
How to bake bread in a bread pan. What do you need to make delicious homemade bread? Sourdough for homemade hop bread

How many proverbs and sayings about bread were invented by the people, not to count. Since ancient times, bread has been revered and treated with great respect. Bread is the head of everything! To this day, it is a staple food. You won't be full without bread.

Baking is a labor-intensive and time-consuming activity, but this is all offset by the pleasure that you get from a delicious, fragrant loaf baked with your own hands.

Bread can be baked in the oven, in the oven, in a bread machine, from yeast dough and dough without yeast.

We will present you several recipes for bread, appetizing, unique in taste.

Let me start by reminding you.

  1. In the old days they said that the taste of bread depends on good hands and a good heart.
  2. Important, for tasty, high-quality bread, is flour and pure water, their correct ratio in the dough
  3. I would especially like to note that when kneading the dough, the room should be warm, and the flour should not be cold.
  4. When preparing yeast, they must be thoroughly mixed with water, adding a small amount of flour
  5. The kneaded dough needs to be put in a warm place for fermentation for 4-6 hours.
  6. Well-fermenting dough is porous, smells of alcohol and has a convex shape on top
  7. At the time of fermentation, the dough must be covered with a towel

How to make sourdough for yeast-free dough, you can read more

Recipes for delicious bread from yeast dough in the oven

Bread at home from A to Z

How to bake white wheat bread at home

To make this bread, for 1 kg of wheat flour you will need to cook

  • 2 glasses of water
  • 30 - 40 g of yeast,
  • 1 st. spoon of salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 1 - 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 st. l. butter

Let's start kneading the test. Take half the flour, mix it with 1.5 cups of water and yeast. Mix it all very well. It is better to dilute the yeast first and add it to the flour. It is best to knead the dough with your hands, if necessary, slightly adding flour, until it stops sticking to the walls of the pan.

Keep in mind that the pan should be large enough so that the dough can freely increase in size by 3 times.

Cover with a towel, put the pan in a warm place for 3 - 4 hours, periodically kneading it (about every hour).

After the dough has increased by 1.5 - 2 times, knead the dough again, adding the rest of the flour, water, salt, sugar and vegetable oil to it. If you want the dough to be more rich, add one egg to it. Knead everything well, and cover the pan, put again in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

Prepare the forms, it can be a deep baking sheet, a saucepan, special baking dishes, grease them with oil and spread the dough in them, keep in mind that you should not fill the forms completely, as the dough will increase in size during baking.

Put the forms for 20-40 minutes in a warm place, preferably to a warm battery. The dough will rise a little more.

Now the most crucial moment - we bake bread. If there is an elevated temperature and low humidity in the oven, we can get low, unbaked, hard bread, so the temperature and humidity must be created.

First, heat the oven to 160 - 180 degrees and put a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven. Place the forms on the middle shelf and hold for 6 - 10 minutes, then raise the temperature to 220 - 280 degrees, bake until cooked, at the end of baking, reduce the temperature again to 180 degrees. Baking time depends on the weight of the loaf, with 1.5 kg - about 1.5 hours.

After taking the bread out of the oven, brush it with a 1:1 diluted egg with water or butter. Cover with a towel and leave to cool. After it cools down, you can take it out of the mold.

Start baking - we are sure you will succeed.

An old recipe for homemade yeast bread

To bake this bread you will need:

  • 10 g yeast
  • 0.5 cup warm water
  • 1 glass of warm milk
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • wheat flour as needed

You need to pour the yeast into warm water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of flour, mix everything thoroughly. Add salt, milk and butter.

While stirring, add a little flour until the dough becomes cool, while soft, tender and does not stick to your hands.

Divide the whole dough into several small balls. Flatten slightly and place on a baking sheet. Load into hot oven and bake for approximately 10 minutes.

Readiness check with a match, piercing the bread, if the dough does not stick to the match, the bread is ready. Take it out and put it on a wooden board, covering it with a towel for 20 minutes.

In old Russian recipes, it was advised to grease the form with hemp oil, and before baking bread, keep the flour in a warm place for two days.

How to bake homemade rye bread in the oven

According to professional bakers, real rye bread can only be baked in a Russian oven. Only in it you can get the aroma of real rye bread, while the loaves should be large - five kilograms.

Well, there are few housewives who have the opportunity to use the Russian oven, and yet we dare to use this recipe for baking it at home in our modern apartments.

