
Is yeast harmful to the body. Are all yeasts the same? Which yeast is good and which is bad? Properties of baker's yeast

Are they present in "yeast-free" bread, are they useful or harmful, do they remain in bakery products after baking?

There is so much information around - from exaltation of yeast to dietary product, vital for our health, to a poison that poisons us, disrupts the intestinal microflora and leads to cancer.

I have read a good hundred articles on the subject. I watched dozens of videos on their production at factories, got acquainted with all kinds of studies and experiments on this topic, even watched "intimate" shots of yeast propagation.

I did this because we, living in an eco-settlement, bake bread ourselves, which we call yeast-free, we bake on sourdough obtained from grain and apples. And it was important for me to find the truth to the extent that I can find it.

If you are interested in what I managed to dig up - then read on.

So, to begin with, let's briefly explain what yeast is in general.

No one really knows (!). Biologists argue a lot until they decided to attribute them to unicellular fungi, although they are arranged somewhat differently and prefer a liquid habitat. In theory, it's still separate class- Yeast. Well, God bless her, with the classification, for biologists, a cucumber is a pumpkin, which is a berry. What to take from them? And we are not talking about that now.

So. Yeast is something similar to a single-celled fungus, only sometimes it is not quite unicellular (it forms mycelium or macroscopic fruiting bodies), and they do not live like mushrooms, they prefer a liquid medium, and they eat differently (organic solutions, such as sugar). And so it’s like a poured unicellular mushroom.

The shape of the yeast is similar to small egg-shaped cells, which sometimes form colonies, mycelium, etc. associations. In the presence of oxygen, heat and a nutrient medium (for example: sugar, starch, fructose), they multiply well and expand their "colonies" within this medium (for example, sourdough).

If there is little oxygen, then the "cells" begin to receive nutrients by fermentation (anaerobic respiration). At the same time, alcohols are also released (bubbles in dough, bread, beer, champagne, etc.), which make pastries more loose (not rubbery). Alcohol evaporates during baking, and in alcoholic, dairy products or in the production of kvass - alcohols are stored in one quantity or another and also evaporate if left in the air (exhale).

Biologists know more than 1500 (!) species of yeast! Each of which differs, in its "ability", from the rest - this is one of the key circumstances that confuses us when we try to find out if they are useful or harmful!

The type of yeast used will greatly affect chemical composition the product that is made from them! In biology clean look one of the organisms this case yeast) is called - Strain.

Some species (strains) are suitable for long storage in dry form, others multiply rapidly in sugar, someone in starch, fruits, milk or grains. Others are resistant to high content alcohol, which they themselves secrete. There are even those that are able to process proteins and carboxylic acids.

You can type the word "Yeast" in the search and read about all these Saccharomycotina, Taphrinomycotina, Schizosaccharomycetes, Candida, etc. About their differences and "chips".

So. The first factor which will determine the usefulness or harmfulness of the product - this is the type (strain) of yeast.

The second key factor affecting the chemical composition of the final product obtained using yeast is the environment in which the yeast grew, what they ate.

The environment in which the yeast is grown determines the nutritional profile of the yeast itself. After all, when you

The second key factor influencing the chemical composition of the final product obtained using yeast is the environment in which the yeast grew, what they fed on.

This is true for any organism - what it eats is contained in it. (logical smiley)

Therefore, it is important to make sourdough for bread (to grow yeast) from those products that are most known to us: apples growing nearby. Grain produced organically (without the use of chemicals), etc.

The environment in which the yeast is grown determines the nutritional profile of the yeast itself. After all, when baking bread or making kefir, kvass, the "bodies" of yeast remain (!) In the product, and we eat them.

So we found out that the usefulness or harm of yeast is determined by two factors:

1. Type (strain) of yeast.

2. The environment in which they are grown (produced).

Store-bought baker's yeast is grown in a somewhat 'weird' environment. based on sugar syrup- molasses, with the use of a whole bunch of chemical "ingredients", from the listing of which the eyes themselves expand:

Ammonia technical

Diammonium phosphate technical

Potassium chloride technical

Technical sulfuric acid


Lime chloride, building and bleaching

and a good fifty of these "ingredients". Read the full list in the official GOST http://www.gostedu.ru/30233.html

It is difficult for me to judge the advisability of using all this variety of ingredients "necessary" for the production of yeast. But the resulting product - baker's yeast - will contain what was in the environment in which they grew up. Therefore, the usefulness baker's yeast industrial manufacturer is highly questionable.

