
How to cut a coconut at home. How to break a coconut at home

Coconut is quite tasty and exotic. And how easily and simply it splits into two even halves in the old, but very famous Bounty advertisement, exposing its snow-white flesh. And whenever there is a desire to enjoy incredible taste this pulp, the question arises, but how to properly open a coconut.

In contact with

You can spin the coconut indefinitely, hit it hard with something sharp, and as a result, fragments of the shell will fly into different sides, the nut itself will awkwardly fall to the floor, and the milk will simply pour out.

Such a picture is far from the elegance that the commercial shows us. Let's see how you can open a coconut at home.

How to crack a nut?

Many are wondering how to open a coconut and at the same time save their nerves. To do this, stock up on several tools, which will be discussed in this section.

coconut pulp

hammer and nail

This tip will help those who do not know how to easily open a coconut. In addition to a hammer (kitchen or carpentry), you should take an ordinary nail (it can also be replaced by a drill, the diameter of which should not exceed the size of dark inclusions on the nut itself).

To know how to split a coconut, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. The nut is placed on a hard surface, then turned so that dark blotches are clearly visible.
  2. Since the spots are a rather pliable part of the nut, in this case a nail or a drill is applied to them.
  3. Then you need to make a clear blow with a hammer on the nail. It's not worth pounding with anger.
  4. The tool easily passes into the shell.
  5. The nail is pulled out of the hole made.
  6. Attention is focused on other spots. In the same way, two or three more holes should be made.
  7. The fruit must be rotated carefully so that the milk in it does not spill out.
  8. When everything is done, in this case, the coconut liquid drains from the holes. It's not worth rushing.
  9. Now you should learn how to open a coconut. First you need to mentally imagine a line passing between the perforated top and the bottom itself.
  10. Moving in a circle, the coconut is hit along this very imaginary line.
  11. The walnut will begin to succumb and crack completely.

With a towel

There is another way to split a coconut at home. You can wrap the nut in a towel, put it on a hard surface and hit it with a hammer with all your might. The coconut will be broken.

No towel

How else can you properly split a coconut - of course, in the same way, only without a towel. To do this, you need to hit the coconut with a hammer, and with the help of a knife, push the cracks to the sides.

Plastic bag

Hit with a hammer on a nut wrapped in plastic bag. It will not look quite aesthetically pleasing, even frightening. But having an idea of ​​how difficult it is to open a coconut correctly, you can use any means.


This tip is for those who are wondering how to open a coconut with a knife:

  1. A line is drawn, the so-called "equator". In this case, you should resort to the trick described in the first method.
  2. Coconut is taken in hand.
  3. Keeping the fruit on weight, you should tap the “equator” with a knife.
  4. A crack should appear, into which the knife blade is then placed.
  5. Since it will be easier to cut a cracked coconut with a knife, the nut will soon crack.


There is one good method on how to properly open a coconut at home with a saw:

  1. The juice is drained in the same way that was described at the very beginning.
  2. There is a towel on the table. This is necessary so that the fruit does not slip.
  3. It is best to hold the coconut firmly in a vise. If there is no such tool, then you will have to do without it.
  4. The "equator" stands out on the coconut. Mentally or with a marker.
  5. The nut is sawn.

Screwdriver or electric drill

If you know how to open coconut using a screwdriver, you can do this very smoothly and accurately:

  1. Juice is poured out.
  2. Looking for the equator.
  3. Holes are drilled along the equatorial line with an electric drill or a screwdriver. This should be done every two or three centimeters.
  4. The nut should be hit on a hard surface, it is better that it be concrete.
  5. There is a split in the fetus.

If there are few holes, then the shell will not open as smoothly as we would like, rather into pieces. And too many holes too close to each other will cause the fetus to crack while drilling is still taking place.

How to break without a hammer?

It happens that there are no improvised means. Then there are doubts about how to open a coconut at home without a hammer. But there is always a way out.

Throw on the floor

I want to try coconut, but not everyone knows how to open it while at home, without a hammer and drill. In this case, you can use a simple but barbaric method, more reminiscent of a cry of despair than a calm and prudent cracking of a nut. Here's another way to break a coconut properly - you should throw it on the floor.

Due to the impact, the fruit will crack. Knowing how to break a coconut at home, it will not be superfluous to take care that liquid does not leak out of it.

