
Bread kvass with yeast. Bread kvass at home

Russian kvass saved a lot of people.
folk saying

Heat ... P-and-it ... ordinary water I don’t feel like it, but sweet lemonades turn me up, and they don’t help with thirst, but I just want to drink even more ... Why don’t we drink kvass?

Kvass at home is very easy to prepare, you can see for yourself by trying to cook kvass according to our recipes. Moreover, the wort for kvass can be bought at any grocery store.

Kvass at home can be different: on kvass wort, on rye bread, honey, fruit, berry bread ... You can just drink it in the heat, without fear for the figure and without thinking about the consequences, and it also prepares okroshka, so loved by many in the summer.

The fastest and easiest way to make kvass is with ready-made wort. It usually consists of sugar, rye malt, yeast and ground crackers. It is desirable that there are no preservatives in the composition of kvass concentrate.

Homemade kvass from dry sourdough

3 liters of water
125 g dry kvass
100 g sugar
20 g raisins,
6 g dry yeast.

Boil water in a saucepan. One and a half liters of hot pour dry kvass, close tightly and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Then strain. Pour the remaining water into the infusion. In a small amount of warm water in a separate bowl, dilute the yeast, pour it into kvass, add sugar, add raisins, cover the pan with gauze and put in a cool place for fermentation. After three days, strain the kvass again and bottle it. Store in the cold for no more than three days.

from dry sourdough and dry malt

To make kvass tasty, like in childhood, you can buy a bag of dry malt for dry kvass and cook it like this: in three liter jar pour 3-4 tbsp. l. dry kvass and 2 tbsp. l. dry malt, ½ tbsp. sugar, half a pack of dry yeast and pour it all over with a glass of warm water. Leave in a warm place to ferment, and when the mass rises a little and rises, add warm water. Add for better fermentation crust rye bread and a handful of raisins. When the kvass is ready, strain it, do not throw away the thick. It can be used to prepare the next portion of the drink. store ready kvass in a refrigerator.

Kvass from concentrate (basic recipe)

3 liters of boiled water,
2 tbsp kvass concentrate,
150 g sugar
½ tsp dry yeast (or pressed, they work faster),
1-2 tsp raisins (black).

Pour the kvass concentrate into a 3-liter jar, add sugar and 500 ml of water and mix thoroughly. Add yeast, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment warm for a couple of days. Taste kvass, and when it suits you, pour it into plastic bottles, put 5-6 raisins in each, screw on the lids and leave again warm to continue fermentation. When the bottles become hard, which indicates a good carbonation of kvass, put them in the refrigerator. Open with care!
You can vary the basic recipe by adding various products to improve the taste and aroma of kvass: mint leaves, currants, juice of berries and fruits, grated horseradish (kvass turns out to be spicy, invigorating!) - everything is limited only by your gastronomic preferences.

Homebreadkvassby leaps and bounds

2.5 liters of water,
250 g rye bread,
150 g sugar
10 g fresh yeast
a handful of raisins.

Dry the bread, cut into small cubes, in the oven on a baking sheet until golden brown. Boil water and cool to room temperature. Pour crackers into the prepared jar, fill them with water, cover the neck of the jar with gauze and put in a dark place for fermentation for two days. Strain the finished wort through cheesecloth, squeeze out the crackers. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of water. Then pour the filtered wort into a jar, add yeast, 100 g of sugar and mix. Loosely cover the jar with a lid and leave for 16 hours in a dark place at room temperature. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, add a little remaining sugar and raisins to each, close the bottles tightly and leave them again in a dark place at room temperature for fermentation and carbonation. Then send the kvass to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and only then use it within three days.

Bread kvass without yeast

3 liters of water
250 g rye bread,
50 g sugar
a handful of raisins.

As in previous recipe, dry the diced bread in the oven. Moreover, the darker your crackers turn out, the more saturated dark color kvass will turn out. Dissolve sugar in water brought to a boil and set aside. Put the crackers in an enamel or glass container prepared for fermentation, add raisins and fill everything with water with sugar dissolved in it. Infuse kvass for 3-4 days, then strain, bottle and store in a cold place. Open bottles with ready-made kvass carefully, trying not to shake.

By the way, you can use the remaining soaked crackers, in other words, sourdough, several more times, replacing half with fresh crackers and adding sugar or honey.

And here is another option for making homemade kvass, which has been used by our housewives for many years - with the addition of mint and leaves black currant very fragrant and refreshing.

Kvass "Babushkin"

2.5 liters of water,
200 g rye crackers,
100 g sugar
30 g raisins,
20 g yeast
10 g mint
8 black currant leaves.

Dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm water. Pour rye crackers with boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Strain the wort obtained in this way through cheesecloth folded in several layers, pour sugar into it, pour in yeast, add mint and blackcurrant leaves. Infuse for 10-12 hours, covering with a clean napkin. When your wort is sour, strain it, bottle it, putting a few raisins in each of them, cork and put it in a cool place. After three days you can enjoy delicious kvass.