To complete our recipe, you will need 2 cups of sifted rye flour, 1 cup of water, 25 g of yeast, salt at the tip of a teaspoon.

Take a bowl, put flour in it. Dilute the yeast with water, pour it into a bowl, salt and knead the dough so that it is soft, smooth, uniform.

Make a bun out of it, leave it in a warm place for 1.5 hours. The dough will ferment and rise, and the aroma of fermented rye dough will come from it.

After that, knead it well again, place it on a prepared baking sheet, pre-oiled, shape it.

Wait about an hour for the dough to rise, send it to the oven, heated to 230 degrees for 30 minutes, after sprinkling it with water.

Ready bread, remove from the mold and lightly moisten with water on top, cover with a towel to cool.

Break off a piece of fragrant tasty bread and try it with cold milk. The taste is unforgettable.

A simple recipe for baking milky white bread

For this recipe, prepare based on 850 g of wheat flour -

  • 1 glass of milk
  • 100 g sugar
  • 150 g butter
  • 20 g yeast
  • 3 eggs and salt on the tip of a knife

First, dilute the yeast with warm milk, add half the sugar and 100 grams of flour, make a batter, leave it in a warm place for 1 hour.

At this time, we will make the filling, for this, rub the butter so that it becomes white, combine with egg yolks, salt and sugar. Pound all this very well until a liquid homogeneous mass is obtained.

Whisk the remaining whites.

Put the dough in a large saucepan, add flour, filling, proteins. Knead the dough well, divide into 2 equal parts, shape the loaves and place them in pre-oiled molds.

The top of the roll can, if desired, sprinkle with crushed nuts, grease with an egg. Bake at a temperature of approximately 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Recipes for homemade bread dough without yeast

We bake a bun according to the recipe with cinnamon and raisins

Take the yolks from 5 eggs and mix with 100 g of powdered sugar until smooth.

0.5 tsp ground cinnamon, 3 grains of cloves, half a glass of pitted raisins, grated peel of one lemon, add to the resulting mass and mix it all.

Beat the whites, add to the mass and adding 50 g of wheat flour, knead the dough well.

Bake in a greased form, over low heat for 30 minutes.

vanilla potato bread recipe

Pound the yolks with powdered sugar until white, add whipped cream, potato flour, vanillin and knead everything well.

Take a form, preferably round, grease with oil and sprinkle with flour on top, place the dough in it.

Bake in the oven until done.

The composition of this bread

  • 120 g potato flour
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 5 proteins
  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanillin

Corn flour bread in the oven without yeast

Make a homogeneous mass consisting of 3 egg yolks, 150 g of powdered sugar, add 1 cup of sifted corn flour, grated zest, juice from one lemon to it. Mix it all well.

Beat whites from 12 eggs and pour into the dough, mix lightly.

Bake over low heat in a greased and floured form.

Bread recipes from yeast dough in a bread machine

We bake in a bread machine Tex-Mex bread with sweet pepper

Since many, today, have electric bread machines in their household kitchens, we decided to give two, in our opinion, original recipes for delicious bread. There are many varieties of bread machines, and we will do this in a fairly common, Tefal model, the easiest to use.

  • 225 ml water
  • 30 g tomato paste
  • 6 g salt (1 tsp)
  • 290 g sifted wheat flour

Place the container in the bread maker, select mode 5 (baking French bread), product weight 750 g, crust color and start. After the signal, add 100 g of red, yellow and green sweet peppers, cut into small cubes.

How to bake Hawaiian bread in a bread machine

On a 750 g roll, place the products in the container in the following sequence:

  • 135 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 7 g salt (1 tsp)
  • 75 g sugar
  • 375 g sifted wheat flour
  • 5 g dry yeast (in 1 tsp - 3 g dry yeast)

Place the container in the bread maker, select mode 6 (highest baking bread), product weight 750 g, crust color and start. After 5 minutes, after the start of kneading, open the lid and add 70 g of soft butter.

After the signal, add 30 g of cocoa powder and 80 g of pineapples, cut into cubes. At the beginning of the baking process, brush the crust with a beaten egg, sprinkle with 10 g of cocoa powder and decorate with 30 g of pineapple rings.

Watch the video how to bake in a bread machine and the recipe

Video recipe from the chef Homemade rustic bread

You can find out how to store bread at home so that it does not stale longer.

The fundamental moment in the culmination of the culinary craft is considered to be the skill of baking homemade bread.

