste.

By classic recipe Wheat porridge in water is prepared as follows:

  1. Sort the grits and pour into a saucepan of a suitable volume, pour the right amount water, bring to a boil, salt, turn the heat to low and cook for 15-20 minutes with occasional stirring.
  2. Cover the porridge with oil, cover with a towel and let it evaporate for 10-15 minutes.
  3. If the water has evaporated more than necessary, and the cereal is not ready, add in small portions so as not to overfill, hot boiling water and cook until fully prepared cereals.

Serve hot. If the porridge is delayed, then it can be put on wheat cutlets, for which add a little semolina, drive in raw egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in melted butter. Serve hot with a mixture of sour cream and condensed milk. Children will especially appreciate this dessert.

2. Homemade recipe for sweet wheat porridge with milk

There are many lovers of such porridge - it is so delicious! And for breakfast for the whole family - the best option: tasty, high-calorie and healthy. Preparing is simple, but requires a stay in the oven for about 40 minutes - the morning will have to start with cooking milk porridge.


  • wheat groats - 0.5 cups;
  • natural fresh milk - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter - to taste;
  • table salt - 0.5 teaspoon.

According to a homemade recipe, sweet wheat porridge in milk is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil the indicated rate in a saucepan with a sufficiently thick bottom. fresh milk, having previously checked for curdling.
  2. Pour wheat groats into boiled milk while stirring and at the next boil, remove the fire to a minimum to simmer the pan with the lid closed for 40 minutes, after which turn off the fire, remove the lid, add oil, stir the porridge and let it brew under a towel for about 10 minutes .

Serve hot - sugar and other sweets on the table. Whoever lacks sweetness, let him add it to his plate. If the porridge is thicker or thinner than you would like, another time increase or decrease the amount of cereal.

3. Wheat porridge with mushrooms according to a rustic recipe

The secret of the originality of this porridge lies in the fact that it is cooked on mushroom broth, which will immediately change it habitual taste. Most delicious decoction they give white mushrooms from them, and you need to cook this village porridge.


  • wheat groats - 2 cups;
  • mushroom decoction - 6 glasses;
  • any fresh mushrooms - 400 grams;
  • onion - 4 small onions;
  • butter - 80 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 2-4 tablespoons;
  • table salt - to taste.

Wheat porridge with mushrooms rustic recipe prepare like this:

  1. Boil the mushrooms, put them in a colander, and pour the drained broth in the right amount into a saucepan, where village porridge from wheat groats will be cooked on it.
  2. After cooling the mushrooms a little, cut them into pieces of any shape.
  3. Melt the butter in a frying pan and pour a small amount of vegetable oil into it. In this boiling mixture, fry chopped mushrooms chopped with a knife. By the end of their frying, pour in and boil 1 cup of mushroom broth with them.
  4. Bring the broth in a saucepan to a boil and pour into it, while stirring, wheat groats, melted butter, salt and boil the porridge over low heat until half cooked. Then spread while stirring ready mushrooms and put the pan in an oven preheated to + 180 ° C, where it needs to bake for about 40 minutes.

saucepan with ready-made porridge take out, add a little more melted butter and, when served hot, decorate with fresh herbs. Just sliced ​​​​fresh or canned vegetables, or vegetable salad.

4. The original recipe for wheat porridge with meat

The garlic addition to this porridge, combined with meat, makes it into the category of a hearty dinner after a busy day. labor day, after which before going to bed you can take a walk in the fresh air.


  • wheat groats - 1 cup;
  • pork pulp or chicken fillet - 300-400 grams;
  • fresh garlic - 2 cloves;
  • fresh carrots - 1 root;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • allspice and black pepper, bay leaf - to taste;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • drinking water - 3 glasses.

By original recipe wheat porridge with meat is prepared as follows:

  1. Sort and rinse the grits.
  2. Washed and dried paper towel meat cut into small cubes.
  3. Peel, wash and chop vegetables: grated carrots, flatten garlic on a cutting board by pressing a knife.
  4. In a cauldron or wok, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, first chopped onion, then grated carrots, add the flattened garlic and meat in cubes to them.
  5. Pour in the entire amount of water and spices on a moderate flame or simmer with occasional stirring for 25 minutes.
  6. By this time, remove and discard the garlic and bay leaf, and add wheat groats to the meat while stirring, bring the whole mass to a boil, reduce the heat and, stirring from time to time with a culinary spatula, boil the groats until tender.

