
Table decoration for a candy bar. Crepe paper ribbon curtain garland with balloon garland

A candy bar (candy bar) can be organized anywhere: in an apartment on a coffee table by the window, on outdoor event in a tent specially set up for this purpose, on the street near the house. The main condition for this is a bright serving format: the candy-bar should catch the eye.

Buy or bake

There are no clear recommendations on this matter - put on the table what you want. This may also be purchased sweets, and homemade dishes. But products should not be perishable: for example, if the event takes place on a hot afternoon, then ice cream and a cake with a cream layer will be superfluous.

The traditional candy bar is:

  • sweets: loose and chocolates in boxes;
  • cookies and gingerbread;
  • macarons;
  • liquorice;
  • marshmallow and marshmallow;
  • muffins, cupcakes, muffins.

How to arrange

Sweets in the candy bar can be served as you like - on bright napkins, on disposable tableware, on traditional cake stands, in fruit bowls. Refuse conventions - take everything that is available on the farm:

  • pour M&M's lollipops and dragees into ordinary 1, 2 and 3 liter jars;
  • Serve cookies in a large round container (an aquarium shaped like a glass is suitable);
  • pour multi-colored marmalades into a tall glass vase.

Try to use a tier system - then even on a small work surface of the candy bar you can place a lot of sweet treats.

What else…

Often, in addition to sweets, containers with lemonade and sweet compote are placed on the table. Show your imagination and make colorful water: raspberry and blueberry compote, lemonade based on lime and mint, chilled black tea. Not required to buy shop dyes- both in summer and winter, you can color the drink with natural ingredients.

And fruit - bring fruit! Children love oranges, bananas and apples. Buy a couple of mangoes, put pineapple and coconut in the center of the table - delight is guaranteed!

If funds allow, order a chocolate fountain for a candy bar (photo)

Warm chocolate flowing like a waterfall over a special container is stylish, unusual and tasty. Such a delicacy is not eaten with a spoon - fruits are dipped into a sweet liquid. To do this, place plastic cups with toothpicks or multi-colored skewers next to the fountain - let the guests prick slices of banana, cherries and strawberries, slices of oranges and apples.

If it is not possible to buy (or rent chocolate fountain), make fondue yourself: take a deep bowl or plate, arrange a stand, place a lit candle under the container, crumble pieces of dark chocolate into the bowl.

Simple and stylish - from improvised means: do-it-yourself candy bars for children

The birthday boy wished a bright holiday? No problem - create a candy bar for this day together with your child.

Boys will be delighted with the automotive theme:

  • Bake gingerbread in the shape of cars. Cover them with multi-colored glaze, drawing windows and doors, car body, wheels.
  • Hang garlands with paper vehicles strung on a rope over the table.
  • It will not be superfluous to decorate a candy bar: “lay” an autobahn on the table. To do this, cut out the route from black (gray) cardboard, and make road markings from yellow (white) paper. And don’t forget about the traffic lights: fill a glass vase with balls of “sea pebbles” dragees or your favorite M&M’s: it’s important to keep the color balance – green candies first, then yellow ones, and red goodies at the top.

Girls will definitely want a party in the style of princesses or fairies:

  • Try to complete the decor in one color scheme. It is better to give up white and pastel - choose rich colors (red, purple, hot pink).
  • Print three-dimensional figures fairy-tale characters loved by all Barbie and funny ponies from the cartoons of the same name. An alternative option would be balls made in the form of all these heroes.
  • Take care of the fairy wings for the little guests - they will become a bright decor for a photo shoot.
  • To “fix” the spectacular result, do not forget to arrange the zones above the table - bright paper lanterns and helium balloons will help you with this.

Exquisite splendor: creating a candy bar for a wedding (photo-illustration)

Decorated in unusual form, candy bar will be an excellent photo area for guests. Therefore, without fail, put a large poster or a huge photo frame with thematic wedding inscriptions next to the sweets (the name of the bride and groom, the date of the wedding, the words about “tili-tili dough”, etc.).

Put the props for photographs on the candy bar in a special stand. You don’t have to buy them - you can do it yourself: stick a paper mustache, glasses and huge cardboard lips, a thick beard, a man’s bowler hat on long skewers (the so-called kebab sticks). Funny inscriptions cut out of colored paper should be fixed on sticks.

And don't forget the big colorful lollipops! Undoubtedly, few people will eat them (except for bored kids), but they will be a bright addition to funny pictures. Also, for the sake of beauty, you can put a bouquet of sweets in the center of the table: exquisite from Raffaello or vice versa - unusual from "Squirrels" and candies.

