
Should you drink Coca-Cola? Is it possible to drink Coca-Cola in case of poisoning? Possible harmful effects.

The history of the creation of this drink is long. Coca-Cola was invented in Atlanta, Georgia in America on May 8, 1886. Coca-Cola was invented by pharmacist John Steve Pemberton. And the name for the drink came up with Pemberton's accountant, Frank Robinson. And he also wrote the words "Coca-Cola" in curly letters, which to this day are the logo of the drink.

To prepare the drink, three parts of coca leaves and one part of kola nuts were taken. It should be noted that both components contain very active alkaloids, in particular, cocaine was extracted from coca leaves.

Not surprisingly, the drink had a strong euphoric effect. Therefore, the drink was patented as a cure for all nervous disorders. Pemberton claimed that the drink cured impotence and morphine addiction. It was also claimed that they were good to get drunk.

By the way, cocaine in those days was not yet banned and was widely sold. It was even added instead of alcohol to drinks to lift the mood and tone. That is, in terms of its composition, cola-cola in those days was not something special.

At first, the business of entrepreneurs went neither shaky nor rolls. The first year of sales was unprofitable. It cost $70 to make Coca-Cola and made $50. However, everything flows, everything changes, and soon Coca-Cola became more widely known. Taking advantage of this, Pemberton sold the rights to make Coca-Cola to As Grits Candler. It was he who founded the Coca-Cola Company in 1892, which still exists today.

In the late 1890s, cocaine was banned. And they began to add not to Coca-Cola fresh leaves coca, but “squeezed out”, cocaine was no longer in them.

Since then, Coca-Cola began to rapidly gain momentum and, 50 years after its invention, became the most popular drink for Americans, almost an idol. Since 1988, with the advent of perestroika, Coca-Cola began to conquer the inhabitants of the USSR.

If all the developed Coca-Cola is divided among the inhabitants of the Earth, then everyone would get 767 bottles. 8000 glasses of Coca-Cola drink in the world every second. From all the produced products of the Coca-Cola company, it is possible to fill a pool 180 centimeters deep, 33 km long, and 15 km wide. Not a bad bath, it could accommodate 512 million people.

Huge Mexico and small Iceland, having little in common, are similar in one thing. They are leaders in the consumption of Coca-Cola per capita.

Now there are many varieties of Coca-Cola on the market: classic, dietary, low-calorie, sugar-free (otherwise "light"), with vanilla and cherry flavors.

There are many rumors about secret composition coca cola. It seems that a special ingredient is added to Coca-Cola, which is kept in strict secret by the manufacturers.

According to official sources, modern Coca-Cola consists of water, sugar, carbon dioxide, dye E 150, phosphoric acid, caffeine, flavorings.

Doctors are increasingly raising the issue that Coca-Cola is harmful to human health. Although the composition of Coca-Cola is not much different from carbonated drinks from other manufacturers.

There are also many rumors about incredible properties coca cola. Coca-Cola allegedly removes rust, removes plaque from the toilet bowl, corrodes meat if it is put in a drink. It also cleans gold and silver if you dip items made from these metals into a drink.

All this is quite likely, since the drink contains a lot of phosphoric acid. But whether this is true or not, I do not know, and I have no desire to check. For the simple reason that I drink only table mineral water from carbonated drinks.

Of course, there is no dispute about tastes, but sugary carbonated drinks consumed in large quantities inevitably lead to diabetes and obesity. Phosphoric acid promotes the excretion of calcium, magnesium and zinc from the body, which is also not good. Worst of all, Coke only increases your thirst, forcing you to consume more and more of the drink.

And everything is good in moderation.

After businessman Asa Griggs Candler registered a trademark in 1893, the vogue for sweetened liquid covered the entire planet. And to this day, this slurry holds all of humanity in sticky hostages. Every now and then, hysteria flares up on the topic of how much you can drink this nectar per day: a liter or not a drop. True, in Lately there are too many interesting things going on, wars, conflicts. So a large threaded bolt was put on the "kol" question. And we feel sorry for the “cola”, we are worried about it. That's why we decided to find out and tell you what will happen to your body if you consume sweet soda every day, because all doctors have long agreed that cola is a product that requires special attention.

