
Soy milk benefit harm. Soy milk: reviews

There are many soy foods around the world, such as tofu, tempeh blocks, yuba, natto, soy milk, and more. This is not surprising, because soy contains a whole list of vital elements that are required for the well-coordinated work of the human body. It contains such important elements as: cyanocobalamin, isoflavone, thiamine, vegetable fiber, pyridoxine, phytoestrogen.

Soy milk has been in the greatest demand since the end of the 20th century, when vegetarianism became fashionable. Popular soy milk, the benefits and harms of which leaned more towards the benefits, has become an important ingredient in many gourmet dishes.

Legend has it that soy milk originated 2,200 years ago in China. It was invented by the philosopher Liu An, who wanted to help an old mother eat her favorite soybeans. Many centuries have passed since then, and the technology of cooking has not changed much.

How to make soy milk

To obtain one liter of homemade soy milk, you need to use 2 cups of soybeans and 2 liters of pure water. The preparation procedure includes several stages.

1. It is necessary to pour dry beans with cold water for 6-12 hours. Every 2 hours you need to drain the water and fill in a new one. This will help eliminate unpleasant additional odors in the finished product. When changing the water, you need to rinse the beans and remove the top layer.

2. After being in water, the volume of the beans will double. They must be washed well under running water, getting rid of the husk.

3. The finished product should be placed in a blender and add 1 liter of water. After grinding, a homogeneous mass should be obtained.

4. The resulting mixture must be mixed with the rest of the water (another 1 liter) and poured into a boiling pot. The mixture should be boiled over low heat for 25 minutes. During the cooking process, noise must be removed.

5. The cooled mass is supposed to be filtered. Thus, the resulting milk will not contain grains.

6. You can season the resulting drink with a pinch of vanilla and one teaspoon of cinnamon. This is not necessary, but the procedure will help get rid of the bean smell. After that, boil the milk again.

Homemade soy milk is stored in the refrigerator, where it retains its properties for 72 hours.

Top Benefits of Soy Milk

Refusal to use this product is not justified, given the entire list of useful properties. It is important to know what soy milk is good for and who should drink it.

1. The absence of lactose in this product makes it an ideal alternative for people with lactose intolerance. From such milk you can make kefir, yogurt, milkshake, any pastries, as well as the famous tofu cheese;

2. Soy milk contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but it has a low calorie content. What's more, its high calcium and protein content makes it a great alternative for vegetarians;

3. The product is easily digestible and has properties that improve metabolic processes in the body;

4. In case of problems with increased secretion of gastric juices, as well as with a stomach ulcer, this milk is simply irreplaceable;

5. People suffering from inflammation of the gallbladder also use this drink, due to its beneficial properties to reduce negative consequences;

6. Soy milk has a beneficial effect on both the nervous and circulatory systems. It can prevent the possibility of problems with the work of the heart;

8. The existing composition of trace elements positively affects the functioning of cells. That is why they drink it for anemia;

9. Among other things, soy milk has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the skin, hair and nails. The use of this product during menopause will minimize all side effects.

Milk from soy, which is saturated with proteins (many times higher than the protein content in chicken, pork, beef, fish) helps to replenish the necessary daily intake of a person. This is the reason for the well-being of people who moderately use this product.

Comparison of soy milk and soy beans


Calorie content, Kcal

Energy value

Carbohydrates, g

The nutritional value

Saturated fatty acids, g

Dietary fiber, g

Monounsaturated fatty acids, g

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, g

Monosaccharides, disaccharides, g

Starch, g

In addition to the energy potential, the drink contains a whole list of vitamins and minerals. Of course, pure beans have a higher calcium content (348 mg per 100 g), however, even in a diluted form, the figures are still high. The significant content of calcium and phosphorus in the finished milk favorably affects the formation of the bone material of the body. Potassium improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Can soy milk be given to children

According to many scientific publications, soy milk should be introduced into the diet of children no earlier than after reaching one year of age. However, some babies suffer from intolerance to breast milk, as well as artiodactyl milk. In this case, animal milk is replaced with soy milk.

The use of soy-based infant formula is only possible when there is no allergy to soy milk, which is not always the case. Very often, a milk protein allergy precedes a soy allergy.

You can introduce soy milk into the diet for children who have not suffered from protein intolerance for 12 months. In small quantities, this product will contribute to the well-being of the baby and will contribute to the development of a young organism.

