
How to make kvass from bread and yeast. Dark homemade kvass from bread without yeast

  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 30 g;
  • Raisins - 50 g;
  • Instruction

    Cut the bread into small flat pieces. Lay the bread on a baking sheet in one row and put in the oven. You need to dry the bread at a small, until a golden crust is formed. The crust should not be overcooked, otherwise the kvass will acquire a taste.

    After 2 days, strain kvass through cheesecloth or a sieve, so as to completely separate all the thick. Remove the grounds in the refrigerator. Pour the remaining sugar and raisins into a jar. Raisins must first be washed thoroughly. Mix the contents well and leave for 12 hours in a warm place.

    Pour the kvass into bottles and close the lids very tightly. Remove kvass for a day in the refrigerator. After a day, kvass can be drunk.


    During fermentation, sugar turns into alcohol, which means that kvass will contain 1-2% alcohol. Motorists and parents of young children need to remember this.
    Yeast should not be diluted in hot water, otherwise the fermentation process will turn out to be defective.
    While the fermentation process is in progress, the jar of kvass should not be closed with a tight lid.

    Helpful advice

    You can take any bread for making homemade kvass, but kvass will acquire a rich brown color from rye bread. Stale bread is also perfect for making kvass. If the bread is stale, it is not necessary to dry it in the oven.

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    • how to make kvass from bread

    Homemade rusk - a drink that perfectly quenches thirst and is suitable for making your favorite summer dish - okroshka. Having mastered the basic recipe, be sure to try cooking kvass various flavor nuances. At a summer party, serve your guests a selection of homemade drinks that they will surely appreciate.

    You will need

    • Homemade rusk kvass: - 500 g rye rusks; - 5 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast. Currant kvass: - 500 g crackers; - 5 liters of water; - 15 g of yeast; - 200 g of sugar; - 0.5 cups of currant jam; - currant leaves and fresh mint. Kvass with horseradish and honey: - 600 g crackers; - 4 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast; - 100 g of honey; - 100 g of horseradish.


    Prepare the main raw materials for kvass a - crackers from rye or Borodino bread. Cut the loaf into slices, and then into narrow ribbons or cubes. Dry the crackers in the oven until a thin crust forms, making sure that they do not burn. For a drink, crackers can be crushed in a mortar or scroll in a meat grinder, turning them into small crumbs.

    Try several cooking options kvass and choose the one that seems more suitable for you. Raw materials can be poured with boiling or warm water, sugar or pre-prepared sugar syrup can be added, added to kvass a decoction of mint, currant leaf, raisins, honey, cumin, horseradish or jam - and as a result, get more and more new variations of this drink. However, the base of the cracker kvass but remains unchanged - it is rye crackers, yeast and water.

    Kvass is prepared in bulky dishes - all glass or enameled. Pour crackers into it, pour boiling water over them and leave the mixture for 10 hours. Boil sugar mixed with a glass of water in a separate bowl. Pour the cracker infusion into another container, add sugar syrup and yeast to it. Stir the mixture and leave for 4 hours - during this time the fermentation process takes place.

    Remove the foam from the finished drink, strain kvass send through gauze to the refrigerator for aging, pouring it into glass jars or bottles. For each add a few raisins. Young after 2 hours kvass he'll be ready. The longer it sits, the richer the flavor will be. However, it is not recommended to withstand more than two days, it is better to drain the remnants and fresh kvass.

    Leftover from the first batch kvass new must can be used. Add breadcrumbs and yeast to part of the mixture. Instead of sugar, put half a glass of homemade in the mixture. In a separate bowl, brew a handful of fresh currant leaves and a few sprigs of fresh mint. Pour the wort with hot boiled water, add a decoction of herbs and infuse the mixture for 6 hours at room temperature. Then strain, pour into clean glass jars and put in the refrigerator.

    Try another unusual option - kvass with and hell. Pour the crackers with boiling water and leave for 4 hours to infuse. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, add yeast and sugar to it. Put kvass for fermentation for 4-6 hours. Grate the horseradish root and mix it with liquid honey. Add the resulting mixture to the young kvass, mix thoroughly, pour into jars or bottles and refrigerate.

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    • homemade kvass from breadcrumbs

    Kvass is a soft and refreshing drink that can quench your thirst and be used as a base for making okroshka. Homemade kvass is quite easy to prepare. There are many original recipes for making kvass at home, which not only make this drink tasty, but also healthy.

    Classic rye kvass

    Cut a loaf of rye bread into slices. Then put the bread slices on a dry baking sheet and put in the oven at maximum temperature. We are waiting for the bread slices to become dark in color. Care must be taken not to burn the bread. We shift the crackers into a suitable dish and pour 5 liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 5 hours. Strain the wort through gauze, add a tablespoon of yeast, half a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of raisins. Stir, close the lid and leave overnight. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, cork and put to cool in the refrigerator.

    Bread kvass with dried fruits

    Pour a mixture of dried fruits with water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Dried rye bread pour boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 3 hours. We filter the decoction of dried fruits and the wort and combine it together. Add sugar, yeast and put in a warm place for fermentation. We pour the fermented kvass into bottles and put 3 raisins in each. We put in a cold place. Instead of sugar, you can use honey boiled with water. After 3 days kvass is ready.

    Kvass with mint or oregano

    Cook in the same way as before, only add a little honey in addition and flavor with fresh or dried mint or oregano grass, dipping a gauze bag in kvass for 10 hours. Mint gives a refreshing taste, and oregano improves digestion.

