
Recipe for corn porridge for a child in a slow cooker. Whether to take instant porridge? How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker

Corn porridge is a unique and very tasty dish. There are many different recipes for its preparation: simply with milk, with dried fruits, meat, cheese. Corn porridge in a slow cooker is especially good.

Cooking it will not be difficult if you use one of our recipes and learn a few tricks for its preparation:

  • porridge will be tastier if you store the cereal in a dry and not too warm room;
  • you should not soak the cereal, just rinse it before cooking;
  • if you like liquid porridge, then cereals and water should be taken in a ratio of one to five, and for a thick consistency, the ratio should be one to three;
  • ready-made corn porridge, if it turned out to be too thick, can be mixed with kefir before serving;
  • for cooking, it is recommended to take a saucepan with thick walls;
  • be sure to stir the porridge during cooking.

Milk corn porridge in a slow cooker. The best recipe for kids

A significant part of the housewives more and more often prefers cooking with the help of a slow cooker. Use our recipe.

  • cow's milk - 3 cups;
  • drinking water - 3 glasses;
  • corn grits - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar - approximately 3-4 tablespoons;
  • refined oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter - for serving, to taste.

The recipe for making porridge is very simple.

  1. We wash the cereal under cold running water (usually it is quite clean, pay attention to its quality when buying).
  2. We send milk and water to the container of the multicooker.
  3. Add sugar and grains.
  4. Pour some vegetable oil into the bowl.
  5. We select the “Porridge” mode, set the cooking time for 35-40 minutes, close the lid.
  6. You can do other things, and corn porridge in a slow cooker will cook almost without your participation. It will be good if, in the middle of the cooking process, you look into the bowl and stir it a little, adding milk if necessary.

Milk corn porridge will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. It is good for serving for breakfast and dinner.

On the water

This recipe deserves your attention, as it is easy to perform and the porridge prepared in this way goes well with lean poultry meat, cheese sauce, nuts and dried fruits.

  • cereals - 200 g;
  • drinking water, purified - 700-1300 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter (for serving)


  1. First, rinse the cereal, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Pour the grits with constant stirring into boiling salted water.
  3. Reduce the heat as much as possible and cook for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

With the addition of dried fruits

Dried fruits will give an interesting taste to porridge with water or milk. It is recommended to take raisins, prunes, dried apricots.

There are two ways to cook corn porridge.

  1. Add washed dried fruits after putting the porridge on plates and brushing it with oil.
  2. Another option is to place the dried fruits in the pot with the porridge 20 minutes before the end of readiness.

with pumpkin

Corn porridge goes with pumpkin as well as millet. This breakfast dish will be enjoyed by the whole family.

For cooking, take:

  • corn grits - 1 cup;
  • cow's milk - 750 ml;
  • pumpkin (chopped into a grater, or cut into pieces) - 250-300 g;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • butter/clarified butter.


  1. We prepare the cereal: wash, fry in a dry, frequent frying pan (without adding oil). Roasting will make the taste of this cereal more vivid.
  2. Pour the milk into a saucepan with thick walls and bring to a boil, then carefully pour the cereal into it and let it stand for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle the peeled chopped pumpkin with sugar and, after waiting for it to give juice, cook it for several minutes.
  4. We shift the pumpkin into a saucepan with cereals and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes.
  5. We spread the porridge on plates, flavor with oil.

How to cook in a slow cooker with meat?

Corn porridge goes well not only with fruits, but also with minced meat and meat. Let's try to cook it in a slow cooker.