1. Unconscious influence on food preferences

When your parents made you drink milk as a child because it was healthy, they weren't lying. Maybe now they hate you and want testicular cancer, but then, as a child, they did not deceive you. Milk is indeed a rich source of protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin A. And when parents forbade drinking cola, they were right too. Numerous studies have shown that high consumption of cola drinks leads to the fact that they take pride of place in your diet, taking it away from decent ones, useful products. In a word, the body will receive fewer vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. This is assuming you drink it every day.
By the way, with the increase in the consumption of soft drinks, the consumption of milk has sharply decreased.

Conclusion: Looking into our honest, sad eyes, the doctors said that you should drink an average of one glass a day. The fact that this is impossible, the doctor also understands. So either drink more milk or stop drinking cola. Otherwise, calcium intake will decrease, which your bone tissue will obviously not be happy about.

2. The development of caries and dental erosion ... most likely

What is a sweet carbonated drink? This high content sugar and acidity! What are your teeth afraid of? Sakharov and hyperacidity. A joint report conducted by WHO and FAO in 2003 indicated a strong relationship between the consumption of such beverages and the risk of caries and dental erosion. It has been proven that the free sugars contained in the swill make holes in your teeth worse than young porn actresses. The low pH of these drinks causes enamel to erode, while the high sugar content metabolizes microorganisms to generate organic acids that cause demineralization and lead to cavities. And don't you dare deny it! This is anti-science!

But this is not only about cola, but also about juices, various energy drinks, supposedly sports drinks and, of course, dietary varieties sweet manna.

3. Increased risk of bone fractures

The consumption of cola and other soft drinks has also been associated with a decrease in bone density and an increase in the incidence of bone fractures in children and adults. In 2004, scientists noticed one interesting feature: in children from 9 to 16 years old (although most often they look 45 at their 16), affected by fractures, an excess of caffeine in the body was found. And they didn’t drink coffee at all, but just non-alcoholic drinks.

The fact is that cola and other carbonated drinks are bad for bone mineral density. Caffeine is simply a catalyst for increased urinary calcium excretion, leading to osteoporosis (Kynast-Gales and Massey 1994). Simply put, it leaches calcium from the bones. We didn't invent it, it's the doctors. With all our talents, even though BroDude is developing a cancer vaccine, we are not able to formulate such crap.

So, if you don't want your bones to be brittle and sluggish, you don't want osteoporosis, you don't want hypocalcemia (low serum calcium), moderate your water appetites.

4. Increased chance of developing chronic diseases

Over the past few years, shocking data has surfaced from deep, flooded underground laboratories. According to the American Framingham Heart Study, non-alcoholic drink intake greater than or equal to 350 ml per day is associated with an increased risk of obesity, an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, an increase in waist circumference, high blood pressure and even hypertriglyceridemia (that's not swearing in Finnish, it's just high cholesterol).

Similarly, the US Nurses Health Study II found that those women who consumed more than one glass of cola a day had an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who drank it once a month. It is unlikely that this is the tricks of the State Department, it is argued that the studies were independent, although who knows. So you start to think: why not switch to water?

5. Side effects of drinking caffeine

Sweet water is teeming with caffeine. It is also found in nature: tea, coffee, chocolate. caffeine levels in soft drinks ranging from 40-50 mg per 375 ml, equivalent to one cup strong coffee. He drank a can - consider drinking coffee.

But here's the thing. Researchers, as one, blow the horns of universal panic, hinting: an excess of caffeine will not bring your kidneys to good.

And in addition to this, there is caffeine addiction- a thankless thing. There are a lot of rumors about her, many claim that 24 hours lived without caffeine lead to such nasty things as: sleep disturbance, incontinence, panic attacks, as well as a number of symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, decreased alertness, and even depression and irritability can be experienced after 6-24 hours of caffeine abstinence.

