
Fried radish with egg. Roasted radishes are a great side dish! Sandwiches and sandwich cake

I continue to fill a new rubric with interesting recipes. After all, it is known that proper and varied nutrition is an important component of human health. In our section you will find unusual culinary novelties that will diversify your diet.

Today I will tell you about how to properly fry ... radishes. Radish is a healthy vegetable that appears one of the first on our spring table. The root crop is traditionally eaten, and few people know that the leaves of this plant are also edible. In our country, radishes are mainly eaten raw in salads, so fried radishes will add new taste sensations to you.

Radish is a source of vitamin C, which prevents the development of colds, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and takes part in reparative processes. Vitamin C fights the onslaught of free radicals, which determines its antioxidant properties. This vitamin boosts immunity and helps fight the development of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

Radishes also contain folic acid, fiber, riboflavin, flavonoids, and potassium, as well as copper, vitamin B6, magnesium, manganese, and calcium. Radishes are rich in fiber, which helps the digestive tract.

So it is not in vain that the Chinese proverb says:

Eat spicy radishes, drink hot tea, and let hungry doctors beg on their knees!

How to cook radishes in the oven

  1. Radish 300 g.
  2. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  3. Salt to taste.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Preparation: Cut the radish into quarters, put on a sheet, mix with olive oil, salt to taste. Place in preheated oven for 10 minutes or until desired doneness. The finished dish has an extraordinary creamy taste.

fried radish recipe

Please note that the taste of raw radishes and roasted radishes are completely different things!

Fried radish is prepared very simply - cut the radish into quarters, salt, add a little sugar (a pinch) to eliminate bitterness. We heat the frying pan, pour a little sunflower oil, spread the radish, pour a little water and fry until the water boils away. When frying, you can add finely chopped garlic.

Roasted radish tastes somewhat like a mushroom flavor.

Fried radish with scrambled eggs

This recipe is not much different from a simple fried radish. Only after a little frying of the radish, we break the eggs and cook the scrambled eggs. It turns out very tasty!

Video recipe with radish tops

If you are thinking about how you can use radish tops, then watch this video recipe

Step 1: Prepare the radish.

Put fresh radishes in the sink and brush with a brush, removing adhering earth and other dirt. Cut off the remaining tops and thin whitish roots. Cut the washed radishes into large pieces, that is, divide each into two or three parts, and very small specimens can be left entirely.

Step 2: Roast the radish.

Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Dip a sprig of thyme into it and wait for the oil to absorb its aroma, then remove the herb.
Place the radishes in hot fragrant oil, turning them cut down. Sauté the vegetables without stirring for 5 minutes. The fire must be medium so that the radish does not burn. As soon as the slice of vegetables is covered with a toasty blush, mix them with a wooden spatula. Add salt, ground black pepper and dried basil to the radishes. Stir again and cook 7-10 minutes, now periodically moving pieces of vegetables with a spatula.
Roasted radish noticeably loses its bright color and becomes softer.

Step 3: Serve the fried radish.

After frying, the radish road immediately lies on the table until it cools down. You can cook various salads with sour cream with it, add it to sandwiches and snacks. After heat treatment, radish almost does not have its pronounced taste, and its consistency resembles Bulgarian pepper, in addition, it retains its nutritional properties. That is why I consider fried radish an ideal side dish for a juicy and fatty piece of meat or fragrant fish, and it is also good for those who, for some reason, cannot eat this vegetable fresh. However, whatever I say, it's better to try it yourself.
Bon appetit!

For more flavor, you can fry a couple of coarsely chopped garlic cloves along with a sprig of thyme.

And the radish is also fried with green onions, and in this case, the onion should be put in the pan before the radish.

Radishes can be fried not only in vegetable oil, but also in butter, as well as in a mixture of oils. In general, you may have noticed that this is a very unpretentious dish and everyone can add or remove any ingredient to their taste.



Radish is the vegetable from which you can prepare various fresh salads, as well as other dishes from early spring to late autumn. Radish is a root crop that is not capricious at all, tolerates even light night frosts, rises early and ripens in 1.5 - 2 months. Young radishes, popularly radishes, are very sweet and juicy, at the same time with a sharp aftertaste, for which they love this root crop. Radish attracts not only with its taste, but also with its color. Pink skin with a white core looks great in dishes. A pile of washed radishes with herbs, onions, fresh cucumbers on a large plate will decorate any dinner or holiday table.

Radish is a very useful vegetable. The root crop contains potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamins PP, C, thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acid. Fresh salads and radish snacks have moderate choleretic, decongestant properties, stimulate appetite, and promote better bowel function. Juice squeezed from radishes and mixed with honey and lemon juice improves digestion and metabolism. It is especially useful for those who suffer from obesity, diabetes, intestinal obstruction.

