
How to make a good soap solution. How to make soap bubbles

Favorite children's game - bubble, they are so pleasing to both adults and children, both in winter and summer, both on the street and at home. But they are not always at hand, and you can’t buy them everywhere, then why not make them yourself, it’s not at all difficult.

Can you know great amount different recipes, to have with you a lot of different devices and everything else, but still make the most common and stupid mistakes. Here are some tips to avoid stupid mistakes and have fun:

By following these tips, you will have excellent bubbles, and there will be no mistakes, and the most important thing is the pleasure you get from this fun, and not the spoiled mood from the failure of the idea.

Recipes for making soap bubbles with glycerin

There are probably many different recipes on the Internet and in various books, and your grandfather may be able to teach you how to make a special solution from which you can blow out very good bubbles soap based. Let's look at a few of these recipes using a component such as glycerin.

Following these recipes, being very careful and extremely scrupulous about the proportions, you will get an excellent solution, which after half a day you can use and blow wonderful soap bubbles.

How to make soap bubbles without glycerin

Anything can happen in life, and sometimes it can happen that there is no glycerin at hand at all, or it is so small that it is better to leave it for more important household chores. But despite all this, you still want soap bubbles. In this case, you can resort to recipes for making soap bubbles without glycerin.

Such recipes for the most part consist in the fact that sugar is used instead of glycerin, or rather a solution of water and sugar in certain proportions, everywhere in different ways. In such recipes, it would be best to use this not plain water but distilled or boiled. As in the case of glycerin and sugar, do not overdo it.

The biggest plus of such bubbles, and more precisely ways cooking, in that everyone at home has boiled water, shampoo and sugar, when mixed, they make excellent solutions for blowing. And yet such a solution can be made anywhere and easily, and simply control the density by the degree of sugar added to the solution.

One way or another, this is another way to make soap bubbles without the use of glycerin. Happy Cooking and do not forget to allow about twelve hours to infuse the solution after preparation.

Other recipes

As already mentioned, there are many various recipes making soap bubble solution at home. And here are some more recipes:

It's a few non-standard recipes this children's fun, but they will give you and your children no less pleasure at any holiday, and even on a normal day.

How to check the quality of soap bubbles

When you follow the recipe and, following all the rules, unmistakably, make a solution, then after that you will need to check the quality of the soap bubbles themselves. Naturally, after waiting half a day, it is worth taking the solution and checking the bubbles. But how exactly?

You need to take the solution and blow the bubble. A ball about thirty millimeters in diameter should survive without bursting for about thirty seconds.

If it burst earlier, then the solution may not have been made quite correctly, or it has not been infused for enough time. But do not despair, try to do the same a few more times, because once is not an indicator at all.

Another way is, after blowing the bubble, quickly touch it with your finger, after dipping it in the solution, it should not burst. And if it burst, then it is also worth reviewing the recipe or leaving the solution for a while. Take a few more tries before jumping to conclusions.

Essentially the way to test the solution is to simply start blowing, if bubbles are blown out then it is good, and if not then the solution is bad and needs to be redone. And if we talk about bubbles, it depends on what recipe was taken as a basis and how the soap bubble was blown.

What and how to blow?

Naturally, after preparing the solution, I want to try it out, namely, to blow a soap bubble. On what and how? Everything is very simple, you need a stick for blowing. You can buy a ready-made stick from ready set, besides, the larger the set, the more diverse the range of blowing sticks there. Some have special sticks for blowing huge bubbles or making sculptures out of them.

But you can also make your own wand. Here are some examples:

  • a stick from a brush for cleaning pipes;
  • any wire bent into a ring will do;
  • bend the straw and secure with tape, and the wand is ready.

If it is clear how to blow out, then how, the question is open. The blowing technique is simple and does not depend on whether you purchased a ready-made solution or made it yourself.

  1. Dip the pre-prepared stick in the solution. After removing from the solution inside the ring of the stick, a trembling film is formed, a membrane from a soapy solution.
  2. Then bring the stick with the membrane inside to your mouth.
  3. Then lightly blow on the membrane, pushing the ball out. If you want to more bubbles, then blow harder.

Question answer

People have a lot of questions.

Where to buy glycerin?

Chemical stores, pharmacies, online stores.

How much and how to store the solution?

It is best to store in the refrigerator, you should not worry about durability, the solution will end earlier.

What is the best time to blow bubbles?

