
Why are carbonated drinks and their components dangerous for human health? Is carbon dioxide dangerous? Sweet sodas kill the heart

They are pleasant to the taste, it is believed that they effectively quench thirst. But do they cause serious harm to our body? This question is asked in Lately more Russians.

Water is life

Without carbonated drinks, many cannot imagine a day. After all, the human body consists of 60 percent water, so drinking liquid is a must. Some prefer coffee or tea, others prefer dairy products. But there are many who consume carbonated drinks every day.

Do not forget that all drinks, in addition to water, contain many other substances that have one effect or another on our body. Naturally, it can be both positive and negative. It depends on the substances themselves, and on the regularity and volume of the drink.

A lot of liquid won't hurt an adult, but a lot of sugary fizzy drinks can hurt him too.

soda base

Each soda has its own sweet and sour base. This is the content of sugar (or its substitutes) and acid. Remember that sugar is a carbohydrate. pure form. One gram of sugar forms almost four kilocalories.

And for popular carbonated soft drinks, these figures are very significant. 57.74 kcal per 100 ml in Pepsi-Cola, 42 kcal per 100 ml in Coca-Cola. It turns out that a jar of 0.33 "Pepsi" contains 8 pieces of sugar and 6.5 pieces in a jar of "Cola". A little less sugar in other sodas, but even so the figures are very high.

IN this case- this is a kind of calories that are very easily absorbed by the body, so our brain is deceived. For a short time, the feeling of hunger disappears, while this does not affect the amount of food that a person ate during the day. In this case, light calories are utilized, mainly in fat. So overuse soda significantly increases the likelihood of diabetes and obesity.


If you have a predisposition to such diseases, you can drink sweet carbonated drinks only if the manufacturer used sweeteners during the manufacturing process. For example, in sodas with zero calorie they do so. As a result, artificial sweeteners are not absorbed by the body, and you get practically no calories.

The most famous sweetener is called aspartame. This is a protein that is also unsafe. In some people, it can provoke an allergy. Cyclomate, saccharin, sunet are also popular. The energy value of such drinks is extremely low.


Another component of any carbonated water is acid. Use apple, lemon, sometimes phosphoric acid. The latter contains calcium salts, which leach calcium from the bones. Sometimes, this leads to a weakening of the bone tissue, the bones can begin to break more easily.

Another mandatory component of any carbonated water is carbon dioxide. In its pure form, it is absolutely safe, it is used for better preservation of the drink, but when large quantities in humans, the acidity of gastric juice increases, gastric secretion is stimulated, all this leads to an abundant release of gases, which is also called flatulence.

If you suffer from an ulcer or gastritis, then you need to shake the bottle well before drinking soda so that the gas comes out of it, otherwise it will negatively affect your condition. The same recommendations apply to mineral water.

Pancreas cancer

Arguing about the dangers or benefits of carbonated drinks, we can come to the conclusion that among the pluses there is only pleasure, but there are much more minuses. For example, scientists are sure that they provoke pancreatic cancer.

American scientists have studied about 60,500 residents of Singapore for more than ten years. During this period, 140 of them were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It turned out that every week they drank at least two cans of sweet soda. Typically 5 to 7.

Scientists explain this by the fact that soda contains a large amount of sugar, as a result, an abnormally large amount of insulin begins to be released in the pancreas. This is what leads to cancer.

Impact on the heart

These drinks also have an effect on the heart. Cardiologists convince that soda cannot be attributed to products for healthy lifestyle life. Its consumption must be kept to a minimum.

Cola with caffeine, as well as soda with great content Sahara. have a negative impact and fruit juices, and non-carbonated high-calorie drinks containing sweeteners. Over the past few decades, the world began to drink twice as many of these drinks. They are especially popular among young people and teenagers.


Categorically soda is contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diseases. It's overweight peptic ulcer, gastritis, allergies, colitis and similar ailments. They are strongly discouraged from drinking carbonated drinks in large quantities, and ideally, it is better to simply refuse them.