By the way, you don’t have to buy a cake stand for a candy bar - you can make it yourself. For this you will need:

  • several plates of different sizes (it is not necessary to take porcelain - plastic disposable tableware is also suitable);
  • glasses or paper cups;
  • glue.

Glue a stand to the back of the plate - a glass, a candlestick, a cognac glass or a wine glass. If you chose paper cup, fill it with something (otherwise, under the weight of sweet dishes, the stand may break). And then, layer by layer, build a “plate tower”. The main thing at the same time - after adding the next "floor" check the structure for stability.

Themed Candy Bars at Home: Sample Designs with Step-by-Step Instructions

Candy bar can and should be decorated with additional accessories. At the same time, there is no sweet buffet in the decoration clear rules and hard recommendations - be guided by your taste and desires. Great solution there will be a decoration of the candy bar on the theme of the holiday.

  • We recommend that adherents of the rustic style stock up on wooden coasters for hot dishes (or banal saw cuts of small trees) - place jars and flasks with colorful dishes on them.

Borrow large wicker baskets and baskets from your grandmother in the village - they will also fit for decoration. And of course, do not forget about the straw - you will need a small amount of hay, but such a decorative element will be the central "character" of your candy bar.

  • Does the celebration take place in the summer in the courtyard of a private house? Then make decor from improvised means - an old box, pallet boards. Place the box on its edge: place bottles with drinks inside, place containers with sweets at the top. And knock down a multi-tiered cake rack from pallets.

And don't forget the candles! They can be placed anywhere and in any way (the main thing is that the flame does not ignite the tablecloths and paper decorations at the candy bar). Candles can be placed on an inverted glass or inside a glass filled with coffee beans. Place the burning splendor in hanging glass lanterns specially purchased for this purpose.

  • Parties are very popular right now. fruit style- for example, apple or orange (when the room is decorated with the decor of the corresponding color, fruits are sent as invitation cards to guests). If you are planning a party in this style, stock up on canvas bags - you can put the same apples or oranges in them.
  • Fans of Soviet style can get a real siphon for soda from the bins ... There is no siphon, but there is a samovar with a tap? ... Take it too - it will do.

Want to surprise your baby? Create a holiday for him, the decoration of which will be a candy bar with your own hands. Believe me, you can arrange it on your own. This will take a little of your time.

Modern Candy bar with unusual decor and sweets

It is worth saying that under this name lies, known to everyone, sweet table. But not everything is so simple.
Here, a special role is played beautiful design. Such a table often becomes the backdrop for many holiday photos.

Initially, sweet buffet decorated traditional wedding ceremonies. No American wedding is complete without a candy bar.

Life does not stand still. Today, do-it-yourself children's candy bar is becoming more and more common. new tradition was very well received by the children. It becomes more and more popular every day.


The main varieties of candy bar in our country

It is quite natural that the question arises: what are the varieties of a sweet bar?
The solution to the issue depends solely on the imagination of the parents planning the holiday.
Only they determine the role that will be assigned to the table with sweets at the holiday of the child.

The most common options include:

  • Candy table with a compliment. The menu consists of one hundred percent of a variety of sweets. The main idea is to give each little guest a special box or package that resourceful adults have collected in advance. Agree that the crumbs will be pleased to remember the past holiday, feasting on a dessert-compliment at home with a cup of fragrant tea.
  • Snack table. It is supposed to be served with treats consisting of cheese and crackers, light salads or fruit snacks. The menu can be both savory and sweet, and sometimes there is a mixing of dishes. Mostly, it is found at the holidays of adults or teenagers after fourteen years. At a younger age, children simply will not be able to appreciate it.
  • Buffet. All the abundance of dishes prepared for treats are located. However, there are no restrictions. Food may or may not be sweet. A combined option is possible.

The best articles on the site:

Thus, the following positive points stand out:

  • A unique holiday atmosphere filled with magic is created.
  • Candy bar will become one of the most beautiful photo zones.
  • There is an opportunity to experiment with the latest culinary trends and tastes.

