
Is it possible to freeze fresh champignons wholly cultivated. Freezing champignons at home

There are different situations, sometimes purchased champignons can be stale and then you need to have time to freeze them, or you want to specially freeze mushrooms, to make sure you have a supply of these tasty mushrooms in your freezer, with which you can cook many delicious dishes. It takes very little time and effort to freeze champignons. When using frozen champignons, they do not need to be defrosted in advance, send them safely to a pot or pan without defrosting.


In order to freeze champignons you will need:

champignons - any amount;

containers (or simple plastic bags) - as needed.

Cooking steps

Be sure to dry each mushroom individually with a towel. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a terry towel, as it practically leaves no traces of moisture on the mushrooms.

Put the sliced ​​champignons in a bag or container.

Tie the bag tightly enough, and close the container tightly with a lid. And in this form, send the mushrooms to the freezer. Frozen champignons in this way are great for preparing delicious dishes.

Bon appetit!

Champignons are the leaders in popularity among mushrooms. They are always available, versatile for many dishes, easy to prepare, and they also keep well even in a home refrigerator. Today I will tell you in detail how to store fresh champignons correctly.

Features of storing champignons

Regardless of how mushrooms are stored, there are several rules for pre-treatment. And before you figure out how to store mushrooms in the refrigerator, you need to prepare them:

  1. Clean the caps from dirt with light tangential movements of the knife, in case of severe contamination, cut the leg.
  2. Trim off any damaged areas to prevent further spread of bacteria.
  3. In case of removing dirt with water or a damp towel, be sure to let the moisture dry.

Do not send wet and even steamed mushrooms in the refrigerator to the refrigerator - this will significantly reduce the shelf life of the mushrooms.

Storing mushrooms in the refrigerator

First, let's designate the shelf life of this product. How long do mushrooms keep in the refrigerator? It depends on how they are heat treated.

Fresh mushrooms can be stored open for up to three days. After that, they will begin to weather and darken. If you are concerned about the question of how to keep champignons fresh for a longer period, use ordinary cling film - it will help preserve the beneficial properties and taste of the product for six days.

Freezing mushrooms

If you are not going to cook mushrooms right away, but in the future you definitely want to use their taste and nutritional advantages, you need to freeze them. Of course, you can buy frozen semi-finished products in the store - and the choice is large, and the price does not bite. But freezing champignons with your own hands is not difficult.

Prepare champignons for freezing in the same way as for storage in the refrigerator: wash, clean, wipe. Then we choose the method of preparation and act.

Freezing raw mushrooms

How to freeze raw champignons? Instruction:

  • Pre-treated mushrooms should be put in plastic containers or plastic bags.
  • It is better to separate large and small mushrooms: freeze the small ones whole, and cut the large ones into pieces familiar to your dishes.

  • How long can mushrooms be stored in the freezer? Fresh 30-40 days.
  • Interestingly, raw frozen champignons are stored much less than processed ones.

Mushrooms, like other products, cannot be re-frozen, so it is better to make portioned packages.

Freezing boiled champignons

You can extend the shelf life of boiled champignons:

  • After pre-cleaning, the mushrooms should be cut into convenient pieces and dipped in boiling salted water for 10 minutes.
  • Drain the water through a colander, put the mushrooms on paper towels. Before freezing, champignons should not only cool, but also dry.

Be sure to let the water drain completely - otherwise, when defrosting, you will get a watery and loose product, which will significantly spoil the taste of ready-made dishes.

Freezing fried champignons

To prolong the storage of fried mushrooms, you can freeze them:

  • Pre-treated mushrooms should be fried in a small amount of sunflower oil until the mushroom juice is completely boiled away.
  • Place on paper towels to absorb excess oil and cool mushrooms.
  • Arrange in containers or packages.
  • Fried mushrooms, as well as baked in the oven, are perfectly stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Choosing the right mushrooms

And finally, I will give some simple but practical tips on how to choose mushrooms:

  1. Buy white or slightly brownish mushrooms with a slight matte sheen. Dark color is a sign of old and overripe mushrooms, which become tough during the cooking process.

