
How to cook rice for sushi at home proportions. We use the classic cooking method

On a note

Rice for sushi should be somewhat firmer than for other dishes. It is better to take not long-grain, but round rice. For sushi there is a special rice, small and round, it is much shorter than our usual - oblong. Its distinguishing feature: increased stickiness when boiled. It is very convenient to sculpt balls for sushi.

Europeans wash rice three times, and the Japanese no less than seven, claiming that the more washed, the tastier.

The lid does not come off while cooking. The fact is that when the lid is open (even slightly), steam comes out, and this can adversely affect the taste of rice.

Rapid cooling gives the rice a shine. Rice can be cooled with a fan or hair dryer.

Method number 1

Rinse the rice in plenty of water until it becomes clear. We take for cooking a non-enameled pan with a thick bottom. Rice is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 1. If a glass of rice is taken initially, then there should be no more water. We close the container with a lid and put on a large fire. After boiling, without opening the lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave for 12 minutes. After the expiration date, remove the pan from the heat and leave for 15 minutes with the lid closed. After that, mix the rice so that the top dried layer is mixed with the wet bottom. Then cover again and leave for 5 minutes. Then transfer the rice to another bowl. Pour the finished rice with a special solution - avazesu (see the recipe below) in a ratio of 3: 1 (1/3 cup of sweet filling is required for 1 cup of rice). Ready rice is covered with a damp towel.

To prepare awasezu required: ½ l rice vinegar, ½ l sake, ½ kg granulated sugar and ½ tbsp. salt. Everything except salt is mixed in a saucepan and put on a large fire. When the contents of the pot boil, remove it from the heat and add ½ tbsp. salt. Then cool to room temperature and pour rice.

When awasezu is added, sushi acquires a specific aroma and a sour-sweet taste. When preparing awasezu, the main thing is to respect the proportions, otherwise the rice may turn out either too sweet or too sour.

Method number 2

Rice is thoroughly washed in cold water, changing the water until it becomes transparent, then we recline it on a sieve and leave it for an hour. After that, we lower the rice into a deep pan and fill it with water. The amount of water should exceed the amount of rice by 1/5, i.e. 200 g of rice should account for approximately 240 ml. water. The pot should be no more than 1/3 full. To add flavor to the rice, add a square piece of kombu seaweed, the size of which reaches 5 cm, into the water, take it out before boiling the water. After that, cover the pan with a lid and put on medium heat, bringing to a boil (about 5 minutes), reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice grits at a low boil until the rice absorbs all the water, about 10-13 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and let stand without lifting the lid for about 10-15 minutes.

Prepare the vinegar mixture. Mix 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar or Japanese rice vinegar with 7.5 tsp. granulated sugar and 2 tsp. sea ​​salt. All of the above mix well until sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

After that, we transfer the rice to a wet wooden bowl intended for sushi, and pour over the vinegar mixture and stir with a wooden spatula. Rice must be completely cool before making sushi.

Method number 3

Rinse the sushi rice in cold running water until it becomes clear. Cook rice for about 2 minutes (for 200 g of rice 240 ml of water), then turn off the burner and leave it under the lid to swell for 10 minutes. Then remove the lid and leave for 10 minutes. We mix 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. sugar with 2 tbsp. rice vinegar (it is sold in large stores), heat it up. Pour the rice into a bowl, add the marinade and mix well with chopsticks.

Method number 4

Rinse the rice thoroughly in a flat-bottomed container about an hour before cooking. To remove the remnants of peeling, rub the wet grains on the walls and bottom. Wash the rice until the water is completely clear. Then fill it with water and leave it to brew for a while. For a good result, the rice is washed and soaked in water for at least 30 minutes. Pour the peeled rice with 1/5 more water, add a piece of kombu, 6-7 cm in size, after wiping it with a damp cloth. Cover with a lid and set to cook. At the first sign of boiling, remove the kombu and add sake - for each glass of dry rice - 1 tbsp. sake. We reduce the flame and cook for about 10 minutes. After that, turn off the fire and let the rice brew for at least 10 minutes. While cooking rice, prepare vinegar seasoning. To do this, mix until smooth 7-8 tablespoons. rice vinegar and 1 tbsp. salt, 4-5 tbsp. Sahara. To begin with, we moisten the bowl in which we will cook the seasoning with water. We remove excess moisture. And moisten with acidified water, which is obtained by mixing 2-3 tbsp. vinegar and 1 cup water. Remove excess moisture. Pour the boiled rice into the center of the bowl. It cools down in about 10 minutes. After that, rice seasoning is poured over the formed hill of rice. Stir the rice with a spatula or a wide wooden spoon, lowered to the bottom, to evenly distribute the seasoning.

