
Where to store flour. How to avoid the appearance of bugs? Which place to choose for storing flour - dark or light

Flour storages must be clean, therefore, before laying the products, they are subjected to thorough cleaning. If infestation is detected, it is necessary to carry out disinfection, and then airing to remove odors.

Relative humidity in the room should not exceed 70%. Flour can be stored in unheated and heated warehouses. Long-term storage of flour is carried out in unheated warehouses, and the temperature in them depends on the season.

Designed for retail flour usually comes in bags. Each batch of product received for storage is placed in a separate stack. The bottom row of bags is placed on solid wooden underlays to prevent sweating from contact with the cold floor. The distance from the walls to the stack must be at least 0.5 m, and the passages between them must provide free access to each stack.

During long-term storage, the stack is shifted at least twice a year, always changing places of the upper and lower bags.

As a rule, stores store relatively small batches of flour, which ensure an uninterrupted supply of the population for 10-45 days. At the same time, the temperature is preferable not higher than 10-18 0 C. In stores, it is necessary to strictly monitor the proximity of goods, since flour easily absorbs odors.

Change in the quality of flour during storage. Flour storage is divided into two stages. At the first stage, the baking qualities of flour are improved. For some time they remain at the achieved level. Then the second stage begins, characterized by a deterioration in the quality of the flour.

The first stage is called ripening. Freshly ground flour is not used in baking, since it produces low-quality bread (small volume, low yield, etc.). Therefore, freshly ground flour must undergo aging in favorable conditions, called maturation, as a result of which its properties are improved. baking properties. Maturation is mainly wheat flour.

The maturation of flour is associated with oxidative and hydrolytic processes in lipids and a decrease in enzyme activity to a certain level. After maturation, the flour becomes lighter due to the oxidation of carotenoids, which give it a yellowish color. As a result enzymatic oxidation Phytin releases phosphoric and other organic acids, i.e. increases the absorption of mineral elements. But most importantly, baking properties are improved by strengthening gluten. This effect is exerted by peroxides that oxidize parts of sulfhydryl groups (-S-H-) with the formation of disulfide bonds (-S-S-) between protein molecules that form gluten. When proteins interact with products of hydrolysis and fat oxidation, lipoproteins are obtained that reduce the extensibility of gluten. Thus, if the flour after grinding had a weak gluten, then after ripening, the weak gluten acquires the properties of medium, and the medium - strong, strong - very strong, possibly even deterioration in quality, for example, very strong gluten, crumbling.

Wheat varietal flour ripens at room temperature 1.5-2 months, and wallpaper - 3-4 weeks. Flour intended for long-term storage must be immediately cooled to 0 0 C, then maturation will continue for a year. If flour with weak gluten must be used immediately, then the ripening process can be accelerated up to 6 hours due to its aeration with warm air.

The maturation of rye flour lasts 2-4 weeks under the same conditions as wheat flour, while the same processes take place in it.

When ripe, the baking properties of flour reach an optimum, they remain for some time, and then the quality of the flour begins to deteriorate.

The processes that reduce the quality of flour during storage include caking, sweating, self-heating, mold, rancidity, souring, the development of insects and mites.

Flour caking begins with its compaction. Compaction is a natural physical process that occurs in any flour. Flour, which is a loose medium, is compacted under the influence of its own weight, but at the same time it does not lose its flowability and freely pours out of a bag or silo. The compaction of flour in silos is much faster, therefore, it is necessary to constantly loosen it by forcing air or using a vibrating bottom. Tracing also occurs in the lower bags of the stack during long-term storage of more than 3-4 months. The lumps formed in the flour harden strongly when dried. To prevent caking, it is recommended to shift the stacks periodically, i.e. bags from the lower rows are placed in the upper ones, and vice versa. Strongly packed flour is sifted to separate lumps, which are then broken.

sweating flour observed with sharp fluctuations in indoor air temperature and can lead to mold. Soaked flour molds very quickly. It must be dried immediately and poured into clean bags. Soaked flour should not be stored next to dry flour, as mold first appears in the soaked area of ​​the bag, then spreads throughout the bag, and then moves to dry bags.