  1. Pay special attention to the hat - it should be free of dark blotches and spots.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the film between the cap and the leg is a sign of the product being stale.

  1. Choose only firm and resilient mushrooms.
  2. Feel free to sniff the mushrooms before buying - they should have a strong mushroom flavor. A sour or damp smell, in turn, will indicate improper storage of mushrooms.
  3. Pay attention to every fungus on the counter or in the tray - often unscrupulous sellers mix stale goods with fresh ones and try to sell it to gullible buyers.

  1. Size matters: small mushrooms are good for marinating and salads, medium ones are good for frying, stewing, making pies, large ones are ideal for grilling and stuffing.


Wise housewives try to harvest mushrooms so as not to overpay for them in winter. But many do not know whether it is possible to freeze champignons in the freezer, whether they will lose their beneficial properties. The refrigerator of modern models has a fairly large freezer compartment with adjustable temperature. In it, you can freeze mushrooms.

From the article you will learn how to freeze champignons at home for the winter, as well as the rules for storing the product. It will not be superfluous to say that mushrooms with this method of harvesting can be either whole or cut. But if you chop them before you send them to the freezer, then it will simplify the preparation of the product in the future.

Important: look for the freshest mushrooms: white, firm, without dark spots and wrinkles.


Servings: - + 10

  • Champignon 2 kg

per serving

Calories: 53 kcal

Proteins: 8.6 g

Fats: 2 g

Carbohydrates: 0.2 g

20 minutes. Video recipe Print

    Take a good look at each mushroom. Use a toothbrush to clean the dirt. Cut off the stem by 2-3 mm, rinse quickly under the tap to remove any remaining soil. Dry with a paper towel: you do not need excess moisture at all. Leave the mushrooms for a quarter of an hour in the air to dry.

    Whole mushrooms of small size can be divided into portions and put in the freezer.

    There are no criteria for how to properly cut champignons. We offer you two options on how to do this. The first - on plates up to half a centimeter thick. The second is in quarters. In this case, you can use one type of cutting in order to prepare, for example, marinated dishes, and the other for frying or delicious soup.

    It is best to spread the chopped mushrooms on a flat surface, for example, use a cutting board. Some freezers have a special compartment in the form of a shelf with low sides. With this method of freezing, the pieces of mushrooms will not stick to each other. After that, put the products in one large container or a tight bag.

    If this is not possible, then arrange the mushrooms in portions, about 200 g each, in small bags or plastic containers.

    Place in freezer compartment.

    Advice: Try not to put champignons in the same box with strong-smelling foods, such as fish or smoked meats, so that the mushrooms retain their natural smell and taste.

    Fresh mushrooms in the freezer can lie up to 12 months, provided that a constant temperature of -18 to -24 ° C is maintained in the chamber. After defrosting, you can cook frozen champignons in the same way as fresh ones. But it is recommended to eat them only after heat treatment. Raw is allowed to use only fresh champignons.

They can be different:,. Some housewives prefer them. It is very convenient, because it is always at hand. On any day, you can defrost a portion and cook a fragrant dish.

mushroom preparation

Before freezing in the freezer, they need properly prepare for it:

  • For choosing only the freshest mushrooms, bright white, without dents and spots, medium size.
  • should be washed thoroughly. Some housewives wash them thoroughly in cold water without cleaning them. Others recommend doing this in warm water: this will soften the hat and stem, which will help them clean up quickly.
  • Pure mushrooms need to be dried: they are laid out for 20-30 minutes on a napkin until it completely absorbs water. It will turn out faster if each mushroom gets wet with a paper towel.
  • Cut off the excess: the root system and darkened places.

Freezing fresh mushrooms

For those who decide to freeze for the first time, the question arises: is it possible to freeze them raw or do they need to be cooked somehow? Experienced housewives willingly harvest fresh mushrooms. It takes a minimum of time, and later you can cook any dish from them. Freshly frozen, they are stored for 1 year at a temperature of -18 ° C.


