
Application on the theme of a cook in the middle group. Summary of the lesson in the senior group: “Young chefs

Abstract on the application on the topic "Cook"

Implementation of the content of the program in educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Speech development".

Target: To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the work of a cook and why it is needed. To develop the ability of children to create a complete image from finished parts (Cook).

Tasks: Expand and clarify children's ideas about the profession of a cook and about the work of a cook;

To consolidate the skills to place the finished details of the image of the cook on the background of paper, to paste the image in a certain sequence.

Develop the ability to stick parts neatly, independently; develop a sense of composition.

To cultivate perseverance in the performance of work, respect for the work of people.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten and observing the work of cooks; viewing illustrations on the topic; talking with children about different professions.

Materials and equipment: blank images of a cook - for each child, glue, napkins, oilcloths, plot pictures on the topic "Professions".

OOD progress:. The teacher shows the children pictures depicting people of different professions, after which he reads a poem L. Razumova "Cook".

And today in our group

There will be a new game:

All girls are cooks

And the boys are cooks.

We put on robes

Caps on heads.

And saucepans with scoops

Laid out on tables.

Our potato cubes

A carrot is a pencil.

Even the ball will become a bow

Our soup will be delicious.

Salt everything, stir,

We'll pour it on plates.

Puppets fun plant

And eat before bed.

We are cooks today

We are chefs today!

But wash the plates

After all, the game is over.

After reading the poem, the teacher asks the children about who works in the kindergarten!

Children - nanny, educator, laundress, cook.

The teacher - well done, you know who works in our kindergarten.

Educator - I want to tell you about the profession of a cook, and what kind of work he does.

To become a chef, you need to study, because this profession is very important. Cooks can work in restaurants, canteens, as well as in kindergartens, and this is also a very tasty profession. Oh, delicious because it's related to food. Chefs prepare delicious and varied food from different products.

The teacher asks the children what they eat for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner in kindergarten.

Children: - for breakfast, porridge sandwich with tea.

For lunch, soup, pasta, meatballs, salad, compote

For an afternoon snack - milk, jelly, juice, bun, crackers

For dinner, mashed potatoes, fish, tea.

Educator, this is how tasty and a lot cooks cook in kindergarten.

Educator, I want to invite you to make your own cook, but first, let's warm up a little:

Finger gymnastics:

The teacher invites the children to sit down in their places and draws attention to the preparation of the cook's details.

Educator - before you make your own cook, look at what kind of cook I got. Children look at the picture. Having considered the finished work of an adult, the teacher shows in stages how to paste the image.

The teacher invites the children to lay out the finished details of the cook on a piece of paper so that the children can stick their work correctly.

After completing the work, the teacher with the children examine their work.


Educator - Look at your work.

Do you like how you did your job?

Where does the chef work?

What is the chef preparing?

And, to whom, would you like to tell about the profession of a cook?

Aneta Gogokhia

Target: strengthening the ability to perform work on a given topic, conveying the characteristic features cooks. Mastering the technique of performing volumetric applications using an unconventional method of creativity with children.


To consolidate knowledge about professions, the work of adults, about the history of the profession cook;

Develop figurative perception;

Developing a sense of rhythm and color;

Develop visual control of the actions of the hands;

Develop creativity in children;

Develop observation;

Develop aesthetic perception;

Cause a positive emotional response to creation Images;

Develop relaxation techniques to help increase muscle relaxation;

To form in children an understanding of the sequence and consistency in the performance of work;

Development of fine and general motor skills;

Promote expressiveness when reading poems;

To develop the qualities of virtue, one of which is love and respect for the work of adults.

Demo Material: subject pictures with the image of the profession of a cook; statuette « Chef with a tray» ; demonstration material, "What are these professions".

Handout: base paper roll cooks; scissors, glue, glue brush, felt-tip pens, blanks (moustache and lips, corrugated white paper, paper and wet napkin, oilcloth and stand (for each child, pour for glue.

Course progress.

1. A short story about professions, "What are these professions" (adult labor). Providing children with visual and demonstration material.