You will say that caffeine increases human activity. Increases if taken in small doses - 20-200 mg. Worth thinking about.

6. Cancer risk due to the presence of benzene

Recently, honest people have come to their senses and began to demand a reduction in the benzene content in cola-like (not to be confused with fecal-like) drinks. Moreover, in adequate countries, this is controlled at the state level - not Khukhr-Mukhr. Its presence in drinks is not regulated, but there are certainly restrictions.

What is the reason for this danger? The fact is that this same acid works as a catalyst when it comes into contact with ascorbic acid(vitamin C) and metal ions (such as iron or copper). As a result, such a strange thing as benzene is formed. Worse than benzene - only a gang of Dmitry Enteo, because benzene does not cause anything but cancer. Chemical reaction tends to occur in warm and bright areas.

Smart people have initiated public trials to test the levels of benzene in soft drinks. In 4 out of 100 products, the level of benzene is above 5 ppm - an indicator that is acceptable for drinking water.

Since 2005, manufacturers, at the convincing request of the medical association and the government, have been working on the composition of the drink, significantly reducing dangerous indicators. And, it would seem, everything is fine, but there are a lot of bad people who slaughter all these norms and use old recipes in which, not only benzene, pus and manure are found. Thus, in connection with this general recommendations doctors sound like this: no more than one can a week.

Comrades, we swear by the bright memory of the work of Vyacheslav Malezhik that all these statements are not a whim of the author, but the results of medical research. How honest and incorruptible these experiments were, we do not know. After the article about the World Health Association stopped communicating with us (every second there is a mopedist). So, in what quantities to drink cola, you choose. Our job is to warn.

Food poisoning, despite its prevalence, poses a serious threat to the health and life of victims. A separate aspect that can negatively affect well-being is the first health care or an unprofessional approach to treatment

Some survivors overemphasize the effects of intoxication that affect their well-being, which is why they are in no hurry to go for a consultation with a doctor. They enjoy folk methods to relieve acute symptoms. At the same time, not all "grandmother's methods" are a safe way to recover, and not to temporarily alleviate the patient's condition.

One of the most controversial issues in this regard is Coca-Cola in case of poisoning. On the Web, it is recommended to drink it even for pregnant women or people who have been seriously affected due to food intoxication. varying degrees gravity. But does such a path really guarantee a cure?

The chemical composition of a carbonated drink

Coca-Cola is one of the most popular carbonated drinks in the world, which is enjoyed by both adults and children. Most consumers think it's just sweet water, which does not bear any harm to the body. But scientists do not agree with this state of affairs. In the course of numerous scientific studies, it became clear that this sought-after drink actually has Negative influence on some organs and tissues.

Because of this, experts insist that they drink it extremely rarely in small dosages. This will reduce the possible negative impact on the body. Despite this statement, there is a directly opposite opinion. Some people argue that this type of soda can literally put the patient on his feet.

Many foreign experts agree with this decision, but immediately make an amendment to the fact that the strategy will work only in the case of a relatively mild stage of intoxication. This conclusion is explained by the composition of the ready-to-use product. To understand the effects on the body, you must first understand the main components of the drink.

The original recipe is by John Pemberton. The instruction provides for the mandatory addition of cola nut extract and coca leaves. But later Scientific research have shown that such leaves cause great damage to health, and also provoke addiction.

The modern recipe is somewhat different from what was originally invented. But even he has his own standards. Numerous fakes that local producers supply to the modern market have only a name in common with real Coca-Cola. Therefore, if the patient decides to get rid of the manifestation of the mild phase of the course food poisoning, he will need to purchase original product. It provides:

  • water,
  • sugar,
  • carbon dioxide,
  • sodium benzoate,
  • orthophosphoric acid,
  • sugar color,
  • caffeine.

If we are talking about the dietary version, instead of the usual sugar, manufacturers prefer to use its classic substitute. It's called aspartame. Much less is needed granulated sugar, but the sweetness of even a small dosage will surprise you.