Self-heating flour- this is an increase in the temperature of flour as a result of the processes of respiration and development of microorganisms occurring in it. Most often, self-warming is observed when storing wet flour. Elevated temperature and high humidity favor the development of microorganisms - molds and bacteria. And microorganisms, in turn, destroying the organic substances of the flour, emit a large amount of heat, due to which there is a further increase in temperature. Under the influence of microorganisms and high temperature there is a deterioration in the quality of flour: it darkens, clumps and acquires a putrid or moldy smell and a bitter taste.

molding flour- the most common type of damage to it. Flour acquires hyperacidity, unpleasant musty smell, which is usually transferred to bread. Flour molding, as well as self-heating, is most often observed when storing flour with high humidity.

rancidity of flour- the main process that occurs in flour during long-term storage as a result of hydrolytic and oxidative processes in lipids. Rancidity occurs under the action of atmospheric oxygen with the participation of the flour enzyme lipoxygenase, but it can be of a microbial nature. The process is accelerated by storing flour in the light and increasing the storage temperature. The rate of rancidity of flour is also affected by its quality. Flour obtained from grain with reduced baking properties begins to turn rancid after a few months, while flour from grain of normal quality can be stored under the same conditions for up to a year.

rancid flour It has bad smell and taste, which negatively affects the quality finished products. As a result of the accumulation of various products of lipid oxidation, it can acquire toxic properties.

Souring flour- one of the most characteristic changes that occur during storage of flour. The reason for this is the breakdown of fat under the action of flour enzymes, if the flour has a standard moisture content. With increased moisture content of flour, an increase in acidity occurs mainly as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, mainly molds.

Development of insects and mites leads to a decrease in the quality of flour. Such flour is harmful and unsuitable for food use.

Shelf life of flour is set by the manufacturer of products at an ambient temperature not higher than 25 0 С and a relative humidity of 70%. Under such conditions, varietal wheat flour is usually stored for 6-8 months, rye varietal flour - 4-6, corn and soy flour not deodorized - 3-6, deodorized soy flour - 12 months. Flour storage low temperatures(about 0 0 C and below) extends the shelf life of flour up to 2 years or more.

Questions for self-examination

1. By what signs is the type of flour determined?

2. Make comparative analysis chemical composition wheat and rye flour.

3. Distinctive features of wheat pasta flour.

4. What are distinctive features chemical composition and nutritional value soy flour?

5. What are the varieties of wheat flour for baking?

6. What are the types of all-purpose flour?

7. What indicators determine the grade of flour?

8. How is the quality of raw gluten determined and what quality groups is it divided into?

9. What indicators of wheat flour characterize its baking properties?

10. What is the role of wheat flour gluten in shaping the quality of bread?

11. What characterizes the indicator of flour quality - the falling number?

12. By what indicators are the baking properties of rye flour evaluated?

13. What methods determine the "strength" of wheat flour?

14. How does the fineness of grinding flour affect its baking properties?

15. What processes occur during the ripening of wheat flour?

Flour is usually stocked up for future use because of the ability to preserve its quality for a long time. In this article, I will describe the most effective conditions storage of flour, in which it does not deteriorate, and insects do not settle in it.

Storage Features

But from the violation of temperature and humidity conditions, harmful living creatures, mold appear in it. That is, the product becomes unusable. But he is guaranteed long term even when kept indoors.

First, it is worth isolating the newly purchased bag from old stocks of cereals and similar products. Perhaps they already have uninvited inhabitants. And they will migrate to a new purchase in a week.

However, this also happens with stocks in some outlets because their owners do not know how to protect flour from pests. Therefore, if you are not sure about the quality of the product, be sure to open the package to make sure there are no bugs.

The general storage instructions are quite simple:

  • humidity limitation;
  • stable temperature conditions;
  • special packaging.

The humidity norm is 60%, the favorable temperature is +6 - +15 ° C. At the same time, a sharp fluctuation in these indicators will actually reduce the shelf life of flour.

I will clarify that the fat content in oatmeal, corn, rye, soy flour and wheat second varieties increased. And it is fat that shortens the use of these products. For example, wheat flour of the 2nd grade should be consumed in 3 months.

I will list the shelf life of specific types of flour at + 6 ° C:

  • Wheat flour sorted - up to 7 months;
  • rye - up to 6 months;
  • soy and corn non-deodorized - up to 5 months;
  • deodorized soy - up to 12 months

Determining the quality of a purchase

The main condition for the safety of stocks is the quality of the product.