It is forbidden to give soda to children under three years of age. Their body and stomach are still in the formation stage, this can lead to negative consequences.

How are drinks filled with gas?

In order to thoroughly understand all these processes, let's figure out what drinks are carbonated with. There are two ways.

The first is mechanical. With it, the liquid is saturated with carbon dioxide. It is used in the production of carbonated and sparkling wines, mineral and fruit waters, soda. Everything happens in special devices called saturators, siphons or acratophores. Under high pressure, air is removed from the pre-cooled liquid.

There are also chemical method. It is used in the manufacture of beer, champagne, cider, bread kvass, wine The drink is carbonated in the process of fermentation with carbon dioxide. A variant of the interaction of drinking water and acid is also possible. For example, this is how you get soda or


Let's dwell on a few popular carbonated drinks in Russia. One of them is Tarragon. It has an emerald green color, the composition includes water, sugar, citric acid, tarragon extract (this is the plant that gave the name to the drink, otherwise it is also called tarragon).

The Tarkhun drink was invented by the pharmacist Mitrofan Lagidze, who lived in Tiflis in 1887. In soda, he began to add natural syrup, which he himself produced.

For his invention he received several medals at international exhibitions. In 1927, the Soviet authorities built a plant for the production of the Tarhun drink.

I wonder what they've been doing lately yellow color, but traditionally continue to be produced in green glass bottles.


Pinocchio is a drink popular in the USSR. It is also being released now. This is one of the most popular varieties Soviet lemonade. It has golden color and a characteristic sour-sweet-bitter taste. The corresponding fairy-tale character is always depicted on the bottle.

IN Soviet time the composition of this lemonade, a drink that millions liked, was extremely simple - water, sugar, lemons and oranges. Used exclusively natural products That is why he was so loved and revered by many.

Now flavorings and dyes are added to Pinocchio. Therefore, drinking it is no longer so tasty and safe.


Another popular soda from the Soviet period, which has retained its popularity to this day, is Baikal. The release of this product in the USSR was launched in 1973. The drink became extremely popular almost immediately. This was our answer to the American Coca-Cola, which at that time was practically unavailable. Only occasionally a select few could bring a jar from a trip abroad.

At the same time, the composition of Baikal was fundamentally different from its Western counterpart. These were water, sugar, citric acid, as well as licorice root, extract of St. John's wort and Eleutherococcus. Be sure to add essential oils- lemon, fir, laurel, eucalyptus. Now the Baikal recipe has been bought out by Western companies. He was loved not only in our country, but also abroad.

Is there an alternative?

Making sure from the soda more harm what's the use, one has to wonder reasonable question and is there an alternative.

There are many options. If you are going on a country holiday, you can make a cocktail with your own hands. It will be tasty, nutritious and healthy. Take one and a half liters of pure water, add the juice of some citrus fruit, for example, orange or lemon, according to your taste. Finally, a pinch of salt and sugar. It will be nice drink with a barely perceptible sourness, which will support the body after a long transition, quickly quench your thirst.

You can also drink juices. They are much healthier than soda, especially freshly squeezed. They contain all the microelements and vitamins that our body needs. As well as fiber and many other biologically active substances. In addition, juices are absorbed by the body faster and easier than any vegetable or fruit. Of course, they are many times more expensive than soda, not everyone can afford them.

Then you should pay attention to canned juices, the price of which is much lower. True, after industrial processing, some vitamins are destroyed in them, but in most juices all the lost vitamins are added additionally. Great benefit from juices also because they contain iron and calcium, which contain the necessary human body organic acids. In addition, many juices stimulate the appetite well.

Of course the most healthy juices those meant for baby food. It is strictly forbidden to add any preservatives to them, with the exception of citric acid.

Of the adult alternatives, juices with pulp are considered healthy, in which there are much more nutrients than most other juices.