Darken porridge with meat, as removed from heat, for another 10-15 minutes under a towel and serve hot with vegetables for dinner.

To prepare any porridge from cereals and wheat, you also need thick-walled cooking utensils with a thick bottom, so that there is no burning that can bring in its own drop of “tar”. In such dishes, heat treatment is even and better.

It is better to sort out any cereal, and even “artek”, to identify a small pebble, a speck and an unwanted “neighbor” from crawling and flying, although recently competition from manufacturers and suppliers has led to fairly high-quality cereals.

Even safe wheat groats of any crushing are best washed before being introduced into the cooking liquid. Such washing improves the taste of the finished porridge.

When water boils with cereals poured into it, foam appears, which is best removed with a slotted spoon.

And the acquaintance will be interesting! After all, wheat porridge is a product of centuries-old selection, and not scientific, but associated with "happy accidents", artificial selection, produced by man for almost 10 thousand years! Surprisingly, the plant, which initially successfully grew independently and covered the fields of southeastern Turkey and modern Armenia, has by now forgotten how to do without the help of people.

Wild wheat had more than just small grains. Its "fruits" fell off immediately after ripening and it was impossible to collect them from the ground. People who first met her began to use green ears of corn for food, appreciating nutritional value grains. In the future, a person selected those ears in which the grain did not crumble for a long time. Over the centuries, wheat began to grow on cultivated fields, from which grain could only be obtained by threshing. Such from the middle regions of Eurasia went first to India, then “captured” Africa, after which it conquered Rus' and Europe. Later, only porridge made from wheat groats came to America. It appeared in the New World only in the 19th century.

The benefits and harms of the product

Since ancient times, people have valued wheat grain so highly that there are even mentions of it in the Bible. It was wheat groats that were the basis of communion bread. And among the Slavs, it was considered the only symbol of power, wealth. Modern Russia is the leader in terms of product exports to other countries, but is not itself its largest consumer.

Paradoxically, the primordially Russian product, on which Slavic cooking has been built for centuries, suddenly became unacceptable for modern cuisine. Few people know how to cook wheat porridge correctly. Moreover, the dish is considered state-owned, budget, convenient for use only in canteens and kindergartens. The fact that it is convenient, it really is. But its budget can be argued. After all, it contains a lot of useful substances, which is why nutritionists recommend eating wheat porridge regularly, and even came up with several diets based on it.

What is the use of the product?

  • The porridge is nutritious. Eating it for breakfast creates a feeling of satiety for half a day.
  • Easily digestible. This is connected with the widespread belief that wheat porridge makes you fat. Indeed, it is assimilated simply, but by no means quickly. Glycemic index product is not high, it is a source of long, right carbs. Any organism copes well with the product, whether it is a child or weakened by an illness. It should be included in the diet of people engaged in active physical labor. Wheat porridge quickly restores strength.
  • Rich in vitamins of groups B, E. The product contains many folic acid, so it is called perfect porridge for expectant mothers. The presence of vitamin E - a source of youth, renews the skin, stimulates tissue regeneration, fights free radicals. Nutritionists claim that vitamin composition porridge made from wheat grains restorative action on immunity, so it is especially important to use it during the cold season.
  • Cleanses the intestines. Wheat porridge on water is considered a regulator of fat metabolism and removes toxins from the esophagus. It improves digestion, and by maintaining a long feeling of satiety, it allows you to eat less and get rid of excess weight.

The harm of the product is purely individual. Only people with gluten intolerance should exclude wheat groats from the diet. The use of gluten-containing cereals is dangerous for them by the development of celiac disease (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa).

Features of selection and preparation

Wheat porridge is extremely easy to handle, unpretentious in cooking. It goes well with meat and liver, with which it can be served at the table. Good with vegetables that improve it positive impact for bowel function.

Knowing the rules for choosing and preparing cereals will allow you to appreciate all its benefits.

Cooking wheat porridge in the microwave is inconvenient. It belongs to poorly digested cereals, therefore fast food can't do it with her. But if you only have a microwave at your disposal, use the following technique. Pour boiling water over the cereal, leave for 2 hours. Drain and add water in a ratio of 1:3. Cook at high power for 20 minutes.