Some following recipes contain yeast sourdough, which can be prepared as follows.

yeast sourdough

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
black bread, cut into small cubes and dried in the oven,
60 g sugar
15 g dry yeast

Put the crackers in a jar, filling it halfway, pour boiling water over the contents. Rusks will swell, which means that the amount of water must be calculated so that a thick slurry is obtained. Pour less water first, then top up if necessary. Do not despair if the starter turned out to be too liquid, just add more breadcrumbs. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved, then cover the jar with a clean napkin, let it cool to a temperature of 37-40 ° C. Add yeast to the jar, mix well and leave the starter to ferment. An important fact: cover the jar with a napkin, not a plastic lid, as during the fermentation process, carbon dioxide. This starter is enough for you to prepare 10 liters of kvass.

Dry kvass with horseradish root and honey

2 liters of water
300 g rye crackers,
50 g honey
40 g horseradish root,
30 g sugar
10 g yeast.

Pour hot water crackers and leave for 2 hours. Then wipe them through a sieve, pour yeast and sugar into the infusion and put them in a warm place for 10 hours. Add honey, chopped horseradish root to the finished kvass, leave for 2 hours, then strain and treat yourself to your health!

By the way, instead of crackers for making kvass, you can use wheat bran or different kind flour. Try it!

Kvass from oat flour

3 liters of water
750 g oatmeal mixed with bran
40 ml yeast starter.

Pour into flour mixed with bran, 2 l hot water and put in a warm place for 12 hours, then, as usual, strain and add yeast starter and the rest of the water. Keep the infusion for a day. Ready kvass store in cool place no more than three days, although, for sure, it will sell out much earlier.

Homemade kvass from wheat bran

3 liters of water
800 g wheat bran,
300 ml lemon juice
70 g sugar
25 g dry yeast.

Pour bran with boiling water and hold on low heat for an hour. Then strain the broth, cool it and add yeast and sugar. Insist in a warm place for 10-12 hours, then pour into the infusion lemon juice and stir.

Kvass from rye flour with burnt sugar

3 liters of water
100 g rye flour
35 g wheat flour,
100 g sugar
15 g yeast
15 g burnt sugar.

Pour 50-70 ml of hot water over rye flour and mix quickly until a homogeneous mass is formed, without lumps. Boil the rest of the water in a separate bowl, cool a little and add the brewed flour into it. Dilute the yeast in warm water, add wheat flour to them and stir. When the yeast begins to ferment, pour it into the rye infusion and add sugar. Leave in this form for 1 day, then add to the drink burnt sugar.

Cooking zhzhenka is easy: just burn the sugar in a dry frying pan until it melts and a dark color and caramel smell appear. The blacker the burnt sugar, the richer the color of your kvass will turn out. So that the zhzhenka does not turn into a charcoal candy, carefully pour hot water into the melted burnt sugar, literally drop by drop, to get thick syrup. It can be poured into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator.

Red kvass

3 liters of water
250 g sugar
3 art. l. soluble chicory,
bunch of mint,
½ pack dry yeast
1 tsp Sahara,
2 tbsp. l. water,
lemon acid.

Pour water into a deep container, add sugar, chicory and mint. Boil and leave to cool. Add sugar, water to the yeast, stir and leave to cool. When the liquid with chicory has cooled to a temperature of 37-39 ° C, pour in the yeast mixture, mix and leave for 3 hours at room temperature. Someone loves kvass mild taste, and someone with a pronounced sharp taste, so after 2 hours, taste the drink. Maybe two hours will be enough for you. In an already aged drink, add citric acid to taste and put it in the cold.

Kvass apple-coffee

3 liters of warm boiled water,
1 liter clarified apple juice
200 g sugar
1 tsp dry yeast,
2 tsp instant coffee.

IN large saucepan mix sugar and coffee, add yeast to them and mix. Then pour in warm water and juice. Wait until all the ingredients are dissolved and, having loosely covered the pan with a lid, leave the mixture for 12 hours to ferment. When the appointed time is up, strain the kvass, bottle it and refrigerate.

Kvass "Invigorating"

3 liters of warm boiled water,
200 g sugar
35 g pressed yeast
1 st. l. chicory,
1 lemon with zest.

Grind the lemon or pass it through a meat grinder, wrap it in cheesecloth, tie it up and lower it into a pot or bucket of water. Add yeast and sugar there, mix. Squeeze the lemon bag several times while stirring and remove. When the ingredients disperse in the liquid, pour the resulting solution into bottles, tighten the caps tightly and leave in a warm place, for example, in the sun, for 2 hours. You can check if the drink is ready by pressing on the walls plastic bottles. The bottle is hard and it is no longer possible to press on the walls - it means that the drink is ready. Remember that if you overexpose the drink in the sun, then you will no longer get kvass, but mash. Put the bottles with ready-made kvass in the refrigerator, and take a sample the next day.

White kvass from whey

1 liter of serum
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
10 g dry yeast
orange peel and raisins - to taste.