Carbon dioxide turns regular composition in carbonated, and sodium benzoate, which is positioned as a preservative, has another spectrum of action. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used to add to various cough suppressants.

Orthophosphoric acid acts as a highly stable acidity regulator. Chemists note that without this component, the drink would have simply terrifying sugary taste. Because of this, almost no one could drink it, so the decision was made to make it more enjoyable. taste characteristics. But due to the fact that this component has a pronounced effect on the deterioration of tooth enamel, it is advised to drink Coca-Cola through a straw. This will minimize the risks of damaging your teeth, because the liquid will practically not touch them. Orthophosphoric acid also worsens general state bones.

Sugar color belongs to the category synthetic dyes. It colors the drink in a characteristic brown color. Caffeine, which is not found here in particularly large quantities compared to the same energy drinks, is aimed at invigorating the drinker. Because of this influence, soda is usually not advised to drink for people suffering from hypertension.

All together, the components with regular use can adversely affect the state of health, which is why nutritionists advise not to feast on them too often.

Does Coca-Cola really help with poisoning?

In the course of numerous experiments, it has been proven that this sweet invigorating liquid successfully copes with:

  • simple digestive problems
  • vomiting,
  • stones in the stomach.

But at the same time, no antibacterial qualities can be attributed to it. Due to this, the conclusion suggests itself that it will not be able to fully resist intoxication, which was caused by the vital activity of pathogens. Also, soda does not act as a cleansing solution that can remove accumulated toxins from the body.

Because of these qualities, the chosen technique in most cases will be useless and may even seriously harm due to wasted time.

But if the victim only got a mild poisoning that is not caused by a bacterial origin, then coca-cola can really help out. Due to its compositional features, it easily copes with the suppression of unpleasant symptoms. Against this background, some Western doctors sometimes even prescribe it to teenagers and children.

To write out such unusual recipe, the doctor must initially make sure that the baby received mild intoxication without consequences. For this, a clinical examination is carried out, the results of which help to find out the primary source of the disease. Only after that, on the basis of issued medical recommendations, it is allowed to be treated with an atypical technique.

One of the main advantages of such a brown liquid is the ability to suppress the feeling of nausea. It is not for nothing that experienced tourists advise all travelers who get motion sickness to take a bottle of the popular drink with them.

Another hidden benefit of soda is the ability to block sudden onset diarrhea.

And this despite the fact that, according to official data, highly carbonated drinks provoke an upset. gastrointestinal tract varying degrees gravity. Because of this, the use of Coca-Cola is allowed only after prior consultation with a doctor.

But the most important trump card of the drink is the ability to influence the bezoars in the stomach, quickly dissolving them. Bezoars are called accidentally or measured indigestible fibers or even hair absorbed by a person, with which even caustic gastric juice is not able to cope.

For some people, bezoars often turn into a real problem, as they stop normal functioning. digestive tract and interfere with the steady passage of food into the intestines. All this results in a strong pain syndrome.

The exact reason that would explain the effectiveness of a specific solvent, the scientists could not. But it is supposed that orthophosphoric acid should be thanked.

If we add caffeine to this, which is aimed at increasing efficiency, it becomes clear why after taking Coca-Cola, the poisoned often feels much better. He replenishes vitality, improves mood and relieves the feeling of depression.

Here it is worth preparing only for the fact that such an effect will last for a relatively short time. And if you exceed the dosage, then you can completely achieve the opposite effect. Also at frequent use the cardiovascular system will be affected.

How to drink medicinal soda?

To get around the negative aspects of Coca-Cola, you must adhere to strict rules for its use. If they are violated, then instead of the promised relief, the situation can only get worse.

  • refusal to use in large quantities,
  • purchase of the original
  • gas release.

It is believed that the average glass is the optimal dosage for therapeutic purposes. And it must be mandatory original drink, which is implemented in glass containers. It is not for nothing that some researchers argue that plastic, even if it is food grade, is still inferior in quality to real glass.