Coconut liquid is best drained through the holes beforehand.

Leaning against the wall

There is another way to quickly open a coconut:

  1. Coconut leans "equator" against the wall. An ordinary brick or a border is also suitable.
  2. Then you need to press your own weight on the nut.
  3. The fruit in the process should be slightly rotated.

This method requires a lot of patience, but if you really want to enjoy the incredible taste of this overseas delicacy, you should take into account all the methods of how to break a coconut at home, especially without a hammer.


You can also use another, more hygienic and smart way, thanks to which everyone will learn how to open a coconut at home using the least amount of force:

  1. To begin with, holes are made in the inclusions and the juice is drained.
  2. The oven heats up to 180-200 degrees.
  3. A walnut is placed in it.
  4. After ten or fifteen minutes, the first crack should appear. If this does not happen, you need to heat longer.
  5. When the result has appeared, the nut is pulled out of the oven.
  6. Cool (you can even in the refrigerator) and wrap in a towel.
  7. Now you should figure out how to properly open a cooled coconut. You need to knock on the fetus until it completely splits.

If in this case the nut does not crack completely, then you should loosen the shell with a knife in the hole of the crack itself.

We must not forget that in no case do they put a coconut filled with liquid. In this case, it will boil, and the shell will explode from the steam, and this threatens with disastrous consequences for the oven, for the kitchen as a whole, and first of all for someone who wants to eat coconut.

How to clean easily?

Little knowledge of how to break a coconut, you still need to separate the flesh from the shell. In fact, it should be correctly called like this - copra. Many people do not know how to properly peel a coconut, so they separate the copra with a spoon. However, this is quite tedious, as the flesh is quite tough and does not lend itself too easily.

To have a better idea of ​​how to best peel a coconut later on, follow this tip:

  1. A knife is taken.
  2. Then a line is drawn with a knife between the copra and the shell itself. Thus, it is necessary to do around the entire perimeter.
  3. Not everyone understands how to peel a coconut at home if it is split into pieces. In this case, it is necessary to carry out similar cuts with each piece separately.
  4. Then half of the nut should be knocked on the floor or on something hard.
  5. Copra easily moves away from the peel, and there is really nothing complicated about how to cut a coconut.

Some craftsmen peel the coconut like a potato

How to properly drain the liquid?

In order for coconut water not to splash in vain at the moment when the fruit opens, it should be drained properly. To do this is simple:

  1. On top of the nut, where dark spots, a recess is made with a sharp knife, a metal pin, a knitting needle or a nail.
  2. Any of these sharp objects is inserted inside a pliable blotch.
  3. A hole is made.
  4. A glass is taken.
  5. The coconut is turned over so that the hole is above the glass.
  6. The liquid flows into the prepared container on its own.
  7. To make sure that all the water has flowed out, the fruit is shaken.

How to cut the pulp?

Many already have ideas about how best to peel a coconut at home. The separated copra is now washed under water and cut with an ordinary knife. Best for slices. Since it is tough, you should take a sharper knife for this purpose, preferably for cleaning vegetables. Some people want to know how to peel the flesh of a coconut evenly and beautifully. In this case, it is best to use a slicer. In this case, the copra will be cut very neatly.

It can be eaten raw or grated fine grater. Copra also freezes. To do this, put the resulting slices in bags for freezing. You must first remove the air from the bag so that later the slices do not freeze.

The benefits of coconut for the body are quite extensive. It contains such useful trace elements:

  • vitamins of groups B, E and C;
  • mineral salts;
  • sucrose;
  • fructose.

Thanks to such a rich and healing composition nut helps to improve eyesight, promotes recuperation, and also has healing properties. No wonder the inhabitants of Asia have always considered the fruit life elixir which not only feeds human body but also contributes to the restoration of water balance.

One hundred grams of coconut milk contains enough fats and proteins, energy value is 395 kcal. Milk can slow down the process of skin aging. The juice is also good for digestion.

Also, the juice of this fruit is actively used in cosmetology, adding it to lotions and shampoos. It disinfects, soothes, tones and moisturizes the skin. There is even one legend according to which the Queen of Sheba performed ablutions exclusively with coconut milk, adding goat milk to it. Thus she remained young and beautiful for a long time.