Determination of the quality of the uninfected and the product:

  • stale flour has a bitter or sour taste;
  • an unpleasant smell is emitted by already musty flour;
  • a feeling of cold when touched indicates an increased humidity of the product - which means that it will quickly deteriorate without immediate drying.

Now consider the conditions for storing flour at home.

Long-term storage conditions without bugs

Bought flour premium(even in sealed bags) should be scattered on a baking sheet and dried for 15 minutes in the oven and then collected in sealed jars. An alternative to warming up is a freezer.

If there is no doubt about the quality of the product, it is enough to pre-dry it: just sprinkle it on a sheet of paper. Then store it in a dry place without any odors, because the flour will absorb them.

Inventories should be monitored systematically:

  • check the taste
  • prevent warming up;
  • spread on paper to dry;
  • periodically sift and pour into a clean container;
  • wash contaminated container with baking soda, dry.

Remember that temperature fluctuations will cause sweating and deterioration of the product itself. This will create favorable conditions for insects.

What is the best way to store flour

Now we will determine how to store flour at home.

  • Usually strategic reserves rye and wheat flour are poured into cloth bags sewn by hand. In a cool ventilated pantry, the contents of such linen bags will last a long time and will not be damaged by a bug.

First, the stitched bags are soaked in salt (2 tablespoons in 1 liter of water). Salt is a natural fighter against larvae, insects and mold.

  • It is better to pour the contents of the already opened package into glass jar . Although a metal box with a lid is also suitable.
  • Great-grandmothers saved flour for a long time in a glass jar. Its tightness saves the product from pests.

  • Small volumes are more convenient to fall asleep in plastic container , but only if you use this product soon. In the kitchen, we put it on a separate shelf, away from the smells that plastic absorbs. At the same time, we avoid the upper shelves so that the warm air does not overheat the contents, therefore the shelves are suitable almost at floor level.

So, the best container- made of glass or plastic. Containers are usually equipped with gaskets, they will provide the lid with the tightest possible fit.

But such tightness is not characteristic of a metal container. Large stocks will last as long as possible in fabric bags.

How to prevent the appearance of flour bugs

The tightness of containers, their tight lids will prevent pests from “settlement” in them. And for linen bags, various methods have long been invented.

The simplest defense is unpeeled garlic cloves. The phytoncides emitted by them will scare away pests for a long time. Calculation - 2 large slices garlic per 1 kg of flour.

Other herbal supplements have the same effect:

  • calendula(dry flowers) pour into a larger bag, and put a smaller one in it, with flour. So the flowers will not mix with it, and the bugs will not start.

  • bay leaves, like garlic, will scare away insects.

  • dry cloves with its sharp aroma it will protect flour stocks from bugs.
  • Shelves under the bags should be wiped once a week 9% vinegar.

If you need to take emergency measures, i.e. the bugs are already wound up, I suggest effective ways get rid of them permanently.

Getting rid of bugs in flour

Reasons for the appearance of bugs:

  • unfair check during packaging;
  • bad primary processing grain, excluding larvae and bugs;
  • poor-quality control that did not reject the infected lot.

Often a mucoeder starts up in flour, sometimes a food moth. They are tenacious, so they do not immediately die even in the cold. Gnawed sieves and bags indicate the presence of flour eaters.

Red flour eaters are found in feed mills, mills, bakeries. They prefer foods with more than 15% moisture. They like rotting flour, especially corn flour. But their colonies themselves increase the moisture content of the products with their excrement, the shells of the larvae.

With large colonies, the advice is clear - throw away the product.

If bugs are wound up, it is necessary to act immediately so that the remaining insects do not spoil the new stocks:

  1. sifted warm the flour in the oven at 100°C.
  2. Freed from contaminated food throw away bags.
  3. For new stock prepare airtight plastic or glass containers.
  4. Infected jars soak for half an hour in a soap solution, rinse and dry them.
  5. It is necessary to make sure that there are no pests in other stocks, and it is better send them for 2 days in the freezer - for prevention.
  6. Wash the entire kitchen and cabinets with laundry soap and soda and then wipe with 9% vinegar.
  7. Cracks, latches scalded with boiling water.