Of course, many housewives today think that it is a luxury to spend precious time preparing what is enough on the shelves of any store. And besides, in abundance of varieties and varieties. However, one should not agree with this. Baking made at home is much tastier and more aromatic. In order for it to stimulate appetite, you just need to follow a few rules, and the fruits of your labor and patience will bring glorious joy to everyone.

The key condition for cooking is the state of mind and good mood. You can’t be in a nervous state, scold and shout, because. the dough may not rise, and the finished pastry will “fall” or bake poorly.

We want to offer you some tips, as well as a couple of recipes.

We need yeast to bake homemade bread. Today, housewives mainly use dry ones. They are divided into paired and non-paired. The former must be diluted in water or milk to make a dough. The second is used immediately, mixing with flour. To determine which ones you bought, you need to carefully read the packaging. It contains the characteristics and rules of preparation. Before you tell how to bake bread at home, give you a recipe, read useful tips, without which nothing will succeed.

* Flour by all means, first, sift! At this point, the flour is filled with oxygen, which provides the porosity of the bread.
* To avoid lumps, pour the liquid into the flour. And it doesn’t matter if the dough is dough or not, you should always put all the components in the flour (milk, water, yeast, butter, spices, eggs, spices, etc.).
* Knead the dough in a cup until it sticks to the spoon, and then transfer to a floured table and continue the process with your hands. The batch should be elastic, soft and pliable.
* The kneaded dough, to increase in volume, must be left for 2 hours, in a warm place, covered with a blanket. If it is not disturbed at this time, then it should rise 2-3 times, and by sticking a few straws in its middle, we will speed up this process.
* When the dough comes up, it needs to be kneaded a little again to remove the remaining carbon dioxide. Then shape it into a loaf. Transfer to an oven sheet, previously sprinkled with flour, and put the already formed dough for another 25 minutes. into heat (but not on the stove or oven), for re-rise.
* Remember that future bread in an apartment should not be in a draft.
* During this time, turn on the oven to warm it up. Bring the temperature up to 250-300 gr.S. On such a fire, the bread is baked for about 20 minutes, during this period the door cannot be opened, then you can see its condition and then slightly reduce the gas flow. In total, baking can range from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, it all depends on the flour, its density, grade and variety.
* To prevent the loaf from getting dry, create a steam effect by placing a mug of water on the bottom shelf.
* Do you want to bake bread with a beautiful crispy crust? Then, before putting it in the oven, grease the dough with an egg or plain water.
* When cutting, the crust will not crumble if the bread is covered with a damp cloth after baking and left alone.
* You can put nuts, raisins, seeds, various spices and spices into the dough.

White bread


Warm water - 3 tbsp. (40%)
Dry yeast - 3 tbsp. l.
Salt - 3 tsp
Oil (vegetable) - 1/3 tbsp.
Sugar - 100 gr.
Flour - 1 kg.

For dough, put butter, salt, yeast, sugar, water and 0.5 kg in a bowl. flour. After mixing well, we rearrange in a warm place for a couple of hours to rise.
When the dough comes up, knead the dough, slowly pouring the rest of the flour. As soon as the batch acquires elasticity, smearing it with oil, transfer it to a cup, and send it to heat for another 1.5 hours to rise again.
After a little wrinkling, the finished dough, leave for 5 minutes, so that it comes to its senses. Then we will form 3 loaves from it, and lay them in oiled molds. Let it brew to double the volume.
Heating the oven to 180 degrees C, bake bread in it for 35-45 minutes. If the top starts to burn, cover it with foil. Cool the finished bread.

Azerbaijani sweet bread


dry yeast - 1 tsp
milk (warm) - 0.5 l.
egg - 1 pc.
sugar - 1/3 kg.
oil - 200 gr.
flour - 750 gr.
flour for dough - 10 tbsp. l.
ginger (yellow) - 0.5 tbsp. l.
salt - to taste.

Stir yeast, sugar, spices (salt, ginger) and flour into milk until a gruel consistency is obtained. Move the dough to a warm place, let it bubble. Stir occasionally.

Pour 0.5 servings of flour and sugar into the kneading bowl, add the risen dough, pre-melted butter, egg. Knead the dough, adding the rest of the flour in handfuls. It should be soft and slightly sticky to the palms. Having covered the dishes with a napkin, we put the dough in a warm place for 1.5 hours. During this period, it should be mashed 2-3 times.

