
Pancakes are torn, which is not enough. Pancakes fall apart when frying

Novice hostesses ask - why do pancakes tear when turned over? When preparing this hearty Russian dish, you want the perfect shape, but it doesn’t always work out. Do not worry, you can fix things right in the process of cooking, and some tricks and rules will help you stop worrying about this at all.

Let's start with a technical issue - frying pans. For baking pancakes, heavy cast iron is ideal. Not everyone has it, choose an alternative among the highest quality ones. If not only pancakes, but also other dishes stick to the selected pan, then it is not suitable for baking. Find a replacement.

Another important point is intensity. Before baking, set a good fire and heat a dry frying pan. Visually check that there are no water droplets on the surface of the dishes. If the pan is not preheated, then flipping the pancakes is harder. This is one of the reasons why the first pancake is always lumpy.

Check the oil

Pour a teaspoon of vegetable oil into a heated pan. You may find out from some recipes that they use different fats, such as margarine or butter, but this is not correct. Butter is added to ready-made pancakes for satiety, but they are baked only in vegetable oil.

There should also be oil in the dough itself, usually they write about it in recipes. Don't miss this moment.

Check the recipe

What to do if everything is in order with the pan, it is hot and there is enough oil, but all the same, the pancakes are torn when turning over? Then check the recipe. There are several reasons for this.

Few eggs

Add an extra egg to the batter. It will serve as a link for the rest of the ingredients. If the ratio of flour - liquid - eggs of the latter is small, then the pancakes will break. Although there is, but it has its own specifics.

Little flour

A small amount of flour is easiest to check: if the dough is too watery, then there is just not enough flour in the batch. The dough for pancakes should be liquid, but not water, it should spread, but not pour out. If you cook on water, then use. He is the best.

Remember that when adding each additional ingredient, the dough is well kneaded until smooth. If you add too much flour, then you need to add an egg.

A lot of sugar

If you have already checked everything, and the pancakes stick to the pan and tear, what should you do? Check the sugar in the dough. There are usually two problems with him - there is too much of him or he is poorly mixed. Try to mix the sugar with the eggs well so that it has time to dissolve in the structure. Make sure the mix is ​​even and uniform.

As for the large amount of sugar, it is enough to follow the recipe. Don't try to make pancakes sweeter by adding more sugar. If there is too much of it, the consistency of the dough will be broken and it will be more difficult to bake pancakes. It is better to add sugar or sweet toppings to ready-made pancakes.

Strictly follow the recipe

Pancakes are easy to make, but if you do not follow the correct sequence, you can break the consistency. It is not for nothing that water, milk or kefir are added to flour sequentially. Follow the step by step instructions and you will be fine. This is especially important for kefir pancakes, recipes and.

Use a wide spatula

Finally, to make pancakes perfect, take a wide wooden or silicone spatula. In some cases, it is convenient to turn over by hand. There are many individual nuances here, so you just need to get used to it and the process of turning over will be easier.

Now you know why pancakes tear when turned over and you can avoid problems during the preparation of the next culinary masterpiece.

Experienced housewives are advised to try to experiment with the proportions of the constituent ingredients to solve this problem, the main ones being flour, milk and eggs.

Another reason may be the addition of various flavor components to the dough. Particularly contribute to the fact that pancakes tear when turned over, cocoa and vanillin.

And the last. Before baking pancakes, it is necessary that the cooked dough stand a little and acquire the necessary stickiness. No need to rush to pour it immediately into the pan. It is enough to let it stand at room temperature for at least 15 minutes and only then proceed to cooking.

Rules for making pancakes

So that you are not disturbed by the question of why pancakes are torn when turning over, you need to follow some rules and listen to the advice of those who make this dish great.

Firstly, it is undesirable to add egg powder instead of eggs. He can change a few things. And only using natural eggs in the recipe, you can get thin pancakes with delicate edges.

Do not add too much sugar to the dough. With too much of it, pancakes will burn.

There should be no lumps in the pancake batter. This can be achieved by using a mixer when mixing it, rather than a whisk or fork. It is advisable to sift the flour through a sieve to saturate it with oxygen.

The basis of the test is water or milk. You can use kefir or whey. This will make the pancakes even tastier.