    Kvass with calamus

    Calamus roots have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, improve the condition of the gums, and lower blood pressure. Add an infusion of calamus to the bread kvass prepared in the usual way. Add 1 cup of infusion of calamus roots to a 3 liter jar of kvass or put dry calamus roots (80 grams) in a gauze bag for 5 hours.

    Kvass from fresh carrots

    Wash the carrots and peel them. Grate on a coarse grater and put in a 3-liter glass jar, add dried brown bread crusts, pour warm boiled water and leave for 10 hours, covering the jar with gauze. After infusion, we filter the liquid (wort) and add the yeast diluted in warm water, with a small amount of flour and set to ferment overnight. After that, you can add citric acid on the tip of a knife. It will turn out not only refreshing, but also a drink enriched with vitamins and microelements. For 3 liters of kvass you will need 150 grams of carrots, a glass of sugar, 20 grams of yeast, 500 grams of rye bread, citric acid, a tablespoon of flour.

    Lemon kvass "Ekaterininsky"

    To prepare kvass "Ekaterininsky" we will prepare 700 grams of lemons, a handful of raisins, 500 grams of sugar, 50 grams of yeast and 10 liters of water. Add granulated sugar to a pot of water and wait for the water to boil. Then you need to cool the water with sugar. Grate the lemon zest, squeeze the juice from the lemons, knead the yeast and add everything to the pan. Mix everything, throw a handful of raisins and put in a cool place for 3 days.

    For more than 1000 years of its history, it has acquired the status of not only a national, but also the most healthy drink. Even in Rus' they knew: kvass not only quenches thirst on a hot summer day, it is also useful for vitamin deficiency, increased fatigue, and has bactericidal power. And most importantly - it can be cooked at home. You just need to know that kvass is obtained by fermentation and infusion of bread, water, sugar, malt and yeast. To taste, you can add raisins, lemon, herbs, cranberries, lingonberries, mountain ash. Do not forget that on the basis of kvass, you can use both okroshka and, for example, tyurya or botvinya.

    You will need

      • 25 g yeast
    • 3 liters of water
    • 1 kg rye crackers
    • 100 g raisins
    • 100 g sugar
    • 100 g honey
    • 200 g ginger root or 100 g horseradish


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    If kvass turned out to be very spicy when adding horseradish or ginger, the volume of these additives recommended in the recipe can be halved.

    Helpful advice

    Blackcurrant, cherry or lemon balm leaves, dried fruits and berries are also suitable as flavorings for homemade kvass.

    Kvass is cool and invigorating, just what you need in hot weather. This drink has been drunk for several thousand years and the Slavs were the first to make it. There are many varieties of kvass: strawberry, raspberry, beetroot, apple, pear and even with spices. We, however, will learn in more detail about the benefits of bread kvass, which is familiar to us.


    Kvass is the perfect summer drink. It quenches thirst well, adds strength after exhausting heat and fills the body with useful substances. Kvass contains vitamins B, C, PP and E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and various amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and organic acids.

    A good property is that kvass stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, and acts on the stomach, like kefir, maintaining a healthy microflora. It helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach after overeating and has a slight laxative effect.

    It has been noticed that with frequent, but not excessive, use of kvass, tooth enamel is strengthened, hair falls out less, brittle nails disappear. And, thanks to the content of yeast in kvass, acne and pustules on the skin disappear. To improve the condition of hair and skin, kvass is used externally, rinsing the hair and making lotions on the face.

    Drinking kvass on time will also bring a lot of benefits to you and your baby, if there are no contraindications. It improves immunity and replenishes vitamins. Of course, you should not get too carried away with this drink because of the risk of gaining extra pounds. There are 21 kcal per 100 ml of drink.

    Even the useful ones have contraindications. So, for example, kvass is not recommended for people with urolithiasis, high blood pressure, kidney disease, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, increased flatulence, diarrhea), as well as people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. Pregnant women should not drink the drink if there is a threat of pregnancy and increased uterine tone.

    Unfortunately, store drinks with "Kvass" are far from a real drink in terms of their composition and origin. They contain a lot of chemicals and preservatives, so such a product will not benefit the body. It is better if you are not too lazy and prepare a soft drink yourself at. Moreover, there are so many different recipes on the Internet.

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    When no one wants to eat dried bread, it has to be thrown away or given to the birds. From the fact that it is no longer possible to return to him the original taste that causes appetite. But for an experienced housewife, everything goes well. And if the original state of bread really cannot be given, then let's go the other way - we will use ingenuity!

    You will need

    • Old, beginning to stale bread (the main condition: not moldy).


    We dry crackers.
    To do this, we take bread (here you can also use fresh; the variety is not important). We turn on the oven at 180 degrees. We cut our bread into small pieces-cubes. Lay out on a baking sheet. We put the tray in the oven. We keep the crackers closed for about 10 minutes, waiting for them to brown. Then turn off the oven and leave to cool without removing the crackers from it. The main thing is to observe the golden mean: do not let the crackers burn out and not dry out. Burnt crackers are inedible, and under-dried ones spoil rather quickly.

    We fry the croutons.
    Cut the bread into medium-sized pieces. Croutons are different:, garlic,.
    To prepare croutons with, ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 glass of milk. Mix milk and eggs, whisking in a homogeneous mass all the time in one direction (so that the protein does not twist back). If we want to get croutons for tea, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Dip slices of bread in the resulting mass, spread on a preheated pan. And then be sure, frying on all sides, we carefully monitor that they do not burn!
    There are two ways to prepare garlic croutons. First, the already obtained croutons are rubbed with salted garlic mass; second, garlic is first fried in a pan, and only then croutons are added. But beware: garlic burns very quickly!