Clean, dried mushrooms are prepared for freezing as follows:

  1. If they are small, they can be sent to the refrigerator as a whole.
  2. Fans of stuffed mushrooms can only freeze the caps, carefully separating them from the legs.
  3. To begin, the mushrooms are placed in a clean food container, a plastic bag, or a ziplock bag.
  4. Remove the air from the bag, close it tightly and place it in the freezer.
  5. Whole mushrooms can be baked with fish or.


Usually chopped mushrooms are used more often than whole ones. When freezing this type of mushroom, you must:

  1. Washed champignons cut into equal slices.
  2. You need to freeze them not in bulk, but in a thin layer: frozen pieces are very fragile and can break. You can use a flat surface for this, such as a baking sheet, a piece of foil, or a cutting board.
  3. The surface with the laid out mushroom pieces is placed in the upper section of the freezer so that they freeze quickly.
  4. After a few hours, when they freeze, they can already be poured into one bag or container and sent back to the freezer.
  5. Such champignons are perfect for soup, mushroom sauce, as a filling for pies and a side dish for.

Did you know? For the first time, champignons were artificially grown in 1650 near Paris. After 100 years, a method for their year-round cultivation was developed.

Other freezing methods

How else can you freeze champignons at home so that it lasts all winter? Boiled and fried.


Boiled mushrooms are prepared as follows:

  1. Fresh, washed mushrooms are laid out in a saucepan, poured with water, salted and put on fire.
  2. When they boil, boil for another 10-15 minutes.
  3. Then the boiled champignons are thrown into a colander so that the water is glass.
  4. When cool and dry, the mushrooms are poured into a storage container and put in the freezer.
  5. In boiled form, they are stored for six months.


Even fried champignons can be frozen:

  1. To do this, prepared mushrooms need to be cut into slices and put on a preheated pan, greased with oil. Salt is not necessary.
  2. They should be fried over medium heat until the moisture is completely evaporated.
  3. You can bake them in the oven without oil.
  4. The cooled mushrooms should be transferred to a storage container and sent to the freezer, where they can remain for about 6 months.

How long are stored in the freezer

Mushrooms, like other products, have their own shelf life depending on storage conditions:

  • mushrooms can lie open in the refrigerator for 3 days, then they darken, weather, it is no longer recommended to eat them;
  • under cling film at the same temperature, the shelf life increases to 6 days, after which they become hazardous to health.

But frozen champignons can be stored much longer. At a temperature of -18 ° C, any mushrooms are stored until the next season, and at -20 ° C, they can lie longer. In the case of champignons, this is not necessary, since they are artificially grown and are available for sale for almost a year.

Usually frozen mushrooms are stored:

  • fresh - 1 year;
  • boiled and fried - half a year and longer.

How to defrost

In order for products to remain both tasty and healthy after freezing, they should be defrost properly:

  • It is not necessary to defrost the entire batch of mushrooms, but only the necessary portion, because they cannot be re-frozen.
  • The defrosting process should be gradual. Therefore, the required amount of champignons is transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator for several hours, preferably at night.
  • Many dishes, such as soups and casseroles, do not need to be thawed for cooking.

It is important to learn how to freeze champignons for those housewives who manage to do everything at work, and their houses are clean, comfortable, and the kitchen always smells delicious of freshly prepared food. For such housewives, everything is arguing precisely because they always spend their time correctly. I spent time to freeze champignons for the winter, and then I saved it 10 times when preparing sauces, mashed soups, pies with mushrooms. There are at least four freezing methods. We will evaluate them now. But first, let's learn how to properly prepare mushrooms.

Before sending mushrooms for long-term storage, you must first sort them out. Cut out all darkened areas of hats, legs. Cut off the bottom of the legs. They may be in the ground, it is bad to wash it.

We will not soak the mushrooms, we do not need excess liquid when sending them to the freezer shelf. You just need to rinse them with warm water, wash off the dirt from the legs and hats. Spread a paper towel folded in several layers on the table, spread all the mushrooms on it in a thin layer.

The purpose of this action is to rid the product for freezing of excess moisture.

Container preparation

Let's figure out which container is best for storing mushrooms in the freezer before learning how to properly freeze champignons. The main storage condition is the tightness of the package, a reasonable volume of one serving.