Walks in a white cap

WITH ladle in hand.

He cooks dinner for us:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

Introducing the guest's children Chefs with a tray.

2. Excursion to the kitchen cook our kindergarten

a poem about cook,

Children in two quatrains expressively read a poem to our cook.

Conversation with cook, familiarity with kitchen utensils (labor cooks, profession history, kitchen helpers, supplies and appliances cooks vegetable cutter, potato peeler, meat grinder, oven, refrigerator, sink, pantry where food is stored, etc.)

On a baking sheet cutlets are bathed in fat,

Fragrant pickle boils in a large tank,

An onion fried in oil in a frying pan,

Our cook, puts it in a barrel,

The vegetable cutter is noisy - a salad is being prepared.

Our cook loves to cook for the kids.

Always in a white robe, starched cap,

Prepares porridge for children with fresh milk.

Return to group.

3. Application « Cook» .

caregiver draws children's attention to a detailed description of the rules for completing the task. Cutting techniques - an explanation for children - we cut out forms for the cap for the future from corrugated paper cook, white paper for an apron, (cut out along the contour that the children previously circled before the start of the lesson).

Explanation: how to hold the scissors, how to cut, be careful.

4. Finger gymnastics « Cook»

The cook was preparing dinner,

And then the lights were turned off.

Bream cook takes

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

She puts jam in the oven.

It interferes with the soup with a stalk,

Embers beats ladle.

Sugar pours into the broth.

And he is very happy!

The edge of the palm is tapped on the table.

Curl the thumb on the left

Bend the index finger.


Little finger

They shrug their hands.

After finger gymnastics, we continue to create. Explanation by the educator of the method of careful gluing, by gluing the use of a napkin when you click on the figure.

Guide children to sticking techniques. depict eyes, nose, eyebrows, eyelashes, - using felt-tip pens, blanks (lips and mustache)

After completion, the teacher notes the work of the children.

Galina Category: 5 comments

How to make a cook out of colored paper

The chef is the most important person in the kitchen. The quality and beauty of each dish served not only in the restaurant hall, but also at home depends on it. Who is the chef at home? Of course mother or grandmother. Our kids are helpers. And let's make a craft with our children - a cook made of colored paper.

Good afternoon to all blog readers!

Today I propose to make a cook out of colored paper. Everyone knows that creativity from an early age is very useful for children. But for adults, creativity and needlework helps to relax and even rehabilitate after serious illnesses.

Sometimes after a stroke, in order to restore motor and other functions, it is recommended to do needlework and exactly where you need to work with small details. Just as it is useful for kids to develop fine motor skills, adults who have suffered a serious illness can be recommended to make paper crafts.

This activity is not only useful, but also exciting. It can also become a matter of a lifetime, as, for example, for Ali Harrison.

But also to teach the basics of various skills, which will become a hobby for life, and maybe will bring a good income. After all, it is very important in life to do what you love.

I think we can finish this today. Create and get up yourself or with your children. Let any creativity enrich your relationships, expand your knowledge and help improve the quality of your creative skills.

See you soon on the blog And new master classes for children and adults. All the best to all readers and their families.

Always with you — Galina Yakovenko.


Deepen children's knowledge about culinary professions: chef, pastry chef.

Continue to acquaint with the features of various labor actions during cooking, exercise in their application.

Fix safety rules when working with kitchen utensils.

Develop children's communication skills, creativity, artistic taste.

To cultivate a culture of activity, the ability to plan one's actions, to cooperate, the desire to achieve the intended result; tidiness, thrift, respect for the work of adults.

Vocabulary: chef, pastry chef, whisk, flour, sugar.

Material and equipment:

Equipped room "Kitchen": toy electrical appliances (microwave oven, mixer) utensils; models of vegetables, fruits and the like; bowls of various shapes, sizes, colors; boards; measuring cups; skewers; special clothing (aprons, caps) emblems; cleaning brushes, rags, etc.

Products for cooking: flour, eggs, butter, sugar, nuts, cinnamon, berries.