For cooking you will need:

  • corn grits - 250 g;
  • drinking water - 750 ml;
  • pork / poultry meat - 300-400 g;
  • onions and carrots - one each;
  • salt, spices, herbs - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. We prepare everything you need: wash the cereal, cut the meat into small cubes, finely chop the onion and herbs, rub the carrots.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the multicooker and use the “frying” mode to process the meat for ten minutes. After the meat is prepared, add salt and spices to it.
  3. Add chopped vegetables to the meat and fry together with the meat for about 5 minutes.
  4. Next, we send clean cereals to the bowl along with three glasses of water.
  5. Select the "porridge" mode and set the cooking time to 40 minutes.
  6. At the end of cooking, you can immediately add greens and let the porridge stand for another 7-10 minutes, without turning off the slow cooker.
  7. Another option is to put greens on the table so that your household can put it on their plate in the right amount.

A lot has been written about the beneficial properties of corn porridge: it removes fats, toxins, perfectly cleanses the body, not to mention that it is one of the most low-calorie foods. But, cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker is also a surprisingly pleasant process for any housewife. After all, the food in it will not burn, it will not run away, and while it is being cooked, you can take an hour walk with the child, being sure that, upon arrival, the baby is guaranteed delicious, freshly prepared food.

Today, the choice of multicookers on the market is huge. We can choose a model for ourselves by price, by functionality, someone already likes brands. Is there a significant difference between them? For sure. But, be sure that any model that lives in your kitchen is suitable for making multicooker corn porridge. In Panasonic - use the "Buckwheat" function to make porridge for a side dish or "Milk porridge" to cook corn grits with milk. To cook corn porridge in the Polaris multicooker, you can use the same functions. By the way, if your model has the ability to set a timer to delay time (the “Delayed Start” function), then it will easily prepare a delicious breakfast for you and your loved ones while everyone is sleeping. Well, corn porridge in the Redmond slow cooker is also prepared using the Buckwheat and Milk Porridge modes.

Recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker

Before you start cooking porridge, corn grits should be washed very well in cold water. You need to do this until the water becomes clear. Then we put the cereal in the bowl. Since the power and functionality of multicookers can vary, then output the desired proportion of cereals and water once, so that the porridge is always a success. Usually it is boiled at the rate of 2:5, but the amount of water can be more or less - be guided by the "taste" of your kitchen assistant.


  • water - 5 glasses;
  • corn grits - 2 cups;
  • salt - to taste.


In order to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker, pour 2 cups of previously well-washed cereal into the bowl, fill it with water, add salt and set the “Buckwheat” mode for 1 hour. If the porridge seems damp to you, then you can add 1 more glass of water and leave it for 20 minutes in the “Extinguishing” mode. Corn porridge boiled in water is an excellent side dish for many meat dishes.

Milk corn porridge in a slow cooker

If there are lovers of milk porridge for breakfast in your house, then with the help of a slow cooker you can cook it, especially since the “Milk porridge” mode is available in almost any model of a kitchen miracle helper.



First, we thoroughly wash the cereal, then grease the bottom of the bowl with butter so that our porridge does not burn, and leave the rest of the oil there. As they say - you can't spoil porridge with butter! Pour the cereal, pour milk, add sugar and salt, mix all the ingredients and set the "Milk porridge" mode for 1 hour. After the signal, once again mix the corn porridge in a slow cooker and leave for 20-30 minutes to sweat. By the way, you can add honey, dried fruits or nuts to any milk porridge, with them breakfast will become both tastier and healthier.

People who watch their figure try to eat low-calorie meals. Surprisingly delicious corn porridge in a slow cooker has become a lifeline for many in the fight against extra pounds. After all, it contains fewer calories than oatmeal, or peas. Instead, cereals are rich in valuable elements for the body.

Since ancient times, corn has been called the queen of the fields, but in the 21st century it can rightfully be called the queen of dietary nutrition. Eating corn porridge cooked in a slow cooker makes it easy to control your weight. Even a small amount of the product brings a feeling of fullness, which lasts for several hours. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, which is important for dieting. What is the peculiarity of preparing such porridge? Let's take a look at a few simple recipes.

Diet porridge and slow cooker

For many years, low-calorie meals had to be cooked under "extreme" conditions. To get diet steamed cutlets, vegetable stew or porridge, you had to come up with various devices. Today, many have a modern miracle pan.

