
Advice: How to store meat in field conditions. Practical advice on how to preserve food without a refrigerator How to preserve food in nature without a refrigerator

Hello friends.

In today's article, we will continue the topic of camp nutrition and other issues related to it.

As you remember, in past articles we discussed, compiled and casually touched on the issues of their packaging.

Today, let's dig a little deeper and find out how to pack your camping supplies and how to keep them from spoiling prematurely.

When planning a weekend trip, you should not bother with packing much, but if the trip is supposed to be long, this issue should be approached with all responsibility.

What requirements must the packaging meet?

The first thing we will immediately decide on is that in most cases the factory packaging is not suitable for long-term storage of products on a hike.

It is intended only for giving products a presentation and their delivery from the store to your home. If you look at it carefully, the factory packaging does not meet the requirements that we described above.

It is often not strong enough, has poor tightness, or takes up more volume than its contents.

Therefore, in field conditions, the best option for storage and transportation is more suitable bags made of dense material, plastic bottles with screw caps and special hermetic bags.

Cloth bags, compared to polyethylene bags, are less prone to damage during transportation, and bottles allow you to conveniently and securely store products, sealing them after use. In addition, in order to reduce the volume of the bottle after partial use of the contents, it can be flattened, compressed, in short, to remove excess free air volume from it.

You need to sew ties to the bags (so that they are not lost during use) and write what kind of contents they contain.

So, we will analyze in order how we will pack and store which products.

Bread and bakery products

  • crackers, bread, biscuits, waffles, etc.

In order for the bread to crumble less, it must be dried (at the same time its weight will also decrease), and so that it does not get wet, pack it in a plastic bag.

After that, crackers, bread, biscuits, waffles, etc. we put it in narrow long bags of matter (for example, old stockings).

From the factory paper bag, pour the flour into a plastic bag (we seal), which is then placed in a cloth bag. You can also pour it into a suitable plastic bottle.

Cereals, legumes, pasta

To seal them, reduce crumbling and ease of access, pour plastic bottles.

Meat products

What trip is complete without meat? I think it is rare, unless of course you are a supporter of vegetarianism. Since meat is a perishable product, its packaging and storage should be approached responsibly.

Usually, to increase the shelf life, it is stewed, dried, ready-made sublimates and semi-finished products are made (or bought).

  • stew

If we buy stew in a tin can, there is no need to invent anything, it is already reliably protected.

We remove the stew from a glass jar, boil it and transfer it to a plastic bottle with a screw cap, which we pre-rinse with hot water (not boiling water). The main thing is that the pieces of meat crawl into the neck. Top with lard or grease to seal.

Even if you can’t pull it out through the neck later, you can simply cut the bottle.

In addition, the stew can be packed in an empty bag (tetra pak) from milk (kefir, etc.), also pour fat on top and solder with an iron, giving the top of the bag its original shape and inserting a piece of polyethylene into the gap formed.

The stew can also be poured into an empty aluminum can of drinks (Coca-Cola, beer), after cutting off the top of it. Top with lard and place in a plastic bag.

The same applies to homemade stew.

  • dried meat

Pour the dried meat into a bag and put it in a cloth bag, so it will be perfectly preserved, will not absorb other odors and will not crumble over the backpack if the polyethylene is torn.

  • Freeze-dried meat

Sublimated meat is packed in plastic bottles. The fact is that if you leave them in their original packaging or pour them into bags, with careless handling and transportation, the contents are crushed, turning into dust.

Vacuum-packed sublimates are placed in a plastic bottle cut in half, the edges of which are then inserted one into the other. We do this in order to stiffen the storage container, otherwise, if the integrity of the package is violated, air and moisture can penetrate inside, oxidizing the product and causing it to spoil faster.

  • Sausage, salmon, basturma

Sausage, even dry-cured and raw-smoked, quickly deteriorates without additional processing during the hot period, therefore, to extend the shelf life, it must be greased on all sides with vegetable oil or fat and wrapped in several layers of paper.

  • Salo, loin

These products are also wrapped in paper and wrapped in cloth or gauze. It is not necessary to lubricate them with oil, since they themselves contain fat.