Based on the foregoing, the benefits and harms of soy milk depend on certain circumstances.

The content of vitamins and minerals in soy milk




The amount of mg in 100 g


The amount of mg in 100 g

Vitamin K

Vitamin E


Vitamin A

beta carotene

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B5

Vitamin PP

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B1

Indications and contraindications

sign Moderate consumption of soy milk is recommended Soy milk is not recommended
lactose intolerance Recommended
Osteoporosis Recommended
Vegetarianism Recommended
Pregnancy period Not recommended
lactation period Not recommended
Children under 1 year old Not recommended
Tumors Recommended
Estrogen-dependent tumors Not recommended
Problems with the cardiovascular system Recommended
stomach ulcer Recommended
Thyroid problems Not recommended
Planning for the conception of a child Not recommended
Anemia Recommended
Menopause Recommended
Being overweight Recommended
gallbladder problems Recommended

Finally, it should be added that soy milk is a product that a healthy person should not refuse. The taste of this drink can impress even the most inveterate meat-eater.

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In terms of origin, soy milk is a plant based product. The basis is made up of beans of the same name, which originally grew in China. According to legend, a Chinese philosopher invented a drink for his mother because she was very fond of beans.

Composition of soy milk

The herbal component includes the daily rate of beneficial enzymes, such as:

  1. Vitamin A, or retinol, is responsible for cellular balance and regeneration.
  2. Niacin - eliminates disorders of the digestive tract, treats pancreatitis and gastritis.
  3. Thiamine - is responsible for the full functioning of the heart muscle, performs a hematopoietic function.
  4. Potassium - allows you to keep the water-salt, alkaline balance at the proper level, it prevents dehydration.
  5. Pyridoxamine - stops thrombosis, helps people with atherosclerosis to fully exist.
  6. Triboflavin - strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation.
  7. Vitamin B9, or folic acid, has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, treats skin ailments.
  8. Vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, normalizes blood glucose levels (relevant for diabetics).
  9. Biotin - accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, starts digestion, relieves stomach pain.
  10. Vitamin B4, or choline, tones up the psycho-emotional background, protects against negative factors, improves memory.
  11. Iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium - contribute to moderate brain function (relevant for people working with their heads), strengthen the immune system.
  12. Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, normalizes blood pressure in hypo- and hypertensive patients.

soy milk calories

Athletes and people who follow the figure most often lean on the product of plant origin. This feature is achieved due to the low calorie content.

In 100 ml. soy milk is only 53-55 kcal, which is good news. This indicator is characterized by a small accumulation of fats that are found in cow's milk.

The soy composition is rich in proteins (about 3.5 g per 100 ml), so it forms bone tissue and promotes rapid weight gain when visiting the gym.

The optimal ratio of BJU (3.3 g, 1.8 g, 5.7 kg per 100 ml, respectively) allows you to drink about 0.25 liters. soy milk per day. The specified amount may vary up or down, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

How does the origin of soy affect the quality of milk

  1. To determine whether high-quality (healthy) milk or not, you must have knowledge regarding the origin of soy. In the end, the drink will turn out to be modified (harmful) or valuable for the body.
  2. If we talk about the mass production of soy milk outside of our country, almost all soy is subjected to genetic modification.
  3. The legume perfectly tolerates diseases, drought, and heavy rains. Soybeans bear fruit in any climate with the condition of fertilizing with chemicals in large quantities.
  4. Due to the combination with herbicides, the fruits and tissues of the plant are combined with chemicals. Such beans become extremely dangerous and even poisonous to humans. They can cause the development of malignant tumors and other pathologies.
  5. An unpleasant feature of soybeans is that in the process of growth, the beans absorb all the harmful compounds released into the environment (mercury, lead, etc.).
  6. From the foregoing, it can be understood that genetically modified soybeans, albeit natural ones that grow in an unfavorable environment, are harmful to the human body.
  7. To date, there is no consensus regarding the effect of protein compounds (signs of soy modification) on internal organs. New varieties grown by inserting genes into DNA can cause allergies or lower immunity.
  8. All soy milk producers are required to label their milk as "GMO" or "Non-GMO". If the raw materials are not genetically engineered, soybean milk is natural, suitable for human consumption.