Method number 5

Pour rice into boiled water. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. In a small saucepan, mix lemon juice, vinegar and add granulated sugar, as well as salt - everything to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the rice with the resulting liquid, tightly close the pan with a lid and let it brew until the rice absorbs all the liquid. Let the rice cool down.

Method number 6

Put the rice washed to clean water in a saucepan, fill it with water and leave for 30 minutes to swell. Then put the rice on the fire and bring to a boil. After that, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook for another 10 minutes. We turn off the fire and let the rice sweat for another 20 minutes, at this time we prepare the vinegar for sushi: in a small saucepan placed on the fire, mix all the ingredients and heat until the salt and sugar dissolve. Put the finished rice on a pre-prepared sheet of parchment, moisten with ready-made vinegar and mix.

Method number 7

We wash the rice as follows: we fall asleep in a large container, pour in a sufficiently large amount of water and mix vigorously. We drain the water that has become cloudy, along with it, most of the rice husks, litter, and dust are removed. After removing the water, grind the rice with light movements of the fingers and palms, one by one, quickly process all the grains. If after this procedure the water at the bottom is still cloudy, add clean water to it, mix thoroughly and drain again, and so on until the water becomes clear. Pour the thoroughly washed rice into a colander, completely getting rid of the water, then soak it in cool water for 20 minutes.

Pour rice with water 1: 1, close the lid and leave to simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. Before boiling water, we add the fire, when it starts to boil, we reduce the fire to very weak. Let the rice boil over low heat until the liquid is absorbed into the grains, about 20 minutes. Then we add the fire again for 10 seconds, then turn it off completely. Between the pan and the lid we lay a towel or napkin. After 20 minutes, the rice is ready to eat, as well as processing it with a vinegar mixture or lemon juice.

Method number 8

Cooking peeled rice for sushi. Put the rice washed to clean water in a saucepan, pour cool water in a ratio of 1: 1 and set to boil, after salting it well. Cooking technology choose any of the above methods. While the rice is cooking, stir in 1 tsp. salt and 70 g plum vinegar and add 3 tbsp. mirina. After boiling the rice, let it stand for 15 minutes and transfer it to a large container. Sprinkle the vinegar mixture over the surface. Stir the rice with a flat wooden stick, distributing the vinegar mixture evenly. Once completely cooled, the rice can be used to make sushi.

Method number 9

Cooking polished rice for sushi. Pour rice with cold running water and add sake (approximate proportion of 700 g of rice to 700 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of sake). Then we wash the rice, fill it with water again. We mix 1 plate of kelp kombu, 70 g of apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Salt mixture 1 tbsp. l. and add to the soaked rice, insist 1 hour. After boiling a little, remove the algae, and cook the rice further as usual. After the rice is cooked, let it brew for 15 minutes. Mix apple cider vinegar with honey and salt. Transfer the rice to a bowl and pour over the vinegar mixture. Stir the rice with a flat wooden stick, distributing the vinegar mixture evenly.

Method number 10

An easy way to make sushi rice. For 1 kg of rice 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. Boil the rice in any of the above ways and let it stand for 15 minutes. Mix salt, sugar and vinegar until completely dissolved. We shift the rice into a large container and sprinkle the vinegar mixture over the surface. Stir the rice with a wooden stick.

In order to give the finished dish a contrasting festive look, rice can be colored. If you use red plum vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar to make the vinegar mixture, the rice will turn pink. And to give a bright yellow tint to the water before boiling the rice, add 1 tsp. turmeric. If you add 2 tbsp to the finished sushi rice. ground seaweed, it will turn into a pale green color.

Rolls are the most famous dish of Japanese cuisine, which has conquered the whole world and has no equal in competition among Asian dishes. Being a kind of sushi, they differ from them by twisting the food with the help of a bamboo bed and then cutting it into portioned pieces. Any Japanese woman can cook rolls at home, but in our country, specialized restaurants are more likely to serve such dishes. But with a strong desire, such culinary delights can easily be made at home.