I want to add that they cannot be packed in polyethylene, they quickly suffocate and begin to deteriorate.

  • pates

Pâtés are mostly sold in cans or plastic packaging (sausage-shaped). You don't need to do anything with tin cans, they retain their contents just fine. Place pates in polyethylene packaging in a bag or cloth bag.

Dairy products and fats

  • Whole and condensed milk

We leave it in the same container in which it was sold (with the exception of glass). Pour from a glass container into a plastic bottle and firmly screw the lid.

  • Powdered milk

The easiest way is to pack it in a plastic bag and place it in a cloth bag or pour it into a plastic bottle.

As well as lard, we wrap it in paper and wrap it with a cloth or gauze. Packaging in polyethylene leads to rapid deterioration of the product.

  • Vegetable oil

Pour vegetable oil from factory containers with unreliable lids into bottles and screw tightly. For better sealing, we put a piece of food-grade plastic wrap under the lid.

  • Ghee butter

Pour the melted butter into a bottle with a wide neck (it’s easier to get it with a spoon after thickening), and place it in a plastic bag

Fish and canned fish

  • Canned fish and pâtés

Just like with meat, we are not wiser, they are perfectly preserved in factory jars.

  • Dried, smoked and dried fish

Lubricate dried and smoked fish with oil and wrap it in several layers of paper, dried fish - just wrap it in paper.

  • Fresh fish

It happens that on the way you manage to catch fish (or buy on the way). To save it, we gut it and wipe it dry with a napkin (cloth). Then, for half an hour, we dry it in the shade or by the fire (we smoke it), inserting spacers from sticks into the abdomen.

We make sure that flies do not land on it during drying, although if you are a fan of extreme cuisine, you can skip this tip 🙂

After the fish has slightly dried up, stuff nettles or sow thistle into the abdomen, gills and mouth. We lay it on a layer of sow thistle or nettle spread over the fabric, shifting it with grass so that the carcasses do not touch each other and wrap it.

It cannot be stored for a long time, especially in the heat, but until the evening halt and the preparation of the fish, these actions will be quite enough.


  • Fresh eggs

As well as fresh fish, we use it only on the first day of the trip or on the first day after additional purchases on the way.

Break the eggs and pour into a bottle with a wide neck, which is tightly twisted with a lid.

  • Egg powder

We pack and store, just like flour: in a plastic bag or a plastic bottle.

Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts

  • Vegetables, fruits, fresh mushrooms

Before setting off on a hike, we carefully sort through (removing poor-quality, broken, etc.) wash well, dry and put in a cloth bag.

  • Vegetables, fruits, dried mushrooms

We put them in plastic bags, and then in cloth bags or special bags with a zipper.

  • nuts

We store and transport in plastic bags or cloth bags.


  • Sugar

From the factory packaging, pour into a plastic bottle and tightly twist the lid.

  • Chocolate, candies

How nice it is to dilute the burden of travel and treat yourself to sweets. In addition, it is an excellent source of energy, which does not happen much on a hike.

  • Honey, jam

Pour into suitable plastic bottles and screw on the lids tightly. To avoid leakage, additionally put in plastic bags.

Tea, coffee, cocoa, spices

  • Spices, tea and coffee

Spices, tea and coffee can, of course, be taken in their original packaging, but it is better to pour them into special plastic bags with Velcro (hermetic bags). So they take up less space, conveniently open during use and securely close after use.

We divide the salt taken on a hike into two parts: the main supply and consumables.

We pack the main stock in a moisture-proof package (for example, in a plastic bag), which we additionally place in a cloth bag. You can pour it into a plastic bottle, whichever is more convenient for you.

We store the consumable stock in a small cloth bag, which, as we use it, we replenish it from the main one. Even if the bag gets wet or absorbs moisture, we will always have the main supply.

As a result, we get quite a decent number of different bags, bags and bottles (especially if we divide all the products into portions according to meals).

On all bags it is desirable to make inscriptions with their contents.

And even if all this wealth looks like a worker-peasant, it has a positive point: now our products will certainly not crumble, they will not lose their shape, and most importantly, they will last much longer than without prior preparation.

In addition, all plastic and metal packaging can be easily recycled without causing serious harm to nature.