Whey that remains after cooking homemade cottage cheese, it is the most valuable nutrient dietary product. White kvass on whey is one of the ways to turn useful product into delicious. Mix the yeast with sugar, pour in the whey and put in a warm place for 12 hours. Then pour the drink into bottles, after throwing a few at the bottom of each orange peels and some washed and dried raisins. Close the bottles tightly and leave for 2 days for the drink to fully mature.

Many may be alerted by the turbidity of kvass, but for home natural product- this is normal. The sediment, by the way, is also an indicator of the natural origin of kvass.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

On hot days, there is nothing better than cooling kvass. In addition to quenching thirst, it restores strength and gives vigor. Today's material is dedicated to those who want to know how to make real kvass from bread. As always, all actions are easily carried out at home and are reinforced step by step instructions. Let's not delay, let's get started!

Kvass homemade, bread for 3 liters: "classic"

  • filtered water - 3 l.
  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • black bread crackers - 200 gr.

This bread kvass recipe is considered a classic of the genre; everyone can easily make a drink at home.

1. Break crackers into large pieces. If you have fresh bread on hand, it must first be dried and broken.

2. Boil water in the amount according to the recipe, leave for 7 minutes for partial cooling.

3. Prepare a 3 liter jar. Pour sugar with breadcrumbs into it. Pour in water so that 5-7 cm is left to the neck. Stir and let the contents cool.

4. When the solution reaches room temperature, add the yeast. Seal the container nylon cover. Wrap the bottle with an old sweatshirt or blanket. Record 12 hours (fermentation).

5. After a specified period of time, the drink will be ready. Pass it through gauze fabric folded in 4-5 layers. Cool down and taste!

Now you know how to make kvass from bread that does not contain harmful substances. Agree, at home everything is easier than ever!

Alcoholic kvass from bread for 5 liters

  • breadcrumbs- 300 gr.
  • filtered water - 5 l.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5-1 kg.
  • yeast powder (dry) - 6 gr.
  • lemon - 3 gr.

1. Before making alcohol bread kvass, you need to take care of the presence of crackers. They are easier to work with at home. But if there are no crackers, dry 0.5 kg. bread to get 0.3 kg. crackers.

3. Prepare a sieve or colander by lining it with 3-4 layers of gauze. Pass the composition with crackers through the filter, do not get rid of the cake. According to the recipe, you still have 2 liters left. water, they must be boiled.

4. Put the soaked crackers from the colander back into the pan, add boiled water (2 l.). Cover, insist a couple of hours. Pass the solution through cheesecloth again, this time discard the cake.

5. Read the instructions on the yeast to dilute it. Usually they do this: pour the yeast into a bowl, pour in a small amount of water and leave for half an hour. During this time, the yeast is activated.

6. We tell further how to make kvass from bread. Now combine all the water (3 + 2 liters), enter activated yeast, lemon and granulated sugar in the amount of 500 gr. Mix the ingredients, leave for 10-12 hours at home at room temperature. Do not close the drink, just put a few layers of gauze on the container.

7. After a couple of hours, check the drink, bubbles should form on its surface. This means that everything is done correctly. Then wait for the final infusion, take a sample. If the fortress is not enough, add another 300 gr. sugar and wait 6 hours.

8. Try again. If this time the kvass is weak, add the remaining 200 gr. sweetener and again soak kvass for 5 hours. If desired, the amount of sand can be further increased, but this is not necessary.

9. If everything suits you, send kvass to the cold for 7 hours to stop the fermentation process. After a predetermined time, the drink will be ready, it remains only to filter it.

Kvass from bread without yeast

  • sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • unwashed raisins - 50 gr.
  • black bread - 0.5 kg.
  • water - 5 l.

Since making kvass from bread is quite simple, consider another recipe for making it at home.

1. Chop the bread into small pieces and dry in the oven. Make sure the breadcrumbs don't burn. Otherwise, the taste of the drink will be bitter.

2. After that, bring the water to a boil, add 250 gr. granulated sugar and crackers. Stir. The finished wort must be cooled to 23-25 ​​degrees. Pour the composition into a fermentation container.

3. The container should be approximately 85-90% full. Add raisins and mix well. Wrap the neck of the container with gauze. Store in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees.

4. If raisins High Quality, then after 2 days the fermentation process will begin. After another 2 days, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Add the remaining sugar and stir.

5. Pour the drink into bottles, add 3 pcs to each. raisins. Seal container tightly with lids. Keep the composition for about 10 hours in a dark room at room temperature.

6. After that, the drink must be stored in the cold. After cooling, taste bread kvass. Keep in mind that at home, the shelf life of a drink without yeast is only 4 days.

Bread kvass with yeast

  • pressed yeast - 20 gr.
  • water - 5 l.
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.
  • black bread - 0.5 kg.

Before making kvass from bread, it is worth noting that when cooking at home, the amount of sugar can be increased. Rely on your own taste.

1. Cut the bread and roast in the oven, do not let it burn. Boil water at the same time, then cool to room temperature. Pour the liquid into the fermentation container.