Another delicious one healthy drink- nectars. These are juices that have been diluted with water and sweetened with sugar. They contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other useful and necessary components. Of course, there are fewer of them than in juices, but not by much. Moreover, they do not cause such harm to our body as soda.

Do not forget that many juices have medicinal properties. To be effective, an adult needs to drink three glasses a day, and children under three years of age no more than one. They should be diluted with water.

Doctors advise not to drink juices with meals, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive system. This can increase fermentation in the intestines, it is best to drink juices before meals. When the acidity of the stomach is lowered or normal, then you need to drink a glass of juice half an hour before meals, so the most favorable effect will be exerted on health.

But do not overdo it with juices. Because of this, the load on the kidneys increases, which threatens with edema. In addition, there are enough "chemistry" in juices, and some manufacturers do not shy away from adding preservatives and dyes to them. Moreover, they may not report this on the packaging. And such substances often cause allergies.

Mineral waters also have useful properties. Especially if they are produced on high-quality equipment that can normally dissolve salts and saturate water with carbon dioxide.

The answer to the question of how much water you need to drink per day is definitely impossible. It all depends on physical condition a person who has certain diseases. If you drink medicinal mineral waters, then, as it happens with any medicine, an overdose is possible. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

When choosing what to drink, read the label carefully, giving preference to drinks prepared with a natural basis.



1.1. Carbonated drinks. General information. Classification

1.2. Factors that shape and maintain the quality of carbonated drinks

1.2.1. Raw material

1.2.2. Production technology

1.2.3. Packaging, labeling, storage

1.3. Consumer properties carbonated drinks

1.4. Defects in carbonated drinks

1.5. Examination of the quality of soft drinks, falsification

2. Experimental part

2.1. Object and methods of research

2.2. Analysis of the structure of the range of soft drinks sold by the store "Products" IP Polyakova N.I.

2.3. Examination of the quality of carbonated drinks sold by the store "Products" IP Polyakova N.I.


Bibliographic list


Thirst occurs when the water content in the body decreases by only a liter and a half. To remove the suffering brought by it, it is enough to drink two or three glasses of liquid. The easiest way to make up for the lack of moisture is with ordinary drinking water, but for some reason people prefer the so-called soft drinks. And this is justified. It turns out that it is easier to quench your thirst with a drink than with pure water: the drink contains substances that retain moisture in the body. Basically, sugars, organic acids and minerals are found in soft drinks. It is this set of components that helps moisture to linger in the body. Drinks rich in organic acids and potassium salts are especially good in this regard: fruit juices, nectars, berry fruit drinks, water with the addition of lemon juice.

Lemonades were the prototype of modern carbonated drinks. The fashion for them spread in Russia at the end of the 19th century. This wonderful refreshing drink was prepared simply: lemon zest was rubbed with sugar, mixed with lemon juice, diluted with hot water and cooled.

Over time, the lemonade recipe was enriched with cranberry juice, strawberry and raspberry syrup, infusion of apple skins, honey, etc. And later, lemonades learned to carbonate in siphons.

Until recently, our industry produced excellent carbonated drinks on a natural basis: "Baikal", containing an infusion of eucalyptus and laurel, "Sayan" - with an infusion of lemongrass and leuzea, "Tonic" - based on wormwood, juniper, lemongrass and quinine. Drinks such as cola were also prepared on natural raw materials - an infusion of the kola nut, rich in caffeine and theobromine.

Unfortunately, now domestic producers refuse to use fruit syrups and infusions of fragrant herbs, replacing them with cheaper imported concentrates. The main components of modern carbonated drinks are food colorings and flavorings in the form of essences of synthetic aromatic substances.

In recent years, the range and production of soft drinks in Russia have grown significantly. In addition, most importing firms supply soft drinks with the addition of food additives that are not approved for consumption by the domestic industry and hide them in the recipe, so there are big problems with the quality of non-alcoholic drinks consumed by the population.