Re-freezing is prohibited. Thawed product should be consumed at one time. We select containers for storage according to this requirement. You can store the frozen product in the following containers:

  1. Zippered freezer bags.
  2. Soft plastic containers.
  3. Used sour cream jars.
  4. Containers of small volume, disposable.

I freeze in small rectangular containers. For tightness, I place the container in a regular plastic bag. I tie the package tightly. This method is convenient for three reasons:

  1. Space-saving, the container can be placed tightly to the very top of the shelf.
  2. The sticker with the date of packaging is clearly visible. I put it from the end of the container.
  3. Easy to take out and defrost.

Freezing methods

How best to freeze fresh champignons is a reasonable question that arises for any housewife. I was also interested in whether it is possible to freeze unheated mushrooms, it turned out that it is possible. Now I have successfully mastered the possible methods, I use all the options in life, I use mushrooms: raw, boiled, fried.

Now I’ll tell you how easier it is to freeze fresh champignons in two ways.

How to Freeze Whole Raw Mushrooms

Not all mushrooms can be frozen. First, let's decide on the size of the mushrooms. The large size does not fit exactly, only small and medium hats will suit. For mushrooms with a large hat, you should choose another storage option - sliced.

Above, I already told you how to prepare raw materials: wash, dry. Now I will share my method of freezing. I use steam baskets. I have a great steamer made of soft plastic. Soft plastic baskets can be used for freezing food in the refrigerator, cooking and thawing food in the microwave and for its intended purpose - steaming.

I put the mushrooms strictly in one layer at the bottom of the container. I put the container in the upper chamber. I read that it takes 4 to 12 days to freeze champignons, so I keep them in a quick freezer for 5-7 days, then I put them in bags or containers, send the whole frozen mushrooms to the bottom shelf of the freezer. Remember: fresh frozen champignons can be stored for no more than a year at a temperature of -18 ° C.

Proper freezing of chopped champignons

How to freeze whole champignons for the winter, we know, it's time to deal with chopped mushrooms. Sliced, frozen champignons are easier to use, they will go into soup, sauce, potatoes when frying (stewing) without thawing. Harvesting chopped tomatoes for the winter by quick freezing consists of 4 stages:

  1. Primary preparation of raw materials.
  2. The process of slicing mushrooms.
  3. Freezing process.
  4. Packaging.

We carry out the primary preparation of raw materials in the manner described above. We select whole specimens, preferably large. We cut into slices 3-4 cm thick. Lay the slices on a pallet, cutting board or silicone baking sheet. The surface can be lightly greased with vegetable oil. The frozen product is easier to lag behind the oiled surface. Everything, the frozen product is ready, it can be put in the freezer. Pack in 4-5 days. Sliced, fresh champignons are stored frozen for about a year.

Freeze fried mushrooms

All mushroom substandard is better to fry and freeze. To mushroom substandard I attribute raw materials that have lost their shape, broken, large sizes. Before frying, I cut all specimens into arbitrary pieces of approximately the same size.

For frying, I take a saucepan. I have a large diameter, all the mushrooms are placed in it at once. I grease the bottom of the saucepan with oil (any). I fry the raw materials until the liquid is completely evaporated. I make a frying pan from the stove, let the mushrooms cool in a natural way, and pack it. I pack fried champignons in strong bags, form a layer of no more than 2 cm. Be sure to put a piece of paper with the date of preparation. It must be remembered that fried champignons are stored for no more than 6 months.

Boil champignons for freezing for the winter

There is another way to freeze mushrooms at home. Mushrooms can be boiled, and only then sent for freezing. Let's deal with the features of cooking. The first condition is to fill the prepared raw materials with cold water.

The second condition is salt water. There are no other conditions. Mushrooms after boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, put in a colander, cool, scatter in containers. We put a piece of paper with the packing date in the container and send it to the upper compartment of the freezer. After a few days, the container can be lowered into the lower compartment, the boiled champignons are frozen, ready to eat within 6 months.

Lighten your life. Cook high-quality frozen mushrooms, they will speed up the process of preparing delicious dishes with the addition of mushrooms.