At its core, rolls are stuffed rice wrapped in a sheet of nori seaweed. This type of dish differs from sushi precisely by wrapping stuffed rice in seaweed, scrambled eggs or soy paper.

There are several types of rolls:

  • Hosomaki (thin)- high with one type of filling.
  • Futomaki (thick)- large diameter with two or more types of filling.
  • Uramaki (rolls inside out)- a spectacular type of dish that differs from the rest in the order of twisting: there is a filling inside, nori around it, and all this is wrapped in a layer of rice, which is sprinkled with bat caviar or sesame seeds.
  • Temaki (Japanese "shawarma")- an envelope of seaweed filled with stuffing.
  • Spicy rolls- eaten with spicy sauce.
  • Tempura (hot)- fried rolls, which are necessarily eaten hot.
  • Spring rolls (light)- a light version of the dish, in which the filling is wrapped in a rice pancake and served raw or fried.

A brief overview of Japanese dishes will allow you to understand their subspecies and help you cook properly at home.

Basic components for homemade rolls

For self-preparation of Japanese delicacies, in addition to desire, you also need special tools for creating rolls or a bamboo mat, quality products and some skill in cooking.

With kits for creating sushi, everything is simple: I bought the product I liked in the store and already became a skilled sushi maker. In extreme cases, you can always form a sausage roll with the help of a special mat-mat.

Buying the required ingredients is also easy: all the necessary sauces, seasonings, seaweed, rice can be freely obtained in the store. When choosing products, you need to consider that in order to make rolls at home, you need only 6 components.

  • Rice- the main component, the necessary varieties of which are sold in a special department of stores. It is cooked according to a special technology with the obligatory addition of rice vinegar.
  • Nori Dried seaweed leaves for wrapping stuffed rice.
  • Vinegar- a yellowish liquid necessary for soaking rice.
  • Wasabi- Japanese horseradish mustard, a flavoring seasoning that can sometimes be replaced with a less spicy one.
  • Ginger, soy sauce- additional ingredients that give the dish a special taste.
  • Seafood and vegetables- the main fillings are selected according to taste preferences.

Having all the available ingredients on hand, the main task is to properly prepare the dish.

Proper rice is the key to a successful roll

The basis of any kind of sushi is rice. It is from its consistency that the future dish envy.

Japanese rice for rolls has the necessary stickiness, which allows it not to crumble. But even properly cooked ordinary round-grain rice can become an assistant for cooking Japanese dishes.

How to cook rice in a pot on the stove

Despite the fact that homemade roll recipes are very diverse, they are always united by one component - rice. And it is prepared for any options in the same way. This is something that remains unchanged, and the taste of the dishes is given by the fillings and the methods of their heat treatment.

Required Ingredients:

  • rice - 1 kg;
  • water - 1200 ml;
  • rice vinegar - 330 ml.
  1. Rinse the rice in cold water several times. Put it in a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. Put the saucepan on the stove. Bring water to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the rice for 12-15 minutes without stirring it.
  3. Then let the rice porridge stand under the closed lid for about 30 minutes.
  4. Transfer the simmered rice to a bowl and evenly pour over the vinegar dressing. Gently mix everything, without crushing the rice, so as not to turn it into porridge.
  5. You can store such rice for no more than 2 days on the windowsill. Before use, it should be warmed up a little in the microwave.

A few useful tips will help you avoid mistakes when choosing and cooking rice. Then the cereal will not crumble, stick to the teeth and simply spoil the dish with its appearance.

  • Selected rice should be large size without cut, round shape, not steamed. Packaged rice for cooking is also not suitable for rolls.
  • Mandatory washing of cereals will save rice from excess starch.
  • Do not open the lid of the pot while cooking cereal.
  • Rice dressing is the final step in rice preparation. Only cereals impregnated with it are considered completely ready. The easiest way to dressing: combine rice vinegar (180 ml), sugar (120 g), salt (30 g) in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Let the dressing brew and fill it with boiled rice.
  • Rice for rolls should be used when it has already cooled down and does not burn your hands.

Having learned how to cook rice correctly, having purchased all the necessary products and purchasing a set for making rolls at home, you can safely proceed to the mysteries of Japanese cuisine.