To achieve maximum productivity, you will need to release the gas first. To do this, it is enough to pour the liquid from the bottle into a glass and leave it for a couple of minutes in this state. After that, you can already drink soda in small sips. It is also worth trying not to swallow air at the same time, which will then provoke unnecessary “unrest” in the stomach.

Separately, care should be taken to ensure that Coca-Cola is cooled before direct use. It is not worth cooling its contents to the state of frost on the bottle, as this can backfire with a sore throat. But if you drink warm goodies, then you should prepare for the fact that it will “repay” with the release of some toxic substances.

List of possible side effects

Before you start using such an exotic format of therapy in everyday life, you should weigh the pros and cons. In most cases, the harm outweighs possible benefit. Because of this, most victims prefer to be treated with more traditional approaches and only in extreme cases resort to this method.

People who suffer from heart failure should be especially careful. Because of the caffeine in the composition, it will be difficult to control the jumps in blood pressure, which will cause a disorder in the cardiovascular system.

Not less than hazardous component orthophosphoric acid is listed. It provokes calcium leaching, which is especially dangerous for children. Since the skeleton of young snackers is not yet fully formed, a lack of calcium can lay the foundation for increased bone fragility.

In adulthood, this will result in the inability to recover quickly even after a relatively minor injury with an impact on the bone structure.

The lining of the stomach will also suffer. This negative aspect of frequent use of Coca-Cola is known much more consumers than others. Conscious parents usually always operate on this fact, trying to persuade the baby to drink something more useful. Otherwise, a person will soon face gastritis, which ends with a peptic ulcer.

The final unfavorable aspect is the shock dosage of sugar. One bottle holds about ten teaspoons, which is daily allowance for an adult.

Against the background of all of the above, doctors advise you to think again before agreeing to treatment with Coca-Cola.

Many modern people are interested in whether Coca-Cola helps with food poisoning?

- an unpleasant disease, which is sometimes quite difficult to cope with. Symptoms can appear completely unexpectedly, and it is not at all necessary to eat poisonous or spoiled foods - often the human stomach reacts unpredictably to a completely ordinary fruit or vegetable.

It is difficult to find a person who has never felt unpleasant nausea, weakness throughout the body and palpable dizziness, in which it is impossible to perform work or household chores normally.

There are ways to deal with the problem great amount, but some people find a non-standard approach to solving this issue. Someone thinks dangerous poisoning Coca-Cola, and some drink Coca-Cola in large quantities in case of poisoning, counting on a speedy recovery and getting rid of the unpleasant consequences of food intoxication.

Sweet soda, which is so loved by people around the world, has a very peculiar composition, so that medical experts almost always do not recommend using it. But at acute poisoning even such a harmful drink can have positive influence to health thanks to chemical formula and effects on the body.


Many people, before eating a product, get acquainted with its composition. At the same time, when it comes to Coca-Cola, many do not even think about what this delicacy is made of.

Initially, at the very first appearance of the drink, cola nuts and coca leaves were necessarily present in its formula, but later, when studying each of these substances, a strong negative effect of cocaine on health was proved, because this component was forever excluded from the composition of the drink.

Today, Coca-Cola contains completely different ingredients, among which you can find the following:

  1. plain water.
  2. Sugar, which diet drink replaced with analog.
  3. Carbon dioxide, which makes this drink carbonated.
  4. Sodium benzoate, often found in cough medicines, is an excellent preservative.
  5. Orthophosphoric acid, which regulates the acidity of Coca-Cola and eliminates the excessive sweetness of the substance.
  6. Sugar color, giving the drink a recognizable brown color.
  7. Caffeine, which makes the drink invigorating.

Note! Such a complex composition of the drink suggests that it regular use can be harmful to the human body. In no case should you abuse soda, and it is especially not recommended to give it to young children, as this threatens with serious stomach problems.

People suffering from heart disease and hypertension should be aware that the caffeine found in Coca-Cola can significantly increase arterial pressure Therefore, in the presence of such diseases, the use of the drink is not recommended.