Summer weather is perfect, with a light breeze so that your bubbles shimmer colorfully in the sun and billow into the sky.

Why are such games dangerous?

It is natural from the fact that in the solution there are many harmful and hazardous substances, then for obvious reasons, namely possible poisoning, do not drink the solution. You also need to protect your eyes from bubbles, they can cause irritation and even blindness.

Interesting facts about soap bubbles

  • The fun appeared far in antiquity, this is confirmed by the drawings found by archaeologists, which depict children blowing bubbles;
  • It has been confirmed in practice that from one drop of the solution you can blow out a bubble that will be twenty centimeters in diameter, and from one milliliter you can blow out a whole six-meter giant;
  • With the right content, the bubble can live a huge amount of time, it also depends on the solution itself, but most of all on the influence external environment. Most long term the life of the bubble totaled about three hundred years;
  • In the recent 1996, one guy set a world record by blowing a thirty-meter soap bubble;
  • Also quite recently, namely, in 2007, a bubble was blown in which fifty people fit.

So, this children's fun is very easy to implement at home with your own hands literally from improvised means.

You can do it with glycerin, or you can use sugar and water.

The quality of the solution itself and, of course, soap bubbles directly depend on the quality of the components. Making a wand is very simple, you just need a comfortable ring, and the amount and size of the bubble can depend on the intensity of blowing. Please your friends and children.

And in conclusion - another option for making soap bubbles at home.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Often, purchased bubbles puff badly, corrode the eyes and skin of the baby. On the vast majority of factory solutions there is no labeling and composition of the mixture. It is possible that manufacturers use not quite high-quality and even harmful components. All recipes for soap solutions that we offer you are harmless to the skin of the child, do not cause allergies and inflammation.

Making soap bubbles at home is quite a feasible task. Bubble home cooking sometimes not only not worse than factory ones, but also surpass them in quality.

How to make soap bubbles - reveal the main secret

Basic cooking condition good solution– use of high-quality water. If it is too hard, the solution will be of poor quality: the bubbles will turn out small or they will not be blown out at all. We advise you to take drinking non-carbonated or filtered water. Good solutions are obtained on boiled or melted water. Applying good water you multiply your chances of success!

Classic bubble solution

It was this recipe for soap bubbles that was used according to GOST to prepare a solution during our childhood.


  • Purified water - 100 grams
  • Laundry soap or glycerin (unflavored) - 10 grams.
  • Glycerin pure - 20-30 grams.

Cooking method:

Cut or rub soap. The soap should completely dissolve. Flavored soaps cannot be used, it is necessary to use household or pure glycerin without additives.

Strain the solution through cheesecloth.

Add glycerin to the mixture. First you need to add 20 grams, and try to blow bubbles, and if they do not work, another 20 - 35 grams of glycerin is added to the mixture. Glycerin is needed pure form- You can't use cream. It’s hard to do without glycerin - the bubbles will turn out to be “dry”, from this they will burst faster.

Bubble Recipe #2 Using Dishwashing Liquid

Mixture prepared according to this recipe, suitable for blowing huge and giant bubbles.


  • Purified water - 100 grams
  • Fluid for washing dishes– 30 grams
  • Glycerin - 30 grams

Cooking method:

For this recipe you need a good detergent, preferably, the premium segment, such as Fairy, Biolan, etc. Water should also be of high quality, preferably purified. Blowing bubbles made from low-quality components is not easy - they quickly burst and turn out to be small. If prepared purified water is not available, it is allowed to use pre-boiled water. It must be cooled, filtered, without draining the sediment from the bottom.

After the liquid becomes homogeneous, glycerin must be gradually added to it. To begin with, no more than half of the maximum amount is added.

Now try blowing soap bubbles. If they are not blown out well, burst quickly, gradually add more glycerin.

Depending on the composition of the water, the proportions of the solution may vary.

Bubble Recipe #3

This recipe will take some time to make soap ball liquid. If the child wants to play with soap bubbles right now, it is better to choose a different recipe.


  • Purified hot water - 100 grams
  • Glycerin - 50 grams
  • Ammonia - 3 drops
  • Washing powder - 15 grams

Cooking method:

To boil water.

Mix all components thoroughly in a special bowl until completely dissolved.

After complete cooling, the liquid should be infused for 72 hours in a cool place.