With replacement natural syrups and infusions for food colorings, flavorings and other substitutes facilitated the falsification of carbonated drinks. Currently, carbonated drinks and mineral water are one of the most counterfeited groups of goods, so the relevance of the topic term paper is obvious: at present, there is a very acute problem with conducting a comprehensive examination of the quality of all types of soft drinks entering the Russian market.

The purpose of this course work is to study the range and examination of carbonated drinks shop "Products" IP Polyakova N.I.

To achieve the goal of the course work, the following tasks were set:

study the literature on this topic and systematize the information received;

Collect data on the range of soft drinks and describe its structure in the experimental part of the work;

· conduct an examination of the quality of the offered carbonated drinks and make a conclusion about their compliance with regulatory documents.

1. Literature review

1.1. Carbonated drinks. General information. Classification

Carbonated soft drinks include carbonated water with the addition of syrups, sold through a saturator network, bottled carbonated drinks and dry carbonated drinks. The basis of the first two is carbonated drinking water.

Carbonated drinks are characterized by artificial saturation with carbon dioxide to a concentration of 0.3-0.6%. In addition to the refreshing effect, carbon dioxide has a preservative effect during the storage of drinks by lowering the pH of the drink and bactericidal effect on some microorganisms. The refreshing and gustatory properties of carbonated drinks are most fully manifested when they are cooled to a temperature of 10-12 ° C. The biological value of carbonated drinks can be increased by fortification.

Sparkling water. This is drinking water saturated with carbonic acid, the optimal content of which is about 0.4% by weight.

Bottled carbonated drinks. These are aqueous solutions of mixtures saturated with carbon dioxide. sugar syrup, fruit juices, extracts, infusions, wines, essences and other basic and additional raw materials.

Carbonated soft drinks in bottles they are divided into 5 groups: on natural raw materials, on synthetic flavors, tonic, fortified and for diabetics.

Drinks prepared with natural raw materials(juices, syrups, extracts, tinctures), are distinguished by a significant sugar content (10-12%, and recently 5-6%). The range of these drinks is quite wide-rock: Cherry, Pear, Pomegranate, Cornel, Cranberry, Strawberry, Lemonade, Raspberry, Citro, Cream Soda, Raspberry, Dawn, Sparkling, spicy apple . The main feature of the last three drinks is the exclusion from the color scheme. Their color is created only by the color of the raw material.

Supplemented drinks-Cherry, Raspberry, Cranberry, Strawberry, Apple, Blackcurrant. According to organoleptic indicators, these drinks should resemble the corresponding fruit and berry raw materials. The labels of the bottles of these drinks must indicate the type food additive introduced into the bottle.

Tonic (invigorating) drinks contain tonic infusions and extracts, thanks to which these drinks are able to relieve fatigue and have a thirst-quenching effect. Yes, in a drink. Sayans contains an infusion of lemongrass, leuzea. Drink composition Baikal includes infusions of eucalyptus, laurel and some other plants. Drink Stepnoy prepared on the basis of infusions walnut milky-wax maturity, St.

The composition of water Viru, produced in Tartu, includes quinine, citric acid, infusion of wormwood, juniper, lemongrass, yarrow. Drinks are also tonic Morning, Space, Mallet, Elite.

Range "tonic" increases every year. In the composition of drinks of the Cola series ( Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Spartak-Cola, Cola etc.) includes an infusion of kola nuts, rich in caffeine and theobromine, with a specific bitter-resinous taste and smell close to nutmeg. Essential oils of citrus fruits added to it also participate in the formation of the sensory properties of the drink. The sugar content of the drink is 5-6%. The added color gives it a dark brown color. However, recently the infusion of kola nuts has not been introduced there on the territory of Russia. In addition, sweeteners are introduced instead of sugar (sucrose). These drinks are for patients only. diabetes, and for other categories of the population are strictly prohibited, since they violate the work gastrointestinal tract.

