
Green or yellow bananas are best. Protects against eye diseases

One of beneficial species fruits are bananas. This product, beloved by many, can be eaten both in its usual form, and you can cook a lot with its use. delicious desserts And diet meals. In this regard, the question is brewing: "Which banana is more useful - yellow or green?".

Ripe fruits are often eaten yellow fruits banana, but there are lovers of unripe fruits that have in green and not yet softened pulp.

But which banana - yellow or green - is more beneficial for the body, and is it possible that this product can harm the body? Let's try to deal with all the questions in order.

Plant appearance

But first, you should turn to the section of biology - botany - and consider general information regarding the structure of the plant.

You can understand that it is a banana in front of you by its external morphology, and we are talking not about all the known fruit, but about the plant on which bunches of bananas are formed.

In height, the plant can reach 13 meters. Such dimensions are formed by the false trunk of the “tree”, which is leaves densely layered on top of each other. But the stem of the plant itself is small and reaches only 6 cm from ground level.

Banana leaves are large: up to 3 meters long and 1 meter wide, elongated oval.

But the main "identification sign" of a banana, of course, are the fruits hanging in large clusters from the banana "tree".

Banana: distribution

Banana is a perennial herbaceous plant the banana family. Initially, the fruit "discovered itself" in the tropics of the Malay Archipelago, which is considered its homeland.

About 40 species of the Banana family are known to modern biology, which grow in the forests of Southeast Asia as a "wild" species. However, the popularity of this fruit influenced the fact that the banana was "cultivated" and began to be grown in many countries with a suitable climate. For example, banana bunches can be found in eastern and western Africa, on plantations in Central and South America(to all famous bananas from Ecuador).

However, a banana can also be found within Georgia, the Crimea, where it is grown as an ornamental plant.

But still, a banana is a tropical plant, and countries with a suitable climate are engaged in its cultivation. In such regions, the plant is a cultivated species, and a significant proportion of it goes to deliveries to European countries.

Bananas are yellow

Which bananas are better to eat: green or yellow? Judging by taste, they win here. yellow bananas. The pulp of the fruit is soft and sweet. Besides, ripe bananas recommend to use dietitians, despite the fact that the calorie content of one banana is 160 kcal. It is valuable in the amount of complex carbohydrates that saturate the body with energy.

Bananas are green

Unlike ripe fruits immature, do not have a pleasant banana flavor. Eating them causes some viscosity in the mouth. And the taste has an unpleasant bitterness, which manifests itself due to great content fruit tannin.

A green banana has a considerable content of starch, which has not had time to be converted into sugar.

Many lovers of unripe bananas use them as a salad ingredient, thereby replacing the cucumber.

Benefits of yellow and green bananas

Which bananas are healthier: green or ripe? Before answering this question, it is necessary to analyze all the valuable qualities of the fetus.

Useful properties of yellow bananas:

  1. Banana pulp contains vitamin B 6 and iron, which fight anemia, increase hemoglobin levels.
  2. Many people know that the fruit contributes to the production of serotonin or the hormone of happiness, which improves mood and performance.
  3. The banana fruit helps to normalize high blood pressure.
  4. The use of fruit pulp helps to improve the condition of cardio-vascular system, reduces the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis.
  5. The benefits will also affect the urinary system, in particular the work of the kidneys.
  6. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium.
  7. For women, eating a banana will help reduce pain during the menstrual cycle.
  8. For people involved in sports, as well as those who are underweight, it is highly recommended to consume bananas as they serve as an excellent building option for muscles.
  9. A ripe banana reduces the risk of cancer.

Useful properties of green bananas:

  1. Eating unripe fruits helps to maintain water-salt balance organism. This is due to the abundant sodium content.
  2. Green bananas render positive action throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The pulp of the fruit prevents the excretion of calcium from the body, which occurs when drinking coffee and tea, as well as carbonated water.
  4. The high starch content in green bananas makes you feel fuller.

Of the listed valuable qualities it becomes obvious which bananas are healthier, green or yellow, and why.

Although green bananas are endowed with vital important properties, use them regularly, and most importantly, in large quantities is categorically not recommended.

Is there any harm?

So, which bananas are healthier, green or ripe, can be judged from the paragraph above. Is there any harm from them?

