
Milk wheat porridge. Wheat porridge with milk: cooking rules, benefits and harms

Wheat groats are a unique product that, at its low cost, has many useful properties. Grains are rich in vitamins A, E, C, PP, group B and such trace elements as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron.

  1. The ability to remove toxins and toxins;
  2. Beneficial effect on metabolic processes;
  3. Providing a general strengthening effect on the body, raising immunity;
  4. Decreased cholesterol levels;
  5. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. Reduced feeling of fatigue in the muscles;
  7. Positive effect on the condition of hair and nails.

Dishes from wheat groats are recommended for both adults and children. Cooking wheat porridge at home is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Wheat groats require long cooking and knowledge of special secrets. This is probably the main reason for her unpopularity among housewives. Nevertheless, wheat dishes rightfully deserve to take pride of place on any table. Having mastered all the subtleties of cooking, you can serve delicious millet porridge to the table, retaining all the properties valuable to the body.

Properly cooked wheat porridge is an excellent side dish for meat, fish and mushroom dishes. Cooked on water, it can also be used as an independent dish during fasting or dieting.

For cooking, it is better to choose cereals from finely crushed grains, which will boil much faster than whole grains.

Cooking method:

  1. First, millet should be prepared by washing thoroughly from debris. So during the cooking process, flour foam will not form on the surface of the water and the cereal will not stick together;
  2. Choose a pan with the expectation that after cooking the porridge will be 2.5 times more than cereals;
  3. Pour cold water into a pan with washed cereals. You need about twice as much water as cereals;
  4. Stirring constantly, bring the water to a boil. You need to stir the porridge with movements from the bottom up, gently lifting from the day to the surface. If the foam still appears, then it must be removed;
  5. Add salt to taste;
  6. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 15-20 minutes;
  7. When the cereal has already boiled enough, you need to remove the pan from the stove and leave it under a closed lid for about half an hour. It is better to cover the pan with a towel. Under the lid, all the remaining moisture will be absorbed, the cereal will swell and become crumbly.

Wheat groats contain many substances useful for a growing organism. Pediatricians around the world recommend cereals as the first feeding for babies from 6 months, however, wheat grains contain gluten, so it is better to postpone this delicacy for up to a year in order to avoid allergies and negative reactions from a fragile gastrointestinal tract.

Cooking wheat porridge for a child on the water is not much different from the classic recipe, however, it is worth considering some of the nuances:

  1. Grains and water should be taken in a ratio of 1: 2.5 so that the porridge does not turn out too dry;
  2. In the process of cooking, you need to give up salt, it retains water in the body and therefore is contraindicated in children;
  3. After readiness, the porridge must be crushed with a blender or rubbed through a sieve to obtain a uniform consistency;
  4. To make the baby like the dish, you can add fruit puree to it, which will play the role of a natural sweetener. Apples, pears, bananas go well with wheat porridge. If the child does not suffer from allergies, then honey will be a good addition.

Milk wheat porridge is a great option for a healthy and hearty breakfast for the whole family. Milk, thanks to its fat, helps to better absorb some vitamins, in particular, vitamin A, which takes part in all vital functions of the body. Milk porridge is high-calorie and nutritious, which is very important before starting a new day. In addition, it is well absorbed. This is especially valuable for getting energy quickly.

Cooking method:

  1. First, the cereal must be filled with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  2. Cook over moderate heat until the water has evaporated;
  3. In a half-cooked dish, add 2 parts of milk, salt and sugar to taste;
  4. Bring to a boil and, reducing the heat, leave to languish for half an hour. Porridge will turn out tastier if you bring it to readiness in a warm oven.

Cooking time for wheat porridge

Wheat groats are made from refined wheat grains. They are finely crushed and then polished. There are four degrees of grinding: No. 1, No. 2 - coarse grinding, No. 3 - medium grinding, No. 4 - fine grinding.

Cooking time directly depends on the degree of grinding of the grains from which it is made. For the preparation of cereals, it is recommended to use medium and fine grinding, the cooking time will be 20-40 minutes.

When cooking porridge from wheat, housewives use little tricks that can make a real masterpiece out of a simple dish.

  1. The key to delicious crumbly porridge will be the right dishes. For cooking, choose a container with thick walls or a double bottom. This cookware retains heat very well and prevents burning as much as possible. A cast-iron cauldron is perfect for cooking;
  2. You can reduce the cooking time by leaving the cereal after washing for half an hour in warm water, and only after that start cooking. Many housewives even soak the grits overnight;
  3. If the dish will be served as a side dish, then a tablespoon of any vegetable oil added immediately after boiling water will help to make the porridge airy and brighter in taste.

As you can see, knowing some subtleties, you can diversify your table and please loved ones with this truly healthy and tasty dish.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

Speaking of wheat porridge, one cannot fail to mention the benefits of cereals from which it is prepared. Wheat speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, and has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. This is already enough to go to the kitchen and cook delicious and nutritious liquid wheat porridge for the whole family for breakfast.

Today we will prepare a dish for two. To do this, take the Poltava cereal (usually this name is not mentioned, but simply written “Wheat”), water and milk, as well as salt, sugar and butter. The proportions of milk and water can be varied, for example, reduce the amount of water or even cook with milk alone. By the way, the calorie content will also change from this (as well as from the amount of butter and sugar)! The ingredients are ready, let's start cooking.

We rinse the pan with cold water, pour in milk and water for cooking porridge. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

At this time, the wheat groats are thoroughly washed under running water.

Pour salt and sugar into boiled milk, mix.

We spread the prepared cereals.

Cook over low heat with the lid covered for about 20-25 minutes. Periodically stir the porridge.