We offer you to get acquainted with the methods of cooking wheat porridge with water and milk. The first recipe will be the basis of a delicious, hearty dinner. And it can be used in dietary nutrition with the exclusion of salt from it. The second one is good for baby food and as a healthy breakfast.

On the water

A simple dish is ideally combined with oil, which is recommended to season wheat porridge immediately after cooking. The garnish should be served hot, as it will thicken as it cools. Completely frozen wheat porridge can even be cut with a knife. This is an analogue of the Italian polenta.

You will need:

  • wheat groats - 1 glass;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt.


  1. Pour the prepared cereal with water.
  2. Put on big fire let it boil.
  3. Remove the foam, reduce the fire, salt.
  4. Leave to cook on low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Check the readiness of the cereal: when the water boils away and hardness, add a little boiling water.
  6. Remove from heat, wrap in a blanket and let steep for 30 minutes.

You can fill a porridge from wheat groats with oil simply in a plate. If the product is intended for diet food, instead of salt and butter, add nuts, fresh berries, apples, other fruits, and for dinner - fresh vegetables.

On milk

A wonderful breakfast, hearty and healthy, suitable for starting the day of a child and an adult. Sweet, tender porridge can be supplemented tasty additions- dried fruits, fresh fruit, berries.

You will need:

  • wheat groats - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Pour in the prepared cereal. Add sugar, salt.
  3. Stir, wait for the mass to boil.
  4. Reduce the heat to minimum, cover with a lid and leave the mass to boil for 30 minutes.
  5. Turn off the heat, add butter. Leave for another 10 minutes covered.

During cooking, you do not need to stir the cereal. It is important to keep as much as possible more steam in a saucepan, which will allow the mass to boil well.

Now you know the technology, how much to cook wheat porridge, how to cook it with milk, on water. Include it in your family diet additional source valuable substances and just delicious!

Porridges from natural cereals, known for hundreds of years, today continue to be in a short list of dishes and side dishes, the 100% naturalness of which is undeniable. Without the addition of all kinds of unnatural spices and additives, porridge is dietary and healthy product, which is useful for babies, athletes, pregnant and lactating women, all those who want to eat natural and proven food. The only drawback of porridge is that it is not impressively tasty. Children are especially convinced of this. In fact, porridge becomes tasteless only due to neglected cooking on hastily, due to incorrect observance of the proportions of the ingredients.

Wheat porridge on water recipe

Wheat groats are a simple, cheap product from which it is extremely easy to prepare delicious porridge, which will become an independent full-fledged and nutritious dish or neutral garnish. To get the correct perfect taste enough to comply optimal proportions and cooking time.

The basic rule: for 1 serving of cereals we take 2 equal portions of water.

proportion 1 to 2

So, to prepare two adult servings of wheat porridge, you need to take:

  1. wheat groats - 1 glass;
  2. water - 2 glasses;
  3. salt - to taste;
  4. butter.

wheat porridge products

We pre-wash the grits three times in cool water, sifting out excess cake.

we wash the groats

In a saucepan, pour the grits with a prepared proportional amount of water, add salt.

fill grain with water

Bring the water to a boil, cover the boiling porridge with a lid, reduce the temperature and cook until the water has completely evaporated. How long to cook wheat porridge? The answer is until the water evaporates completely!

cook until water evaporates

Serve bowls of porridge with butter.

season with butter

Calorie wheat porridge on the water

Your porridge cooked according to your recipe will contain 623.6 kcal.

In 1 glass - 150 grams of cereal, for this amount of porridge you need 1 tablespoon of oil. From 150 grams of cereal, approximately 225 grams of porridge is obtained (approximately 150% welded).

As a result, 100 grams of porridge contains 277.16 kcal.


ProductMeasureWeight, grProteins, grFat, grCarbohydrates, grCalories, kcal
Wheat groats150 gr150 17.25 1.95 93 474
butter20 gr20 0.1 16.5 0.16 149.6
Total 17.35 18.45 93.16 623.6
Total per 100 grams of cereal 100 10.21 10.85 54.8 366.82

How to cook wheat porridge on water in a slow cooker with meat

It's very tasty and it's very, very simple.

Products for porridge:

  1. wheat groats - 3 multi-cups,
  2. water - 6 multi-glasses,
  3. pork - 400 grams,
  4. onion - 1 large onion,
  5. carrot - 1 piece medium
  6. vegetable oil deodorized for frying - 2 tablespoons,
  7. salt and pepper to your taste.