Bubble Recipe #4


  • Purified water - 100 grams
  • Shampoo or shower gel - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 10 grams (1 teaspoon)

Cooking method:

Mix detergent and water. Instead of detergent, you can use laundry soap. The soap is grated and dissolved in warm water.

Once the water and detergent are evenly mixed, the mixture is stored in the refrigerator for exactly 1 week.

After this period, sugar is added to the mixture. After dissolving the sugar, the soap bubble solution is ready for use.

Bubble Recipe #5

This is the simplest and quick recipe preparing a mixture for soap balls. You can make them almost instantly.


  • Purified water - 100 grams
  • Bath foam - 30 grams

Cooking method:

Mix foam and water. It is better to use baby foam from the Little Fairy cosmetics collection - it makes the most beautiful soap bubbles.

How to blow soap bubbles

The size and quality of blown bubbles depends on the tool with which the soap balls are blown. Consider several options for blowing tools:

Ease of use is different factory wand blower.

The wire twisted with a loop will perfectly replace the factory-made product.

Excellent bubbles are obtained using an ordinary cocktail tube. To obtain better balls, it is better to cut the straw from the end in four planes.

If there is nothing at all at hand, you can launch balls with your thumb and forefinger folded into a ring.

To blow giant bubbles, you need to use a loop device consisting of two sticks connected to each other by two ropes forming a loop. The ropes need to be dipped in the solution, and then the sticks are spread apart and move them in a vertical or horizontal plane.

Greetings, dear reader. What can please a child at any age? Bubble. This is what all the kids are fond of and are fond of. Recently, my son and I were sitting at home, it was cold outside, it was raining, it somehow became boring. But then my mother came and brought soap bubbles.

There was a lot of joy not only for the child, but also for my wife and I. Happiness was not long, because they usually sell a bottle of 50 - 100 ml. Not much, they run out quickly. And now we wanted to blow bubbles, to rage. Of course, you can go and buy more, but I wondered why not do it myself.

gone creative process: I want a lot so that they inflate well and do not burst for a long time. Of course, the first thing I used was what was in the bathroom, soap, shampoo, gel ... But everything was not right. And then I had to use the Internet, though I came across the fact that not all recipes worked.

What to blow soap bubbles from

In order to make soap bubbles at home, you should take care of what to blow them out of. There are no inherent restrictions here. Simply put, you can use everything that you see around you, for example:

In general, the list can be continued for a long time, but we can say that you can use any rounded objects (or oval, or square, whatever) to blow soap bubbles at home. It takes a little imagination and something will definitely work out.

How to make soap bubbles with your own hands

In order to make soap bubbles at home, you need to take care of the ingredients. Of course, it is not necessary to buy something special, almost always there is everything at home. We will need:

  1. Dishwashing liquid. It is better to use those where the least additives, impurities.
  2. Pure water . Distilled water is best, I take it in auto stores for batteries. But be careful! Do not give it to children! You can't drink it - it's poison. If you are afraid, you can take boiled water. It's just that when there are fewer impurities in the water, soap bubbles are better.
  3. Sugar. It gives elasticity to soap bubbles.
  4. Glycerol. Also for the strength of soap bubbles. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is not expensive, but the effect is noticeable.
  5. Bath product. It is desirable for children, which does not sting the eyes.
  6. Soap. More precisely, shavings, better household, or something else without additives and so that it foams well. If solid soap is not available, liquid soap can also be used.
  7. Shampoo. Preferably without impurities, or at least to have a minimum of them. It is better to take a childish one that does not sting the eyes, so that if it bursts and gets into the eyes, it would not hurt.

And so, let's move on to the recipes themselves, how to make soap bubbles at home.

Recipe number 1.

The easiest recipe, quick and angry)))

  1. 0.5 cup detergent
  2. 2 glass of water
  3. 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar

Mix thoroughly and you can blow bubbles.

You can change sugar to glycerin, then change the volume and it turns out like this:

  1. 150 ml. detergent
  2. 1 liter of water
  3. 3 tablespoons of glycerin

Mix thoroughly, and it is better to leave to stand for a day, then stir again and blow.

Recipe number 2.

For the smallest, so that the eyes do not pinch, this option is suitable.

  1. 1 cup baby shampoo that doesn't sting your eyes
  2. 2 glasses of cold water
  3. We mix it all up and let it stand for about a day.
  4. Then add 6 teaspoons of sugar
  5. Mix thoroughly and use.