In nature, yeast contains many useful substances - minerals, vitamins, fiber, proteins, amino acids and much more that our bodies need.

Yeast is a very valuable and useful product when grown on an equally valuable and useful living product.

That is why it is so important to produce sourdough (to grow yeast) from the best known ingredients. This will determine the usefulness and taste of the final product. And it will be significantly different depending on what kind of yeast the manufacturer uses. Tracking this down is extremely difficult if you don't personally know the manufacturer and can't find out for sure. Therefore, it remains either to learn how to bake bread on your own, or to look for a manufacturer you trust.

Now about their "thermophilicity", that is, resistance to temperature.

There has been a "rumor" on the Internet for a long time that modern baker's yeast, namely the type of Saccharomyces (eating sugar) - do not die during baking and continue to ferment even after passing through our digestion, are not destroyed by saliva and gastric juice (very aggressive environments for everything else).

All living organisms must die when heated above 50 degrees. And bread is baked in factories at 180-250 degrees, the crumb itself is heated to at least 95 degrees, therefore yeast (as a living organism) cannot survive after this. And, in theory, they can not be in bakery products. But...

There is one circumstance that makes us look further.

If we take, we grow yeast from grain ourselves, make a sourdough out of it, knead the dough and bake bread, then the resulting product is stored in a bag indefinitely. for a long time without mold. That is, it's just frozen mass ground grain with everything useful that was in it and in the bodies of fungi (yeast), plus a little sugar and salt for the taste we are used to. Without the content of foreign living organisms.

If we buy a loaf of bread in the store (packed in a sealed bag), then after 3-4 days a blue-green coating appears on the bread - mold. And after a week or two, it grows to the whole loaf (which is hermetically packed). It turns out that there is something left.

But for what reason does this happen with store-bought bread, where production is more sterile than at home, where bread is hermetically sealed? Why does mold grow so fast?

This is a question to which I do not have a definitive answer. Perhaps this is due to baking flour, a production that is as ambiguous as the production of baker's yeast.

Perhaps the yeast forms clusters, which, as it were, are protected and do not heat up to critical temperatures inside. There is no definitive information about this. And an experiment that anyone can conduct - leaving bread bought in a store in an airtight bag for several days - shows the content of live fungi in bread, which should not be (in theory).

The bread that we bake with our own sourdough is stored in a bag indefinitely (we kept it for a maximum of about 150 days), and it does not get moldy. Therefore, there are no living fungi left in it.


1. The benefits or harms of yeast and the product prepared from them depend on their type (strain).

2. The benefits or harms of yeast and yeast products are also determined by the environment in which they are grown.

3. Baker's yeast must die at temperatures above 50 degrees and in finished product they should not be, but something remains, as evidenced by mold on baked goods.

4. Bread baked using sourdough own production- does not contain yeast (fungi) - they die during baking and therefore it is called yeast-free. It does not mold for an indefinitely long time, retaining its taste and benefits.

I tried to describe my little research as concisely and clearly as possible. I hope you were interested. Be healthy and see you soon!

Sincerely, Ageev Yuri,

Public opinion about the benefits or harms of yeast is very radically divided.

One half of the camp claims that yeast made using modern technologies cannot be categorically consumed, while the rest, laughing at the paranoia of their opponents, eat bread and are treated for many diseases with yeast.

Let's try to analyze in detail the arguments of both sides.

In biology, yeasts belong to the category of unicellular fungi, but they are somewhat different from their other counterparts.

Being in a dry or compressed form, they do not manifest themselves in any way. But getting into a warm liquid medium filled with organic substances, yeast begins to "come to life", grow and multiply actively.

This is especially noticeable if you throw them into a sugar solution. Foam will immediately begin to appear and a slight smell of alcohol will be noticeable.