In case of poisoning

Experiments that have been carried out recently have proven that it is precisely such a drink as Coca-Cola that can effectively eliminate the state of nausea, vomiting, and even helps to eliminate the formation of stones in the stomach. Of course, with the development of bacterial infections, cola will not help absolutely, but if intoxication occurs rather weakly, everyone can relieve symptoms with a drink.

The drink does not have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it also cannot remove toxins from the body. If the poisoning is caused specifically by a bacterial infection, in a similar delicious treat it will make absolutely no sense. But if a person is poisoned a small amount food and feels a slight malaise, Coca-Cola will easily eliminate the symptoms.

Also, the drink will be effective in the following cases:

  • if a person has a sudden attack of diarrhea;
  • when a person, even a small child, is swayed in transport;
  • if a person feels a breakdown.

In some developed countries, medical specialists advise such therapy even for young children. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to abuse Cola, since the consequences of constant exposure to substances can be more unpleasant than mild degree food poisoning.

Numerous studies have shown that cola dissolves bezoars that have accumulated in the stomach - formations obtained from indigestible hair and fibers. These formations significantly impair the digestion process, create a lot of discomfort and interfere beneficial substances fully penetrate into the human body, and a carbonated drink dissolves them, removes residues from the body and ensures the normal functioning of the digestive system.

The caffeine contained in each serving of Coca-Cola can significantly improve mood and give a person a charge of vivacity. With moderate use of the drink, a person’s well-being improves significantly, the mood rises, and it becomes much easier to do ordinary things. At the same time, cola is not recommended for people who have problems with pressure and heart - cola can have an extremely negative effect.

Rules of use

Today, it is completely impossible to refuse cola, since this drink, in addition to its complex composition, takes on a lot of positive qualities. Delicious, perfectly quenches thirst and invigorates, it has become an integral part of the life of any modern person.

In order to avoid additional health problems and cola did not cause great harm, you must adhere to certain rules for drinking:

  1. Drinking a drink in large volumes is not recommended, usually just one glass of soda is enough.
  2. If the drink is used to treat unpleasant symptoms, preference should be given to small portions in glass bottle.
  3. Before drinking the drink, it is recommended to release gas from it, so the stomach will be minimal harm.
  4. The drink should be consumed in small sips.
  5. To protect your teeth, it is recommended to drink soda through a straw.
  6. Soda should only be drunk chilled. harmful substances are not formed.

Data simple rules reduce the risk of harm to health, while even in medicinal purposes cola renders positive effect. It is important to understand that small children need to reduce the dosage of the sugary drink, as the child's stomach is susceptible to all substances and may suffer from the components of Coca-Cola.

Video: why is coca-cola dangerous?

Side effects

Despite the fact that this carbonated drink is used for medicinal purposes to eliminate unpleasant symptoms light food poisoning, its effect on the human body can be extremely negative. Drinking a drink is often not recommended, as it can cause a number of side effects:

  • Caffeine significantly increases blood pressure, due to which the load on the heart muscle increases. Drinking the drink is not recommended for people with heart disease.
  • Orthophosphoric acid is able to leach calcium from human teeth and bones, due to which they become brittle and brittle. Regular drinking of cola provokes a calcium deficiency, which can be replenished naturally the body cannot.
  • The high acidity of this sweet drink has a negative effect on the walls of the stomach. As a result, a person may develop gastritis, which then develops into an ulcer, which creates a certain risk.
  • A large number of sugar in the drink makes the liver work in an enhanced mode, while the organ suffers greatly. For people with diabetes, the use of cola is strictly contraindicated.
  • The sweetener aspartame in the diet version of cola contributes to increased heart rate, the formation of migraines and depression.

The drink is very high in calories, therefore it can often cause obesity, which results in additional health problems. Dr. Komarovsky doing research this drink and its influence on human body, revealed a number of diseases in which the use of soda is strictly prohibited.

Among them there are diabetes, blood problems, gallbladder disease and even hemorrhoids.

With moderate use of cola, the drink will not cause harm. The main thing is to be attentive to your own health, not to abuse a sweet drink and control your condition. Only a responsible approach to one's life guarantees it. high quality and exclusion of health problems.