Recipe number 3.

The easiest way, do it and use it right away.

  1. 3 parts bath
  2. 1 part water
  3. mix but do not shake so that there is no foam and use

Recipe number 4.

Most traditional recipe which is still popular today.

  1. 10 glasses of hot water
  2. 1/2 cup soap shavings
  3. 2 teaspoons glycerin
  4. mix everything thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved, if the soap does not dissolve, then warm it up a little and stir. We do not allow boiling.

Recipe number 5.

Here's another one original recipe with corn syrup (if you can find it in the store). It turns out a dense composition.

  1. 2 cups dishwashing liquid or shampoo
  2. almost full glass corn syrup and stir
  3. 6 cups of water, pour in gently and stir, then use

You can try another syrup, but this is already an experiment, try, create.

When making soap bubbles at home, you want variety, unusualness. You can then make multi-colored soap bubbles. To do this, take the usual food paint. Pour the final composition into different dishes(according to the number of flowers) and add a pinch or a couple of drops food coloring mix and use.

How to make strong and big bubbles

Probably everyone wants to make soap bubbles that will not burst for a long time or will turn out to be very large. For such purposes, the following solutions were invented:

Durable soap bubbles:

  1. 1 part concentrated sugar syrup(you can do it yourself: 1 part water to 5 parts granulated sugar)
  2. 2 parts laundry soap shavings
  3. 4 parts glycerin
  4. 8 parts distilled water (extremely boiled, but not hot and clean)
  5. We mix all the components and insist for a day

Giant soap bubbles:

  1. 3 tablespoons of glycerin
  2. 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
  3. 4 canteens spoons of sugar
  4. 1.5 cups of water
  5. insist and cool a little

Such soap bubbles are difficult to blow, but spectacular. You need to use large rings to blow bubbles. For example, a racket without a net (you can also with a net).

It is advisable to blow soap bubbles outside, after rain. And at home everything will be covered with soapy water and you will have to wash everything again)))

That's all, enjoy, have fun, put on a show. Share your information with in social networks, with friends, leave comments, bye everyone.

Do-it-yourself soap bubbles at home updated: September 11, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel

You can spend a quiet evening of experiments, you can have a fun competition, or you can have a noisy pampering for kids ... By the way, how many adults can walk past children blowing soap bubbles and not show "class"?

What is important to know in order to make soap bubbles at home Fine?

Of course, the main thing is the solution and what sticks (tubes, frames) for soap bubbles you use. Below we give 7 recipes for soap bubble solution. You can choose the one that suits you best, but do not be surprised: you may have to "tailor" it to your conditions. Let some helpful tips help you.

The main secret of success!

The main condition for preparing a good solution is the use of high-quality water. If the water is too hard, the solution will be of poor quality: the bubbles will be small or they will not be blown out at all. We advise you to take drinking non-carbonated or filtered water. Good solutions are obtained on boiled or melted water. By using good water, you multiply your chances of success many times over!

Useful tips for those who make soap bubbles at home:

  • The less impurities (perfume and other additives) in the soap or other detergent used to prepare the liquid, the more reliable the result.
  • How to make the solution denser, and the quality of the bubbles better? To do this, use glycerin or sugar dissolved in warm water.
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be difficult to blow bubbles.
  • A less dense solution forms less stable bubbles, but they are easier to blow out (suitable for babies).
  • Many bubble buffs advise letting the solution sit for 12 to 24 hours before drinking.
  • At the start, before blowing the bubble, you need to wait for a clean, solid film (on which you will blow), without additional small bubbles around the edges that sometimes occur. Bubbles must be carefully removed or wait until they disappear. And in general, it is desirable to avoid foam: insist, cool the liquid for soap bubbles - if only there was less foam.
  • Wind and dust in the air are not helpers for soap bubbles.
  • High humidity is a helper.

Solution for soap bubbles: recipes for all occasions

Classic solution of soap bubbles according to GOST

It was this recipe for soap bubbles that was used according to GOST to prepare a solution during our childhood.


  • Purified water - 100 grams
  • Laundry soap or glycerin (unflavored) - 10 grams
  • Glycerin pure - 20-30 grams

Cut or rub soap. The soap should completely dissolve. Flavored soaps cannot be used, it is necessary to use household or pure glycerin without additives. Strain the solution through cheesecloth.