Previous work: Subject-practical activity; conversations about the professions of a chef, a pastry chef, about the benefits of fruits, and the like; excursions to the catering department, shop; production of subject-schematic models of recipes; study of poems, songs for the presentation of dishes.

The course of the teacher's lesson in the senior group

In a specially equipped room, a teacher dressed as a chef meets children.

Educator: Good afternoon! I welcome you to our workshop of young chefs.

From generation to generation, people have passed on the experience of preparing delicious and healthy dishes, realizing that proper nutrition is the basis of our health and well-being.

Educator: Dear children, today we will be cooks. I will be the head chef (also called the chef) and lead the creative process.

Who is a chef? (Answers of children).

So, a chef is a person who professionally cooks food. Recall the rules that a cook must adhere to when starting work. (Children name the rules).

I think that you want to know what we are going to cook with you now.

Look at the screen, do you see? Think about what you can cook from these products?

Today we will cook a pie.

What is a pie?

A pie is a baked product made from wheat dough that can have various fillings.

Educator. - Does anyone bake pies for you at home?

What is the name of the profession of a person, bakes pies, cakes and other sweet dishes? (Pastry chef)

What is your favorite topping?

In order to bake a cake, you need to have ... a recipe.

We learn the recipe for our pie from the reference book (on the board there is a technological map with step-by-step algorithms for making a pie)

(Consideration of the recipe, discussions)

We don’t have scales, so how can we measure the required amount of flour, sugar, what do you think? (Conditional measure)

Yes, the recipe contains the number of conditional measures.

Question from the guide:

Do you know how many grams of flour are in a half-liter jar?

How many grams of sugar are in a teaspoon?

Today we will work in teams (division into teams).

First you need to decide who will do what, and determine what you can add to your recipe.

Each team will have a support group that will help you - with the help of diagrams - drawings they will sculpt decorations for the pie.

In order for the cake to turn out beautiful, in what mood should it be prepared?

What other rules should you follow while working?

Do not interfere with each other, help, do not quarrel, smile ....

So, let's get started.

What did you put in your cake that was not in the recipe?

How did you work in a team?

Have you broken the rules? What was difficult for you to do and what was easy for you?

Chef: Chefs have a rule: they must clean their workplace after cooking is finished. Get ready for work.

(Children roll up sleeves, change aprons, take the appropriate tools - brushes, rags, bowls of water, brooms. The teacher controls the behavior of children during tasks. Pays attention to caring, the nature of interactions, the way they address each other).

Outcome. Reflection


Children, in what capacity did you visit today? What dish did you cook? What profession did you learn about?

I am convinced that you have matured and have already learned a lot. And I was especially pleased with your sincere desire and ability to help each other. I am convinced that all this will be useful to you in your future independent life. I am proud of you.

Application with children 3-4 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "Professions"

Theme of the week "Professions"

Lesson 25

Software content. To teach children to lay out the details in the contours corresponding to them in color and shape and stick them on. Get to know the profession of a juggler. Practice counting.

Handout. An album sheet on which an elephant is drawn and colored contours of circles of various sizes around it; circles cut out of colored paper of appropriate colors and sizes; glue, glue brush, rag, oilcloth-lining.

Lesson progress

Read to the children an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "The Circus":

Here is an elephant, an Indian guest performer,

Tightrope walker and juggler!

Throws up immediately

And he catches jokingly

porcelain vase,

Bottle and child.

Ask the guys: "Who worked as an elephant in the circus?" (A tightrope walker and a juggler.) Tell the kids what tightrope walkers and jugglers do. Ask: "What can you juggle?" (Vases, bottles, rings, balls, cubes, etc.)

Give each child a sketchbook with an elephant and colored outlines of different sized circles around it; circles of appropriate colors and sizes cut out of colored paper. Say, "Look guys, the elephant is sad because he has nothing to juggle."

Invite the children to match the balls to the appropriate contours, and then stick them on.

At the end of the lesson, count together with the guys how many balls each elephant has.

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