How? We will talk about this in one of the next articles. In the meantime, I recommend that you subscribe to blog updates. As soon as the article is published, I will immediately inform you about it.

For attentive readers who want to earn some extra money, the task: describe at least two ways to store perishable foods (meat, fish, eggs) in a hot season on a long halt. Long answers of at least 500 characters are accepted.

How and where to place our grocery set in a backpack, you can read in the article.

That's all for me.

Today we have analyzed in detail the ways of packing and storing food on a hike, I hope you have learned something new and interesting for yourself.

Have a good trip.

Sincerely, Sergey Drozdov.

P. S. If you have any questions after reading the article, feel free to ask in the comments.

P. P. S. You can find the topics that will be revealed in the near future at.

If your refrigerator lost the competition to the summer heat and stopped cooling properly, or even broke down completely - don't be discouraged. Here are 9 ways to keep food in the heat without a refrigerator.

1. Meat. There are several ways to keep meat fresh without refrigeration. You can dry it with a paper towel, coat it on all sides with beef or lamb fat, wrap it with parchment paper and hang it in a cool place. Another way: dip the meat for a few seconds in boiling water or oil so that a crust forms on all sides, then dry it, tie it with twine and store in a draft. Before eating, cut off the rind and boil or fry as usual. There are other ways: wrap the meat in a rag moistened with a solution of vinegar, or store it in a strong salt solution, just remember to rinse it thoroughly before cooking.

2. Chicken. To keep a chicken carcass fresh, you need to clean it, rinse it and wrap it tightly with a rag soaked in vinegar. As the rag dries, moisten it with vinegar. Another way: after rubbing the carcass inside and out with salt, hang it in a draft.

4. Sausage. Sausages can be stored like this: make a strong saline solution and put the sausage in there for a few minutes. Then remove and wipe the sausage with a towel, and spread the slice with raw chicken protein. Store sausage in a dark, cool place.

5. Cheese. To prevent the cheese from drying out, wrap it in a cloth soaked in saline.

6. Eggs. Before there were refrigerators, housewives stored eggs by flooding them with water left over from lime slaking. Thus, eggs can be stored for a month even at positive temperatures. Another way: carefully grease each egg with lard and put it in a dark, cool place (it is important that the eggs do not touch each other). You can store them for up to two weeks.

7. Milk. So that the milk does not turn sour, it is better to boil it with the addition of a pinch of sugar and baking soda on the tip of a knife. Then pour into a glass jar or earthenware jug, wrap with a wet cloth, put in a bowl of cold water and cover. It is better to keep the dishes in a cool place or in a draft. As the water evaporates, fresh water should be added, and the rag should be moistened again with cold water.

8. Canned food. After opening the canned food, the contents should be immediately transferred to a glass or enameled dish, and a piece of sugar should be placed on top. Close the lid and store in a dark place for 2-3 days.
Canned tomatoes, tomato paste and juice will not get moldy for a long time if they are poured on top with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

9. Fish. The fish needs to be gutted, the gills removed, but not washed, but wiped dry with a cloth and rubbed inside and out with salt. Fish processed in this way can be stored in a draft for several days. If you need to keep the fish longer than a week, then you can try the following method. Make a saline solution, bring it to a boil, pour a little vinegar into it, cool and put the fish in the resulting liquid. Repeat the procedure after 5 days.

Thanks to him, all food products are stored, the ingredients necessary for cooking are cooled, fruits, vegetables, ice, meat are frozen for long-term storage.

Just imagine what you will do if the refrigerator breaks down? Panic will set in immediately. After all, it will be a pity many products that quickly deteriorate without cold. But do not breed unreasonable panic. Think about how people got along without this food saver in the past.

Even our grandparents managed to store food without having refrigerators in their kitchen arsenal. All products can be stored without a refrigerator for several days. The main thing is to know a few secrets.

If such an unpleasant incident happened to you - the refrigerator broke down, and there is no opportunity to buy a new one yet, you should not panic. It's good when it's cold outside. For example, no problem at all in winter..

Products can be taken out to the balcony or hung outside the window. At low temperatures, they will not only last for a long time, but they will not freeze and will not lose their original shape.