Also, milk is indispensable for the treatment of various rashes that may appear due to allergies.

Useful video

Opening a coconut with a regular kitchen knife:


  1. Coconut is not so easy to split, if you do not know some secrets. As a rule, one cannot do without the help of a hammer, knife or saw.
  2. The main thing is not to hammer unreasonably and with anger, but to make clear and even blows.
  3. Surprisingly, you can divide the fruit into two halves without improvised means using the oven. But the pulp is separated best with a knife, not a spoon.

What thoughts do you have when you look at this photo? Probably, such: “Where is the anvil with a sledgehammer? After all, without them it is simply unrealistic to split a coconut!

Don't worry, friends, to open a coconut, you don't need to drill, saw or hit it with a huge hammer - just use two knives: large and small. Nothing else is required! Don't believe? Then we will demonstrate it to you with a real example.

Make a hole in the coconut and drain the liquid

So, first we need to make a hole in the coconut and drain the liquid that is inside it. Find three “eyes” on the nose of the nut - in these places the fruit was attached to the palm tree and received through them nutrients. One of the eyes will be softer than the rest, usually closer to the base of the coconut.

Many sites recommend making holes with huge slate nails or powerful drills. Most likely, these guys opened some "wrong" coconuts. As an option - the ancient fossilized remains of coconuts of the primitive era. IN fresh fruits holes are made easily and naturally with a small knife.

Look closely at the photo. Do you see a centimeter-thick white wall inside the hole? This is the flesh of the coconut. Here, mainly in it, we “drilled” a hole with a knife. In the pulp, which itself is soft! Why drill it with a powerful screwdriver or pierce it with slate nails? Perhaps this will remain a mystery to sane people.

Carefully pour the liquid into a container (we took a regular glass). By the way, coconut water has a pleasant sweet taste which you can enjoy immediately.

So, the liquid was drained, now you can safely prick the coconut. Do you want to know how it's done? No problem - now we will tell and show everything!

How to split a coconut and cut it at home

There are many ways to split a coconut on the Internet. Some suggest wrapping the nut in a bag and hitting it with a hammer, others suggest throwing a heavy stone at it, others suggest cutting it with a hacksaw, and still others suggest running it over with a caterpillar tractor (just kidding). In general, there are a lot of hot heads on the Web, friends. We will not go to extremes - we will simply take a large knife in our hands to carefully split the coconut, and then cut it into two halves.

First, you need to mark the place of the split. Usually, a coconut is split in the middle or a couple of centimeters away from the middle towards the “eyes”. We decided to stick in the middle. To do this, we take a knife and apply precise accented blows to the indicated place. This should be done with the blunt side of the blade - it will be safer.

After a few hits, our coconut cracked. True, for some reason, the crack appeared not in the place where the blows were made, but a little higher (just a couple of centimeters closer to the "eyes"). At this stage, we complete the procedure for splitting the coconut, and proceed to cut it.

We insert a knife blade into the crack, and applying force, cut the coconut into two parts.

Friends, you can congratulate us - we split and cut the coconut!

Now it remains to get the pulp and enjoy it impeccable taste. Let's get started!

Separating the coconut pulp from the shell

We will separate the pulp with the same large knife.

We insert the knife deeper between the pulp and the shell, and then remove the pulp from the nut. You can pre-make small cuts on the pulp so that it separates into even slices.

We did not make any cuts, but as you can see, the first piece turned out to be quite even.

But the second is not as successful as the first.

With deft movements, we extract the last piece. By the way, pay attention to the brown peel, which covers the flesh from the side of the shell (it is clearly visible in the photo). This peel must be removed with a knife or vegetable peeler.

We have an empty coconut shell in our hands! From it you can make some decorations or a cup for a bra. If you are too lazy to do it, then you can give it to someone or just throw it away.

Having bought a coconut for the first time and decided to open it, most people have doubts that it will turn out quickly and beautifully. Still would! After all, a coconut has a very dense, thick, fibrous shell that reliably protects the contents. However, it is enough to repeat the experience of opening a coconut 2-4 times, and you will become a real master of cutting these nuts. And to make the process go easier and faster, follow a certain sequence of actions.

How and how to open a coconut at home? Coconut is the favorite fruit of fans exotic fruits and lungs natural drinks. This is a real temptation for housewives who constantly pamper their family with delicious pastries.