The benefits of soy milk

  1. The main purpose of soy milk is to saturate the body with protein. Soy protein is equivalent to egg and meat. It contains more than eight amino acids that regulate metabolism and form muscle tissue. Thanks to proteins, immunity resistance to infectious diseases increases, brain functions (in particular, memory) improve.
  2. As mentioned earlier, soy contains vitamins E, B, PP, C, micro and macro elements, acids. These enzymes synthesize hormones, restore tissues, saturate cells with oxygen and take part in their regeneration. It will be useful for women to know that vitamins of these groups prevent premature aging of the skin, strengthen hair follicles and nails.
  3. Soy milk is a great alternative to an animal product, with one exception. The drink is suitable for people who have individual lactose intolerance, diabetes, galactosemia. For those who are overweight, soy can help you lose weight. It relieves the body of excess lipids, increases the tone of blood vessels and heart muscle, fights chronic cholecystitis and stomach ulcers.
  4. Soy milk is especially valuable for the elderly. The lecithin contained in the drink prevents the development of cholesterol plaques, eliminates blockage of blood vessels, promotes the production of elastin fibers and collagen. As a result, aging occurs more slowly without much damage to the skin, hair, nails and internal organs in particular.
  5. Milk based on soybeans contains many estrogen-like substances and isoflavones, which normalize the hormonal background in women. As a result, women during menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding do not experience drastic changes. These enzymes prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and stop the already existing symptoms of the disease.

  1. Despite the usefulness of soybean-based products, you should be more careful about adding milk to your daily menu. The drink includes "anti-nutritional" compounds that affect the activity of almost all internal organs.
  2. The change in physiological processes in the body is characterized by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion, low absorption of many elements (iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc). The latter aspect is due to the high accumulation of phytic acid in milk.
  3. With regular use of the drink, many people notice violations of the pancreas, low absorption of proteins by the body. Also, the blood cannot remove carbon dioxide and carry oxygen at the same rate that it was before the use of the soy product.
  4. Soy drink is contraindicated in children and those individuals who previously had problems with the endocrine system. The phytoestrogens contained in milk slow down the mental and physical abilities of the child, cause early menstruation in girls, irritate the nervous system, and cause the development of Alzheimer's.
  5. If a person has previously undergone thyroid treatment, he should henceforth refuse to consume soy-based milk. The drink includes isoflavone, which slows down the production of gland hormones. The same component disrupts the balance of hormones in the body of pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  6. People who are predisposed to the appearance of tumors, as well as other estrogen-dependent pathologies, should give up soy milk. The product provokes the disease and allows it to develop many times faster. As for men, frequent consumption of soy milk can lead to impaired potency and infertility.
  7. It should always be remembered that the superiority of soy milk over its animal counterparts will never replace a cow or goat product. Of course, the drink will give the person the necessary protein, amino acids, vitamins, elements, but its excessive use will lead to the opposite effect. The amount of daily soy protein that enters the body should not exceed 25 grams.

Features of buying soy milk

As mentioned earlier, soy milk in Russia is not as widespread as in Europe and America. For this reason, information about the choice and exposure of the product will not be superfluous.

  1. Examine the “Composition” column for the presence of the following components: water, soy extract. Such a list ensures that you buy a truly natural product. The presence of flavors and flavor enhancers is unacceptable.
  2. Read on the back of the pack what minerals and vitamins are in the drink. Give preference to the widest list of beneficial enzymes.
  3. Soy milk can be made from cake, such a product is low-grade. It is not difficult to determine it, on the package there will be a mark “Isolated soya protein”.
  4. As for the pack, a quality drink is packaged in tetra-packs and other containers that do not let direct ultraviolet light through. After opening the package, soy-based milk is stored in the cold and dark for a week.

The basis of the drink includes trace elements, minerals, amino acids and vitamins in large quantities. Unlike animal milk, soy products do not contain lactose. This fact opens the door to the use of drugs for allergy sufferers.

Video: making soy milk

In modern stores you can find a large number of different products. One of them is soy milk powder, which is of vegetable origin. It is made from soy beans. China is considered the birthplace of the product, but now it is in demand in all countries of the world. Pleasant taste and light aroma are the distinguishing features that dry soy milk contains. The benefits and harms of it will be presented in the article. It will also be said about the rules for breeding this product.