Cooking corn porridge in is just a pleasure. The main thing is to use the appropriate modes:

  • "Porridge";
  • "Pilaf";
  • "Extinguishing";
  • "Heating";
  • "Fry".

After that, you should set the optimal cooking time for dietary porridge from 30 to 50 minutes. The result is an excellent low-calorie product that contains many useful elements.

So that the porridge does not turn into a thick lump, you should correctly calculate the proportion of cereals and liquids before loading into a slow cooker.

Simple recipes for delicious porridge for a delicious diet

Some housewives do not really like to cook corn porridge for diet food. After all, for this you need to find a pan with a thick bottom, do not leave it for a minute and stir constantly. And when the porridge is cooked, it needs to be wrapped up so that it is infused. A whole ritual that takes a lot of time and effort. Another thing is to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker and get a lot of pleasant moments. The main thing is to use the original recipes for this low-calorie dish. Let's consider several options.

Classic porridge on the water

Cooking corn porridge on water in a slow cooker is truly not difficult. To do this, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • corn grits;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • water.

To make the porridge crumbly, it is advisable to pour 1 part of the cereal with 3 measures of water.

The preparation process consists of the following operations:

To get boiled porridge, it is left in the slow cooker for another 15 minutes. You can even start the "Heating" program.

The dish is served as a delicate side dish with fresh vegetables, boiled meat or mushrooms.
Lovers of sweets prefer to supplement it with dried fruits, raisins or just sugar. In any case, it remains a dietary and healthy product.

Healthy porridge with milk

Some children do not like to eat all kinds of cereals. Parents have to trick them into eating healthy food. But corn porridge cooked in a slow cooker with milk has long become a favorite dish of young gourmets. To cook it, it is enough to take a simple set of products:

  • groats (corn);
  • milk (cow or goat);
  • butter);
  • purified water);
  • salt;
  • sugar.

Milk corn porridge in a slow cooker is created in this way:

  1. Grains are poured into a bowl, filled with water and washed several times.
  2. Washed cereals, a little sugar and a piece of butter are placed in the capacity of the multicooker.
  3. The mixture is poured with milk diluted with water and mixed well.
  4. On the kitchen unit, the “Milk porridge” program is selected, the time is set to 35 minutes and the cooking process is started.
  5. When the signal sounds, the porridge is served to the table.

Porridge prepared in this way will certainly appeal to children. The grains are soft and tender. And the consistency of the dish resembles melted ice cream. Will children really refuse appetizing food?

For the preparation of milk porridge, it is preferable to choose finely ground cereals. The result is a homogeneous mass with a pleasant taste.

Original combination of corn and fruit

Wise mothers try to create real masterpieces for children so that they enjoy healthy food. Consider an interesting recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker with milk with fragrant fruits. For the dish you need to take:

  • finely ground corn grits;
  • milk (cow);
  • water;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • apple;
  • banana;
  • seedless raisins;
  • walnuts either.

Cooking milk porridge with fruit is easy if you follow these instructions:

The milk masterpiece is served hot, topped with chopped fruits, raisins and nuts.

You can attract capricious children to the dish with an original presentation of the dish. And also a beautiful plate with a painted bottom, a curly spoon and a pretty napkin help to arouse interest in healthy food.

Solar Gourd and Queen of the Fields

One Ukrainian poem speaks of a pumpkin that walks around the beds and asks its relatives. It turns out that all vegetables are ready to intermarry with her. And this is not surprising, because this queen of the garden is combined not only with vegetables, but also with cereals.

Corn porridge is one of the most delicious and healthy cereals that are suitable for dietary and baby food. She is especially good in a slow cooker. It is a pity that it is not as popular as, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. And it's not that they don't like her. Many simply do not know how to cook it deliciously.