But such liquids or juice are unlikely to improve the taste of the dish. Some, instead of ordinary water, use mineral sparkling water. In this case, the pancakes are porous and openwork.

As for the type of flour, as a rule, most housewives use the highest quality wheat flour. But no less tasty and original pancakes can be made from other types of flour - oatmeal, buckwheat, corn and others.

How to fry pancakes so that they do not tear

So, the dough is ready. An important question - on what to fry pancakes?

Modern non-stick pans are not very suitable for this. Better than a cast-iron pan, on which pancakes have been fried for a long time, nothing has yet been invented. In such a pan, pancakes bake evenly and never burn.

It is very convenient to use special pancake makers that allow you to bake several pancakes at the same time.

The ability to bake smooth, light, beautiful and mouth-watering pancakes comes with experience. Few of the young housewives can invite relatives to pancakes without hesitation: at first they turn out to be very unsightly. I want to figure out why pancakes stick to the pan and tear. It is also interesting to learn how to make pancakes not burn, and what to add to the dough to make it lush and tasty.

Below we will try to explain what causes problems when baking pancakes, and give recommendations on how to prevent and solve them.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear

  • Saving eggs. If you are kneading the dough for the first time, you must strictly follow all recommendations regarding the amount of ingredients. So, if you want to save on eggs, pancakes will not be elastic enough. They will tear and stick to the pan, as it is the eggs that provide the dough with elasticity. However, you can still fix it! To make the dough more pliable and dense, add 1-2 more eggs to it and give it a uniform consistency.
  • Lack of flour If there is too little flour, the dough turns out to be liquid, and the pancakes formed from it are torn when you try to turn them over. From a very thin pancake (and what else can be made from batter?), Moisture evaporates instantly. A thin and loose layer remains, sticking to the surface of the pan.

    The batter can be thickened. Add flour to it and stir it very carefully, breaking all the lumps.

    And one more tip: do not rush to bake pancakes from freshly prepared dough! Let it stand for half an hour so that the flour releases the gluten. Thanks to this, the dough will become more dense and viscous, and it will be easier to bake pancakes.

  • Lack of oil. When kneading the dough, flavor it with vegetable oil. Firstly, it improves the taste of ready-made pancakes. Secondly, thanks to the oil, they are easily turned over and removed.

    In addition, the pan in which you plan to bake pancakes should be greased with oil or lard (unsalted). You can do this with a paper towel. Please note that only the bottom needs to be lubricated! Excess oil will not benefit the pancakes.

  • Too much sugar and/or spices. When preparing dough for pancakes, do not get carried away with spices. Vanilla, cardamom, pepper and other exotic spices make the dough fragile. The same "sin" and granulated sugar. So if you want to give your pancakes a sweet and quirky flavor, flavor them with honey/syrup/cinnamon/vanilla sugar when they're done. The dough should be as fresh as possible.
  • Wrong pan. Pancakes are a capricious product. No pan is suitable for their preparation. For this purpose, it is best to take a thick-walled cast-iron pan, the bottom and walls of which will warm up evenly.

    If you prefer thin pancakes, it is worth getting a non-stick pan. The main thing is that you have separate dishes exclusively for pancakes. You can't fry or bake anything else on it. The fact is that in the pans that we use daily, scratches or chips appear every now and then, and any mechanical damage leads to the fact that pancakes are torn during the baking process.

    Lovers of modern "smart" kitchen appliances can recommend an electric crepe maker. She can bake several pancakes at the same time. Even an inexperienced hostess can cope with this unit: it is enough to set the desired mode, and the crepe maker will do everything herself. Pancakes cooked "automatically" turn out beautiful and ruddy.

In order for your pancakes to come out “like grandmother’s”, they need to be baked according to all the rules. How exactly? - we'll tell you now.