How to cook rolls: forming rolls and cutting them

The filling is prepared, the rice is cooked and cooled. It's time to roll up delicious rolls to enjoy their taste. For the process of wrapping the filling in rice, and rice in seaweed, a special bamboo mat is needed.

  • Gently flatten the nori sheet on it, laying it with the smooth glossy side down.
  • Spread a handful of rice evenly over the rough side of the dry seaweed. Leave clean strips of about 1 cm that are not filled with cereal from two edges. The thickness of the rice layer should be 0.7 cm.
  • Lay the selected filling in a thin strip along the entire width of the seaweed. To enhance the taste of the filling, a strip of rice can be lightly smeared with wasabi.
  • To roll the roll, you need to lift the mat with your thumbs and, holding the filling, twist the roll.
  • After connecting the ends of the algae, the roll should be rolled a little on the rug. In the process of “rolling out”, do not press hard on the roll so that all the filling does not fall out.
  • When creating rolls with rice outside, it should be noted that for better rolling of the dish, the bamboo mat should first be covered with cling film.

The beautiful appearance of the dish directly depends on the correct cutting of the roll. This process should be carried out with a knife dipped in vinegar or lemon water. This will prevent the rice from sticking to the blade and help the knife glide smoothly. It is best to cut the roll in half, and then divide it into 6-8 equal pieces.

Such sushi is served with ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.

The most popular recipes for homemade rolls

It's time to put theoretical knowledge into practice for making rolls at home. By choosing the right recipe as you wish, you can easily make any stuffed rice rolls.

California: shrimp, avocado and flying fish roe

The most popular variety of rice outside are shrimp and avocado rolls.

Required Ingredients:

  • rice - 200 gr;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • smoked eel - 20 gr;
  • rice vinegar - 200 ml;
  • salmon caviar - 30 gr;
  • tiger prawns - 30 gr;
  • Nori seaweed - 1 sheet.

How to cook:

  1. In the case of an economy version of the dish, you can do without avocados, replace eel with affordable fish and make rolls with crab sticks.
  2. Cucumber, avocado, smoked eel and shrimp cut into thin portions.
  3. Unfold the nori sheet. On its half, level the rice with a thin layer, sprinkle everything on top with small caviar, pressing it lightly to the rice.
  4. Place a sheet of seaweed rice side down on a bamboo mat.
  5. Put prepared ingredients (seafood and vegetables) on Nori.
  6. Roll everything up into a roll, giving it a square shape. Cut the roll into 6 equal pieces.

Philadelphia: Fresh Fish and Cream Cheese

To get the most out of Japanese delicacies, there is nothing easier than making Philadelphia rolls - the most satisfying and sought after from Asian cuisine. After all, a large number of fish in combination with cheese makes this recipe inimitable.

Required Ingredients:

  • rice - 300 gr;
  • trout - 300 gr;
  • cheese "Philadelphia" - 150 gr;
  • avocado - ½ pc.;
  • nori - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger, soy sauce, wasabi - to taste;
  • chop the peeled avocado into strips.

How to cook:

  1. Put a thin layer of boiled rice on straightened dry seaweed. Lightly press it against Nori.
  2. Put them on a special mat with seaweed up.
  3. Spread plenty of cream cheese on top of the seaweed.
  4. Arrange the sliced ​​avocado on top of the cheese.
  5. Roll up the roll, giving it a square shape.
  6. Arrange the salmon fillet on top in a thin layer. Cut the roll into pieces.

Philadelphia rolls are best served with wasabi, pickled ginger and soy sauce. And they can also be slightly modified, because. the recipe allows you to sprinkle rice with tobiko caviar.

Caesar roll: meat delicacy with cheese

Mixing oriental and European cuisines leads to the creation of new recipes. Caesar roll, a dish from the Fusion series, in its composition is very similar to the salad of the same name. Whether you're into traditional seafood rolls or up for some bold mixed-up experimentation, this homemade recipe will show.

Required Ingredients:

  • rice - 250 gr;
  • chicken breast - 100 gr;
  • cream cheese - 100 gr;
  • parmesan - 50 gr;
  • seaweed leaves;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • breadcrumbs.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare all the stuffing. Cut boiled or smoked chicken fillet into strips. Chop the green salad the same way. Fry the breadcrumbs in a dry frying pan. Grate Parmesan.
  2. Spread the rice evenly on the Nori sheet, leaving some empty edges for gluing.
  3. Flip the seaweed sheet upside down. Put cream cheese, chopped breast and chopped lettuce leaves in the center.
  4. Carefully roll everything up, fasten the edges of the seaweed.
  5. Roll the finished roll in breadcrumbs, and then cut into 8 parts.
  6. Sprinkle the Caesar roll with Parmesan and serve with fresh lettuce.