Add glycerin to the mixture. First you need to add 20 grams, and try to blow bubbles, and if they do not work out, another 20 - 35 grams of glycerin is added to the mixture. Glycerin is needed in its pure form - the cream cannot be used. It’s hard to do without glycerin - the bubbles will turn out to be “dry”, which will make them burst faster.

Recipe 1, simple: soap bubbles from dishwashing liquid

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Ready!

Can be used similar composition where glycerin is used instead of sugar:

  • 2/3 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and set aside cool place for 24 hours. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy.

To do colorful soap bubbles , add to mixture food coloring(2-3 teaspoons for the whole volume or divided into parts to make bubbles of different colors).

Recipe 2, for the little ones: how to make soap bubbles from baby shampoo?

You will need:

  • 200 ml baby shampoo,
  • 400 ml of distilled (boiled, melted) water.

This liquid should be infused for a day, after which you should add:

  • 3 tablespoons of glycerin or 6 teaspoons of sugar.

Recipe 3, Fragrant: Bath Bubbles

You will need:

  • 3 parts bath foam
  • 1 part water.

Recipe 4, original: soap bubbles with syrup

You will need:

  • 2 cups dishwashing liquid
  • 6 glasses of water
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup

Recipe 5, cheap and cheerful: solution for soap bubbles from laundry soap

You will need:

  • 10 glasses of water
  • 1 cup grated laundry soap
  • 2 teaspoons of glycerin (or a solution of sugar in warm water, you can - with gelatin).

You can get by with a combination of water and soap without additional additives (for example, if there is simply no glycerin). Soap grated on a grater must be poured into boiled water, and hot, and stir to full soap dissolution. If the dissolution is difficult, you can slightly warm the mixture with continuous stirring. Do not bring to a boil!

And if you do not want to grate laundry soap, then use this composition:

  • 100 ml liquid soap
  • 20 ml distilled water,
  • 10 drops of glycerin (after the foam settles, i.e. after about 2 hours. It is better to infuse the liquid in a cold place).

Recipe 6: extra strong soap bubbles for experimenters

You will need:

  • 1 part concentrated sugar syrup (proportion: to 1 part of water 5 parts of sugar: for example, for 50 g of sugar - 10 ml of water),
  • 2 parts grated soap
  • 4 parts glycerin
  • 8 parts distilled water.

With this solution, you can, for example, build various figures from soap bubbles by blowing them onto a smooth table surface.

Recipe 7: giant soap bubbles for a children's party

You will need:

  • 50 ml glycerin,
  • 100 ml dishwashing liquid,
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 300 ml of water.

A solution for giant soap bubbles can be prepared in a basin, and they are “blown out” using a gymnastic hoop or a frame specially twisted from a flexible material. Honestly, you don’t have to blow - rather, you have to wave the frame or slowly pull a large, strong bubble out of the basin.

What to blow? Tubes/frames/sticks for soap bubbles

As sticks for soap bubbles, you can use tubules of different diameters, frames, cocktail sticks (especially with a cross-shaped or fringed tip and bent “petals”), hollow blades of grass or pasta, dough cutters, funnels, you can buy special guns for soap bubbles in the store or just blow them through your fingers!

And if you are invited to a real soap bubble festival or arrange one for yourself, you can make original stick-frames with your own hands from wire and colored beads, for example, these:

Another one original idea- use to blow large soap bubbles ... plasticnew bottles !

If you have your own ways to make soap bubbles at home or articles on the topic (especially with photos!) - please share them in the comments!

Summer is in full swing - and you want something like that ... To be fun, simple and - to have a sea of ​​​​real summer sensations! One of great optionssoap bubble festival . Yes, yes, a holiday: any, even the most boring, evening with soap bubbles turns into an adventure. It's fun and beautiful, plus - new sensations, new observations, new discoveries ...

Oh, soap bubbles!

You can spend a quiet evening of experiments, you can have a fun competition, or you can have a noisy pampering for kids ... By the way, how many adults can walk past children blowing soap bubbles and not show "class"?

Today we have prepared for you 7 recipes for making soap bubbles at home . But you can use them in yard conditions, and in summer cottages, and in parks, and in holidays, and in walking, and even in the conditions of playing in a laboratory for studying the properties of soap bubbles!

What is important to know in order to make soap bubbles at home Fine?

Of course, the main thing is the solution and what sticks (tubes, frames) for soap bubbles you use. Below we give 7 recipes for soap bubble solution. You can choose the one that suits you best, but do not be surprised: you may have to "tailor" it to your conditions. Let some helpful tips help you.