  • While kneading the dough, make sure that it acquires an even color and becomes uniform in consistency. To prevent the formation of lumps, first mix the flour with some kefir or milk. Add fluid if necessary.
  • Heat the pan well and quickly brush with oil. Only after that you can pour pancake dough on it.
  • To spread the batter evenly across the pan (i.e. form a round pancake with smooth edges), tilt the pan in different directions.
  • The fire must be moderate.
  • Use a wooden spatula to flip the pancakes. Grip the edges of the pancake first, then flip it over. The pros flip the pancakes by tossing them in the pan. You will be able to repeat this trick only if the dough is thick enough.
  • If you can't flip a pancake that's too thin, tilt the pan perpendicular to the surface of the stove. The pancake will come off easily.
  • Be careful not to let the pan get too hot or the pancakes will burn. It is believed that the pancake is completely baked in half a minute. In fact, the cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough and the temperature of the pan. The moment when you need to turn the pancake can only be determined empirically. If you see that small bubbles have begun to form on the surface of the dough, and the pancake has begun to brown around the edges, feel free to turn it over.

Now you know why pancakes are torn and how to avoid it. Get a separate frying pan and a wooden spatula to it, find a suitable recipe and start honing your skills. Do not neglect the recommendations of professionals, do not save food (you don’t need so much for pancake dough), knead the dough correctly, do not overheat the pan and be sure to use oil. After some time, you will be surprised how easy it is to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes that diverge with a bang.

Successful experiments!

Who among us does not love freshly baked mouth-watering pancakes with a golden crust, which, with their aroma alone, can excite all our taste buds? Such a delicacy does not require a lot of time to prepare, and the result will truly satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious and capricious gourmet.

But what if, instead of beautiful round suns, we see crumbling dough sticking to the pan, which certainly does not cause appetite, but only spoils the mood of both the hostess and the household? Why do pancakes tear when turning over and is the well-known proverb about the notorious pancake “lump” really not just a fiction, but a real reality - this article will give detailed answers to these and other questions.

If not only the first pancake, but almost half, turned out to be “lumpy”, in this case the whole cooking process only begins to annoy and unnerve, and not bring positive emotions from the culinary work done.

The hostess remains dissatisfied and upset, and relatives and friends, in order not to condemn anyone, chew on an improperly prepared dish and comfort the negligent cook with dubious praise. In order to avoid such a fiasco, we will tell you what to add to pancakes so that they do not tear and what are the subtleties of their proper preparation.

Choosing a frying pan

Marketing tricks work with a bang, so manufacturers guarantee success if you purchase a special pancake maker designed exclusively for making pancakes. In fact, there are only two metals that prevent dough from sticking and burning. These include good old cast iron and aluminum. Therefore, any pan made of aluminum or cast iron will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it.

The whole secret lies in the fact that after several cooking, a thin fatty film forms on the surface of the product, thanks to which the pancakes do not tear when frying. The same film prevents the formation of rust in the pan, thereby protecting it and extending the life of this cookware.

the fact that after cooking you still expose the product to washing, after one cleaning the fatty film will not be completely washed off, so the next time the dough will not stick and tear when turning over. Thus, all the incidents and failures of cooking a dish in a new pan are explained.

It’s just that the product hasn’t had time to “get used to it” yet, and that’s why you don’t get pancakes, although the dough is cooked correctly and all the ingredients are added in the right amount.

The right dough

If pancakes are torn during frying, this indicates that somewhere you made a mistake, and the recipe for the dish was not followed in accordance with all the rules.

Lack of flour will cause batter. The rapid evaporation of moisture emanating from the soaring pancake layer makes it less elastic and resilient. As a result, the cake in the process of frying has no choice but to tear when turning over. Therefore, flour must be put as much as indicated in the recipe. This is an important nuance that should not be neglected.

Wrong ratio of eggs

Egg deficiency is another popular reason for pancakes sticking to the pan and subsequently tearing. Eggs play the role of "culinary cement" that holds all the ingredients together. However, there are recipes that contain eggs in small quantities or are simply absent. An example of this would be kefir-based pancake dough. In this case, the dough is brewed with boiling water, as a result of which it acquires an elastic structure. In this case, turning the pancake is not difficult.

excess sugar

Pancakes continue to behave not in the best way if an excessive amount of sugar is added to the dough. During the first baking, there will be a "caramel effect" when the underside of the pancake burns and sticks to the surface of the pan. Fans of sweet pancakes can sweeten them when consumed using condensed milk, powdered sugar, jam, or honey.

Spices (cinnamon, vanilla, pepper, cardamom, etc.) also make the dough structure fragile. Pancakes do not turn over well if you add a lot of them. If you want to give the dish a unique taste, you should not use spices in large quantities.