Hot rolls: deep-fried vegetable rolls

Hot rolls - tempura - are becoming increasingly popular among lovers of Asian cuisine. This is the most original dish in terms of execution and taste. And you can enjoy them without visiting oriental restaurants, because. at home, they are prepared according to the standard procedure, followed by batter-frying. Such rolls are very tender, with a light crispy crust.

  • Spread the rice in an even layer on the spread seaweed, press lightly. Turn them upside down.
  • Lay the chopped ingredients on the nori leaves. Roll up the dish.
  • Whisk an egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of cold water. Add a little flour and mix thoroughly until the consistency of medium density.
  • Dip the rolls in batter, then roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil until a pleasant golden crust.
  • Put the finished dish on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Then cut the rolls into portions.
  • Baked rolls for gourmets: mussels with a cheese cap

    Baking a traditional Japanese dish is one of the boldest steps in cooking. However, the delicate and balanced taste of the dish makes it one of the most delicious and gaining momentum in popularity. A truly royal recipe for any celebration - baked rolls at home with mussels.

  • Cut the roll into the desired number of pieces. Lay them all out on a baking sheet.
  • Grind pickled mussels, mix them with two sauces: mustard and cheese. Cut hard cheese into thin squares.
  • Place mussel filling on top of each piece. Cover it with a piece of hard cheese.
  • Bake the rolls in a hot oven (200 ° C) for about 10-12 minutes.
  • There are rolls, like tempura, should be hot. Otherwise, when cooled, they lose their special bite.

    Tasty, healthy, healthy, exquisitely beautiful Japanese cuisine gave the world rolls and sushi. Many still confuse these dishes, and for good reason.

    They are actually very similar. The only difference is the method of serving and the amount of ingredients used.

    Rolls are rice and fish pieces folded in a special way, wrapped in a sheet of pressed nori seaweed. In fact, this is just a kind of sushi - rice and seafood dishes with vinegar dressing.

    In any case, the basis of rolls and sushi is rice. Its taste and texture differ from the product used in Russian or, for example, Uzbek cuisine. Rice is combined with any seafood: fish, seaweed, shrimp, caviar. Fresh cucumbers, sesame seeds, fruits are often put in rolls.

    Any experiment can be done. But the main component of rolls and sushi is still rice. To get real pleasure from food, it is important to know how to cook rice for rolls and sushi. Based on it, you can supplement traditional recipes to your liking, experiment with filling, each time getting a new taste.

    How to cook rice for rolls and sushi - general cooking principles

    Cooking Japanese dishes at home is within the power of every housewife. Today, the cuisine of the island nation is so popular that in any supermarket there is a counter with all the necessary products: Japanese rice, pressed nori seaweed, rice and soy vinegar, pickled ginger.

    Before you cook rice for sushi, you need to decide on the type of grain. Incorrectly cooked rice for rolls or sushi falls apart as soon as a piece is in a bowl of soy sauce. This happens for two reasons:

    1. the dish is made from the wrong rice;

    2. the rice itself is cooked incorrectly.

    As for the "right" rice, it is not necessary to buy a product labeled "Japanese" or "for sushi". In fact, we are talking about ordinary round-grain rice, and you should not overpay for a “hint”.

    Of course, you can buy real Japanese rice. But our Krasnodar is quite suitable for an overseas dish. And all because it has the necessary qualities: it boils well and has high stickiness. It is important that the boiled rice grains are well glued together.

    The story about crumbly rice is not for sushi. Therefore, you can not use long-grain, including steamed rice. A useful brown, brown, black (wild) product will not work either. For rolls and sushi, only white sticky grains are needed. Otherwise, the question of how to cook rice for rolls becomes meaningless.

    They need to be properly prepared: rinse in several waters (at least seven times). The water must be very cold and clean. Drained from a rice grain that is completely ready for cooking, it should remain absolutely transparent.

    The principles for preparing rice cereal are as follows:

    Boil it properly until fully cooked;

    Prepare the filling separately (you definitely need rice vinegar, salt and sugar);

    Combine hot rice and vinegar filling.