Various types of liquids it is better to leave it in the apartment and use it as soon as possible, as they will freeze on the balcony and become unusable. If the breakdown of the refrigerator occurred in the summer, then more radical methods are needed. After all, you won’t run to your neighbors, asking them to rent two or three shelves for your products.

Here folk methods of storing food outside the refrigerator will come to the rescue. They will be very helpful. After all, we are faced with the problem of storing food not only in the event of a refrigerator breakdown. Often he is absent from the country, where many people like to spend a couple of days off, but you need to eat every day.

These methods are still good for a picnic, when you left for a day with a big company, the other to the cottage in order to take a break from the bustle of the city. Stocks of products in this case can be considerable and everything will definitely not fit in a cooler bag. Therefore, keep the following in mind.

Water is a lifesaver for storing many products.. A well-known way to store greens in it. You need to put parsley, dill, lettuce and other plants in a bowl of water. They will last longer and will not lose their original freshness.

This method is used even in the presence of a refrigerator. Since in it the greenery quickly fades and loses its presentable appearance. Therefore, before decorating many dishes with it, greens are placed at least forty minutes in cold water, then their former beauty will return to it.

You can also store other products in water. For example, if there is a well in the country house, then place the desired food in the bucket and dip it into the water, somewhere to the middle of the bucket. The water in the well is always quite cold. This allows many products to extend their life without refrigeration. For each category of products, there are secrets of storage without a refrigerator.

To keep milk out of the fridge, you need to boil it with the addition of soda. After that, put the jar of liquid in a basin or bucket of water. From above, the jar should be covered with a towel so that its ends are in the water. Thus, the entire container will be cool.

From time to time, the water will need to be changed to a colder one in order to maintain the desired storage temperature. The basin itself must also be placed in a cool place or in the shade.

Cheese and you can also save a little longer if wrap them in parchment paper, which was previously soaked in salt water. If the cheese begins to emit an unpleasant odor, wipe it thoroughly with gauze dipped in salted water.

Oil can also be stored if immersed in salt water container and top with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Another way to store butter is to submerge it in water diluted with wine vinegar.

It is very difficult to store all dairy products without a refrigerator. But hardest to deal with. Here you can try the following method. Take a cleanly washed jar, sterilize it well, pour salt on the bottom and stuff it tightly with cottage cheese so that there is no space for air. Top tightly with gauze, which before moistening in salted water. Place oppression on gauze.

To keep the meat, many ways have been devised. A great option when the meat is still frozen. Then it is enough to wrap it in several layers of paper, and then in warm clothes. Then it will melt very slowly. The most reliable method is to pickle it and roll it into jars. In this case, it will live long enough and without a refrigerator.

If you need to save a large piece of meat as a whole, then another option will come to your aid. Do not wash it under any circumstances, just carefully wipe with a dry cloth from excess moisture. Salt, place in a glass or enamel container and set aside in a cool place. But it will remain in this form for a short time. Therefore, it is best to use this product as soon as possible.

You can also put the meat in a solution of water and vinegar or wrap the piece in a vinegar-soaked towel. Store in a cool place with low light. Be sure to rinse well before cooking.

Another method:boil the meat and then fry until a crust appears over high heat. Then wrap in dry gauze and hang in a dark place in a draft. The meat can be completely poured with milk, cover the container with a thick towel and place in a dark place. This method is good because the milk coagulates after a few hours and serves as a kind of vacuum, which prevents the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Chicken meat will help keep the nettle longer. Lay the pieces of meat with its leaves. And if you have a whole carcass, then completely fill the belly of the chicken with nettles. You can also wrap it in a towel that has been soaked in vinegar. As it dries, it needs to be moistened again.

In addition to meat, you can also save sausage. But not boiled. She won't live for hours without a refrigerator. This product is best eaten immediately. Regarding smoked, the situation looks somewhat simpler. It just needs to be kept in a dark, ventilated place. Then it can last about three days.

Fish can be saved, if you gut it well, wash it, dry it, rub it with salt and hang it to dry. In this form, it will last a long time. If you do not want to get dried fish, then you can also use the nettle method, which is also suitable for chicken. Another method is to wrap the fish with gauze soaked in a wine solution. It needs to be refreshed periodically.