Both ripe and unripe bananas can harm the body. The pulp of the fruit is a heavy type of food that takes a long time to digest. As a result, a large accumulation of gases is formed in the intestines. Therefore, it is not recommended to use best time pre-lunch hours are considered to be eaten, but in no case should they be consumed on an empty stomach. Moreover, it should be eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly.

Bananas are contraindicated in people who have had strokes or heart attacks, suffering from varicose veins. This is because the banana increases the viscosity of the blood and, as a result, affects the blood pressure.

It is also undesirable for hypotensive patients to eat them, since bananas are aimed at reducing pressure.

How to choose the "right" banana

If preference is given to the consumption of unripe bananas, then choosing a fruit will not be difficult, since the main criterion for choosing will be color. The unripe fruit has a green skin, and the flesh itself will be harder.

A ripe banana has a rich yellow. May be found on the skin dark spots and points. This is not a defect, but a sign of the ripening of the fetus. The main thing is that the integrity of the peel is not broken.

Based on the data presented regarding the usefulness of bananas, it is impossible to say for sure which bananas are healthier, green or yellow, since each type is valuable to the body in its own way. Therefore, if there are no special contraindications for health reasons, the choice of bananas will be based on individual preferences.

Bananas are perhaps the most healthy treats men, women and children of all ages. These fruits are loved all over the world, and although they do not grow in Russia, any child knows their taste very well. Today bananas are becoming frequent guests healthy eating. But is it right? What is the use of them? Is there any harm in eating bananas?

General information

Banana is one of the very first plants that was domesticated by man. Its homeland is in Southeast Asia and the Malaysian archipelago. It grows for 10-12 months, and the mass of the crop from 10 thousand square meters. m. can reach as much as 40 tons. Interestingly, it is harvested while still quite green, when it barely reaches 75% ripeness. Thus, during transportation, it only “gets older”, the shelf life increases significantly, and the benefits increase.

One hundred pluses of our hero

It is in him - here he gets to the top! - includes a huge mass of various nutrients and vitamins, the benefits of which are known. Bananas contain vitamins B1-B2-PP in excess. B3-B9-A-C-E are present in smaller amounts. Banana is also rich in macro- and micronutrients that are beneficial to humans:

Bananas are incredibly rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It is their high energy value so attractive when playing sports that, naturally, resonates with the male sports community.

However, adding a banana to your daily diet is beneficial not only for men, but also for women. Especially our hero is in demand in the prevention of kidney disease, hypertension and depression due to the large amount of potassium and iron.

Distinctive features

Banana fruits are often used in cosmetic purposes, for example, as masks for hair and face. In women with scalp problems, doctors recommend making 2-3 masks of banana pulp, honey and cream per month. The benefits of one such mask are invaluable for the body. daily harm, applied to the skin, is easily corrected in just 15-20 minutes!
Bananas have antiseptic properties, so they daily use useful for the rapid healing of mucosal lesions internal organs, as well as ulcers of the stomach and intestines (outside the phase of exacerbation of the disease). Ripe fruits contain fructose, glucose and sucrose, i.e. rich sources of energy. These substances enter the blood immediately, so that people with diabetes It is better not to eat ripe bananas.

All B vitamins have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. The heart rate drops, the sleep phases stabilize. When eating bananas, serotonin in the blood increases, which makes a person happier. Banana's natural fiber is good for constipation and improves performance gastrointestinal tract.

For people with a lack of iron in the blood, doctors also recommend including a banana in their diet. Our hero helps the body synthesize hemoglobin, which will later be used to carry oxygen.

In the absence of other means, a banana can even be used as a healing ointment! Because of him special properties it easily relieves itching and irritation after insect bites and reduces the harm done to the body. To do this, simply rub the skin with the inside of the peel, and all symptoms will disappear in 10-15 minutes.

Perhaps the most unusual property banana - its ability to increase the sexual activity of men. Connecting with various substances in our body, the amino acid called "tryptophan" not only increases potency in men, but also enhances sexual desire in women. Unlike chemicals that artificially increase potency in men, a banana does much less harm, and the benefits to the body are invaluable. Moreover, the use of these fruits stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, colloquially called the "hormone of love."

So, bananas are an invaluable source of vitamins and nutrients for the body, both tasty and nutritious, ideal for people of all ages.