Soy milk powder does not contain lactose compared to cow's milk, so it can be consumed by anyone who has an intolerance to this substance. The advantage of the product is the presence of isoflavones in the composition. These components are used to prevent cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis. They are indispensable for the fight against menopause in women.

Milk has anticarcinogenic and metabolic effects. The product reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is useful for many to consume soy milk powder. Its benefit lies in the positive effect on the skeletal system of the body. It is necessary in the presence of anemia. Due to regular use, men will be protected from the occurrence of prostate cancer. The product is rich in protein and fiber. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause allergic reactions.


Soy milk powder contains valuable protein, which contains important acids. The product is rich in amino acids. Micronutrients include magnesium, potassium and calcium. There are also vitamins - D, A, E, B. 100 g of milk contains:

  • Proteins - 4 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.6 g.
  • Fats - 1.6 g.

And 56 kcal is the calorie content that soy milk powder has. The composition allows the use of the product in the diet of many people. It is only necessary to breed it correctly. There are also recipes for self-preparation of this product.


Powdered soy milk is used to prepare various dishes. From it it turns out:

  • Kefir.
  • Tofu cheese.
  • Milk soups.
  • Yoghurts.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Bakery.

The product is used for making puddings, cooking jelly, porridge, casseroles. It is used both at home and at work.

Combination with other products

Milk can be combined with sweet fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts. It is also consumed with cereals and boiled potatoes. No need to combine the drink with fresh vegetables, plums, sausage, smoked fish, pastries.

weight loss

The product is considered high-calorie, so many do not include it in their diet. Yet soy milk is designed for harmony. It contains a lot of calcium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. With a deficiency of this component, there will be an intensive production of the hormone calcitriol, which slows down the processing and elimination of fats. Due to its presence in increased volumes, accumulated fat deposits will not be destroyed.

Calcium is considered an indispensable component for those who want to lose weight. It perfectly breaks down fats, and also helps to build muscle mass. Therefore, such a product must be in the diet of overweight people. And it should not be a dry soy milk replacer, but a natural one.

How to breed?

Powdered soy milk is sold in stores. How to breed it? To do this, the product itself (1.5 tablespoons) must be mixed with sugar (1 tsp), gradually adding water (1 cup). The mass must be stirred so that it becomes homogeneous. Then the remaining water is poured in, and everything is brought to a boil. The product is served hot or chilled.


There are many recipes for the preparation of the product in question. Of these, there is one of the simplest. Soak clean soybeans in cold water for 12-24 hours. Then the water is drained, and the beans should be crushed by passing them through a meat grinder with a fine grate. This processing must be done several times.

When mixing, add water to make it easier to grind. Water should be taken in a ratio of 7:1 to get milk with 3% fat. If there is less water, then more fatty milk will be obtained, which will resemble cream. Ground and mixed with water, soy porridge is aged for about 4 hours, after which salt is added (on the tip of a knife).

Then the resulting mass should be boiled for half an hour. Then you need to strain it and squeeze. This completes the preparation of soy milk. The remains in the bag after expressing milk are called okara - soy pulp, which is rich in fiber and protein. It can be used as an enriched food supplement.

Selection and storage

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the composition, which is marked on the package. In its natural form, milk contains water and soy. If the composition contains chemical additives, such a product will not be useful.

Closed packaging is stored in a cool place. This period may not exceed one year. An open product should be consumed up to 7 days, and all this time it is stored in the refrigerator.

Product for children

For the nutrition of infants, mixtures are often used in which there are The following factors are considered the basis for the use of such products:

  • Cow milk intolerance.
  • Celiac disease is due to a violation of the villous layer of the intestine by exposure to gluten.
  • Galactosemia is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Lack of lactose - a protein that breaks down the enzymes in cow's milk.

In order for a child to be fed with soy mixtures, you first need to consult a pediatrician. In stores, you can find such products for children over 2 years old. It can be in the diet, but we should not forget about cow's milk. Complete replacement is possible only if the animal product is intolerant.


Doctors have not identified the harm that soy milk can cause. Some experts believe that this is a useful product, while others advise using it only in a minimal amount. Such milk also has opponents who believe that it can cause:

  • The appearance of pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Decreased sperm concentration.
  • Depression of the endocrine system.