Sunflower oil will help save the life of eggs outside the refrigerator. It is necessary to grease each egg with oil, lard or protein and arrange it in such a way that they do not touch each other. It is even better to place in a box in which to pour sand or sawdust.

Fresh vegetables can also be stored in a box of sand. They will last longer if moisture is not supplied to them, and they themselves are in a dark, cool place.

But it is best when you do not have to resort to such storage methods. After all, the dish is tasty and healthy when prepared from fresh, unspoiled products.

There are times when there is no refrigerator, and we need to save the meat. To do this, there are special tricks and tricks. I'll tell you how to keep meat fresh for several days.

Before storing meat, pay attention to color, texture and smell.

Know how to define quality

A detailed description of the characteristic signs of freshness and staleness is presented in GOST 7269-79. The information applies to beef, pork and all types of slaughter animals, including lamb.

On the third and fourth pages of GOST, methods for determining freshness are described in detail.

Store meat up to 3 days without refrigeration

The need for safety arises among suburban residents, in the absence of electricity or a refrigerator. A similar problem is puzzled by tourists who go on long trips to barbecue. I will tell you about several ways how to keep fresh meat without a refrigerator.

Subject to the rules, the meat will remain fresh for three days. If there is no confidence in the quality of the product, it should be sold within 48 hours.

Without processing and in heat, the meat will begin to deteriorate after a few hours. To prevent this from happening, apply any of the following processing methods:

Vinegar wrap

An acidic environment inhibits the development of bacteria. To store meat without a refrigerator, we use a towel or a piece of cloth thoroughly soaked in vinegar:

  • pour acid into bowl/plate, soak cloth, wring out;
  • wrap the meat and put in a bowl with a lid;
  • before use, remove the towel and rinse with cold water.

Method 1

Place a saucepan or other container with vinegar wrapping away from the sun, in a draft. The product without loss of quality will lie for two days.

Method 2

Barbecue pickling with spices - 2 days.

Method 3

For safety, dig a hole for a week, so that after installing the pan, the earth covers it by 10–20 cm.


A strong saline solution is made:

  • for 1 liter 5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • dip the meat into the boiling solution;
  • after boiling, soak for 1-2 minutes, put on a plate;
  • place the cooled product in a loosely sealed container.

Shelf life at room temperature - 2 days


Take a skewer or a pointed stick:

  • pierce the pulp and hold it over the fire;
  • a thin crust should appear on all sides;
  • after cooling, put in a bowl, cover with a cloth or paper towel.

Shelf life- 1–2 days

  • cut a large piece into shish kebab pieces;
  • sprinkle with salt, mix;
  • shift with chopped garlic;
  • cover the saucepan with the sliced ​​\u200b\u200band put in a cool place, away from the sun.

Shelf life- 4 days


Being in nature, use the folk way - overlay the meat with nettle leaves:

  • nettle greens are placed in a basin / bowl;
  • sprinkled with water;
  • meat pieces are placed on top;
  • everything is covered with a second layer of greenery;
  • if there is no suitable dish, wrap with a damp towel.

Shelf life- two days.

Similarly to nettle, the leaves of bird cherry, horseradish, hazel "work"

Milk and honey
  • pour the meat with raw milk or yogurt;
  • cover the pot.

Honey also works - they rub a piece of meat and leave it under the lid.

Shelf life- 2 days

Keep meat out of the fridge for a long time

In the heat without a refrigerator, the meat will quickly deteriorate. There are long-term storage methods based on different processing options. With their help, you will extend the storage for a month, and even years. Let's take a look at a few popular methods.

In nature, flies will be helped by covering the meat with a cloth dipped in a strong saline solution.


Our distant ancestors used this method, they cut the products into small pieces and laid them out in the sun. Today we have electric dryers that can make high-quality blanks without our efforts.

It is better to dry lean sirloins. Fat after drying gives bitterness. Photo: stozabot.com

Before drying, bones and fat are cut off, the piece is crushed into plates 1–1.5 cm thick. Put the slices on a wire rack, turn on the dryer at +75 ° C. After 18-20 hours the product will be ready.

Store in a food container at room temperature. Dried pieces will remain usable for two months. Vacuum packaging will extend the shelf life for another couple of months.