Everyone has their flaws

Despite all the advantages of bananas, it can also cause significant harm to a person if you do not know his "dark side". We list the main precautions when eating these fruits:

  1. Because of the tenderness of the stomach of infants and children infancy don't give them too many bananas to eat. When overeating, pain, bloating, poisoning can occur, and the fruit itself can cause significant harm to the body.
  2. With heart disease, it is also worth limiting the use of bananas. The peak of danger falls on coronary heart disease and a disease of increased blood clotting. The fact is that a banana helps the body remove water from the body, so the patient has thickening of the blood, clogging of blood vessels, and even blood clots are possible. Remember that already one eaten fruit can adversely affect the patient's condition and cause harm!
  3. People who have recently had a heart attack or stroke should not eat bananas for a month. The fruit will negatively affect the well-being and health of a person, will not bring any benefit, but only harm.

banana lifestyle

There are many banana-based recipes on the Internet that allow those who wish to put their body in order and love themselves. The recipes are quite simple - it is recommended to eat 3 bananas a day and drink three glasses of water. Some manage to lose 3-4 kg per decade and improve their well-being. But isn't banana food dangerous? - Probably not worth it. for a long time stick to this lifestyle. Any experiments are a strong stress for the body.

It is best to eat bananas with other healthy foods. We recommend using the famous Allen Carr weight loss method ( described in the book "Start to lose weight now", approx. ed.). Switch to eating bananas and other plant foods gradually to normalize your weight and improve your body.

So, the banana lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle for men and women. Plant food plus sports - gigantic benefits and zero harm. And here bananas cannot be overestimated, as they contain proteins and carbohydrates in in large numbers and help to get muscle mass without chemical additives. The hero of our article should become an indispensable element of the diet of everyone healthy person because its beneficial properties are the key to active longevity.

Bananas are bright representatives of plants that were cultivated by people in ancient times. At present, bananas are considered a valuable food and fodder crop, whose export is second only to rice and wheat.

The word "banana" in Latin means "fruit of a wise man", from Arabic it is translated as "finger". Therefore, a bunch of bananas is called a brush.

The birthplace of an exotic fruit is the Malay Archipelago. Like pineapple, the banana plant is an herb in the banana family. IN food purposes an artificially bred variety of fruit is used with cream, white, orange or yellow flesh and enjoyable unusual taste and aroma.

Only ripe bananas should be eaten. Unripe, yet green bananas contain indigestible starch, which creates an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the intestines. Ripe bananas are very easy to digest and rarely cause any allergic reactions therefore they are often introduced as complementary foods for infants.


The benefits of bananas are determined by their nutritional properties and the presence of many useful elements in its composition, the main of which are carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. It is worth noting that bananas contain 5 times more iron and vitamin A, 4 times more proteins and 2 times more carbohydrates. than in apples The article lists the 20 most beneficial properties for human health. Under what diseases it is especially recommended to use these fruits. Benefits of apples for weight loss. What are the contraindications for use.. Eating two bananas a day can replenish daily requirement body in potassium. Banana pulp also contains catecholamines - serotonin, dopamine and norpinephrine, which are important physiologically active substances.

A banana plant does not have a solid, inherent in all trees, trunk. At the same time, the stem of this giant grass, reaching a height of 10 m, can withstand the weight of up to 300 banana fruits, which is at least 500 kg.

100 g of banana pulp contains:

12 Health Benefits of a Banana

    Natural sugars, fiber and potassium make bananas excellent source energy. Scientists have proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for 90 minutes of hard work. This property is especially useful for athletes, when after a workout you can instantly replenish low blood glucose levels.

    Magnesium and potassium found in bananas enough protect the body from muscle spasms, help to relax muscles and block the occurrence of cramps in the future.

  1. Brings blood pressure back to normal

    Potassium, which is rich in bananas, and sodium, which is in fruits minimal amount help support arterial pressure fine. Also these two minerals and maintain an optimal water-salt balance in the body and reduce the risk of developing heart attack and stroke.

  2. Maintain normal stomach acidity

    Due to the enveloping texture of their pulp, they cover the wall of the stomach and suppress the secretion of acid, which gives them the right to consider them effective antacids. Bananas also contain protease inhibitors, which is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers. Thus, the inclusion of bananas in your diet will protect against stomach ulcers, heartburn and acidity.