Milk should not be consumed if there is a predisposition to the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors and other oncological ailments. The product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. It should not be given to children under 1 year of age without consulting a doctor, as well as to women who may have breast cancer.

With excessive consumption of animal protein, the acidity of the blood increases. The body needs to neutralize it. Calcium is taken from the bones. Soy milk contains iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium during digestion, which makes these components poorly absorbed. Although milk has its drawbacks, it is still considered very useful. Just use it in moderation.

Vegetarians often replace animal products with soy alternatives. Soy milk is in high demand. The benefits and harms of this product remain a mystery to many. People who frequently consume the "lean" version of milk are worried about whether they are harming their health. Such concern is justified - a soy drink can really harm, but not everyone. We will tell what is soy milk and what properties it has.

Unusual milk: what is hidden behind the adjective "soy"?

Soybeans are an almost universal vegetable, because a huge number of products are made from them. To obtain a white liquid that is in no way inferior in taste to cow's milk, fresh soybeans are kept in water for up to 10 hours, and then boiled, cooled, whipped and passed through filters.

The composition of soy milk is quite rich.

Herbal drink ingredients:

  • multivitamins of group B, PP, K, D;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • minerals - copper, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus;
  • amino acids;
  • isoflavones;
  • lecithin;
  • choline;
  • lipids;
  • retinol.

Benefits of soy milk over "real"

There is an opinion that a drink made from soybeans is similar to milk only in taste, but in terms of benefits it loses a lot to it. It's time to debunk this myth. Milk made from a popular bean culture has qualities that are very useful for those who are losing weight and those who are struggling with common ailments. Let's consider them.

Easy absorption

Soy protein is quickly absorbed by the body, without exerting a burden on the digestive organs. The fats that form the basis of milk replacer are unsaturated fatty acids, not heavy fats from animal milk.

Cholesterol and lactose free

Only the lazy did not talk about the dangers of cholesterol. Soy drink does not contain this harmful component, so it can be drunk by people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The second problem that makes you give up dairy products is lactose intolerance. Remarkably, this restriction does not apply to soy milk.

low calorie

If you are used to counting calories, fearing the appearance of extra pounds, "vegetarian milk" will definitely please you, because it contains only 50 kcal per 100 ml. Such an energy value does not mean at all that the product is useless - its rich vitamin and unique amino acid composition helps to reduce the risk of nutrient deficiency when losing weight.

Soy milk is a health drink

Milk made from pure, unmodified soybeans has a positive effect on the functioning of many body systems.

The impact of soy milk on the human body:

  • normalizes the processes of digestion and metabolism;
  • improves the condition with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduces bone fragility;
  • improves liver function and restores this organ;
  • contributes to the establishment of normal blood pressure in hypertension;
  • relieves the symptoms of stomach ulcers and hyperacidity of gastric juice.

This product contains phytoestrogens, substances similar to female sex hormones. Thanks to their intake, the body of the fair sex gets the maximum benefit.

Useful properties of soy milk for women:

  • hormonal balance is established;
  • manifestations of menopause disappear;
  • rejuvenation begins;
  • protection of fabrics from wear is provided;
  • the nervous system functions better.

"Milk powder": the composition is shocking

The store can offer you dry soy milk. The benefits and harms of this powder should not be equated with the list of advantages and disadvantages of a liquid drink made from soybeans. The inscription on the package says that this is a healthy diet food, but unfortunately, this is not true. The problem is that components harmful to the body are added to the main, certainly useful product.

Dry product composition:

  • chemically processed corn starch with a high sugar content;
  • hydrogenated fats;
  • dipotassium phosphate stabilizer;
  • animal milk protein (sodium caseinate);
  • emulsifiers;
  • silicon dioxide - in fact, we are talking about cereals that prevent caking of the powder;
  • salt.

Such a chemical mixture can "reward" a person with obesity, a violation of the structure of DNA, clogging of blood vessels, swelling, increased blood sugar and other troubles. If you are hoping to replace protein foods with this dry substance, you will have to disappoint - soy powder contains only 3.5% vegetable proteins.

Information for expectant mothers

Don't risk drinking soy milk during pregnancy because soy suppresses thyroid hormone production. And hormone deficiency is a direct path to miscarriage. In addition, women who are expecting a baby often have hypotension and problems with the urinary system. And this is not surprising, because the body works "for two".