From the finished dough, make 4 cakes 2 cm high. Lubricate them with an egg, apply a pattern with the back of a fork.
Bake cakes in the oven at t 200 gr. C. After 5 minutes, take it out - re-grease with an egg and apply a pattern, sprinkle with seeds on top, sprinkle with cumin, sesame or poppy seeds and then bake for half an hour.

If you want to preserve the slender shape of your body, then you need to eat bread and all flour products at a certain time of the day - from 11.00 to 15.00. During this period, the digestive system functions more energetically and everything that is eaten in a given time interval (in moderate doses) is burned without harm to health!

What could be a more pleasant start to the day than the fragrant smell of freshly baked homemade bread that spreads throughout the house? Probably nothing. And now there is absolutely no need to get out of a warm bed and stomp to the nearest bakery to take an already slightly stale loaf. You just need to go to the kitchen and make bread at home. The recipes are incredibly varied. And today you will certainly learn something new.

We bake bread at home: recipes

We have selected for you recipes that do not require great culinary talent, so even a novice housewife can bake a fresh loaf. Try your hand and enjoy the result.

shaped bread

Baking bread at home does not become something very difficult. For example, tin bread is very easy to prepare. Now you will be convinced of it.

You will need:

  • wheat flour (650 g);
  • dry yeast (teaspoon);
  • warm water (200 ml);
  • granulated sugar (tablespoon);
  • kefir (200 ml);
  • salt (half a teaspoon);
  • sesame for decoration;
  • egg for brushing.


Pour kefir and water into a deep container. Then add yeast and sugar to the mixture. Let the yeast start working and the liquid will foam up. This will take about a quarter of an hour.

Then add 500 g of sifted flour to the bowl and salt. Mix everything.

Add flour if necessary. Your goal is to get a dough that doesn't stick to your hands. Cover the container with a cloth and leave the dough to rise. This will take at least an hour.

After the time has elapsed, add a little flour. Knead the dough again.

Now you can start shaping the bread. Just tear off pieces of dough and roll them into koloboks. The number of lumps does not matter.

Take a tall form and cover it with parchment. Lay out the koloboks in a chaotic manner, let them stand for another hour.

After the dough has risen again, brush the top of the semi-finished product with an egg. If desired, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. When it warms up, place the mold inside and leave for 25 minutes. When the loaf is ready, take it out of the mold and let it cool.

potato bread

A rather unusual recipe for bread, which is not difficult to fulfill at home.

You will need:

  • boiled unpeeled potatoes (2 pcs.);
  • spread or butter (55 g);
  • flour, preferably wheat (500 g);
  • yeast in sachets (one and a half spoons);
  • fresh milk (glass);
  • granulated sugar (50 g);
  • egg;
  • salt (half a teaspoon);
  • mixture of herbs.


Milk needs to be warmed up a little and put sugar with yeast in it. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Then pour half of the allotted flour and grated potatoes into the liquid. Salt and mix everything again.

Melt the butter and also pour it into the dough. Then add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. Its readiness is determined by the fact that it ceases to stick to the hands.

The container with the dough must be placed in heat so that it rises. This will take approximately an hour.

Bake bread in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for the first 10 minutes. Next, the temperature is reduced to 180 degrees. Let the loaf rest for about 25 minutes.

It is easy to cook such bread in the oven at home (the recipe, as you can see, is very simple). The result will surprise you - the bread is very unusual in taste and is perfect for breakfast.

french bread

Baking bread at home (with surprisingly varied recipes) can also be done with the help of a modern kitchen assistant - a universal bread machine. Without it, probably, not a single housewife can do. Here is a recipe for bread at home to bake, we offer you.

Prepare the following set of products:

  • water (275 ml);
  • wheat flour (460 g);
  • dry yeast (8 g);
  • salt (one and a half teaspoons).

This bread recipe at home is not as difficult as it might seem. But it allows you to get a surprisingly airy crumb with a crispy crust.


Put the products in the bowl, focusing on the bookmarking scheme provided for by the design of your bread machine. Set the most suitable baking mode if "French Bread" is not available. In any case, the loaf will meet your expectations.

To make the bread more tender, the flour must be sifted before laying.

Buckwheat bread

Let's try to bake such bread in the oven at home. You can read the recipe below, it turns out not only tasty, but also healthy.

Prepare the following food package:

  • wheat flour (200 g);
  • vegetable oil (a couple of tablespoons);
  • salt (teaspoon);
  • granulated sugar (tablespoon);
  • dry yeast (teaspoon);
  • water (250 ml).