Remove the finished dish from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Butter can be added to the porridge at this stage or directly when serving.

Liquid wheat porridge with milk and water is ready! It's time to call everyone to the table for a delicious and healthy breakfast! Bon appetit!

Wheat porridge with milk is a taste that is familiar to everyone. From early childhood, we enjoy this delicacy in kindergartens and eat it with pleasure at home with our beloved family. And this is no accident: it not only pleases with its delicate taste, but also enriches the body with useful micro and macro elements and improves its functioning.

Indeed, wheat groats are a storehouse of vitamins, A, PP, B-group, C, and are also rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals. In addition, porridge has a beneficial effect on the body, namely:

  • improves the function of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels;
  • improves metabolism in the body and contributes to its better purification from toxins;
  • Promotes healthy hair and nail growth and makes skin firmer and more elastic.

How to cook wheat porridge with milk

To prepare wheat porridge, you need to decide on the type of cereal that will be used in the process: whole grain or finely chopped. In the first case, wheat should be thoroughly washed with cold water. Finely ground groats do not need this procedure: additional washing will only add excess water to the groats, which will affect the taste of the finished product.

In order to properly prepare the dish, it is also necessary to take into account the ratio of wheat groats and milk. For the classic version, the proportion is 1:4. If you want to make the porridge more liquid, you need to use at least 6 parts of milk for 1 part of the cereal. For thicker porridge, reduce the amount of liquid to 3 parts.

For the classic version of cooking porridge you will need:

  • 100 gr of wheat groats;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • sugar and salt - to taste.
  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on high heat, bring to a boil;
  2. After boiling milk in a ladle, add wheat groats, sugar and salt. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and bring to a boil again;
  3. Reduce the heat and cook the porridge, stirring occasionally, until the cereal is soft (about 30-40 minutes). If milk foam appears, it must be carefully removed with a spoon;
  4. Remove the finished porridge from the heat, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes;
  5. Serve hot in deep bowls.

How to diversify wheat porridge with milk

  • To make the dish less nutritious, you can dilute the milk with water (ratio 1:1). In this case, it is worth starting cooking with water. Then, when the cereal swells a little, it is necessary to pour in warm milk and continue cooking;

  • Porridge becomes much tastier if you put a little butter in it, it will saturate it with fats, give it a creamy taste and aroma;

  • You can experiment with flavors and use berries, fruits, nuts, dried fruits, jam, jam, honey or cinnamon as an additional sweetener. Wheat dish goes especially well with pumpkin. Pumpkin will not only add sweetness and delicate aroma, but also enhance the beneficial properties of the finished product.

To prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast or dinner, you do not have to spend hours in the kitchen. Even ordinary porridge can be a wonderful food for both a child and adult family members. But in order for such a dish to surprise and please, you need to cook it correctly. So, wheat porridge can be an excellent option for breakfast cereal. It will turn out not only tasty, but also very useful: nutritious, easily digestible, rich in B vitamins. Let's talk about how to cook porridge with milk from wheat groats.

Cook wheat porridge only in milk

So, to prepare a tasty and satisfying porridge, you need to prepare two hundred and fifty milliliters of milk, fifty grams of wheat groats, a little butter, sugar, and salt, depending on your taste preferences.

Pour the milk into a suitable saucepan (it is advisable to use a container with a thick enough bottom so that the porridge does not burn during cooking) and send to the fire. It should boil. Looking after him, take care of the preparation of cereals. It must be washed, eliminating dust and all kinds of debris. To begin with, it is worth washing the cereal in lukewarm water (about twenty-five to thirty degrees), and then in cold water.

After boiling milk, pour a little salt into it and add sugar, focusing on your taste preferences. Keep in mind that you will definitely have the opportunity to adjust the taste of the finished dish. Put the prepared cereal in a little boiling milk. Mix the porridge well. After the mass boils, mix it again. Cook it on a fire of minimum power for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Of course, while it should be covered with a lid. In order to check the readiness of the dish, just try it.

Season a delicious and satisfying porridge with a piece of high-quality butter. Cover with a lid and leave for another ten minutes, then serve.

Cooking porridge with milk from wheat groats and water

To cook our porridge with milk or water, you should stock up on a glass of cereal, one and a half glasses of water and the same amount of milk. Also use salt with sugar depending on your taste preferences and a little butter.

Put the water in a saucepan on the fire, let it boil. Rinse the grain well. Salt and sweeten the water, add cereal to it and mix. Cook for five minutes after boiling over medium heat. After pouring one and a half glasses of milk into the porridge, wait until the mass boils, and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover the saucepan with a lid and cook for a quarter of an hour. Add a slice of butter. After that, wrap the well-prepared porridge and leave it for half an hour, so it will infuse and be especially tasty.

Of course, it turns out from wheat groats. At the same time, wheat porridge can be boiled in milk to make a nutritious and tasty breakfast. And due to the rare use of this cereal in modern cuisine, the dish will turn out to be completely new and not very familiar to anyone. As a rule, it takes time to try something new. This is not the case, because we have known wheat since childhood, albeit in a different form.

Ingredients for wheat porridge with milk:

milk 250 ml.

wheat groats 50 gr.


salt to taste

Cooking wheat porridge with milk:

Put . Of course, you need to follow him, but during this time you can have time to wash the wheat groats. I remind you that I first wash the cereal in warm water (25-30 degrees Celsius), and then in cold water from a cold tap.
When the milk boils, add salt and sugar to it to taste. If anything, then it will be possible to add salt and sugar. Put the washed cereal in boiling milk. And cook over low heat, stirring regularly for about 20-25 minutes. The readiness of porridge can be checked for taste.

Season the finished wheat porridge with a piece of butter. Bon appetit!!!