Vitaminized drinks different high content vitamin C supplied as ascorbic acid or as part of high-vitamin extracts of juices and infusions (lemon, orange, blackcurrant). When using fruit and berry semi-finished products, drinks are simultaneously enriched with vitamin P. An example of such drinks are Little Red Riding Hood, Apple, Bluebell, Blackcurrant, Forest bouquet. Kherson cue.

Drink Little Red Riding Hood prepared on pasteurized grape juice with the addition of ascorbic and sorbic acids, it has a taste and aroma characteristic of fresh grapes. Similarly, they develop drink Apple from apple juice.Bell prepared from lemon tincture with the addition of ascorbic acid. Recipe forest bouquet includes sugar, blueberry, cranberry and raspberry juice, ascorbic and citric acids, rum and pineapple essence. Along with vitamin C, beta-carotene (provitamin A) is also added to drinks in doses necessary for the daily needs of the body. The most common of this group of drinks is golden ball.

Drinks for diabetics instead of sugar, they contain food sorbitol and other sweeteners. For flavoring, lemon and orange tinctures, as well as flavorings, are used. Range: Pepsi Light, Orange, Cherry, Lemon, Citrus.

Dry carbonated drinks.Dry non-effervescent drinks are a dried and ground mixture of granulated sugar, extracts, flavors, food acids and food coloring. They are released in the form of tablets of 20 tons or powder. Assortment of non-effervescent dry drinks: Blackcurrant, Cranberry, Apple, Cherry.

Dry fizzy drinks are a mixture of sucrose, tartaric food acid, flavor, sodium bicarbonate, color. Instead of sugar, sweeteners, fructose can be introduced. They are sold in the form of powders or tablets. Work out Invite, Invite plus, Zuko, Pear, Refreshing and etc .

Perhaps the results of a recent study by American scientists will make soda lovers think again before putting a bottle of "pop" in a supermarket cart.

Everything is possible, that is, there is hope for our sanity.
Although, I doubt it. Well, how can you refuse Pinocchio, for example? I do not even know...

In general, read and draw conclusions - >>>

Carbonated drinks. Harm or benefit

Carbonated drinks. Harm or benefitOur body is 60% water. To maintain water balance, we drink every day. Someone prefers coffee, someone tea, beer, juices, soda. The basis of any drink is water. In addition to water, drinks contain other substances that affect our body. This impact can be positive or negative, depending on the regularity and volume of consumption of a particular drink.

adult healthy person a small amount of sparkling water won't hurt. But frequent use large quantities of sugary soda water can adversely affect health.

Each carbonated drink has its own sweet and sour base. Roughly speaking, it contains some amount of sugar (or its substitute) and acid. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate. One gram of sugar provides 3.85 kilocalories. Pepsi-Cola has 57.74 kcal per 100 ml, Coca-Cola has 42 kcal per 100 ml. You can calculate how many pieces of sugar are contained in a 0.33 liter jar of a particular drink. In Pepsi-Cola - 8 lumps of sugar, in Coca-Cola - 6.5, in "Sayan" - 5.5, in "Schweppes Biter Lemon" - 4 pieces of sugar.

Easily digestible calories, which are rich in carbonated drinks, "deceive" the brain. They seem to “slip by unnoticed” and reduce the feeling of hunger for such an insignificant time that they practically do not affect the amount of food that a person then eats. But the “light calories” that have entered the body are still utilized, mainly into fat. Therefore, excessive indulgence in sweet soda can increase the likelihood of obesity and diabetes.

People with a predisposition to obesity and diabetes should drink lightened water - it is made using a sweetener. Popular “zero-calorie” drinks replace sugar artificial sweeteners, which are practically not absorbed by the body. You will not get calories with such a drink.

The most famous sweetener is aspartame (nutrasvit). Aspartame is a protein. Some people may be allergic to this protein. Other sweeteners: saccharin, sunnet (potassium acesulfate), cyclomate. Drinks with sweeteners energy value very low, almost zero.

Sugar and sweeteners in drinks leave a sweet aftertaste that is not thirst-quenching.