    In principle, you can simply boil the grain of rice the way you are used to doing it, and then pour it with dressing and mix thoroughly. Or pour grain into a slow cooker and entrust the process to her. But to get the maximum restaurant effect, you should learn how to cook rice for rolls and sushi. There are several ways, and mastering them is not at all difficult.

    How to cook rice for rolls in the traditional way

    Ideal rice is soft, tender, but not overcooked grains. They easily take the desired shape, so rolls and sushi are delicious, keep their shape perfectly and are not much different from restaurant ones. How to cook rice for sushi in the traditional way?


    A glass of round-grain (or special Japanese) rice grain;

    One and a half glasses of water;

    Half a tablespoon of granulated sugar;

    Half a teaspoon of salt;

    50 ml real rice vinegar.

    Cooking method:

    Put the prepared grains of snow-white rice in a thick-walled pan.

    Pour rice with a measured portion of water. The ratio of one to one and a half is the ideal ratio of grain and water. Do not salt the water, do not add any spices.

    Turn on a strong fire and wait for the water to boil. The lid must be open.

    As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, reduce the fire to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid as tightly as possible.

    How to cook rice for sushi? No more than ten or fifteen minutes. It is important that the moisture is completely evaporated, but it is impossible to overexpose the rice on fire. Overcooked rice grains will spoil an excellent dish.

    While the rice is cooking, prepare the dressing. To do this, pour vinegar into a saucepan or a small saucepan (you need exactly rice vinegar, and not some other).

    Pour sugar and salt into it.

    Put the dishes on a small fire and wait for the grains to completely dissolve. It is important to stir the sauce so that the sugar dissolves faster and does not burn.

    When grains of sugar and salt disappear, the filling is ready.

    Remove the boiled rice from the heat and leave covered for ten minutes.

    Transfer rice grains to a large wide bowl, pour over hot vinegar dressing.

    Gently mix rice with vinegar filling with a wooden spatula.

    When the rice has cooled to a warm state, proceed to the formation of rolls or sushi.

    How to cook rice for sushi in a "hot" way

    Tender, glutinous rice can be cooked in a different way. In this case, rice is poured into boiling water, and its amount increases. How to cook rice for rolls hot?


    A glass of white round rice;

    Two glasses of clean water;

    Two tablespoons of vinegar;

    A teaspoon of sugar;

    A teaspoon of salt.

    Cooking method:

    Boil water in a suitable pot (the amount of rice will increase by about three times).

    Rinse rice until clear water.

    Pour the grains into the boiling water, reduce the fire to a minimum.

    Cover the pan tightly with a lid, cook the rice for 15-20 minutes until the water is completely absorbed into the grain.

    Prepare the dressing as described in the first recipe.

    Remove the cooked rice from the heat, sprinkle with filling and mix with wooden sticks or a wooden spoon.

    How to cook sushi rice with nori seaweed

    You can use a nori sheet to give the rice a special flavor. You will need a small piece of pressed sheet. Before you cook rice for sushi, you just need to put it in water. It is important to remove it from the pan after boiling water. Proportions are indicated for a large number of rolls.


    Four hundred grams of rice;

    Half a liter of water;

    A small piece of pressed noria seaweed;

    50 ml of rice vinegar;

    30 g of granulated sugar;

    10 g salt.

    Cooking method:

    Pour cold water over rice.

    Throw a piece of nori into the water, cover the pan with a lid.

    Turn on the maximum fire and wait for the water to boil.

    Take out the seaweed, reduce the fire to a minimum level.

    Cook the rice for exactly twelve minutes.

    Turn off the heat and leave the rice covered for another fifteen minutes.

    Prepare the vinegar dressing.

    Combine it with rice, mix.

      The maximum cooking time for rice after boiling water is twenty minutes. If possible, do not remove the cover. For the first time, of course, one cannot do without checking the grain for boiling water. Rice can be cooked in 15 or 20 minutes. Much depends on the characteristics of the plate and the variety of rice. But over time, experience will come, which will provide the grain with complete rest under the lid.

      In no case should you touch the rice with a spoon, stir and disturb it. Remember one of the commandments: complete rest!

      Ready rice should be cooked immediately. Leave it for another day, you can not store it in the refrigerator. In just a few hours, boiled grains will rapidly lose moisture. The rice will become tough and completely unsuitable for making rolls and sushi.