The main components and variety in the candy bar menu

In general terms, the menu offered for the sweet table is as follows:

  • Berries and fruits are a great option. They can be served both in the form of a fruit salad (portioned), and canapés, edible baskets. Cream and caramel, sweet sauces (berry or fruit) will come to the place.
  • Cake pops are a stylish table option. This seemingly simple treat is as beautiful as it is delicious - delicious biscuits put on a stick. It is impossible not to fall in love with them. The confectioner who prepared them can be safely called a master of his craft, creating exquisite masterpieces.
  • Cupcakes are small biscuit-based cakes. They are also called mini-cupcakes or muffins. They are decorated with powder or cream cap, mastic or glaze. They come with filling and without it (empty). The choice depends on the age category of guests and the hero of the occasion. As toddlers grow, muffins get more complex, and conversely, it's best for toddlers to choose something simple.
  • Cake or eclair, a basket of cream or cookies. The main thing is that it can be eaten in one bite, taking it with your hands.
  • Marshmallow. Use airy marshmallows, which are very easy to decorate. You need a product that resembles the work of professionals - dip the marshmallows successively into the icing and into the sugar balls.
  • Macarons are the most delicate dessert that even looks appetizing. A pleasant pastel shade to the cream and dough is given by special dyes. Macaroons - variety french biscuits consisting of two layers and a filling.
  • Themed sweets. If the specifics of the holiday allow, you can diversify the table with sweets of a certain ethnic group. For example, oriental sweets. But, this is not a very popular option for kids - it is rather for adults.

We got a little carried away with the food. It's time to remember about the drinks in the candy bar.

What can be offered? Here are some rules:

  • Juices, fruit drinks, lemonade or compotes are a constant leader at a children's feast, especially with an extraordinary design (packaging). Cheap and delicious.
  • Children under three years old - limit yourself to water. It is better if it is in sports-type bottles or with a nipple. Many kids have not yet had a chance to try the juice, besides, someone may have an allergy. Forget sugary fizzy drinks.
  • Give up jugs until the child is twelve years old. Take care of separate cups (portions) for each guest. Alternatively, personalized bottles or jars with funny labels are sometimes created. Having tubes would be a good idea.
  • Cocoa or tea is served at a certain time (once). It is worth paying attention to the fact that only an adult should distribute hot drinks. We'll have to make sure that the kids do not frolic with cups. After all, no one needs burns.
  • A milkshake is also offered at designated times. The most delicious drink settles very quickly.

What else you need to read:

How to choose the right dishes for the table?

Thinking over the table setting, do not forget that it is for children. That is why items that fall into children's hands should be made of impact-resistant materials (unbreakable dishes). It can be tempered glass or high-quality plastic.

An excellent article about the design of a candy bar "How to design a candy bar or a game without rules on a sweet table"

Candy bar is another Western tradition that we are happy to transfer to Russian weddings, children's parties and corporate events. From the concept of "sweet table" five years ago, candy bar differs in a large number of decorative elements and ostentatious confectionery chic

We support the topic
The sweet table is designed to support a theme party. There are many examples on the net, you don’t need to fantasize much. Very elegant! An incomparable sweet accent for almost any celebration.

Background, tablecloth and skirt
background is required.
the table can be stepped to make it easier for guests to find holiday decorations
I need a custom tablecloth. Often used buffet skirts and draperies

Dishes for candy bar
There are no rules here either, sometimes it’s enough to place sweets on trays, but the use of glassware unusual shape for dragees, marmalade and lollipops has already become a tradition. I think the most important thing in this case is to ensure tightness, because all these sweets quickly wind out or, on the contrary, gain moisture. However, they often decorate the most ordinary jars from baby food and colored glass bottles.

designer stuff
On the sweet table, it is customary to use beautiful items for decor, I will quickly list:
porcelain, plastic, metal figurines and figurines
volumetric letters and words ("LOVE", "Family", names and first letters of initials)
paper decorations
natural and artificial flowers
decorative candles
photo frames with newlyweds and birthdays
satin ribbons
Stuffed Toys
flags, caps, air balloons
confetti, serpentine, coins

The sweets themselves, finally
This, of course, is the most important component of the candy bar. Products long-term storage you can put it in advance, we take out cakes with cream already at the guests.
What can be laid out on a festive sweet table:
cake (one-story or multi-tiered)
cupcakes and cake pops(I apologize for using these names, but many of the pastry shops you will go to call small cakes in an edible cup “one tooth” and fun cakes on a stick.
meringue (a few drops of food coloring and the meringue will turn pink, blue and green)
nuts in multi-colored glaze
oriental sweets (baklava, sherbet, Turkish delight)
dried apricots, prunes, dates, raisins and other dried fruits and berries
candied fruit
marshmallow, pastille
chocolate medals
marzipan figurines

We continue the idea of ​​sweets,

You will be surprised, but quite affordable and familiar sweets can become a spectacular and inexpensive filling for a sweet table.

1. PASTILA, JUMMY OR SHERBET. Such a treat will look great on a square or rectangular plate, folded in a slide.

2. ZEFIR. Coated chocolate icing, creme brulee, white-pink or just white. Such a treat will look great on round, square or oblong dishes. May be completed with small toppers.