    Cooking kvass.
    We will need: 3 liters. water, 200 g. sugar, 20 g.

    Hello again. Today we will talk about a very interesting, tasty and healthy drink, kvass. After all, as soon as summer comes, in all cities you can see barrels with this draft liquid. And people fleeing the heat buy sharp and refreshing kvass.

    But no store-bought option compares to homemade. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to make hop juice, and it requires few products. But how nice to drink! And if you also crumble, then in general beauty, and the soul rejoices. 😉

    Such a drink is made from top-class bread and sourdough, either ready-made or made by yourself. Moreover, the wort can be both yeast and not.

    Someone likes such a drink darker and stronger, while someone, on the contrary, prefers white and not very sour. Here you need to decide on the method of cooking and adjust the time allotted for fermentation.

    In addition to the amazing taste, bread juice is also very healthy. Previously, in the old days, it was used in hospitals, using it as a liquid to quench the thirst of the sick and for the speedy recovery of the wounded, because it was considered a healing drink.

    Before introducing you to the recipes for making homemade kvass, I want to tell you a little more about it. benefit and harm.

    The composition contains the following important vitamins: PP, E, B1, B2. Thirst is quenched due to the content of lactic and acetic acids. And the present carbonic acid helps the good digestion of food, its absorption and raises the appetite.

    Also, bread juice relieves pustular skin diseases, thanks to yeast; strengthens tooth enamel and enhances potency; beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

    There are no harmful substances in kvass, but there are still contraindications for people who suffer from liver cirrhosis, gastritis and hypertension.

    Well, now to the main thing. If you make your own sourdough starter, don't throw it away, but put it in another jar and let it ferment again.


    • Black bread - 1/2 roll;
    • White bread - 1/2 roll;
    • Fresh yeast - a small piece;
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Water - about 3 liters.

    Cooking method:

    1. First you need to cut the bread. Make the pieces so that they freely pass into the neck of a 3-liter jar.

    Fill the jar 1/3 full with the prepared pieces.

    2. Now break the yeast into small pieces and put it in a deep bowl, pour some warm water and add sugar.

    3. Stir the yeast so that there are no lumps left and fill it with bread in a jar. Fill the jar with water at room temperature so that you have 2-3 cm of empty space on top. Mix everything well and leave for three days in a warm place.

    Once a day, stir the liquid with a spoon.

    4. Do not forget that at this time our drink will actively ferment, so it is best to immediately put it on a tray, and cover the jar itself with gauze or a clean cloth. Do not close the lid, otherwise it will be torn off.

    The exposure time of course depends on your taste preferences, if you like sour, then keep longer, and if vice versa, then less. After the time has elapsed, strain the drink through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, cool and drink to your health.

    Recipe for kvass without yeast

    The next option can also be attributed to the recipes of our grandmothers. After all, the drink is obtained as from a barrel, with excellent taste, aroma and color.


    • Warm boiled water - 1.5 l;
    • Black bread - 150 gr.;
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;

    For sourdough:

    • Black bread - 75 gr.;
    • Sugar - 1 tsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. First of all, prepare the starter. Take a jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters, place finely chopped pieces of bread in it. Then add sugar and fill everything with warm boiled water. Mix everything well and put in a warm place for fermentation for 24 hours, covering the jar with gauze.

    Determine the readiness of the starter by its cloudy color and sharp taste.

    2. Pour the finished sourdough into a 3-liter jar. Now add crushed bread and sugar, pour water, but leave a little empty space. Mix everything with a spoon. Cover with cheesecloth and place on a plate. Store the contents in a warm place, such as a windowsill, in bright sunlight. Infuse the drink throughout the day.

    3. At the end of the day, taste the juice. If everything suits you, then 2/3 of the total volume must be drained and filtered. You can add raisins to taste and refrigerate to chill.

    The remaining 1/3 of the fermented bread can be left in a jar and poured over again with water, adding sugar and fresh crackers. Then again put on fermentation for a day and get a new portion of the drink.

    We make a drink on a 3-liter jar of rye bread

    In the preparation of kvass, of course, I advise you to use black varieties of bread, it is thanks to him that you can get a sharp juice. Well, do not forget to add raisins for better fermentation.


    • Rye bread - 400-500 gr.;
    • Fresh pressed yeast -10-12 gr.;
    • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
    • Raisins - 5-10 pcs.;
    • Lemon - 1/4 pc.

    Cooking method:

    1. Dried bread should be put in a 3-liter glass jar and pour boiling water over it. Leave the bread in this state for 8 hours.

    2. After 8 hours, strain our liquid through cheesecloth, while squeezing the bread.

    3. You have a strained wort. Crumble fresh yeast into it.

    4. Pour in sugar.

    5. And add lemon slices with zest, but without pits. Stir the consistency, put on a plate and cover the neck with gauze. Put in a warm place to ferment for 8 hours.

    Advice! Steam the lemon in advance with boiling water for 5 minutes so that the kvass does not turn bitter later.

    6. After the time has elapsed, strain the liquid through gauze.

    7. Then add raisins.

    8. Pour the drink into a clean jar and close the lid tightly. When bubbles appear, that is, with a new fermentation of the liquid, put the jar in a cool place for 3-4 hours or more. Then pour into glasses and quench your thirst.