Mix yeast and sugar. Put the mixture into warm water. Make sure the sugar dissolves. Then put the rest of the ingredients and knead the elastic dough.

Transfer it to a deep container and cover with a cloth. Let it stand warm for about an hour and a half. You can preheat the oven to 30 degrees and put the dough to rise in it. The total volume should increase at least 2 times.

Take out the dough, punch down and roll out. There is no need to achieve a specific form. It can be both a rectangle and a circle. All the same, the layer will need to be rolled up in the form of a roll.

Then we transfer it to a pre-prepared baking sheet or baking dish and put it in heat again for half an hour so that the dough rises again.

Baking is carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees. In total, bread should spend in the oven for about 40 minutes.

rosemary loaf

You will need:

  • packaged dry yeast (5 g);
  • water (300 ml);
  • flour (480 g);
  • sugar (tablespoon);
  • salt (full teaspoon);
  • dry rosemary leaves (a couple of tablespoons);
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons).


Put the yeast, salt and sugar into the flour. Add warm water and oil. We knead the dough. It should feel soft and elastic to the touch. If the dough sticks to your hands, then you need to gradually add flour. But don't overdo it!

When the desired consistency is obtained, we shift the dough into a deep bowl and cover with a film or cloth. Now put it in heat so that the dough can rise. This usually takes an hour.

After the volume doubles, you can form a loaf.

To do this, take out the dough, knead and form the shape we need. After that, we transfer the bread to a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment paper and leave for another 20 minutes. Don't forget to cover it with a towel or the dough will dry out.

Rosemary bread is baked at a temperature of 200 degrees only for the first 10 minutes. Then the oven is cooled to 180 and cooking continues for another half an hour.

Now you can see for yourself what a delicious bread in the oven bread recipe offers. At home, as you can already check, it is very easy to prepare it. And you can pamper your loved ones with another goodies every day. Baking bread at home may well be your culinary business card.

Every nation has recipes for baking bread. The recipe for bread is about the same everywhere, all bread recipes are based on flour and water. This is the simplest bread recipe: knead flour with water - and bake bread. A recipe similar to this is still used by primitive peoples. Flour may be different. The most popular is wheat flour, but bread is baked from rye flour, bread from corn flour, and wheat-rye bread is also made. To make the bread fluffy, the dough can be fermented. Most often, yeast is used for this, it turns out the so-called. yeast bread. Bread without yeast is more difficult to prepare, but it is considered more useful. Unleavened bread can be prepared in two ways: using sourdough or using sparkling water. The sourdough bread recipe is old and more time consuming. Sourdough for yeast-free bread is made from germinated wheat grains or from hops. In addition, you can make bread with kefir, bread with kvass or beer. The composition of the bread does not end there. Bread can contain a variety of ingredients, from seeds and dried fruit, to eggs and meat. Wheat bread, white bread, rye bread, black bread, Borodino bread, French bread, Italian bread, sweet bread, custard bread, bread in an egg, bread with cheese - all types of bread cannot be counted. Someone likes a recipe for white bread, lovers of black bread will choose a recipe for bread made from rye flour. And then there is the ritual bread. All believers eat bread during fasting. If you are planning to bake lean bread, the recipe should not contain eggs and animal fats.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to bake bread, but many of us today have lost the knowledge of how to make bread. To know how to bake bread, it is not necessary to graduate from a culinary college. A person without a “baker” crust can bake bread at home with a fragrant crust. We will tell you the recipe, but you will have to fill your hand.

Homemade bread is the most delicious. Making bread at home is not that difficult. For example, at home you can cook delicious rye bread in the oven, you can find its recipe on our website.

Rye bread loved by many. Homemade rye bread with a crispy brown crust smells especially delicious. That is why so many people want to learn how to bake rye bread. Make rye bread at home once, and it will make you forget about the bread section in the supermarket.

A homemade bread recipe can use both baker's yeast and sourdough. The homemade bread recipe always leaves room for your imagination in terms of additional ingredients. Add nuts, dried fruits, spices and spices to your taste in the dough. Baking homemade bread can take place in the oven or a special bread machine. Literally anyone can make homemade bread in the oven. The recipe for bread in the oven is actually no different from any other bread recipe. Of course, there are some subtleties that will help you learn how to bake bread in the oven correctly. Firstly, successfully baking bread at home in the oven is, of course, largely dependent on your oven. Bread dough should stand for 10 to 15 hours in a warm place. Bread in the oven is baked at 180-250 degrees. After an hour and a half, baking bread in the oven will be completed. And it's quite easy to bake bread in a bread machine. Bread recipes for a bread machine will not cause you any difficulties and save a lot of time. That's why she's a baker.