The most commonly used in carbonated drinks are lemon, malic acid. Less often - phosphoric acid. The calcium salts of phosphoric acid are more soluble than the calcium salts of other acids used in beverages. Therefore, people drinking drinks containing phosphoric acid, calcium is washed out of the bones better. In some cases, this can lead to weakening of the bone tissue, the bones break more easily.

Sometimes, instead of the name of the acid, a numerical code is written. Citric acid - E330, orthophosphoric - E338.

All carbonated water must contain carbon dioxide. By itself, it is harmless (it is used to better preserve the drink), but its presence in water excites gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice and provokes flatulence - profuse gas. People with peptic ulcer, gastritis with hyperacidity and a number of other diseases of the stomach and intestines, before drinking any carbonated water, the gas from the bottle must be released by shaking. The same goes for mineral water. For use in medicinal purposes it is recommended to release gas from it.

Sweet carbonated drinks cause pancreatic cancer

Sweet carbonated water Employees of the University of Minnesota (USA) for fourteen years watched 60,524 men and women in Singapore. During this time, pancreatic cancer developed in 140 people. Drinking two or more cans of sweets soft drinks per week (an average of five cans for 7 days) fell ill with cancer by 87% more often.

However, no association was found between the consumption of fruit juices and the development of cancer. Negative influence renders only soda! Scientists explain it this way: cola and similar drinks contain a lot of sugar, which increases the production of insulin in the pancreas. This is what causes cancer. In addition, carbonated drink drinkers usually eat less than others, and this can also affect the pancreas badly.

According to the American Cancer Society, 43,000 people are diagnosed with this disease every year in the United States alone, and 35,000 Americans die from the disease a year. Often the disease develops very quickly and is diagnosed only in the later stages, when surgical intervention is no longer possible.

Recall that pancreatic cancer rarely affects people with the first blood type. Compared with them, 32% more likely to make an oncological diagnosis to the owners of the second group, 51% - to people from the fourth group, 72% - from the third.

Sweet sodas kill the heart

Sweet carbonated drinks kill the heart We have all heard a hundred times that healthy eating should not be accompanied by carbonated drinks with dyes, preservatives, flavorings and other chemicals, but pure drinking water or green tea. But do we follow this rule?

Perhaps the results of a recent study by American scientists will make soda lovers think again before putting a bottle of "pop" in a supermarket cart.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found a link between the consumption of sugary soda and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases among women. The study involved 88 thousand women aged 34 to 59 years. It turned out that women who regularly drink several servings of soda are 35% more likely to suffer from heart disease. The results remained unchanged after adjusting for other risk factors, including being inactive, being overweight, smoking, and a large number alcohol and fatty foods.

Cardiologists remind that sweet soda is not a healthy choice and should be kept to a minimum. Moreover, physicians call both cola with caffeine and sugar-containing carbonated drinks, as well as non-carbonated high-calorie drinks and fruit juices, which include sweeteners, natural or artificial flavors. The researchers note that over the past 30 years, the frequency of consumption of such drinks has more than doubled, especially among teenagers and young people.

Sweet sodas destroy teeth

Sugary carbonated drinks destroy teeth Frequent consumption of sugary carbonated drinks significantly increases the risk of losing teeth, experts at the Academy of General Dentistry say.

Citric acid, contained in fruit soda, leads to erosion of tooth enamel and, as a result, to tooth loss.

Therefore, experts advise to abandon the use of such drinks and replace them with regular tea and juices.

In the course of the study, experts compared the effect on tooth enamel black and green teas, soda and orange juice. The results were as follows: tea, unlike soda and juice, did not destroy the enamel; green tea turned out to be more useful than black - it contains more natural flavonoids with anti-inflammatory properties.

But doctors advise drinking it without milk, lemon and sugar, because these products lower beneficial features tea.

Contraindications to the use of carbonated water

People with chronic diseases (allergies, overweight, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, etc.) are not recommended to consume carbonated sweet drinks in large quantities.