After such radical actions, you can safely replenish stocks.


Now, armed with knowledge, you can no longer risk your stocks, and do not suffer losses. After all, the listed conditions and methods guarantee the safety of flour and its quality.


In every house there is flour, the amount depends on the frequency of use. Housewives who love to pamper the family with fresh pastries prefer to have sufficient supplies.

Flour is very demanding on the conditions in which it is located. It easily absorbs moisture, odors, can be a source of food and a breeding ground for insects and rodents.

Flour is a product obtained by grinding cereals: wheat, corn, oats, rye, flax and others. In everyday life, a finely ground wheat product is most often used.

Whatever flour is made from, it is very sensitive to high humidity and changes. temperature regime quickly absorbs odors and attracts insects.

To maintain a usable product, several conditions must be met:

  1. Humidity.

The storage location should be as small as possible. The maximum allowable limit is 60%. At higher humidity, lumps form in the flour.

  1. Temperature.

Indoors should not exceed 20°C. Best of all, flour retains its properties in the temperature range from 5 to 15 ° C. It does not tolerate sharp and frequent temperature fluctuations very well - this leads to condensation on the package and the formation of lumps.

The most unsuitable place for storing flour is a room with high humidity and temperature. When warm, the wet product becomes a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria and insects.

At what temperature can flour be stored for a long time?

All types of flour differ in composition, which affects how much the product can be stored at home. Lose theirs the fastest taste qualities varieties made from raw materials with high content fat (flax, corn, almonds).

At temperatures from zero to 5 ° C, wheat flour remains usable from six months to 8 months, rye up to 6, soy and corn from 3 months to six months. Deodorized varieties from soybeans and corn can be stored for about a year.

Some manufacturers indicate on the packaging more long terms storage, it is better to refuse such a product, it probably contains synthetic additives.

Some housewives periodically use more rare species flour - flaxseed and almond. Almond gives baking a specific taste, and flax is often used to cleanse the body.

Where can you store flour at home?

In retail outlets, the product is sold either by weight or packaged in paper packaging. Before opening the factory package, flour can be stored in it, but then you need to take care of a new container.

You can keep flour in an open paper bag, but only in the refrigerator.

To extend the shelf life, the product must be dried to prevent mold and insects. You can do this in several ways:

  • on clean paper or parchment: spread in a thin layer and leave in a dry place for 30-60 minutes;
  • on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 50 degrees for 10 minutes;
  • V freezer during the day.

Dried flour can be poured into a container for long-term storage. First, it must be washed with soda and dried. An indispensable condition is that the container must have a hermetically sealed lid.

For this use:

  • glass jars;
  • plastic containers;
  • metal containers.

The product may change taste if exposed for a long time. sunbeams, so the packaging must be opaque or stand in a dark place.

In addition, flour can be stored in linen bags. This material allows air, moisture and odors to pass through, so it can be stored in such a package. a small amount of product for a short period of time. To protect against the penetration of insects, the bag can be held in a cool solution of common salt.

It is almost impossible to ensure complete tightness, so the container with flour should be separate from products with strong odors (spices, natural coffe, flavored tea).

Where to keep flour

For long-term storage in an apartment, places with low humidity and constant temperature are suitable. It can be:

Usually housewives use hinged ones, but those that stand on the floor are much more suitable. At the bottom, the temperature is usually lower by 1-2 degrees and more stable.

  1. Pantry.
  2. Refrigerator shelf.
  3. A balcony or loggia is suitable for storing large supplies in winter time provided that they are glazed and insulated.

How to store flour so that bugs do not start

Flour and cereals are favorite places for insects. If the rules of storage are violated, bugs can start in them, the larvae of which are difficult to notice. To protect products from contamination experienced housewives placed in container:

  1. Unpeeled garlic (2 medium cloves per pound) that exudes

phytoncides that repel most insects.

linen bag. It is placed in a tissue box. bigger size, and the space is filled with a fragrant plant.

  1. Bay leaf or cloves. The aroma of spices repels pests.
  2. Table vinegar will protect all the contents of the locker from insects. For

There is another way that grandmothers use - a clean nail is placed in a container with flour big size. Although the mechanism of action of this method is unclear, in practice it is quite effective.