2. Add crackers to the container, cover with gauze and leave for 2 days in a dark place. Dissolve the yeast in a cup according to package directions. Pass the wort through cheesecloth and squeeze out the crackers.

3. Pour the prepared wort into the fermentation container. Pour in 200 gr. granulated sugar and yeast. Mix thoroughly. Cover the container tight lid. The gas should come out gradually.

4. Leave the workpiece in a dark room for a day. After that, kvass can be bottled. Distribute the rest of the sugar evenly. Seal the container tightly and keep it in the dark for several hours.

5. Cool the drink to 10 degrees. You can try again after a few hours. The recipe for homemade kvass is quite simple. Black bread drink has a standard preparation technology.

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a drink. Now you can easily quench your thirst on hot days. Since it’s easy to make kvass from bread, it’s worth experimenting with various recipes at home.


What is bread kvass

Bread kvass is the most common, and even the most beloved of kvass. This thick, rich drink is made on the basis of cereal crops or bread. With their useful qualities this kind of kvass is primarily due to kvass wort, which is made from barley, sprouted wheat, rye, oats or bread crusts.

During the fermentation process, the drink produces a large number of beneficial microorganisms, which, getting into our gastrointestinal tract, inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, curing dysbacteriosis. In addition, it was bread kvass that saved in the old days from beriberi, anemia and scurvy.

Bread kvass is simply irreplaceable in the menu of people suffering from gastritis with low acidity, neurosis, depression, insomnia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis. Since kvass contains yeast, it normalizes the condition of people with diabetes. The rich vitamin and enzyme composition of this drink helps in getting rid of such eye diseases as myopia, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, glaucoma.

In addition, this kvass improves immunity, is a means of preventing infectious and viral diseases, since its amino acids and proteins destroy the cells of pathogens of many such diseases.

Real Russian bread kvass cannot be prepared without components such as malt or yeast. Kvass on malt and kvass made on yeast differ from each other in their taste and healing qualities. Consider these two types of drink in more detail.

Bread kvass on malt

The difficulty of making real bread kvass at home is that you have to make the malt yourself, since it is not currently on sale. The manufacturing process of this component in the old days took quite a long time. That is why instead of malt modern housewives use breadcrumbs. Kvass ripens even in this case, however, in taste it is far from the real kvass of our ancestors, moreover, salt from bread has an even more unfavorable effect on the drink.

It is believed that kvass becomes a dietary and prophylactic product with healing properties, including thanks to malt. It should be noted that the malt itself is not narrowly targeted. remedy from any symptom, however, if it is regularly eaten, then healing occurs human body getting rid of many ailments.

Sprouted grain contained in malt strengthens the immune system, activates blood formation and metabolism, relieves vitamin and mineral deficiencies, normalizes the acid-base balance, helps to remove toxins from the body, increases potency and prevents premature aging.

Germinated grain, and accordingly, malt, contains great amount proteins, easily digestible carbohydrates, fiber with dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, plant enzymes, hormones, pigments and polyphenolic compounds. Such a sharp increase in the amount of vitamins is typical only for germinating grain, which has to overcome many obstacles on the way to sunlight. When the plant begins to work the root system, shoots appear, the content of vitamins is significantly reduced.

In addition, malt contains a large amount of antioxidant substances, which not only protect against diseases, but also prolong life.

Bread kvass with yeast

Often, instead of malt, yeast and crackers are used to make kvass. Yeasts are unicellular organisms - fungi that do not contain chlorophyll. They reproduce by budding daughter cells and cause a fermentation process, as a result of which they receive energy from nutrients.

We have already talked about the usefulness of yeast in the previous section. The beneficial effect of yeast on the body is simply enormous, for the most part, due to the presence of enzymes in them that destroy the microbial cells of the causative agents of many diseases.

The healing properties of fungi are also due to the presence in them of nucleic acids, phosphatides, mineral elements, vitamins and proteins saturated with essential amino acids.

Yeast fungi are very capricious. So, before the invention of the thermometer, fermenters had to dip their fingers into the prepared wort to calculate the temperature for adding yeast. If it is cold, the yeast will not work; if it is hot, it will die.

Kvass prepared with the addition of yeast increases the body's resistance to manifestations of adverse environmental factors, helps to cope with stress and recover from hard physical labor. Such drinks increase appetite and improve the absorption of food by improving the motility and absorption properties of the intestine, favorably affecting the secretion of gastric pancreatic juice.

Besides, yeast kvass normalize the intestinal microflora, and also strengthen hair and nails. These kvass help the body recover faster after serious illnesses, as well as with prolonged exposure to radiation.

Kvass, for the manufacture of which yeast was used, is useful for people suffering from:

  • metabolic disorders, in particular diabetes, obesity, as well as the adverse effects of extreme diets;
  • diseases of the digestive system, including disorders of the pancreas and liver, enterocolitis, disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system, in particular with atherosclerosis, hypertension, with obliterating endarteritis;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system, for example, with radiculitis;
  • acute infectious diseases, in particular with osteomyelitis;
  • suppurative processes in the lungs, pustular rash, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis;
  • beriberi, anemia;
  • eye diseases, including optic nerve atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa.