Vacuum containers come in all sizes and are sold as a set with a pump. Photo: www.compactorstore.co.uk


The method is suitable for long-term storage. Salting is done in two ways: wet and dry:

  1. Dry salting- consists of pouring and rubbing salt and spices into meat pieces. After that, the product is placed under oppression for 48 hours.
  2. Wet salting- carried out in a saline solution (10 tablespoons + 500 ml of water) during the day. For large volumes 0.5 kg of salt + 5 l of water. Soak in brine for a day, transfer to jars, seal, pour the remaining liquid to the top and close the lid.

Corned beef is stored for 3 months. Soup is cooked from it, goulash, hodgepodge and other dishes are made. It is recommended to soak salted meat before frying.


The most secure way to store Subject to the rules of preparation and subsequent sterilization, the shelf life of meat reaches several years (2–3 years). There are 2 preservation methods in the table:

Hot canning
  • boneless pulp is divided into small parts;
  • boiled with spices and salt;
  • jars are washed with soda and calcined in the oven / microwave;
  • the boiled product is laid out in jars, compacted;
  • poured with broth, rolled up with a tin lid;
  • ensure slow cooling: jars are wrapped in a blanket.

Store in a dark place

Cold canning
  • the pulp is arbitrarily crushed;
  • pieces are tightly folded into jars in layers;
  • each layer is sprinkled with salt (not iodized);
  • the laid mass should reach the neck;
  • close the finished container with a lid and sterilize - the time is determined by the volume: 0.5 l - 60 minutes, 1 l - 90 minutes.

Save frozen food

Going on a trip, many people prefer to take food with them. Keeping frozen food on the go is easy. There are special devices and tricks for this.

Thermal packages

It will keep the cold for 3-5 hours. Sometimes it is possible to keep the meat up to 14 hours.

The bags have a three-layer structure made of foil and laminated paper.

Available in the form of a handbag with a handle and a plastic slider fastener.

Can be used several times with care

Cold accumulators

Can be reused and must be completely frozen before storage.

They are produced in different sizes and with different fillers (water or gel).

Sold as a set with a portable refrigerator and separately

Thermal bag

From heat-insulating fillers, a special design that supports the microclimate.

Sometimes cold accumulators are built into the lid, which increases efficiency.

Keeps cold 12-24 hours

Portable refrigerator

There are two types:

  • on cold accumulators;
  • powered by the car.

On batteries, food will not defrost for almost a day.

Automotive will maintain a constant temperature as much as necessary

In the summer, before laying, each piece is additionally wrapped in several layers of foil. This increases thermal insulation when transporting meat and will help to bring fish on a train, in a car. Photo: annasel.ru

If you do not have any device, use foil and wrap with dense things (towels, sweater, jacket, etc.).


  1. Check freshness. Before bookmarking, make sure the quality of the product. Do not store food with signs of staleness.
  2. Choose the right storage method. In the heat, it is difficult to keep meat without a refrigerator. If you plan to keep more than a day, use reliable methods: salting, pickling, etc.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 07:56 AM + to quote pad

Not only special devices, but also “folk advice” will help keep food fresh for a while. Somehow our great-grandmothers and grandmothers managed without refrigerators.

Preserving dairy products

This is especially true if there are children in the family who need fresh milk, cottage cheese, butter every day.

  • Method 1

To prolong the freshness of milk, it must be boiled by adding baking soda or sugar on the tip of a knife. After boiling, pour into enameled, glass or ceramic dishes. Place the container with milk in a bowl of cold water so that the water reaches half of it. Then cover with a napkin or waffle towel soaked in water and squeezed out, leaving its edges in the water, and put it in a dark place in a draft (we recall the principle of operation of an atmospheric refrigerator). The constantly evaporating water will keep the temperature low and the milk will not go sour.

  • Method 2

You can act differently. Close the jar of milk tightly and wrap it with a layer of cotton wool. To secure the cotton wool with threads. Put the jar packed in this way in a shallow large plate with cold water. The cotton will absorb the water and cool the milk. You will only have to add water often, since cotton wool will take it away faster than fabric.