  3. Fiber and pectins, as well as physiologically active substances, such as serotonin, dopamine, norpinephrine help intestinal motility and relieve constipation. Thanks to such beneficial substances, bananas can be safely used for peptic ulcers duodenum and stomach. Also useful for constipation are crushed banana fruits for children.

  4. Help with diarrhea

    Bananas are the only vegetables and fruits that can be eaten with diarrhea. Diarrhea contributes to the loss of potassium, and this, in turn, is the cause of the onset of dehydration of the body associated with this hypokalemia, arrhythmias, and heart rhythm disturbances. And since banana pulp is rich in potassium, it replenishes electrolytes lost during diarrhea and does not irritate the intestines due to its soft texture.

  5. Beneficial oligosaccharides contained in bananas stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and thus protect it from the occurrence of various disorders. And the digestive enzymes produced by sugars improve the ability to absorb nutrients. Bananas also contain fatty acid, which essentially maintain the healthy condition of the cells of the intestinal mucosa. This further improves nutrient absorption. Probiotic fermentation also lowers the pH in the gut, thereby promoting calcium absorption, which in turn strengthens the bones.

    Read also: What are probiotics and prebiotics and what is the difference between them What are probiotics and prebiotics contained in our body, how are they useful and what is their significant difference. What products contain these substances.

    Banana helps eliminate fluid from the body. This diuretic action is believed to be helpful in the presence of kidney stones and may also help detoxify the body. Banana is also believed to help dissolve stones.

  6. Normalizes sleep

  7. cosmetic effect.

    Banana face masks are excellent at making skin firm, smooth and radiant. They also help moisturize.

  8. Improves sex life

    Banana is rich nutrients, which help produce sex hormones and also increase male libido. It also regulates the secretion of serotonin, which is known to be responsible for the feeling of euphoria after intercourse.

  9. Relieves depression

    A rich vitamin and mineral composition helps to rid the body of various nervous disorders: tryptophan, which is converted in the body into the hormone serotonin, improves mood, vitamin B6 normalizes sleep, magnesium helps to relax muscles.

  10. Protects against eye diseases

    Banana fruits contain a small but significant amount of vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining normal vision. Like other fruits, bananas can help prevent macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent damage.


    • varicose veins, due to the fact that bananas increase blood viscosity and increase the risk of blood clots;
    • diabetes mellitus and overweight, as the sugars contained in the banana cause bloating, flatulence;
    • gastrointestinal disorders associated with hyperacidity gastric juice.

    We are used to seeing bananas as yellow in color, but there are also red bananas in nature that are more tender. And in the Seychelles, a special kind of banana grows - golden and black. This exotic is used by the locals of the island in cooking. gourmet dishes as a side dish with shellfish and lobster.

    In Estonia, the first world banana eating competition was won by a participant who managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes, though he ate bananas with the peel, which is why he won. The world record for eating bananas is 81 bananas in one hour.

    It turns out that bananas have found application not only as a food product. For example, in India for several centuries they have been used to launch ships into the water, for which the launch area of ​​the slip is smeared with crushed bananas. And in Japan, ship gear and fabrics are made from some technical varieties of bananas, which do not wear out for a long time.

Do you like bananas? Which ones do you like more? Many like it with a little green skin, many like it very ripe with dark spots on the skin. Let's find out what kind of ripeness bananas are most useful, read about it in our article.

Bananas - though Exotic fruits, but they have long been part of our diet. These fruits have amazing properties and can greatly improve our health.

However, when is it better to eat a banana - when it has just turned yellow, or when it is already covered with dark dots? This complex issue, given that the nutritional value of a banana changes as it ripens.

Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

You have probably noticed that the more ripe a banana appears, the sweeter it tastes. This is because enzymes in fetal tissues are constantly breaking down starch (the long polymer form) and turning it into simple sugars(monosaccharides, disaccharides), which give it sweetness. So when you eat an overripe banana, you are essentially absorbing pure sugar.

Japanese researchers have proven that the banana also has anti-cancer properties, and they are at their best when the yellow banana is covered with dark spots. These patches are known to chemists as the TNF compound, and they are quite effective in dealing with abnormal cells in the body.