Important! Contraindications to the use of yeast-based kvass: chronic kidney failure and gout.

How to make bread kvass at home, recipes:

In order to make bread kvass, you need yeast, sugar, crackers or kvass wort. General principle: crackers or wort need to be poured with water, add yeast (this is our sourdough) and sugar and leave to ferment.

Everything else is details and nuances: various additives, different water temperatures, etc. These are the nuances that distinguish the various recipes for making bread kvass.

This section contains some interesting and common recipes. ABOUT old recipes kvass and medicinal - read on. Although, as we already know, all kvass are healing.

Classic basic kvass from rye bread

In fact, you can take any bread, you can take a mixture of breads, but rye will give us a wonderful color of kvass.

  • 1/2 liter jar of crackers - for sourdough
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 0.5 l boiling water
  • a pinch of yeast
  • 200-300 g crackers - for kvass
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • a handful of raisins

Before you start making kvass, you need to cut the bread and dry it, best of all - in the oven to saturate the kvass with the desired color. Next you need to prepare leavened sourdough: fill a liter jar with half-dried crackers, add boiling water and sugar and leave the crackers to swell.

After 5 minutes, you will get not thick, but not liquid bread gruel. If it is thick, add some water. Add yeast to the slurry that has cooled to a warm state (be sure to cool it down, because the yeast will simply boil in hot!), Stir everything, cover the jar with gauze and leave for 2-3 days in a warm place for fermentation. During fermentation, gas bubbles will be released and a characteristic pleasant kvass smell will appear. The sourdough is ready - you can cook the sourdough itself.

Pour 3 full handfuls of crackers into a three-liter jar, add sugar and fill the jar with water “up to the shoulders”. For dark kvass, you need boiling water to draw out the color from crackers, for light kvass, warm boiled water is suitable.

If boiling water is poured, you need to allow the bread mixture to cool to a warm state. Then add the starter and leave the jar with the future kvass in a warm place for 1-2 days for fermentation. After the kvass has gained the necessary sharpness and acidity during the fermentation process, it should be filtered through a double layer of gauze to separate the bread crumbs.

The result is approximately 2 liters of kvass and there is still liter jar bread gruel, which can later be used as a starter. It is better to store it in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

In almost ready kvass, if desired, you can add sugar to taste, dissolving it in a small amount of warm water, raisins and place the drink in the refrigerator for a day. Kvass is ready!

  • Yeast is better to add live, but you can take dry. If live yeast is added, you can crumble small piece about the size of a fingernail, if dry, then just pour a pinch.
  • Bread slurry, like sourdough, is used as follows: put crackers in a jar, half of the slurry (no longer needed), leave to ferment - everything is the same as the first time. The second kvass is always tastier than the first, since it does not contain yeast, which somewhat coarsens the taste of kvass.

Advice. If you want to cook dark kvass, then dry the sliced ​​​​bread in the oven to an intense color and even to a slight burn. To prepare dark kvass, you can take dried-fried breadcrumbs, for light kvass - slightly dried bread or do not dry it at all. To make the color of kvass more saturated and deep, you can tint it with zhzhenka: heat a tablespoon of sugar in a saucepan until it melts and acquires a thick dark color, then add about half a glass of hot water to the burnt sugar in small portions and leave until its complete dissolution. After the resulting solution of burnt oil, add to the finished kvass.

Classic basic kvass from wheat bread

Home technology for making kvass from wheat bread about the same as from rye bread. Wheat kvass itself is different: it is lighter, its aroma and taste are somewhat less pronounced. This kvass can be given a darker color by adding caramelized sugar or other nutritional supplements(red beet juice, black currant, chokeberry). It can be prepared with or without malt (both technologies are described in the recipe).

You can give the drink an interesting flavor by adding honey, jam or fruit to the wort during fermentation instead of part of the sugar. In winter, jam from blackcurrant or cherry, chokeberry, raspberry, strawberry is suitable, and in the fruit season - apples or pears, apricots or grapes, currants or cherries, etc. You can add any fruit, like any jam. There is a wide field for experiments with taste.

To give kvass "sourness" you can take a lemon or citric acid, whey, rhubarb petioles, sorrel leaves, sour berries and fruits.

If desired, vegetables can be added to kvass. And herbs too. One of the options is wheat kvass with white beans, horseradish, herbs and spices - cocoa, vanillin, cinnamon, ginger, mint, thyme, oregano, chamomile. You can add blackcurrant leaves, strawberries, raspberries. And much more. Try! Experiment!

  • 300 g wheat bread or 200 g wheat crackers
  • 3 liters of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 5 g yeast
  • 0.5 st. l. dry ground or 1 tbsp. l. wet green malt

cut bread thin pieces, pour hot water and leave for half an hour. Then add green malt and leave at room temperature for another hour, then pour boiled and cooled to room temperature water. The mixture is infused for 3-4 hours.