3. M&MS. You have a bright party and you need red, blue or yellow colors? Separate a bag of sweets by color and pour into any transparent dish. If several of the listed colors suit you, then lay the dragees in layers.

4. CHOCOLATE. White, black, milk. Break into pieces and fold into a pyramid in a square plate.

5. MINI CAKE. regular cupcakes can completely replace expensive cupcakes. Top with whipped cream and berries.

6. COOKIES. Now in stores a large number of various cookies. Laid out in a slide on a beautiful plate, it will look great.

7. CAKES: eclairs, bushes, baskets, potatoes. Here the choice is huge, just do not overload the table. Choose one or two types.

8. BEARS BARNEY. They will perfectly complement the party, the main theme of which is teddy bears. It is best to put them on an oblong plate.

9. LOLLIPOPS. Sold in specialized stores in major shopping malls. They can be put in glasses filled with m&ms.

10. CORN STICKS OR POPCORN. It will look good in large voluminous vases or special boxes with a holiday theme.

Do not forget about fruits, berries, nuts.
Source: Masterskaya Lakomka

Fruits and berries

Most suitable option- in the form of canapes, dough baskets or portions fruit salads. It can be combined with fruit and berry sauces, caramel and cream.


Sponge cakes are small cakes, also known as muffins or mini cupcakes. A cap of cupcakes can be made from cream, icing, mastic or just powder. Inside they can be empty or stuffed. Moreover, I would choose the option based on the age of the birthday man and guests. The younger the audience, the simpler the cupcakes should be.

Cake pops

Biscuit on a stick. At first glance, everything is simple, but they are amazing. It is worth noting that cake pops are not only tasty, but also beautiful. Confectioners in this case are akin to jewelers. Small biscuit cakes in the form of a ball on a stick. The dessert is covered with chocolate, caramel or mastic of any color and decorated.


Airy marshmallows are just as easy to decorate. If you dip it into the icing, and then into a cup with sugar decorative balls, you get an almost professional product.

macaroons or macaroons

French double-layered biscuits with filling. With the help of dyes, the dough and cream are dyed in pleasant pastel colors. Dessert looks and tastes very tender French dessert from macaroons and fruit toppings. Dyes allow you to make dough of any color: red, blue, green, etc.

A simple recipe for New Year's "Macarons".


Chopped almonds - 110 g

Powdered sugar - 200 g
- vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp
- sugar - 50 g
- egg white - 3 pcs
- For filling chocolate paste, jam or cream


1. Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the almonds, mix until smooth in a blender
2. Beat the egg whites until foamy, gradually add the sugar until the mixture reaches the consistency of a meringue (not very dry), add the almond mixture and mix quickly (the dough should become liquid)
3. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, use a pastry bag to lay out round cookies 4 cm in diameter 4. Set them aside for 30-40 minutes until they harden
5. Bake for 8-10 minutes in the oven at 150 C
6. Cool and grease with cream.
7. Draw with glaze.

Happy tea!

Eclairs, cream baskets and other pastries

Everything that you can take in your hand and eat without utensils and in almost one bite. The main attention is on appearance

Baked in different forms and decorated according to the theme of the holiday.

Marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow, candied fruit
Due to the variety of shapes and colors, they fit perfectly into any candy bar composition.

- portioned desserts, consisting of biscuits, fruits, berries and cream. Served in transparent bowls. They are prepared simply, they look very beautiful and appetizing, they are eaten with great pleasure.

Sugar crystal on a stick

Bright straw.

You only need to melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the straw


Always in great demand lemonade, fruit drink, compote, juice. Such inexpensive but tasty drinks for children's table. The main packaging.

Up to 12-13 years old, jugs have nothing to do on a sweet buffet. All drinks are served in portions in glasses, jars, bottles with personalized labels. Preferably with a tube.

Hot drinks ( fruit tea, cocoa) can be offered once in the allotted time. So that there is an adult on the distribution and that the children do not run around with cups at this time.

Milkshakes (milkshakes)

They must also be served at a certain time, since they tend to settle


Dark chocolate and orange panna cotta


Dark chocolate:

- Dark chocolate - 125 g
- Orange peel

Panna cotta:

Cream (low fat) - 300 ml
- Milk - 125 ml
- Gelatin - 2 teaspoons
- Bitter orange confiture - 2 tablespoons
- Sugar - 1/2 cup


1. Dark Chocolate Cream:

Break up the chocolate and place in a bowl. Boil the cream and pour over the chocolate, add the grated zest and stir until the chocolate is melted. Place the glasses in a saucepan on an incline and pour in the chocolate. Thus, put the pan in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to set the shape.