Soy products can exacerbate these problems. If a woman decides to try a drink for the first time while pregnant, you need to stop her - the product may turn out to be an allergen that will greatly harm both her and the fetus.

Can I give soy "copy" milk to children?

Newborn children, due to some pathologies, may react negatively to mother's milk and milk formulas. Maybe a soy product is the way out? First of all, you need to make sure that the crumbs do not have an individual intolerance to soy.

Toddlers who respond well to legumes are recommended to be given special mixtures prepared on the basis of soy protein. Children older than one year are allowed small doses of the adult "milk copy".

Some doctors believe that it is best for children to do without soy in any form, as phytoestrogens can interfere with their sexual development.

Harm of plant milk

There are reasons why it is necessary to control the amount of soy milk consumed.

The harmful effects of soy milk on the body:

  • disrupts the absorption of iron, zinc and magnesium, despite the fact that it contains these trace elements;
  • does not apply to hypoallergenic food;
  • inhibits the hormonal function of the endocrine system;
  • contributes to the development of kidney stones;
  • provokes male infertility due to a decrease in the number of spermatozoa in seminal fluid.

In no case should you consume milk from genetically modified soybeans - this is fraught with various deviations in the functioning of the body!

Today, billions of people around the world have completely given up animal milk. The exclusion of protein foods from the diet is the subject of controversy among many doctors and nutritionists. Someone actively promotes as a useful and indispensable food product. Their opponents point to its harm. So what is the secret of soy milk? Is it good or bad for our health?

History of soy milk

Soy milk came to us from China. It has been produced since the 2nd century BC from soybeans. It is believed that the Oriental thinker Liu An decided to create a pleasant liquid from beans for the first time. His beloved but very elderly mother lost all her teeth, so she could not eat soybeans, which she adored. Then the caring son ground them, and then he made soy milk, which was distinguished by a delicate and pleasant taste.

In 1939, Harry Miller gave the oriental drink worldwide fame by starting its industrial production. It was at this time that vegetarianism entered the masses, became popular, so Miller's product found its consumer.

Today, billions of people are vegetarians and consume soy milk, either store-bought or homemade.

How is soy milk prepared?

This drink can be easily prepared at home:

  1. soybeans are soaked for 60 minutes in distilled water;
  2. the resulting mixture is pureed;
  3. then boiled over low heat;
  4. the boiled mixture is filtered and cooled.

After all these manipulations, an emulsion is obtained from water, oil and vegetable protein. Soy milk has a light, sweet flavor that many people find pleasant. Due to its taste and composition, it is very popular among the henchmen of vegetarianism, while it is used in the preparation of many dishes. Soy milk becomes the basis for broths, kefirs, yogurts, milkshakes, tofu, puddings and pastries.

Video: Live great! Soy milk.

Features of the composition and properties

It is the composition of soy milk that makes experts argue about its benefits. It differs significantly from our traditional milk of animal origin. One glass of raw drink contains:

  • 1 mg iron;
  • 300 mg calcium;
  • vitamin A (500 IU), D (120 IU), B12 (3 mcg), E, ​​folate (24 mcg);
  • isoflavones;
  • lecithin;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • 100 calories, 8g carbs, 7g protein, and 4g fat.

This unique composition determines the properties of soy milk.

Source of vitamins

For the normal functioning of our body, a certain amount of vitamins must be supplied from outside. Soy drink contains all the main vitamins:

  1. A. Helps maintain normal vision.
  2. D. Necessary for the absorption of calcium, helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, teeth. With a lack of this vitamin, rickets develop in children.
  3. AT 12. During pregnancy, it is involved in the laying of the nervous system of the child. In adults, it performs many important functions (including participation in the formation and maturation of red blood cells).
  4. E. This powerful antioxidant helps our body resist various infections.

Light and nutritious

Protein is the basis of life. It contains 8 essential amino acids, without which our body cannot work. Soy milk contains about 35% protein. This makes it an indispensable source of protein for vegetarians. In addition, this drink does not contain cholesterol and fats (unlike cow's milk). This allows us to recommend it to patients with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease), pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers), and obesity.

No allergies!

Its main feature is the absence of lactose in the composition. It is this substance that is a powerful allergen, while it is abundant in animal and breast milk. Drinking soy milk in babies with diathesis and lactose intolerance helps to significantly relieve their condition, as well as get the right amount of protein.