Effect of soda

Various kinds of troubles can lie in wait for those housewives who add too much soda to the pancake mix. This will affect both the appearance of the pancakes and their taste. The fact is that soda makes the structure of the product looser, while its excess contributes to the destruction of the stickiness of the dough. As a result, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a whole openwork pancake. As for taste, an excessive amount of soda will give the dish an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.

Oil influence

Vegetable oil is a unique ingredient in pancake dough. After all, it often happens that it is it that can save the situation. Just a few tablespoons of vegetable oil will help soften the dough, creating an extra ball of fat between the pancake being baked and the surface of the pan. At the same time pancakes are well removed and are not torn.


One of the main reasons why a pancake breaks is the utensils used for baking. Today, many housewives prefer frying pans from well-known manufacturers with a non-stick coating such as "Taperver". Such dishes are suitable even for beginners, because the likelihood that pancakes will tear when turned over is minimal. At the beginning of the baking process, it is enough to drop a few drops of vegetable oil onto the hot surface of the pan, which will not only facilitate the removal of the cake, but also make it more fragrant and attractive.

However, do not neglect the cast-iron or aluminum inventory of our mothers and grandmothers. Many of us noted that very tasty ruddy and mouth-watering pancakes are obtained on a nondescript cast iron. The secret of frying pancakes in such pans lies in the porous structure of the material. This contributes to the formation of an oil layer, which makes it easy to remove a ruddy cake. An ideal option for baking pancakes is a frying pan with low sides and a comfortable handle.

It is advisable to have a separate frying pan for baking pancakes, which requires special care. At the end of frying, cast iron cookware does not need to be washed. It is enough to pour a little oil and a couple of tablespoons of salt into it. After calcining the mixture for several minutes over medium heat, it must be removed. After that, carefully wipe the surface of the pan with a soft, clean cloth or napkin, which allows you to save a thin oil ball.

We bake correctly

What to do if the pancake is torn? In this process, it is also important to follow the correct baking method. Having made a pancake batch, do not rush to start frying. This is one of the common mistakes in the pancake making process. The kneaded dough should rest for at least 30 minutes. During this time, the flour will release the maximum amount of gluten, which guarantees a dense and elastic pancake.

  1. Try to stick to the recipe. If the test lacks any components or, on the contrary, in excess, bring the ratio of ingredients to the recommended one.
  2. Failure to follow the rules of kneading dough also plays an important role in the process of making pancakes. It is necessary to use only sifted flour, which should be introduced into the dough in small portions. Mix the pancake mixture thoroughly with a whisk. It is important that it has a uniform consistency.
  3. It is not advisable to use egg powder instead of eggs for making dough. It can not only spoil the appearance of the dish, but also its taste.
  4. To prevent the dough from tearing when turning, it is necessary to choose the right dishes for baking it. It is good if a personal frying pan is allocated for this purpose, which will not be used for frying other products.
  5. The dough must be poured onto a hot and greased surface with oil, grease or lard. To do this, it is convenient to use half a raw potato, which should be chopped on a fork. If necessary, dip the potatoes in oil and grease the pan with it.
  6. If the first pancake is unsuccessful, remove it from the pan and carefully clean the surface. Then heat the dishes well, and be sure to grease with oil.
  7. It is better to bake thin pancakes on medium heat; for yeast dough, it is preferable to use low heat.
  8. Turn the pancake over after a golden crust forms around the edge. If this is done earlier, then you will certainly damage the integrity of the cake.

How to fry pancakes (video)

Pancakes with cheese: do not tear when baking (video)

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Attention, only TODAY!

Why do pancakes tear and stick to the pan? The answer to this question is found by virtually any novice hostess. Baking wonderful and savory pancakes is practically an art. But you can get hold of it pretty quickly. It is only necessary to understand a few fundamental rules for the manufacture of this dish. Specifically, we are talking about them in this article.

After examining the information offered here, any hostess will learn the prerequisites for the problems that arise when baking the state Russian dish - pancakes.