For inexperienced housewives, corn porridge can burn or, conversely, remain unpleasantly tough. But in every culinary recipe, in addition to ingredients and cooking steps, there is always a special trick. It is this component that helps to make any dish a culinary masterpiece or simply delicious. Let's try to find out the intricacies of cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker.

Choose by packaging

First you need to buy corn, and for this - choose the right one. Indeed, on the shelves of supermarkets there is no shortage of cereals, including corn. Regardless of whether you buy by weight or in packs, you need to carefully consider the cereal. It should be dry, without lumps. It should not contain impurities and debris. It is extremely important that the cereal is not spoiled by mold or insects. The color of corn chips should be pale yellow, close to the color of fresh cobs.

Advice! Before cooking, rinse the corn grits well - until the water is clear. So you wash off possible dust, dirt, and the finished dish will be more aesthetic, in addition, it will have much less starch.

One big secret of corn porridge

N. Nosov's cheerful story "Mishkina porridge" was well remembered from childhood. There, two boys who decided to cook porridge, she climbed out of pots, bowls and bowls, but at the same time remained damp. This may well happen with corn grits. Although it does not boil as much, it can take a very long time to cook and remain firm.

The main nuance is proportions + time. The optimal ratio of corn grits with water: for 1 part of grits - 2.5-3 parts of water. To be sure, it is better to take 3 parts so that the porridge is soft and does not burn.

Advice! Washed cereals cook faster, but it reduces the amount of starch, which contains vitamin B1, which is very useful for the body. In order not to bathe the porridge, but to cook it soft, you need to let it “sweat”: remove it from the heat and wrap it in a towel or leave it in a slow cooker without heating, but without opening the lid.

Corn porridge in a slow cooker on the water

The happy owners of a convenient kitchen device called a “multi-cooker” know that a measuring container is attached to it - a “multi-glass”. They need to measure everything. Different manufacturers may have different mode names. For example, in the Polaris multicooker there is a Groats mode, and you can bring the dish to readiness in the Multicook mode. The recipe for corn porridge on the water is extremely simple.


  • corn grits - 2 multi-cups (m / st.);
  • purified drinking water - 6 m / st.;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Pour the pre-washed cereal into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Fill the grain with water.
  3. Salt and stir.
  4. Set the program "Buckwheat", "Porridge" or "Groats" for 60 minutes.
  5. At the end, you need to try the porridge and, if necessary, bring it to readiness in the “Extinguishing” or “Multi-cook” mode for another 15 minutes.

On milk

The multicooker has a special milk porridge program. Of course, you need to cook corn porridge in milk with its use, otherwise the milk will run away and flood the device.


  • corn grits - 0.5 m / st.;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • salt, sugar, fruits to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter.
  2. Pour in the cereal.
  3. Pour in milk, mix (milk does not need to be heated).
  4. Install the program, start cooking milk porridge.
  5. A few minutes before readiness, add salt, sugar to taste, add butter.

Advice! Add your favorite fruits to ready-made corn milk porridge - the porridge will become even tastier and healthier!

With vegetables

Most often, corn porridge is combined with fruits and prepared sweet. But no less appetizing is a dish with vegetables.

Have to take:

  • zucchini - 1 pc., small;
  • onion - 1 pc., medium;
  • carrots - 1 piece, medium;
  • vegetable oil for frying, you can corn;
  • salt, spices;
  • garlic;
  • corn grits - 2 m / st.;
  • water - 4-5 m / st.;
  • salt, spices to taste.

How to cook:

There are two ways to prepare vegetables: fry them separately in a pan while the porridge is cooking, or immediately cook them in a multicooker bowl. Let's consider the second method.

  1. Onion and zucchini cut into cubes.
  2. Grate carrots.
  3. Chop the garlic.
  4. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Stew” or “Frying” program.
  5. Pour vegetables, except garlic, sauté or fry until tender.
  6. At the end, add garlic, hold for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Put the vegetables out of the bowl onto a plate.
  8. Pour cereal in their place.
  9. Pour in water, cook on the “Porridge” mode for 40-45 minutes (checking readiness).
  10. Return the vegetables to the bowl, mix, bring to readiness (another 15-20 minutes) using the "Heating".