Cooking process step by step:

  • First of all, we prepare the frying of vegetables in the multicooker bowl. To do this, grated carrots on coarse grater and put the finely chopped onion into the bowl of the multicooker, into which approximately 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil were previously poured.
  • We turn on the slow cooker to the “frying” mode and fry for 10 minutes, until the onion acquires golden color(of course, constantly stirring with a spatula for a multicooker).
  • Pork cut into small cubes.
  • We send the meat to fry.
  • Salt and sprinkle with pepper.
  • Now, for another 10 minutes, on the same “frying” mode, fry with meat (of course, constantly stirring with a spatula for a multicooker).
  • The cereal must be pre-washed (such a feature of this cereal)!
  • And we fall asleep cereals in a slow cooker.
  • Add water and turn on the “cook express” mode. Cooked wheat porridge with meat for 40 minutes.

It turns out incredibly tender, juicy and tasty!

Well, here for a detailed view of the video recipe Wheat porridge in the Redmond slow cooker.

Wheat porridge is not only healthy breakfast, but also good side dish to meat or fish. And you can cook it not only by yourself in the usual way but also with the addition of other ingredients.

Wheat porridge with milk - a classic recipe

A recipe that will surprise few people, but at the same time they use it quite rarely, but in vain!

Required products:

  • salt, sugar and butter - to your taste;
  • 50 grams of dry wheat groats;
  • about 250 milliliters of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, we wash the cereal well, remove all unnecessary from it.
  2. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then season with spices, that is, sugar and salt, to your liking and pour in the cereal.
  3. Reduce the heat to almost a minimum and bring to readiness for 20 minutes. Serve with a small amount butter.

Lenten cooking option on water

Cooking wheat porridge in water is very simple. This the recipe will do for those who fast, take care of proper nutrition or, if there was no milk at home.

Required products:

  • a glass of wheat groats;
  • seasonings as desired;
  • two glasses of filtered water.

Cooking process:

  1. Before starting cooking, the cereal must be washed well.
  2. Take into the cooking container required amount water. Usually it should be twice as much as a dry product. That is, for a glass of cereal - two glasses of water. Bring it to a boil.
  3. After that, season with spices, someone uses salt and a little sugar, someone likes it. savory option with black ground pepper.
  4. Reduce the heat to medium and bring the dish to readiness for 15 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated and the mass is soft.

In a slow cooker

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker turns out even tastier and more tender, than cooking on the stovetop. In addition, you do not have to control the process so that the dish does not burn.

Cooking process:

  1. The groats are cleaned of impurities, everything superfluous is removed and washed well until the water becomes relatively clear.
  2. It is poured into a slow cooker, poured with the specified amount of liquid, seasoned with selected seasonings to your liking.
  3. The device turns on in the "Milk porridge" or "Baking" mode for 40 minutes, after which ready meal combines with oil and can be served. If suddenly after 40 minutes there is still liquid left in the container, then you can leave the porridge for 20 minutes in the "Heating" mode.

With the addition of pumpkin

Wheat porridge with pumpkin is very interesting combination. It can be prepared with both milk and water.

Required products:

  • a glass of millet;
  • about 300 grams of pumpkin;
  • 500 milliliters of milk;
  • seasonings as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. Free the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, rinse and chop into small pieces.
  2. Put them in a saucepan, fill with water so that it covers all the contents and after boiling, keep on medium heat for about 7 minutes.
  3. After this time, you need to pour dry cereal into the container and cook everything together until the water has completely evaporated.
  4. In this mass, when there is no more liquid left, add half the indicated amount of milk and any spices to your liking, cook for 20 minutes and let it brew for the same amount of time before serving.

Cooking porridge in the oven from wheat groats

To cook healthy and fragrant dish For this recipe, you will need a pot or some other heat-resistant dish.

Required products:

  • 500 milliliters of milk;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • salt to taste;
  • two large spoons water;
  • 150 grams of wheat groats.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, we first wash the cereal until the water is clean enough, then fill it with warm liquid and let it brew for 25 minutes.
  2. When the specified time has passed, we shift the porridge into a pot, pour half of the indicated volume of milk, add water and remove for an hour in the oven, heated to 150 degrees.
  3. During this process, the mass should swell. Pour the remaining milk, put butter, seasonings and put it back in the oven for another 20 minutes.