    Homemade kvass without yeast on breadcrumbs

    I want to note that most often sourdough is made from dried bread or crackers. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy crackers, you can collect pieces from lunch, even crusts will go. Then simply fry them in the oven or in a pan.

    I offer you an excellent recipe with the addition of crackers and dry kvass.

    Recipe for bread kvass with yeast, which you can drink after 6 hours

    But I found an interesting way to cook with coffee. Honestly, I haven't tried it myself. But it was intriguing that such a drink can already be drunk after 6 hours. So will have to try this summer.


    • Water - 2 l;
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
    • Ground coffee - 2 tsp;
    • Citric acid - 1 tsp;
    • Yeast - 1 tsp.

    Cooking method:

    Take a container of 250 ml and pour boiling water into it. Add sugar, coffee and citric acid. Stir until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Then pour this mixture into a bottle or jar, add cool boiled water. Pour the yeast into the container, mix. Close the bottle or jar with a lid and leave for 6 hours in a warm place. All is ready. It remains to cool the juice.

    Video on how to make wort from dry kvass

    If we are talking about ready-made sourdough, then the time for preparing the liquid, of course, decreases. But remember that you need to buy a dry product of high quality. And here's another version of this cooking method.

    Recipe for yeast-free kvass from white bread

    The next recipe also has a place to be, because white bread is used. And the drink turns out transparent and sharp, as if from a barrel.


    • Water - 1500 ml;
    • Ready sourdough - 0.5 l;
    • Bread - 200 gr.;
    • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l..

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the bread into cubes and dry in the oven, put in a jar. Bread can be roasted until black, so your drink will be more saturated in color and taste.

    Choose bread carefully, with additives and “rubber” will not work. The best option is homemade bread.

    2. Add sugar, sourdough and raisins to the breadcrumbs. Fill everything with boiled water at room temperature. Cover the jar with gauze or a napkin and leave for a day or two in a warm place to ferment.

    You will see the readiness of the drink by separating the bread into two parts: upper and lower.

    3. Remove the upper part and transfer to another jar. Strain everything else into a clean container, discard the thick. Place in the refrigerator and chill.

    From the deferred bread mass, you can prepare a new portion of kvass. Only its readiness will be much faster.

    Making kvass at home from rye flour

    In addition to bread and sourdough, rye flour can also be used. The benefits of such kvass will only increase. True, this liquid is prepared much longer, but the result is worth it.


    • Rye flour - 8 tbsp. l.;
    • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • Water - 2 tbsp.;
    • Unwashed raisins - 30 pcs.

    Cooking method:

    1. Dilute the flour in water to a consistency like thick sour cream. Pour sugar and stir everything.

    2. Put in the raisins.

    Raisins do not need to be washed!

    3. Cover the resulting mixture with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for several days. As soon as the starter has a sour taste, then it is ready.

    4. Remove the raisins from our must and pour into a jar. Fill with cold water and add another 2-3 tablespoons of rye flour and sugar. Cover the jar and leave at room temperature.

    5. After two or three days, the drink will be ready. Strain it into another container and refrigerate.

    It turns out here is such a beautiful white kvass.

    Cooking bread kvass for okroshka

    Well, in the end, another simple recipe that can be used both for drinking and for pouring into okroshka.


    • Rye bread croutons - 300 gr.;
    • Water - 3 l;
    • Sugar - 100 gr.;
    • Yeast - 30 gr..

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil water and cool. Dilute the yeast in warm boiled water. Pour yeast water into a jar, put croutons and pour sugar. Fill everything with prepared water.

    2. Cover the jar with gauze or a lid. Leave in a warm place to ripen for 4 days. Then strain the drink and refrigerate.

    Kvass is certainly an amazing drink. You can drink it both sweet and sour, the main thing is that it be cold and preferably sharp. Store-bought options can’t be compared with homemade ones, so don’t be lazy, but make your own healing bread kvass.

    All recipes are simple, the main thing is to stock up on time and patience, and everything will work out.

    What could be more refreshing and invigorating than a sip of homemade kvass on a hot summer day?! Perhaps only a whole mug of this divine drink.

    This wonderful cold drink has been known for its illuminating properties since ancient times. Until the 12th century, it was considered a strong alcoholic drink. In its intoxicating actions, it was ahead of even fortified beer. From here came the very famous word that characterizes a good booze - “sour”.

    Now they have learned to make it non-alcoholic, which is very, very pleasing to supporters of a healthy lifestyle and lovers of this drink. In stores, the shelves are bursting with his numerous offers, especially in the hot summer.

    However, the greatest preference is always given to homemade kvass. Natural, vigorous, it does not leave anyone indifferent.

    Some are sure that its preparation at home is very troublesome. But, after reading today's article, you will understand that this is not at all the case. To do this, you need to arm yourself with only a supply of some ingredients and, of course, a good mood. Let's go…

    Kvass is famous not only for its invigorating taste, but also for the proud name of one of the national dishes. It also has healing and beneficial properties for the body. It, especially at home, can be drunk even by children. It is very easy to prepare it at home. You just need to be patient.

    On a yeast-free basis, it is made from bread wort. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself. For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

    1. Two crusts of black bread;
    2. 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar (with a slide);
    3. 2 glasses of warm water;


    1. Pre-cut the bread into small cubes and dry in the oven. You should get crispy ruddy crackers.

    2. Pour them into a small jar (0.5-1 liter), add sugar and pour water. Stir with a spoon, cover with a lid and put in a warm corner.

    The mixture will ferment in a day or two. The finished sourdough has a sour smell and a cloudy appearance.