Useful in many ways

Soy milk contains many other biologically active substances that significantly improve the condition of our body:

  • Isoflavones. These plant estrogens are used in gynecology to improve the well-being of women during menopause;
  • Lecithin. This lipid is an integral element in the construction of cell membranes and a kind of "fuel" for the body to work.
  • Vegetable fiber. It stimulates and optimizes digestion. Its deficiency leads to the development of chronic constipation.

Do you need micronutrients?

Soy milk is poor in calcium. One glass contains only 1/3 of the daily requirement for an adult. It is this fact that is the main argument of opponents of soy drink. Calcium deficiency is detrimental to health. It strengthens our musculoskeletal system, teeth, nails and hair. A lack of calcium in childhood leads to a serious disease - rickets. In adults, this deficiency is manifested by frequent fractures, brittle nails and hair. To compensate for the lack of calcium, soy milk producers artificially enrich it with this trace element, bringing it closer in concentration to cow's milk.

But with the rest of the trace elements in soy milk, everything is in order. This is especially true for iron, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen by red blood cells to tissues and organs.

Healing properties of soy milk

The similar composition and properties of soy milk have interested many leading nutritionists, as well as doctors around the world. There are many studies that point to the benefits of soy milk in the prevention of various diseases.

Arterial hypertension

Every second person in the world over 50 suffers from high blood pressure. This pathological condition leads to a number of complications: myocardial infarction, stroke, loss of vision, etc. The main reason for the development of hypertension is an increase in serum cholesterol. Since soy milk does not contain cholesterol, it is recommended to be consumed by patients with a similar problem.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and obesity

Soy milk- a dietary product that is easily absorbed by our body. This allows us to recommend it to patients with peptic ulcer, gastritis, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In addition, the low content of fats and cholesterol makes it possible to prescribe it to persons suffering from obesity. This product will reduce the total caloric content of the diet, while maintaining the desired concentration of vitamins, as well as trace elements in the menu.

myocardial infarction

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Blockage of blood vessels supplying the heart with blood clots leads to myocardial infarction. According to studies, the constant use of soy drink reduces the risk of thrombosis, avoids the development of heart muscle infarction.


Menopause is a physiological process in a woman's body. With age, the amount of estrogen produced decreases. Although this is normal, but often menopause is accompanied by a number of painful symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of life of women, as well as their ability to work:

  • baldness;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • hair growth in unwanted areas;
  • subjective sensation of cold or heat ("hot flashes");
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • weight gain.

Soy milk contains vegetable estrogens - isoflavones. They help to level such symptoms, improve the condition of women during menopause.


Women during menopause often suffer from osteoporosis. Doctors attribute this to estrogen deficiency. Soy drink is rich in isoflavones, powerful plant estrogens. They help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Mammary cancer

Researchers at the University of Buffalo conducted a study in 2010 that demonstrated the effectiveness of soy milk in preventing the development of breast cancer. The trigger for the development of this pathology are estrogens, which are produced in the female body. Isoflavones replace them, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

Vitamin E also plays an important role in cancer prevention. It stimulates the immune system, tones the body, which is also important for preventing the development of a life-threatening pathology.

Arguments of skeptics

If soy milk is so healthy, then what are the arguments of the opponents of this drink? Criticism is based on the following factors:

  1. Negatively affects the condition of pregnant women. For the normal development of the mother and fetus, a woman must receive all the nutrients. Experts recommend refraining from experimenting with the diet during pregnancy in order to avoid disrupting the development of the child, as well as pathological conditions on the part of the woman.
  2. Harmful for small children. The composition of soy milk is very different from mother's milk. This applies to the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. And the lack of calcium will negatively affect the state of the child's musculoskeletal system. That is why pediatricians recommend to refrain from feeding babies soy drink.
  3. Excess phytic acid in the composition. This acid binds and removes from the body a whole list of useful substances: calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. Thus, the systematic use of large amounts of soy milk can lead to their deficiency.
  4. Negative impact on the reproductive system of men. An excess of plant estrogens (female hormones) leads to inhibition of sperm production.

The benefits of soy milk are an individual matter. If you decide to introduce it into your diet by replacing an animal product with this drink, consult your family doctor or nutritionist. It will help determine whether it will benefit your body or cause harm.