The more dark areas on the skin of the fruit, the better it increases. So a ripe banana is one of the effective anti-cancer agents. Plus, an overripe banana - great choice when your body needs a quick sugar boost. This is when, for example, you feel very depressed and tired. However, this property can also have the opposite effect if you have problems with blood sugar.

green bananas

In turn, Australian scientists are confident that green bananas also have invaluable properties, as they contain important component resistant (indigestible) starch. Experts explain that this substance enters the large intestine without being digested in the small intestine - and already there it is fermented by bacteria. This causes a longer feeling of fullness, as well as a long-term burst of energy.

Besides, resistant starch increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which in turn reduces the risk of colon cancer. And one more thing - green bananas are not that high in calories, so choose them if you are on a diet.

So both ripe and green bananas have their own benefits for our health - so choose what's best for you based on your body's needs and your preferences.

To us, people living far from the tropics, the question of what color a banana should be may seem strange, but the answer to it is obvious: well, of course, yellow! Meanwhile, it is not necessary at all. Bananas also come in red, orange, black and… just green! Let's talk about the last variety of tropical fruit.

Chemical composition

The calorie content of green bananas primarily depends on the variety.

Important! All the numerous types of bananas are usually divided into two main categories: vegetable, they are larger, and dessert, small and very sweet. The main difference between them is that the latter are eaten raw, while the former must be cooked.

Fruits with a hard skin of green or grayish color are called "platano" or "plantin". They are the most high-calorie among their relatives.

100 g of such a fruit contains 90-145 kcal, and after it reaches full ripeness (turns yellow), the calorie content increases greatly, reaching a range of 110-156 kcal.

In dessert varieties of fruit, the reverse pattern is observed: while the fruits have a green peel, their calorie content is kept at about 110 kcal per 100 g, but as they age, the nutritional value decreases to 95 kcal.
The nutritional value green banana is 21% carbohydrates (starch, mono- and disaccharides), 1.5% proteins and 0.7% fats (and percentage saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the product are approximately the same).

Approximately 74% of the fruit is water, and just over 1.5% - alimentary fiber(cellulose).

The vitamin composition of the fruit does not depend on its color.

Here are present:

  • vitamin A (retinol and beta-carotene);
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid);
  • vitamin B4 (choline);
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine);
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • vitamin K.

Among the minerals that bananas are rich in, first of all, macronutrients should be mentioned:

  • potassium - 348 mg;
  • magnesium - 42 mg;
  • sodium - 31 mg;
  • phosphorus - 28 mg;
  • calcium - 8 mg.

There are also some trace elements in the pulp - fluorine, selenium, iron, manganese and zinc. Very important in the composition of the fruit are also essential amino acids- lysine, methionine, tryptophan.

However, all of the above is in both yellow and green fruits. But the main difference in the composition of the fruit, because of which scientists are increasingly talking about more useful namely green bananas, is the presence in them of indigestible (in scientific terms - resistant) starch.

Important! Resistant starch is very good for bowel function. It is not digested in the small intestine, but enters the large intestine, where the fermentation process takes place. Thanks to this feature, the product allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a very long time. In addition, the process of reproduction of beneficial microflora in the large intestine, stimulated by indigestible starch, significantly reduces the risk of oncological diseases in this organ.

Thus, in terms of chemical composition and calorie content, green bananas, although similar to their yellow counterparts, at the same time have certain advantages.

It is for this reason that experienced residents tropical countries, and after them, many Europeans prefer to eat just such a variant of the fruit.

In popular literature, one can often find the assertion that green bananas are some kind of special variety of tropical fruit. Actually it is not. Among the unusual colors of the peel of these fruits, there is no green.
Any yellow banana has this color until fully ripe, and everything else is nothing more than a marketing ploy. But the above does not mean at all that the statement about the benefits of green bananas is also a fiction, just do not let yourself be deceived by overpaying for something that is not exotic.

Can you eat green bananas

Of course, it is possible, but not in the way we used to do it.

Did you know? Exist vegetable varieties bananas, which the inhabitants of tropical countries (mainly Brazilians) cook and eat in the same way as we do potatoes. These fruits are sold green, so it is easier to transport them and delay the moment of spoilage. However, having bought such a “vegetable-fruit”, the hostess first brings it to readiness in a dark place, after wrapping it in paper. When the fruit turns yellow, it is peeled (with a knife, this cannot be done with your hands, the peel is too hard) and fried or boiled, and then used as a side dish for the main course.