    3. Now let's move on to the next step.

    Prepare a 3-liter jar and pour all the resulting leaven into it. You can sprinkle a couple more croutons of crackers and add sugar. Adjust the amount of sand yourself - someone likes it sweeter, but someone does not like it.

    Add boiled warm water and cover with a lid. Remove to a warm and dark place. After a day, the liquid will “play”, a typical smell will appear.

    4. Then pour the resulting volume into plastic bottles, adding a small handful of raisins to each.

    Screw the lid on well. Soon the bottles will start to harden. It started fermenting. And this means that kvass will be ready very soon. Once this happens, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    That's all. Nothing complicated. Drink and enjoy!

    Bread homemade kvass with yeast

    The use of yeast helps speed up the maturation process of the drink. Therefore, the yeast method is so often used by housewives, whose families adore it. The most difficult thing in this case is to eliminate the taste of yeast. But, if you follow the rules, it's easy to do.

    One of the important secrets of obtaining a successful drink is soft and clean water. If your water does not meet these criteria, it is better to use bottled water from the store.

    To get a beautiful rich color, crackers are fried.

    Many people wonder why they have to be fried in the oven? Can't you use stale bread? Can! But the color of the liquid will then be pale. The degree of blackening of the crust directly determines the shade of the finished drink.


    1. 2-3 crusts of rye bread;
    2. 5 tablespoons of sugar;
    3. 2.5 glasses of water;
    4. 15 gr pressed yeast.

    1. Pour the fried crackers with sand and pour hot water. Leave the mixture overnight covered with a towel. In the morning, pour in the yeast, mix and leave for a day for fermentation, covered with a lid.

    Then remove the top layer, and drain the liquid into the sink. What has settled at the bottom is leaven. We need her.

    2. The first yeast-based serving will have a characteristic taste and smell. Then, the more times the sourdough is used, the more distant the flavor will be.

    Add another 5 tablespoons of sand, 150 g of crackers to the sourdough and pour warm water, almost bringing it to the neck. The bank should stay under the towel for another day. Then strain the liquid and bottle it. Pour 4-5 raisins into each.

    After 1-2 hours, put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and the kvass is ready for use.

    The residue that remains after filtering can be used for further preparation of the drink.

    Homemade rye flour sourdough recipe

    You can also make your favorite drink from rye flour. It turns out it is no less invigorating and tasty than on bread. However, we will not talk much. It is better to try once than to tell how delicious it is.


    1. 450 grams of rye flour;
    2. 180 grams of granulated sugar;
    3. a pack of dry yeast;
    4. a little less than 3 liters of water;
    5. 10-12 unwashed raisins;


    1. According to tradition, first of all, you need to prepare the leaven, where would you be without it?!

    To do this, combine a glass of flour and 1 teaspoon with the top of sugar. Pour boiling water over all this, stirring, until the mass acquires the consistency of sour cream. Send raisins there too. Send the mixture to a warm place, after covering it with a towel.

    2. As soon as the mixture begins to “move”, foam and emit a sour smell, it is ready. It takes less than a day.

    3. Now you can move on to the next step. To the resulting mass, add the remaining flour, sugar, yeast and pour in water. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover with a towel and keep warm overnight.

    4. In the morning, pour the kvass into bottles or jugs and refrigerate. After a couple of hours, the cold drink is ready to drink.

    It's so fast and easy!

    How to cook kvass for okroshka at home

    Every housewife knows that it is better to take homemade kvass for cooking. Store-bought versions are sweet, which makes the cold soup not as tasty as we would like. Therefore, if you decide to pamper your family with okroshka, then it is better to approach this from afar, first preparing the basis for this dish.

    For this we need:

    1. about 3 liters of water;
    2. half a loaf of black bread;
    3. 50 grams of sugar;
    4. a pack of dry yeast;


    1. Cut the bread into cubes and place them on a baking sheet.

    Place in oven for a few minutes and bake until golden brown. Without wasting time, while the croutons are languishing in the oven, combine water with sugar and boil. Then cool the sweetish syrup to a warm state.

    2. Pour half a glass from a pot of water and pour yeast into it, mix.

    Transfer the crackers to sweet water and pour in the yeast mixture. Mix gently, cover with a towel or gauze and leave in the kitchen overnight. The next morning, strain the kvass, bottle it and put 4-5 raisins in each.

    You can do without raisins if you do not like carbonated kvass.

    Put the bottles in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. After that, the drink is ready to make okroshka!

    Recipe for delicious kvass without yeast on breadcrumbs

    Beginners may think that cooking without yeast is impossible, because how else can kvass ferment?! In fact, this is not true at all. This is quite real, which is especially pleasing to drink lovers who do not accept the yeast flavor.


    1. Yeast-free rye bread, about half a loaf;
    2. 3-4 tablespoons of sugar;
    3. A handful of raisins;
    4. 2.8 liters of water;


    1. Make croutons from bread. To do this, you can leave the slices in an open place for the purpose of winding, or fry them in the oven.

    The latter option will give the drink a richer shade. Then you need to place them in a three-liter jar and pour warm boiled water.

    2. Add sugar and raisins here.

    3. Mix gently, cover with gauze and put in a warm place for 24 hours. Then strain the liquid and pour into bottles. Put them in the refrigerator for several hours.

    An invigorating treat is ready to eat.

    Delicious homemade kvass according to grandma's recipe

    Everyone remembers those unforgettable days visiting grandma. On the table are the best dishes - pies, okroshka and, of course, kvass.

    Then we ate it with pleasure, imagining that when we grow up, we will certainly cook just as tasty.