After that, the young kvass must be filtered through cheesecloth, bottled, while putting a little bit of jam or fruit of your choice in each, cork the bottles tightly. It is desirable to strengthen the corks with wire. Kvass ripens in 1-2 days. Such kvass looks like an opaque light liquid with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Wheat kvass effervescent and perfectly quenches thirst.

  • To make kvass from wheat bread without malt, bread crumbs must be poured with all boiling water at once. At the same time, stir the pressed yeast with a small amount of warm wort, add 1 tsp. sugar and - optionally - 1 tsp. wheat flour. Yeast must be left in a warm place for a couple of hours before their fermentation begins. Pour fermented yeast and sugar solution boiled in water for half an hour into the wort cooled to about 30 ° C. Leave the wort with yeast and sugar for a day to ferment at room temperature. Bottle young kvass in the same way as kvass with malt.

Making green malt from rye or barley

In order to make malt yourself, you can take any grain cereal, but barley or rye is best, they were most often used in the old days to make a drink. It is known that the quality of malt directly depends on the source material, that is, the grain, which should be “full and weighty”.

The age of barley should not exceed three years, and it should be homogeneous, that is, from the same crop. This cereal favorably differs from other cereals in that in the process of its germination, large quantity diastase, which converts starch into sugar.

Important! Malt is not recommended for brewing boiling water, otherwise it destroys the enzymes responsible for the fermentation of the drink. For better fermentation, beer, hops, fermented milk products can be added to malt.

Malt is best made in wooden or enamelware. First, the grain must be washed. Next, you need to fill it with water at room temperature so that all the grains are covered with liquid. The mixture is left for 5-6 days, periodically stirring the mass. Every 2-3 days, the grains need to be washed and the water changed. When the grain germinates, and the sprouts become 2-3 times longer than the grain itself, you need to drain the water, dry it in the oven and grind it in a coffee grinder.

Ground malt is well preserved in woven bags in a cool place. In the future, wort can be obtained from malt by diluting it with hot water and leaving it for several hours. The resulting mixture can be used as an independent drink, or kvass can be prepared from it.

Often, so-called mash is made from malt - a dough made from a mixture of flour and malt and a small amount water. If this dough is fermented immediately, without any further preparation, then it turns out white kvass, which has more spicy taste and is used, as a rule, for cold first courses. However, most often, kvass bread or crackers are first baked from the mash, from which dark kvass is subsequently obtained.

Sometimes germinated grains of rye, barley, peas, wheat, oats are mixed together, but in this case the ability to combine is lost. different types malt in various proportions getting all the time new taste kvass. That is why the malts of individual cereals are best stored in different bags.

Simple dark bread kvass with yeast:

  • 250 g black bread
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • a handful of raisins
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 1 tsp yeast

Fry the bread in the oven, put in a three-liter jar, add sugar, raisins, yeast, pour raw cold water, stir, cover loosely with a lid.

In a day, kvass is ready.

Dark homemade kvass from bread without yeast:

  • 350 g black bread
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 1 cup of sugar

Fry the bread in the oven so that it burns a little, put it in a three-liter jar, add sugar, pour water. After 3 days (it should not roam in the cold!) drain the first kvass, add a little toasted bread, a little sugar and wait again for three days. While the second kvass is infused, we drink the first one with pleasure!

Hearty kvass for okroshka

  • 3 liters of water
  • 350 g wheat crackers
  • 50–100 g rye crumbs
  • 50 g sugar
  • 15–20 g yeast
  • 30 g rye flour

Bread should be cut into slices or cubes and dried until browned. Put in enamel pan, pour boiling water, close the lid and put to infuse for 3-5 hours.

Knead the dough separately warm water from rye bread crumbs, rye flour and a small amount of yeast. Leave the dough in a warm place to ripen for 1-2 hours.

After that, make small cakes from the dough (50-100 g each) and bake them in a frying pan in the oven. Ready tortillas, cut into halves, put in a pan with kneaded breadcrumbs and mix thoroughly. Add sugar, yeast and mix again. Leave for 10-12 hours in a cold place.

  • In the summer, you can cook okroshka on this kvass, and also add it to vegetable soups. If desired, you can experiment with the taste of kvass by adding different spices or honey.

Based on the book by Maria Ostanina “Kvass heals! 100 recipes against 100 diseases.

Probably one of the most delicious, common and honorable drinks during a feast in Rus', kvass has always been considered. After all, the Slavs mastered the production of this wonderful drink for the first time more than a thousand years ago, even before the formation of Kievan Rus itself.

Because of him special composition Kvass, prepared with one's own hand, quenches thirst very well, gives the body energy and therefore increases efficiency. This drink improves digestion and increases appetite. It also helps to better digest meat and fatty foods and restores the balance of fluid and salts in the body. Due to fermentation, lactic acid and other equally important acids are produced. And when it enters the intestines, it acts like yogurt or kefir, neutralizing all the harmful microflora and thus supporting the beneficial one.

How can you still make delicious kvass from bread at home? And I will tell you about this below, where all the most best recipes described in detail and illustrated with step by step photographs.