2. Orange Panna Cotta:

Pour gelatin into milk (25 ml) and place a bowl of milk on water bath. The gelatin should dissolve. Bring the cream, sugar and the rest of the milk to a boil over low heat. Remove from heat and pour the gelatin into the cream, add the marmalade. Thoroughly mix the entire mixture so that the gelatin is distributed. Add sugar if necessary. Cool until room temperature and pour over the hardened chocolate. Refrigerate for 4 hours or leave overnight.

Bon appetit!


● 4 cups of sugar;
Show in full…
● 2 tbsp. gelatin (20 g);
● 1 tsp. citric acid;
● 0.5 tsp. soda.

Soak gelatin in advance (2 tbsp. with a top of 100 g of water). Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour a glass cold water and put on medium heat, not forgetting to stir. From the moment of boiling, we detect 3 minutes and add the prepared gelatin, remove the pan and mix everything thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. We let the liquid cool down a little, but, only a little, we will beat hot.
Beat with a mixer for 5 minutes at medium speed, take a break for 5 minutes and beat again for exactly 5 minutes.
Adding citric acid and soda.

Beat again, but with a hand whisk for about 10 minutes. Let the mass stand for about 20 minutes. The marshmallow mass will double, so there will be a lot of marshmallows. Prepare trays, cutting boards, preferably from plastic. not stuck.
When the tortillas are firm, carefully remove them with a thin knife and glue them together in pairs. Zephyr is ready!

Happy tea!

strawberry fudge


●340 ml sweetened condensed milk
Show in full…
●600 g powdered sugar
●30 g oil
●275g fresh or frozen strawberries, chopped
●2 tablespoons of lemon juice


1. Grease a baking dish with butter (approximately 23x23 cm).
2. Mix the condensed milk, powdered sugar And butter V large saucepan; bring to a boil over medium heat.
3. Add strawberries and lemon juice. Cook, stirring constantly, until the temperature of the mixture reaches 112-115 degrees or, if you do not have a kitchen thermometer, until the state of "soft ball" (if you drop the mixture into a glass with cold water, it should form a soft ball, and not blur).
4. Remove from heat and quickly pour the mass into the mold. When the mixture hardens slightly, you can create patterns with a knife. Let cool completely before cutting.

Is it possible to imagine a holiday without sweets and other sweets? Of course not. Since childhood, any holiday has been associated with cake, pastries and sweets. That is why the candy bar, decorated for the holiday with its own hands, as a tradition that came from European countries, has firmly established itself in our lives and has come to everyone's taste. After all, it is not only delicious, but also beautiful, and very stylish.

What is a candy bar

A candy bar is a type where the whole assortment is presented with sweets. It differs from the sweet table familiar to us since childhood, first of all, by the huge number of decorative ornaments on the chosen theme.

The second important distinguishing point is that each sweet on such a table is a separate work of art.

What holidays is a candy bar suitable for?

A do-it-yourself candy bar can be created absolutely for any holiday. The tradition at the end of the feast to treat guests with sweets is appropriate for any celebration. And if it is still beautifully designed, then the pleasure will also turn out twice as much.

An integral attribute of the candy bar will be at a children's party. And it doesn't matter that this is the very first birthday of a baby or a teenage party. The main thing here is to correctly determine the theme of the design. Although the anniversaries for the older generation have also never been spoiled by any sweets.

At the wedding, the candy bar will appeal to all guests. Such corners look especially delightful at a celebration designed in a certain style or color. Of course, all sweets are also made in the same color scheme.

Do not forget also about our favorite in Lately any themed parties. For example, pajama parties or on the theme of Halloween or any other holiday. Such a table can become the center of the whole decor.

Design rules

When creating a candy bar with your own hands, it is important to remember some generally accepted rules.

The first rule tells us that the entire table should be decorated in the same style, have its own idea and color scheme. It is very good if all this resonates with the theme or idea of ​​the holiday itself.

Rule number two. Calculate the number of sweets correctly. All guests should have enough of each treat for several times.

The third design rule calls for creating a highlight of the sweet table. There must be something that will distinguish your candy bar from everyone else. It will become your personal chip.

And finally, last but not least important rule. No need to chase expensive sweets and designer jewelry. Better apply own ideas. And then you can achieve the maximum effect at the lowest price.

What can be used for food

So, according to tradition, what can be placed in a candy bar? The center of the whole composition can be a cake. It is very good if it is original enough and fits into the theme of the holiday style. If the cake is not included in the party menu, then it will be successfully replaced by a large and beautiful vase with other goodies. Or even several tiered dishes. The main thing is that the accents are correctly placed.