With meat

You can use any meat for porridge, but it is better to take less fat: chicken, lean pork, young veal. Their delicate texture will emphasize the delicate, slightly spicy taste of corn.

Products for cooking:

  • corn grits - 1 m / st.;
  • meat - 400-500 grams;
  • onion - 1 pc., large;
  • salt, spices;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the meat, pat dry and cut into small pieces.
  2. Onion cut into cubes.
  3. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, put the meat and onions, cook in the “Frying” mode until brown (but not to a burnt state).
  4. Pour the prepared cereals, salt, add spices, mix, cook in the "Porridge" mode for about half an hour. At the end, try for readiness.
  5. Mix, serve with herbs.

Corn porridge for feeding - is it possible?

Corn grits contain a lot of B vitamins and do not contain gluten, a protein found in cereals that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, corn porridge can be used as complementary foods. It is very nutritious and beneficial. It is introduced into complementary foods after buckwheat and rice, at the age of about 9 months. But here everything is individual. Look at the health of the baby, weight gain and his preferences.

For baby food, corn semolina is used instead of cereals, it is much finer ground and differs from ordinary semolina only in color. It makes a softer, more tender dish.

Plain corn grits as baby food can be prepared in two ways:

  1. Cook corn porridge according to the recipes described above, and then puree in a blender.
  2. Grind the cereal in a coffee grinder, and only then cook the porridge in water or milk.

Corn porridge, as complementary foods for children up to a year and older, must be alternated with others. It contains starch, which reduces intestinal motility and in large quantities can provoke constipation in the baby.

Whether to take instant porridge?

Many doctors and mothers argue about the advantages and disadvantages of industrially prepared instant cereals. They certainly save time, as after adding warm liquid they are immediately ready for use. The composition of such cereals is often enriched with vitamins and minerals that are lost during processing. They are necessarily tested for the presence of salts of heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates. They are low in additives, salt, sugar. On the packaging of such a product there are always indications of age, method of preparation. But industrial cereals contain less fiber and some other beneficial nutrients than regular cereals.

Corn semolina - tastier for children

Children eat milk porridge from corn semolina with more pleasure than from cereals. Such semolina is sold in stores, it is faster and easier to cook than cereals, especially in the Redmond slow cooker. For babies under two years old, it is better to dilute cow's milk 1: 1 with water. For cooking, you need to take a glass of milk and water, 3-4 tablespoons of corn semolina, salt, sugar, a piece of butter. For children under one year old, porridge can be cooked without salt, and put a little sugar.

Corn semolina is poured into a bowl with salt and sugar, poured with liquid and mixed well. In the "Milk porridge" mode, it cooks for 20 minutes. At the end butter is added. After standing for a while, the semolina will swell, the porridge will thicken a little.


Corn porridge cooked in a slow cooker will demonstrate once and for all how simple, tasty and healthy it is. And how much more can be cooked from this wonderful product, including national dishes: polenta, hominy, porridge in a Russian oven, even chips. Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Who doesn't love them?

Hearty, light, dairy and meat from various cereals for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

But corn porridge often falls out of this diverse list. And it’s not at all that it’s not tasty, it’s just that not everyone knows how to cook it.

But corn porridge is very useful, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of the elderly, young children and people who monitor their weight. With its low calorie content, it is satisfying and rich in vitamins, iron, amino acids and other useful substances.

Indeed, corn porridge is a healthy, tasty and satisfying dish, but not the easiest to prepare. It is important to cook the cereal, while not overcooking it and preventing it from burning. But thanks to modern kitchen appliances, such as a slow cooker, any dish, even according to the most complex recipe, is much easier and easier to prepare. You just need to load all the necessary ingredients into the bowl, set the mode according to the recipe, and wait for the beep.