Yeast dough rises due to the fact that during the life of yeast fungi, sugar begins to ferment and this leads to the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Alcohol evaporates during the baking process, and carbon dioxide bubbles increase the volume of the dough several times. IN ready bread they can be observed in the form of pores. The more carbon dioxide is released into the dough, the more loose the baked goods will turn out.

IN industrial scale and in domestic use today several types of yeast are used:

  • bakery pressed;
  • bakery dry;
  • beer;
  • wine.

Debunking and confirming opinions about yeast

It really is. Two-thirds of them are composed of protein mass. They contain a huge amount of B-group vitamins, fatty acid, amino acids and trace elements.

At regular use, yeast contribute to recovery after active physical exertion, increase immunity, healthy appetite, normalize the functioning gastrointestinal tract, treat skin, hair and nails.

This is also true. Medical preparations are being made in which yeast is the main active substance. They are prescribed for people with furunculosis and other skin problems, children and adolescents with a disorder of the central nervous system and hypovitaminosis.

Not true. The designation "thermophilic" should not be used at all in conjunction with the concept of "yeast", because thermophilic organisms live at a temperature of 47-50 degrees Celsius, and yeast at such high temperature are already dying.

Yes, we do not collect yeast in forests and wild meadows, but they are grown at enterprises. But the man simply noticed the benefits of this organism and began to breed it, like wheat, pigs or cows. No one will argue that cows have become some kind of synthetic

This is the result of someone's wild imagination. Any doctor can confirm that yeast already lives in our body and they are an important component of the normal microflora.

Baker's yeast during the preparation of bread inevitably dies and this only enriches the baking with microelements. And live yeast enters the human stomach, being on the surface of berries and fruits, contained in lactic acid products and cheese. But they are only useful.

Yeast for weight loss

Almost everyone who is trying to lose the hated excess weight asks themselves the question: Can yeast bread be eaten?

From the above, we can conclude that the yeast in the cooked bread is no longer present. They only play the role of "inflating" the dough, making it airy and fluffy.

Yeast does not affect the process of losing weight.

So, yeast in baking does not affect the process of losing weight. But flour and other components are, of course, a topic for reflection. If without adding, then its moderate use will not cause any harm to the figure.

The beneficial properties of yeast have been used by mankind since ancient times. Bread was baked from them, they were taken as a medicine and a source of vitamins.

Therefore, it is not necessary, because of someone's complexes that have played out, to deny yourself the pleasure of eating freshly baked bread. But only everything should be in moderation!

The existence of yeast was discovered in the 19th century by the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur.. Since then, they have been popular all over the world. They are used to make all kinds of pastries and drinks. At the same time, few people think about the harm and benefits of yeast.

What is yeast and what types of yeast exist

They call it yeast unicellular fungi . In nature, there are more than 1500 varieties of such microorganisms. They have a high adaptability to adverse environmental conditions, for example, they feel great in the absence of oxygen.

Fungi are widely used in industry and medicine. This is largely due to their ability to reproduce rapidly. But not all types can be used. Some of them are considered pathogenic, as they cause various diseases in humans.

4 types of fungi are currently used for food production:

  1. Bakery. With their addition, a delicious fragrant bread, various buns and other pastries. They are the ones who betray finished product airiness, volume and special structure.
  2. Wine. They can be seen on bunches of ripe grapes. It is thanks to such fungi that the process of fruit fermentation occurs, which subsequently leads to the appearance of wine.
  3. Beer. They are used for making drinks, baking and medications.
  4. Dairy. With their help, the process of fermentation of milk and the preparation of fermented milk products is carried out.

All varieties of this product are different unique composition, therefore their use is necessary for a person.

Wine yeast is a natural whitish coating on bunch of grapes. Therefore, grapes should not be washed before making wine.

What is in yeast

Yeast belongs to low-calorie foods . They are 60% protein. Human body they are easy to digest. nutritional value of such fungi is comparable to meat or fish.