All kinds of cupcakes are also great for treats. For example, small-sized muffins that contain a cream of different taste inside. They can be vanilla, milk, chocolate, fruit and many others. As for jewelry, there are no limits for the implementation of ideas.

Making a candy bar with your own hands is rarely complete without cake pops. They are small ones that are made in the form of a ball put on a stick. From above, they are abundantly poured with caramel or chocolate and rolled in various confectionery powders.

Another great dessert- macarons. This delicious fruit stuffing stuck together came to us from France. Thanks to food coloring, it can be in all colors of the rainbow.

But, in fact, absolutely any cookie interesting shape will find a worthy place for himself in your candy bar.

When choosing sweets, do not ignore marshmallows, marmalade, caramel, oriental sweets, as well as various nuts in colored glaze. All this can be beautifully placed in various glass containers and decorated accordingly.

The candy bar may contain both fresh and dried fruits, as well as candied fruits. They are packaged in cute sized boxes.

And, of course, don't forget the drinks.

General background

The background for the sweet table is of great importance. He sets the whole theme and idea. Use fabric, balloons, banners, ribbons, decor made from paper. The main goal is to make your candy bar stand out from the general interior. Make it as visible as possible. You won't need a regular tablecloth here. It is better to use several fabric cuts that will help make the table more attractive and fit the theme.

Crockery and accessories

Various glass containers look best on a table with sweets, as well as vases on high legs and multi-level structures. But nothing will stop you from decorating the most ordinary jars with unusual stickers and ribbons and filling them with various goodies.

Use flower arrangements, figurines, postcards or flags with inscriptions, pictures on skewers or beads on threads in your design. All this looks very impressive. And besides, you can do it yourself.

Attractiveness and convenience for guests

Your candy bar should certainly be visible. If the event has a global scale, then it would be very appropriate to put signs with the inscription: "Candy bar" or "Sweet table". So each of the guests will know where the most delicious is located. All treats are served in small portions so that it is convenient to use them. There should be various devices for applying sweets, as well as napkins. On the edge of the table, it is customary to place bags or boxes for those who want to take sweets with them.

Candy bar for children: we create a miracle with our own hands

No one children's holiday can't do without sweets. In fact, apart from sweets, children seem to need nothing at all. It remains to make quite a bit of effort so that all this is not only very tasty, but also very beautiful.

First of all, you will need glass containers, preferably heavy ones so that they cannot be easily and effortlessly knocked off the table. These containers need to be filled with a huge amount colorful candies, which will be both a treat and decoration at the same time.

It is unlikely that the kids will master such a number of sweets, and you will not have to replenish candy stocks for a long time.

Use colored paper and wooden skewers to create various bright decorative elements. Buy candies on sticks and use them to make sweet bouquets. Arrange treats on different levels- so you can evenly and beautifully fill the space.

Don't forget to decorate the room. All details should form a single composition of a certain theme. Use paper, balloons, flags or ribbons. Photos also look good, collected in a garland or placed all over the wall.

Making a candy bar for children with your own hands is not at all difficult. Add some themes. The boys will surely like the cowboy or Indian style of design. And the little princess will be pleased with the abundance of red and pink sweets, decorated with bows and ribbons in color.

Candy bar wedding

A candy bar, decorated with your own hands for a wedding, will not only become the highlight of the celebration, but will also be able to replace bonbonnieres, in which sweets or souvenirs are usually placed for guests. Or just act as a sweet buffet. In any case, it will be stylish, beautiful, tasty and unusual.

You can offer your guests two ways to use the candy buffet. They can take sweets with them, filling prepared boxes with them according to their taste and desire, or enjoy sweets directly at the holiday, using plates instead of boxes.

When decorating a wedding candy bar, stick to the general style. You can contact with this question to specialists in the decoration of holidays and florists.

Use the names of the newlyweds and the date of the wedding in the design. You can hang a banner on the wall with this information, and also indicate it on the boxes or plates that you intend to use.

How to decorate a candy bar with your own hands for a birthday

Not only children, but also adults just love sweets. Many of them remain sweet-toothed until old age. So how to make a DIY candy bar for adults? It doesn't have to be candy and cookies. If the holiday falls during the hot season, then great alternative serve as an ice cream bar. Place in it containers with nuts, small sweets, crushed waffles and other goodies that can be sprinkled on ice cream.

stock up waffle cones and other delicious containers, as well as devices for imposing cold sweets, and invite guests to assemble their own cooling dessert. All sorts of ice cream syrups, which are now presented in stores in a large assortment, will also be appropriate on such a table.