Make homemade bread! At your service is a recipe for black bread, a recipe for Wheat Bread, a recipe for Borodino bread, a recipe for French bread, a recipe for Bread without yeast, or otherwise a recipe for Bread without yeast. Knowing how to bake homemade bread is also useful for making bread dishes. Of course, they will be tastier from homemade bread than from store-bought. So do not be lazy and cook bread, recipes with photos will help you.

bread recipes

How to cook bread in the oven according to a step by step recipe. Different types of bread, ingredient lists and step-by-step cooking instructions for each.

1 loaf

50 min

250 kcal

4.82/5 (11)

Bread is the most popular product that is consumed in most countries of the world. Freshly made crispy loaf of bread smells fragrant and has a wonderful sweetish taste. Many people cannot imagine their next meal without a piece of fresh loaf, and for good reason. Bread perfectly satisfies hunger, and if you add a few pieces of sausage, it is perfect for a quick snack.

Bakery products should be included in the diet of absolutely all people, as they contain exclusively fresh and environmentally friendly ingredients, many useful vitamins and minerals. Our simple and delicious recipes will help you make excellent dough and bake delicious bread in the oven at home!

Recipe for white bread in the oven

The most popular bakery product is white bread. It is very soft, slightly sweet and crunchy. In addition, it is very easy to cook it, without having expensive equipment at hand, spending a minimum of energy and time. A loaf of fine lush bread can be baked in a conventional oven in a gas or electric stove, which is in every kitchen. Also, cooking ordinary bread at home significantly reduces the family budget. But the most important thing is that you will be one hundred percent sure that the bread has absolutely no preservatives and other harmful substances. I present to your attention the most popular recipe for homemade bread in the oven with a photo. Let's try to cook bread on it. Baking bread is a responsible matter; you must strictly observe the number of ingredients and the procedure.

Kitchen appliances:


Let's start cooking:

Did you know? In order for the dough to bake better, we make small cuts on the top of the formed loaf.

video recipe

The video explains in a very accessible way how to properly knead the dough and what tricks will help you make soft and airy dough.

Recipe for kefir bread in the oven

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: 1 loaf of bread.
Kitchen appliances: oven, cutting board, sieve.


  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 3 cups wheat flour;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin.


  1. First, the flour should be sifted through a sieve, add all the other dry ingredients to it and mix.
  2. Gradually add kefir, while stirring. Knead the dough by hand until smooth.
  3. We form a loaf, sprinkle flour on top to form a crispy crust and put it on a baking sheet with greased parchment.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  5. We put a baking sheet in the oven and bake for half an hour.

Oven Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

Cooking time: 45 minutes.
Servings: 1 loaf.
Kitchen appliances: oven, cutting board, sieve.


  • 600 g whole grain flour;
  • 240 ml of boiled water;
  • 3 teaspoons of yeast;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.


  1. To begin with, pour warm boiled water into a deep bowl, into which yeast, salt and sugar should be poured. Stir and put in a warm place for 15 minutes.
  2. After this time, add 2/3 flour to the bowl, knead the dough and again set aside in a warm place for an hour.
  3. When the dough has risen, pour the rest of the flour into it, knead the dough and set aside for 40 minutes.
  4. After 40 minutes, the dough will rise and it can be placed in an oven preheated to 180 °. Bake 40 minutes.

video recipe

As you can see, the recipe is quite simple to follow. To simplify the work, a special dough mixer is perfect, as in the video, thanks to which you can quickly knead the dough, while applying a minimum of effort.

oven garlic bread recipe

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: 1 loaf of bread.
Kitchen appliances: oven, cutting board, sieve.


  • 3 cups of first-class wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of warm boiled water;
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 8 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.


  1. Mix all dry ingredients, add water and knead the dough.
  2. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave in a warm place for an hour.
  3. When the dough has risen, roll it out to a thickness of 2 cm with a rolling pin.
  4. Mix butter with grated garlic and apply on the entire surface of the dough.
  5. We twist the dough into a roll and cut several times. Set aside in a warm place for an hour.
  6. Bake at 200° for 25-30 minutes.

Recipe for black bread in the oven