Method 1

Two or three days, these products can lie in parchment paper soaked in saline.

  • Method 2

Cut into portions and put in a bowl with a strong saline solution. Just be sure to rinse in cool water before use.

  • Method 3

Regarding butter. It can be wrapped in a cloth soaked in wine vinegar. The oil stays fresh for a long time.

  • Method 4

Again, about butter. Put a piece of butter in salt water and pour a thin layer of vegetable oil on top. It will create a film that will not let air through, and the contents will remain "preserved". The main thing is not to shake the bowl so as not to break the oil film. Be sure to rinse the oil before eating to wash off the salt.

Before you put the cottage cheese in a jar, it must be sterilized. Put a thin layer of salt on the bottom. Tamp the cottage cheese so that it fills the entire jar, and there is no air left. Close the container with gauze soaked in salt water. Close the structure with a wooden stand for hot dishes and put a load on top.

It is worth considering: no matter how hard we try and try, cottage cheese is very poorly stored if it is really natural. And if the freshness of the product causes concern, it is better not to eat it.

Preserving meat products

Meat and sausage are eaten by the majority, and many do not even know how to do without them. Therefore, there are many ways to keep these products fresh.


Method 1- in vinegar

The meat is wrapped in a cloth soaked in vinegar. Then the bundle is placed in a bowl with a lid and cleaned in the shade. Before cooking, the meat should be thoroughly washed with water.

  • Method 2 - in nettle

A piece of meat is wrapped on all sides with fresh nettle leaves washed in cool water. Then it is wrapped in paper and stored in a cool, dry place.

  • Method 3 - with a crust

Fry until a crust appears or scald a piece of meat with boiling water. If the meat is scalded, then dry it over the fire. Wrap in gauze and expose to a draft.

  • Method 4 - with horseradish

If horseradish grows in the garden, 2-3 of the largest leaves should be plucked. Wrap the meat in them so that it is closed on all sides. Wrap everything tightly in parchment paper and put it in a dark place. Chopped horseradish is also suitable - meat is wrapped around it. Then everything is the same: wrap it in paper and put it in the shade. For lack of paper, meat rubbed with horseradish can be put in a jar or saucepan and tightly closed with a lid.

  • Method 5 - with garlic or onions

Put the meat on a small stand (like a stand for steaming in a slow cooker), lower it into the pan. Before that, put onion or garlic chopped in a blender at the bottom of the pan (you can do both). Close the lid and put in a dark place.

  • Method 6 - in sour milk

The meat is poured with sour milk so that it is not visible, and placed in a cool place.

  • Method 7 - in a lemon

The meat is generously rubbed with lemon juice, sprinkled with salt. Stuffed tightly into a saucepan with a lid - and straight into a cold place.

  • Method 8 - for frozen meat

If you need to preserve frozen meat, it should be wrapped in several layers of paper or newspaper. As an option - in old clothes, again in several layers. So it won't melt any longer.

Important!Meat that has been separated from the bone retains its freshness better.

Another product that does not store well. You can put it in the well, but even there the sausage will not lie for a long time.

Here, either take the amount that you can eat right away, or refrain from buying, knowing that there is no refrigerator.

Smoked sausage

Keeps for three days. It is better to keep it in a dry, ventilated area. You can fry a little or dry on a fire.

A whole chicken is wrapped in nettle leaves (or the same nettle is stuffed inside the carcass) - this is how the bird will “hold out” for a day, provided the room is cool enough.

Poultry cut into pieces in a bowl can be shifted with nettle leaves. All of the above "meat" methods are also suitable for storing poultry.

Save the fish

  • Method 1

If the fish is fresh (not smoked, not dried, and so on), then it is covered with rowan or nettle leaves, salted on top, covered with a napkin dipped in vinegar. And, of course, clean in a cool room.

  • Method 2

It is good to gut the fish, but do not wash it. Salt, pepper and hang in a ventilated cool place. You can also fill the gutted carcass with nettles.

  • Method 3

Smoked fish can be hung to dry in the wind and sun.

Save the eggs

  • Method 1

Coat each raw egg on top with vegetable oil and put in a cool place.

  • Method 2

Cover raw eggs with sand in a saucepan and place in the shade