Therefore, you need to use the contents of the nut to the fullest. First you need to free it from coconut milk. To do this, carefully inspect the coconut and find three dark spots on its nasal (more pointed) part. These are traces from three cuttings, with which the fruit was attached to the palm tree during growth and through which it received nutrients. It is clear that these places in the nut are the most vulnerable. Take any sharp object: an awl, a screwdriver, a corkscrew and carefully make holes in these places. By inserting a straw into one of them, you can enjoy delicious drink straight from the walnut. Or you can turn the nut upside down, placing it securely on a jar or other container, and let the contents drain into a container.

After the coconut has become empty, you can start splitting to get to fragrant pulp. There are two ways to do this. The easiest way to open a coconut at home is to place the nut in a clean bag and hit it hard with a hammer a couple of times. coconut shell it will crack and you will only have to separate it from the pulp, which, unfortunately, also most often cracks and falls apart from blows.

The second method is more complicated and requires some skill. But it's so beautiful that once you've mastered it, you'll literally "get the applause" when you do it in front of friends or family. So, taking a coconut in your left hand, determine its "equator". Now step back 2-3 cm from the "equator" closer to the spout, in which there are holes. With the back of a strong, heavy knife, strike this place several times across the nut. A crack will appear. It remains to insert a knife into it and split the shell in half. You will have a whole, intact coconut in your hands. And two halves of its shell, from which you can make great crafts.

Coconut pulp deserves special attention. After cutting the coconut into large pieces, remove the peel with a knife or a regular vegetable peeler. Ripe coconut can be eaten cut into small pieces. An overripe coconut will be quite tough and is best used only in cooking. The most common way to use coconut in baking is coconut flakes, which is done using a conventional grater.

Shavings can be added to cakes, pastries and even buns and pancakes. This is the perfect dressing for . And if you have a lot of shavings, you can make amazing air cookies fragrant, very tender and tasty.

Today, coconut is becoming a popular product. Many do not know how to open a coconut, much less tried to do it. common walnut can be split with a nutcracker, and the coconut holds the defense firmly. Not knowing how to break a coconut, you can waste your time and energy. No one tells how to peel a coconut - bringing home "exotics" a person tries to find a way out on his own.

How to choose a coconut

A common consumer problem is not how to crack a coconut, but product choice. Having hit on an unsuccessful nut, you can forever be disappointed in the gastronomic qualities, so the purchase is a significant step. A common problem is the freshness of the product.
Ignorance simple rules can make the purchase useless, and trying to open a coconut at home is a waste of time.

What to look for when choosing a coconut:

Ask the seller about expiration dates, delivery of goods.
More juice - tastier fruit, the heavier the nut - the more liquid is contained. Nuts with visible damage are unfit for consumption.
Wet fruits should also not be consumed.
The “correct” coconut will allow you to enjoy an unusual, pleasant taste.
A clearly spoiled product is not suitable for consumption, like sour milk.
Ripe, delicious nut- this is a hard shell, a dry shell, when shaken, the sound of a liquid is heard.

How to open a coconut yourself

It will take exactly 1 minute, since you can quickly chop a coconut. It's simple - like "One, two, three!":
Let's drink coconut juice. On the surface of the coconut there are 3 eyes - the thinnest skin. With a sharp object (knife, nail), pierce 2 eyes. Insert a tube into one, and drink the juice.
opening. Some do not understand how to split a coconut - they hit the asphalt hard. The method is effective, but unaesthetic. To open a coconut at home, you need to find its weak point - 1/3 of the distance from the eyes to the other end. The blows of the blunt part of the knife are directed here. Rotate the nut, strike, repeat until a crack forms. 2-3 turns - and it's clear how to split a coconut in 1 minute.
A crack appeared - to break the fruit.

Other Ways to Open a Coconut at Home

The first way is "hit and spin".
You will need a juice container. Without thinking how to open a coconut, grab it with your hand. Use a heavy, dull knife to find the center line. You can imagine a coconut as a planet and draw a knife along the equator. Rotating the nut to strike the center line. Rotate until the coconut separates. It turns out - not difficult.