Reason #1: Not Enough Eggs

Why are pancakes bursting? Maybe the recipe was broken during the preparation of the dough? When kneading it, you must strictly follow the description. Usually, pancakes stick and burst if there are not many eggs in the dough. Protein and yolk is the connecting link of all other ingredients. The lack of these ingredients leads to the fact that the structure and density of the dough are violated. It is possible to save such a workpiece. Add 1-2 eggs to the dough. Stir the resulting mass and add a little flour to it. Mix everything thoroughly again. The dough should be a homogeneous mixture.

Reason number 2: the missing amount of flour

The reason why pancakes tear when turned over may be a lack of flour in the batch. A very watery dough in a hot frying pan quickly loses moisture. It leaves a very thin and porous cake. It is very difficult to turn it over, and sometimes it is simply unrealistic. If this problem happens to your dough, add a little flour to it and mix until all the lumps are broken.

Having made the dough for pancakes, do not rush to bake it right away. Leave the workpiece to brew for half an hour. During this period of time, the flour will release the gluten, which will make the dough structure denser.

Reason #3: Lack of fat

Be sure to add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil to the dough during the kneading, as the lack of fat in the dough may be a prerequisite for why pancakes are torn. The taste of the dish will only benefit from this. And the cakes themselves will simply turn over and be removed from the bottom of the pan.

In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the mold itself with fat. This can be done with a piece of unsalted lard or any vegetable oil. But with the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Fat, a narrow layer, should be greased only the bottom of the pan. It is comfortable to do this with a napkin dipped in oil or with a brush.

Reason number 4: excess sugar or spices

When making pancake dough, try not to overdo it with spices. Vanilla sugar, pepper, coriander and other seasonings change its strength. As a result, thin pancakes will both burn and tear. And even the most ordinary granulated sugar in the composition of the dough can serve as a prerequisite for violating the integrity of the cakes. Therefore, it must be kept to a minimum. Additional sweetness can be given to pancakes after cooking, anointing them with jam or honey.

Reason #5: Bad frying pan

So that the process of baking an ancient Russian dish brings you pleasure, it is important to choose the right frying pan for this business. In the standard, it should be metal. The walls and bottom of this form are quite thick, which contributes to the uniform baking of the dough. You can also use modern non-stick pans to make thin cakes. Experienced cooks advise to have separate dishes for baking this dish, in other words, it should be intended only for pancakes, since those forms in which meat, fish, and vegetables are fried may have small scratches and notches. An uneven bottom surface can also be a reason why pancakes tear when baking.

Such a modern unit as an electric pancake maker has proven itself perfectly. It is profitable in that it can bake several thin pancakes at once. The temperature mode program, set according to the annotation, allows the hostess not to worry that the pancakes will burn or not bake. Even a novice cook with the help of such an assistant as an electronic pancake maker will be able to cook ruddy and savory cakes.

Learning to bake pancakes correctly. Tips for beginners

You have already learned the main prerequisites for why pancakes are torn. Next, we will talk about the rules of the baking process of this dish. If you follow all the rules described below, you will no longer have problems with making thin cakes.

  • We knead the dough correctly according to the annotation, we lay the number of goods. which is indicated in the recipe.
  • Knead the dough until the time until it acquires a uniform color and a uniform consistency. In order not to create lumps, you must first stir the flour with a small amount of water (milk, water, kefir), and then add more.
  • Before pouring the dough into the pan, it must be heated, and then greased.
  • It is recommended to bake pancakes on moderate heat.
  • Spin the cakes with a spatula, first lifting the edges in a circle.

Why do pancakes tear when frying? Now this issue is no longer relevant. You understand all the secrets of making this dish.

In contact with

The ability to bake smooth, light, beautiful and mouth-watering pancakes comes with experience. Few of the young housewives can invite relatives to pancakes without hesitation: at first they turn out to be very unsightly. I want to figure out why pancakes stick to the pan and tear. It is also interesting to learn how to make pancakes not burn, and what to add to the dough to make it lush and tasty.