It is advisable not to give sweet carbonated drinks to children under 3 years of age.

Alternative to carbonated drinks

An alternative to carbonated drinks If you are planning a trip out of town, do not be too lazy to prepare a cocktail: pure water(or any mineral water, but not medicinal) - 1.5 l, juice citrus fruit(lemon, orange), a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar. You will get a drink with a barely noticeable sour taste, which quenches thirst well and supports the body.

Juices are healthier than sodas. Freshly squeezed juices are the most useful. They contain all vitamins and microelements, as well as fiber and other biologically active substances that contain and fresh fruit or a vegetable. Juices are easier for our body to digest than a fruit or vegetable. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to drink freshly prepared juices. Then you should pay attention to canned juices. In the process of industrial processing of juices, some of the vitamins, and primarily ascorbic acid, are destroyed. But in most juices industrial production all lost vitamins are introduced additionally. If we continue talking about useful substances, then the juices contain both potassium and iron. They also contain important substances like organic acids. All this is everything known benefit juices. In addition, in some cases, juice is a good help to stimulate appetite. In addition, it is quite nutritious, it contains a lot of carbohydrates, mainly sugars from fruits and berries. In juices intended specifically for baby food, it is forbidden to add any preservatives, except for citric acid. The most useful juices with pulp. They contain more nutrients.

In addition to natural juices, there are also nectars. Nectar is juice diluted with water and sweetened with sugar. The content of vitamins, minerals and other useful components they are smaller than in juices, but the gap in their quantities is not so significant.

Sugar is added to juices and nectars. This is because some sugar-free juices are difficult to drink due to the taste (such as lemon or grapefruit).

Juices have therapeutic effect. But to achieve the effect, an adult needs to consume 3 glasses of juice daily. Children under 3 years of age are recommended to drink 1 glass of juice per day, diluting it with water. It is better not to use juices with all dishes in a row and with mineral water. In a chronic disease of the digestive system, juices drunk during and after meals can increase fermentation in the intestines and provoke an exacerbation of the disease. More often, with reduced and normal acidity of gastric contents, juices are drunk 30-40 minutes before meals, and with excessive formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach - an hour and a half after eating.

Excessive juice consumption increases the burden on the kidneys, which can lead to edema. In addition, juices are not without “chemistry”. Some manufacturers may add dyes and preservatives to juices, sometimes without reporting this on the packaging. These substances can cause allergies.

Mineral waters, as well as juices, have a healing effect. World Health Organization experts consider artificial and natural mineral waters to be equivalent. But under one condition: if the mineralization of water is carried out on good equipment, with normal dissolution of salts and high-quality carbon dioxide. There is no universal advice on how much water to drink. It all depends on the diagnosis and comorbidities. When taking medication mineral waters, as with conventional drugs, overdose is possible. Therefore, before you start taking therapeutic mineral waters, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

When choosing a drink, do not be too lazy to study the label, it should indicate the ingredients. Give preference to drinks made on a natural basis.

Carbonated soft drinks include carbonated water with the addition of syrups, sold through a saturator network, bottled carbonated drinks and dry carbonated drinks. The basis of the first two is carbonated drinking water.

Carbonated drinks are characterized by artificial saturation with carbon dioxide to a concentration of 0.3-0.6%. In addition to the refreshing effect, carbon dioxide has a preservative effect during the storage of drinks by lowering the pH of the drink and bactericidal effect on some microorganisms. Refreshing and taste properties carbonated drinks are most fully manifested when they are cooled to a temperature of 10-12 ° C. The biological value of carbonated drinks can be increased by fortification.

Sparkling water. This is drinking water saturated with carbonic acid, the optimal content of which is about 0.4% by weight.

Bottled carbonated drinks. These are rich in carbon dioxide aqueous solutions mixtures of sugar syrup, fruit juices, extracts, infusions, wines, essences and other basic and additional raw materials.