The taste of baking largely depends on the quality of the products used, so it is useful for housewives to know what to look for when buying a product.

The easiest way to evaluate a product is by weight - you can touch it on the spot, smell it, see if it is infected with moth larvae.

The situation is more complicated with flour in paper packaging. Such packages have a small drawback - a little content wakes up from the seams, and it can be assessed visually.

In addition, in the store you need to pay attention to:

  1. Production time. It is desirable that the production time does not exceed 2-3 months.
  2. Commodity Neighborhood. Should not be nearby raw vegetables and foods with strong odors.
  3. The condition of the packaging, it should not have tears, drips and pollution.

At home, the product must be inspected, dried and sprinkled into a processed container. Closed packages should be placed in a dry, dark place, isolated from existing cereals.

During storage, the flour should be periodically examined; if lumps appear, it should be air-dried or in the oven and poured into a clean container. An increase in the moisture content of the product is indicated by cold, felt upon contact.

If mold, unpleasant odor and bugs are found, the product should be thrown away, it is no longer possible to save it. Empty containers must be washed soapy water, douse with boiling water or rub with table vinegar. Only after that you can pour a fresh product into it.

No family can do without flour, the range of its use in cooking is very wide, but it is not necessary to make large stocks, it is enough to buy a small package, ensuring its proper storage.

Flour is a common stockpiled product whose shelf life is known to be very important in terms of food security.

Flour is used in the preparation of many dishes and is one of the most important stored products. It is used to bake cakes and breads, thicken soups and sauces, and cook a variety of savory foods. Flour is obtained by grinding wheat, but there are many types of flour ground from other cereals and cereals.

In almost every household, flour is usually bought in in large numbers saving it for future use. However, it is important to know that flour has a certain shelf life and requires special conditions storage. The most commonly used flour in cooking is wheat flour, although other types of flour also exist, such as corn flour, buckwheat flour, amaranth flour, rice flour, quinoa flour and tapioca flour.

As mentioned above, there are different kinds flour. Wheat flour, in turn, can be divided into whole grain flour and white flour.

Whole wheat flour is made by grinding whole grains of wheat. A bleaching agent is added to white flour, and it is most often used for baking bread and cakes. White flour comes in two types; all-purpose flour and quick-rising flour.

All flours should be stored in an airtight container in a dark cool place away from sources of heat and humidity.

However, flour should not be stored indefinitely, as it can become rancid if stored for a long time. The shelf life of whole grain flour is significantly shorter than that of white flour, as the wheat germ present in it contains unsaturated fats, due to which this flour becomes rancid within a fairly short period of time.

Whole grain flour will keep after opening in an airtight container in the pantry for 2-3 months.

If you want to extend the shelf life of such flour, you should store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. So she can hold out for six months. Keep the container tightly closed at all times, as moisture and air can make wholemeal flour clumpy and rancid.

White flour has a shelf life of approximately 7-8 months if stored in an airtight container in the pantry.

When stored in the refrigerator, its shelf life extends to 12 months. Refrigerator is the best place for long-term storage of flour.

Storing in the refrigerator will not only keep the flour fresh, but it also preserves all of it. nutritional value. It is very important to store white flour in an airtight container, as moisture or air entering the container will turn the flour rancid. Flour should not be stored for more than a year, as then it loses all its nutritional value.

Thus, with proper storage, the shelf life of flour can increase. Some types of flour, such as amaranth flour or millet flour, have a shorter shelf life than white flour. Therefore, it is recommended to buy them in smaller quantities and use them for food security purposes as soon as possible.

Source: buzzle.com

Flour. What is the shelf life of flour?

    Flour should be stored in dry, well-ventilated areas where the temperature will not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.

    Varietal wheat flour can be stored for 5 to 8 months. Rye varietal can be stored for 4-6 months. Corn about 12 months.

    The shelf life of flour depends on the conditions and place of its storage. Wheat flour can be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area whole year.

    Also, the shelf life is directly related to the quality and grade of flour. For example, non-deodorized rye, corn and soy flour is recommended to be stored for no more than six months. Important has also packaging and manufacturer.

    The shelf life of flour depends on several factors.

    First, whether the manufacturer did everything in good faith,

    second, how the flour is stored.

    Under the most favorable conditions, flour can be stored for two years.