Below we will try to explain what causes problems when baking pancakes, and give recommendations on how to prevent and solve them.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear

  • Saving eggs. If you are kneading the dough for the first time, you must strictly follow all recommendations regarding the amount of ingredients. So, if you want to save on eggs, pancakes will not be elastic enough. They will tear and stick to the pan, as it is the eggs that provide the dough with elasticity. However, you can still fix it! To make the dough more pliable and dense, add 1-2 more eggs to it and give it a uniform consistency.
  • Lack of flour If there is too little flour, the dough turns out to be liquid, and the pancakes formed from it are torn when you try to turn them over. From a very thin pancake (and what else can be made from batter?), Moisture evaporates instantly. A thin and loose layer remains, sticking to the surface of the pan.

    The batter can be thickened. Add flour to it and stir it very carefully, breaking all the lumps.

    And one more tip: do not rush to bake pancakes from freshly prepared dough! Let it stand for half an hour so that the flour releases the gluten. Thanks to this, the dough will become more dense and viscous, and it will be easier to bake pancakes.

  • Lack of oil. When kneading the dough, flavor it with vegetable oil. Firstly, it helps to improve the taste of ready-made pancakes. Secondly, thanks to the oil, they are easily turned over and removed.

    In addition, the pan in which you plan to bake pancakes should be greased with oil or lard (unsalted). You can do this with a paper towel. Please note that only the bottom needs to be lubricated! Excess oil will not benefit the pancakes.

  • Too much sugar and/or spices. When preparing dough for pancakes, do not get carried away with spices. Vanilla, cardamom, pepper and other exotic spices make the dough fragile. The same "sin" and granulated sugar. So if you want to give your pancakes a sweet and quirky flavor, flavor them with honey/syrup/cinnamon/vanilla sugar when they're done. The dough should be as fresh as possible.
  • Wrong pan. Pancakes are a capricious product. No pan is suitable for their preparation. For this purpose, it is best to take a thick-walled cast-iron pan, the bottom and walls of which will warm up evenly.

    If you prefer thin pancakes, consider getting a non-stick pan. The main thing is that you have separate dishes exclusively for pancakes. You can't fry or bake anything else on it. The fact is that in the pans that we use daily, scratches or chips appear every now and then, and any mechanical damage leads to the fact that pancakes are torn during the baking process.

    Lovers of modern "smart" kitchen appliances can recommend an electric crepe maker. She can bake several pancakes at the same time. Even an inexperienced hostess can cope with this unit: it is enough to set the desired mode, and the crepe maker will do everything herself. Pancakes cooked "automatically" turn out beautiful and ruddy.

In order for your pancakes to come out “like grandmother’s”, they need to be baked according to all the rules. How exactly? - we'll tell you now.

  • While kneading the dough, make sure that it acquires an even color and becomes uniform in consistency. To prevent the formation of lumps, first mix the flour with some kefir or milk. Add fluid if necessary.
  • Heat the pan well and quickly brush with oil. Only after that you can pour pancake dough on it.
  • To spread the batter evenly across the pan (i.e. form a round pancake with smooth edges), tilt the pan in different directions.
  • The fire must be moderate.
  • Use a wooden spatula to flip the pancakes. Grip the edges of the pancake first, then flip it over. The pros flip the pancakes by tossing them in the pan. You will be able to repeat this trick only if the dough is thick enough.
  • If you can't flip a pancake that's too thin, tilt the pan perpendicular to the surface of the stove. The pancake will come off easily.
  • Be careful not to let the pan get too hot or the pancakes will burn. It is believed that the pancake is completely baked in half a minute. In fact, the cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough and the temperature of the pan. The moment when you need to turn the pancake can only be determined empirically. If you see that small bubbles have begun to form on the surface of the dough, and the pancake has begun to brown around the edges, feel free to turn it over.

Now you know why pancakes are torn and how to avoid it. Get a separate frying pan and a wooden spatula to it, find a suitable recipe and start honing your skills. Do not neglect the recommendations of professionals, do not save food (you don’t need so much for pancake dough), knead the dough correctly, do not overheat the pan and be sure to use oil. After some time, you will be surprised how easy it is to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes that diverge with a bang.

Successful experiments!

Who among us does not love freshly baked delicious pancakes with a golden crust, which with their aroma alone can excite all our taste buds? Such a delicacy does not require a lot of time to prepare, and the result will truly satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious and capricious gourmet.