Corn porridge in a slow cooker - the basic principles of cooking

Corn groats do not require complex and lengthy preparations before starting culinary manipulations. The main thing is that the cereal is fresh, not damp and not stale, otherwise the formation of lumps and an unpleasant rancid taste cannot be avoided.

The cereal is washed immediately before cooking. Corn grits from special bags for cooking do not require pre-rinsing.

The main thing that needs to be observed in order for the porridge to be a success is the proportions of cereals and liquids: water or milk. Usually, at least two and a half glasses of water are taken per glass of cereal, otherwise the porridge may turn out to be not very tender and soft, harsh grains will be felt in it.

Corn porridge can be sweet in milk or water with the addition of fruits, dried fruits, honey, berries, nuts, seeds - this option will be a great option to start the day - for breakfast. For lunch or dinner, you can cook more satisfying corn porridge, for example, with meat, mushrooms or vegetables. Surprisingly, corn porridge is good in both versions, see for yourself.

1. Corn porridge on water in a slow cooker


Two multi-glasses of corn grits;

Five multi-glasses of water;

How to cook:

1. Pour the cereal into a bowl, rinse it thoroughly. Drain the water, pour the cereal itself into the bowl of the multicooker.

2. Fill it with cold water, salt, mix.

3. Turn on the "Porridge" or, if available, "Buckwheat" mode for one hour.

4. After the time allotted for cooking, mix the corn porridge directly in the bowl, try it. If it seems a little harsh or damp to you, let it go on the “Extinguishing” mode for another 20 minutes.

5. This porridge is perfect for any meat or fish side dish; if desired, it can be flavored with butter in finished form.

2. Corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker


Half a multi-glass of corn grits;

Half a liter of milk;

Butter - a small piece;

Salt and sugar.

How to cook:

1. Put the thoroughly washed cereal in a multicooker bowl, greased with a small amount of butter.

2. Pour the cereal with cold milk, cook on the "Milk porridge" mode for one hour.

3. 10 minutes before the beep, open the lid of the appliance, add a 50-gram piece of butter, sugar and salt to taste.

4. Stir.

5. If after the end of the program the porridge is not cooked, you can insist it for 20-30 minutes in the "Heating" mode.

6. Ready-made porridge is delicious without any additives, but if you wish, you can put pieces of fruit, berries, honey, nuts in it before serving.

3. Corn porridge with dried fruits in a slow cooker


Two multi-glasses of milk;

Two multi-glasses of water;

Multiglass of cereals;

100 grams of dried apricots and raisins;

Half a pack of butter;

2-2.5 st. spoons of sugar;

How to cook:

1. Rinse raisins and dried apricots, put in a bowl, pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Rinse again, pat dry slightly in a colander, and cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Mix water and milk.

3. Rinse the cereal thoroughly and put it in a multi-cooker bowl, pour the milk-water mixture, add granulated sugar and a little salt to taste.

4. Cook on the "Porridge" mode for 1 hour 10 minutes.

5. Put dried fruits and butter prepared in advance, mix thoroughly.

6. Hold for another 20 minutes in the "Extinguishing" or "Heating" mode.

7. Along with dried fruits, you can also add some nuts, walnuts or almonds. They will first need to be shelled, lightly fried and crushed.

4. Corn porridge in a slow cooker: recipe with pumpkin


Three multi-glasses of milk;

3/4 multi-cup corn grits;

a tablespoon of sugar;

Salt to taste;

Sweet butter;

300 grams of pumpkin pulp.

How to cook:

1. Put the washed corn grits into a dry multi-cooker bowl, fry it, stirring, for 12 minutes on the appropriate mode.

2. As soon as the cereal acquires a pleasant golden hue, pour boiling milk over it. Leave for half an hour, turning off the slow cooker so that the cereal swells.

3. While the corn grits are standing, take care of the pumpkin: peel the pulp and seeds, cut into small cubes.

4. Sprinkle pumpkin cubes with granulated sugar, let stand in this form for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough for the pumpkin to release juice.