The second method is the Stone Age method.
The primitive man managed to learn how to open a coconut without a knife, a nail. The ancient man decided to simply smash. Holding the nut firmly in your hands, hit the hard one, flat surface(ladder, corner of the house, brick). In the city, how to break a coconut will not have to think long.
The third way is the "pouch method".
Need tight food package. Place the coconut in a bag, hit it hard with a hammer or hit it on a hard surface. I managed to open the coconut - get it out of the bag, rinse it. The fourth method is the "heat-cold" method. The coconut shell will easily separate from the pulp if the nut is exposed to heat or cold. Keep for 15 minutes in the freezer or oven (90 degrees). Then it is worth remembering how to open a coconut with a hammer.


What to do after splitting a coconut?

The problem of how to break a coconut is not the main one - you need to be able to eat the fruit. Coconut is often added to pastries, desserts, salads, sauces, soups. Shredded coconut pulp can be stored in the refrigerator, first you need to sprinkle with coconut milk. What foods pair with coconut? Chicken meat, fish. Dried coconut flakes can be wonderful decoration For confectionery. One fruit is:
coconut water - 2 cups;
milk - 1 liter; shavings;
banana cocktail;
chicken soup;
banana-coconut pudding;
cakes "Rafaelo";

Milk for the face.
You can refine the pulp, make shavings with a special device, a grater or a blender. Shavings are the basis of milk. Milk is made by hand or with a blender. Last option: fill the bowl with shavings and water, turn on the blender and bring the mixture until smooth, strain through cheesecloth. Manually - pour the chips with water, knead the mixture with your hands, strain.

The coconut is a fruit of exotic origin exported from India, southeast Asia and the Caribbean. If you have purchased a whole coconut for the first time, you will undoubtedly have difficulty opening it.

Here are a few practical advice how to open a coconut easily.

Extracting water from coconut

Before breaking a nut, it will be useful to empty it first, so as not to lose the water contained inside the coconut and to facilitate subsequent manipulations to open the nut.

Position the walnut on a hard and flat surface: a wooden cutting board is the ideal solution. Each coconut has three small "eyes" (similar to the 3 holes in a bowling ball) that are fragile enough to be perforated with ease. Use a screwdriver or corkscrew to poke holes (men can use an electric screwdriver or drill).

Turn the nut upside down for a few minutes to allow the water to glass.
save coconut water, it perfectly quenches thirst and can be used in cooking.

Let's move on to the main methods for opening nuts

Hit and spin method

If you haven't emptied the nut yet, take a container and position it under the coconut so no water is lost.
Take a coconut in your hand (as shown in the photo) and with a heavy, but not sharp, knife, individualize the center line of the coconut (you can even draw it in chalk). Imagine that a coconut nut is the planet earth, hit it exactly on the equator. Spin it around in your hand and hit it again.
Keep hitting and spinning the coconut until it pops open. If you did everything right, you will get two flawless halves.

stone age method

"pouch" method

Heat-cold method

The coconut shell will separate from the pulp easily if exposed to heat or cold.
You can decide, therefore, to preheat your nut in the oven (90° for 15 minutes), or alternatively chill it in the freezer for the same amount of time.
After 15 minutes, take a hammer and, holding a coconut in your hand, hit it along an imaginary center line, rotating it around itself after each blow.
Continue until the coconut opens.
Now it is not difficult to separate the pulp from the shell.


  1. It is very important to empty the coconut before placing it in the oven to avoid dangerous explosions.
  2. Be careful if you decide to open your nut with a knife, if you are not sure and are afraid of cutting yourself, choose alternative method discoveries.
  3. Whichever method you choose, be very careful.
  4. Examine the coconut first; it must be absolutely mature - if it is foul-smelling, or if the pulp is not dense, it is not worth even starting to open it.
  5. In no case do not try to crack the nut with your teeth.

Visitor question:

People, tell me how to open a coconut?
The child begged in the store, but I never spoiled myself with this overseas nut.

We figured out how to get to the milk - we opened two upper holes with a knife, inserted a tube into one. Good that coconut milk It turned out to be fresh, according to my feelings, otherwise I don’t know how to choose coconuts.
But we want to do with the child small house for a hamster from a coconut shell, respectively, you need to pull out the pulp from there. How to do it carefully so that the shell does not break?

And by the way, what can be done from this coconut pulp?