And you can easily please even your beloved grandmother on her anniversary by creating a candy bar for her with your own hands. Of course, she may not be able to appreciate modern sweets. But look for an alternative.

In this case, use simple cookies, bagels, buns and vases with honey and various varieties jam. And make a samovar with an accent on such a table fragrant tea. Well, why not an old-fashioned candy bar?

So, in this article, more than one candy bar was considered. The photos (with your own hands, as you can see, you can create real masterpieces) presented in the review convincingly prove that you only need a little imagination and a little effort to do without the help of specialists.

No matter what format was chosen for the wedding celebration, the candy bar will become an original and noticeable detail of the holiday. Candy-bar (in translation - "sweet table") is an elegantly served buffet table, which contains sweets, fruits, juices. Such an unusual element of the celebration, which is one of the fashionable wedding trends, will not only delight guests with delicious sweet dishes, but will also become a spectacular element of decor.

If you think well and properly organize a candy bar at your wedding, you will be able to:

  • create great festive mood and indescribable atmosphere;
  • it is beneficial to emphasize the style of the celebration;
  • create an original corner for photo shoots;
  • surprise your guests with treats, give them the opportunity to get acquainted with new tastes;

In order to impress your guests with this surprise, you need to take into account a number of important points.

Decoration is no less important than the sweets themselves.

One of the main tasks of a candy bar is to attract attention. That is, visually, it should have such a design that each of the invitees would have a desire to approach this beautiful and full delicious treats table. A sweet table at a wedding should match the theme, style, color scheme of your celebration, that is, be a unique continuation of the main concept of the wedding. Therefore, when designing it, it is important to pay Special attention the choice of color palette, textiles, dishes, accessories, floristry.

Candy bar for weddings in different styles

The design of the buffet table should be designed in the style chosen for the wedding. There are many decor options, it all depends on your imagination.

- Rustic style
Can be used for rustic wedding sweets table natural fabrics: cotton, linen, wool, burlap, coarse threads. Well, if the table itself is made of wood. Plates, trays, coasters can also be wooden. An excellent decor will be knitted napkins, candles. Treats can include biscuits and cookies with various types jam, honey, small pieces pies with berries fruit filling.

- Provence style
For such a wedding candy bar, white, pink, lilac tones, beautiful picturesque plants, natural materials, lace napkins, elegant trays, dishes with floral patterns are preferred. Cookies, cupcakes, croissants, gingerbread cookies are suitable as treats.

- East style
At a stylized oriental wedding, for decorating a candy bar, you should give preference to red, white, emerald colors. Textiles should be distinguished by the richness of the fabric and the luxury of patterns. In this case, these are perfect oriental delicacies like Turkish delight, baklava, halva, sherbet.

Choosing a color palette

To make the sweet table bright, noticeable, newlyweds often prefer white, emerald green, different shades of red, purple, pastel blue, pale pink. Of course, the choice of basic tones for decorating a candy bar is a matter of taste. But the main thing at the same time is that the chosen colors and shades correspond as much as possible to the style of the wedding celebration. The treats themselves, as well as the tablecloth, napkins, dishes, signs with inscriptions, flowers, etc. are decorated in the chosen colors.

Original and stylish dishes

It is better to choose beautiful, light dishes, preference is for transparent glass, because all vases or dishes should even “show” their contents from a distance. Depending on the wedding style chosen, you can also use ceramic and plastic utensils, bowls, jars with lids, bowls, multi-colored trays, caskets, baskets, etc. The main thing is that all these elements are combined with each other.

For different types of treats, dishes can be selected in round, square, triangular, elongated, twisted shapes. Such a variety of forms will help emphasize the abundance of a sweet buffet table. It is worth noting that it is not necessary that the dishes be the same. To make an accent and combine all the containers for sweets into a stylish composition, they can be decorated with the same ribbons, flowers, and any other thematically suitable accessories.

It is better to arrange sweet dishes on the table at different levels. The first level - flat plates, the second - vases with legs, the third - multi-tiered coasters. If desired, you can make a symmetrical layout, when in the center of the table there is a high multi-tiered stand, for example, with cakes, and other sweets are placed in the same order to the left and right of it.

decorative elements

Stylish modern candy bar should have its own unique flavor. Various additional accessories can become such a special note:

- Natural flowers
Elegant floral arrangements will give tenderness to the candy bar, make it stylish and attractive. In order not to get away from the chosen theme and create a single space for the holiday, for a sweet table it is worth preparing bouquets of the same flowers that are used on the main banquet tables or in the bride's bouquet, groom's boutonniere.