But what if, instead of beautiful round suns, we see crumbling dough sticking to the pan, which certainly does not cause appetite, but only spoils the mood of both the hostess and the household? Why do pancakes tear when turning over and is the well-known proverb about the notorious pancake “lump” really not just a fiction, but a real reality - this article will give detailed answers to these and other questions.

If not only the first pancake, but almost half, turned out to be “lumpy”, in this case the whole cooking process only begins to annoy and unnerve, and not bring positive emotions from the culinary work done.

The hostess remains dissatisfied and upset, and relatives and friends, in order not to condemn anyone, chew on an improperly prepared dish and comfort the negligent cook with dubious praise. In order to avoid such a fiasco, we will tell you what to add to pancakes so that they do not tear and what are the subtleties of their proper preparation.

Choosing a frying pan

Marketing tricks work with a bang, so manufacturers guarantee success if you purchase a special pancake maker designed exclusively for making pancakes. In fact, there are only two metals that prevent dough from sticking and burning. These include good old cast iron and aluminum. Therefore, any pan made of aluminum or cast iron will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it.

The whole secret lies in the fact that after several cooking, a thin fatty film forms on the surface of the product, thanks to which the pancakes do not tear when frying. The same film prevents the formation of rust in the pan, thereby protecting it and extending the life of this cookware.

the fact that after cooking you still expose the product to washing, after one cleaning the fatty film will not be completely washed off, so the next time the dough will not stick and tear when turning over. Thus, all the incidents and failures of cooking a dish in a new pan are explained.

It’s just that the product hasn’t had time to “get used to it” yet, and that’s why you don’t get pancakes, although the dough is cooked correctly and all the ingredients are added in the right amount.

The right dough

If pancakes are torn during frying, this indicates that somewhere you made a mistake, and the recipe for the dish was not followed in accordance with all the rules.

Pancakes also fall apart when various flavoring components, such as cocoa or vanillin, are added to the dough.

Do you want to avoid such troubles? Then keep the use of these ingredients to a minimum and do not abuse a lot of soda and sugar.

Secrets of the correct preparation of pancakes

If you don’t get pancakes, you probably didn’t take into account some important nuances that can significantly affect the quality characteristics of the dish. In order to avoid possible incidents, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main secrets of making delicious and fragrant pancakes:

If there are people in the world who do not like pancakes, it is only because they have never tried them. What could be better than a stack of ruddy hot pancakes emitting fragrant steam? And all the more offensive to the hostess when her delicate delicious masterpieces, even cooked according to all the rules, begin to tear. Indeed, why are pancakes torn, in which so much love and care has been invested? Poorly heated frying pan? Too thick? Wrong dough?

To cook openwork thin pancakes, you need to know the secrets of their preparation

First flour products

Pancakes are perhaps one of the most ancient types of flatbread. At the very beginning of their history, they were made only from water and flour, then restless humanity began to improve such a simple and tasty dish. And not only Russian people had a hand in creating pancake masterpieces. Similar dishes, only with different names, are among the French, Mongols, Chinese, British, Indians, Ethiopians.

And from a simple mixture of flour and water, today's pancakes are also far gone. Now in the arsenal of a modern housewife there are recipes for dough on milk, kefir, mineral water, on boiling water, with soda, with salt, on rice flour, on yeast, buckwheat, carrot, apple ... And it is also a symbol of the sun, so pancakes are always baked on Maslenitsa helping the sun bring spring faster.

Different peoples of the world have their own recipes and secrets for making pancakes.

What is pancake dough made of?

The composition of the dough for classic pancakes is extremely simple: flour, eggs, milk. Salt and sugar to taste. And then the very details begin that make an ordinary cake a culinary masterpiece and will not allow it to tear:

  1. Flour. Most often, ordinary wheat flour is used. The higher the grade, the thinner and more delicate they will be. There is also a special pancake flour. During production, soda or baking powder, milk powder, sugar, salt, and everything else the manufacturer wants to make their product unique are added to it. In such a composition, you can simply add water - and in a frying pan. Making good dough on your own is a little more difficult, but the taste of pancakes made from fresh ingredients will make up for all the time and effort lost. You can choose buckwheat, corn, rice flour, but each of them requires a special approach. If it is not enough, then pancakes can be torn, regardless of the type and grade of flour.
  2. Eggs. They come in different varieties and sizes. There are recipes without eggs at all (brewed with boiling water). You can use one or more eggs. The taste and quality of the dough from this change greatly. For example, 1-2 eggs will make pancakes openwork, and if you overdo it with eggs, you get a rubber cake. With a lack of eggs, pancakes can break. It is impossible to specify the exact number of eggs - they come in completely different sizes. Will have to experiment a little.
  3. Milk. Not only milk is suitable, you can limit yourself to plain water or take kefir. There are recipes that use mineral water - it will make products thin and delicate. It is better to use milk at room temperature - the flour will dissolve more easily and there will be fewer lumps. If you are making dough with yeast, then the milk needs to be slightly warmed up. There is a chance that pancakes will tear when folding if the dough is too thick. You can try to roll them warm (cooled ones tear more often) or dilute the dough a little with water or kefir.

Pancake Dough Includes Simple Ingredients

There are many recipes with various ingredients. But you will have to figure out the proportions yourself. Try making a small amount of dough and remember (or write down) the proportions. Fry a test pancake, roll it up. Doesn't tear? Hooray, you have a personal perfect recipe.

How and what to fry

So, the dough is ready. Can you pour it into the pan? Yes, in no case, if you do not want your pancake to break. You need to let the dough stand a little, “rest”. Flour takes time to become sufficiently sticky. In our case, ten minutes at room temperature is enough (or more) so that the products do not tear. Only after the dough has rested, you can take on the pan.

The temperature of the pan also matters. On a cold surface (not heated enough), it simply will not work to bake a pancake, it will be half-baked and will definitely tear. In an overheated pan, a pancake can burn, which will add color to it, but it is unlikely to please the hostess. How long it takes for the pan to reach the desired temperature, it is impossible to say for sure. Much depends on the pan itself and the selected temperature regime.

A cast iron skillet is ideal. And the older she is, the better. There are special frying pans with low sides, a thick bottom and a non-stick coating. In any case, a thick bottom and a flat surface are important - this will ensure uniform heating and the same thickness of the product. A well-baked and not burnt pancake will definitely not tear.

Even the most ideal frying pan can fail if you do not grease it (a piece of lard, vegetable or butter). This method works well - right into the dough at the end of cooking, add a little vegetable or melted butter (or you can do a little of both).

During frying, you will have to stir the dough regularly, because the oil strives to float to the surface. But as a result, pancakes will turn over well, will not stick to the pan and will not tear. The pan itself can be lubricated only once - at the very beginning, and always with vegetable oil (butter will burn).

Cooking dough for pancakes does not take much time

The next factor affecting strength is a variety of additives (vanillin, cocoa powder, some spices). There is a chance that pancakes with such additives will tear when rolled or even turned over.

Summing up

The reasons why pancakes are torn can be easily eliminated:

  1. Batter. Few eggs or flour, a lot of water, milk or kefir. Beat in another egg, bake a test pancake. If the situation does not improve, add flour and mix it well so that there are no lumps.
  2. Unheated skillet. Thoroughly clean the pan of sticky or torn pancake. It's better to do this with a paper towel rather than water. Lubricate the surface with vegetable oil (grease, do not pour), wait until it heats up well.
  3. Various supplements. Try mixing some of the dough with the additions in a separate bowl and bake a test version. If it is not torn, feel free to add the selected products.

You can add various ingredients to the pancake dough and diversify the home menu

A few important little things that will make pancakes tastier and prevent them from tearing:

  • flour needs to be sifted, this will saturate it with air and make it easier;
  • it is desirable that all ingredients are at room temperature;
  • do not put too much sugar, pancakes will burn and tear;
  • pour vegetable oil into the dough (about two tablespoons per half liter of milk or kefir);
  • let the dough rest, the stickiness will increase and the pancakes will not tear;
  • do not rush to turn over until holes appear and the edges dry out - an underbaked pancake is easily torn;
  • put the pan on high heat first, and then reduce it before baking.

Learn the secrets of making pancakes and be sure to please your household

If the pancakes are torn, do not give up. A little effort will easily fix the situation. After all, no one is born a talented cook, everyone makes mistakes. But it's not worth it to give up ruddy appetizing pancakes and well-deserved praise from your family.