  • Rye bread 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 60 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

To prepare delicious rye kvass, we need to prepare everything necessary products. Then we cut the bread into slices, put it on a baking sheet and send it to a sufficiently preheated oven until all the pieces are browned.

Then we take them out of the oven, let them cool a little and transfer them to a three-liter jar.

We also pour 60 grams of sugar there and pour boiling water up to half the jar. And leave for 10-15 minutes, so that all the crackers are sufficiently soaked.

Now we take gauze, fold it into two or three layers, put a jar on the neck and put an elastic band on it.

We leave for a day. After that, for convenience, pour the finished drink into bottles through gauze and put it in the refrigerator.

Drink kvass and be healthy!

A simple recipe for kvass at home from dry kvass


Dry kvass - 5 tablespoons with a slide

sugar - 5 tbsp. l

raw yeast - 5 grams

Cooking method:

We take a three-liter jar, pour five tablespoons of dry kvass into it, the same amount of granulated sugar and half a teaspoon of raw yeast.

Now pour boiled, chilled water to the very top, mix. We dress over gauze and leave at room temperature for two days.

Then, straining, pour into another jar, or bottles, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Our prepared drink is ready, serve it chilled.

On the leaven left in the jar, you can make another drink and for this you need to add the amount of ingredients indicated above: dry kvass, sugar, water. You do not need to put yeast. Where in a day kvass will be ready.

Kvass from rye flour


  • Rye flour - 1 kg
  • water - 10 liters.

Cooking method:

IN this recipe we need to start batter in water, no salt added. Pour 1 kg of flour into one liter of water. And mix thoroughly until smooth.

We shift the dough into a jar, cover with gauze, wrap it with several layers of dense fabric and put it away for two or three days in a warm place.

Pour the risen, fermented dough with warm, boiled water and leave to ferment at room temperature.

After the kvass is ready, you need to pour it through gauze, and then use it.

As you spend ready drink, add to a jar of sourdough required amount boiled water and add the appropriate amount of rye flour.

How to make kvass from dry kvass without yeast


  • Dry kvass - 1 cup
  • sugar - 2/3 cup
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

To prepare a drink, we need a 3-liter jar, into which we pour a glass of dry kvass and fill it with hot boiled water, just pour more carefully so that the jar does not burst.

We also add sugar there, the amount is indicated above, mix a little, cover with a loose lid or napkin and leave for about two days in a warm place.

We filter the finished kvass into another bowl, close it and put it in the refrigerator so that it cools.

Kvass from bread with yeast


  • White bread - 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l
  • dry yeast - 1 pinch
  • raisin.

Cooking method:

Randomly cut the bread and dry it in the oven until golden color. If it burns, then kvass will have a bitter taste.

Now let's prepare the starter. And for this, pour 1/3 of all crackers into a jar, two tablespoons of sugar and pour half a liter of boiling water. We are waiting for all the contents to cool down and add a pinch of dry yeast.

Never add yeast to hot mix because they just simply die.

Stir, cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for two days.

The starter is ready.

And now we shift three full handfuls of crackers into a three-liter jar and add four tablespoons of sugar, pour boiling water up to half the jar, mix and leave to cool.

We put the prepared sourdough into the resulting mixture, add boiled water at room temperature to the neck of the jar. And leave, covered with gauze for one or two days, depending on the temperature of the room.

Then we filter the kvass through the previously prepared bottles and put 3-5 raisins in each, then remove it to cool in the refrigerator.

And strained sourdough can be used in the next portion of your favorite summer drink.

How to cook kvass with kvass wort (video)

Bon appetit!!!

Bread kvass is national pride, a drink that is not known in most countries. Foreigners, coming to us, invariably admire its refreshing taste with a pleasant tingle on the tongue.

Meanwhile, many young housewives do not know how to make kvass at home so that it turns out tasty and “carbonated”.

After some forgetting, when we switched to artificially carbonated sweet drinks, we are starting to return to the roots again.

We will teach you how to prepare an original bread drink with a slight sourness and small gas bubbles in your kitchen.

For the preparation of kvass at all times used black bread and cook it all year round. It was the bread drink that saved the winter from scurvy, "worked" for immunity. He added strength to the fasts and maintained health, because before fasting was strictly observed by everyone. The main food was still the same rye bread, beetroot, onion and kvass.

The classic recipe for kvass from rye bread with yeast

In principle, bread kvass is prepared not only on rye, but also on wheat-rye or white bread. But tastier and more beautiful in appearance - well toasted rye bread without additives in the form of cumin, dill, etc.

Peculiarities. Slices (cubes) of bread are fried on a dry baking sheet or a dry frying pan.

Kvass does not accept butter. For the same reason, bread with seeds or nuts is not suitable.

For a classic recipe, take:

  • 0.5 - 1 kg of rye bread (for crackers);
  • 2-4 cups of sugar - to taste or depending on the desired sweetness;
  • 8 liters of water;
  • 30 g raw (15 g dry) yeast.

Bread cut into cubes, slices or strips and fry until golden brown with a small “burning”. Place in a 10 liter saucepan and cover with boiling water. Leave to cool. While the wort is still hot enough, add the sugar so that it dissolves easily.