    These storage conditions include:

    • it is best to store flour in bags, and not in any other container,
    • secondly, the room should be dry, well ventilated, the temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Store flour in dry, well-ventilated areas, observing sanitary rules.

    The temperature should not exceed +20 degrees, the relative humidity of the air should not be 60 percent.

    High-quality wheat flour is stored for 6-8 months

    rye varietal - 4-6 months

    corn and soy unodorized 3-6 months

    and soy deodorized - 12 months

    If the temperature is low (near zero), then the shelf life increases to 2 years or more.

    Wheat flour (general purpose) has a shelf life of 12 months.

    I think that it is better to store the highest grade wheat flour for no more than one year, and you need to store the flour correctly (in a dry, cool place), otherwise small bugs may appear that will spoil the flour or it will simply become damp.

    The shelf life of flour is usually set by the manufacturer, taking into account the exposure time (the period of maturation of flour in storage before packaging and sale). At a storage temperature not higher than 25C and relative air humidity not higher than 70%, various types of flour are stored:

    high-quality wheat flour 6-8 months;

    rye varietal flour 4-6 months;

    corn and soy non-deodorized flour 3-6 months;

    soy deodorized flour 12 months.

    from quality and proper storage flour depends on the quality of baking, so storage conditions should be strictly observed. Unfortunately, we cannot track and control the ripening process, but we can always check the expiration date on the package when buying in a store and create decent conditions for home storage.

    The shelf life of flour depends on its quality and storage conditions.

    If the product is stored in the refrigerator, then according to GOST

    the first grade of flour has a shelf life of 6 months,

    and for premium flour, the shelf life will be 12 months.

    Good day! Flour should be stored no more than 30-45 days after its purchase.

    At the same time, the approximate temperature of its storage should be at least 15-18 degrees. Also important point is that the relative humidity of the air in the room should not exceed 70%.

    Average shelf life 2 years

    Happy New Year

    Wheat flour can be stored for a year. But it all depends on the storage conditions: the packaging must be hermetically sealed, the temperature and humidity of the air must not exceed the norm. And of course, the shelf life of flour also depends on the variety and manufacturer.

    It all depends on what kind of flour, where and how it was stored, what manufacturer of flour, and in what packaging you purchased and store it. If it is premium flour, then it can be stored for more than a year.

    If the flour of a lower grade is the first, second, then it is better to store it up to 6 months, no more.

    I take flour directly from the mill - I store a bag of flour for no more than a year. Flour is stored on the balcony at sub-zero temperatures perfectly.

    At home I store flour in a bucket in the hallway. The main thing is not to exceed the humidity during storage. If you store flour in the cold, the shelf life increases to two years.

Having created stocks of flour, housewives are unpleasantly surprised and upset when they first have to fight to prolong the safety of the product, and then throw it away.

What are the expiration dates of flour from different grains and how to extend them?

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Find out the real shelf life of stew from our article.

What does it depend on?

The dependence of the shelf life of flour is observed on such factors:

  • initial data - what kind of cereal is it made of, in what weather, what is the moisture content of the grain, etc .;
  • storage conditions.

Storage conditions mean the whole range of indicators, including:

  • in which container the product is poured;
  • grinding size;
  • room temperature;
  • humidity of the environment;
  • the presence of ventilation;
  • finding substances with strong odors, etc.

In facilities specially adapted for flour storage, this product can be stored for up to 10 years without losing its qualities.

At home, such conditions cannot be created, so the creation of a 1.5 - 2 year supply is the maximum of the amount that makes sense to purchase in advance.

What are the GOSTs talking about?

GOST R 52189-2003 for wheat flour in p.

7.2 indicates that the determination of the expiration date is the responsibility of the manufacturer (subject to optimal conditions storage). Clause 4.9.1. it is said that each package must be labeled by the manufacturer, as well as the expiration date.

When packaging, the manufacturer, knowing the variety, grinding size, and also taking into account what technology of bringing the flour to fully prepared has been applied to storage, must indicate the date of issue and expiration dates on the container.

About how to choose quality mayonnaise read here.

Expiration dates

How long is the product stored? Different grains behave differently after grinding into flour; some types of this product are not subject to long-term preservation at all.

When buying any flour, you need to choose so that this product is as fresh as possible.