    Kvass according to the grandmother's recipe is easy to prepare. And if in the process you remember your beloved granny with the most tender memories, then it will turn out to be doubly delicious. Try it!


    1. Half a kilo of fresh beets;
    2. 50 grams of rye bread (crust);
    3. 1 full tablespoon of sugar;
    4. 3 liters of water;


    1. Wash the beets, peel and cut into small pieces. Place them in a three-liter jar and fill with water so that about 5 centimeters remain to the neck. Add sliced ​​bread and sugar there.

    2. Carefully move and cover with a gauze lid. It is better not to use ordinary lids, as during the fermentation process they will swell and interfere with this action.

    3. Put the jar in a warm dark corner for 5 days. Every day, several times you need to remove the foam that will form on the surface.

    4. As soon as the process of foam formation comes to naught, kvass must be poured into bottles and put in a cold place to cool.

    If you plan to use it as a drink, then you can add more sugar. For soups, it will be great if you add a little chopped garlic to it.

    Kvass is a unique drink. For all its taste merits, it is also very beneficial for health. If you have never tried to cook it at home before, then by all means try it. After reading these recipes, you realized that it is not at all difficult.

    Or maybe you have experience of making homemade kvass? Share it with us, because your opinion is very important to us!

    One of the popular and favorite drinks in summer is kvass. It quenches thirst well, has a positive effect on bowel function, and has a pleasant refreshing taste. But what is sold in stores cannot be compared with a home-made product. That is why most housewives prefer to cook their kvass from bread in the comfort of their own home. "Popular about Health" has prepared several recipes for a fragrant refreshing summer drink and will be happy to share them with readers.

    Recipe for yeast-free homemade kvass from Borodino bread

    Kvass takes longer to cook without yeast, but many people like its taste. With prolonged fermentation, the product is prepared naturally, acquiring the very sweet and sour taste that we remember from childhood. It is prepared in two stages - first they make the wort (bread sourdough), and then the product itself is based on it.

    Ingredients for sourdough (wort): Borodino bread - 3 pieces; sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.; boiled or bottled water of good quality - 400 ml.

    Drink Ingredients: wort (full serving); Borodinsky bread - 300 g; sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.; raisins - 50 g; water.

    Let's get started. Preparing the wort is simple - cut the bread slices into cubes and, spreading them on a baking sheet, dry them in the oven until crispy. It is important to note here that the longer you dry the bread, the darker the drink turns out. However, do not overexpose the crackers so that they do not brown too much, otherwise the finished product will acquire an unpleasant bitterness. After cooling, pour the crackers into a clean liter jar, add sugar and pour water. Cover the neck with gauze. The wort will ferment more intensively if you put the container in the sun, in a warm place. The sourdough fermentation time is at least 2 days. When the wort acquires a sharp sour smell and taste, you can proceed to the second stage of making kvass.

    Cut the bread into cubes and dry it again in the oven. You can cook a whole baking sheet of Borodino bread croutons at once, so as not to do it every time you want to make kvass. Rinse the raisins. In a three-liter jar, place the wort, a portion of crackers, raisins, sugar and fill everything with water, but not to the very top, leave about 3 cm from the top of the neck. Free space is necessary, as foam will form there during fermentation. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and place the container in a sunny place. Cooking time - at least 2 days. Leave kvass to ferment longer if you like a sharper taste of the drink. Try the fermentation product - if the taste suits you, strain the drink through cheesecloth, pour it into plastic bottles, and add 3-4 dried grapes to each of them. Close the container and leave it in the room again. Kvass will begin to release carbon dioxide. When the bottles are firm to the touch, transfer them to the refrigerator to chill. Everything, you have prepared kvass at home, it is ready! It is recommended to adjust the sweetness of the drink to your taste, if necessary, adding sugar or honey.

    Kvass at home with yeast

    Ingredients: Borodinsky - a third of a loaf; sugar - 3 or 4 tbsp. l.; pressed yeast - a piece, the size of half a walnut; a handful of raisins; water.

    Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven. Put the cooled crackers in a jar with a capacity of 3 liters, pour sugar, put raisins there. Pour all this with warm water, filling the bottle halfway, and leave for a couple of hours in the sun. Now let's take a look at the yeast. We dilute yeast and granulated sugar in 100 ml of water (warm), wait until the mixture begins to foam. After the formation of foam, pour the sourdough into a jar of bread and add the remaining volume of water. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and put it in a warm place. Kvass from rye croutons using yeast is prepared quickly - after 8-10 hours it acquires a sharp taste. If you put it at night, then in the morning you can treat yourself to a summer invigorating drink.

    Recipe with horseradish and honey (spicy)

    Ingredients: Borodinsky - a third of a loaf; pressed yeast - 10 g; horseradish root - 40 g; sugar - 5 tbsp. l.; honey - 20 g; mint leaves - 4 pcs.; a handful of raisins.

    Dried croutons pour hot water and leave to cool. Then we filter the liquid, add diluted yeast and sugar to it. We leave the drink to ferment for about 6 hours. There should be foam on the surface. We rub horseradish, squeeze out the juice, combine it with honey and pour it into a jar of kvass, add raisins and mint leaves there. Let the drink brew and absorb the aroma of mint (3 hours), and then set to cool. Ready drink can be filtered again. A summer drink is prepared in a similar way with the addition of berries, but you need to choose those that contain a lot of sugar.


    If you see that the bread in the home breadbasket has been lying for too long, then so that it does not disappear, it is better to use it to make a delicious drink.