      Dressing and rice must be mixed hot. The filling should not boil: it needs to be allowed to cool for a few minutes. The amount of filling should not be too large. The task is to give the rice a light aroma and a sharp vinegary taste.

      You can buy ready-made dressing for sushi rice in the store. It replaces the homemade dressing of rice vinegar and sugar and salt.

      Rolls and sushi should be prepared from cooled, fully cooked rice. The Japanese use a special fan to fan and cool boiled rice grains. If you want to feel yourself in the atmosphere of old Japan, you can work with a fan. However, this is not required.

    Japanese cuisine has long been popular all over the world. The most famous food of this cuisine is sushi and rolls. Having received such wide distribution, many wanted to learn how to cook rice for sushi and rolls at home. It should be remembered that the choice of the rice itself and the dressing with which the rice is seasoned also play an important role in cooking.

    How to choose the right rice for sushi

    When choosing rice, you need to pay attention to its shape. Only round grain rice can be used for making rolls and sushi. The reason is that it contains a large amount of starch, which makes rice sticky. Often on the shelves of stores you can also see special rice for making sushi. It is also perfect for cooking, but often it is practically no different from ordinary Krasnodar round-grain rice. When choosing, you should also make sure that there are no impurities in the rice, and the rice itself is opaque and without chips.

    How to cook rice for sushi

    This method of cooking rice for rolls and sushi is perfect for those who cook it for the first time. It is quite simple. However, it is imperative to follow the technique of its preparation, since only its strict observance will eventually allow you to get perfect rice.


    • Rice (round-grain or special) 180 gr.
    • Water 250 ml.
    • Kombu seaweed, small piece (optional)


    • Rinse the rice thoroughly with clean, cold water. To do this, it is best to take a large bowl and place rice in it. Rinse it should be about 8-10 times until the water becomes completely transparent. Drain off any excess water and let the rice dry a little.
    • Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour water into it. The pot itself should be large enough. Water should occupy no more than half of the total volume. Kombu seaweed can be added to the water if desired. Thanks to this ingredient, rice will turn out more fragrant and tasty.
    • Place the rice in a saucepan and cover it with a lid. Wait for the water to boil completely.
    • Reduce the heat to low and leave the rice on the stove for about 10-12 minutes. All this time the pan should be closed. During this time, the rice will absorb water.
    • Turn off the heat and let the rice stand with the lid closed for another 10-15 minutes.
    • Transfer the rice to a special dish (preferably wooden) and season with a special dressing, which you can also prepare yourself.

    How to cook rice for rolls and sushi in a slow cooker

    This method is one of the easiest. The reason is that rice no longer needs to be watched so carefully and clearly track the time. If the slow cooker has a mode for cooking rice, then you can cook rice for sushi in it.


    • Round grain rice 200 gr.
    • Water 250 ml.


    • Rinse the rice thoroughly under cold water. It is advisable to use very cold water. You need to do this about 10 times. After that, the water should be clear.
    • Place rice and water in the multicooker bowl and set it to the rice cooking mode. The duration of cooking according to this program is 25-30 minutes.
    • Transfer the rice to another bowl and season it.

    How to make dressing for sushi rice

    To prepare the dressing, you can use not only special rice vinegar, but also ordinary table, wine or apple vinegar. With them, the dressing and the rice itself will turn out to be no less suitable for rice rolls and sushi. There are many ways to prepare dressing. Consider the most popular of them.

    Method 1

    To prepare this dressing, you can use wine or special, rice vinegar.


    • Vinegar 2 tablespoons.
    • Sugar half a teaspoon.
    • Salt 2 teaspoons.

    How to cook:

    • Heat the vinegar slightly (don't let it boil).
    • Add salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly with vinegar.
    • Let the dressing cool down a bit. After that, it can be used.

    Method 2

    Only apple cider vinegar can be used to prepare dressing according to this recipe.


    • Vinegar 1 tablespoon.
    • Water 1 tablespoon.
    • Sugar 1 teaspoon.
    • Salt half a teaspoon.

    How to cook:

    • Heat water and add vinegar to it.
    • Add salt and sugar and wait for them to completely dissolve.
    • Let the filling cool down. After that, it can be used.