In a warm solution (not higher than 30 ° C), add yeast. Stir, cover with a towel and leave for 12 hours. Try it, "sparks" of carbon dioxide should already be felt, but so far weak. Sparkling drink will be typed in the refrigerator. We filter through a sieve and cheesecloth, bottle it, tightly twist it - and put it in the refrigerator.

Carefully. If you keep kvass warm, it will become less sweet, but it will gain a degree. In an ordinary sweet drink, the strength is around 0.5 °, in a slightly over-aged drink it can reach 2 °.

We do not throw away the remaining thick, it can be used as. It is enough to throw a couple of crackers (a handful of dried cubes) into a three-liter jar, pour boiling water, add half a glass of sugar. When cool, add 0.5 liters of sourdough. After 8-12 hours the drink is ready.

Note. You can repeat this “trick” with the remaining thickets many times, even all summer.

Already after the second or third drain, the taste of yeast completely disappears, and kvass continues to be sharp and tasty.

How to cook without yeast?

A drink made from rye crackers without the use of yeast can be prepared in three ways.

  1. Use kvass grounds on rye flour.
  2. Make a hop starter.
  3. Put the wort as in classic recipe, just replace the yeast with raisins.

Consider latest recipe, since it is the simplest and does not require much time. We will do the calculation for a three-liter jar. You will need:

  • water - 2.5 l;
  • rye crackers - 150-200 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • raisins - a handful.

Pour boiling water over crackers and sugar three-liter jar. Let cool to lukewarm and add raisins. Leave warm for a couple of days. Strain, add 3-5 fresh raisins to each bottle, close and send to the refrigerator for maturation.

Kvass "Borodinsky" with raisins

We specifically put this recipe in a separate name, although the preparation has no features. A drink made from Borodino bread will delight great taste and light sourness.

It can be prepared from fresh bread, but all the same, it tastes better from crackers. Kvass is prepared with raisins, although yeast can also be added if desired.

Cooking with wheat bread

Many people make kvass from wheat bread. Taste, and especially color, it differs from rye.

Important. Those who have increased acidity of the gastric juice or peptic ulcer, it is better to cook from white bread. The drink is "paler", but contains less acids.

Before use, white bread is cut and dried in the oven or in a frying pan without oil until golden brown. In the presence of gastrointestinal problems, you should not fry it to blackness. Ingredients:

  • White bread crackers - 200 g.
  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar - 80-100 g.
  • Pressed yeast - 20 g
  • Raisins - 40 g
  • Half a lemon (optional)

Grind crackers and pour boiling water. Add sugar, crumble the yeast into the cooled infusion and put the raisins. After 12 hours, strain and bottle. Add a slice of lemon and a few raisins to each. Put in refrigerator.

Rye bread with mint

Mint adds a touch of freshness rye kvass created according to any recipe. To do this, you need (based on for 6 liters drink) take a couple of sprigs of mint with leaves. Pour boiling water over them, let it brew, and then add the infusion to the main wort.

With honey and horseradish "Vigorous"

This kvass is also called kvass because it is ideal for this cold Russian dish.

You will need:

  • Loaf of Borodino (or other black bread without additives);
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 20 g raw yeast);
  • half a glass of honey;
  • half a glass grated root horseradish;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (if you want);
  • pieces 20 raisins;
  • 30-50 g of millet.

We make crackers from bread and pour boiling water for 3 hours, then filter, add yeast and leave in the room for 6 hours. Add honey mixed with horseradish, as well as sugar (optional). We immediately bottle it. In each add a little washed millet and raisins. After two days in the refrigerator, kvass is ready.

Bread drink in a 3 liter jar

Many people make kvass this way, especially if the family cannot cope with large volumes of the drink. Approximate proportions per jar:

  • a couple of pieces of toasted bread;
  • sugar - from 2 tablespoons to half a glass;
  • yeast - 10 g raw or a handful of raisins;
  • water - almost under the neck of the jar.

Reference. After the first drain, use the thick for new kvass by adding fresh crackers and sugar. After the second drain, divide the thick into two cans, etc.

Benefits and contraindications when using kvass from bread

Today, science has proven the usefulness of kvass made from bread. It contains vitamins and minerals, so necessary for our bodies in a healthy state, and during recovery from illness. In addition to quenching thirst, the drink is taken with therapeutic purpose and also to maintain beauty.

It is useful:

  • for metabolism;
  • in case of malfunction internal organs, since it has a depressing effect on pathogenic microflora;
  • to improve performance;
  • with hypertension;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels and strengthen the heart muscle;
  • increases potency;
  • restores liver cells;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Kvass is useful for everyone, including children. However, make sure that it does not turn out to be alcoholic.

This drink should be used with caution by people suffering from:

  • gout;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • at hyperacidity gastric juice;
  • cirrhosis and hepatitis.

But these are not absolute contraindications. A mug of fresh cool and sharp kvass in the heat will not hurt, and even helps to restore vitamins and minerals lost with sweat.