If the expiration date set by the manufacturer is at the limit, then it is better not to buy such a product: the unspent balance will have to be thrown away.

Home storage rules

You can buy flour in various packaging: paper bags, polyethylene and matting bags. The packaging should not be opened earlier than required, as contact with air drastically reduces the shelf life.

After opening, the package must be kept at a temperature below + 20 ° C, and it is better if the thermometer readings are in the range of + 6 - + 15 ° C, at a humidity of about 60%.

It is not easy to create such conditions in an apartment, storages under the kitchen window and cool closets, where there is no high humidity, are suitable.

How to protect from bugs?

To prevent bugs from starting, storage is required according to all the rules - in a closed container, at a low temperature.

In addition, bugs do not like strong odors, so unpeeled garlic cloves or bay leaves are placed in flour intended for long-term storage.

They also practice dry cloves, calendula flowers.

You can learn how to protect flour from bugs from this video:

Can it be kept in the refrigerator?

The cooler, the longer such a product will be saved, but only if a suitable humidity regime is observed. It is quite possible to keep hermetically packed flour in the refrigerator, and even in the freezer.

Will a plastic container work?

The best container at home is glass jars, but a plastic container can also be a good option.

Small volumes, which can really be used up within 2-3 months, may well be preserved in plastic, with a tight-fitting lid.

Features for flour of animal origin

Flour of animal origin is used as an additive to the feed of birds and animals. If the farm is small, then the purchased bag weighing 50 kg must be properly stored, otherwise the product will have to be thrown away.

meat and bone

Meat and bone meal will not lose its properties if it is kept in a cool room, in a tightly sealed container.

The paper bag in which the product was purchased is also suitable, if the open edge is wrapped several times and fixed with paper clips, and preferably with clothespins, pouring out as needed and corking again. In such a purchase can be for 6 months. and will remain valid.


Fish meal, like meat and bone meal, belongs to protein products, the storage of which requires increased attention to compliance with the conditions.

The manufacturer usually gives a shelf life of 6 months.

To prevent the product from spoiling at home, it is important to keep it in the cold and prevent the penetration of warm, moist air, and quickly pour out the right amount and again wrap the bag more tightly, securing and preventing uncorking.

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How to extend the "life" of the product?

If the shelf life of flour is at risk, measures must be taken to extend its shelf life, which requires:

  • pour the product in a layer of 5-7 cm and dry;
  • sift and pour into an airtight container;
  • put in a cool and dry place.

If the amount of product is large, then the bags (fabric) should be washed and soaked saline solution, and so dry, and then refill with dried flour.

What happens over time?

Long-term storage of flour is fraught with material losses, since even if correct mode storage in flour, chemical and physical processes take place.

The source material - grains of corn, soybeans, oats, etc. contains an increased amount of fats, which age over time and acquire an unpleasant taste.

Having bought flour, the buyer is not aware of the conditions under which it was kept in the warehouse of the distribution network, and if the humidity was high, the product absorbed it, after which mold would spread.

If the warehouse contained substances with strong smell, then the flour will take it upon itself and may exude the smell of paint, gasoline, perfume, fish, smoked meats, etc.

During long-term storage, pests can appear in the product - moths, bugs, flour eaters, etc.

How to understand what is spoiled?

Long-stored flour can deteriorate, which is manifested by such signs:

  • a rancid smell appears (from the aging of the fats contained in the grain);
  • there is a smell of mold, or other unpleasant odors;
  • the contents are taken in lumps in which moth larvae hide;
  • color and texture change.

All these signs indicate that you should not take flour in bags, it is better, if necessary, to buy a fresh, high-quality product in the right amount than to sow and dry stocks for a whole year.

It is important to proceed from the release date, than fresh flour, the better the products from it will be.

Tips for long-term storage of flour in this video:

Flour is a strategic product that is in every home and in every family. In the villages, housewives used to say that if there is oil, flour and sugar in the house, any famine can be overcome. And indeed - flour is used by a good housewife almost every day - either it will please the home with pies, or it will bake buns. That is why the flour ends pretty quickly. In such cases, experienced women decide to buy flour for the future. Firstly, flour is cheaper in season, and secondly, you don’t need to carry it every time, and it’s somehow calmer when flour is always at hand. However, another question arises here - how to store this flour?