Baker's yeast is especially rich in composition. They contain the following substances:

  • Vitamin B1. It is involved in metabolism, regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B2. This substance helps fight skin diseases and improve visual acuity.
  • Vitamin B3. It takes part in the construction of body cells, the work of the endocrine glands and the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B6. Helps the body absorb nutrients faster, takes part in metabolism.
  • Vitamins RR. Experts have found that this substance can prevent the development of cancer. In addition, it fights the manifestations of an allergic reaction.
  • Vitamin D. Participates in the process of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Biotin or vitamin H. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. They become thicker and more voluminous.
  • Minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, copper and others.
  • Lecithin. Participates in the construction of cell membranes, normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

This is far from full list valuable substances found in baker's yeast. Dairy have a similar composition, but they also include probiotics, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract..

Useful qualities of baker's yeast

It is this type of fungus that we use every day. They have an impressive list of positive qualities. The benefits of yeast for the body are as follows:

  1. Contribute to strengthening immune system . They contain beta-glucans, which are considered natural immune stimulants.
  2. Enrich the intestinal microflora. This improves the process of digestion. They increase the production of gastric juice, which leads to the full and rapid digestion of food.
  3. Render antioxidant action. They neutralize the factors that lead to cell oxidation. This helps slow down the aging process.
  4. Reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  5. Help to deal with constipation.
  6. They have the ability to lower blood pressure.
  7. Some experts believe that yeast is beneficial for people with a predisposition to oncological diseases. They are especially effective in preventing pancreatic cancer..
  8. After using yeast, the skin becomes smooth and clean, the hair acquires volume and becomes silky, the nail plates stop exfoliating.

Fungi can be used externally. With their help, it is possible to cope with acne, seborrhea, eczema, burns and dermatitis. On their basis, they prepare healing masks for the face and hair.

It is enough for a person to consume from five to seven grams of this product per day. In some cases, it is recommended to increase the dosage. Yeast is recommended for people with reduced immunity, experiencing constant stress, suffering from anemia, skin diseases, oncology, digestive problems.

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IN medicinal purposes mushrooms are consumed in the form of a drink. To do this, they are bred in a small amount warm water. You can add some sugar, bran or other ingredients to improve taste characteristics. Vegetarians should definitely drink such a drink to make up for the deficiency of protein and other nutrients.

Useful properties of yeast are lost when they are heated above 60 degrees. Therefore, baking such positive qualities does not possess.

Harmful qualities of baker's yeast

The yeast fungus has harmful qualities for the body. Among them are:

The harm of yeast to the human body is also in the fact that when they modern production salts of heavy metals and other toxic substances can be used. Although this product has low calorie it is not recommended to use it for people suffering from overweight. The fact is that it has the ability to increase appetite, which can provoke overeating.


In some cases, the use of such a product can cause serious harm to health. It is better to refuse them in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • kidney failure.
  • Gout.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Individual intolerance.

Yeast in a woman's body can provoke the development of candidiasis. Therefore, their use is possible only under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Today it is very problematic to find live yeast on sale. The most popular dry product, which is sold in small bags. Dried mushrooms are small rounded granules. Their shelf life can be up to two years. Wherein all useful properties are preserved in them. In order for them to become active, it is enough to dilute them in warm water or milk.

Dry yeast is useful for anemia and as a means to strengthen the immune system. They contain a large number of squirrel. They are not recommended for use with gout, dysbacteriosis, as well as acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is used not only in the production of beer, but also for the manufacture of cosmetic and medical preparations. They have an excellent cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effect.

This type of fungus is often used to improve hair. It is believed that he is able to make the hairstyle lush and attractive. But most experts do not agree with this opinion. Their use can provoke an allergic reaction and cause severe dandruff.

Brewer's yeast is now available in tablet form. Manufacturers claim one hundred they are able to have the following effect on the body:

  • Contribute speed dial muscle mass.
  • Increase efficiency and enhance brain activity.
  • Cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Eliminate the effects of stress, as they have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Reduce the concentration of cholesterol.

These drugs are indicated for people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, problems with the nervous system . Contraindications to their use are pregnancy, kidney disease, individual intolerance to the components, treatment with the use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, antidepressants or painkillers.

Features of lactic yeast

Unlike other varieties, lactic yeast - the most valuable product for the body. They contain enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the body.. They have a positive effect on the work of the intestines, help strengthen the immune system.