It is no secret to anyone that bananas often end up on the shelves of our stores unripe.
However, by buying such a product, we risk nothing. You can wait until it turns yellow, or you can not do this. But with one condition.

The fact is that green bananas should not be eaten raw. They must be subjected to heat treatment, because the starch contained in them has not yet had time to be converted into sugar.

Eating such a fruit in its original form is like chewing raw potatoes. Such food is not suitable for our stomach, is poorly digested, and also has an unpleasant bitter taste.

unripe dessert banana(these varieties, unfortunately, continue to be a rarity with us) also cannot be eaten raw, but you can fry.

So, if you are not sure that you have a “noble” exotic, and not a fodder fruit that was taken ahead of time, do not despair: for someone who was born and lived in a cold climate, this is forgivable. Buy and feel free to fry, boil, stew or blanch!

What are useful

So, let's take a look at the benefits of green bananas over ripe bananas.

Important! One banana contains almost the full daily proportion of potassium.

For the cardiovascular system

The benefits of unripe fruits for the cardiovascular system are determined first high content they have potassium.

Potassium plays an important role in maintaining heart rhythm. By normalizing blood pressure in the vessels, this chemical element provides prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris and other pathologies associated with impaired cardiac function.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Green bananas are a source of resistant starch, while eating ripe fruit we get sugar. What is the difference between these two substances for our intestines, we have already mentioned.

But that is not all. tropical fruit contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which, among other beneficial properties, have a beneficial effect on the production of enzymes in the stomach and intestines.

In addition, there is a version (not yet finally proven) that green bananas can not only prevent the occurrence of stomach ulcers, but even cure the disease.

The healing mechanism is that the pulp of the fruit, getting into the stomach, neutralizes the acid located there and acts on its walls as a soothing ointment, activating the formation of mucus, which, in turn, protects the stomach from the destructive and causing wounds (ulcers) of the acidic environment. .

Did you know? Oddly enough, the banana is botanically a berry, and the plant itself is a herb.

The active substances contained in green bananas stimulate all metabolic processes in the body, accelerate the work of the stomach and increase intestinal motility. This is also largely facilitated by the fiber that is part of the fruit.

But if dietary fiber helps to avoid constipation, then with diarrhea green banana also useful as it prevents the most dangerous consequence this condition is dehydration.

For the muscular system

Here again it is appropriate to recall potassium. This element, along with calcium and phosphorus, also present in fruits, plays a decisive role in maintaining the water-salt balance in the body, which, in turn, affects the muscular system.
In addition, to maintain muscle tone, prevent the occurrence of spasms, convulsions, overstrain, the body needs to maintain a sufficient dose of sodium. As we remember, this mineral can also be obtained from the pulp of tropical fruits.

For the nervous system

For nervous system the most valuable are the vitamins of group B contained in green fruits. Thanks to their effect, we better cope with stress, get rid of irritability and anxiety, and sleep better at night.

Also in bananas there is the amino acid tryptophan, which, in the process of splitting, contributes to the synthesis in our brain of one of the most “pleasant” hormones - serotonin.

By the way, this substance not only makes us feel happy, it is very useful for the muscular system and motor activity, and thanks to it, blood clotting increases, that is, in a sense, bananas help heal wounds.

For the brain

B vitamins are extremely beneficial for brain function. They improve memory, increase concentration, relieve fatigue.

No less useful for our "head" and the above-mentioned potassium.

Therefore, it is very useful for people engaged in mental work, as well as students and schoolchildren, to include a snack of green tropical fruits in their diet during exams.

For the health of teeth and bones

Calcium, necessary for teeth and bones, is contained in green bananas, but they do not have as much of this element as, for example, in cheese or cottage cheese.

But these miracle fruits have the ability to retain calcium in the body, which is why their benefits for the skeletal system are quite noticeable.

For skin

The vitamin and mineral composition of fruits is valuable not only for our internal organs, but also for our appearance.

To keep the skin fresh and supple, you can use this product as food, or you can add it to various cosmetic masks and tonics, which has long been noted by experienced beauties.

Did you know? Alas, humanity runs the risk of being left without bananas soon. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a special type of fungus appeared in the northeast of South America, called "Panama disease", it greatly annoyed banana plantations around the world and completely destroyed the magnificent in its palatability Grade "Gros Michel". The fungus is mutating faster than scientists can "invent" new varieties of bananas that are resistant to the disease, and who will win this race remains a question.