Where to store flour

Flour can be stored in linen or paper bags, glass or plastic utensils. If you bought flour in a small package, you can put it in the refrigerator, but only before it is opened. Then it should be poured into an airtight container.

If you plan to remove the purchased flour for long-term storage, it should be dried first. To do this, pour the flour onto a sheet of parchment or a clean tablecloth and smooth it out in a thin layer. After a few days, the flour can be removed for storage. If you're storing a few kilos of flour, put it in a cloth bag or glass jar. If you prefer to have a large supply of flour, then you need to buy a bulky plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. There is a wide selection of such dishes in hardware stores.

You can store flour in ordinary plastic bottles from under mineral water. They close tightly with a lid and are easy to move around. If you don’t like narrow necks, often bake and ease of access to flour is important to you, you can pour the product into a plastic bucket with a lid. You can also leave a convenient plastic ladle or ladle and a sieve there.

Where to store flour

So, the selected container for flour has been found, but where to leave the flour for storage? It should be a dry, cool room, the humidity of which does not exceed 65%. The air temperature in the storage room should not exceed 18 degrees, otherwise the flour may become moldy and its shelf life is significantly reduced. You should also pay attention to the fact that there are no sudden temperature changes in the room, this often leads to the fact that the flour becomes rancid.

Store flour in a kitchen drawer, pantry, closet, on the mezzanine. Do not forget to ensure that there are no products and products with a strong odor nearby. The fact is that flour is very sensitive to foreign odors, so it should not be stored next to household chemicals, spices and medicines. If you store the flour around detergents, future baking will somehow have a slight smell of soap. By the way, if you store flour in the kitchen, it is better to place the container at floor level, on the bottom shelf. In the upper part of the room, the air is much warmer.

Flour should be checked from time to time for moisture and insect ingress. If the flour has become wet, it must be poured onto flat surface and let dry at room temperature. Taste the flour from time to time so that it does not become bitter. To prevent insects from starting in the flour, you can use some folk remedies protection.

  1. The canvas bag in which the flour will be stored is pre-soaked in saline solution. It is well known that salt is an excellent preservative, it will not allow bugs to get inside the bag. Just dissolve three tablespoons of salt in a liter of water, dip the bag into it and dry it without rinsing.
  2. You can lower a metal object - a coin or a knife into a bag of flour. This will scare off pests and they will not eat such flour. The main thing is that the coin does not get into the baking!
  3. Midges and other insects do not like the smell of calendula and avoid it in every possible way. Dry a couple of sprigs of this plant, place in a canvas bag, or simply wrap in a handkerchief. Then dip the calendula directly into the flour.
  4. You can scare bugs with garlic. Dip a few cloves of garlic in the middle of the container with flour and no pests are afraid of you.
  5. You can drop a few bay leaves into a bag of flour. This will repel insects, but will not give the flour a foreign smell.
  6. In pest control, there are modern ways. Put in upper layer flour a couple of open mint gum. Not a single insect will stick into such flour.

If the insects still managed to penetrate the flour, do not rush to throw away the product. It is enough to simply sift the flour through a fine sieve, dry it and pour it into a new container. If you use the same container, it must first be washed, rinsed with a salt composition, dried, and only then pour the sifted flour.

How long to store flour

Ordinary wheat flour is stored for quite a long time (if you follow all the storage rules) - up to eight months. Soy flour does not spoil longer - about a year. rye flour better to use in the next six months. Corn flour usable within five months from the date of its production.

Among the tips for storing flour, the following can be noted. Before you pour flour into a plastic container or plastic bottle, make a "salty pillow" on the bottom. To do this, sew a bag from several layers of gauze, pour coarse salt and place in the bottom of the container. Salt perfectly absorbs moisture and protects the flour from dampness.

In ancient times flour was stored in the following way. A large canvas bag of flour was dipped into the water for a few seconds and then quickly removed. A dense layer of dough formed around the bag, which neither rodents nor insects could overcome. Thus, the flour could be stored for years.

If you do not like pastries and rarely bake, there is no point in buying flour for future use. However, if you have big family, if children and you like to mess with the dough, buying flour is very rational and correct solution. Store flour properly to indulge in crispy pastries more often.

Video: how to store flour at home