Milk fungi are found in kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt and others fermented milk products. They can become harmful only when overuse. But if you drink them in moderation, the benefits will be invaluable.

How to properly store yeast

Live yeast is a product that requires special conditions storage. The purchased briquette must be kept at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees. If you leave them at room temperature, then they will be usable for no more than a day. When stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is extended to four weeks.

You can extend the storage time of pressed yeast if you crush it and mix it with flour. Let the resulting mixture dry. To do this, lay it out on clean thick paper. Before use, check the suitability of the product.

Freezing is another way to store yeast. To do this, the briquette must be freed from the wrapper, cut into small pieces. Wrap each one in foil. Put all the convolutions into one plastic bag and tie it tightly. Remove to freezer. The product will remain valid for up to six months.

Dry yeast does not require special storage conditions. In a closed package, they remain suitable for a year and a half. They need to be kept lightly. cool place. Make sure that the pack does not get direct Sun rays. If the bag is already opened, then the shelf life of the product is reduced to two weeks. In this case, it is better to pour the yeast into a dry glass jar seal tightly with a lid and refrigerate. In this state, they can remain usable for up to six months.

Brewer's yeast is a popular dietary supplement with a mass useful properties and beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. The order in which yeast is taken depends on the desired end result, as well as on general condition organism.


The composition of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast are unicellular plant organisms belonging to the class of fungi. They contain a lot beneficial enzymes and other components involved in the acceleration of fermentation and oxidation processes organic compounds(usually carbohydrates). Brewer's yeast is a storehouse of minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc and others), vitamins of groups B, E, PP, H, D, natural highly digestible protein, as well as a source of essential amino acids that are present in them almost at full strength. Therefore, in medical practice, they are recommended as an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent that increases the overall resistance of the body to stress and various diseases, improving general well-being and tone, which increases performance.

Today, there are many drugs, the main active ingredient of which is brewer's yeast, and zinc, magnesium, succinic acid, etc. are used as an additional one. The choice of such a biologically active additive will depend on the problem being solved.

The benefits of brewer's yeast

The benefits of brewer's yeast for our body are invaluable, they normalize metabolic processes (carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism), improve the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, increase appetite, improve and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, support the normal functioning of the pancreas, stimulate the processes of excretion from body of toxins, thereby improving the overall functioning of the body.

They are a means of replenishing the reserves of vitamin B group.

Especially useful for diabetics, because they contain large quantities chromium, which stimulates the body to "fight" with glucose.

Yeast helps to cope with emotional and physical stress, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Helps maintain the acid-base balance of biofluids in the body.

When taking brewer's yeast, the condition of the skin of the face improves significantly, especially problematic and oily skin with enlarged pores, acne and acne. To improve the condition of the hair, strengthen the roots, get rid of dandruff, their additional use externally, in the form of masks, will help. Brewer's yeast mask recipes are very effective, but they have a significant drawback - the presence of a strong and persistent yeast smell from the hair, which is not so easy to wash off, mask review.

Brewer's yeast helps to strengthen the immune system, exhibit high antioxidant properties, preventing early aging, and prevent the development of liver cancer.

A useful feature of brewer's yeast can be called the ability to increase the content of good cholesterol and reduce its overall level in the body (for example, taking 2 tablespoons of brewer's yeast once a day for two months will help reduce cholesterol by 10%).

Taking brewer's yeast is also useful for wounds and cuts, as it has the ability to accelerate regenerative processes in tissues.

Video: 10 useful facts about brewer's yeast.

Enriched brewer's yeast

in pharmacies and specialized stores you can find brewer's yeast enriched succinic acid, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc.

Brewer's yeast with succinic acid increases muscle elasticity, which is especially useful for athletes and people with elevated physical activity, because they prevent the occurrence of fights in overworked muscles, increasing the body's ability to adapt to increased loads without exhaustion.

Magnesium in combination with yeast is involved in protein synthesis and maintains energy reserves in the body, therefore it is recommended when it is deficient in the body.

With a lack of zinc in the body, cholesterol levels rise, prostate diseases develop, sexual activity is inhibited or greatly reduced, infertility develops, problems with skin, hair and nails appear. Brewer's yeast with zinc successfully solves all these problems.