Radish contains a large amount of essential oils. Eaten in large quantities, it can cause flatulence and unpleasant belching. Radishes are contraindicated for those who suffer from chronic diseases of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver and gallbladder, as well as the cardiovascular system.

A good and ripe radish has a smooth skin, evenly colored, without black dots (this is a sign of decay). Tops will tell about the freshness of root crops in retail chains. It should be juicy and green, in no case lethargic and yellow. Fresh radishes are quite firm to the touch. If the root crop is springy, then it is overripe, low-juicy, with voids inside. Preference should be given to small radishes.

With radish in world cuisine, you can count more than one hundred dishes. First of all, salads are prepared with the root crop. Then snacks, sandwiches, cold soups (okroshka, botvinia) are popular. In Indian cuisine, you can find a recipe for fried radishes, and in Thai - sweet, in the form of jam.

Sandwiches and sandwich cake

Sandwiches are prepared with radishes. A slice of bread is smeared with fresh cheese or cottage cheese, mashed with sour cream, circles of radish are placed on top, sprinkled with salt. Sandwich cake is prepared by folding the layers into a form covered with cling film. Radishes are combined with tomatoes, salted fish, dried meat, boiled chicken. Fresh cheese, curd cream, mayonnaise or homemade sauces similar to mayonnaise, sour cream are used as a binding layer. The future cake is cleaned in the refrigerator to soak. Then the cake is turned over onto a plate, the film is removed, the surface is decorated with the sauce or cheese that is in the layer, sprinkled with herbs, onions, radish slices.

Sandwiches are made with fried radishes. Root vegetables cut in half are fried and served on slices of bread with balsamic cream and olive oil.


Salads are prepared in a variety of ways. With tomatoes, cucumbers, young zucchini, sweet peppers, cheese, nuts, croutons, lettuce (radiccio, frisse, romano, iceberg, etc.), tofu, various cheeses, seafood. Dress salads with vinegar, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, sour cream. Radish goes well with straight curry. Many people like a light salad of radish, curry, salt, garlic and sour cream.

Fried radish

An unusual dish is fried radish. It is served as a side dish or on its own. Roasted radish is relevant on fasting days. Wash the radishes thoroughly. Shake off excess water. Cut the radish in half and fry in oil in a pan until a crust appears on the cut and the radish becomes soft. Salt the radish at the very end. Young radishes are fried with tops. Fried radish is also suitable for appetizers, soups and fillings in cheese pies.


Okroshka with radish is a favorite dish of Russians. Soup is perfect for hot weather. Radish gives okroshka piquancy, because. has a slight bitterness. Put radishes in okroshka at the very end, cut into cubes, circles or straws.

Radishes in batter

Radishes are stewed in boiling water, salted water with the addition of lemon juice. Then dry. Radishes are dipped in flour, then in a batter of eggs, milk, salt and flour, and then deep-fried. Served with yoghurt and greens sauce.

radish jam

Jam is made from young radishes. Root vegetables are rubbed on a vegetable grater, mixed with sugar and lemon juice. Cook on the stove in several stages, at the end add a little grated ginger. The color of radish jam is caramel pink. Jam is served as a dope for grilled meat. As a dessert, it is rarely used, because. jam is very specific in taste. Those who try jam for the first time do not know what it is made of.

Natalya Petrova, specially for the site

Fried radish is an interesting side dish for fish or meat. Also, radishes prepared in this way can be added to various salads.

Radishes are so good, why else fry them? Oddly enough, fried radish tastes softer and sweeter. For me, roasted radishes are easier to digest. The only drawback after heat treatment, the radish loses its juicy color.

  • Preparation time: 10 min
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Amount of calories: 113 kilocalories
  • Servings: 2 servings
  • Occasion: Lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Author's cuisine
  • Dish type: side dishes

Ingredients for two servings

  • Sesame white 20 g
  • green onion 1 bunch
  • Refined sunflower oil 20 ml
  • Radish 300 g
  • Rosemary fresh 10 g
  • Salt with herbs 10 g
  • Garlic 4 cloves

Step by step cooking

  1. For cooking, we need: radish, garlic, green onion, rosemary, sesame seeds, vegetable oil, salt with herbs.
  2. Wash the vegetables, cut the radish into 4-6 slices, peel the garlic, chop the onion. Cut the onion feathers separately and set aside, as we will add it at the end of frying.
  3. We heat the vegetable oil, fry rosemary and garlic in oil.
  4. Next, add chopped onion, fry for a minute.
  5. Then add the radish. Fry over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Salt, pepper to taste.
  6. Then add the reserved onion feathers and sesame seeds. Mix everything well and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  7. Serve fried radish immediately hot.