- The background
A beautiful background will help your sweet table not to get lost among the bright colors of the celebration. For its design, you can use light curtains, helium balloons, light elements, inscriptions from three-dimensional letters, flowers.

- Photo of the newlyweds
You can put several pictures of the bride and groom on the table with sweets so that guests can admire them when choosing treats.

- Candles
Long or short elegant candles will decorate the table and help create a romantic atmosphere.

- Plates
For each sweet dish, you can prepare plates. In order for these cards to harmoniously fit into the overall design, they should be made in the same style as all wedding printing. The inscriptions on the cards can be very different, for example:
- names of treats ("Chocolate cupcakes with lemon cream");
- explanatory inscriptions about the composition of the delicacy;
- funny inscriptions (“We are the most delicate cakes. Do you want to know what we have inside? Then take a bite!”)

What sweets and drinks to include in a candy bar

First of all, it is worth highlighting the basic requirements for sweets that will be present on your sweet table:

  • They should keep their great appearance at room temperature;
  • They should be varied enough so that the candy bar looks rich, and the guests can choose a treat to their liking;
  • It is advisable to make portions of sweets small so that it is easy and convenient for guests to try different types of desserts.

What sweets to choose for a candy bar - depends on the personal preferences of the newlyweds, the style of the celebration, the time of year (when planning fruit desserts). To please all guests, it is worth choosing a few different types treats. A variety of cakes, cookies, tubes with filling, portioned sweet pies, marmalade, cream baskets, lollipops, glazed nuts will certainly please your guests. In addition to these well-known candy bar treats, they also often choose:

- Cookies "Macaron"
small light cookies, which is baked from proteins, almonds, sugar and fastened gentle cream. These cookies are varied in taste, thanks to which they won the love of many sweet teeth.

- Cupcake
A mini-cake can be with cream, mastic, fruit filling. The advantage of a cupcake is a very appetizing look and delicate taste.

- Meringues
Air meringue, executed in different colors.

- Fruits in caramel
For this dessert, guests can use strawberries, bananas, oranges, tangerines, cherries, grapes. Fruit with a crispy caramel crust can be served on skewers.

- Chocolate fountain
This dessert looks amazing and tastes amazing. Near the fountain itself, you need to put dishes with different fruits, which guests will “dip” into melted chocolate.

You can complement the candy bar with a variety of juices, alcoholic or non-alcoholic punches.

Important practical points

When filling trays and vases, you need to remember the number of guests. After all, prepared sweets should be in abundance so that all those invited can try every kind of treat. In this case, it is desirable to use several varieties of dessert, so that there is a choice for every taste.

Features of a candy bar for a wedding in nature

Candy bar can be organized not only in a restaurant or cafe, but also in the case of a wedding in nature. Since it is rather problematic to know the weather on the wedding day in advance, it is worth considering where the table will be located in good and bad weather.

So that sweets will delight your guests and appearance, And palatability, preferably:
- set a table with desserts in the shade or in a pre-prepared tent;
- it is better to cover sweet dishes with transparent glass lids for serving dishes;
- you can place bowls of ice on the table to cool the sweets a little;
- for decoration, you can use all kinds of natural materials: as coasters - cut wood, for decoration - flowers, moss, leaves, twigs.

What can replace the buffet table for a candy bar

If the style of the wedding allows, then instead of regular table you can use an old chest of drawers, decorative coffee tables, barrels, vintage dressing tables, bookcases and even a piano.

Guests can take their favorite sweets with them.

You can make sure that guests can take some sweets with them after the wedding. This will be a certain sign of attention from the newlyweds, which will surprise and add a big plus to the overall impression of your wedding. For sweet gifts, prepare small boxes, bags, bags with the initials of the newlyweds or with words of thanks.

For what period to think about ordering a candy bar

The sooner you start choosing desserts and decorating the sweet table, the better. After all, it takes enough time to develop a candy bar that should be combined with the unique style of the wedding. It is better to think over and prepare all important issues in advance, at least a month in advance, so as not to solve the difficulties that have arisen hastily on the eve of the celebration.

Candy-bar is a trend of modern weddings, which serves as an excellent element of decor, while giving good mood and reminds guests of the romance of your celebration. Listen to our advice, and you can organize it in an interesting, unusual and very beautiful way.

Photos: matthewchristopher.com, weddingfrance.files.wordpress.com, frenchweddingstyle.com,

weddingnewsday.com, thesweetestoccasion.com, weddingwire.com, weddingsromantique.com, bridalguide.com, thatcutelittlecake.com