Brewer's yeast in combination with iron serve excellent remedy preventing anemia.

Brewer's yeast with selenium is the best source selenium, which is in the preparation in an easily digestible form, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the protective and antiviral abilities of the body, positively affects the functioning of the liver, especially in the presence of its diseases in chronic or acute forms. This dietary supplement is also a prevention of premature aging and the development of tumors of various nature.

Brewer's yeast, enriched with calcium, perfectly strengthens teeth, hair and nails, in combination with potassium helps to restore the human nervous system and increase muscle tone. The use of brewer's yeast with sulfur preserves the elasticity of the skin and is the prevention of aging. Iodine-enriched brewer's yeast helps to restore the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Indications for the use of brewer's yeast

  • Diabetes.
  • The recovery period after a serious illness to eliminate exhaustion (for weight gain) and make up for the lack nutrients.
  • Prevention of B-hypovitaminosis.
  • Permanent cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Furunculosis (acne juvenile).
  • Dermatoses on the background of nervous conditions.
  • Eczema, psoriasis.
  • Anemia.
  • Impact chemical substances, radiation.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Fragility and excessive dryness of hair and nails (improvement after 1-1.5 months of use).
  • Intensive loads (physical, mental).
  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Oily and problematic skin.

Brewer's yeast how to take

Reception of brewer's yeast is carried out in courses of one to two months, taking into account the existing problems. Persistent improvement occurs, as a rule, after a month and a half of daily use. During the year, you can carry out no more than three such treatment-and-prophylactic courses with an interval of two to three months between each.

Adults and children over 12 years of age take brewer's yeast for prevention, one tablet three times a day, an hour after a meal (usually the dosage is indicated on the preparation). A large dosage of yeast should be agreed with a specialist. Children 3-7 years old are recommended to take brewer's yeast 0.25 g once a day, children from seven years old - 0.5 g twice a day, also in between meals.

Side effects of taking brewer's yeast

Reception of brewer's yeast can cause reactions of an allergic nature in the form of urticaria, itching.

Contraindications for taking brewer's yeast

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.
  • Due to the content of nucleic acids, it is contraindicated in the elderly.
  • Optic nerve atrophy (genetic disease).
  • Diseases of a fungal nature.
  • Children up to three years old.
  • Pregnancy (only after consultation with a doctor).
  • Gout.

Is it possible to take brewer's yeast at the same time as medications

During the period of taking medications, the intake of brewer's yeast should be discussed with the attending physician, since they can change the activity of the drug used, as well as change their properties.

Some might say that brewer's yeast, for all its virtues, inevitably leads to a set excess weight. I will say right away that if a woman does not have metabolic disorders and endocrine disorders, then there will be no weight gain when taking yeast. After all, it is these violations that provoke completeness. The drug, on the contrary, restores disturbed metabolic processes, improves the absorption of nutrients, especially protein, hence the body does not need to require additional portions of food. Brewer's yeast is often used in a weight loss program.

Now you know that brewer's yeast can solve a lot of problems, take them without fear, but only after consulting a doctor and his recommendations.

From childhood, we were taught a special attitude towards wheat products and laid in our minds that bread is the head of everything. So why are so many people refusing this product today? Some believe that bread is harmful to the figure, since the carbohydrates contained in it in large quantities do not combine well with the proteins and fats of other foods, while others refuse to eat it because of yeast.

And indeed, a few years ago, a series of TV shows was released about pernicious influence yeast microorganisms. But is yeast really that dangerous? Harm to the body or the benefits of them will be with the regular use of bread, we will tell in our article. Here we note what alternative baker's yeast exists and how to bake healthy at home.

What is yeast?

Yeast is a group of 1500 thousand that live in liquid and semi-liquid environments rich in organic matter. In nature, they are widespread and often live around sugar-containing soils, on the surface of fruits and berries. Yeast can live even without access to oxygen. In such an environment, they begin to actively absorb carbohydrates, which causes a fermentation process with the release of alcohols.

A feature of all is their incredible reproduction rate. Like all unicellular organisms, they reproduce vegetatively, that is, by cell division. However, in some cases, macroscopic fruiting bodies can form.