    Cook kvass from bread in the summer! This is the drink that you can't do without in the heat. In hot weather, it restores strength well, quenches thirst, it can be used to make okroshka, which Russians love so much. There are a lot of drink recipes, each housewife makes it differently. We have given you basic recipes that, after testing, you can change, taking into account your taste. Over time, you will create your own unique recipe that your family will love. Perhaps you will pass it on to your children, and they to theirs.

    Kvass is a traditional drink with a rich history going back centuries. In ancient Rus', it was cooked everywhere. Each housewife knew how to cook kvass from bread at home.

    Traditionally, kvass was obtained as a result of fermentation from malt and flour with the addition of honey, aromatic and healthy herbs, vegetables, and berries. There are many modern options for cooking kvass - from compressed in time to unhurried, from classic recipes to innovative and exotic ones, for example, kvass from oats.

    In the article I will talk about popular methods for preparing a popular Slavic drink and give delicious step-by-step recipes.

    History of kvass

    The first mention of a miraculous and delicious drink dates back to the ancient annals of 996. The Grand Duke of Kyiv and Novgorod lands, Vladimir, under whom Christianity was established as the state religion, ordered that “food, honey and kvass” be distributed to people in honor of the national holiday.

    More than a millennium has passed, but the good old kvass has not lost its popularity. It has a healing and invigorating effect and a huge number of useful properties, including:

    • improved metabolism;
    • restoration of water-salt balance;
    • positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

    Kvass is an excellent aid to the digestive process, as it contains carbon dioxide. It is rich in B and C vitamins. The yeast included in the composition strengthens the hair and prevents the formation of acne.

    Let's move on to the "main dish" of the article - recipes for real bread kvass. Note to housewives and men who love to cook.

    Classic kvass from black rye bread


    • Water - 8 l,
    • Rye bread - 800 g,
    • Yeast - 50 g,
    • Sugar - 1.5 cups.


    1. I cut the bread into thin slices, spread it on a baking sheet. I turn on the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Reduce the temperature if necessary. I make sure that the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bslices are dried, and not burnt.
    2. I put water on the stove, pour sugar. After boiling water, add ready-made bread croutons. I remove the pan from the stove and leave it alone for several hours. Kvass base should cool to a temperature slightly warmer than room temperature.
    3. I add yeast to the cooled mixture. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
    4. I cover the wort with a towel and leave for a day. A day later I get kvass with a slight sweet and sour taste. For a richer and more pronounced taste, I let the wort brew for another day. I filter through multi-layer gauze, pour into jars and set to cool. Ready!

    Video recipe

    Recipe for kvass from bread without yeast

    A simple recipe for your favorite kvass without sophistication with yeast and claims to originality.


    • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
    • Water - 3 l,
    • Rye bread - 400 g.


    1. I take bread, crumble it into a 3-liter jar to fill the bottom. I don't dry it first.
    2. Pour water at room temperature, pour sugar.
    3. I cover with a glass lid, allowing the drink to breathe. I leave to wander. The warmer the house, the faster the kvass will “reach”. Enough 2-3 days.

    The resulting kvass can be used for okroshka, marinating meat. Thickness is applied several times. Before the next cooking, do not forget to add bread and a little sugar.

    A quick way to make kvass

    Do you want to learn how to make a homemade drink with a pleasant sourness and a sweetish caramel taste in half an hour? Follow the recipe.


    • Water - 2.5 l,
    • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons,
    • Citric acid - 1 small spoon,
    • Sugar - 200 g.


    1. I take warm boiled water and pour it into a jar. I put citric acid and yeast. Mix slowly and thoroughly.
    2. I'm making burnt sugar. In a separate pan, I throw off the granulated sugar. I turn on medium heat. I wait until the sugar turns golden brown. It is very important not to overdo it on fire. Otherwise, the drink will turn out bitter. I add 150 g of cold water to the brown mass, mix thoroughly.
    3. I combine sugar and the resulting mixture in a jar. I mix again.
    4. I close the top of the jar with a thick cloth (dishtowel) and put it in a warm place for half an hour. I pour it into containers and send it to the refrigerator to cool. That's all wisdom!

    How to make kvass from white bread and yeast

    The main feature of the recipe is the use of a loaf of white bread. It will give kvass an unusual golden hue.


    • Water - 3 l,
    • Bread - 150-200 g,
    • Dry yeast for baking - half a teaspoon,
    • Sugar - 4 tablespoons,
    • Raisins - 30 g.


    1. I cut bread. I dry the slices in a preheated oven and pour into a 3-liter jar.
    2. I pour water and leave for 30 minutes, allowing the crackers to soften. After half an hour I add sugar, yeast and raisins. I mix thoroughly.
    3. I cover with a lid (loosely) and leave for 1-2 days. The saturation of the taste of kvass, its sourness directly depends on the amount of time. Then I filter and bottle. I put it in the fridge for storage.

    Cooking video

    Kvass from bread for okroshka with mint


    • Water - 2 l,
    • Borodino bread - 350 g,
    • Raisins - 50 g,
    • Mint - a small bunch.


    1. I am preparing a mint-based infusion. I pour over the grass with boiling water and leave it to brew.
    2. I cut the loaf into small cubes and throw it into a jar. Thoroughly my raisins, dry and throw to the bread. I pour herbal infusion and add boiled water to a jar. I close the lid.
    3. I leave it for a day in a warm place. Then I pour it into a bottle, carefully separating the thick with gauze. I screw the lid on and put it in the fridge.