Is it possible

Whatever we say about the numerous useful properties banana, this product is still exotic and unusual for us.

For this reason, at certain periods of their lives, as well as in the presence of certain pathological conditions eating such foods should be treated with a healthy degree of caution, and it is better to consult your doctor first. But we will still make some reservations.

During pregnancy

The vitamin and mineral composition of bananas makes them very attractive for consumption during pregnancy. It is especially important for the expectant mother to receive the prescribed dose. folic acid, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

And yet, any food experiments during this period are undesirable. Raw green bananas can cause future mother serious trouble with the work of the intestines, and you need to be able to cook them correctly.

Important! If, before pregnancy, a woman often ate green bananas, and she is sure that she knows how to choose and cook them, there are no contraindications. But if you decide to discover a new useful product, it is better to wait for a more "safe" period.

With HB

The above applies equally to the period breastfeeding. In this state, the relationship between what the mother eats and the potential risk to the baby is not as direct as during pregnancy, but some caution is still worth taking.

With diabetes

But with diabetes, green bananas are just much safer than yellow ones, because they are low in sugar, and resistant starch does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar.

But that doesn't mean that similar product fully compatible with the diet of a patient with diabetes, because we are still talking about carbohydrates.
In addition, diseases of the first and second types are accompanied by completely different diets, so the approach to products should be individual.

Important! Green bananas for diabetes can only be eaten with the direct permission of a doctor, in small quantities and following strict medical guidelines.

For example, one of the properties of the starch contained in green bananas is the very long period that accompanies the excretion of this substance from the body. For a diabetic patient, this can be a serious problem.

When losing weight

Green banana - great alternative yellow for those who watch their waist. Because due to the features chemical composition this product allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time, during the period of weight loss, this is just what you need.

What can be done with them

If buying regular banana, we, without thinking twice, remove the peel from it and eat the sweet tender pulp, with green fruit such a simple number will not work.

You can try, as they say, but the taste is something between raw, and, and the smell is, to put it mildly, not very pleasant.

Important! Green bananas need to be cooked!

There are two options here. First: consider that we have a fruit in front of us, and make something sweet out of it. Second: like the inhabitants of a number of tropical countries, treat the banana as a vegetable.
Cooking methods can be anything: boiling, frying, stewing, baking or steaming, but in the first case we use as main spice sugar, and in the second - salt.

Since you won’t surprise anyone with sweet bananas, we recommend the recipe savory snack for beer.

In addition to a few green bananas, we need:

  • water for cooking - 1-2 l;
  • or lime - 1 piece;
  • - 2-3 cloves;
  • wine or - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Let's boil the bananas first. While the water is boiling, remove the skin from the fruit, making longitudinal cuts with a knife (carefully so as not to hook the pulp), because unripe fruits cannot be cleaned by hand.
We completely lower the fruit into boiling salted water, bring it to a boil again and, having removed the fire, leave it to languish for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the garlic sauce. Put finely chopped garlic into the prepared dishes, add oil, vinegar, salt, freshly ground black pepper. At the end, season the sauce with lemon (lime) juice and mix well.

Add to the water in which the bananas were boiled, a glass boiled water to stop the boiling process, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the water cool slightly. We take out the boiled fruits and cut them into rings about 1 cm wide.

Seasoned bananas in a dish garlic sauce. The dish is ready! You can use it as an appetizer, or you can serve it as a side dish for meat or seafood.

Did you know? In the 30s of the last century in Germany, bananas were declared "unpatriotic fruits", since the funds necessary for their purchase were spent on other purposes. There was even a whole campaign among doctors who said that eating bananas would lead to volvulus.

Can they harm

Banana poisoning is quite difficult. Compared to its exotic counterparts, this fruit is much less likely to cause allergies. Intestinal problems, bloating and flatulence are possible in the first place when, out of inexperience, we start eating raw green bananas.

However, in order to minimize possible risks, nutritionists recommend refraining from using this product in conjunction with big amount water.
Of course, it is dangerous to eat food containing chemical additives, but these risks apply equally to any product that survives long transport (intended for long storage).

With extreme caution, the dish should be taken to people who have a history of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis. Those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke are also at risk. The ability of fruits to increase the density of blood for such categories of citizens is a very undesirable property.

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