Yeast is divided into species according to a number of characteristics, including the method of reproduction. They are widely used in baking, brewing, winemaking, etc. Some fungi have a pathogenic effect, and yeast has been conditionally proven to be harmful to the body. What is it?

Action on the body

When ingested, yeast begins to multiply, thereby disrupting the work of all digestive organs during fermentation.

How does yeast affect the body:

  • fermentation, accompanied by decay, is a favorable environment for harmful microorganisms that penetrate into the blood through damaged intestinal walls;
  • the process of removing toxins from the body is disrupted;
  • the intoxication of the body with the products of the vital activity of bacteria continues;
  • the protective and digestive functions of the intestine are reduced;
  • constipation occurs, sand clots form in the kidneys, stones in gallbladder and liver.

The harm of yeast to the body is obvious. But how high are the benefits that these single-celled fungi bring to the body?

Yeast: harm to the body or benefit

Until recently, it was believed that yeast is good for the body. They contain a large amount of protein, B vitamins, various acids, important vitamins and trace elements. With colitis and gastritis, anemia, high cholesterol doctors recommended yeast. The effect on the body of these artificially bred mushrooms was studied further, and the directly proportional effect of their use was soon proved.

The thing is that when it enters the body, yeast in the process of active reproduction begins to consume, along with carbohydrates, all those useful vitamins and minerals that come from food. And this means that a person receives less of them, which subsequently leads to their deficiency. When evaluating whether yeast is harmful to the body, one should take into account their type (baking, wine, dairy, beer). Among all varieties, the most harmful to the body are bakery or thermophilic.

pathogenic yeast

Certain types of yeast cause dangerous diseases in a person with a weakened immune system. For example, Candida fungi are one of the components of the normal microflora. But as soon as a person’s immunity decreases as a result of injuries, surgical treatment, or prolonged use of antibiotics, Negative influence yeast on the body. Mushrooms begin to develop intensively, causing the disease candidiasis, which can be quite dangerous.

No less strong is the harm of yeast to the human body in case of illness cryptococcosis, folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis. In a healthy body, these fungi may not manifest themselves in any way.

Baker's yeast

Baker's yeast Saccharomycetes is used to make bread. A feature of mushrooms is that in the process of fermentation they secrete carbon dioxide. It is thanks to this that the dough kneaded on their basis rises well, and the bread after baking has a characteristic spongy structure. Yeast is produced on the basis of molasses and is available in dry and fresh (pressed) form.

The effect of yeast on the human body is ambiguous. Their supporters say that mushrooms are good for the body, as they are a source of essential vitamins. At the same time, yeast opponents argue that incoming vitamins are consumed by the same fungi. As a result, the body does not receive any benefit, and the number of fungi in the body increases dramatically.

What is the harm of baker's yeast?

As for baker's yeast, here all doctors and nutritionists agree that they practically do not bring benefits to the body. Some of them call saccharomycetes particularly harmful to the body and are advised to stop using yeast bread.

The harm of baker's yeast for the body is as follows:

  • disrupt the intestinal microflora and start putrefactive processes inside the intestines. As a result, all beneficial bacteria die, immunity decreases, dysbacteriosis appears;
  • disturbed acid-base balance in the body. As a result of the formation acid environment constipation, gastritis and ulcers occur;
  • in the presence of fungal flora, the composition of the blood changes and the amount of calcium in the body decreases sharply;
  • as a result of the production of artificial yeast, heavy metals and harmful chemical compounds enter them;
  • normal blood circulation is disturbed, blood clots form;
  • lead to the formation of malignant tumors in various human organs and systems.

Baker's mushrooms have another name - thermophilic yeast. The harm to the body of these fungi in the composition of bread is the subject of a dispute between scientists and bakers. The latter agree that yeast can be harmful to the body when consumed in fresh. But when inside the crumb reaches 98 degrees. Under such conditions, thermophilic yeasts die. Scientists are trying to prove that yeast produced in modern conditions, can live and develop even at 500 degrees. They enter the body along with bread and disrupt the intestinal microflora and the work of other organs.

Brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is a fungus that grows and reproduces from barley hops and malt. They are an indispensable part of the brewing process. Distinguish top and bottom brewer's yeast.

The effect on the body of this type of mushroom, according to scientists, is therapeutic. This is due to the fact that brewer's yeast contains almost the entire set of amino acids known to science, all B vitamins, a large amount of protein, fatty acids, and carbohydrates. Because of this, brewer's yeast has long been used as a dietary supplement to improve immunity, improve performance and well-being.

The difference between brewer's yeast and baker's yeast

On the human body different types yeast have different effects. Indeed, brewer's yeast is useful for the body, unlike those used in the manufacture of bread.

There is such a difference between these two types of yeast:

  1. Brewer's yeast is not used in bread baking because it dies at high temperatures.
  2. The technology of growing these mushrooms is completely different.
  3. Brewer's yeast is recommended for use in the treatment of a number of diseases.

Is brewer's yeast harmful to the body?

Useful brewer's yeast does not bring specific harm to the body. However, they are not recommended for people with overweight body, as they contribute to rapid weight gain. In addition, the appearance of edema can also be involved Brewer's yeast. Their effect on the body with gout and kidney disease can be sharply negative.

On the work of the gastrointestinal tract, brewer's yeast has only positive influence and, unlike bakery products, do not cause harm.

How to remove yeast from the body?

People who seriously care about their health are ready to go to any manipulations to remove the yeast from their body. But in fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance.

For those who have realized all the harm of yeast to the body, it would be logical to switch from using traditional bread to yeast-free. Today it is offered by all major supermarkets with their own bakeries, and it is quite in demand. There are more and more types of such bread every day.

Some time after giving up yeast bread, a person notices how the bowel function normalizes, toxins and toxins are gradually removed from the body, and health improves. Yeast in the human body, not receiving replenishment from the outside, die and gradually begin to be excreted. Probiotics also contribute to the speedy restoration of the intestinal microflora.

Baker's yeast alternative

Yeast-free bread is prepared on the basis of sourdough, which can be safely called useful alternative yeast. And even more so, knowing about the harm of yeast to the human body, every person who cares about his health should cook it.

There are several types of sourdough: hop-based sourdough, rye sourdough. rye flour and others. The recipe for a healthy hop starter is as follows:

  1. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan.
  2. Pour 1 cup of dry hops into the water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes over low heat.
  3. Remove from heat, cool to room temperature pour into a clean glass jar. After that, add a tablespoon of sugar and half a glass of whole grain flour to the broth.
  4. Put the jar in a warm place for 24 hours. During this time, the sourdough should double in volume.

You need to store the starter in the refrigerator, periodically updating it.

How to make healthy bread?

For cooking unleavened bread at home, you must adhere to the following recipe:

  1. Prepare a dough from fresh, renewed sourdough (2 tablespoons), a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and a glass of flour. Can be taken wheat flour(100%) or rye with wheat (50 to 50%)
  2. Put the dough in a warm place for several hours (from 2 to 10).
  3. As soon as the dough rises, add another 1-2 cups of flour to it. The exact amount will depend on the quality of the flour.
  4. Pour the dough into a greased baking dish vegetable oil. Put the form in a warm place (you can near the battery) for 6-12 hours. During this time, the volume of the dough should increase by 1.5-2 times.
  5. Bread is baked in an oven heated to the maximum temperature for 10 minutes. After that, the heating is turned off, and the bread comes to readiness in a warm oven.

By eating such bread, you will stop worrying about the harm that baker's yeast can do to the body. Unleavened bread, baked on hop starter, contains all essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Such pastries do not get stale for a very long time. , since hops contain a large amount essential oils, which are powerful phytoncides with antimicrobial properties.


Since their inception, their effect on the body has been subjected to careful research. Scientists from all over the world different time harm has been proven yeast for the body. At the same time, the use of yeast-free bread helped many people get rid of a number of pathologies. More than 70% of people who changed their diet felt an improvement in health. Therefore, you should not test your body for strength by eating unhealthy bread every day, while it can and should be abandoned. Moreover, thermophilic yeast has a worthy alternative.