    Helpful advice. The taste of okroshka kvass will become richer if fresh currant leaves are added to mint.

    Simple okroshochny kvass


    • Baker's yeast - 50 g,
    • Water - 7 l,
    • Rye bread - 2 kg,
    • Sugar - 2 tablespoons with a slide.


    1. I grind bread, dry it in the oven. I put the browned pieces into a saucepan and pour over with boiling water. I leave for 4 hours, letting the bread brew.
    2. I drain the liquid, add yeast, pour sugar. Thoroughly interfere and expose the drink to heat. I let kvass brew for 5-6 hours. I filter and refrigerate.

    Wonderful homemade kvass "in haste" for okroshka is ready!

    Kvass recipe without sourdough on oatmeal


    • Oatmeal - 1 kg,
    • Sugar - 5 tablespoons,
    • Water - 2 liters,
    • Raisins - 20 g.


    1. I thoroughly wash the oats. I pour it into a jar, add sugar with raisins.
    2. I pour boiled water.
    3. I cover with a cloth and put in a warm place. I'm waiting 2 days.
    4. For the first time, the drink will acquire a sweetish, but mild taste, so I drain it.
    5. I add sugar and pour fresh water. I'll leave it for two more days. After the allotted time, I strain a fragrant drink with a slight sourness and pour it into a bottle.
    6. I close the lid and leave for 12 hours for carbonization (natural saturation with carbon dioxide).

    How to make kvass from bread and raisins


    • Borodino bread - 4 slices,
    • Raisins - 3 tablespoons dark grade, 1 small spoon - light,
    • Dry yeast - 4 g,
    • Sugar - 4 tablespoons,
    • Water - 3 liters.


    1. Properly drying Borodino bread. The natural way, without the oven. I cut into slices and leave on a baking sheet, in an open place for 1 day.
    2. I take a frying pan and brown the bread. Ready crackers should cool down. I put it in a bowl or jar.
    3. I add sugar, yeast, dried berries.
    4. I fill it with warm water. Mix carefully. I tightly cork the jar with gauze and leave it to cook during the day.
    5. I separate the starter from the drink. I use a sieve, then gauze.
    6. I pour it into bottles, add more white raisins. To get a richer taste, I put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

    Kvass is prepared according to the recipe for a long time, but the result will meet expectations. Kvass from bread and raisins will turn out very fragrant and spicy.

    Doing kvass from bread and millet


    • Black bread crusts - 3 pieces,
    • Millet - 2 cups,
    • Sugar - 3 tablespoons,
    • Water - 3 liters.


    1. I dry sliced ​​bread in the oven. I put cereals, cooked crackers, sugar in a 3-liter jar. I interfere thoroughly.
    2. I pour boiled water, close the jar. I let it sit for two days.
    3. You will understand the readiness of kvass by the formation of bubbles. I carefully drain the drink, fill it with pre-prepared bottles. I keep it in the refrigerator.

    Video recipe

    • Do not throw away wheat sourdough, you can make a stronger and more aromatic drink based on it.
    • To give an original taste to wheat kvass, add two components - coriander and cumin.

    How to cook Russian kvass in a barrel

    A classic old recipe for making a delicious drink in a barrel.


    • Rye crushed malt - 1 kg,
    • Barley crushed malt - 600 g,
    • Rye flour - 600 g,
    • Rye bread (preferably stale or weathered) - 80 g,
    • Rye crackers - 130 g,
    • Mint leaves - 30 g,
    • Molasses - 1 kg.


    1. I make dough based on flour, malt and 3 liters of water. Mix thoroughly in a large bowl. I cover the top with a thick cloth. I let it brew for 1 hour.
    2. I shift the dough into a cast-iron dish (you can use another, most importantly - with refractory properties), put it in a preheated oven. After evaporation, carefully mix the dough and leave for 1 day.
    3. I'm cutting bread. I spread the dough in a large tank, pour 16 liters of boiling water. I add croutons and crushed bread. Thoroughly interfere and leave alone for 8 hours.
    4. After the start of the fermentation of the wort, I pour the liquid into the keg. The barrel must be steamed and thoroughly washed. These are obligatory hygienic actions that have a beneficial effect on the future aroma and contribute to the disinfection of the tank.
    5. The rest of the starter is refilled with boiling water. I'm waiting 3 hours. I pour the kvass base into a barrel, add mint infusion and leave it for fermentation.
    6. I send the barrel to the glacier cellar. After the fermentation process subsides, I put molasses (the calculation is as follows: 1 kg of sweetener per 30-liter barrel). I seal with a bushing. I'm waiting 4 days.
    7. The drink can be stored for several months without loss of taste. The main thing is not to expose to heat, install in a cold place with a constant temperature.

    How to cook vigorous kvass


    • Dry yeast - 30 g,
    • Black bread - 800 g,
    • Boiled water - 4 l,
    • Honey - 100 g,
    • Horseradish - 100 g,
    • Sugar - 80 g,
    • Raisins - to taste.


    1. I cut the bread and put it on a baking sheet. I put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Fry until golden, slightly brown.
    2. I pour crackers with boiling water. I insist 4 hours. I take gauze, filter the wort. I add yeast, throw sugar and put in a warm place for fermentation.
    3. After 6-7 hours, I pour the almost finished drink into bottles. I put 2-3 pieces of raisins in each for flavor.
    4. I do not close until I notice the formation of bubbles near the bottle neck. Only then I cork the bottles and put them in the refrigerator for two hours.
    5. I'm rubbing