    Rice for sushi and rolls can be easily prepared at home. To do this, it is enough to take the ingredients in the correct proportions and follow all the recommendations for cooking. The result is glutinous rice, which is great for making rice and rolls.

    We didn’t understand why everyone was so fond of rolls and sushi until we tried it ourselves one day. It is difficult to find another dish so harmonious. I mean, the combination of flavors of seemingly ordinary products is absolutely unusual and very VERY cool! We, in general, fell in love with Japanese cuisine from the first bite.

    At first, the idea of ​​making sushi at home did not seem real to me - they look too complicated from the outside. I was especially worried about how to cook sushi rice so that it sticks and holds its shape, but does not turn out to be boiled into porridge. But the first experiment was a success, and the rolls turned out to be even tastier than in a restaurant (you won’t regret putting more fish for yourself and buying fresher vegetables).

    So now we always cook rice according to this recipe: for sushi, and for kare rice, and just like that. The picture shows the ingredients needed to make sushi rice.

    From a pound of rice, you can wind up 10 pieces of rolls. This is a large portion for 5 people. But we always do enough to enjoy one of our favorite goodies.

    How to choose rice for sushi

    Perhaps the most difficult thing is to choose the right rice. If you make a mistake, you can screw up the whole recipe. One day we took the wrong rice and it didn't stick to the heap at all.

    So take this moment carefully. Need to use only high quality round grain rice. It should be slightly transparent, without white dots. Snow white rice is very dry and generally not suitable for sushi and rolls.

    It is most reliable to buy rice "for sushi". But this is irrational - it is 4 times more expensive than the same, but in a different pack. Look for rice that is visually identical to "sushi" rice. In no case do not try long-grain, brown, black rice - this is all from another opera.

    How to cook rice for sushi

    A chip of sushi rice in a special dressing that makes the grains a little sticky and gives an oriental flavor. The rice itself is cooked separately, without adding anything. I drew the instructions here, and after it I will describe the process step by step.

    Step 1. Rinse the rice with water

    Pour the cereal into a sieve and rinse under the tap. This is required until the flowing water becomes more or less transparent.

    Step 2. Leave to soak

    Transfer the rice to a container and fill with water. We leave for about half an hour. Ideally, the rice should swell a little during this time. I have never seen any visible change. But after such a procedure, it still absorbs moisture, and you can cook it with a small amount of water.

    Step 3. Bring the rice to a boil

    The water in which the rice soaked must be drained and replaced with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 1 (you can use a quarter cup more water). I think that this is an important secret of successful rice. We are used to giving twice as much water, which is why we end up with porridge, not crumbly rice.

    We put the pan on the fire and wait for it to boil. It is better to use a transparent lid to observe what is happening. But it is absolutely impossible to lift it!

    Step 4. Cook for 20 minutes

    Immediately after boiling, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the sushi rice for 20 minutes.

    Step 5. Let it brew

    Don't look under the lid! Turn off the stove and wait at least 15 minutes for the rice to reach.

    Step 6. Put in a bowl and season

    In a wide dish (I have a bowl, but the Japanese have a special wooden trough - hangiri), put a little rice and season it, gently stirring with a spatula.

    Sushi rice dressing

    There is nothing complicated about dressing for sushi rice. But it is important to find rice vinegar(it tastes different from grape and apple). In large supermarkets, it is always sold in the sushi section.

    Pour half a cup of vinegar into a saucepan, add a quarter cup of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir the mixture to dissolve the sugar and salt. As soon as it boils, turn it off.

    If desired, you can throw in half a sheet of nori - this will add a pleasant aroma. But it’s not necessary to do this for rolls and sushi, because nori is present there in large quantities anyway. And kare rice from nori definitely gets better!

    I also want to warn you: during heating, the vinegar emits a rather pungent smell, which is normal. And, perhaps, it will seem that dressing is not enough for such an amount of rice - it is not. If you give a lot of dressing, then the rice will be clearly sour, which will beat off the taste of other ingredients. The number given here has been checked by me more than once.

    Proper sushi rice glistens in the sun. Each grain of rice remains whole, but sticks to the others. From such rice you can make onigiri, make sushi or wrap rolls - this will not be a problem, because it is ideal in work.

    I wrote a lot of letters - just don't be scared. Making sushi rice is not difficult. I even did it several times on hikes, on a gas burner, so at home in a calm environment, everything should turn out for sure!