5. Put the pumpkin to the cereal, add salt and butter, mix.

6. Cook for 35 minutes by selecting the "Milk porridge" mode.

7. Stir the finished porridge and carefully transfer to plates, garnish with roasted and peeled pumpkin or sunflower seeds if desired.

5. Corn porridge with vegetables in a slow cooker


Two multi-glasses of cereals;

Five multi-glasses of water;

Seasonings, salt;

Vegetable oil;



A small zucchini.

How to cook:

1. Peel all the vegetables from the skin, cut the onion into small cubes, carrots into thin strips, young zucchini into medium cubes.

2. Pour oil into the multicooker pan, fry on it, turning on the “Baking” mode, first onion, then add carrots and lastly zucchini.

3. Put chopped garlic, spices and salt, soak a little more so that all excess liquid is gone, then transfer to a plate.

4. In a bowl that you don’t need to rinse after vegetables, put the cereal. Fill it with water, salt a little, cook on the “Porridge” mode for 40 minutes.

5. After the beep, open the lid of the multicooker, put the previously fried vegetables into the porridge, mix.

6. Cook for another 30 minutes on the "Heating" mode.

6. Corn porridge in a slow cooker: recipe with meat


Half a kilo of lean pork;

Incomplete multi-glass of cereals;

Four multi-glasses of water;

Large bulb;

Spices, salt.

How to cook:

1. Rinse the meat thoroughly, dry it by wrapping it in a paper towel, then cut into small cubes.

2. Put the pork into the preheated oil in the bowl.

3. Put the diced onion here as well.

4. Fry the prepared ingredients on the "Frying" mode, stirring, for about 20 minutes, until they soften and acquire a delicious golden brown color.

5. Add washed cereals, salt, seasonings. Fill everything with water.

6. Cook corn porridge in a slow cooker on the “Porridge” mode for 30 minutes.

7. Before serving, be sure to mix thoroughly and, if desired, garnish with fresh herbs.

7. Corn porridge with mushrooms in a slow cooker


300 grams of corn grits;

300 grams of champignons;

Liter of water;


Two bulbs;

Salt, spices;

Corn or sunflower oil.

How to cook:

1. Put the cereal in a bowl, rinse thoroughly.

2. Peel the carrots and onions, rinse and dry the mushrooms.

3. Cut the carrot into thin strips, mushrooms into small cubes, and a quarter of the onion into rings.

4. Set the "Frying" mode for 15 minutes.

5. Pour in the oil, and as soon as it warms up, put onions, mushrooms and carrots. Fry, stirring, without closing the lid, until the products soften and acquire a golden crust.

6. Put cereals, salt, spices to the fried ingredients. Pour in boiling water and stir.

7. Cover the multicooker with a lid, set the “Porridge” or “Groats” program for 20 minutes.

8. After a quarter of an hour, open the lid of the multicooker, mix the porridge.

9. Leave it to reach the "Heating" mode for 10 minutes.

10. Put the finished corn porridge on plates, garnish with herbs to taste.

Corn porridge in a slow cooker - the secrets and subtleties of cooking

If at the end of cooking you find that the porridge is thick, add boiled water or milk and keep the porridge in the "Heating" mode for another 15-20 minutes.

If, when you open the lid, you see that the water or milk is not completely gone, just stir the porridge and also leave it for 10-20 minutes in the "Heating" mode. Also keep in mind that corn porridge thickens after standing for a while.

Don't be afraid to bring something new to the dish, corn grits go well with almost all foods. Additional flavor notes will be added to the porridge by vegetable sauteing, fried bell peppers and tomatoes, salted cheese and much more.

Fruits and dried fruits, unlike vegetables, mushrooms, meat, are added to ready-made porridge, this can be done in different ways: chopped in a blender and mixed with the whole mass or put in large pieces on top of the porridge laid out on a plate.