The best children's books

Useful tips for those who make soap bubbles at home:

  • It is better to use boiled water to prepare the solution, and even better - distilled.
  • The less impurities (perfume and other additives) in the soap or other detergent used to prepare the liquid, the more reliable the result.
  • How to make the solution denser, and the quality of soap bubbles better? To do this, use glycerin or sugar dissolved in warm water.
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be difficult to blow bubbles.
  • A less dense solution forms less stable bubbles, but they are easier to blow out (suitable for babies).
  • Many bubble buffs advise letting the solution sit for 12 to 24 hours before drinking.
  • At the start, before blowing the bubble, you need to wait for a clean, solid film (on which you will blow), without additional small bubbles around the edges that sometimes occur. Bubbles must be carefully removed or wait until they disappear. And in general, it is desirable to avoid foam: insist, cool the liquid for soap bubbles - if only there was less foam.
  • Wind and dust in the air are not helpers for soap bubbles.
  • High humidity is a helper.

How to make a solution for soap bubbles: 7 recipes for all occasions

Recipe 1, simple: soap bubbles from dishwashing liquid

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Ready!

You can use a similar composition, where glycerin is used instead of sugar:

  • 2/3 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put the mixture in a cool place for 24 hours. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy.

To do colorful soap bubbles , add food coloring to the mixture (2-3 teaspoons for the entire volume or divide into parts to make bubbles of different colors).

Recipe 2, for the little ones: how to make soap bubbles from baby shampoo?

You will need:

  • 200 ml baby shampoo,
  • 400 ml of distilled (boiled, melted) water.

This liquid should be infused for a day, after which you should add:

  • 3 tablespoons of glycerin or 6 teaspoons of sugar.

Recipe 3, Fragrant: Bath Bubbles

You will need:

  • 3 parts bath foam
  • 1 part water.

Recipe 4, original: soap bubbles with syrup

You will need:

  • 2 cups dishwashing liquid
  • 6 glasses of water
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup

Recipe 5, cheap and cheerful: solution for soap bubbles from laundry soap

You will need:

  • 10 glasses of water
  • 1 cup grated laundry soap
  • 2 teaspoons of glycerin (or a solution of sugar in warm water, you can - with gelatin).

You can get by with a combination of water and soap without additional additives (for example, if there is simply no glycerin). Soap grated on a grater should be poured into boiled water, and hot, and stirred to full soap dissolution. If the dissolution is difficult, you can slightly warm the mixture with continuous stirring. Do not bring to a boil!

And if you do not want to grate laundry soap, then use this composition:

  • 100 ml liquid soap
  • 20 ml distilled water,
  • 10 drops of glycerin (after the foam settles, i.e. after about 2 hours. It is better to infuse the liquid in a cold place).

Recipe 6: extra strong soap bubbles for experimenters

You will need:

  • 1 part concentrated sugar syrup (proportion: to 1 part of water 5 parts of sugar: for example, for 50 g of sugar - 10 ml of water),
  • 2 parts grated soap
  • 4 parts glycerin
  • 8 parts distilled water.

With this solution, you can, for example, build various figures from soap bubbles by blowing them onto a smooth table surface.

Recipe 7: giant soap bubbles for a children's party

You will need:

  • 50 ml glycerin,
  • 100 ml dishwashing liquid,
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 300 ml of water.

A solution for giant soap bubbles can be prepared in a basin, and they are “blown out” using a gymnastic hoop or a frame specially twisted from a flexible material. Honestly, you don’t have to blow - rather, you have to wave the frame or slowly pull a large, strong bubble out of the basin.

Giant soap bubbles on the beach (video):

What to blow? Tubes/frames/sticks for soap bubbles

As sticks for soap bubbles, you can use tubules of different diameters, frames, cocktail sticks (especially with a cross-shaped or fringed tip and bent “petals”), hollow blades of grass or pasta, dough cutters, funnels, you can buy special guns for soap bubbles in the store or just blow them through your fingers! 🙂

And if you are invited to a real soap bubble festival or arrange one for yourself, you can make original stick-frames with your own hands from wire and colored beads, for example, these:

Another original idea - use it to blow large soap bubbles ...!

Soap bubbles show

And finally - see how beautifully and unusually soap bubbles are used in theatrical shows.