Bottled carbonated soft drinks are divided into 5 groups: on natural raw materials, on synthetic flavors, tonic, fortified and for diabetics.

Drinks prepared with natural raw materials(juices, syrups, extracts, tinctures), are distinguished by a significant sugar content (10-12%, and recently 5-6%). The range of these drinks is quite wide-rock: Cherry, Pear, Pomegranate, Cornel, Cranberry, Strawberry, Lemonade, Raspberry, Citro, Cream Soda, Raspberry, Dawn, Sparkling, Spicy Apple. The main feature of the last three drinks is the exclusion from the color scheme. Their color is created only by the color of the raw material.

Supplemented drinks -- Cherry, Raspberry, Cranberry, Strawberry, Apple, Blackcurrant. According to organoleptic indicators, these drinks should resemble the corresponding fruit and berry raw materials. On the labels of the bottles of these drinks, the type of nutritional supplement introduced into the bottle must be indicated.

Tonic (invigorating) drinks contain tonic infusions and extracts, thanks to which these drinks are able to relieve fatigue and have a thirst-quenching effect. Yes, in a drink. Sayans contains an infusion of lemongrass, leuzea. Drink composition Baikal includes infusions of eucalyptus, laurel and some other plants. Drink Stepnoy prepared on the basis of infusions of walnuts of milky-wax maturity, St.

The composition of water Viru, produced in Tartu, includes quinine, citric acid, infusion of wormwood, juniper, lemongrass, yarrow. Drinks are also tonic Morning, Space, Mallet, Elite.

Range "tonic" increases every year. In the composition of drinks of the Cola series ( Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Spartak-Cola, Cola etc.) includes an infusion of kola nuts, rich in caffeine and theobromine, with a specific bitter-resinous taste and smell close to nutmeg. Essential oils of citrus fruits added to it also participate in the formation of the sensory properties of the drink. The sugar content of the drink is 5-6%. The added color gives it a dark brown color. However, recently the infusion of kola nuts has not been introduced there on the territory of Russia. In addition, sweeteners are introduced instead of sugar (sucrose). These drinks are provided only for patients with diabetes mellitus, and are strictly prohibited for other categories of the population, as they disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitaminized drinks are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C, introduced in the form of ascorbic acid or as part of high-vitamin extracts of juices and infusions (lemon, orange, blackcurrant). When using fruit and berry semi-finished products, drinks are simultaneously enriched with vitamin P. An example of such drinks are Little Red Riding Hood, Apple, Bluebell, Blackcurrant, Forest bouquet. Kherson cue.

Drink Little Red Riding Hood prepared on pasteurized grape juice with the addition of ascorbic and sorbic acids, has a taste and aroma characteristic of fresh grapes. Similarly, they develop drink Apple from apple juice. Bell prepared from lemon tincture with the addition of ascorbic acid. Recipe forest bouquet includes sugar, blueberry, cranberry and raspberry juices, ascorbic and citric acid, rum and pineapple essence. Along with vitamin C, beta-carotene (provitamin A) is also added to drinks in doses necessary for the daily needs of the body. The most common of this group of drinks is golden ball.

Drinks for diabetics instead of sugar, they contain food sorbitol and other sweeteners. For flavoring, lemon and orange tinctures, as well as flavorings, are used. Range: Pepsi Light, Orange, Cherry, Lemon, Citrus.

Dry carbonated drinks. Dry non-effervescent drinks are a dried and ground mixture of granulated sugar, extracts, flavorings, food acids and food colorings. They are released in the form of tablets of 20 tons or powder. Assortment of non-effervescent dry drinks: Blackcurrant, Cranberry, Apple, Cherry.

Dry fizzy drinks are a mixture of sucrose, tartaric food acid, fragrance, sodium bicarbonate, color. Instead of sugar, sweeteners, fructose can be introduced. They are sold in the form of powders or tablets. Work out Invite, Invite plus, Zuko, Pear, Refreshing and etc .
